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Feeding Spaghetti to 200 People?I need to feed 200 homeless people spaghetti. How much noodles and hamburger and sauce will I need?


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How Many Cups For Mac and Cheese?How many cups of dry elbow mac do I need to make 80 servings of Mac and cheese?


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Cooking Lasagna For 70?I am making lasagna for 70 people in 19 x 11 inch pans. How many pans should I make?


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Baking Powder Leavening Substitute?Does anyone have a vinegar to baking soda ratio to use as leavening in biscuits or cake? I'm looking for a baking powder substitute, as it does not have a long storage life.


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Why Use Baking Soda In Cake Icing?Why use baking soda in cake icing?


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Honey Substitute?I have an allergy to honey, what could I use instead? Thank you


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Weight Watchers Food Companion Books?What is the most recent year that Weight Watchers published the Food Companion and Dining Out small soft-cover books?


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Packaged Tuna?I have packaged tuna (pouches) in my fridge and encountered a power loss. Can they be saved?


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Using a George Forman Grill?How do you release George Forman grill top if button does not release it?


A batch of plum jam.

Burnt Plum JamSlightly burnt taste and smell. Can I save by adding something?


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Fixing Mulberry Jelly?I can't get my mulberry jelly to jell. It stays in a syrup form no matter what I try.


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Hamburger Patties Are Dry?Lately my hamburger patties fall apart and are very dry. I'm supposing the fat content has something to do with it but how can I keep them from falling apart? I am making large patties kind of like a hamburger steak. Thanks for any help.


A jar of recalled peanut butter.

Recalled Jif Peanut Butter?Is it OK to make cookies with recalled Jif peanut butter?


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Finding 70s Weight Watcher Plan?I first joined WW in the 70s and thought it was the best. In my recent move my WW cookbook has disappeared and would love to find another. Also looking for a copy or image of the sheet that we kept track of what we ate. I remember it had a small check off of how many eggs, pork, etc. you ate per week. Can anyone help?


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How Much Chicken For 100 Kabobs?I'm having a party. How many pounds of chicken, do I need to make 100 kabobs? How much red, yellow and green peppers do I need and how many fresh pineapple do I need for everything?



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Using an Oven Bag in Crockpot?Can I use oven roasting bag for my chicken thighs in the crockpot and adding cream of chicken soup on top?


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How Can You Know If a Raw Egg Is Safe to Use?How do you know when an egg is still fresh to use?


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Using Mini Marshmallows for Marshmallow Cream?My fudge recipe calls for one 7 oz. jar of fluff. How many cups of mini marshmallows should I use?


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Finding Early 90s WW Exchange Program?There have been quite a few questions about the old selection program on WW and for my money, it's been the best and most direct plan ever. It actually worked. I'm just wondering if anyone has bought it and is it in Metric or Imperial?


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Fixing Wet Egg Salad?I put to much liquid in my egg salad and it is messy. What can I do to dry it out some?


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Chicken Salad for 20 People?How much chicken salad do I need to feed 20 people?


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Requesting Air Fryer InformationI have interest in buying an air fryer. Being a popular small appliance, I have read how great they are for cooking. But are they for cooking or reheating? Can they replace a toaster oven? How easy is to clean an air fryer? Does it require cleaning after each use? I rarely read anything about how easy or difficult is to clean certain small appliances or gadgets. For me, that is important.


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Finding a Book About Cooking Steak?I want to buy a book to help me improve my knowledge about how to cook steak. I do some research online and there is so many books out there. So I just want to ask can you guys give me some recommend that what book should I buy? Thanks a lot.


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Fruit Fresh Expiration?I have a bottle of Fruit Fresh, still sealed, with a use by date of March 2021. Is it still safe to use for freezing peaches?


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Potato Gratin Question?When cooking potato gratin, usually we use mixture of milk and cream. But I never know what does milk and cream do here? So I just want to ask what is milk and cream function here? Thanks.


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Out of Date Ezy Sauce?Would an unopened 2016 bottle of ezy sauce be ok to use?


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Softening Brown Sugar?How to soften brown sugar that is hard?


A can of sweetened condensed milk.

Substituting Condensed Milk for Milk and Sugar In a Recipe?I am not promoting any particular product. This question has been asked previously with only one answer that seems appropriate. Please read the question twice before leaping on the keyboard. Can condensed milk be substituted for milk and sugar in a recipe? (i.e. as part of the 4 cups whole and 1 1/2 cup sugar in tapioca pudding.)


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Frozen Raw Cabbage?It was cold last night so I used my porch for a makeshift cooler. The cabbage I purchased yesterday is now frozen. Can I use the frozen cabbage in soup?


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Freezing Boxed Cake Mix Batter?There are only two of us. When mixing up a boxed cake, can I freeze half the batter to bake later?



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Cooking Noodles?Do you dry the noodles afterwards?


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Uses for Leftover Red Wine?What can I do with leftover red wine?


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Fixing Fudge With Too Much Evaporated Milk?I accidentally added 12 oz of evaporated milk to my fudge recipe calling for 5 oz. evaporated milk. I believe I cooked it long enough with 2 cups sugar, a stick of salted butter and two tablespoons of cocoa. I even used a candy thermometer. When I added my vanilla, I stirred another 2 minutes off the heat. It's very creamy and delicious but not hard like candy. Can I do anything now to fix it?


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HollandaiseWhen making hollandaise, you have to whisk the egg in heat, I have done many times but don't really know why. I did ask around and they said it's emulsifier but I don't understand at all. So can anyone tell me why we have to whisk the egg in heat so when we pour butter in, it's not gonna break?


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Cooking SteakI'm still new to cooking steak, especially beef. My co-worker in the kitchen said you have to cook it more often to get better at this, I know that but, is there any way someone can help me with this? I would like how to know when it is rare/medium/welldone ? I appreciate all the help and advice I can get, thanks you guys.


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How to Harden Chocolate Fudge?I had made fudge using chocolate and condensed milk and refrigerated it overnight but the next day, after keeping it out for more than three hours when I was cutting it, it was gooey and was not hard at all. How to harden fudge? And if I have to melt it again, how do I check the temperature without a candy thermometer?


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Semi Hard Cooked Fudge?I used 1 stick salted butter, 2 tablespoons cocoa, 2 cups sugar and a can of evaporated milk. I accidentally poured 12 oz evaporated milk in instead of 5 oz as called for. It was cooked long enough according to candy thermometer but not setting up properly. Can I fix it?


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Making Smaller Traditional Meals for the Holidays?With COVID-19 limiting the size of our gatherings - what are some thrifty tips for making smaller size traditional meals and saving money to do so?


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Substitute For Pork Chop FatIn years past, I have made some very good pork chops and gravy. Today, they're pretty good but not as I remember them.


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Cooked Weight of Elbow Macaroni?How much does 1 lb (455g) of dry elbow macaroni weigh when cooked (wet) in grams?


A recipe that uses large marshmallows.

Converting Recipe Using Large MarshmallowsI have a recipe that calls for 12 large marshmallows. How many small marshmallows can I use instead and or how much marshmallow cream?


Two cake pans stuck together.

Cake Pan Bottom Stuck in Another Cake Pan?I have a 9 inch cake bottom stuck a little more than halfway in another 9 inch cake pan, it's jammed really good. Any suggestions?


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Making Really Smooth Sweet Potato Purée?I have been freezing sweet potato purée for later use, but need some advice on getting the purée really smooth.


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Substituting Evaporated Milk for Whole Milk in Baking?Can I substitute evaporated milk for whole milk in a pound cake recipe?


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Cooking Beans in the Little DipperInstead of using the crock pot to cook beans, can I use the "Little Dipper?"



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Using Frozen Cabbage?Can frozen cabbage be used to make chow chow?


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Problems Deep Frying Fish?I was wondering what I am doing wrong. Every time I try to deep fry fish it sinks to the bottom of the pan and when I try to get it out it falls apart.


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Number of Cups in a Quart of Macaroni?How many cups equals a quart of macaroni?


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Cooking Green Beans in a Bag in the Crockpot?I am making green beans in a cooking bag in my crockpot. Do I set it on high or low? I haven't ever used the cooking bag crockpot method before.


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Baking Canned Biscuits in an Air Fryer?We have the InstaPot Vortex air fryer that has 2 slotted type shelves & a bottom solid shelf. Does anyone have a recipe to cook canned biscuits in it? I've tried, but don't want to continue to waste food that isn't cooked and not worth eating.


How Many Cups in Jar of Marshmallow Creme? - jar of Kraft marshmallow creme

How Many Cups in Jar of Marshmallow Creme?How many cups are in a 13oz jar of marshmallow cream?


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Baked Fudge Too Runny?I made baked fudge with cocoa, flour, sugar, eggs, and a little vanilla. I doubled the recipe and all ingredients. I then baked it in the oven sitting in a pan of hot water at 325 for 45 mins. It was super runny like still moving in the pan when I took it out of the oven. It was crusty on top, like the recipe stated it would be. It sat over night, in the fridge, but it's still runny.


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Banana Pudding too Firm and Thick?I have been following the recipe on the Nilla waffer box and my pudding doesn't stay creamy once cooled. It becomes thick like a cheese cake. What am I doing wrong?


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Using Crockpot Insert in the Oven?If I use a ceramic pot that was in my crockpot and wanna cook a pork shoulder for pulled pork, low and slow, what temp should the oven be? I wanna cook it like it's in an actual crockpot, but in the oven.


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Marie Biscuit Fudge Not Setting?I tried the Marie biscuit fudge. The recipe called for 3 eggs. I think it was too much. It won't set! What can I do to fix same? Will adding condensed milk and microwaving it work?


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Using Frozen Cabbage?I went to get my cabbage out of the fridge and it's frozen! I'm making pan fried cabbage and noodles. Will this still cook up? I don't care if it soaks up the butter, just want to be able to use it.


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Roasting a Frozen Pork Loin?How long do I cook 2 pork loins from frozen state in an electric roaster pan?


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Using Expired Cake Mix?How much baking powder or baking soda can I use to add to an expired box of Duncan Hines cake mix to help with the rising?


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Making a Lettuce Salad for 400?How much lettuce do I need to make salad for 400 people?


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Using Pimento?Are pimentos spicy hot? And how long can you keep a jar in your cupboard?


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Fixing Burnt Soup?I made big pot of chicken rice soup and it tastes badly burnt. Can I make it not taste burnt or take that gross taste away?


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Making Banana Bread in a GT Xpress 101 Cooker?Can I make banana bread in my GT XPRESS 101 cooker?


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What Can I Make with These Ingredients?What can I make with chicken breast, onion, mushrooms, runner beans, and natural yoghurt?


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Measuring Yeast When Making Bread?I am looking for some help in finding the amount, in kilograms, of yeast to add to 25 lbs of flour when making bread.


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Chocolate Fudge Dry and Grainy?I have been making my mom's fudge recipe for years, but the last few years I feel like it hasn't come out as it should. I have been blaming it on the fact that the chocolate (Hershey bars and Nestle semisweet chips) is not as smooth or creamy as it used to be.


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Measuring Ingredients for Mac and Cheese?This recipe calls for 2 3/4 cups of elbow macaroni. So is that 1 box or 2 boxes? Then it says 3/4lb grated cheese. How many cups is that? Numbers and I are not friends. Can someone one help me so I don't mess up.


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Cooking Ham and Turkey Together?I have a 8lb turkey breast and a 12 lb ham. At what temp and for how long should I cook them together?


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Using Whole Eggs in a White Cake Mix?Is the point of using egg whites in the Duncan Hines white cake mix just because it may change the color? I'm going to use food coloring so I would rather use whole eggs if it's all the same.


Baking Bread in a #303 Size Can - recipe book page for date nut bread

Baking Bread in a #303 Size Can?What products come in a no. 303 can nowadays? I am going to try a recipe for bread that calls for a no. 303 can.


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Fudge Did Not Set Up?My fudge has good flavor, but it didn't quite set hard enough. Am I supposed to use condensed or evaporated milk, or does milk vary by recipe?


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Substituting Evaporated Milk for Whole Milk?How much evaporated milk equals 1/3 cup of whole milk?


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Sifting Flour for a Recipe?Why do I have left over sifted flour when I sift 3 cups? Are you supposed to use all of the sifted flour when making a recipe?


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Substitute for Whole Milk?What can I use to substitute for whole milk if I don't have evaporated milk?


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Fudge Not Setting?So I was making my fudge recipe that calls for 2 cups of sugar, 1/2 cup milk, 3/4 cup peanut butter, and a tsp vanilla. Well I accidentally doubled the peanut butter, but not the rest of the ingredients and the fudge is not hardening. Can I fix it?


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Making Ice Cream Topping from Too Soft Fudge?My fudge is too soft. How can I make ice cream topping?


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Storing Uncooked Cabbage Rolls in Fridge?How long can I keep sour cabbage rolls in the fridge before cooking?


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Fixing Burnt Chili?How can you get the smell out of burnt chili?


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Converting Bouillon Cubes to Granules?How many cubes in 2-1/2 teaspoons of beef bouillon granules?


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Reprocessing Runny Jelly?I made some jelly on Oct 14 of this year. I followed the directions and sealed my jars and let the stand for 24 hours. The mixture was runny. So I refrigerated it and I just opened the jars and poured the content in a bowl and covered it with plastic wrap.


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Baking Pan Substitutions?I'm making brownies that call for a 10×15 jelly roll pan, but I don't have one. Can I use a 9×13 instead?


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Cooking Green Beans for a Large Group?How many people will a 19 9/16 x 11 5/8 x 3 3/16 pan of green beans serve?


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Making Marshmallow Cream Frosting from Canned?Can you add marshmallows to canned frosting to make marshmallow cream frosting?


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Using Canned Peach Juice in Making a Pie?The first person said to use 2/3 teaspoons of cornstarch mixed into enough of the peach juice to make a paste and stir over heat then pour into peaches. Can I use plain flour if I haven't got cornstarch and what effect will it have in the pie?


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Substituting Oil for Shortening in a Recipe?What amount of canola cooking oil would I use instead of 1/4 c. shortening?


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Problems Removing Loaf from a Sunbeam Bread Maker?I have just been given a Sunbeam bread maker. When making my first loaf today the dough wrapped around the paddle and when it finished baking I couldn't get the loaf out without destroying it. How is this prevented? The paddles do not seem to be removable.


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Making Pumpkin Bars?Can I make pumpkin bars in a 11.5 x 10 baking sheet? It's calling for a 17.5 jelly roll sheet.


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Using Silicone Bakeware?When using silicone muffin liners, do I need to "condition" with oil before first use, and is it necessary to use a muffin pan, or will cookie sheet work?


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Using Handi Vac with Ziploc Bags?How do I use a Handi Vac to remove air from Ziploc bags?


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Information About 10 x Confectioner's Sugar?Is 10x sugar one of the purest forms of sucrose?


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Cooking Liver in a Crockpot?Can I cook more than one piece of liver in my crockpot at a time? What tastes better milk or cream? and how much?


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What Is This Herb?Someone gave me a loaf of fancy deli bread. I didn't like it, but I ate it rather than waste it. To me, it really did have a weird taste. Can someone help me identify herb that did not taste good?


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Making Pimento Cheese Sandwiches?How much pimento cheese should I use per person on a sandwich?


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Substituting Gelatin for Pectin in Pepper Jelly?I am going to make some pepper jelly. The recipe calls for pectin, but the food store nearest me only had gelatin. Can I use it in place of the pectin?


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Fixing Runny Tomato Jam?My jam turned out runny. I followed the directions with Sure-Jell and redid it, but it is still runny. How do I thicken it? I don't know if it was because it was tomato jam.


Bread and Coffee Cake Not Rising - coffee cake in a pan

Bread and Coffee Cake Not Rising?Do you whisk your flour, stir with a spoon, or do anything special to your flour before measuring? All of a sudden my bread and coffee cake isn't rising like it used to. I bought new yeast and new flour. I'm stuck. I done it for years and now all of a sudden I have flat coffee cake. It tastes good, but....


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Substitute for Condensed Milk?I am wanting to know if a recipe calls for 1 can of condensed milk what can I use as a substitute.


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What Can I Make With These Ingredients?What can I make with cake mix and apple pie filling?


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What Can I Make with These Ingredients?I have baking mix, oatmeal, and peaches. What can I make?


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Can Under Cabinet Lighting Affect Shelf Life of Food?I keep my loaf of bread in an air tight plastic bag, as well a my fruit in a bowl, on my kitchen counter. I think that the kitchen cabinet lightening, which is under all of my cabinets, causes these foods to go bad because of the light and the heat. My husband says I'm crazy.


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Cleaning and Refurbishing a Squeezo Strainer?I have an old Squeezo strainer that belonged to my grandfather, so it is old. I want to say more than 60 years. It is looking tarnished and worn and I would like to use and refurbish if possible, but I don't want to get sick if there is anything contaminating on the grinder or the strainer. I cleaned it with a steel wool pad, but still do not feel safe.


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Devil Chilli Dip Too Hot?I have some chilli paste (dip) made from devil chilies, vinegar, and other ingredients. It is unbearably hot. How can I temper it down?


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Fixing Jam That is Too Thick?I made a peach and raspberry jam and a peach, raspberry, and orange jam and both are too thick. Is that fixable?


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