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Getting Rid of Gnats?How do I get rid of gnats that got started in my apartment last summer? I've already have tried the vinegar and soap and sugar but still having a hard time getting rid of them.


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Getting Rid of Tiny Flying Insects?I have a couple of tiny bugs in my room that fly. I think maybe they are small gnats, but I barely can see them. They constantly buzz around my ear and make it super uncomfortable to sleep.


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Getting Rid of Gnats?We are overrun by gnats every day.


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Do Fruit Flies Bite?Do fruit flies bite people and pets?


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Killing Gnats with Bleach?Someone told me to pour bleach where gnats are at the most and they will go to the glass and die. I was just wanting to know if it would work or not?


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Getting Rid of Gnats in Laundry?I can't rid of gnats in our clothing. I have tried everything I know of. Any tips are appreciated.


Getting Rid of Gnats in Kitchen and Bath

Getting Rid of Gnats in Kitchen and Bath?I have gnats in my bathrooms and kitchen. I have tried to vinegar and dish soap in a glass. I have been doing this for almost 2 weeks. The solution works, but the gnats are getting worse. The gnats are brown. Are they sewer gnats? What do I need to do to get rid of them?


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Getting Rid of Flying Bugs?I don't know what to call these guys, but there are three types. One looks a bit like a slightly larger gnat, all black. The other is similar. It is gnat sized, but looks lighter than black. The biggest is like a small fly, but eerily no flying "drone" nose. Like some kind of stealth fly.


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Getting Rid of Biting Gnats?Does anyone know how to get rid of the biting gnats (not fruit flies, not normal gnats)? These are not attracted to cider vinegar, soap, or fruit. These are not killed with "flying insect killer" (biting gnats are the one exception listed on can). I tried it anyway, but it didn't work.


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Getting Rid of Gnats in My Carpet?I noticed that I had gnats flying around in my room, 1 or 2 here and there. Then I saw something on my carpet trim and when I pulled the carpet back a little, I saw that there were at least 80 or more larvae. I assume that they are gnat larvae.


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Getting Rid of Gnats on a Boat?I have a pontoon boat that we just took out of storage and is now at the boat slip. We have gnats everywhere. What can I use to get rid of them?


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Getting Rid of Gnats?We has recently noticed gnats in the kitchen, my daughter's room and her closet, the master bathroom, and main bathroom are the same way just not as bad! I have the apple cider mixture sitting in each room, but it seems like they are getting worse instead of better. Are there any other suggestions?


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Gnats in Oven?How do gnats get into an oven?


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Getting Rid of Fungus Gnats?What can we use to rid ourselves of these gnats? I sprayed throughout the house with HotShot and it worked a little. I don't know if they were all asleep or just hiding away. They're everywhere.


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Getting Rid of No-See-Ums?Anyone here succeded so far in getting rid of those pesky noseeums from your house? I've tried many remedies and traps, but none has made a breakthough so far in the assault of a massive number of annoying bugs. Has anyone been successful in wiping them out from their homes?



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What Are Noseeums?Can someone please tell me what noseeums are? The dictionary is no help. I assume they're some kind of insect, and would like a more scientific name. Also I assume they're something we don't have in southern California.


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Gnats in a Terrarium?I recently set up a terrarium and now have tiny gnats inside of it. I didn't dry out the bagged potting soil before using it, which I realize would have likely prevented this. What can I do now that the terrarium is all set up? I don't want to take it apart.


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Repelling Flying Insects While Gardening?I would like to know how or what do you do about gnats, flies, and anything else that bothers you while working in the yard! Thank you.


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Fungus Gnats in Closed Terrariums?Fungus gnats are in my closed top terrariums. I have tried every method that I have found on line (yellow paper with fly strips, and I have killed a lot, but not all). I found out that plants brought inside can have them so I took them all out on the front porch and put sand in the top.


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Gnats Coming Into the House Through Screens?What can I spray or rub on the screen to keeps these gnats from coming into my bedroom?! I don't want a trap that lures them in and then kills them, I want something that repels and keeps them off my screens and out of my room.


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Getting Rid of Gnats in Fresh Produce?Every spring/summer when we start bringing in produce from the garden and bananas from the store, we start getting gnats all over. They are worse in the kitchen.


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Repelling Gnats?Do you know where I can buy punk for repelling bugs? I was told the smoke would keep them off of me. The gnats are so bad in the park I have had to stop dog walking.


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Repelling Gnats Away from Face?What smells repel gnats to keep them from flying around my face?


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Skin Repellent for Gnats?I run a junior golf camp during the summer in South Florida and the gnats are horrible for about (1) month. The gnats make it miserable for the coaches and kids, especially, after applying mandatory sunscreen, they stick to every exposed body part.


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Gnats in the Bathroom?I have gnats flying around my bathroom, particularly my light fixture and climbing up the walls. I swat and wipe them up then more come back. They are also on my sink and in my bathtub. They seem to be multiplying. What can I do to get rid of them for good?


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Getting Rid of Gnats in Terrarium Soil?Is there any way to get rid of gnats and larva in my new terrarium or do I have to dump all of the soil, rinse the plant roots and start over?


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Gnat Traps?Do you have something to catch gnats? I need some ideas for making a trap.


Getting Rid of Fungus Gnats?I have little water flies. They like the damp ground in my indoor plants. How do I get them out of my house?


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Gnats on Elephant Palm?I have gnats on my plant, it's a palm plant, some say elephant (has large truck base). I cannot get rid of these nasty gnats. Any ideas would be a blessing. Thank you.


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Getting Rid of Gnats on Houseplants?I have gnats on my indoor ivy and have been spraying it with insecticidal soap, but I found one on the top of my coffeemaker. Is there any homemade ways to get rid of the darn things?



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Getting Rid of Gnats on Plants?My mom told me to mix water, dish soap and lemon juice into a spray bottle and spray my plant's leaves, top and bottom, and also water them with this mixture to get rid of gnats and/or fruit spiders.


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Repelling Gnats Outside?Does anyone have an idea to make me less attractive to biting gnats/noseeums? I spend a lot of free time outdoors gardening and playing with my canine babies. These gnats are brutal.


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Getting Rid of Gnats in the House?We have gnats which are taking over. What is the safest way to get rid of them? They are in our bedroom, as well as the rest of our home, but mainly concentrated in the kitchen and our master bedroom.


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Getting Rid of Gnats with Pets in the House?I have a cat, but we just started to get gnats and were going to fog the house. We don't know what to do with our cat Davy. Help please!


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Getting Rid of Gnats in the Yard?How can I kill gnats? Our yard is full of them!


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Keeping No-See-Ums Away?Does any one have a remedy to keep gnats off of you, especially the face? They are also referred as no-see-ums!


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Getting Rid of Gnats Around Drains and Faucets?Does anyone have a "cure" for those household gnats that frequent the areas around the tub drain, faucets, kitchen, etc.? They are in the house this year and we've never had them before.


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Getting Rid of Fungus Gnats?I have been having a problem with fungus gnats in and around my potted plants. I was told that if I diluted regular Listerine, 1 to 1 with water and spayed the organic soil mixture, the solution, would kill fungus gnats and their eggs that live in the manure.


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Getting Rid Gnats In Litterbox?I have 3 cats and 2 large litter boxes for them and I am having a huge gnat or fruit fly problem. I keep the litters clean and get rid of everything the bugs would like, but they are still here. I want to get rid of the bugs, but not the cats.


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Getting Rid of Gnats?How do you get rid of gnats?


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Solution for Flying Gnats?My apartment is infested with gnats. A few days ago we had a party and then we noticed that the gnat population had dramatically increased. We cleaned the whole house, but still can't get rid of them.


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Fruit Flies and Summer Gnats?I have had a problem the past 2 years with flies in the house that look like fruit flies or May flies. It begins in September and continues til maybe November. How do I get rid of them and what are they?


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Lifespan of a Gnat?What is the lifespan of a gnat?


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Gnats on Houseplants?I would like to know how to get rid of small flies in house plants?


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Gnats in the House?I have fungus gnats (that do bite) and or biting midges, and they are wreaking havoc with biting me and my dog. What do I do and how do I get rid of them in my house and stop them from biting us?



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Getting Rid of Drain Gnats?I've read on this site, but can't find where, people put some kind of household and/or natural products down the house drains to stop those little flying insects from coming into the house.


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Does CO2 Attract Gnats?Are gnats attracted to CO2 (carbon dioxide)?


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Plant that Repels Gnats?It's is starting to be spring here a little early, but we will take it. With spring we get what my husband and I call "biting gnats". They are about the size of a gnat, swarm around you and their bite stings.


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Gnats in Potting Soil?How do I get rid of household gnats in potting soil?


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Vinegar and Dish Soap Not Working for Gnats?I have gnats or fruit flies. I got rid of most of them, but the apple cider vinegar and dish soap is not working any more. Now they are mostly staying on the ceiling in the kitchen . I keep putting down fly paper, then I slide a broom near them and they fly into the paper. What are your tips?


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Keeping Gnats Away From Dog?We go to the lake a lot in the summer and the gnats just drive our boxer crazy. I've tried different things on him but it doesn't seem to work. If any one can give any suggestions, I would sure appreciate it. Thank you.


White dog in yard.

Gnats Biting Dogs?We go to the lake a lot and gnats drive him crazy. If anyone know of what too use on my dog, please let me know.


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Getting Rid Of Gnats Outside?When I am outside, gnats are everywhere. They fly all around me while I'm working in the yard, watering plants, etc. How do I control or get rid of them?


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Getting Rid of Gnats in Bathroom?I have gnats in one bathroom and they wont go away! I've tried pouring some products down the drain but nothing seems to work. Help!


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Gnats in a Donut Case?I am trying to get rid of gnats in donut case.


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Preventing Gnats In The Kitchen!I was at the grocery store a few days ago and noticed gnats buzzing around the onion bin. I've seen them near bananas, but this sighting was a first. Is this a no win situation? What do you do to keep the gnat population down?


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Gnats in The Diaper Pail?Recently gnats have invaded my home and they have taken a big interest in my kid's diaper pail. I keep things very clean and empty the diaper pail regularly but as soon as one diaper gets thrown in it they swarm around it and in it.


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Gnats in the Basement?I am having problems with gnats in my basement. I don't know what they are attracted to. I don't have any live pants or food in the basement. They seem to be multiplying. How can I get rid of them?


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Gnats In Room With Guinea Pigs?I have guinea pigs and I gave them some pineapple about 2 wks. ago. I started getting gnats and was using a flying pest spray on them. I would spray the entire room after removing my piggies and let it sit closed for an hour or so. Well, no more pineapple since my piggies don't eat it but my gnat problem has increased about 10 times more than before. How do I get rid of these annoying things w/out harming my piggies and how can I prevent it.


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Gnat Problem in Convenience Store?I work at a convenience store where we have a bakery case. We have fresh donuts brought in every day, and every day they end up in the garbage because of gnats. We clean the case every day. Please HELP! What can we do to eliminate those pesky gnats? Thank you. Pam


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