
Insect ControlAsk a Question Follow

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Frugal Spray For Flying PestsSpray flying pests with a solution of 1/3 rubbing alcohol, 1/3 vinegar and 1/3 water. This is the same solution I use to clean my hard floors. Spraying flying creatures with windex or hairspray also works. By Lynn


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Bluish Black Flying Insects on My Roof?On the roof of my home I thought I had an infestation of bees. Upon closer examination I don't know what these insects are.


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Millipedes in My House?Millipedes in My House. I need to know how to get rid of all the "thousand leggers" in the house, they just creep me out!


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Locust Making Holes in Window Screens?Small holes appeared in window screens all around the house. They were replaced about a month ago. The holes began appearing again and the culbret was caught in the act! A locust was actually seen cutting away. I have searched the web and can only find where they destroy crops/trees etc. Why window screens and how can this be stopped?


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What is Whiting?I am using boric acid to get rid of silverfish. I've read online that it is good to mix it with the inert substance, 'whiting'. What is whiting and where can I find it? The local hardware store does not carry it. Any suggestions?


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Keeping Bugs Away from Garbage Cans?How do you keep bugs away from your garbage cans?


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Earwig Syrup for Pest ControlEnvironmentally friendly. Mix all ingredients together and place in shallow dishes such as jar lids in areas where earwigs collect.


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Earwigs in Packaged Foods?Will earwigs get into my food, like chip bags and cereal boxes?


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Getting Rid of Maggots in Garage Wall?Maggots from a garbage can that is cracked on the bottom have made their way into the wall between garage and basement. They came out of the wall when strong cleaner was used on floor and trim.


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Black Bugs in Rice Products?How harmful is it to cook/use rice products that are infected. Must I throw all boxed items away? Can I open first and only dispose of those where little black bugs are visible? Will cooking destroy any harmful effects.


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Getting Rid of Rollie Pollie Bugs?To get rid of green small grasshoppers and rolly-pollies, put habanero peppers or Jalapeno peppers into a blender, add water, liquefy it, and strain into a sprayer. No more bug problems.


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Biting Insect Indoors?How can one tell if there are dust mites in the house and on the furniture? We have been having a problem with something that feels like it is crawling all over your skin. I don't even have any red marks on my skin. What in heaven's name is biting on me?


Controlling Earwigs

Controlling EarwigsThis is a page about controlling earwigs. If the earwigs have already infested an area they can be difficult to get rid of.


Homemade Bug Spray

Homemade Bug SprayThis page is about homemade bug spray. Making a spray to deal with insects can take care of the problem.


Carpenter bee drilling into wood.

Getting Rid of Carpenter BeesCarpenter bees will attack the wood trim and porches around your home making holes and tunnels for nesting. This is a page about getting rid of carpenter bees.



aphids on a plant

Using Soaps and Detergents for Insect...This page is about using soaps and detergents for insect control on plants. Keeping insects from consuming your plants can sometimes be a challenge.


Homemade Insecticide

Homemade Insecticide RecipesThis is a page about homemade insecticide recipes. Many gardeners prefer to make their own insecticide rather than buying products from the nursery or garden store.


bug spray

Identifying Flying InsectsThere are a variety of small insects that can be bothersome around the house and yard. Use these tips to help identify and mitigate common tiny insects. This is a page about identifying flying insects.



Identifying and Controlling LeafhoppersThis is a page about identifying and controlling leafhoppers. Leafhoppers belong to one of the largest families of plant eating insects. Identification is the first step in controlling them in your garden.


Dog in Grass

Insect Repellents Safe for Use Around PetsThis page is about insect repellents safe for use around pets. Use a safe product to keep the mosquitoes or flies away that will not harm your pets. :)



What is This Insect?This is a page about "What is this insect?". Whether you are trying to identify an insect in order to get rid of it or are simply curious, identifying insects can be fun and challenging.


Bug Bites

Getting Rid of Invisible Biting BugsWhen you are having trouble identifying what insect is biting you, they can be difficult to get rid of. This is a page about getting rid of invisible biting bugs.


Bug Catcher

Making Bug CatchersThis is a page about making bug catchers. It doesn't have to cost anything to make containers that attract and trap many insect pests.


A bunch of ants on a white background.

Identifying Small Black BugsHaving unidentified insects infesting your home can be annoying. It helps to know what kind they are when determining the best way to be rid of them. This is a page about identifying small black bugs.


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Tiny Flying Biting Insects?I am having trouble with these very tiny little flying pests and think they might be no see ums. I am using a product with 40% Deet and am still getting bitten. I can't afford to pay for a pest control. Why might this Deet not be working and might I be dealing with some sort of other pest?


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Getting Rid of Mites?I feel these bugs most often at night. I will be using my laptop and the light shining against my face might have something to do with them being jumping on my skin at this time. I sometimes feel a small puff of air against my skin and a small point of pressure; I am guessing this is when they jump.


A bottle of hairspray with a fine stream coming out of the nozzle.

Killing Spiders With HairsprayThis is a page about killing spiders with hairspray. Any kind of this common household beauty product is toxic to spiders.


Brown Flying Insects

Tiny Brown Flying Insects?Are you having trouble with tiny brown flying insects? This page has tips for identifying and getting rid of flying insects.


A cloud of gnats over a grassy field near sunset.

Fruit Flies and Summer GnatsThis is a page about fruit flies and summer gnats. There are a number of ways to reduce the invasion of gnats and fruit flies.


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Getting Rid of Millipedes?We have what we think are millipedes in the garden, when it gets dark they climb up the walls and around the patio door. Then they disappear when daylight comes .I have read all the facts about them, but am unsure of how to get rid of them. We are afraid to use an insecticide as we have 4 doggies.



Hand spraying hairspray.

Using Hairspray to Kill InsectsHairspray will immobilize the insect by coating its wings, so you can safely kill it. This is a page about using hairspray to kill insects.


A bowl of diatomaceous earth (DE).

Diatomaceous Earth for Insect ControlTo safely kill bugs you can use food grade diatomaceous earth. It is a powder that is the fossilized remains of marine phytoplankton. It is sharp, and cuts the insects. This is a page about diatomaceous earth for insect control.


Identifying Insect Eggs

Identifying Insect Eggs?This cluster was on my wall in Virginia. The individuals are so small it was hard to get a good focus, but this was the best I got. It looks to me like tiny roaches around more eggs, but I'm stumped.


A man spraying a plant for spider mites.

Getting Rid Of Spider MitesSpider mites can damage and even kill garden and houseplants. Remove the infected leaves and stems and discard. A mixture or rubbing alcohol and water in equal parts can be sprayed on plants to kill the mites. There are additional methods offered on this page.


A close up of a small bug.

Need Help Identifying Small BugHelp! As I was leaving my house this afternoon, a small black and reddish bug I hadn't seen before was crawling quickly along the edge of my porch. I attempted to catch it to see what it was and squished it instead. I'm VERY concerned it could be an early German cockroach nymph and would greatly appreciate help in IDing this!


Identifying Tiny Reddish Brown Flying Bugs?

Identifying Tiny Reddish Brown Flying Bugs?Most of the time I find them on my TV or window and curtains. They're in one of the bedrooms. They fly around like mosquitos.


Identifying a Tiny Flying Hard Shell Bug? - closeup of bug

Identifying a Tiny Flying Hard Shell Bug?It is not a flea, but is about as tiny. It has a hard shell, wings, and can fly. It wiggles around, doesn't bite, and is mostly outside. It gets inside the house and likes the television screen light. I live in Pennsylvania.


A yellow-brown winged insect on a black surface.

What is this Insect?I live in the South-Eastern US and found this in the bedroom on the carpet. Google lens is saying cicada or in that family or glassy winged sharpshooter or maybe springtail. To me it looks like a moth variety. Additionally, my wife is getting bitten quite often by something we can't seem to see so it is important to ID anything we can find. Oh, yeah. This thing is maybe 1/8-1/4 in. Thoughts?


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Worms in the Rice and Moths in the Cupboard?I discovered many moth like flies in my cupboard. Later I went to cook rice and we had worms in all our rice packages. They were not even opened yet. I washed all the shelves, sprayed them with insecticide and threw away all the rice.


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