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Marking an earbud with a piece of yarn.

Identifying Which Earbud Goes WhereI got some pretty cool bluetooth earbuds last month. They come with these great ear guards. But, sometimes with my eyesight what it is, it's hard to tell which is left or right. I used to spend about 30 seconds a day trying to get it right.


A card showing when to change your HVAC filter.

Changing HVAC FiltersEver wonder when the last time you changed your HVAC filters was? Using a bright colored index card, I write the years, with corresponding months, leaving room for my date I changed the filters for the next three years. I make one for each filter location. I attach it to the wall with two hook and latch dots. I also attach a pen this way, so it's always at the ready!


A weekly/monthly planner.

Daytimer is my BibleI have used a daytimer for years and would be lost without it. I keep it in an area where I frequent most of the day, on my computer desk. Once a week, I pencil in my schedule for each of the weekdays, adding appointments, goals, projects, routine tasks, phone calls to make, etc.


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Prescription Bottle for Secret KeyThis is so easy but smart you won't need a photo. Take any prescription bottle and glue a pine cone or whatever your landscape is made of so it will blend a rock or pine needles etc. Dig a hole just big enough to put the bottle in the ground, leaving the top ground level. Remember where you put it because it will blend in.


A cell phone sitting on a table or countertop.

Finding Cell Phone When Home AloneWhen I retired and was home alone all day, I sometimes misplaced my cell phone. Since women's clothes often don't have pockets, it would sometimes be on a different floor if I was cleaning closets, etc. I would have to email my daughter at work and ask her to call me since we don't have a land line anymore.


A clipboard with binder clips on the side to mark a to-do list.

To-Do List ClipboardThis clipboard holds your lists and organizes your to-do items with the use of binder clips. Just insert your daily or weekly lists, then mark them "done" by snapping the clips over the line items. This saves paper and ink, and we find it rather fun!


A phone inside a handbag with a phone attached to a power cord in the wall.

Never Forget Your PhoneIt's annoying to forget your phone. In the morning, I put my phone in my handbag while I am charging it. When I go to get my handbag, my phone is already in there and I just have to unplug the charger. No more forgotten phone.


Car keys placed on a backpack using a shower curtain ring.

Never Lose Your Keys AgainMy husband is constantly losing his keys. He is always spending about fifteen minutes of his day looking for them. My friend told me to use a shower hook or carabiner. Attach the keys on the hook and put on the zipper of your backpack. If you don't want them seen, tuck inside backpack still attached to your zipper.


Taking a photo of an old silver picture frame with a smartphone.

Shortcut Savings with your Cell PhoneWe all use our cell phones to text and call, access the internet, take photos, and keep track of appointments. But did you know that camera can be valuable for more than preserving photos?


A clipboard with reminders written on it.

Reminder ClipboardI keep a small clipboard with a pen has magnets on the back of it attached to my refrigerator. During the course of the day especially in the morning, I will check the clipboard to plan my day and add to the grocery list which is a part of that clipboard reminder.


To-do lists inside sheet protectors.

Protector Sheets for Your To-Do ListsI live for my lists. I can't do much without them. So I am always shifting my lap desk and losing them on the floor.


Hide Your House Key

Hide Your House KeySimply tie some mono filament fishing line to your key and slip in into one of your house siding openings so only the filament is exposed. Pull it out when needed!


Reminders Using Post-its

Reminders Using Post-itsI put a Post-it on my phone by my bed to remind me to do/get something. The picture shows my reminder to get my credit card back after my husband took it to exchange a gift I bought for him with my credit card. If I had not reminded myself, I would have found myself stuck without my card the next time I needed it.


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Replace Mascara Every 3 MonthsWe have all heard that every three months, you should replace your toothbrush and your mascara due to bacteria. I want to share my easy way to keep track of doing these replacements.


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Twice a Year ChangesEveryone knows that you should change the batteries in your smoke detectors twice a year, at the Daylight Saving time change. It's also good to look for other changes to do as well, those that can "add change" to your bank account.



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Take Photo of Appliance Model/Serial NumbersTake a picture of your appliance and model/ serial numbers. Use it as your profile picture for the customer service number in your contact list on your cell phone. Now when I need to call for service or troubleshooting all the information is right at my fingertips! Saved me so much time and so less frustrating.


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Mark Calendar with Holiday PurchasesHow many of us have purchased Christmas decorations or a gift for someone's birthday or anniversary only for the time to come and forgetting about the item or where we put it? I use my faithful calendar.


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Dry-Erase Markers on MirrorsBoth of my children are growing up and getting more involved with their own activities, as they should be. The challenge is keeping track of who needs to be where, when and with what. So, we write notes to each other on the bathroom mirror with dry-erase markers!


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Reminder Place MatThere are a few smaller items I need to remember to bring each morning. To make things simple, I purchased a place mat from the dollar store. I traced the outline of each item onto the placemat.


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Use Bathroom Mirror for Morning RemindersTo remember something for the next day, I use an old/stale lipstick to write a one-word reminder on my bathroom or vanity mirror.


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Sticky Note Reminder For MorningHaving trouble remember to make a phone call? I put the tiny sticky note "call son HB" or "Dr. Jones 10 AM" on my closet door the night before and on my kitchen cupboard where I keep my breakfast cereal.


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Remember "Lists" Without Writing Them DownSometimes one can remember items needed without a list by using the first letters to spell a word. If that doesn't work, make up a silly sentence with each letter standing for a word.


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Hang Keys And Purse By Front DoorI have a 6-hook over-the-door-hanger on the closet door next to my front door. As soon as I come into the house, I hang my keys and purse on one of the hooks.


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Make a List of Library Due DatesTo remember to return library books, I would place a bin next to the door. Have a canvas tote in the bin. Place a clipboard by the door. Make a list of all the books when you bring them home and place it on clipboard.


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Write List for Your Cell PhoneThis suggestion does use a form of list but so often I note that I need things throughout the week. If it is written on a sheet of paper, the paper is often left home or lost. Or we are out and decide to just stop at the store.


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Take a Photo of Ideas in Waiting Room MagazinesWhen you see a recipe or article in a waiting room, use your cellphone to take a photo of it. Works great.


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Password Remembering TipsRegarding the problem remembering passwords, etc., I have always used former addresses which always have numbers and capital letters. Also, grandchildren's names with their date of birth.


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Say Out Loud as You Complete TaskSoon after my husband passed away, my mind was in such a turmoil I couldn't remember anything. So, I would say things out loud even if I'm by myself.


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Reminder On Garage DoorA great way to remind yourself of things like take the garbage out, return movies, an MD appointment, get gas, etc. is to place a note via a magnet with a clip on it for your note to be placed onto the metal door inside your garage on the door that goes into your home.


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Home Dry Erase CalendarsTake two (my friend uses three) dry erase calendars. Use one for the current month, and the other for the upcoming month. Use different colors for different family member's schedules, pay days, holidays, appointments, etc.



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Memory TricksHere are a few of the tricks I do to help myself remember things: Have you ever gotten half way to work and realized you forgot something in the kitchen you meant to take to the potluck?


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Use Mirror for Dry Erase BoardI have been using dry erase markers on my bathroom mirror to list appointments and things to do. You can use a different color for each subject and/or family member.


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Easy Way to Remind YourselfWhen I want to remember something I need to take with me to work or anywhere the next day, I take a plastic shopping bag (like from Wal-Mart) and I tie it to the handles of my purse the night before.


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Yahoo's Online CalendarA couple of years ago I started playing around with my Yahoo calendar and can honestly say, "I love it". It didn't take me long to figure it out and one afternoon it took me about an hour to add family birthdays, anniversaries, and other dates important to me.


Small sign with icons over the door lock.

Making a Reminder SignWe have all left home without our purse, homework, cell, laptop, you name it we have left it. Sometimes, we leave the water running, or the stove on and those booboos can be disastrous.


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Attach Important Items To HandbagMy daughter attached everything to my body when I lost everything, twice in six months. My bus pass, my glasses hang from my neck, my CC, cash, and driver license are in a small coin purse attached with an elastic band inside my handbag with a metal clip.


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Setting Multiple AlarmsI really struggle to get up in the morning. To combat this I set two alarms. The first one goes off 15 minutes before I need to get up. Since I use my cell phone as my alarm I can choose the sound that I want my alarms to be.


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Tips for Remembering Phone NumbersRemembering phone numbers can be difficult, especially with the use of cell phones. With cell phones you just selecting someone's name from a list, so you don't even have to know their phone number. Here are a few tips that can help:


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Take Cell Phone Picture of Appointment CardsWhen I'm given a business card from my dentist, hair stylist, etc., with my next appointment time on it, I take a picture of it with my cell phone. This has helped me greatly, because lots of times I misplace the card.


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Keep A Notebook By Your Bed For Night IdeasI always keep a small book or paper and a pen by my bed, so I can write down ideas that come to me during the night. I have even written down poems in the middle of the night and things I want to remember to tell people about or to do myself.


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Keep Notebooks HandyI keep notebooks around for when I have an idea. I keep one for goals, one to keep track where my money goes, and one for poems when I have a poem to write down.


Write new passwords in an address book to remember them.

Password ProtectionI have a unique way for remembering my passwords. I came up with a simple sentence that I can remember, for instance:"I love hot fudge sundaes and chocolate cake 2 !" My actual password would be: ilhfs&cc2!


Use a stick or other reminder to grab your cell phone.

Remembering Cell PhoneI used to forget my phone whenever I had it on charge. Now, I use an ice cream stick (the rounded kind). I wrote the word "PHONE" on it. Whenever I have my phone charging up, I place the stick on the end of my table where I am sure to see it.


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Do What You Might Forget FirstBeing thrifty is easier when you're organized. When I have more than one thing to do, I try to do the thing I'm most likely to forget first and leave the things I'll definitely remember for later.


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Take Picture of List with Cell PhoneI have a big white board in the kitchen on which I make the grocery list as I The other day, I was in a hurry to leave the house and thought, "there must be a better way". It occurred to me to take a picture of the list with my cell phone camera. It worked GREAT!



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Switch Watch To Other Wrist As ReminderI always wear my jewelry (watch and bracelets) on my left arm. To help me remember something, I just remove all the jewelry and put it on my right arm. One glance is a constant reminder.


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Paperclip ReminderIf I need to remind myself of something, I hang a paperclip chain from my key ring. I use 3 or 4 paperclips to make it longer than the keys. Then when I grab my keys and see the paperclips, I'm reminded to be reminded.


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Use iGoogle's Sticky Notes For RemindersI have iGoogle as my homepage and one of the options that comes with this program is "sticky notes". Anything I want to remember, I type on the sticky note and whenever I open Internet Explorer, there it is - easy.


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Leave Yourself RemindersWhether it's an appointment, errand, or groceries, I have 2 simple ways to remember it. I have a small chalkboard in the kitchen where I write reminders and find myself glancing at it automatically several times a day.


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Remembering Your KeysI hook my keys to an item if I need to remember to take it with me or bring it home from work, even if it is in the refrigerator.


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Keep Your Keys By Your Cell PhoneThose who know me, know that I am NOT one of the most organized people in the world. I finally figured out how to not leave my cell phone behind when I leave the house!


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Carry Loose Checks in WalletI don't carry a bulky checkbook any more, but sometimes I need a check for those businesses who don't accept credit cards (hairdresser, etc.). I carry a couple of loose checks in my wallet, and I attach a tiny post it note to each of them.


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Use Cell Phone for ListsI use my iPhone to keep my lists, especially the grocery list. Before, it was common for me to write my list and discover later that I left it on the kitchen island.


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Keep Notebook for Holiday Gift BuyingI try to buy items throughout the year. However, then I ran into the problem of not knowing what went to who and buying more than I had expected because of forgotten items, so now I stay ahead of the game!


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Create a Scent StoryWhenever our family takes a trip, I make it a point to make a scent theme. For example when we traveled to Las Vegas, I had a coconut theme going with coconut shampoo, lotions, soaps, etc.


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Remembering to Rotate Your MattressEveryone knows that rotating your mattress will keep it in better form. I usually try to do this every year when the time changes. That way I know it is done at least every 6 months. I always have a hard time remembering if I need to spin it or flip it over.


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Text Yourself RemindersEver think of something when you are out, then forget it by the time you get home. I have solved that problem for me. When I think of something like what I need to do later, who I should call later, or something I need from the store, etc., I text myself a message.


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Use Old Cell Phone to Set RemindersI have joked and complained to my mother that I am getting as bad as she is with her memory and I need a dozen alarm clocks around the house to remind me of things I need to do or remember!


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Speak Aloud to Help You RememberI used to have trouble remembering if I took my pills or turned off a certain appliance in my home. Now I say it out-loud. I don't have to turn around and go back home to check on something, because I remember telling myself that I turned off the iron.


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Place Phone in Purse When ChargingSeems like I was always forgetting to put my cell phone in my purse after charging it. Now I just leave the phone in my purse while it is charging and haven't forgotten it since.


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Fill Out Important Dates on a New CalendarNever miss an important date again. At the beginning of each year when the new calendars come out, I get two; one for my husband and one for myself. We each copy birthdays and other important recurring dates to our calendars.


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Move Something Out Of PlaceWhen I have to remember to do something later, but I can't write myself a note, I move an object out of its normal spot on my desk or kitchen counter, or in my car if I'm on the road.


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Reminding YourselfHow often have you promised to bring something to work (or to a co-worker) the next day and forgotten to do so? And then you forget the next day, and the next day.


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Write Expiration Dates on Your CalendarWhen you sign up for a special telephone or cable deal, it can be difficult to remember when your deal is about to run out before you get stuck with a much larger bill.


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Remembering Things Without a NoteWhen I need to remember something without a note, I move my ring to the other hand. As I move it I go over the task to be retrieved later a few times to help etch it in memory.


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Email Account for PasswordsIt's hard to remember all of those passwords for different sites, and writing them all down isn't safe, so how do you keep up with them all? Start a separate free email account (yahoo, hotmail, gmail, etc) just to keep up with those passwords.


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Place Reminder Sticky Notes on Your Steering WheelIf I really, really need to remind myself of something important to do, I put a sticky note on the steering wheel of my car. Example: stop at store on way home from work to get milk. Go to the bank, etc.


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Mini Sticky Notes for Calendar AppointmentsI have a friend that uses very small sticky notes to mark her calendar of important appointments. That way, if the appointment changes, she just lifts the sticky note to the new date without marking up her calendar.


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Keeping Track of AppointmentsWhile I have a big calendar book and a smaller one in my purse, I need a more constant reminder of my medical appointments. What I do now is write them with day, date, time, doctor's name and phone number on a sheet of paper...


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Email Yourself Important NotesInstead of having a lot of little pieces of paper with important notes lying around on my desk, I send an email to myself with the important information. Then I create personal folders in my email so I can file each email in its appropriate folder.


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Remembering Usernames and PasswordsIt is hard to remember passwords. When possible (when you are able to select your password), choose a very short word that is easy to remember + a few numbers. For websites, put those numbers within the word.


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Attach Your Cell Phone to Your KeysI'm sure I'm not the only one who frequently has to go on a scavenger hunt to retrieve my cell phones and keys. The cell phone problem is solved by simply calling it from another phone and tracking it down.


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Set a Timer to Prevent an Overflowing BathtubI used to be the world's worst at forever overflowing my bathtub! I'd get it started then wind up on the computer or doing something else and next thing I knew I had water all over the place!


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Two Pads of PaperI keep a pad and pen beside each the computer and the microwave. I use the one by the microwave for shopping items I need; then I have a ready-made shopping list.


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Plastic Lids Work as Small Dry Eraser BoardsMargarine or butter container lids make great dry erase boards. You can use washable markers on them or dry erase markers on them. I cut the rim off of the top of the margarine container lid and make a hole with an icepick.


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Strategically Place Note Pads as Memory AidsTo remember things you want to do keep a big pad on your desk and one near your chair where you set in living room. I also keep a pad for a grocery list, sometimes just watching TV I think of an item I need so I write it down. I also take Ginkgo for memory, it helps.


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Reminders Sent with Free Greeting CardsTo remind myself for an upcoming event or task days, or even months in advance, I send myself a free greeting card from Yahoo. I schedule it to be sent the day before it happens, and forget about it.


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Use Your Bathroom Mirror as a Reminder BoardWhen I am in the bathroom each morning putting my makeup on and doing my hair, I am always thinking of things I need to do (Dr. appointments, errands to run, calls to make, gifts to get, birthday reminders, etc.) or stuff I need to buy at the store.


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Type It Out to RememberI have a tip for trying to remember things. After being downsized like so many of us these days, I went back to school to retrain for a different job.


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Date Checks With The New YearTime to postdate your check book but only with the year. Do the entire book, fill in the month and day as needed.


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Have Kids Write Notes in the Busy MorningMy children like to tell me important stuff that I have to act on just 5 minutes before they are gone for school in the morning. At that point, I usually do not have a second to spare on writing down any reminders.


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Hang Family Calendar in the BathroomHang your family calendar in the bathroom, right next to the commode. I know this sounds odd, but it is a great way to keep track of things. Everyone in the house will see it, and you'll have just the few moments you need to catch up and jot things down!


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Hang Sticky Notes at an AngleMy mother uses a unique way to remember things she has to do or appointments she has to keep. She writes them on a sticky note, and places them at an angle on a cupboard, mirror, fridge, etc.


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Remembering Your Cell PhoneWhen I leave my cell phone at night to charge, and in order to not forget it the next morning, I put the cell phone inside my purse with the cord visibly sticking out. When I am ready to leave the house in the morning, I am "forced" to remember my cell phone.



Use Your Door as a Message "Superboard"If you have a metal door, I have a wonderful idea that will help. If you don't you can still put up a metal sheet on the door, unless of course it is a decorative front door. Mine is metal and it's perfect.


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Use Car Keys for RememberingSo you don't "forget" that important item from work that you want to take home, put your car keys in it or on it. You won't forget the item


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Make A Birthday Calendar To Take ShoppingDo you ever get to the store and wonder who has a birthday this month ? I have found to take a calendar with plastic cover works great. Inside the plastic, slip in the word BIRTHDAY so you can see at a glance what the calendar is for.


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Remembering Your Tips for ThriftyFunI usually think of good ideas for tips to post on ThriftyFun when I'm in the middle of doing something and will most times forget the idea later. So whenever I think of a tip to post here on ThriftyFun, I have a folder in my computer where I can save my ideas.


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Hang Notes on Metal Doors with MagnetsI have a steel front door so when I want to remember something, I'll stick the note on the door with a magnet. This way when I leave, I can't help but see the note and remember! I just leave several magnets attached to the door in case I need them.


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Keep Track of Events With Your Cell PhoneWhen I'm needing to make a note for myself for a future event, etc. I use the "calendar" option on my cell phone. Bring up the calendar, pick the needed date, and leave my message to myself.


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Use Bells To Avoid Losing KeysDo you happen to use a key ring that separates? Has you ever lost part of your keys? I have.


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Use A Doodle Pro For NotesInstead of buying notepads to leave notes, use your child's Doodle Pro. They save the expense of buying note paper and that would save some trees! Some little Doodle Pros fit in purses for shopping notes.


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Remembering To Take Items With YouTips for remembering to bring items with you when you walk out the door. Whenever I need to remember to take anything with me I leave the item or items by the front door so that I will see them as I leave.


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Cell Phones for Noting IdeasHave you ever had a thought or idea, and had it just "go" right out of your mind when the phone rang or there was some kind of interruption? My daughter says "Mom, I swear I am going to buy you some ginko!"


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Uses for Date BooksNow in December, I put down the Christmas decorations that I need or wish for, after I have seen exactly what I need. It makes it super easy to pick up just what I need.


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Plastic Bag To Remember Where You ParkedWhen I get out of my vehicle, I look for the entrance to the store. It is to the right of me, that's where it is when I exit the store (to the right of me)...


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Remembering All of Your ErrandsEvery time you have errands to run or a doctors appointment. MAKE A COMPLETE LIST. Or I promise you'll forget something. Especially questions you may have for the doctor.


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Use Small Sized Post-ItsSmall post-a-notes are much more practical and economical than the larger sizes. I bought 2 packs for $1 at a dollar store. I now have 400 small post-its.


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Choosing a Numeric PasswordWhen you need a numeric password, use a phone number of a family member to remember the password, post a note on or near your computer with the name of the person whose number you used.


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Tie a Ribbon Around Your WristIf you have a problem remembering something, tie a ribbon around your wrist and write down what you are trying to remember. Then when you look on your wrist, there it is plain as day!


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Remembering Birthday Cards and AnniversariesAt the beginning of every year I go through my prior calendar and make a notation of important birthdays and anniversaries. I write a column for birthdays and another for anniversaries.


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Remembering Something Before You LeaveMy sister taught me this trick to help you remember something you have to do before you leave the house. Just put a post it note or magnet on the door you use to leave and it will remind you that you have to do something.


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Write Appointments on Dry Erase BoardUse a small dry erase board on the 'fridge. You can't help but see it since you are in the 'fridge all the time!


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Remembering BirthdaysWhen the new year gets here, take a few minutes and go through your whole calendar writing in the Birthdays of people you will send cards or presents to. You can keep rolling this forward by using last years calendar to remember.


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Remembering to Get Medication RefilledWhen my husband needs medication refilled, he puts it on our computer desk right beside our phone where I will see it and remember to call it in and get it refilled for him. By Robin


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Remembering the MailTo remember to put out the mail I always get anything ready the night before. Then in the morning on my way out the door to get the paper I take the mail that's in plain sight to the box with me since the mail and paper are side by side. By Melanie


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Writing Down What You Need to RememberWhen you need to remember something, write it down. The act of writing triggers a different part of the brain than the part that hears, making you twice as likely to remember. (even if you lose the note).


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Writing on the Bathroom MirrorWhen I need to do something in the AM, I jot a note on the bathroom mirror with a dry-erase marker at night. I see it as I am dressing and brushing teeth, and I can then wipe it off the mirror with a tissue.


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Remembering Things to Bring To WorkIn order to remember all the things I need to bring to work, I always place them in a bag the night before and hang the bag on the door knob!


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Put Reminder on the DashMy hubby keeps an empty soda bottle top in his truck. When I ask him to bring something home or he has an errand that day, he goes and sticks the cap up on the dash.


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Using Rubberbands To Help RememberMy wife used rubberbands to jog her memory. Somedays she will come home from work with 4 rubberbands on her wrist. Each rubberband represents something she wanted to do when she got home.


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Remember Shopping Items Without a ListIf I'm running into a store for just a few things I will think of the words for each item I need, then with the starting letter from each word make a new word.


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Changing What's FamiliarIn order to remember a one-time thing, I take my wedding ring or watch off and put it on the opposite hand. It is so irritating to have it on the wrong hand that I keep reminding myself why it is there and the task I need to do.


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Remembering to Take Food With YouIf I am taking food to work or home from a party I put my car keys in the fridge with it. I never get far without it! By Linda


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Remembering the New Year on ChecksTake a moment on New Year's Eve, or New Years Day to date every check in your checkbook with the new year. By the time those checks are gone you'll be remembering the proper year automatically.


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