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How do I Keep Squirrels out of the House?We have squirrels in between our kitchen ceiling and bedroom upstairs, we do not know how they are coming in but do know they go onto the roof. Does anyone have any ideas how to keep them out besides trapping them. The electronic Pest Control units do not seem to work, I have 3 of them. From Anna in Maine


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Keep Squirrels from Going into a Bird Aviary?I'm having problems with the squirrels going into the bird aviary. Can I get rid of the squirrels with rubber snakes? Do I hang the snakes on trees, fences, or the bird aviary itself? Can you help me out? Thank you. Mike


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Keeping Squirrels off My Walnut Tree?I can't stand the mess... Every morning I'm cleaning up after about 6 squirrels who are feasting in my wild (100 year old) walnut tree. What do I do to keep them away? My yard is a disaster; I spend hours cleaning up all the shells and the outer-coat of the walnut. It's a mess also because the outer-coat of the walnut stains everything it touches... What can I do to stop them? They are getting to the tree by the truck, and from the top of Garage. There no way to isolate the tree from these pests...


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Squirrels Tearing Up Outdoor Furniture?I need help on how to stop squirrels from tearing up and taking out the insides of brand new cushions on outdoor furniture.


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Squirrels In Garbage Cans?Does anyone out there know what I can use to keep the squirrels from eating out of my garbage can... and yes, I do have a lid but that doesn't work.


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Keeping Squirrels and Pests Off Grape Vines?How do I keep squirrels and other pest off grape vines?


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Keeping Squirrels From Eating Wooden Stairs?I have an elderly client that lives in the country, and he is having trouble with squirrels eating his wooden steps outside his front door. Is there anything inexpensive he can use to deter them and/or stop them from doing this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Using Moth Balls for Squirrels?Can I use moth balls to rid my garden of squirrels? If not moth balls what else is effective?


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Squirrels Eating Flowers?I live in a garden apartment and my upstairs neighbor feeds the very large squirrel population. I love to grow flowers in planters on the stoop, but the squirrels uproot the flowers and I find them lying dead next to the planters.


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Getting Rid of Squirrels?How do I get rid of squirrels?


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Squirrels Eating Plants?I tried to plant seeds and then actual plants in my porch flower boxes. The squirrels keep digging them up and destroying them. I live across the street from a park. I tried putting mesh on top of the soil, I tried moth crystals, no help.


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Homemade Squirrel Repellent?I need a recipe for squirrel repellent that does not keep the birds away too. I found one made with cayenne powder, but that will hurt the birds, won't it? These rodents eat a small fortune in birdseed!


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Getting Rid of Ground Squirrels?I need the recipe for getting rid of ground squirrels. Thanks!


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Keeping Squirrels from Eating Hammock Strings?How can I keep the squirrels from eating my hammock strings?


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Natural Repellent for Squirrels?Squirrels are eating my tomatoes! I've tried every trick in the book, chicken wire to surround plants, coffee grounds, skunk plants, whirrley-birds, flags, streamers, fake snakes, fake owls, moth balls, Shake Away urine granules (and human, I was desperate), dog hair and human hair.



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Squirrel Repellents?What smell do squirrels hate?


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Squirrels Stealing Stuffing from Outdoor Furniture Cushions?What can I spray on the cushions of my porch swing that won't stain them, but will prevent the squirrels from ripping the cushions and taking the stuffing for their nests?


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Trouble with Chipmunks?Can a chipmunk make a burrow under a concrete slab? This chipmunk also ate through sealant to close holes. Is that normal? It has been pulling the carpet fibers out of the carpet too.


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How Do I Keep Squirrels Out of an RV?What is a good way to keep squirrels and other pests out of our motorhome that is parked?


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Squirrels Chewing Through Window Screens?I made a big mistake in the summer time. A baby squirrel came to my window and I felt so bad for it. It was such a little thing. Well, winter time came and I had to stop feeding her, she grew so big.


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Squirrels in My Attic?How can I get rid of the squirrels in my attic?


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Pesky Squirrels Chewing on Screen Door?I have some really cute little red squirrels that visit me every morning. I love to watch their antics however they have started to chew on my screen door. Does anyone know if there is something I can rub or spray on the screen which would discourage them.


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Getting Rid of Squirrels?Does anyone know how to get rid of squirrels? Are there any home remedies for getting them away from your house?


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How to Make Homemade Squirrel Repellent?I need a recipe for homemade squirrel repellent. Thank you.


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Squirrels Eating from Bird Feeders?Maybe not exactly a gardening question, but not quite a pets question either. I have been told that the best way to keep the squirrels out of my birdfeeders is to mix red pepper in with the seed. Mammals (squirrels) are affected by the pepper taste, birds are not. Any info?


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Squirrels Digging Up Tulips?Squirrels dug up all my tulips; how can I stop them?


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Keeping Squirrels Out of Fruit Trees?I just landscaped my backyard and added about 5 fruit trees. First I noticed all the pomegranate blossoms and one small fruit on the ground one morning. Then I was admiring the Asian pear on my tree and the next day it was gone. There was a slight hole under the tree like it was dug away.


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Squirrels Digging Up Potted Plants?The squirrels are destroying my plants by digging in all the pots. Anyone have any methods to preclude this?


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Keeping Squirrels Out of a Tree?I have a ornamental pear tree in front of my house. The squirrels make so much mess. Is there a way to stop them from coming on the tree?


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Keeping Squirrels from Chewing Car Wiring?Squirrels are chewing the wires on my car (battery, control systems, and plugs). It needs to stop. My car is in shop now, because of this! What can I do to stop this?



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Squirrels Eating My Apricots?I have an apricot tree that generally yields well. This year, there are dozens due to mild winter weather in northest Ohio. The tree is one of those varietals with an alleged, edible pit. In the past five years, we have yet to taste a ripe apricot.


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Keeping Squirrels Out of Trees and Off Balcony?I have a balcony one floor up from the ground. There are trees on either side, and the squirrels climb up them, then onto a ledge, then onto my balcony where they dig in my flower pots and eat through the wire on my string lights.


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Keeping Squirrels Out of Potted Plants?How do I keep squirrels out of potted plants on the patio?


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Getting Rid of Chipmunks?Do chipmunks come back to where they were trapped even if you take them 4 miles away to release them?


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Squirrel Repellent?How do I make a spray using cayenne pepper to deter these rodents?


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Chipmunks Eating Tomato Plants?How do I get rid of chipmunks that are eating my ripening tomatoes at the bottom of the plants?


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Chipmunks on The Roof?How can I eliminate chipmunks running around my roof all night?


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Squirrels Gnawing on House?Is there anything that can be put in paint to keep squirrels from eating the wood on the house?


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Squirrels Chewing on Car Wiring?They have made a nest three times and ate wires in the motor of my SUV. Someone suggested using smelly drier sheets, at night when not using the car. It didn't work. We then had nice smelling nests. Any help will be greatly appreciated?


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Squirrels Tearing Up Lawn Furniture Cushions?I have a problem with squirrels tearing my lawn cushions apart. What can I do to stop this? Can I make a homemade squirrel repellant and if so can I have a recipe?


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Chipmunks Eating Tomatoes?Anyone have suggestions on how to keep chipmunks away from eating my tomatoes besides putting up a fence?


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Squirrels Eating Tomatoes?When my tomatoes start getting ripe the squirrels eat them and leave about half of it on the ground. I have tried giving them water, but that doesn't help. I have a trap, but there are too many to control them. Any suggestions?


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Squirrels Eating Tomatoes?Before my tomatoes get ripe, (still green) they are after them again. They do this every year. I put water out for them and that doesn't help. So it isn't water they are after. None of my neighbors ever have this problem.


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Ground Squirrels Eating Beans and Cucumbers?Does anyone know how to keep ground squirrels from eating my bush beans and cucumber plants? They eat the blossom on the bean plants before the beans have formed and they are eating the leaves on my cucumber vines.


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Keeping Chipmunks Out of Garden?Will the chipmunks tunnel outside of the treated area and still be able to get into the garden? Also, I have raised beds and am concerned about them tunneling under the beds even with the area around the bed being treated.



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Chipmunk Burrowing Under Pavers?I had a chipmunk hole under a paver sidewalk in the backyard. Some pavers were broken and a chipmunk made a tunnel under them. I removed the broken sidewalk, sprayed Repel red pepper oil down and around his hole and filled in his hole.


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Keeping Squirrels Away?My next door neighbor is feeding a squirrel, now 3 squirrels, peanut butter cookies. I opened the door for my son and there was a squirrel hanging on the side of my front porch. Making a weird noise.


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Getting Rid of Nesting Squirrels in Shed?How do I get rid of squirrels nesting in a shed?


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Squirrels Chewing on Plastic Truck Parts?Squirrels are chewing all the plastic parts around the engine in my truck. How do I deter them?


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Squirrels and Chipmunks Chewing Car Wiring?I am having a problem, and this has been twice within 6 months. The squirrels are making a nest on top of my gas tank and chewing my fuel line wiring. Is there anything I can do to prevent this?I have never had this problem in the more than 19 years I have lived in my location.


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Getting Rid of Squirrels?Does anyone know how to rid the garden of squirrels? They keep digging up my grass, hiding and then retrieving food.


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Keeping Squirrels Out of the Dumpster?We got new dumpsters and they chewed through the lid of dumpster. Do we have to get metal tops? Ideas would be great.


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Squirrel Repellant Safe for Small Dogs?Is there a spray I can use on outdoor cushions that won't discolor them or harm my 6 lb. dog?


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Squirrels Chewing on Log House?How do I keep squirrels from chewing on a white pine log house, mainly the corners that stick out about 8 inches. The house is stained, but does not make any difference.


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Ants in the Chipmunk Traps?We have a neighbor who is doing massive renovations around their house. One unintended consequence is that our property is overrun by displaced chipmunks. I set out rat traps baited with peanut butter. That worked great for a while. Now the traps are attracting large numbers of ants.


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Protecting Outdoor Herb Plants from Squirrels?One of my favorite cooking ingredients is fresh herbs. I've grown many different kinds over the years. All have proved hardy enough to withstand the outdoors year round, even insects, here in Georgia, but they are usually mangled by reckless squirrels, even when I've grown them in large clay pots on our deck.


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Keeping Squirrels Out of Fruit Trees?Does anyone know how to keep squirrels from eating the fruit off the peach and plum trees?


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Squirrels Digging in Flower Pots?Squirrels come onto my patio and dig dirt out of my plant/flower pots. How can I keep them from doing that? I know they like to dig (ground squirrels), but why my flower pots? This is the second year in a row.


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Geting Rid of Chipmunks Getting rid of chipmunks?Chipmunks dig under my decorative rocks and under my mobile home. I had one inside this morning. Between me, an open door, and the cat we got it out. I don't want to repeat that.


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Squirrels or Raccoons Eating our Peaches?We live in Greenville, in southeast Missouri. Any safe easy suggestions on stopping squirrels or raccoons from eating our peaches? I am not sure which creatures are eating them. We absolutely do not want to harm them!


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Keeping Squirrels Out of Flower Pots and Garden?What is the best way to deter squirrels from digging up flower pots and gardens?


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Trapping Chipmunks?I have a humane trap that I will be using to catch chipmunks that are damaging my landscaping. When should I start trapping them so I do not leave their babies behind? What time of year or month? I live in eastern Pennsylvania near the border of NJ.


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Squirrels Eating from Suet Feeder?How can I stop squirrels from eating out of my hanging suet bird feeder?


Keeping Squirrels from Eating Homemade Suet - woodpecker on suet feeder

Keeping Squirrels from Eating Homemade Suet?I plan to make my own suet for the birds. What can I also include to keep the squirrels from eating it? I have a pair of woodpeckers that come daily, and now I have baby ones coming, but the squirrels keep eating most of the suet. Can I mix cayenne pepper in and how much or chopped up regular hot peppers?


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Keeping Squirrels Out of Fruit Trees?We have three fruit trees (apple and peach) and we are having issues with squirrels. We have lived in our house for three years and not once have we been able to harvest our fruit because they all get eaten. These fruit trees are old and planted along a fence line and surrounded by larger trees.


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Squirrels Eating the Roots of My Plants?What do I do if the squirrels seem to like the pepper I've been putting down? I'm trying to get my coleus plants to thrive this year, and now that I realize squirrels have been digging holes in them and eating the roots. I know it's not me that killed them in the past.


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Buying Fox Urine to Keep Squirrels Away?How can I prevent squirrels from chewing my car gas line/tube? You're suggesting using fox urine! But where doe one buy that? (We don't own a fox.)


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Keep Squirrels From Digging?How do I keep squirrels from digging up my lawn?


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