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Someone itching their skin from bug bites.

Getting Rid of Tiny White Biting Bugs?If you have small white biting bugs in your home, it would be best to exterminate them as soon as possible. This is a page about getting rid of tiny white biting bugs.


Tiny black bugs next to a penny for scale.

Tiny Black Bugs in the KitchenThe key to getting rid of tiny black bugs on kitchen floor is first identifying what they are. Check out what has worked for others in this page.


Itching from a bug bite.

Identifying Little Black Biting Bugs?Identifying biting bugs is the first step in trying to eliminate them from your home or to repel them when outdoors. This is a page about identifying little black biting bugs.


Small black bugs smaller than the tip of a match.

Getting Rid of Tiny Biting Black BugsMany types of bugs are small and black, if they are biting bugs they can be annoying and a health hazard. This is a page about getting rid of tiny biting black bugs.


A woman holding a blue fly swatter.

Tiny Flying Insects in Your House?There is nothing more frustrating than having tiny flying insects in your house. Identifying what type of insect they are will help you get rid of them. This page contains tips for getting rid of tiny flying bugs in your house.


Man scratching his head.

Getting Rid of Fleas in Human HairSometimes in the case of a bad flea infestation, fleas will also get into the hair of the pet's owners. This is a page about getting rid of fleas in human hair.


A man itching his head.

Tiny Black Bugs Making Head Itch?Fleas like humans almost as much as dogs, and can be the cause of your itchy head. This is a page about tiny black bugs making head itch.


A bunch of ants on a white background.

Identifying Small Black BugsHaving unidentified insects infesting your home can be annoying. It helps to know what kind they are when determining the best way to be rid of them. This is a page about identifying small black bugs.


Tiny Orange Bug

Getting Rid of Tiny Orange Biting BugsThis is a page about getting rid of tiny orange biting bugs. It will help to determine where the bugs are coming from in order to exterminate them.


Copperhead snake against a white background

Keeping Copperhead Snakes Out of Your YardThis is a page about keeping Copperhead snakes out of your yard. Finding venomous snakes in your yard can be very scary.


Bug Bites

Getting Rid of Invisible Biting BugsWhen you are having trouble identifying what insect is biting you, they can be difficult to get rid of. This is a page about getting rid of invisible biting bugs.


A roach in a sink.

Roach Control AdviceIn climates where cockroaches thrive, it can be a challenge to keep them under control. You can save money on pest control by using household items or even making your own traps.


Someone scratching their hand due to bug bites.

Identifying Small White Biting Bugs?If you are being bitten by small bugs, identifying them is the first step to getting rid of them. This page is full of tips for getting rid of tiny biting bugs.


Squirrel Eating From Bird Feeder

Keeping Squirrels Away (Deterring Squirrels)Despite their delightful antics, having squirrels eating the birdseed, garden or playing in your attic or shed, can be very frustrating. It can be a challenge to make your home and garden unappealing. This page is about keeping squirrels away (deterring squirrels).


A woman scratching her neck after being bit by tiny bugs.

Tiny, Colorless Bugs That BiteThis is a page about tiny, colorless bugs that bite. If you are having trouble with invisible insects, check out the advice here.



German nymph

Tiny Bugs In My HouseIf you have many tiny bugs in your home, it may be necessary to call an exterminator. This is a page about tiny bugs in my house.


Drug Store Beetles

Tiny Hard Shelled Bugs on Kitchen Countertops (Drug Store Beetles)?Do you have problems with tiny hard shelled bugs on your kitchen countertops (drug store beetles)? Look for answers to getting rid of these pests in this page.


Household Bug

Identifying Household Bugs?This is a page about identifying household bugs. It can be challenge to combat bugs in your home, when you don't know what kind they are.


Looking out of a window at a pigeon on a balcony

Keeping Pigeons Off Your BalconyThis is a page about keeping pigeons off your balcony. Pigeons can be very messy visitors to your porch or balcony.


Identifying Little Biting Bugs

Identifying Little Biting BugsThis is a page about identifying little biting bugs. It can be difficult to know how how to deal with a biting bug if you can't identify it.


cat outside

Discouraging Cats from Spraying the Outside of a...It is annoying and frustrating, not to mention smelly, when cats in the neighborhood spray the outside of your home. This is a page about discouraging cats from spraying the outside of a house.


A siamese cat sleeping in a planter.

Keeping Cats Out of PlantersThis is a page about keeping cats out of planters. Outdoor cats often find your planters to be a convenient toilet or napping spot.



Getting Rid of Yellow Jackets on...This is a page about getting rid of yellow jackets on hummingbird feeders. Yellow jackets are attracted to the sweet mixture in your hummingbird feeders. Their aggressive nature make them an unwelcome guest.


Ladybugs vs. Asian Beetles?Ladybugs and Asian Beetle look very much alike but they are not the same bug. This is a page about ladybugs vs. Asian beetles.


Mobile Home Trailer

Cats Under a Mobile HomeThis page is about cats under a mobile home. Keeping animals from going under a mobile home requires good skirting.


Flea on a white background.

Eco-Friendly Flea RemediesThis is a page about eco-friendly flea remedies. Most flea remedies use harsh and sometimes toxic chemicals. There are some eco-friendly options that are safer for your pet and the environment.


Rodent nest in a car's engine compartment.

Keeping Mice Out of VehiclesThis page is about mice nesting in a car. A warm engine compartment can be enticing to rodents looking for shelter.


roaches on broom

Getting Rid of Bugs in the KitchenThis is a page about getting rid of bugs in the kitchen. There are a number of insects that want to live where the human food is. You need a safe way to eliminate them.


Bugs that have infested a flour jar.

Bugs Appearing in Airtight Flour Jars?When you see bugs in your jars of dry goods in the pantry, generally either the jar is not airtight, or the bugs hatched after your purchase. This is a page about bugs appearing in airtight flour jars.


Several ants around watermelon rinds.

Using Cream of Wheat to Deter AntsWhen ants digest cream of wheat, it expands in their stomach and kills them. This page is about using cream of wheat to fight ants.



Flea on White

Use Ammonia to Kill FleasAmmonia applied to carpets where your dogs and cats sleep can be effective in killing fleas. Be sure to let animals out while you do this. This is a page about using ammonia to kill fleas.


Miniature of a house, which is being covered and surrounded by cockroaches

Moving and Leaving The Cockroaches Behind?When leaving a home or apartment that had a cockroach infestation, you will need to be careful not to take them with you to your new residence. This is a page about moving and leaving the cockroaches behind.


Protecting Fruit Trees From Birds

Protecting Fruit Trees From BirdsThis is a page about protecting fruit trees from birds. While you may enjoy having birds visit your garden, perhaps you draw the line when they feast on your fruit trees.


Rendering of a dust mite on a white background.

Getting Rid of Dust MitesThis is a page about getting rid of dust mites. Dust mites are a leading cause of allergies and asthma. Literally hundreds of thousands of these tiny insects can make their home in your mattress. There are a number of ways to control and get rid of dust mites.


weevil on a leaf

Identifying Small Brown Bugs?Determining what kind of insect pest you have, will help you find the best way to get rid of them. The discussions found below are about trying to identify small brown bugs.


Close-up of Bat

Keeping Bats Out of My House?If bats get into your home, they can be quite a nuisance and possibly be difficult to get rid of. This is a page about keeping bats out of my house.


Human flesh with large read insect bite

Bugs Biting Me In My SleepThis is a page about bugs biting me in my sleep. Identifying the insects responsible for nighttime bites is the first step in getting rid of them.


A cat sitting in a garden bed.

Keeping Cats Out of the GardenThis is a page about keeping cats out of the garden. Have your or the neighbor's cats decided to use your garden as their personal litterbox? What are some effective methods of keeping our furry friends out safely?


Peppermint essential oil bottle with a sprig of fresh mint.

Can a Peppermint Air Freshener Repel Mice?Despite testimonials from some homeowners about the wonders of peppermint oil for repelling mice, many more find that it had no effect. This is a page about, "Can a peppermint air freshener repel mice?".


Indianmeal moth

Getting Rid of Pantry MothsThis page is about getting rid of pantry moths. Whether Indianmeal or North American High-flyer moths have invaded your kitchen, they can be a persistent pest.


Woman scratching a mosquito bite.

Getting Rid of Mosquitoes in My HouseMosquitoes are very capable of finding small openings through which to get inside your home. Many homeowners do not wish to spray pesticides indoors and search for safer solutions for these pests. This is a page about getting rid of mosquitoes in my house.


fruit flies in trap

Making a Fruit Fly TrapThis is a page about making a fruit fly trap. Fruit flies can be really annoying. Making a homemade trap can help you get rid of these pests.


Magnified flea against a white background

Getting Rid of Fleas in an ApartmentThis is a page about getting rid of fleas in an apartment. Whether your pet has picked up fleas or they were resident in your new apartment before you moved in it can be a chore to get rid of them.


A garter snake in grass.

How to Get Rid of Garter SnakesAlthough these innocuous snakes are not poisonous, they can still be undesirable in a yard or garden. This is a page about getting rid of garter snakes.



Coffee filter with coffee grounds on a painted wood backdrop.

Use Coffee to Keep Away MosquitoesSprinkle aged coffee grounds into standing water to kill mosquito larvae. This is a page about how to use coffee to keep away mosquitoes.


red mite

Problems With Little Red BugsKnowing what kind of pest you are dealing with can help you find the best way to get rid of them. This is a page about problems with little red bugs.


A toddler itching her head.

Getting Rid of Fleas in a Toddler's Hair?This is a page about getting rid of fleas in a toddler's hair. Children can pick up fleas from infested pets.


A dead cockroach with a cat in the background.

Getting Rid of Roaches Without Harming PetsPesticides that kill cockroaches can be harmful to pets as well. Here are some ideas about getting rid of roaches without harming pets.


Chalked-browed mockingbird opening its mouth.

Getting Rid of MockingbirdsThis is a page about getting rid of mockingbirds.vWhile some people enjoy the varied song and antics of the mockingbird, others view them as too noisy and territorial. If you are part of the second camp then you may be looking for a way to encourage them to move on.



Getting Rid of Beetles in Your House?This page is about getting rid of beetles in your house. Finding the safest method to keep insects out of your home is best for pets and children.


Silverfish on White Background

Getting Rid of SilverfishThis is a page about getting rid of silverfish. Silverfish are a perennial problem in some regions. Once they get a foothold it can be very difficult to eliminate the infestation.


Cockroach on a bathroom counter by sink

How to Prevent Roaches from Traveling Home With You?When visiting other places when traveling, you might get some unwanted hitchhikers in the form of cockroaches or other pests. This is a page about how to prevent roaches from traveling home with you.


A squirrel eating from suet feeder.

How to Stop Squirrels From Eating Suet Feeders?Squirrels love to get into bird feeders, especially suet ones. This is a page about how to stop squirrels from eating suet feeders.



Preventing Rodents From Chewing on Your Car's...This is a page about preventing rodents from chewing on your car's fuel line. Mice and other rodents can be responsible for considerable damage to your car. They can get under the hood and gnaw on wiring and build nests.


Squirrels outside.

Keeping Squirrels From Chewing on a HouseSquirrels chew on a variety of things to deal with the constant growth of their teeth. However, when they begin to use you house for this activity you will want to take action. This is a page about keeping squirrels from chewing on a house.


kitchen oven

Getting Rid of Mice Nesting in an Oven?This page is about getting rid of mice nesting in an oven. These rodents like to find warm places to make their home.


Colored Naphthalene Balls

Alternative to Using MothballsThis is a page about alternatives to using mothballs. Mothballs can be an effective method of keeping moths out of your stored woolen clothing. However, they are also made from the highly toxic chemical naphthalene and are linked to several health issues, especially in children.


Keeping Ants out of Hummingbird Feeder - Wrapping tape around a hummingbird feeder.

Packing Tape to Keep Ants Out of a Hummingbird FeederUse packing tape to prevent ants from getting into your hummingbird feeder. This is a page about packing tape to keep ants out of a hummingbird feeder.


Woman spraying her arm with insect repellent.

Skin So Soft as an Insect RepellentThis is a page about using Skin So Soft as an insect repellent. While many claim to find this product helpful in keeping mosquitoes away there are also a large number of reviews that report there being no positive effect.


Aphids on a plant.

Homemade Aphid Spray RecipesAphids thrive in temperate regions and feast on plants. They are one of the most pesky and destructive pests that gardeners have to deal with. This page contains homemade aphid spray recipes.


Pill Bugs

Getting Rid of Pill BugsThis page is about getting rid of pill bugs. These arthropods are also called sow bugs, wood louses and roly polies, and live on the ground in moist places.


Tick Removal

Removing a TickThis is a page about removing a tick. Ticks are blood sucking parasitic arachnids that feed on mammals, birds, and sometimes even reptiles and amphibians. Because of how they attach to the host they can be difficult to remove.


A snake on a wood deck.

Dealing With Snakes Under a Deck?Snakes may hibernate or simply congregate under a deck. There are a number of ideas on this page for discouraging them as well as removing them. This is a page about dealing with snakes under a deck.


Getting Rid of Fleas in Bedding. Upclose photo of a flea.

Getting Rid of Fleas NaturallyThis is a page about getting rid of fleas naturally. Whether they are in your home, on your pet, or in your yard fleas are a nuisance to have around. Killing them without toxic chemicals is possible and affordable.


Photo of termites and termite damage.

Getting Rid of TermitesThis is a page about getting rid of termites. It's important to identify and deal with termite problems quickly. Termites can do significant damage to any wooden structure.


Close-up of Bat

Bat Living Above Our Front Door?Bats can be a nuisance to have in or close you your home. This is a page about bat living above our front door.



Getting Rid of Ants in a DishwasherBits of food and even water can attract ants to your dishwasher. Finding the way that they are getting into your home is an important step in getting rid of them. Many homeowners have found that Terro is a very effective product to use to treat the nest by having the invaders carry it back. This is a page about getting rid of ants in a dishwasher.


CDs Hanging on Clothesline to Keep Birds Out of Garden

Using CDs to Keep Birds Out of Your GardenIf you don't want birds in your garden, especially if you have fruit trees, CDs can provide a bright flash that many birds avoid. Using CDs to keep birds out of your garden is a common and effective practice.


Squirrel Chewing

Squirrels Chewing on Car Wiring?This is a page about squirrels chewing on car wiring. Squirrels and other rodents can cause, expensive to repair, damage to your car by chewing on the wiring.


swarm of mosquitos

Getting Rid of Flying InsectsThis is a page about getting rid of flying insects. Pesky flying bugs can make you want to stay indoors, especially in the evenings. Here are tips to keep them away.


A cat walking on a brick wall in a backyard.

How to Prevent Neighborhood Cats From Peeing and Spraying on Doors?Even cat lovers are not happy when the neighborhood cats pee or spray on their entry doors. This is a page about how to prevent neighborhood cats from peeing and spraying on doors.


Keeping Animals Out of Your Garbage, Raccoon Scavenging Garbage

Keeping Animals Out of Your GarbageWhether it's neighborhood dogs, raccoons or some other animal, if they are getting into your garbage it's bound to be a mess. Keep unwanted animals out of your garbage with these handy tips. This is a page about keeping animals out of your garbage.


Someone using a nit comb on a child's hair.

Getting Rid of Head LiceThis is a page about getting rid of head lice. It is not uncommon for children to get head lice at school. Not only do you have to get rid of the lice in their hair, you also need to make sure you get rid of any lice in your house.



Getting Rid of Rats Around Rabbits?Rats love to find families that have outside pets giving them a good source of easy to get food. Care must be taken to rid yourself of the rats without harming your rabbits, chickens, or other pets. This is a page about getting rid of rats around rabbits.


woman caring for a peace plant

Getting Rid of Fungus GnatsThis is a page about getting rid of fungus gnats.Getting rid of fungus gnats in your potted plants can be a frustrating chore.


Cat laying on the hood of a car.

Homemade Cat RepellentsThere are many areas of the home and garden that you may want to keep cats out of. This page features homemade cat repellents and strategies for keeping cats out of your yard.


Bee Trap

Making a Bee TrapThis page is about making a bee trap. Bees are very important for plant pollination in our environment, but there are times when someone needs to be protected from a possible sting.


A hand holding a cockroach.

Identifying and Eliminating Pantry PestsPantry pests can be a disgusting problem in your home. This article looks at some of the most common pantry pests and how to eliminate them.


Grey tabby cat laying in outdoor flower bed.

Keeping Cats Out of Flower BedsThis is a page about keeping cats out of flower beds. Outside cats can quickly wreak havoc on your flower beds.


Getting Rid of Fleas in Bedding. Upclose photo of a flea.

Brewer's Yeast for FleasThis is a page about using brewer's yeast for fleas. There are many ways to get rid of fleas from you pet, home and yard. Avoid the toxic and expensive chemicals at the pet store and try a non-toxic home remedy.


Chicken walking along side a flower bed

Keeping Chickens Out of Flower BedsThis is a page about keeping chickens out of flower beds. Despite the benefit of chickens eating garden pests, they can do some damage to your garden themselves.


Closeup of Gray Squirrel

Keeping Squirrels Out of Fruit TreesSquirrels can be really adorable, except when they are decimating your fruit trees. Stopping the squirrels from eating the fruit on your trees will help ensure a good harvest. This is a page about keeping squirrels out if fruit trees.


A snail on a branch.

Natural Ways To Keep Snails Away From Your GardenIf you grow vegetables in your garden, you need to protect the plants from snails. Snails eat all vegetables, especially greens, such as cabbage, spinach, chard and lettuce. Since they multiply quickly, they can do serious damage.


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Will Mayonnaise Kill Fleas on Pets?Does mayonnaise kill fleas on dogs? I know it works on head lice. Is it safe for dogs or cats?


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Dealing With Flies at an Outdoor Party?I am interested in knowing how to keep flies away from an outdoor event.


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Biting Insects in Carpet?I have a 10 year old son with cerebral palsy who has his face to the floor while he plays cause he can't sit up on his own. He has got these bites on different parts of his body. It's too late in the season for fleas. So what could it be that is biting him? And how do I get rid of the problem in my carpet? THANKS!


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Getting Rid of Tiny Red and Brown BugsI have a bookcase in my room and a few of the shelves have some old papers and magazines on them. I just was going through the papers and I noticed there were a lot of tiny tiny reddish brown bugs on them.


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Tiny Thin, Brown Bugs?I have tiny bugs in my house. They are very tiny and thin. They are brown and when you smoosh them it leaves a brown streak. They don't look like bed bugs.


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Worms in the Rice and Moths in the Cupboard?I discovered many moth like flies in my cupboard. Later I went to cook rice and we had worms in all our rice packages. They were not even opened yet. I washed all the shelves, sprayed them with insecticide and threw away all the rice.


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Earthworms in My House?After a big rain I found 20 or so earthworms inside my house in different rooms, including my garage, is this strange or what?


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Getting Rid of Spiders with Moth Balls?I have a problem. I have had a new home built. I noticed spiders inside the home (bunches). I asked the contractor what to do? He told us to put moth balls inside the crawl space under the house and it will make the spiders and mice stay away.


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How Do I Keep Jays From Raiding Sparrow Nests?How do you get rid of blue jays that are eating all of the chicks in my birdhouses? I enjoy watching the baby sparrows grow in the birdhouses. Today blue jays arrived and ate all of the chicks.


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Still Seeing Fleas After Terminex Has Left?Someone please put my mind at ease. When I first noticed the fleas I treated the house with a few store bought chemicals that really didn't work. I have since had Terminex here (today) and had the dog dipped and applied frontline.


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Flies in the Garage?Is there any way to get rid of flies in a garage? There is nothing there to attract them. They just seem to fly in. I have tried fly paper and spray. This has just started.


A guinea pig in a cage.

Gnats In Room With Guinea Pigs?I have guinea pigs and I gave them some pineapple about 2 wks. ago. I started getting gnats and was using a flying pest spray on them. I would spray the entire room after removing my piggies and let it sit closed for an hour or so. Well, no more pineapple since my piggies don't eat it but my gnat problem has increased about 10 times more than before. How do I get rid of these annoying things w/out harming my piggies and how can I prevent it.


Identifying Spiders? - spider with legs towards front and back of body

Identifying Spiders?I would like help identifying these spiders. The first picture is of one found on a bed. The second one was found in the bathroom. Is it a false widow?


A rubber snake to scare off birds.

How to Deter Birds From Pooping On Your CarWe love the Eastern bluebird and have several houses for them. Bluebirds are beneficial as they not only are pretty and pleasant to hear, they also eat bugs. We have them around all year long.


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Purpose of the Flea?What is the purpose of the flea? How does it benefit the environment? Does anyone know? - Suzzette


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How Can I Treat a Microfiber Sofa for Bedbugs?I have just found a bedbug on my microfiber sectional last night, and was wondering if I am able to spray my sofa with alcohol or any other chemical that can prevent from further more outbreak.


A mouse in a barn.

Keeping Mice Out of Storage Bins?I am using plastic storage bins in my Dad's barn for things (my daughters memories, dishes etc.). How do I keep the animals (mice/squirrels) from destroying what's inside the storage bins? We switched to the plastic bins from boxes.


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How Do I Get Rid of Blue Jays?I have this blue jay that sits by a window of my house and pecks at it. Sometimes it starts pecking around five in the morning. It's always waking me up and it continues to peck throughout the day. I use to have mourning doves that had nests by my front door that have been scared off along with sparrows and other birds because of the Blue Jay.


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