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Sweeten The Air With Herbs And SpicesPlace spare sprigs of fresh herbs directly on the oven rack toward the end of the baking or roasting time. The aroma will stimulate your family's taste buds and welcome arriving guests to the anticipated feast. By joesgirl


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Sharing Thankful ThoughtsAs your Thankgiving guests arrive give each a paper fall leaf to write a "thankful" thought on. Have them drop them in a clear vase or fishbowl. They needn't sign it unless they want to. Then, if there are only a few, read them before the meal, or after, or hang them up for all to see.


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Use the Crockpot for StuffingPrepare your favorite stuffing and bake it in your crockpot while the turkey occupies the oven. You can prep this the day before and refrigerate, it is so much easier than stuffing it into the turkey.


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Keeping Mashed Potatoes HotOnce you've mashed them, keep them on low, covered in a crockpot. Butter melts well on them. Delicious!


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Get the Whole Family InvolvedThanksgiving is hard to enjoy when you are doing all of the work. Even the littlest members of the family can help so don't take all the work on yourself. Make sure you get the family involved in the preparations, table setting, chopping of vegetables, cleaning and all of the things that you need done for a great celebration. It will make it more enjoyable for everyone if you are not stressed out when it comes time to eat. Susan from ThriftyFun


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Thrifty Substitute for Holiday MealFor a small family unit of a couple of people, a turkey for a holiday meal may be more food than can be utilized even with freezing the leftovers...


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Measure Ahead of TimeEspecially when making a big meal, like Thanksgiving dinner, have everything measured out ahead of time before you start cooking. It saves lots of time!


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Preparing Dressing or Stuffin'When preparing Dressing or Stuffin', for Thanksgiving or any other meal. Always prepare this dish either in a glass or Pyrex brand, or a roaster pan. Not in an aluminum baking pan...


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Cook Big Holiday Meals The Day Before?With the big holidays coming, I find when I cook a big meal, I'm too tired to eat. So I make everything possible the day before. Potatoes are peeled, boiled and mashed, dressing is made and baked (when it's done, pour over some chicken broth, cover with foil and it stays moist)...


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Prepare Food in Advance for Holiday MealsI always prepare holiday desserts a day or two ahead of time. I peel and cut my potatoes the night before the big day and then place them in a pot of water and store it overnight in the fridge.


Family Preparing Thanksgiving Dinner

Reducing Stress at Thanksgiving?This is a page about reducing stress at Thanksgiving. The holidays can be a busy time and Thanksgiving is no exception. With a huge meal to prepare, decorating and having company over, Thanksgiving can be very stressful.


A woman preparing a Thanksgiving meal.

Organizing Your Thanksgiving Cooking...This is a page about organizing your Thanksgiving Cooking day. Cooking your Thanksgiving meal can be very time consuming. Organizing and planning out your meal will not only save time but can help keep the kitchen chaos to a minimum.


Large Turkey and Side Dishes at Thanksgiving Dinner Table

Saving Money on Thanksgiving DinnerThis is a page about saving money on Thanksgiving dinner. There are many traditional dishes that get serves for Thanksgiving dinner. Many of them are inexpensive by themselves but all together it can really add up, especially if you are hosting a large dinner.


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Cooking a Turkey Breast in the Microwave?This is a page about cooking a turkey breast in the microwave. Instead of heating up your oven the next time you make a turkey breast, consider using your microwave. Keep in mind that When cooking a turkey breast in the microwave it is important to keep the meat form drying out.


A woman preparing a Thanksgiving meal.

Cooking a Large Thanksgiving Dinner?If you are fortunate to have a large group of family and friends over for Thanksgiving, then you know that cooking a large dinner can take some planning. Avoiding chaos and making a delicious dinner for a lot of people is possible though.



Cooking a Turkey in Your Oven, A turkey in the oven.

Cooking a Turkey in Your OvenThis is a page about cooking a turkey in your oven. Cooking a turkey can be quite intimidating if it's your first time. It is not as hard as it may seem to cook a turkey yourself.


Senior eating alone.

Dealing With Being Alone on ThanksgivingThis is a page about dealing with being alone on Thanksgiving. Being alone on Thanksgiving can be difficult. Volunteering or going out to eat are some of the ways you can still enjoy the holiday.


Cooking a Turkey in Your Oven, A turkey in the oven.

Cooking Ham and Turkey in the Same OvenThis is a page about cooking ham and turkey in the same oven. Many people like to serve both turkey and ham at Thanksgiving. Cooking them together can save time.


A plate of turkey dinner with turkey, cranberries and mashed potatoes.

Thanksgiving Dinner Without Much MoneyThis is a page about having a Thanksgiving dinner without much money. Not having a lot of money during the holidays can be tough. However, you can still have a nice Thanksgiving dinner when you are short on money.


A family eating Thanksgiving dinner.

Planning a Thanksgiving DinnerThis is a page about planning a Thanksgiving dinner. There is a lot of planning when hosting a Thanksgiving dinner. Beyond the food you may be looking for decoration ideas and activities for kids.


A girl helping make rolls on Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Family TraditionsThis is a page about Thanksgiving family traditions. Many people already have Thanksgiving traditions or are looking to start some for their family. Thanksgiving traditions can bring families together for generations to come.


Frozen turkey in packaging.

Saving Money on a TurkeyThis is a page about saving money on a turkey. Turkey is a holiday favorite. If you are looking for ways to save money on your turkey purchase, read on.


An elderly woman being served a meal.

Helping Others for ThanksgivingThere are a lot of opportunities to help others for Thanksgiving. Through donations or volunteering your time, you can help make Thanksgiving nice for others. This is a page about helping others for Thanksgiving.


Carving a Turkey

Using Your Turkey Bones for SoupA great way to save money is after having a delicious turkey dinner to put the turkey bones in the stock pot and make soup. This is a page about using your turkey bones for soup.


People at a Thanksgiving meal.

Finding People to Share Thanksgiving WithThis is a page about finding people to share Thanksgiving with. If you are alone for Thanksgiving you are certainly not the only one. Seeking out others in the same situation can make Thanksgiving for everyone. There may also be opportunities to join in someone's family get together.


A girl helping make rolls on Thanksgiving.

Preserving Thanksgiving MemoriesThis is a page about preserving Thanksgiving memories. Many people have fond memories of Thanksgiving in the past. Preserving those special memories and being able to share them in the future is invaluable.


Cupcakes decorated to make a turkey using several with different frostings..

Thanksgiving Cupcake IdeasIt is always fun to decorate cupcakes for the season and Thanksgiving is no except. There are lots of creative ways to tailor these goodies to complement your Thanksgiving dinner.


Paper hand print turkey.

Making Hand Print TurkeysThis is a page about making hand print turkeys. Hand print turkeys are a fun craft to make with your children. Whether you use paper, paint, or ink, your turkeys will make perfect Thanksgiving decorations.


Homemade Thanksgiving Pumpkin Turkey Centerpiece

Homemade Thanksgiving CenterpiecesThis is a page about homemade Thanksgiving centerpieces. Having a colorful decorative centerpiece for your Thanksgiving dinner table is a popular tradition with many families.


Fall Wreath For Thanksgiving

Homemade Thanksgiving...This is a page about homemade Thanksgiving decorations. It is fun and satisfying to make your own holiday decorations.



Making Acorn Cookies

Making Acorn CookiesThis is a page about making acorn cookies. These cute little candy and cookie treats are fun to make and eat.


Thanksgiving table with a roasted turkey

Thanksgiving RecipesEven if it is not your first time preparing a Thanksgiving meal, you may be looking for new or traditional recipes. This page contains Thanksgiving recipes.


A turkey on a farm with some chickens.

Raising a Turkey for ThanksgivingThis page is about raising a turkey for Thanksgiving. If you have the space to raise poultry, it can be satisfying to provide your own meat for the holiday.


Top down view of decorated pumpkin.

Thanksgiving Gift IdeasThis page contains Thanksgiving gift ideas. Sometimes bringing your host a little something special is in order.


Children at Thanksgiving Dinner

Celebrating Thanksgiving With ChildrenThis page is about celebrating Thanksgiving with children. Family traditions for this American holiday are carried on by sharing with our children.


A woman holding a cooked turkey.

Thanksgiving Time SaversThis page contains Thanksgiving time savers. There are a number of ways to have a great meal and make more time for visiting on this important holiday.


A family playing a game at Thanksgiving time.

Thanksgiving Game IdeasThis page is about Thanksgiving game ideas. If you want to add some excitement to help break the ice at your holiday gathering, there are some fun games you can play.


A woman holding a turkey for her family at Thanksgiving.

Bringing Families Together at ThanksgivingAs families grow you may need to adjust what day and how dinner is made, so that everyone is able to get together. This is about bringing families together at Thanksgiving.


Thanksgiving Celebration

Thanksgiving Celebration Ideas?This is a page about Thanksgiving celebration ideas. In addition to or in place of the traditional sit down turkey dinner, there are other ways you, your family, and friends can celebrate Thanksgiving.



Thanksgiving Recipes for KidsThanksgiving is one of those food centric holidays, perhaps even more so since historically is has been celebrated to commemorate a meal shared with the Native Americans. There are many recipes that children can make for the holiday. This page contains Thanksgiving recipes for kids.


grandmother and child with pumpkin pie hot from the oven

Thanksgiving Day ActivitiesThis is a page about Thanksgiving day activities. Besides watching football games and parades, there are fun and free things to do for the entire family, before or even after the meal.


Thanksgiving decorations.

Thanksgiving PoemsThis is a page about Thanksgiving poems. Finding or creating prose to show your appreciation for this special American holiday can be inspirational and fun.


Sending Thanksgiving E-cards

Sending Thanksgiving E-cardsThis is a page about sending Thanksgiving e-cards. An inexpensive, fun way to show friends and family you are thinking of them at Thanksgiving, is with an online card.


A place setting for Thanksgiving, including a menu.

Setting the Table for ThanksgivingThis is a page about setting the table for Thanksgiving. Because of the traditional importance of the meal on this holiday, setting and decorating the table to mark the celebration is important.


A bowl of cooked turkey pieces.

Transporting Cooked TurkeyThis is a page about transporting cooked turkey. Keeping your cooked turkey moist when transporting it important to enjoying it later.



A happy family eating Thanksgiving dinner.

Thanksgiving Etiquette?This is a page about having an ex-spouse over for Thanksgiving. A holiday dinner is nice to share with others as long as everyone wants to get along.


Frozen Turkey

What Frozen Turkey Do You Like?Finding the best tasting bird and cooking it right, will help to make your big dinner a success. This page explores what frozen turkey brands that people like.


A group of friends sitting down to a Thanksgiving turkey dinner.

Celebrating FriendsgivingMany people choose to celebrate with their friends around Thanksgiving, called Friendsgiving. This alternative celebration is popular for college students or young professionals who cannot make it home for the holiday. It can be in lieu of a traditional Thanksgiving dinner or it can be a different dinner party around that time. This page is about celebrating Friendsgiving.


3D Pumpkin Pie Card - finished card

Making a 3D Pumpkin Pie CardIf you can't be with your loved ones for Thanksgiving, send them this pretty little pumpkin pie card. It's a easy project for kids and adults alike.


Family of 4 with two young children having a video chat on a computer.

How to Safely Celebrate Thanksgiving?As COVID-19 continues to run rampant, many people are rethinking their big holiday gatherings. Some people will do something virtual. Others are keeping their gathering to just their small bubble and some are finding solace in taking the year off from the holidays. How are you planning on safely celebrating Thanksgiving this year?


A paper turkey craft made from a child's handprints.

Turkey Napkin HolderTurkey place holder or napkin holder for kids. Take paper towel tube and cut off a 4 inch piece and then cut another 2 1/2 inch piece. Using marker, I painted the body on the tubes. You can use felt to cover or paint.


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Plan Ahead for Holiday MealsHosting a holiday dinner? Planning ahead is crucial! Plan your guest list, your menu, and your detailed shopping list. Plan for extra /backup food items.


A bowl of Thanksgiving dressing or stuffing.

Thanksgiving Dressing RecipesI am not a good cook but I love Thanksgiving dressing. I would like to request a recipe for what I believe is called cornbread dressing.


A collection of traditional Thanksgiving side dishes.

Thanksgiving Side DishesThanksgiving is not just about the turkey, favorite family side dishes are anticipated from year to year. As families blend, new dishes are added or substituted for old but some are nearly always included on the Thanksgiving table, like mashed potatoes, candied yams and stuffing.


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Cooking Turkey in a Clay Baker?How long do you cook a turkey for in a clay baker pan? Also at what temperature? Thank you, Susan


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Cooking Half a Turkey?Can someone tell me how to cook half a turkey?


The turkey with a stuffing package inside.

How to Easily Stuff and Unstuff a TurkeyOne member of my family insists on stuffing cooked in the turkey at Thanksgiving. I do that, as well as a separate casserole of stuffing. I noticed that much of the stuffing that goes into the bird gets stuck in the nooks and crannies. And it's kind of a pain to stuff the bird and have to find a way to keep it from spilling out.


Cranberry Sauce Made From Dried Cranberries

Cranberry Sauce Made From Dried CranberriesThis was a very easy way to make cranberry sauce. I used 2 cups of dried cranberries and 1 cup of water. I did not add any extra sugar and it was fine without it.


A Thanksgiving dinner served on paper plates.

Setting The Thanksgiving TableSome might think we non believers are a shallow, misguided, ungrateful lot. Nothing could be farther from the truth. While we may not practice a ritualized, much commercialized form of giving thanks to a deity, we too can deeply appreciate, even be humbled by, what we have.


A pumpkin decorated with bittersweet.

Bittersweet Pumpkin DisplayCreate a beautiful, natural autumn centerpiece using a pumpkin, dried wheat, leaves, and bittersweet. For rectangular tables you can place a smaller pumpkin on each side and arrange the wheat/grasses, leaves, and bittersweet around them as well.


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