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Hibiscus flowers made from gum paste.

Hibiscus GumpasteEverybody wants to have the best looking cake. Since it's summer season in my country, I get a few demands of tropical or summer themed cakes. Today I'm gonna show you how to make realistic hibiscus flower gumpaste, beginner level.


A wok stir frying vegetables.

Making Stir Fry at HomeMy son recently moved away from home and has been asking me for cooking tips for some of his favorite foods. I have made stir fry about once a week for my family for many years. It's a great way to use up excess veggies. I figured that I would share my tips with you all.


A box full of limes, lemons and oranges.

Using Up A Surplus of FoodI had an interesting problem recently in regards to food. In response to the coronavirus outbreak, Oregon closed all bars and restaurants in mid March. They could still provide take-out or delivery but many places shut down for the duration. Because this was relatively unexpected, the businesses had a great deal of produce and refrigerated food to get rid of before it went bad.


UFO Cow Abduction Cake - finished cake photo shot against a black backdrop

UFO Cow Abduction CakeThis UFO cake is just out of this world! The saucer and grassy ground area are two different cakes, so there is plenty for a big party. I saved a couple hundred dollars making this cake from scratch instead of calling up the local cake artistry. Plus, it was super fun. Here are the steps on how to make your own!


DIY Turntable Cake - finished cake

DIY Turntable CakeI'm not a professional baker or cake decorator, but I do love making personalized desserts for my friends and family. I made this cake for my band bassist who adores collecting vinyl records (and playing them on his turntable all day). I've made it so the tunearm can be moved on and off the record, while staying 100% edible.


Decorative Baskets from Oranges - handled basket ready to serve

Decorative Baskets from OrangesThis is a fun food craft where you can turn oranges into baskets that hold your fruit. It's fun and easy and you can really get creative with your designs! I've added two styles in this how-to.


How to Make Sushi Cakes - serving tray with sushi cakes and condiments

How to Make Sushi CakesYou don't have to be a professional baker to make professional looking decorative cakes. I made these sushi cakes using regular cake batter, frosting, and candies you can find at any shop. It cost me 1/10th of the price that I would have paid had I ordered them from a custom bakery and they were absolutely delicious!


Organic Produce in Supermarket

FAQ's About Organic FoodOrganic foods are often the better choice when purchasing food, especially produce. Here are some helpful FAQ's about organic food.


Hard Boiled Eggs

How to Blow the Shell off a Hard-Boiled EggRemoving the shell from hard-boiled eggs is easy if you blow on the shells to gently remove them. This page details how to blow the shell off a hard-boiled egg.


A person removing the skin from a salmon filet.

How to Remove Salmon SkinRemoving the skin from cooked salmon is fairly easy to do. One creative method includes using a cheese slicer to do the job. Prior to cooking, the skin and be simply peeled off. This is a page about removing salmon skin.


Tea Bags in a Row

How to Use Tea for Tenderizing MeatStrongly brewed tea works well as a marinade and a meat tenderized thanks to the tannins in tea. This is a page about using tea for tenderizing meat.


Bowl of Mixed Nuts

Freezing NutsA great way to maintain the quality of stored nuts is by freezing. This is a page about freezing nuts.


potato casserole

Make Two Meals at OnceYou can save time and money by making two or more meals at once. Large cuts of meat can be divided and used for several recipes. This is a page about make two meals at once.


Bunch of Bananas

Softening BananasYou don't have to let bananas sit on your counter, turning brown, until they are soft enough to make pancakes or banana bread. Here is a great tip to quickly soften bananas for your next recipe. This is a page about softening bananas.


Three different leftover cheese.

Using Up Leftovers from a PartyI hate wasting food. I just cleaned out my refrigerator last weekend and made sure that every bit of holiday food was used up or tossed. It can be a fun challenge to use everything up in creative new ways. Here are some of ideas I've heard about over the years.



Many Types of Meat on a BBQ

Planning a BBQ for 100 PeopleWhen planning a BBQ for a large group you will need to decide on your menu, including drinks, snacks, dessert, etc. Then estimate the amount of food in each category needed to feed your crowd. This is a page about planning a BBQ for 100 people.


Juicing and Growing Your Own Pomegranates - container and glass of fresh juice

Juicing and Growing Your Own PomegranatesMy family and I are known as the Pomegranate People because we've been growing them ever since I was a little one. In fact, the first thing I ever grew on my own was a pomegranate tree at age four. This is one method of juicing pomegranates at home, then planting the leftover seeds in order to grow more of the fruit.


Pieces fudge with nuts

How to Fix Grainy FudgeThis is a page about fixing grainy fudge. Grainy fudge is a common issue. Some recipes are more finicky, while others are more fool proof. Here are some suggestions if your fudge has turned out grainy.


A bowl of soft brown sugar.

How to Soften Brown SugarHard brown sugar can be softened with a piece of apple in the closed container or by heating it in the microwave. This is a page about softening brown sugar.


Smooth Whipped Frosting

Preventing Grainy FrostingEveryone likes a smooth deliciously sweet whipped frosting on their cakes and cookies. Use the tips for preventing grainy frosting when baking.


One carton of eggs.

Using Eggs After Their "Sell By" DateYou can see if your eggs float when they are past their sell by date. If they float, they are not good and should be thrown out. This is a page about using eggs after their "sell by" date.


Herb and Spice Mix

Making Copycat Herb and Spice Mixes at HomeBy reading the ingredients on commercial spice mixes, you can make your own seasoning blends. This is a page about making copycat herb and spice mixes at home.


Close up photo of homemade fudge.

Problems Making FudgeChefs will tell you that cooking is an art and a science. The science can come into play when making fudge. Not only do proper measurements play a role in the success of your batch of fudge, but so does the cookware used and believe it or not the weather. This is a page about problems making fudge.


Chips in a white bowl.

How to Refresh Stale Chips and CrackersA short time in the microwave can help make stale chips taste better. This is a page about how to refresh stale chips and crackers.


A jar full of pickles and pickle juice.

How to Make Pickle PopsiclesThe left over juice from a pickle jar can be frozen to make some tasty popsicles. This is a page about how to make pickle popsicles.


Melted Fudge

Fudge is Too SoftIf you have made fudge that is not setting up, you may be able to fix it. Making fudge that is too soft can be frustrating but there are some options to improve your fudge.


Black and Tan drink.

How to Pour a Black and TanPouring a proper black and tan is a handy skill to have, especially around St. Patrick's Day. Read on to learn how to pour a black and tan.


3 Ingredient Fondant ingredients

3 Ingredient Fondant RecipeFondant is used for detailed cake decorating. Make your own fondant with this quick and easy 3 ingredient fondant recipe.


Glad Press'n Seal Wrap

Uses for Glad Press'n Seal WrapPress'n Seal can be very a very useful variation of regular Saran Wrap. Once you start using it, it is easy to find many uses for glad Press'n Seal wrap.


Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Cake - slice of cake 2

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Cake RecipeWhether it's for a birthday party or other celebration, a mint chocolate chip ice cream cake is sure to get gobbled up by your guests. This cake is easy to make and can be decorated and customized for any occasion.



Frozen prices of beef.

How to Cook Freezer Burned MeatFreezer burned meat can be safely eaten, as long as it was properly frozen and defrosted. If possible, trimming off the burned portions will help prevent the taste that develops in freezer burned meats. This is a page about how to cook freezer burned meat.


Using a juicer to juice several lemons.

How to Get More Juice Out Of LemonsIf you are juicing lemons, limes or other citrus fruit, warming the fruit up a little before juicing will increase your yield. This page includes tips about how to get more juice out of your lemon.


A cooling rack made from 4 spoons

Impromptu Cooling Rack IdeasIf you need a quick cooling rack, you can easily use some spoons. This is a page about use spoons for an impromptu cooling rack.


Carping a delicious roast turkey.

Cook a Turkey Breast Side DownTo enjoy especially moist breast meat, you can cook your whole turkey upside down. This is a page about cook a turkey breast side down.


Father and Son Cooking Dinner Together

Saturday Meal IdeasCooking a meal at home for Saturday is a great activity to bring the whole family together. This is a page about Saturday meal ideas.


Roast Beef

How to Roast a Cheap Cut of BeefLess expensive cuts of roast can be tender and delicious, when cooked at a low temperature. This is a page about how to roast a cheap cut of beef.


Ramen Noodles in Soup Bowl

Recipes That Use Ramen NoodlesRamen noodles are the perfect base for many delicious soups that are easy to make. This is a page about recipes that use ramen noodles.


Leftovers stored in clear containers with lids.

Using Up Leftovers After an EventAfter large party or event like a potluck, there are often lots of leftovers to be eaten and used up. This is a page about using up leftovers after an event.


A golden syrup in a clear glass.

Light Corn Syrup Substitute RecipeSometimes when getting ready to prepare a recipe you may find that your are missing a specific ingredient and need to find a substitute. This is a page about light corn syrup substitute recipe.


An uncooked beef brisket on a white background.

How Can I Tenderize Beef Brisket?This is a page about how can I tenderize beef brisket? Low temperature and wrapping your brisket for slow cooking, can help make it moist and tender.


A woman with an upset stomach.

Beano Substitute?If you are gassy after eating beans, it might be helpful to try using Beano or a Beano substitute before eating beans. This is a page about Beano substitute.


A bowl of well cooked chicken noodle soup.

Foods I Can Eat After Having My Teeth PulledAfter having your teeth pulled, you may have a very restricted diet until your gums heal. This is a page about foods I can eat after having my teeth pulled.


A notebook with spices on a wooden cutting board.

Meal Planning Notebook and Filing SystemMeal planning allows you to eat a variety of healthy food without spending a lot of money. This is a page about developing a meal planning notebook and filing system.


A bowl of leftover turkey meat.

Replacing Turkey for Chicken in RecipesThere are so many delicious chicken recipes that can be made using another popular poultry turkey. This is a page about replacing turkey with chicken in recipes.


Fresh Milk

Making Sour Cream Butter From Fresh MilkOld fashioned milk with cream on top an be used to make many homemade treats. This is a page about making sour cream butter from fresh milk.



Turkey dinner on a plate.

Keeping Turkey Hot and Juicy After Cooking?Some foods, such as turkey, tend to dry out if not served quickly. This is a page about keeping turkey hot and juicy after cooking.


Uses for Lemons

Uses for LemonsThere are many benefits to be gained from the use of lemons. You can cook with them, use lemons to clean the microwave, and use lemon juice on your face. Get more ideas for how to use lemons around the house in this page, uses for lemons.


A yellow lemon cut in half, ready for use.

20 Uses for LemonsTips on keeping lemons fresh, uses for lemons and a few lemon recipes. I wash and dry fresh lemons. Cut them into wedges and de-seed them. Toss them into a freezer proof bag or container. Whenever I need a lemon in my drink, I add the frozen wedges.


'Sharky' Goldfish Birthday Cake - finished sharky goldfish cake

'Sharky' Goldfish Birthday CakeWe had a "sharky" goldfish themed birthday cake for our son's 3rd birthday. I made him this cake using fondant. He loved it!


Growing Sprouts In A Jar - Sprout Garden

Growing Sprouts Next to Your Kitchen SinkYou can easily add fresh veggies to your diet by growing various sprouts in a small space on your kitchen counter. This is a page about growing sprouts next to your kitchen sink.


Homemade Sloppy Joes - sloppy joe with tots

Homemade Sloppy JoesA sloppy joe is a delicious and easy to make dinner that everyone will love. This is a page about homemade sloppy joes.


Sprouting potatoes in a bowl.

Keep Potatoes from SproutingThis is a page about keep potatoes from sprouting. As potatoes ripen they will begin to sprout. There are some things you can do to slow down this process, such as storing in a dry, dark, cool place.


A woman kneading bread with a child.

Baking Bread With Your GrandchildrenThis is a page about baking bread with your grandchildren. Teaching your grandkids the basics of cooking can help prepare them for their future and be lots of fun.


Popped corn in aluminum foil.

A Simple Trick For Better PopcornI learned something a couple of weeks ago and wanted to share with you. I bought a bag of popcorn at Dollar Tree. It was the stovetop type. Back home, I popped a pot full. Except for a couple kernels, every one popped. I thought, 'Gosh, this is nice'! And unusual, too.


A glass of iced tea with stevia.

Homemade Stevia SweetenerIf you grow stevia in your garden at home, try making this easy homemade sweetener. This is a page about homemade stevia sweetener.


Heart Shaped Tomato

Making Heart Shaped TomatoesThis is a page about making heart shaped tomatoes. For a Valentine meal or just a special touch for someone you love, you can make heart shapes with grape tomatoes.


Brain Dip for Halloween

Brain Dip for HalloweenThis is quite simple. I used store bought Cajun Crab Dip from the seafood department. Then I shaped it into a brain. I used Sriracha sauce to make the veins, but you could use catsup. A simple and spooky dip for Halloween parties!


Hedgehog Cupcakes

Hedgehog CupcakesI made these adorable cupcakes for my mom's birthday!


Cut up zucchini to use in place of fruit.

Use Zucchini as Apple or Pineapple SlicesThis is one of the neatest things for using extra zucchini. You can use those large ones no one wants or regular sized ones in place of apple or pineapple slices in pie or cake recipes.


Bag of flake breakfast cereal spilling out on counter

Uses for Cereal CrumbsThis is a page about uses for cereal crumbs. The crumbs at the bottom of your bag of cereal can be saved and used in baking recipes such as cookies.


Eat Leftovers And Be Grateful

Eat Leftovers And Be GratefulI've made reference in other posts to the fact that, when I was a child, we were quite poor. We didn't have a car. Few families in my neighborhood, did. I think we were the last to get a television.


Groceries ready to be cooked for dinner.

Fast Food Versus Good FoodIt seems like I've posted online a lot lately about healthy food being cheaper than "fast food," but I get the feeling that many remain unconvinced. To illustrate, I'd like to share a purchase I made recently at my local grocery store. Here are the items I bought:


Delicious cooked steak.

Turn Cheap Steak Into Amazing SteakI love a really good fillet mignon from time to time, but my purse never does! Here is a super easy way to make even the cheapest cuts of steak into a velvety delight, using just salt and sugar.


bowl of soup

Leftover Hamburger Pasta SoupAll you need to do to use some leftovers and make a different meal. Add a quart size carton of chicken broth to last night's leftovers and make a fabulous soup. Last night we had a hamburger, tomato & pasta dish, but you can use any casserole dish. Top it with shredded cheese and bread on the side.


frozen veggies.

Adjusting to a New LifeMy husband recently passed away and life has changed so much. One issue I have had was cooking for one. Buying things like celery and carrots was beginning to be a waste since I couldn't use up the fresh vegetables as fast.


A bowl of popcorn.

Healthy Microwave PopcornAll you need for some perfect fresh popcorn is some popcorn kernels, a microwaveable bowl, a microwaveable plate that fits on top of it, and, if you so desire, a pat of butter or coconut oil.


Fixing a Failed Crumb Coat

Fixing a Failed Crumb CoatI recently made our daughter a red and blue velvet cake for her birthday. The cake was horribly crumbly and I had a really hard time crumb coating it. I was running low on frosting and decided that instead of making more to add a thicker coating to cover all of the crumbs, I would embrace my mess!


4th of July Red and Blue Velvet Cake

4th of July Red and Blue Velvet CakeWe recently bought a boxed cake mix for red and blue velvet cake. I made a buttercream frosting for the filling, sides, and shell border. I topped it with stabilized whipped cream. Then covered it in sliced strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. It was the perfect balance of sweet!


Checking Eggs for Freshness

Checking Eggs for FreshnessWe have 2 chickens and the eggs can stack up quickly sometimes. We collect our eggs in a basket on the counter. Then when the basket gets full, we put them into a sink full of water (at least a few inches above the eggs) to check their freshness and clean them.


open container with rice and chop sticks

Chinese Take-Out Containers Are PlatesDid you know that the reason the Chinese take out boxes are shaped the way they are is because they are meant to be used as plates?


supplies for sprouted

Make a Seed Sprouter for SaladsSprouting jars are about $20 in your local healthfood store. Instead, pick up either a sheet or a pre-cut plastic needlepoint canvas from your local dollar or craft store and cut them to fit the top your Mason jar and screw on with the canning ring.


Chocolate Covered Cherries

Making Chocolate Covered CherriesA delicious, rich candy can be made with maraschino cherries dipped in chocolate. This is a page about making chocolate covered cherries.


Multi-Tasking When You Bake

Multi-Tasking When You BakeI always tried to bake multiple items in the oven when I need to use it. It's cost efficient and saves time and energy too! Today I am in the process of cooking down pumpkin for a pie and making appetizers for a party. I figured I would add two hamburger patties into the oven and have tonight's dinner ready as well!


Eat Healthy and Save Money Too

Eat Healthy and Save Money TooYes, Virginia, it is possible to eat healthy and save money. If you are looking for a good New Year's resolution next month, here's food for thought. Use more beans, legumes, grains and seeds in your diet!


countertop meat grinder and bowl of ground meat

Using the Butcher to SaveI love saving money, as I'm sure most of you do. You buy in bulk at the market when specials are on. Well, I look at what's on sale, make a menu, then have the butcher cut my meat up to my specs.


Meal Tips for Single Workers

Meal Tips for Single WorkersMy daughter was challenged with working long hours and not having lots of time to prepare healthy lunches nor dinners. I came up with some hints to use as guidelines to help her continue to eat healthy while working long hours.


removing a watermelon stick 2

Cutting Watermelon SticksThis is an easy way to prepare a watermelon and is a kid friendly way to serve it.


George Forman Grill to Make Bear Paws

George Foreman Grill to Make Bear PawsI have little counter space so everything on it has to be a useful appliance! I regularly make grilled cheese or grilled vegetables on an open George Foreman grill or zucchini fritters on it. This weekend, I decided to try to make waffles!


pull back husk

Easy Way to Shuck CornI recently saw a video on Facebook showing someone shucking corn that looked really easy and eliminated all of the silk being stuck to the corn cob. I thought I would give it a try.


split avocado with seed still in place

Avocados on the Half ShellThis is the perfect late summer lunch. It is an easy and simple way for serving those super tasty small Hass avocados! Makes a perfect single serve lunch, for one, or even better - share larger ones with a friend.


Apple Crisp in a Jar

Apple Crisp in a JarMake your favorite apple crisp right into small canning jars. It is not only cute but is also a great way to freeze them for baking later. The jar is the perfect serving size and looks adorable with a scoop of ice cream on top.


Mess-Free Kabob Assembly

Mess-Free Kabob AssemblyI caught my husband assembling kabobs in this ingenius way.


Limp Celery

Reviving Limp CeleryThis is a page about reviving limp celery. That once nice crunchy stalk of celery is now limp and unappealing. Luckily there are ways to revive it.


herb scissors

Using Herb ScissorsI am loving my new herb scissors by Ball. They have several blades so they chop up herbs into tiny bits in no time and really don't miss much. They come with a sheath/comb to get any stuck herbs out of the scissors. They are pretty cool and not very spendy.


Heart Shaped Carrots

Making Heart Shaped CarrotsHeart shaped carrots are a fun addition to any recipe calling for sliced carrots. Watch this video and learn how to make them...


Roast Chicken

Cooking a Turkey in an Electric Roaster OvenThis is a page about cooking a turkey in an electric roaster oven. Rather than using your oven to roast the turkey you can prepare the perfect bird in an electric roasting pan.


A perfectly cooked beef roast on a cutting board.

How to Cook a Frozen RoastEven less expensive cuts of meat can come out moist and tender when cooked properly. You can save time by cooking the roast right out of the freezer.


Make Ramen in a Bowl

Make Ramen in a BowlThis is a quick tip on how to make ramen in a bowl. Ramen is already a quick and easy meal but by making it in a bowl, you don't even have to dirty a pot.


heart shaped carrot slices

Making Heart Shaped CarrotsHeart shaped carrots are a fun addition to any recipe calling for sliced carrots. Here is how to make them:


corn brush

Corn Brush for Cleaning EggsMost of the forums online say to clean your freshly laid eggs by just rubbing them clean with your fingers under hot, running water. This can take quite awhile, especially in the winter when the chickens get everything muddy with their feet.


Food in Freezer Bags

Freezer Tips and TricksThis page contains freezer tips and tricks. There are a few things to know about storing food with this appliance, that will help you enjoy your frozen food.


My Chicken Stock has Nine Lives

My Chicken Stock has Nine LivesI have been spending a lot of time in the kitchen lately, cooking traditional foods that our ancestors and grandparents cooked, in fats that our grandparents and ancestors cooked with.


Frozen Red Potatoes pieces on plate

Using Frozen Raw PotatoesWhen raw potatoes have been frozen, they are soft when thawed. They can be cooked right away and used in some dishes without a change in flavor or texture.


Brown Sugar

How to Make Brown SugarThis page tells how to make your own brown sugar at home. You can easily make your own brown sugar by adding 2 tablespoons of molasses to 1 cup of granulated sugar.


Spinach Quiche

Side Dishes That Go With Quiche?Finding the best complements to your main dish will make for a great meal. This page is about side dishes that go with quiche.


bottom of cupcake on frosting

Eating a Cupcake With Less MessA while back I brought cupcakes to my friend. She did the strangest thing before eating one. She broke the bottom off of the cupcake and plopped it on top of the frosting, like a lid.


Mini Raspberry Cheesecakes

Easy Mini Raspberry CheesecakesI had extra cheesecake batter so I decided to make these mini cheesecakes. They turned out better than the regular cheesecake!



Make Use of Whatever Comes My WayYes it is the time of year we long for during long, dark winter nights, the time of warmth and plenty. Trouble for some of us is that plenty can quickly become a bit too much as the glut of produce arrives.


A Cupcake Base as a Drinks Cover

Cupcake Liner as a Drinks CoverUse a cupcake paper case to cover your drinks in summer. Rip a small hole in the middle for the straw. No flies on me! :D


buttermilk substitute in a bowl

Substitute for Buttermilk in RecipesMost of us don't keep a supply of buttermilk in the fridge, so if a recipe calls for it, you may want to use a substitute. This is a page about substitute for buttermilk in recipes.


Corn cooked in the microwave.

Cooking Corn on the Cob in a MicrowaveThis is a page about cooking corn on the cob in a microwave. Corn on the cob can be prepared in a variety of ways.


Sandwich with a packed lunch.

Keeping Sandwiches From Getting SoggyThis is a page about keeping sandwiches from getting soggy. One major problem with preparing sandwiches ahead of time is that they may become soggy.


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