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Ladybug Problem?Would anyone know how to get rid of ladybugs? At first I thought they were so pretty, but they have infested my walls and ceilings. I live in the country, but the windows were closed all winter.


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Getting Rid of Bookworms?I ordered an out-of-print book that I would like to keep, but as I was reading it I found several (cute) little bookworms. I don't want the rest of my books infected.


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Daughter Bitten by Unknown Bugs?My 3 year old daughter keeps getting bitten, in the house, sometimes at night, sometimes during the day, by unseen, unknown bugs! They are very red, and incredibly itchy.


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Centipedes in the Bathtub?Help, I have centipedes in my bath tub and would like to know how to get rid of them. All help will be appreciated. Nan in Northwest Iowa


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Mysterious Pests Brought Home with New Kitten?We got a new kitten for our addopted kitten to play with, but this month old tyke brought a little annoyance with him. At first they only bugged the kittens, but after flea treatment (which works on more than just fleas) they started biting my family (me especially).


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Lady Bugs and Asian Lady Beetles?How can you tell the difference between regular lady bugs and the asian lady beetle?


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Lady Bug Issues?I just went in to wake up my 14 month old from her nap. I opened her blinds and was shocked to see 16 ladybugs all over her window. I live in the mid-atlantic region where it has been cold, but we are having a few days of warm weather. Does anybody have ideas how to rid of these nasty bugs that will not harm my children?


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Flying Bugs Outside Our Door?We have alot of flying bugs right outside our door. How can we get them away?


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Getting Rid of Maple Bugs?We have a massive problem with maple bugs every year and they seem to be getting worse each year. Does anyone have a way of getting rid of them?


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Bugs on Porch?Every morning, I have to sweep a million dead bugs off the front porch that come at night. They are tiny black bugs and the regular moths and beetle bugs. I have tried a GE yellow bug light and it does not work at all. I don't want to leave my porch light off for security reasons.


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Mites or Bedbugs on Chair?How can I rid a large upholstered chair (chaise) of unseen biting insects (bedbugs, mites)?


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Getting Rid of Love Bugs?Is there any way to get rid of lovebugs from your yard, every year they just about drive me nutty.


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What is this bug? (Silverfish)This is a small, simple looking, long bug with small feet that are not very prominent. It is dark gray on the top, and on its underside, it's white. It does not appear to have wings or any really noticeable features.


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How do bugs get into a light bulb?How do bugs get into a light bulb?


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Getting Rid of Boxelder Bugs?Does anyone know any cheap ways to get rid of boxelder bugs? I can't afford anything exspensive and am hoping that there is a cheap solution to this. I have lots of them and they are driveing me crazy.



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Lavender Oil and Vinegar for Lady Bugs?My husband saw a commercial for Natural cures that said that Lavender oil with vinegar can be used to rid the home of Lady bugs (beetles) and now the ever present Box Elder beetles. Did he hear right and if so what is the recipe?


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Keeping No-seeums Out of The House?No-seeum season is about to happen up here in northern New England, and I'm getting nervous. These tiny bugs fly through my screens at night and bite the heck out me while I'm asleep. They don't touch my husband! They bite me mercilessly and I often get covered with ugly bites and then scars on my arms and legs. Does anyone have any advice about how to *prevent* them from coming in through the screens on warm spring and summer nights?


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Beetle Infestation?We have been infestation by the millions (no joke) of nasty little beetles that come in black, red and sometimes gray. They don't seem to be going for any kind of food item such as wheat, flour, etc. They like to feed off of their dead comrades, and anything else they can find dead. The closest thing I can find that matches their appearance is a death watch beetle.


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Thyme and Tea Tree Oil for Bedbugs?How do I use thyme and tea tree oil to get rid of bedbugs?


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Getting Rid of Japanese Beetles?I was wondering if anyone found something that works for getting rid of Japanese Beetles in the fall? Lori


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Ladybugs In an 18 Wheeler?We have an 18 wheeler and for the last several years we have been infested with ladybugs. When it is over 65 degrees and the sun is shining they start flying around land on the windshield and windows like they want out.


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Asian Ladybug Trap?A couple warmer sunny days and the asian ladybug beetles have landed. Somewhere I saw I recipe to put in a gallon plastic jug to attract them, like a trap.


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Getting Rid of Elder Bugs?Does anyone know how to get rid of elder bugs?


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Silverfish in Books?How do you get rid of silverfish? My daughter has had books in storage and the boxes contain silverfish. She is moving to a new house and wants to keep the books if possible - minus the silverfish.


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Where do Earwigs Nest?Can earwigs nest in the couches and beds? I am moving out of my Basement Apartment and I don't want to take them with me. Can someone please help me out with this one?


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Getting Rid of Corn Bugs?I'm hoping somebody can help me with this problem. I have ladybugs or corn bugs(they have a yellow back to them and bite!) that come in my apt every fall.


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Red Bugs Outside on Air Conditioner and Walls?I have these red bugs on my outside wall. What are they? They are all over my air conditioner and walls.


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Silverfish in My Bed?Now and then I am finding silverfish in my bed. I didn't think much at first but it's continuing and I'm getting worried. What can I do to stop this?


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White Bugs in My Horse Feed Bins?I want to know about weevils. I think I have them in my horse feed bins? They are tiny white things and they move. What are they? How do I get rid of them? Are they harmful to the horses if they eat them?


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Little Green Bugs That Bite?I love leaving my windows up at night but hate the little green biting bugs that come through my screens when the lights are on.



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Keeping Earwigs Out of Bird Feeders?I have several bird feeders outside but they get full of Earwig bugs. Any ideas on how to keep them out would be greatly appreciated. I wash the feeders out but they come right back.


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Infestation Of Tiny Red And Green Bugs?Overnight there was a bug infestation of tiny red and green bugs, what are they? More than 90% are dead. We sprayed and washed and a couple pop up, even in other rooms.


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What are these bugs?I have tiny white somethings (bugs?) in my home and cannot get rid of them. I have no idea what they are. I can feel them when they get on me and cannot see them unless they get on something dark. Once they are on something they are too small even with a magnifying glass to see what they are.


What is this bug?Can anyone tell me what this bug is? It is on the tomato plants.


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Keeping Bugs Out of a Camper?What is the best way to keeps bugs and insects out of my camper for the winter?


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Tiny, Colorless Bugs That Bite?My house and car are filled with these tiny flying insects that bite. They are barely perceptible to the naked eye and only when standing next to a light and there is a dark background.


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Small, Brown Bugs In Couch? (Carpet Beetle)We have some small, brown bugs in our couch. They look like ticks. So far we have just seen them in the couch. Do you have any ideal what these are? When you pinch them some of the bigger ones bleed. Please help. Thanks.


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Bugs With Split In The End?I have these little inch long bugs with a split on one end that we keep seeing in the kitchen and bathroom. I've tried recaulking the bathroom and every kind of cleaner I can think but still I see them now and then. Is this just something doomed to be in Florida or is there something that will keep them out?


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Love Bugs in My Car?What is the easiest way to remove love bugs from my automobile?


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Getting Rid of Pill Bugs?How do I get rid of Pill bugs in my house?


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Small Black and Red Bugs?I have little black and red bugs that look like lightning bugs (but with no light) in my car. What are they and how do I get rid of them?


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Tiny Thin, Brown Bugs?I have tiny bugs in my house. They are very tiny and thin. They are brown and when you smoosh them it leaves a brown streak. They don't look like bed bugs.


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Killing Dust Mites in the Microwave?Can you put pillows in the microwave to kill Dust Mites? Down? How long would I leave it in and at what heat?


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Dealing With Lady Beetles?Help, I have ladybugs in the house. I live in the country and they are everywhere. Any solutions other than an exterminator?


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Getting Rid of June Bugs?I am trying to find information on june bugs and how to get rid of them. We need lights on at night, so turning them off is not an option.



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Getting Rid of "No See Ums"?My daughter just moved to South Carolina. How do they stop the "No See Um" bugs from biting?


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Getting Rid of Mites on Pets and Owner?I went to the vet and had the cats' skin scraped and the diagnosis is Sarcoptic mites. I adopted a little dog about a month ago and it seems her former owners had a bout of mange and she was not treated, so not knowing it she must be the culprit who brought them in.


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Tiny Black Bugs in the Yard?What are these bugs? They are very tiny and black, so small I can't even get a good pic of them. When I step out in the yard I get these small black specks moving all over my legs! They die really easy, just by rubbing my legs, then they're gone.


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Small Black Flying Bugs that Bite?I have these black flying bugs and their legs look like pink flamingo bird legs. They will also bite very bad. Does anybody have any suggestions? They are very small. Thanks.


What are These Bugs?Help! I have small black bugs that resemble fleas all in my doorways, windows of my kitchen, and underneath the cabinets. I do not know how to get rid of them and the exterminator was no help! He could not identify them. Thank you for your help.


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Gnats or Bedbugs?I need to know if I have gnats. That's what they look like, but then someone said could they be bedbugs. I have only seen them in my bathroom nowhere else. They seem to jump, but not really fly. Does that make them not gnats? Do gnats look anything like a bedbug?


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Problem With Little Red Bugs?I have little red bugs in my kitchen since I got new cabinets. Please help me. How can I get rid of these bugs? Are they harmful?


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Flying Bugs on Houseplants?How do I kill the small black flying bugs that are in my houseplants?


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Keeping Bugs Out of a Light Fixture?How do you keep bugs out of the garage door opening light? There are slots on the sides and they are full of bugs. Yuck!


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Tiny Black Bugs on Kitchen Floor?What are those very small, 1/16 round, with flat bottom, black and some with spots, bugs I've found on my kitchen floor?


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Getting Rid of Small Yellow and Black Bugs Inside?My brother has been seeing these small black and yellow bugs in his apartment. The bugs are about 1/4 inch long, black with a yellow middle, and crunch when squished. What can he do to get rid of them?Thank you.Michelle


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Preventing Bed Bugs from Moving Too?I recently moved into a house only to find out that its infested with bed bugs. The landlord knew it was infested, but yet let us move in anyway. They had pest control come in and spray, but Ive still got bugs.


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Killing Mealybugs, Scales, Aphids, Spider Mites, etc.How do I kill infestations of aphids on my euonymus vine? They have manifested thickly on the stems as well.


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How can I get rid of lady bugs in my house?I found ladybugs in my spare room. Where did they come from and how do I get rid of them? Also what causes that?


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Tiny Bugs on Kitchen Floor Under Stove?I have these tiny mite looking bugs that are accumulating in my kitchen. I noticed yesterday that mostly they are under my stove and around the bottom.


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How Can I Treat a Microfiber Sofa for Bedbugs?I have just found a bedbug on my microfiber sectional last night, and was wondering if I am able to spray my sofa with alcohol or any other chemical that can prevent from further more outbreak.


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Identifying Tiny Red Bugs?I saw a little tiny red bug, It looks like beetle, but with a very soft outside shell, and it doesn't fly. What do I have?


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Small Brown Bugs With a White Hair on Front and Back?My home is infested with "something". I can't see them most of the time, but they are living in my bed and living room furniture. Sometimes, I can see them; they are a little brown dot with a white hair on the front and back.


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Getting Rid of Mosquitoes, Flies and Bugs?How do I keep the 10 million mosquitoes that live in Florida out of my horse barn?


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Getting Rid of Chiggers?How do you get rid of chiggers?


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Tiny Jumping Bugs in Couch?We have these weird bugs that jump and are really tiny. We thought they were fleas, but now I'm not sure. We don't have pets and they seem to live in the couch in the living room. Does anybody know what could they be?


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Tiny Brown Bugs in the Basement?I have tiny brown bugs. They are just about the size of a dot. They are on my stainless steel worktable in the basement. I have sprayed numerous times. As soon as I clean it up they start appearing again. I live in Denver, Colorado (very dry). No food in the basement.


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Getting Rid of Tiny Clear Pests?Today I looked up "tiny clear pests" and started reading the nightmares you have had in naming or getting rid of this tiny speck of salt or even tinier pepper dots. My house has become a nightmare. The car, the garage, the closets, the wood, the socks the everything.


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Natural Remedy For Centipedes?How do you get rid of centipedes in one's home?


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Small White Bugs in Kitchen Cupboard?I have tiny white bugs in my pantry. They are almost round in shape and are on all canned goods. What are they? How do I get rid of? They resemble flour mites.


Tiny Brownish Red Bugs in Kitchen Cupboards ?I have recently found a bunch of these tiny brownish red bugs crawling around my kitchen cupboards. I don't think they're bedbugs. At first glance I thought they were small ants. Does anyone know what they are and how to get rid of them?


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Small Brown and White Bugs in Wood Headboard?My 5 1/2 year old and I have been getting these tiny little red bite marks that swell and itch. I first thought they where insect bites. Now I'm lost. I found little brown and white bugs in the corner of my homemade wood headboard that has padding and fabric.


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Tiny Red Biting Bugs?I have started to notice bite marks on me that are itchy. Then I started noticing more so I looked on my bed to see if I saw any bed bugs, but nothing. So I thought maybe fleas, but I also don't see anything.


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Getting Rid of Bed Bugs?How do I get rid of bed bugs?


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Tiny Hard Shelled Bugs on Kitchen Countertops?I am having issues in the kitchen with a very tiny bug on my countertops. At first I thought I had spilled coffee grounds. Under a magnifying glass you can clearly see they are hard shelled with tiny legs under the bottom side.


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Small Light Brown Oval Shaped Bugs on Mattress?I found two dead, small light brown, oval shaped bugs in the crease of my mattress and one alive. There is no sign of any other bugs. What could they be?


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Bugs Biting Me In My Sleep?I feel something is biting me in my bed, but can't see what it is.


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Identifying Small Dark Brown Bugs Found in Bedding?I found some bugs in my son's bedding today. I was afraid they were bed bugs, but after looking at some pics I am pretty sure they are not. I would still like to know what they are.


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Keeping Stink Bugs Out of My House?Is anyone out there having problems with these terrible stink bugs? I'm literally a prisoner in my own home. They are getting in everywhere. There are those little openings on the window screens that they seem to get in which puts them between the window and the screen.


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Tiny Silver Gray Bugs Under Cat's Water Bowl?When I picked up my cats' water bowl to clean, some tiny gray bugs crawled out from underneath. I flipped the bowl over to inspect it and found what appeared to be thousands of them.


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Do I Have Bed Bugs?I would like to know how to determine if you have an infestation of bed bugs.


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Tiny Bugs in My House?I have very very small almost un-noticeable sized black and white jumping, biting insects (or at least I am assuming that's their species) in my house. They originated from my mattress somehow a year ago. I got a bedbug sheet and had someone come in after that and everything went back to normal.


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Identifying Small Brown Bugs in Kitchen?Does anyone know what these are? They are little brown bugs that look kind of like beetles. They have wings and I think they come in through the back door. They tend to stay in the kitchen and have never been spotted upstairs.


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Ladybugs in the House?I have a problem with ladybugs! I am staying in a cabin up in Tennessee with my family and just today I noticed something, one tiny little ladybug. Then, I saw another, then 3 more, then 5 more, then 20 more!


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Small Black Bugs Found in Lint and Pet Hair?Does anyone have small black bugs hiding in fuzz or cat hair? I have long hair and they find it on the floor. Twice I have found one in my hair. They have 2 or 3 hairs on them that comes out if you put water on them.


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Getting Rid of Dust Mites?I read where someone was spraying alcohol to get rid of bed mites? Do they spray the bed? floor?


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Grub Worm Problem?How can I get rid of grubworms in my garden?


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Tiny Black and Orange/Yellow Spotted Bugs in My Clothes?I have been finding tiny black and yellow/orange spotted bugs in clothes. They are small like a sesame seed, but a little rounder. They appear flat and do not move. I need help!


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Getting Rid of Ladybugs?Who has problems with Asian beetles/ladybugs? They are annoying. How do you handle the problem? Thanks for your help.


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Identifying Small Brown Bugs Around the Toilet?I have little brown bugs around my toilet. They move very slowly and look like ticks.


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What Are These Small Gray and White Bugs in Landscape Rock?Millions of small bugs with a gray and white pattern on their backs swarm out of my landscaping rocks in the late afternoon. They are oval shaped, some real small and the largest about the size of an ant.


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Getting Rid of Tiny Red Worms and Black Beetles in Sofa?Tiny red worms (1/16 inch) are in my sofa and along with them equally tiny black beetles, not biting either of them. Ugh. How do I get rid of them?


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How Do I Get Rid of Silverfish?When the weather gets warmer silverfish arrive in my home, usually in the same areas. Is there anything I can do go get rid of them?


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Asian Ladybug Trap?Is the lure in this trap a natural pheromone? or can it be man made?


Photo of a bug

Asian Ladybug Trap Pheromone?Is the lure in this trap a natural pheromone? Or can it be man made?


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Roach Problem?We have a roach problem. Is there a quick solution to get rid of them? We spray and get them under control, but we are disabled and by the time we get around to moving out the fridge and stove they have got a hold again.


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What is This Tiny Green Bug?I find this bug on my arms. It is a little smaller than a pin head, the color is like the light color green on army fatigues. I can't see the legs or much of anything else for that matter because it's so tiny.


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Tiny Red Flying Bugs?I just started noticing these flying little red bugs around my house. There are not a lot, I only see like 1-2 at a time and at night. They fly, but are catch-able. They are oval/rounded shape, about 1-2 mm in size, and almost reddish brown to black in color.


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Identifying Tiny Almost Microscopic Orange Bugs?I was taking kids that I work with out on the playground in the morning before it got too hot out and I looked down at my white shirt and all over it were these tiny almost microscopic bugs that seemed worm like. They were most definitely orange in color and it freaks me out; what are they?


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Small Aphid Like Bugs in My Kitchen Sink?Every day there are small aphid like bugs in my kitchen sink. I never see them fly, they kind of hop and have antennas. They are so small it is hard to tell the difference between then and a bread crumb.


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Identifying Tiny Black Bugs in My Carpet?How can I identify these tiny bugs that are almost invisible, although they are black? We have almost white carpeting in most of the rooms and you have to look very closely to see them.


tiny orange bugs on white pole

Tiny Orange Biting Bugs Near Pool?While watching my son in the pool, these tiny orange biting bugs were all over my white tank top and then I noticed they were all over the white poles around the pool! When I looked on my skin for what was biting me, I couldn't see them, that's how tiny they are!


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