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Identifying Little Black Bugs?Tiny black pepper light specs falling from my ceiling in my hair on my body and I have bites really bad. I don't know how to get rid of these things because they turn into when they fall, they root up into cloth and and turn yellow and then the hard casing on them comes off and out comes this little rolly black speck. I don't understand it I can't figure out how to fix it thank you God bless


Super tiny mystery bug found in my bed.

Super Tiny Mystery Bug Found In My Bed?Does anyone know what type of bug this is? I let my dog lay on my bed and this is the third time seeing this type of bug in my bed but I have no clue what it is.


What Bug Is This?What bug is this?


Insect Eggs?What insect are these from?


Bug eggs on the side of a house.

Bug Eggs Identification?What kind of bug would this come from? Found them outside my shed.


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Keeping Magpies Out of the Yard?How do I stop magpies and their babies from coming into the backyard making that deafening noise and wanting food?


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Slug Trails in the House?I have noticed slug trails in my home (dining room) by my patio windows. I can't find where they are coming in.


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Getting Rid of Termites?Will Tide detergent work? I know they use it on killer bees.


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Getting Rid of Roaches?I was told ammonia mixed with water (half and half) keeps roaches away, that they hate it. Is this true?


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Keeping Squirrels Out of the Dumpster?We got new dumpsters and they chewed through the lid of dumpster. Do we have to get metal tops? Ideas would be great.


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Using Peppermint Oil Around Pets?Will peppermint oil harm dogs?


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Getting Rid of Bed Bugs?How do I get rid of bed bugs myself? I'm not infested yet, I think my neighbor down stairs brought them here. I saw him bring in used furniture and now I'm suffering for it.


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Keeping Flies Out of Dog Food?How can you keep them away from moist dog food? I have tried the cider vinegar trick. They still keep coming.


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Hard-shelled Flying Tiny Black Beetle?I live in Miami, Florida. When you open the door, these 1/2 inch or less long black hard shelled beetle like bugs fly in. I will be sitting and feel something crawling on my bare arm and it itches. I pick them off.


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Wool as a Deer Deterrent?Does wool keep deer out of a vegetable garden?



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What Type of Snake is This?Black snake about 2 feet long. One white/cream stripe down it's back. Small horizontal stripes coming off of the center stripe. It was found hiding in a sandbox. It is aggressive and was found in Southeastern North America.


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Prevent Snails from Getting Into New A/C?My old air conditioner had about 80 snails in it and it made a horrible noise. I could not get them out. How do I prevent them from getting into my new A/C?


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Keeping Mosquitoes Off of Puppies?What can I use for keeping mosquitos off 3 week old puppies?


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Identifying a Tiny Black Biting Bug?My husband and I were outdoors at a park by a lake having a picnic and he was bitten by a little teeny tiny black shinny pin like beetle bug. What is it? The bite spot stung.


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Gnats in a Terrarium?I recently set up a terrarium and now have tiny gnats inside of it. I didn't dry out the bagged potting soil before using it, which I realize would have likely prevented this. What can I do now that the terrarium is all set up? I don't want to take it apart.


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Getting Rid of Fleas in Hair?I have fleas from my cat in my hair and in my bed. ;( Help!


Grey snake with darker stripes along body.

What Kind of Snake is This?I found this snake earlier today on my friend's farm in southern Illinois. We have never seen this type of snake out there before.


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Catching a Snake?Every spring we find baby snakes in my home. They are crawling in the living room, falling from the ceiling, and even in the bathrooms. This only happens in the spring. We have never seen the momma snake.Is it possible to catch the momma snake before she lays her eggs in our home?


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Small Biting Bugs?I don't know what they are. They are very little, even smaller than a mosquito. They are hard and black. They are flying all the time in my room, trying to bite me and drinking my blood. I have already killed a lot, but still they are in my room.


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Finding Someone to Move a Bee Hive?All the bees here are in a big rubber garbage can. No roof or walls or hard to get places.I know there has to be a hive in it as they have been there for a couple years now. I'm too scared to move the can, but I have to get them out of my back yard.


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Making a Mosquito Trap?How long does it last and does the top of the bottle once turned up side down go into the solution?


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Getting Rid of Slugs?How do I permanently get rid of slugs? My front and back yard are overrun with slugs. I have used Sluggo, but you have to use it again every couple of weeks. I can't afford that! The slugs have totally destroyed my yard. There are holes and little mounds of dirt everywhere.


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Keeping Birds Out of Pergola?How do I discourage wild birds coming into pergola and pooping on furniture?


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Identifying Black and White Biting Bugs?I have a plant that's has white and black bugs. The flowers are red; I think nickname is called rowdy. My questions is why do these come in the house and bite?


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Getting Rid of Fleas?I didn't know what it was, but have been getting bitten by fleas for awhile. Now I know, and have been trying to treat the problem, but can't get it stopped.



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Yellow Jackets in Dormers?I had yellow jackets in dormer and they came inside of the house. I had to cut a hole in ceiling and took shop vac and sucked the nest out. My question is should I cut holes in the other dormers and see if there are nests in them?


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Identifying Flying Bugs in my House?When we're burning wood during the winter, between December and about the end of March, there are little tiny bugs flying around my kitchen table and in my bedroom. When I'm eating food, they like to land on my plate and usually they die, but sometimes they crawl for a few seconds then die.


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Child and Pet Safe Flea Remedies?My cat has sores from scratching where the fleas have bitten her, and these nasty buggers love to bite my kids too. How can I safely treat my cats and kill all the fleas to keep my kids from any further bites?


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Squirrels Chewing on Plastic Truck Parts?Squirrels are chewing all the plastic parts around the engine in my truck. How do I deter them?


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Getting Rid of Ladybugs?I live in the city of Rochester. I need to know the most humane way to get rid of these pesky ladybugs that are invading my apartment. I have told my landlord, but they won't do anything about it.


Tan snake with dark markings.

What Kind of Snake is This?What kind of snake is this? I live in north Texas, in the south DFW area/Burleson.


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Keeping Squirrels Away?My next door neighbor is feeding a squirrel, now 3 squirrels, peanut butter cookies. I opened the door for my son and there was a squirrel hanging on the side of my front porch. Making a weird noise.


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Getting Rid of Cabbage Butterflies?How do I deal with green fly and cabbage butterflies?


What Kind of Snake is This?

What Kind of Snake is This?It is about 4 foot long.


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Small Brown Bugs in Spices?I have kitchen supplies (some spices like onion seeds, fenugreek seeds, chilly powder, cinnamon, pepper, etc.) stored in plastic containers. Different items are separately packaged and stored away in these containers, but I keep having these tiny thick-skinned brown bugs in the container...


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Will Citrus Peel Used to Discourage Cats Attract Ants?I like the citrus peel solution for keeping cats out of the garden! However, would that encourage ants? We already have a problem with them, as we live at the beach and the soil is very sandy!


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Using Dish Soap for Aphids?Is it necessary to rinse soap from the tree after a certain time?


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Getting Rid of Centipedes in the Apartment?I recently moved to the first floor of the house I live in. Every single night I'm killing a centipede on my ceiling or wall! It's absolutely disgusting. I can't even sleep in my bedroom. I never had this problem when I lived upstairs.


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Homemade Mosquito Trap?How does the mosquito die? Can it not drink and just fly away?


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Making a Mosquito Trap?Can I use instant yeast or does it really have to be an active dry yeast?



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Cats Urinating on New Sod?I put new sod in. The feral cats urinate on my grass and kill patches of my sod.


Man hloding a black snake with light belly.

Snake Identification?I am not sure what this snake is. I have caught several on our farm and while it is fast I don't think it is as fast as a black racer. I live in middle Tennessee.


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Natural Remedy for Fleas and Mosquitoes?Does any of these tips found in this post Mother Nature's Best Fertilizers and Bug Repellents work for fleas and mosquitoes?


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Slug Control?I love the idea of getting rid of slugs with cucumbers in a pie "tin". My question is can you use the disposable foil tins or do they need to be the real thing?


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Getting Rid of Seed Ticks?My dog just got spayed so she cannot get wet for another week, but some how she has picked up a bunch of seed ticks. I have heard all kinds of thing regarding garlic. Can I spray her down with a water garlic mix just enough to make the ticks want to get off of her?


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Keeping Stray Cats Away from Vehicles?We have stray cats hanging around our apartment complex because we have cat loving residents who feed them. These cats have destroyed the paint on our van. We now have a Suburban and the problem is not any better!


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Fungus Gnats in Closed Terrariums?Fungus gnats are in my closed top terrariums. I have tried every method that I have found on line (yellow paper with fly strips, and I have killed a lot, but not all). I found out that plants brought inside can have them so I took them all out on the front porch and put sand in the top.


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Keeping Cats Out of Garden?I want to keep cats off my garden and stop them from coming into my house.


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Getting Rid of Mosquitoes?Too many mosquitoes kissed me. Help!


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Ridding Yard and Home of Earwigs?We just moved into our new home and I have noticed a pretty decent amount of earwigs in and around our home. I just got pinched by one for the first time tonight and I don't wish to ever have it happen again.


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Squirrels Eating Tomatoes?Before my tomatoes get ripe, (still green) they are after them again. They do this every year. I put water out for them and that doesn't help. So it isn't water they are after. None of my neighbors ever have this problem.


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Using Homemade Mosquito Traps?How many do I need to cover my backyard? Effective square footage coverage?


Slug and Snail Repellent?Please share thrifty, but humane, ways to repel slugs and snails from the vegetable garden. Please do not include any methods that involve killing the animals.


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Keeping Birds from Eating Vegetables and Strawberries?Has anyone ever used dog hair in their garden to prevent birds and other animals from eating their vegetables and strawberries? I mixed the hair into the soil all around my garden. I hope it works. Any other suggestions?


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Keeping Snakes Out of Yard?What can you use in your yard to avoid the presence of snakes of any kind?


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Keeping Squirrels or Rabbits Out of Garden?I read that you can use crush red pepper sprinkled in your garden. That's fine, but does it harm you plants at all?


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Getting Caterpillars Out of My House?For the last couple weeks I've been finding brown colored and some green caterpillars in my kitchen mostly and in my bathroom. I'm finding at least 5 to 10 a day, what can I do to keep them away?


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Bugs on Terrace Tree Getting into House?I have an outdoor terrace tree that blows, insects into my condo and I believe mites as well. I have monthly extermination, but it has been no help. How can I keep my apt. clean and void of this problem?


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Fleas in a Sandy Yard?How do I get rid of fleas out in a sandy yard? We live out in the country and our yard has no dirt, nothing but sand. I have tried using soap mixed with water. Also have used some flea control medicine, but didnt work. Please someone help.


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Chipmunks Eating Tomatoes?Anyone have suggestions on how to keep chipmunks away from eating my tomatoes besides putting up a fence?


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Keeping Bees Out of Patio Awning?We just had a new awning installed on the patio. I have noticed that bees are starting to try to move into the awning. I need suggestions on how to stop them? Thank you for any help.


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Making a Trap for Biting flies?Does anyone know if a mosquito type trap will also work on biting flies?


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Keeping Neighbor's Dog Off Lawn?I share my yard and their dog thinks that my side of the yard is his personnel bathroom! How can I keep him off my new lawn?


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Bugs in Kitchen?I noticed a few small brownish reddish bugs in my kitchen. I have lived on Maui for over six years and this is the first time ever seeing them. They appear to be more round in shape then long and slender. I had a box of Milk Bones for my dog and that is where I found the majority of them.


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Rat Deterrent?Rats leave a scent so they know how to get back to where they find food. Can you use vinegar to kill off their trail scent?


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Getting Rid of Stink Bugs?How do get rid of them?


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How Do I get Rid of Stink Bugs?I recently moved to an area that is overwhelmed by stink bugs. They get into my house, my garden, etc. We have tried the traps, sprays, and granules. Is there a solution to getting rid of these nasty stinkers?


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Woodchucks Getting into Veggie Garden?I have a fenced-in garden, but still the woodchucks are finding their way into my garden by climbing over the fence. Does anyone have any suggestions for keeping these animals away from my vegetables? I would hate to give up gardening because of these critters.


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Getting Rid of Fleas and Bugs with Coke?I was told some time ago that there is a solution that can be mixed to spray outside in the yard for bugs, including mosquitoes and fleas which includes Coke. I have moved and lost the paper it was written on. Does anyone out there know about this mixture? I believe it includes 3 things.


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Getting Rid of Nesting Pigeons?Pigeons on my house roof outside, have laid eggs and that insect which is tinier than an ant is disturbing a lot. It flies on our whole body and some bite. I don't know what to do. I need help and tips to remove the pigeon and the insects as soon as possible.


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Identifying Tiny Yellowish Bugs?Sorry I don't have a pic, but they were very tiny, no bigger than a dot. I got a bowl down from the cupboard, and it took me a minute to notice them.


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Getting Rid of Lady Bugs Inside?What is the recipe for lavender oil and vinegar to get rid of lady bugs and how do I use it?


Boy on horse.

Getting Rid of Horse Flies?I need a good remedy to get rid of horse flies.


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Getting Rid of Pack Rats?Is there an effective way to kill our pack rats? I would prefer something homemade.


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Getting Rid of Gnats in Fresh Produce?Every spring/summer when we start bringing in produce from the garden and bananas from the store, we start getting gnats all over. They are worse in the kitchen.


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Borax for Fleas?I got a kitten Sunday night and noticed fleas on Monday. I put Biospot on her on Tuesday. I noticed more fleas so I gave her a bath 2x with Dawn soap and sprayed Raid and vacuumed. Today I didn't see any more on her. My question is does borax really work for carpeting and furniture?


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Repelling Gnats?Do you know where I can buy punk for repelling bugs? I was told the smoke would keep them off of me. The gnats are so bad in the park I have had to stop dog walking.


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Keeping Cats From Using Garden as Cat Box?Are there any non lethal ways to deter neighbours cat from doing its business in my nice gardens! argh!


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Using Dawn for Fleas on Cats?I have two cats. One cat is 2 years old and the other is 4 years old. How much Dawn should I use and how much water?


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Chipmunks Eating Tomato Plants?How do I get rid of chipmunks that are eating my ripening tomatoes at the bottom of the plants?


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Squirrel Repellent?How do I make a spray using cayenne pepper to deter these rodents?


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Getting Rid of Centipedes?I have begun to find more and more centipedes in my basement since last summer. How can I get rid of them? I have pets, so I need a safe method.


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Getting Rid of Fleas on a Squirrel?I have a 4-5 month old red squirrel who was paralyzed in his hind quarters. He has no use of one leg and has only regained slight use of his other. He also has no use of his tail. He has fleas and I am at a loss as to how to treat him.


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Dead Pinhead Crickets in the House?A big amount of pinhead crickets blew in on my desk (I assume from the window) and are now dead. I have no idea where they came from or how they got there. From time to time we get crickets in the house, but this is a pile of 100 give or take some. Where did they come from?


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Getting Rid of Wasps?How do I kill the wasps that are ruining my hostas, year after year? The only relief I have found is Sevin dust, which then takes away from their looks.


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Getting Rid of Cave Crickets?Are there any cheap ways to get rid of cave crickets? I get them in my garage which is below my house. I know they aren't dangerous, but they are pretty hideous to look at and if you kill one another one will come along and eat it. That's gross. I hear they will continue to multiply and infest if not taken care of.


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Getting Rid of Moths?How do I get rid of moths in my front storm door?


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Getting Rid of Carpenter Ants and Wasps?I have problems with carpenter ants and my wood outside walls. I have problems with wasps settling in outside areas and they also go between where the slider frames are set on the wood base. Where do I put coffee grounds?


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Getting Rid of Tiny Red Bugs Inside?The tiny red bugs came in the window ever since it got nice outside. They are really small. I just want to know what can I do to get rid of them!


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Getting Rid of Gnats in Terrarium Soil?Is there any way to get rid of gnats and larva in my new terrarium or do I have to dump all of the soil, rinse the plant roots and start over?


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Getting Rid of Ticks on Dogs?Can anybody give me a home remedy for getting rid of ticks on a dog?


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Repelling Wasps and Ticks?Is there any way to repel wasps and ticks? I live on the east coast and it tis the season.


Getting Rid of Black Birds in Yard?They come around the bird bath in our yard and are chasing away the other birds. They also chase squirrels and are driving us crazy. What can be done?


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Killing Micro Mites With Vinegar?It makes sense that vinegar can kill mites. Has anyone had success with this?


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Keeping Worms Out of Garage?Worms crawl into my garage when it rains and they die and stick to the garage floor. How can I keep them from coming into the garage?


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Getting Rid of Gophers?What kind of plant roots do gophers hate to eat? I have gophers and no matter what I do I can't get rid of them. I've tried everything.


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Tiny Red Flea-like Flying Insects?I keep finding these little red bugs in my home. They are very tiny, resemble a flea, and fly. So far no one has shown any signs of being bitten or anything, but I keep finding them throughout the house, especially on the walls in my bathroom (I also have them flying around in the living room).


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