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Add Carnation Instant Breakfast to CoffeeI made the Carnation with 1/2 cup of milk, then filled my big ol' mug the rest of the way with my coffee. Well, it was just delicious!


Frozen Fruit in Water Instead of Ice Cubes

Frozen Fruit in Water Instead of Ice CubesWe like to make our own fruit waters. We simply put frozen strawberries and frozen blueberries into our water instead of ice cubes.


Placing the cut can over the full can.

Keeping Carbonated Drinks Fresh After OpeningKeeping your carbonated canned drinks fresh after opening sometimes is a daunting task. Usually if they're open no matter what you put on them, they''re good for about a day and then all the fizz is gone. I experimented with many different things before I came up with one idea that will literally keep your carbonated canned drink carbonated and tasting like you just opened it for up to a week and, yes, you can use more of the drink and put this right back on and it''ll still hold it fresh and carbonated for 6 to 7 days!


Adding a popsicle to a cola drink to cool it down.

Popsicle To Cool Down DrinkToday, I was hot and thirsty. I went into the freezer to get my ice cubes, the ones that don't melt. I remembered I had loaned them to a neighbor. What was a thrifty girl to do?


A tea bag added to a quart of water.

Flavored WaterThis is a trick I learned from my granddaughter. I put a tea bag in a quart jar of water, set it in the refrigerator and let it steep over night or longer. The next day, I have some great tasting flavored water to drink and I just add a little lemon juice to it. It is good and it helps me to be able to drink at least 2 quarts of water a day. One is flavored and the other is not.


A travel mug with a foam koozie at the bottom.

Coffee Travel Mug TipsSometimes, I just get in a hurry and don't think. When trying to take the top off my coffee mug, I all too often put the opening right next to my shirt on my chest for some 'leverage' and duh, coffee stain! I'm learning. Much better when you make sure the opening is to the side, when taking off the lid.


A coffee pot, thermos, sugar and cream for a cup of coffee.

Make Your Brew Station Yield More CoffeeI encountered a little problem when someone came to visit me who drank as much coffee as I do, and man alive, do I ever drink a lot of coffee! What was the problem? I couldn't make a pot of coffee last very long at all!


A box of Sleepytime tea.

Sun Tea from Used Tea BagsInstead of throwing out your old tea bags, try this instead and save money. Take a small empty jar and once you have used your tea bag, put it in the small jar. Once you have collected 5 or 6 teabags, then get a gallon jar or a glass pitcher and move your tea bags to it. Fill with water and then set out in the sun for a few hours.


A coffee pot next to a stainless steel travel mug.

Save Money By Brewing CoffeeFor all of us that work hard and have to hurry to make it out the door every morning, we always need a little pick me-up during the day. For me, that's getting a coffee and, although that Starbucks coffee gives me the energy to finish the work day, it does add up. I have learned that by making my coffee myself before I leave, I have saved over a hundred dollars each month!


Infused Water for Glowing Skin and Weight Loss

Infused Water for Glowing Skin and Weight LossI used to had horrible horrible acne. And after help from a dermatologist, I became mostly clear, but there was still discoloration and a dullness in my skin that wasn't worth the money to fix. That's when I started making detox water. This CHANGED my skin.


A cup of tea with a paper clip attached to the tea bag tab.

Keep Tea Bag Tab from Falling into TeaSecure a paper clip to the tab. No more fishing out the tea bag. I had a large paper clip for the picture, but a small one will work, too.


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Vanilla Chips to Flavor CoffeeYou crave a flavored coffee, but have none? Drop a teaspoon of white vanilla flavored chips into HOT black coffee and stir until melted. Wow, beautiful color and great taste. Who knew?


A glass of iced tea flavored with sugar free gelatin.

Sugar-Free Flavored Tea On the CheapI recently began to brew my own iced tea. But I missed the flavors that I got with Peace Tea. If you brew your own tea but would like some flavor, I discovered a cool and cheap way to flavor it.


Tea in a white teacup.

Making Great TeaMy parents worked in the tea industry way before I was around, so I trust them more than any other source when it comes to making great tea. My father is of Persian descent, my mother of Japanese, and we come from England. These regions are all culturally very heavily tea-based, so my tips here will cover more than just black tea.


A coffee brewing station at home.

Budget Friendly Coffee Shop FlavorsI am a lover of flavored coffee. Like many of you, it begins my day with a hug from within. I am here to share a tip with you. I am beyond cheap. I like to use the word frugal. I won't spend money in a coffee shop. I won't say never but, you get it. I have not purchased one in over 20 years.



Adding salt to a cup of strong coffee.

Add Salt to Strong CoffeeI love my coffee but it has to be just right for me. I'm not a fan of Starbucks coffee. Years ago, I purchased a cup while shopping at the mall. It was too strong for me. I asked if they had any salt and the answer was, "No."


A bright red teapot.

Double Purpose Pot of TeaI enjoy a good cup of strong hot tea in the evening after a long day. The making of a whole pot of tea is a waste when you only take one cup from it and the rest goes down the sink. I chided myself every time I did it.


A bottle of Vietnamese coffee with three cups with ice.

Ask for Complimentary Cups to Share DrinksA standard cup of Vietnamese Iced Coffee is $3.75 which is diluted with lots of ice. For myself and my 2 friends, it would cost $11.25. In my situation, Lee's Coffee also sells their coffee in 16 fl oz bottles at $5 each or buy 2, get 1 free. Essentially 1 bottle makes 3 servings!


Cubes of frozen iced tea and spearmint.

Iced Tea CubesAt a recent bridal shower, we decided to freeze 100% tea into ice cube trays to add to our large tea dispenser to keep it cold and yet not to dilute it.


Adding hot water to the coffee grounds in the French press.

How to Brew the Best French Press CoffeeI managed a famous coffee shop for a long time, so you can trust me with these tips! I adore my French Press because I don't need to buy any coffee filters, and I get the whole full-bodied taste of the coffee beans without removing their essential oils.


Two cups partially full of smoothie.

Split Large Drinks in Two CupsIt's been getting warm lately as a splurge treat, my fiancé and I enjoyed a nice cool and refreshing smoothie.


peeling sweet potato with cheese slicer

Sweet Potato SmoothieA lot of people will toss sweet potatoes when they show signs of drying. They do not make good baked potatoes. They are good for whatever requires grated sweet potatoes. Baked potatoes are good for making pies, but for a baked sweet potato casserole, grated are best. Raw sweet potatoes are an excellent source of quick energy. Grated and used as you would carrots (in a salad, etc.) will give you a little energy boost.


Strawberry scraps being used to make infused water.

Infused Water from Strawberry ScrapsHello, strawberry season! They are everywhere now, and in so many good sales. When you clean and cut your strawberries, don't discard the bits and tops you chop off. Simply place them in a glass, jar, or pitcher, then fill with water and refrigerate. Wait about an hour and you'll have a delicious strawberry infused water that is sweet, fragrant, and refreshing.


A selection of juices and drinks purchased at the Dollar Tree

Mixing Dollar Tree JuicesI love the non-aspartame and non-high fructose corn syrup juices. These are made with natural juices and sucralose. These are flavorful alone but together they are just yummy!


A filled coffee filter with baking soda added.

Lowering the Acidity in Cheap CoffeeCheaper brands of coffee are often too acidic, which means that a couple cups can sometimes cause heartburn. To fix this, add a small pinch of baking soda to your coffee grounds, making sure to mix it in thoroughly. Then, brew the coffee as normal and you are good to go!


Ground coffee in a plastic container.

Coffee Is Not Just For DrinkingDid you know that the coffee grounds that are left after the enjoyment of drinking its richness have many functional uses that can be applied to your everyday living.


A drinking glass covered with Saran Wrap.

Saran Wrap Over Drinking GlassThis tip is handy to avoid bugs in your drink. If you are having a drink outdoors, wrap the top with saran wrap and poke a hole for your straw. This will also avoid spills.


A bottle of Nestle Pure Life water.

What's in Your Bottled Water?I use a Brita pitcher and washable bottles. My husband buys his water. You need to read the label carefully, or you may be paying for just tap water.


Order Low Or No Ice for Drinks at a Restaurant - glass of strawberry lemonade

Order Low Or No Ice for Drinks at a RestaurantWhen I'm eating at a restaurant, I sometimes splurge my money on a strawberry lemonade beverage. To get my money's worth, I always tell the waiter easy on the ice. If I don't mention easy on the ice, they'll fill the cup completely with ice so, by the time I take a couple sips I would already have finished my drink.


An empty mug next to a sachet of instant coffee.

Sachet as Coffee StirrerJust in case you forget to bring a coffee stirrer along with your instant coffee, use the sachet packaging. After emptying a sachet, fold it three times and use it as your coffee stirrer. Just make sure it's all cleaned up. Wipe it up before using.



Strawberry Lemonade in glass

Strawberry LemonadeSimple and delicious! You can make any summer time drinks or refreshers by adding fresh fruit to any of your favorite beverages. I made a 2 quart pitcher of my favorite lemonade. You can make this from scratch or use Crystal light or what ever summer beverage you like.


Healthy Chia Bubble Drink

Healthy Chia Bubble DrinkI add chia seeds into my green tea and other drinks. I soak the seeds for awhile in water until they have turned soft. It is a healthy addition for anyone, young and old!


A jar of frothed milk.

Frothed Milk in a JarYou can make frothed milk for cappuccinos and lattes without any special fancy equipment. All you need is a clean jar with a lid and some low fat or nonfat milk.


A straw placed under a ring tab to open it.

Opening an Ring Tab CanIt is called an easy open can because you don't have to use a can opener. Instead, it has a ring tab which you pull up to easily open it. My problem was that I used to hurt my fingers or sometimes break my nails, as the ring tab is sometimes hard to pull.


A Brita water filter pitcher with freezer tape holding the lid in place.

Secure Water Filter Pitcher Lid with TapeWe have had our Brita water filter pitcher for several years. Sometimes, the top would come off when pouring and there would be water everywhere. The problem was solved when I started using freezer tape to secure to lid. It has not happened since I started doing this.


Ice cubes made in a metal muffin tin.

Muffin Tins to Make Large Ice CubesIf you have a pitcher of a beverage, the larger ice cubes will keep drinks colder for longer.


A pink colored milkshake in a cup.

Quick Morning MilkshakeI have found that mixing one scoop of vanilla flavored Slimfast and one half scoop of Super Greens mix in water or milk and then adding a handful of frozen blueberries makes an excellent shake. When it is all mixed in a hand shaker, it tastes like a strawberry milkshake, only with much more nutrition.


A K-cup with the foil lid removed.

Use K-Cups to Make Pot of CoffeeI don't have a Keurig coffee maker but they are wonderful. I found three little generic K-cups in a box at Walmart for only one dollar. I opened the foil top and poured the contents into my filter in the coffee maker I have. It turned out wonderful.


glass and ingredients for making soda

Replace Soda Completely with SeltzerSoda or pop are noxious for your health, whether the sweet or sugar-free kind. Yet it is nice to have a sweet, bubbly, caffeine-filled drink now and again, so I wanted to share some of my seltzer water experiments with you.


An empty coffee pod next to a container of ground coffee.

Using Designer Coffee Pods Without A KuerigI have an espresso maker and a French press, but not the fancy pod ones. But my daughter sent me home with some to use at a friend's house who does. It occurred to me that I can use the coffee without the dispensing pods. I just cut them open and dumped them into a small container.


"use by" written on carafe lid

Mark Use By Date for Brewed TeaI make 5 cups of tea at a time in a carafe. It's a great way to have a cup whenever you want one. But sadly, out of site and all that...


Small Portions of Drink Mix

Small Portions of Drink MixI shop at the Dollar Tree like some people shop for food. It's the only way I can buy anything new on my fixed income.


A pumpkin spice latte with some cookies.

Easy Pumpkin Spice LatteTransform plain coffee into an autumn treat by simply adding 1/8 cup pumpkin puree and 1/4 teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice!


Peeps Marshmallow Vodka

Peeps Marshmallow VodkaI started with a cup of vanilla flavored vodka and dissolved two marshmallow Peeps. Scrape some sugar off the candy to rim the glass. Use a Peep for decoration. Since there are seasonal Peeps now, you could make this for any holiday party.


Jello Drink with Twizzler

Jello Drink with TwizzlerI make this drink a lot, it is a calming comfort drink. You heat a mug of water (1 minute 45 seconds on high power), then mix in half a box of any 3 ounce gelatin dessert mix. If you take a sip of the hot drink, you will see how nice it is. This is a popular treat at our house, especially when people feel they need something nice to drink on a nice cool evening.



Using Reusable K-Cups

Using Reusable K-CupsIf you like the convenience of a Keurig machine, but not the price and waste of the cups, the reusable K-cup is a great alternative. It is dishwasher safe. However, you can easily rinse it out in the sink. I compost my coffee grounds instead of throwing them away.


How to make (and carry) the coldest, sweetest southern ice tea!

Make and Transport Sweet Southern Ice TeaAlways start with cold water and four family size Lipton tea bags. Bring tea to a simmer, add approximately 1 gallon cold water and 2 cups sugar. Use less water if desired, and adjust sugar to taste. Stir well and refrigerate.


Start Instant Coffee with Cold Water

Start Instant Coffee with Cold WaterI've found this hack very useful in order to make instant coffee taste more like a freshly brewed cup. Just mix your instant coffee granules with a little bit of cold water, stir to dissolve, then add your hot water.


toothpick in tea kettle steam hole

Toning Down a Whistling KettleWe like Instant Nescafe' coffee so I have to heat water in the kettle to make it. I know it is beginning to boil when I hear that high pitched shrill whistle. The water needs to boil a little more to get it really hot so to soften the noise, I stick a toothpick in the whistle hole.


Free Fruit Infused Water

Orange Peels for Free Fruit Infused WaterFruit infused water is the rage now. Put some orange peels in your water to get it for free. I got orange taste in as little as 10 minutes.


Homemade Tea and Coffee Lattes

Homemade Tea and Coffee LattesI don't know about you, but I hate paying the price of coffee lattes and chai tea lattes. They are around $3.50 for a medium or large. I now make them at home anytime I want one, simply by using a stick blender or wand. Or you could use a mixer to get that frothy topping.


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Reuse Bottle for Cold Fridge TeaEvery once in a while, I get Starbucks cappuccino or frappuccino at the grocery store. They come in nice glass bottles. I take the label off and wash out thoroughly. I stick a single size tea bag in it and fill with water tap or bottled.


Pre-Measure Water in Carafe

Pre-Measure Water in CarafeOnce in a while I will not estimate the water needed to fill my tea carafe and this makes a mess. I just got tired of cleaning up water spills. So now I fill the carafe with water, then pour it into an empty kettle. I have the exact amount of water needed to brew a lovely pot of tea. I then label it so I know what kind of tea is inside and when I brewed it.


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Enjoy Your Coffee MoreI drink a lot of coffee, and I'm fussy about how it tastes. I make one cup at a time. Coffee should taste the way it smells while brewing. Ten minutes after brewing, that bright, fresh taste had started to fade away.


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Paper Towel as Coffee Filter SubstituteWhile staying at my son's cottage in a remote area, I ran out of coffee filters this morning. It didn't take me long to try a basic (Bounty 1/2) sheet and it worked


ice tray

Iced Vanilla Chai TeaI love flavored teas iced in the summertime, especially vanilla chai (Bigelow). Boil or microwave 2 quarts of water. Open each tea bag (10-12), cutting off the string and tag dropping them in the pitcher. Fill pitcher with boiled water. Sweeten as you would like per cup. Cool and gently fill an ice cube tray.


Coffee grounds with salt added.

Salt to Curb Bitterness in BeveragesYou can add a pinch of salt to your coffee grounds pre-brew to curb the bitterness in your coffee. You can slow sprinkle the tiniest amount of salt in your tonic water to to kill that harsh bitterness of quinine. Try it anything you find slightly overpowering in the bitterness department. You'll be pleasantly surprised!


Cool Off Coffee With Frozen Creamer

Cool Off Coffee With Frozen CreamerCoffee too hot and needs to be cooled down? Are you in a rush? Do you not want to put watery ice in your coffee? It depends on how you like your coffee. If you want sweetness put creamer in an ice tray and freeze it. If you just want to cool down your coffee, freeze some coffee.


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Use Tea Towel as Cafetiere CosyIf you need to keep coffee warm in your cafetiere or French press, take a 20x30 inch linen tea towel. Fold it in half lengthwise to 10x15, and wrap around the cafetiere, starting at the handle. Position overlapping ends over handle and fasten large spring clothes peg over ends and handle.


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Making Raspberry TeaStrip all the leaves off your raspberry plants with a leather glove, slipping them into a brown paper bag. Hang away from light until dry, approximately one week.


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Homemade Iced CoffeeI only drink one cup in the morning because I love my iced coffees. I will not stop and pay $3.50 for a medium iced coffee. I pour it into a pitcher, add my sweetner and what ever spice I feel like having.


Make Tea in Mason Jars

Make Tea in Mason JarsI make my tea in half gallon mason jars. To keep the tea bags from falling in while I am pouring the water into the jar or letting the seep, I put the tea bags in the jar with strings and tabs hanging down the outside of the jar.


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Catching Drips Under Drink DispensersWe all hate those nasty drips from drink dispensers that just grab that last drop and wait until the cup is moved away to let go of it. I have a wintertime plastic "boot tray" that is long enough to fit under several drink dispensers. Light bulb time!


coffee filters and spoon handle

Separate Coffee Filters EasilyNo more aggravation trying to get that one coffee filter. I keep a little plastic knife or spoon nearby. It has a small square of double sided tape near the tip. When I want that one filter, I just touch the tape to the filter and lift. Works every time.


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Don't Water Down Summer DrinksDuring the summer, I make my own ice cubs out of tea, lemonade, and leftover fruits and juices. I then use them in ice tea or fruit drinks instead of ice cubes made from water. As they melt, it makes your drink more flavorful instead of getting watery.


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Using Refillable Coffee PodsYou can find alternatives to buying pre-made pods on-line. I experimented with a lot of different ways and settled on the Perfect Pod EZ Cup. It comes with paper filters to contain the coffee.


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Serving Vitamin Water at a PartyGoing to have a party? Offer homemade vitamin waters as a drink option. Crush the fruits in a separate bowl, keeping the crushed fruits and herbs set aside for refills. Place the fruit and herbs in a strainer and pour the water through it into a pitcher.


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Quickly Cool a Hot DrinkWhen your drink is too hot and you need to cool it quickly without diluting it, put the handles of clean metal table knives down into the drink for a moment. It works quickly!



Mixing Powdered Drinks QuicklyI use a lot of powdered drink mix during the summer. To make preparation faster and easier since I mix it in a half gallon milk jug, I keep a measuring cup and paper funnel right in the sugar container.


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Making Ice Chips in an Ice Cube TrayI make ice chips in an ice cube tray by twisting the ice cubes before they are totally frozen. After they get frozen, I twist the tray again and pull out the little pieces.


A Cupcake Base as a Drinks Cover

Cupcake Liner as a Drinks CoverUse a cupcake paper case to cover your drinks in summer. Rip a small hole in the middle for the straw. No flies on me! :D


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Rinse Straws Before UsingWhen you go to use a straw for your drink, just run it under the tap to clean any dust that maybe inside. I use straws to drink my green tea as I use honey and cinnamon and the cinnamon sinks to the bottom.


Freeze Part Full Water Bottles

Freeze Part Full Water BottlesI thought I was pretty clever to freeze partial bottles of water into ice. Then I can just add either more water, juice or other drinks to when I head out the door for a walk, gardening or on the road!


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Rinse Paper Coffee Filters Before UsingAlways rinse coffee filters before brewing coffee. This removes any loose paper fibers that can end up in your brew and make your coffee taste papery.


Reuse Your Non Dairy Creamer Bottles

Reuse Your Non Dairy Creamer BottlesEmpty non dairy creamer containers are perfect to use as drink bottles. The smaller ones are great for mixing and drinking from and the larger ones are the perfect size for the 1/2 gallon unsweetened drink mixes.


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Lift Coffeemaker Carafe Lid to Prevent SpillingCoffeemaker's have a glass canister to hold our coffee that somehow leaks, no matter what when you pour from it. I found a simple way to stop the leaking when you pour, which is to lift the spout that covers the canister where the liquid is stored.


filling pod

Reusable Keurig PodsIf you like the convenience of using a Keurig machine but find the pods too pricey or you miss your favorite coffee, there is a solution. We recently found a 4-pack of reuseable pods for $9.99.


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Use the Entire Pot Of CoffeeGood coffee is expensive, but cheap if you use it correctly. I purchase good quality ground coffee. When I make a 12 cup pot of coffee, I immediately pour the whole thing into a reused plastic juice bottle.


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Spiced CoffeeIf you want just a little bit of a change to your morning cup of coffee, just sprinkle about a quarter teaspoon of "pumpkin pie spice" on top of the coffee in the basket and let it brew. It's yummy and also smells good. :-)


Saving Money on Coffee

Saving Money on CoffeeI love my coffee, but the prices continue to go up so I am sharing some things that have helped me save $$ on my coffee.


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Leave Straw In Place When RefillingWhen I refilled my drinks, it seems like the ice always clumped up and the straw wouldn't go in my glass. I started putting the ice in, then the straw and then the drink. When refilling, I just keep the straw in the glass.


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Inexpensive Flavored WaterWhen the grocery budget is incredibly tight, flavored water is a luxury item that is quickly cut from my grocery list. I have found an inexpensive alternative with True Lemon flavoring packets.


Squeeze Air Out Of Soda Bottles

Squeeze Air Out Of Soda BottlesWe don't drink soda quickly in our house so I squeeze out the air from my soda bottles then seal them to reduce air inside and keep them from going flat!


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Freezing Bottled WaterI keep my bottled water in the freezer. They don't burst when frozen full. When I take one out I start drinking it as it melts. That way I have a cold drink that lasts a long time. These are good when taken to outdoor events in hot weather.


Blue Plastic Cup with lid and straw.

Product Review: Insulated Drinking GlassA couple of days ago I bought a double, insulated, hard plastic, tall glass. The top actually screws on and has a straw inserted through the middle and the straw cannot fall out unless you unscrew the top.


Frugal Iced Coffee

Frugal Iced CoffeeMake a half pot of coffee, allow it to cool a bit. Then pour it in a quart jar and add a tsp. of sweetener. I use Agave syrup, which is low-Glycemic and you use less than you would sugar, you can always add more later.


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Reusing Coffee GroundsCall me cheap or call me frugal but with my fixed income and the price of coffee going up, I wondered what will happen if I just put water in my coffee pot without adding anymore coffee.


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Homemade Iced MochaWhen I have left over coffee, I add one tablespoon of hot chocolate to one cup of coffee then I keep it in the refrigerator until I am ready to drink it. It is much cheaper than Starbucks.


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Cooling Down a Hot DrinkIf you want tea or coffee to cool down quicker, just place a spoon in the cup holding the hot liquid. The heat will be transferred to the metal spoon.


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Cutting Down Larger Coffee FiltersFor health reasons we like to use natural brown filters in our 4 cup coffee maker. But often only bleached white filters are available at the store. So we buy the larger brown 8-12 cup size and cut them down.


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Save Money at StarbucksStarbucks gives a 10 cent discount to customers that bring in reusable mugs or tumblers for their drinks. If you stay and drink your beverage in-store, request to have it served in a ceramic mug at no charge.


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Cut Frozen OJ Containers in HalfI love freshly made orange juice. I purchase it in the frozen concentrated 12 fluid ounce size. Since I'm the only one that drinks it...


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Use Your Blender To Grind A Bag Of CoffeeWe recently bought a large bag of whole bean coffee at Costco. I used our blender to grind up all of the coffee, which was much quicker than our little coffee grinder.


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Emergency Coffee Filter ReplacementHave you ever run out of coffee filters on a day that you really need a fresh cup of Joe? The solution that I discovered is to take a regular paper towel sheet, fold it in half, place it in the place you would put your filter.


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Cinnamon CoffeeSometimes I like to flavor my coffee without buying a can of gourmet coffee. I just use my regular coffee and make my own. Just break up a cinnamon stick in the coffee grounds before brewing.


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Make Thai Coffee from Leftover CoffeeI used to freeze the leftover coffee in an ice cube tray for iced coffee, which I still do. I developed a fondness for Thai coffee so I decided to make my own version of it and everyone seems to like it.


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Add Cardamom To Ground CoffeeAdd a cardamom pod while preparing coffee for a richer and more fragrant smell.


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Stretching Coffee with EspressoAs coffee prices rose, I started using less, but it didn't taste as good. Now I have started to experiment with espresso. I added it a little at a time, until I got a great smelling, tasting, flavorful cup that is satisfying.


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Freeze Water BottleMy kids are in sports and practices are right after school. By the time school is over, the water I packed in their gym bag in the morning is warm. I started freezing half the bottle of water the night before.


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Socks for Sweaty BottlesI cut off the bottom of socks just above the heel to put over my kid's water bottles to soak us the wetness from the bottle sweating. It saves papers, shoes, and whatever else your kids put in their backpack or gym bag from getting soaking wet.


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Cold Coffee DivineI fill a cup halfway with water and 2 Tbsp. instant coffee and pop that in the microwave for 40 seconds. Then I add maybe 2 to 3 spoonfuls of chocolate ice cream, stir, then add milk to fill cup and enjoy!


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Use Frozen Bananas For SmoothiesFrozen bananas make the best smoothies. Blend together bananas, lemon juice, and honey or sugar. Add water, milk, soya milk, or yogurt.


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