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bottom of cupcake on frosting

Eating a Cupcake With Less MessA while back I brought cupcakes to my friend. She did the strangest thing before eating one. She broke the bottom off of the cupcake and plopped it on top of the frosting, like a lid.


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Using Expired Cottage CheeseA few times, after finding the cottage cheese container buried in the back of the fridge, well past its expiration date, I've tossed it out. Recently, I got ready to toss out another container, but had a 2nd thought.


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Using Cooking Bags In Your CrockpotCan I use "oven cooking bags" in my crockpot?


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Dilute Full Fat Milk Instead of Buying SkimIf you are concerned about the fat levels in full cream milk, the most cost effective solution is to dilute whole homogenized milk 50/50 with water, rather than buying semi-skimmed. This means that you get twice the amount of milk for the same money.


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Reuse Healthy Choice Steamer BasketsIf you are trying to eat healthier and steam vegetables in your microwave, a bowl from Healthy Choice steamers works well time after time. You will also be recycling at the same time. I love not having to drag out my strainer all the time.


Ready Made Salads In Ziploc BowlsLike many couples with no kids in the house, we don't eat as we should. Here's a way to get a few more veggies in. Take one bag of salad lettuce and divide it into 6 bowls with lids.


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Make Frozen Lasagna Taste HomemadeThis is a tip I thought I would share since I did this over the week-end and my dinner guests loved the lasagna dinner. They all thought it was homemade! Little did they know, I purchased the Stoffers large frozen lasagna when it was on sale at my favorite store.


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Make Your Own 2% Milk At HomeI do not pay for the store to water down my milk, as in 2% and such. We found that we can do this at home. Buy whole milk and add cold water to it. Since this is a matter of taste, you will have to find what suits your family best.


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Preventing Lumps in PolentaIn the directions for cooking polenta, it says "add cornmeal to boiling water very slowly to avoid clumping". My mother taught me another way when I was a youngster.


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Using Crockpot Insert in the OvenYou can use your removable crock pot/slow cooker stoneware insert in an oven. Be sure the insert does not have any cracks or breaks in it. I normally coat it with a cooking spray for easy clean-up. I don't use the lid, for fear it would crack or break.


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Flour Tortilla NoodlesCut flour tortillas into strips with your pizza cutter. Use them instead of noodles when you make "Chicken and Noodles". Nobody will ever guess that they aren't homemade noodles.


Finding Old Weight Watchers Programs

Finding Old Weight Watchers ProgramsA number of posters are asking for information on the old Weight Watchers Exchange Program from the 80s. eBay has listings for the Weight Watchers Quick Start PLUS Program Cookbook. Same as mine from 1986, it lists all the information from the Exchange Program.


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Add Carnation Instant Breakfast to CoffeeI made the Carnation with 1/2 cup of milk, then filled my big ol' mug the rest of the way with my coffee. Well, it was just delicious!


Glass lids on top of measuring cup and other bowls.

Using Glass Lids To Cover Food in the MicrowaveAwhile back I dropped my one and only glass pot and shattered it. I stuck the lid in a cabinet and forgot all about it. A few weeks ago while doing a little fall cleaning, I came across it again and used it to cover something I was making in the microwave.


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Use Your Crockpot as an OvenI found I am able to use my crock pot as an oven. I have been trying everything in: acorn squash, yellow squash, zucchini, potatoes, yams, etc. - without any water. Often I leave some things like acorn squash, yams, and potatoes in the crock overnight - on the low setting.



Frozen Fruit in Water Instead of Ice Cubes

Frozen Fruit in Water Instead of Ice CubesWe like to make our own fruit waters. We simply put frozen strawberries and frozen blueberries into our water instead of ice cubes.


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Save Unused Ramen Seasoning PacketsI read your list of recipes for using ramen noodles, and I was quite disturbed to see that more than one reader had suggested that we "throw out" the seasoning packet when preparing her recipe.


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Prevent Mold on Cheese with VinegarIf you are like me and prefer to purchase a "chunk" of cheese instead of already shredded cheese, this tip is for you.


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Turn Spring Form Pan Bottom Upside DownWhen baking cheesecake in a spring form pan, turn the pan bottom upside down, so that the lip faces downward. This makes it easier to remove the entire cake or even just a slice because the cake server can be slid under the cake without interference from the lip.


Save Fuel When Cooking PastaUse a heat proof sieve or colander to cook pasta in the same pan as your vegetables


A shaker with cinnamon and sugar.

Glass Shaker ImprovementI love having cinnamon and sugar, powdered sugar, etc in a shaker on hand. Some problems I have come across are clumping, spilling and can attract critters. With my upgrade my shaker no longer has any of those problems.


The completed burger.

A Twist on Making HamburgersI love homemade hamburgers but I'm not partial to the thick, doughy store bought hamburger buns. To envelope my patty with all the fixings, I toast 2 slices of sandwich bread and cut them round using a 4 inch plate, bowl or most often my funnel.


Chicken breasts being pounded flat in a recycled cake mix bag.

Cake Mix Inner Bags For Freezing ChickenWhen it comes to fried chicken breast tenders, I like mine thin. My intent here was to use the cake mix bag just for pounding the tenders. Then it occurred to me that the bag itself would be ideal for freezing as well, and I have accumulated several over time.


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Kangaroo CookingAlways cook something for the next meal, with your current one: extra potatoes in broth, for cottage pie; extra stew, to chop up as pie fillings; extra rice, to make rice salad or tacos; extra fish, for patties; extra spaghetti, to cut up in soup; extra bolognese, to stuff baked aubergines or marrows, etc.


Cookies made with leftover crumbs.

Cooking and Baking with Substitute IngredientsI save all the crumbs from cereal in a bag in my freezer. I use these crumbs to supplement my flour in baking recipes. I also add them to a meatloaf, if the cereal was not pre-sweetened.


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Eating More Legumes Helps Save MoneySalads have become quite a bit less costly around my place these past few months. I've stopped buying lettuce and have replaced it with Napa cabbage which pairs beautifully with mung bean sprouts which I've learned to grow. Three tablespoons of dry beans makes enough for two good-sized salads. The cabbage lasts about a month without turning brown or wilting, and one large head is still less expensive than a head of iceberg. Fresh sprouts are crisp and significantly more nutritious than lettuce.


A cutting board with a knife, rubber band and a bunch of celery.

Free Hands ChoppingTake a cutting board, a heavy rubber band (I save the rubber bands that come on broccoli bunches), and something you want to cutup (celery, squash, carrots, you get the idea). Take the rubber band and stretch it over the short side - slide it to one side to the left if you are cutting right handed and to the right if you are using your left hand. Take the celery, slide it under the rubber band and begin chopping. So easy! And you can use both hands to chop. Always use caution when using a knife.


A cereal liner on a refrigerator door.

Cereal Liners Instead of Waxed PaperThere used to be a show called Extreme Cheapskates on TV. One featured person said the cereal liners are better than waxed paper. I wash them off and put them on my refrigerator to dry. I use them to separate hamburgers, pancakes and waffles for freezing. I also use them to keep my counter cleaner if I am flouring chicken cutlets or kneading dough.


Flax Egg Substitute

Flax Egg SubstituteWith the price of eggs soaring, a good substitute for cooking and baking is a flax egg. Use 1 Tbsp. of ground flaxseed meal and 2 1/2 Tbsp. of room temperature water for each egg. I refrigerate for 10 minutes or so.


Peeled and halved potatoes in a pot of water.

How Long Does A Potato Take To Boil?Potatoes are a common root vegetable used in recipes all over the world. These starchy tubers must be cooked before being eaten. Boiling potatoes is an easy way to ensure they are ready for your table or to add to another dish. Potatoes can take anywhere from 10-30 minutes, depending on the size of the potato.



A squeeze bottle filled with mayonnaise.

Use Squeeze Bottles For CondimentsSandwiches are probably the most popular lunchtime staples. Who doesn't like a sandwich for a quick and easy lunch or snack? This tip applies to wraps too!


Scrambled eggs with beet greens.

Scrambled Eggs With Beet GreensFresh beets are the best, however, don't throw away those beet greens. They are good too and so good for you. I'm still experimenting with them and have found that they sauté well, much like spinach.


A container with aquafaba.

Aquafaba Substitute for EggsAquafaba is the liquid canned chickpeas come in. You can also make your own if you cook dried chickpeas. You can use aquafaba from other beans, but chickpeas have the mildest flavor.


Cooking hash on a griddle.

Binding Agent For Making Corned Beef Hash PattiesI recently searched for something to bind corned beef hash to make patties'. A series of blog answers came up via this website. Of the few I read, there were suggestions but many still seemed to have difficulty with crumbling. I want to share what I did that worked for me:


Placing the cut can over the full can.

Keeping Carbonated Drinks Fresh After OpeningKeeping your carbonated canned drinks fresh after opening sometimes is a daunting task. Usually if they're open no matter what you put on them, they''re good for about a day and then all the fizz is gone. I experimented with many different things before I came up with one idea that will literally keep your carbonated canned drink carbonated and tasting like you just opened it for up to a week and, yes, you can use more of the drink and put this right back on and it''ll still hold it fresh and carbonated for 6 to 7 days!


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Cutting Time When Making PuddingInstead of heating cold milk in the pan with the packaged pudding mix, I heat the milk in the microwave first. It certainly cuts down on time spent stirring until the mixture boils!


A cut banana next to a lid to fit.

Banana SaverYou just need a banana, a knife and a lid that fits the size of the banana from your bag of lids that everyone saves, a cutting board and that's it. First, you cut the banana in half. Eat 1/2 and save the other half for later or tomorrow.


Using tongs for your toaster.

Use Wooden Tongs on Your ToasterIf you have trouble getting toast out of your toaster because the toast doesn't pop up enough above the top or because you have sensitive fingers I highly recommend using wooden tongs.


The end of a pomegranate.

Cut Pomegranates So They Don't Lose Their JuicesCut a cap off the top of your pomegranates then cut along the ridges on the pom. Look closely, they aren't perfectly round. You may need to FEEL the pomegranate to determine the ridges. There's usually between 5 and 6.


A pile of banana bunches.

Selecting Good BananasBananas slowly change color as they ripen. They start out hard and bright green, changing to yellow when they are ripe and then developing brown spots on the peel. When picking your bunch of bananas at the store, consider how quickly you are going to eat them.


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Muffin Tin MeatloafTry baking meatloaf in a muffin tin instead of the usual loaf pan. It will bake in half the time and you will have individual portions that are all ready to serve.


A wok stir frying vegetables.

Making Stir Fry at HomeMy son recently moved away from home and has been asking me for cooking tips for some of his favorite foods. I have made stir fry about once a week for my family for many years. It's a great way to use up excess veggies. I figured that I would share my tips with you all.


A container with lids in the bottom for drainage.

Drip Drain for WatermelonThese two stackable containers come in handy for many things. I pulled out four plastic lids and they fit perfectly. They are deep enough to keep the watermelon out of the juice which keeps it crisp and fresh. If needed, I can punch holes in them for more drainage.


A box holding a watermelon in a trunk.

Box for Transporting WatermelonIt's that time of the year when those delicious watermelons are in season. When we know we are going to pick up one or two, we put a box or the clothes basket in the trunk of the car to put it in. This secures the watermelon and keeps it from rolling around loose.


Crushing Crackers or Corn Chips for Soup Easily

Crushing Crackers or Corn Chips for Soup EasilyI love crackers in my chili and corn chips in my soup. But crushing them leaves a big mess. So I figured out a way to accomplish the crushing without the messing. Put two matching bowls, one with the crackers or chips in it, and one to crush them between the two bowls. No muss, no fuss! N-JOY!!



Placing a skewer in a lemon.

Cut Lemons No Longer a ProblemI use a lot of cut lemons but hate having a cut lemon half hanging around in my refrigerator until I use it again. Recently discovered that I can roll it gently (to release the juices) then pierce the lemon with a skewer. I just squeeze out the juice for a particular recipe I need, leaving the skewer in place when returning it to the refrigerator until the next time!


An avocado cut in half.

How To Tell When an Avocado Is Ripe?For years I thought if the sides were soft, the avocado was ripe. My husband heard on TV to touch the tip and if the tip is soft, the avocado is ripe. I had an avocado that was hard, but the tip was soft, and took a chance. The avocado was perfect.


Adding a popsicle to a cola drink to cool it down.

Popsicle To Cool Down DrinkToday, I was hot and thirsty. I went into the freezer to get my ice cubes, the ones that don't melt. I remembered I had loaned them to a neighbor. What was a thrifty girl to do?


A basket of fast food condiment packets.

Save Fast Food CondimentsEvery time I eat out, I receive tons of extra condiment packets. Usually, I don't need them, but I hate wasting food. I originally stored them in a ziplock baggy, but decided to find a container instead. I bought this cute heart shaped one at my local Mighty Dollar. Not only does it fit perfectly in my fridge door, but it allows easier access to my extra condiments packets.


Microwave Corn on the Cob for One

Microwave Corn on the Cob for OneI'm from the old school and covering corn with water and boiling it was my method for cooking corn on the cob until I learned that I can cook it in the crockpot. I haven't boiled corn on the cob since. See the link below.


Buckwheat waffle mix in a reusable jar.

Buckwheat Waffle MixBuckwheat waffles have become a routine Saturday morning breakfast for us. It is much easier to mix the dry ingredients ahead and just add the other ingredients later when I make the waffles. This quart jar holds enough for 4 batches of waffles. I have a note written on the jar. I can remember to add 1 cup of the mix to this.


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Apple Moist Cornbread MuffinsAt Walmart, while looking for a pastry blender (didn't find one), I saw a cheap ($1.89) 6 cup cupcake tin. I got one. And later, while using it, I made a nice discovery.


A loaded baked potato with asparagus

Crockpot Baked PotatoesIn the past, I seldom baked potatoes because it takes so long to bake them in the oven, however, I do love them. Today, I tried baking some in the crockpot and they were scrumptious.


Adding beaten egg whites as a leavening agent.

Pancake Without Leavening AgentLeavening agents are one of the most important ingredient in baking. Baking powder and baking soda are both leavening agents used to make your cake rise. Being a homebaker, I have discovered a simple technique to make cakes fluffy and well risen.


A sticker marking the top of a plug.

Use Cute Stickers To Mark Electrical PlugsI have some cute little stickers and use them to mark 'up' on electrical plugs, so I can quickly plug in my small appliances and other things. This tip is especially useful when an outlet is difficult to see when it's behind something else.


A microwave tray being used to hold spices.

Microwave Tray Spice HolderMy 11 year old microwave died and I salvaged the ring and glass tray from it and made a spice holder, using clear caulk to hold the ring in place. I placed the glass tray upside down on top of the ring, drew a 'template' of where the clear caulk needed to go, let it dry overnight, and it worked for holding the ring/tray in place.


Mandarin oranges mixed with whipped cream for an easy dessert.

Low Calorie DessertMix sugar-free Cool Whip with a mandarin orange. It tastes just like a creamsicle.


A hot dog bun made into French toast.

Hot Dog Bun French ToastAs I was cleaning out my freezer, I found one hot dog bun in the back. I usually make bread crumbs with it. Someone on one of my Facebook groups suggested making French toast with it. It was a great use of it.


A monkey drawn on a banana.

Banana ArtHere is a way to encourage your little one's to eat fruit. I spend some time with my preschooler in the morning drawing on the banana he will eat for lunch. That way we start the day sharing a few moments together and it reminds him that he is loved.


Brown sugar in a mixing bowl.

No Mix Homemade Brown SugarBeing frugal isn't complicated. It tends to be just the opposite. Over the years, I've shown appreciation for tips submitted by littergitter, Sandi/Poor But Proud and others, that make things unbelievable simple. Here's one from me.


A tea bag added to a quart of water.

Flavored WaterThis is a trick I learned from my granddaughter. I put a tea bag in a quart jar of water, set it in the refrigerator and let it steep over night or longer. The next day, I have some great tasting flavored water to drink and I just add a little lemon juice to it. It is good and it helps me to be able to drink at least 2 quarts of water a day. One is flavored and the other is not.


Kale in a soup.

Use That KaleI received a cut fruit arrangement and the greenery was kale - lots of kale! Instead of throwing it out to the wildlife, I decided to make Kale soup. Now, you may be thinking, it was just used for decoration in the arrangement, and you'd be correct. However, kale is food, and it was washed and used next to other foods so there is no reason on Earth not to use the kale from the arrangement also!


Using cardboard to reinforce an aluminum pan.

Reinforcing the Bottom of a Disposable PanI like to give baked goods as gifts in disposable containers. However, sometimes the bottoms are flimsy. To reinforce them I tape a cardboard cereal box or other thin cardboard box I have. It makes it easier to transport, and I don't have to worry that the bottom will bend out of shape.


Ingredients for ramen stir fry.

Spicing Up Your Ramen NoodlesAre you tired of eating the same old ramen noodles? Well then I have a tip for you. These cheap noodles can be made into more interesting meals with just a few extra ingredients.


A pan with a mug inside to limit the volume when boiling an egg.

Boiling an Egg in a SaucepanI place a mug in the saucepan I use to boil an egg. This uses less water and hence less energy to get the job done. '


Combining the two boxes into one.

Combining Snacks to Save SpaceI recently went to the dollar tree and found these snack breakfast bars. When I got them home, I realized that each one had 5 packettes in them. But they were taking up almost no room. So, I opened them both and saw I could fit all 10 in one package. I saved room in the pantry and they didn't flop around in the box and get broken.


A turkey carcass being cut into smaller pieces.

You Can Cut a Frozen TurkeyDue to the virus, it will just be my husband and me for Thanksgiving. I purchased the smallest turkey breast I could find, but even that is too much. Both of us prefer the taste of turkey the first day. Since the meat was already frozen, the butcher at the store was unable to cut it.


Pie Crust Protector

Pie Crust ProtectorThe outer rim of a disposable aluminum pie pan works well to keep pie crust from browning too much. Cut the rim of the pie pan and place it on top of the pie crust while baking.


A travel mug with a foam koozie at the bottom.

Coffee Travel Mug TipsSometimes, I just get in a hurry and don't think. When trying to take the top off my coffee mug, I all too often put the opening right next to my shirt on my chest for some 'leverage' and duh, coffee stain! I'm learning. Much better when you make sure the opening is to the side, when taking off the lid.


Decorative stickers used to seal open food packaging.

Stickers to Reseal FoodsI constantly get too many address labels and stickers free in the mail and have lately been using them to reseal my no seal packages rather then use plastic bags or other packaging methods. Just a simple sticker will seal just fine, from cat food to cheese or my liverwurst.


An electric frying pan with metal canning lids under the feet.

Metal Canning Lids for LevelingWe made strawberry and blueberry preserves this year and after finishing up a jar of preserves, I wash the lid and put it in the drawer. The lids can't be used for canning any more but I have found other uses for them.


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Easy Two Ingredient FudgeYears ago, on this site, I saw a fudge recipe. It is simple, no fail and delicious.


Four jars of baby food on a counter.

Baby Your Food BudgetWhen I can get baby food for free with coupons, I buy it even though my babies are all grown up. I buy the applesauce and use in my baking or for a snack. I also use it and other fruits to flavor plain yogurt. The puréed vegetables are excellent to add to soups or to add to yogurt or sour cream for a savory dip.


Two boxes of oranges with different pack dates.

Check Produce Labels For DateAnyone having issues with produce spoiling much quicker than they should? I have made a few Costco trips and each visit I'm always left with something spoiling much sooner than they should (especially oranges).


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Preventing Gas with Homemade Baked BeansWhen the food shortage started some things were hard to find locally and when they became available they were considerably higher in price. I have made Boston Baked Beans twice. Beans are filling and also a good substitute for meat.


Ham and beans in a bowl.

Dollar Tree Country HamIn the cooler at Dollar Tree, I saw some packages of cured ham for $1.00. It looked like a bargain to me and I thought it sure would make some good seasoning for a pot of navy beans.


Ramen noodles and seasoning packets.

Mock Chicken GravyI haven't bought a stewing hen since the middle of the last century. It goes without saying, I don't have a reserve of chicken stock for making gravy. I don't even have a stock pot. I do have a window, though...and I make do (that's Southern talk for improvising).


Makeshift Steamer - perforated pizza pan on top of skillet

Makeshift Vegetable SteamerI used my pizza pan that has holes in it as a lid for my large frying pan to steam vegetables. It worked perfectly!


A pan of hot cereal on the stove.

Lumpless Hot CerealWhen I was a kid, I never minded the lumps that come with cooking MaltoMeal or Cream of Wheat, but some do. So I realzed one of the reasons the lumps happen if the water is boiling when we pour it in, usually all in the same spot.


A cooling rack being used to drip dry grapes.

Multipurpose Cooling RackI discovered that my cooling rack fits perfectly on the kitchen sink. It works well for draining grapes after they have been rinsed. When they stop dripping, I can move the rack out of the way and let them sit until they are ready to put in a bowl and munch on.


A straw being pushed through a whole cherry, to remove the pit.

Using a Straw to Pit CherriesWe have a Stella cherry tree in our backyard. This type of cherry is bright red and sweet, but not as sweet as a Rainier or Bing. They are delicious fresh but are also tart enough to be used in pies and preserves. In order to use them in recipes, the pits need to be removed.


Upside down container of yogurt in the fridge

Store Yogurt and Cottage Cheese Upside DownIt will stay fresher longer. If it is already opened, put a plate under it.


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Baked Potatoes to Save Time and MoneyAt the beginning of the week, I wash a 5 pound bag of potatoes and bake them for 1 hour. Having these partially cooked potatoes allows me to make quick, nutritious sides that can go along with entrees such as french fries with hamburgers, home fries with omelettes, or mashed potatoes with a roast.


A pot of beans soaking in water.

No-Gas BeansBeans are an inexpensive, healthy food. To eliminate most of the gas-causing enzymes, hot soak the beans before you cook them.


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Sticky Measuring Cup Clean UpWhen measuring peanut butter (or any other kind of sticky ingredient), spray your measuring cup with a non-stick spray like Pam before filling the cup. Fill and take a small spatula to release. Comes out easy and easier to clean!


Shredded cheese in a bowl.

Add Cheese In First for Messy DishesIf you are like me, you love dishes like Chili, Corned Beef Hash and Ravioli. But sometimes, if you love cheese, it's hard to deal with the mess of it being sprinkled on top. It's sometimes too melted, or sticks to the side of the bowl, or worse, spatters on the inside of your microwave.


Celery in a cup of water.

Reviving Limp CeleryFood waste is never acceptable, and now, with social isolation, it is imperative to use all the food we have. Cut a bit off the root end of the celery, and put in a container of ice water. Your celery will firm up and be ready to use.


A piece of bread in a pot of mushy rice.

Fix Mushy Rice with BreadI can't tell you how many times I've made mushy, soupy rice. There's a quick fix that transforms this gluey mess into perfect, fluffy rice: a slice of bread. Place a piece of bread on top of your pot or rice cooker full of mushy rice, put the lid back on, and allow to sit for 5 to 10 minutes. The extra liquids will make their way into the bread, and your rice is saved.


Asparagus stored with a wet paper towel and a rubber band.

Keep Asparagus FreshTo keep asparagus fresh, I wet a paper towel and wrap it around the bottom of the bunch and secure it with the produce rubber band. I put it back in the produce bag, roll it around to press out the air, fold the top over and put a rubber band around the bunch to keep the plastic tight.


A bulb of fresh garlic with one peeled clove.

Peeling Fresh Garlic is a CinchPeeling fresh garlic really slows you down when you're cooking dinner. Try this tip the next time you use fresh garlic! It works.


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Cooking for OneI live alone, after having raised a family and losing my husband, so I am used to cooking for more than one. Also, a couple years ago I decided to give up processed foods, such as frozen dinners and convenience foods, as I am not a big fan of additives and preservatives. Plus, those foods are expensive for what you get. Most frozen meals are tiny and leave you looking for more.


A meatball formed from one of the sections of divided ground beef.

Prep Ground Beef for Quick MealsI mixed some of my favorite spices into a 2 lb. package of ground beef and formed it into one big meat patty that I then cut into equal sized 1/4 lb. meatballs. Then I froze them separated and bagged them up once they are totally frozen and won't stick to each other. You can freeze them on the Styrofoam tray they were sold in if you want.


Chopped vegetables in small glass bowls.

Prep Vegetables and Store in FridgeI hear that much our the fresh produce that people buy goes bad before they ever eat it! What a waste of resources and money!


A coffee pot, thermos, sugar and cream for a cup of coffee.

Make Your Brew Station Yield More CoffeeI encountered a little problem when someone came to visit me who drank as much coffee as I do, and man alive, do I ever drink a lot of coffee! What was the problem? I couldn't make a pot of coffee last very long at all!


A container of hard boiled egg halves, flipped onto the cut side.

Transporting Hard Boiled EggsWhen there is a family dinner, I am not allowed in the house without my deviled eggs. I always boil them and once they are cooled, cut them in half and take out the yokes. When it comes time to transport them, I always dealt with them sliding in the container. Two days ago, I dropped one in the container, and it fell in upside down.


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Hard Boiled EggsFor hard boiling eggs: Put water in the pot, bring to a rolling boil. Add eggs and boil for 15 minutes. The trick is "do not add salt or oil" to the pot. The shells will slide off. No more torn up eggs.


A whole turkey that has been cut in half.

Take that Free Turkey or HamIf you've earned enough to get a turkey or ham for free or incredibly cheap during the holidays but don't think you can use that big of a piece of meat, ask your butcher if they will cut it in half and rewrap it up for you!


Gingerbread cookies with small "babies".

Cookie Exchanges for New ParentsWhile making my cookies for my family cookie exchange, I decided to put these together for my daughter, who is pregnant with twins! I happened to have regular and small cookie cutters of gingerbread figures and just wanted to give anyone with children or pregnant the idea that they can do so as well!


A box of Sleepytime tea.

Sun Tea from Used Tea BagsInstead of throwing out your old tea bags, try this instead and save money. Take a small empty jar and once you have used your tea bag, put it in the small jar. Once you have collected 5 or 6 teabags, then get a gallon jar or a glass pitcher and move your tea bags to it. Fill with water and then set out in the sun for a few hours.


A container containing shredded cheese and a measuring cup used as a scoop.

Cheese ScoopWhen I could have bread, I used to baste my morning eggs. But now, I have shredded cheese on my over-hard eggs. I got an idea that if I had a little scoop in there, it would keep my hands cleaner.


A coffee grinder for making fine coffee powder.

Cheap Espresso PowderUse your coffee grinder to grind 1/2 the amount of ground coffee. Ground coffee has not been brewed yet, so it is stronger than espresso powder and you will need less.


A beef patty made inside a ziploc bag.

Make Beef Patties Inside Ziploc BagOne of my absolute favorite meals is hamburgers. I always mix in at least 1-2 seasonings, the most flavorful for me being ranch and onion powders. I dread the mixing and shaping part though because bits of the ground beef sticks to my hands, as I roll and flatten.


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