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This page contains money saving food tips and information about eggs.



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Very Easy Poached Egg

Making Easy Poached Eggs in the MicrowaveThere are several ways to make poached eggs, using the microwave is one option. This is a page about making easy poached eggs in the microwave.


Storing Eggs

Storing EggsThis is a page about storing eggs. Proper storage of eggs will not only protect them from breakage, but can keep them fresh longer.


A canning jar ring.

Uses for Canning Jar RingsYou may have excess rings leftover from jar canning. These can be used for a variety of uses; from crafts to cooking.


A perfectly cooked basted egg.

Perfect Basted EggsI love fried eggs but I hate when the edges get crispy. I love poached eggs but they're just a bit too droopy. Basted eggs are right in between fried and poached, and they are so easy to make.


Eggs and spices in plastic bags.

Cooking Eggs in a Plastic BagAlthough many people have cooked eggs directly in a plastic zip top bag, it is not recommended. Both Ziploc and Glad make steam bags that are intended for cooking purposes and will not create any harmful toxins.


Separating an egg yolk, using a plastic bottle.

Separate Egg Yolk Using a Plastic BottleTake a recycled soda bottle to separate an egg yolk from the white using suction. It works perfectly without breaking the yolk and making a mess.


Testing a carton of eggs for cracks before purchasing.

How to Test Eggs for CracksPlace your forefinger on each egg in the carton, and move it slightly. If there is no resistance more than likely it does not have a crack. This is a page about how to test eggs for cracks.


Cooking hard boiled eggs in a rice cooker.

Cook Hard Boiled Eggs in the Rice CookerIt's easy to add a couple of eggs to any batch of rice, for lunch the next day. This is a page about cook hard boiled eggs in the rice cooker.


Eggs in a muffin tin in the oven.

How to Make "Hard Boiled" Eggs in the OvenYour oven is a surprising place to cook eggs right in the shell. This is a page about how to make "hard boiled" eggs in the oven.



Eggs with a pile of powder

Using Powdered EggsWhen the price of fresh eggs is up, you can substitute powdered eggs or extend the fresh ones by using powdered eggs for a portion of those needed in you dish.


Two rainbow dyed easter eggs, one partly peeled.

Coloring Peeled Eggs for EasterColor your hard boiled eggs after the peel is removed to take that color to your meal at the table. This is a page about colored peeled eggs for Easter.


Hard Boiled Eggs

How to Blow the Shell off a Hard-Boiled EggRemoving the shell from hard-boiled eggs is easy if you blow on the shells to gently remove them. This page details how to blow the shell off a hard-boiled egg.


Cracking Eggs

How to Remove Stray Shells from Cracked EggsIt is not uncommon when cracking eggs for bits of shell to break off and get into the bowl. Here is an idea for easily removing them. This is a page about how to remove stray shells from cracked eggs.


Deviled Eggs

Thickening Runny Deviled Eggs FillingInstant mashed potatoes or baby cereal can be used to thicken up the filling for your deviled eggs if it is too runny. This is a page about thickening runny deviled eggs filling.


One carton of eggs.

Using Eggs After Their "Sell By" DateYou can see if your eggs float when they are past their sell by date. If they float, they are not good and should be thrown out. This is a page about using eggs after their "sell by" date.


Fresh eggs from free range chickens.

What is the Shelf Life of Free Range Farm Eggs?Many small farmers and backyard chicken keepers advise that unwashed eggs can be kept at room temperature for up to 30 days. Once washed, according to the University of Wisconsin Extension, they need to be refrigerated at between 35 - 40 degrees F and are typically good for 6 - 8 weeks. This is a page about, "What is the shelf life of free range farm eggs?".


A freshly laid egg yolk.

Fresh Egg Yolks Taste Bad?When eating fresh eggs, you probably don't expect to encounter a yolk that tastes bad. A bad tasting yolk is surely going to ruin your meal. This is a page about what can cause fresh egg yolks to taste bad.


Egg cracked in a bowl.

Crack Eggs into a Separate BowlIn order to prevent adding a bad egg to your ingredients, crack eggs into a separate bowl first. This page is about the benefits of cracking eggs into a separate bowl.


How to Remove Shells
From Hard Boiled Eggs

How to Remove Shells From Hard Boiled EggsThere are a number of popular and less known methods for successfully removing the shells from hard boiled eggs without having them stick. This is a page about removing shells from hard boiled eggs.


Saving Leftover Egg Yolks or Whites

Saving Leftover Egg Yolks or WhitesSometimes recipes call for egg whites and you are left with the yolk or vise versa. Saving the extra yolks or whites for use in another dish later is easy and a great way to reduce food waste. This is a page about saving leftover egg yolks or whites.


A pan of scrambled eggs.

Scrambled Eggs Tips and TricksThis is a page about scrambled eggs tips and tricks. Although a rather simple to make dish there are ways to improve the preparation of scrambled eggs.


Hard Boiled Eggs

Hard Boiled Eggs Tips and TricksThis page contains hard boiled eggs tips and tricks. Find the best way for you to boil eggs so they don't crack, are easy to peel and use.


Partially peeled soft boiled egg with shell lying around it and yolk exposed

Peeling Soft Boiled Eggs?Peeling an egg is often a difficult experience, even more so when working with a soft boiled egg. This is a page about peeling soft boiled eggs. This is a page about peeling soft boiled eggs.


Baking Eggs in the Oven

Baking Eggs in the OvenOne easy way to prepare your morning egg is to bake it. This is a page about baking eggs in the oven.



Beating Egg Whites

Tips for Beating Egg WhitesThis is a page about tips for beating egg whites. Many recipes call for beaten egg whites.


making custard

Tempering Eggs into Custard or Pudding?This is a page about tempering eggs to custard or pudding. Find the best way for you to incorporate raw eggs with the other ingredients to create puddings or custards.


Cooking With Farm Fresh Egg

Cooking With Farm Fresh Eggs?This is a page about cooking with farm fresh eggs. When eggs are very fresh, they can look and cook differently than those bought in the stores.


A pile of brown chicken eggs.

Saving Money on EggsThis is a page about saving money on eggs. There are several ways you can save money on eggs, even if you can't raise your own hens.


Farm Fresh Eggs

Tips for Using Farm Fresh EggsThis is a page about tips for using farm fresh eggs. Access to farm fresh eggs is on the rise with the popularity of farmers' markets and backyard flocks.


Egg Salad

Making Egg SaladThere are many wonderful recipes available for making egg salad. Likewise, many cooks have their own tips for making this popular egg dish. This is a page about making egg salad.


Farm Fresh Eggs

Cleaning Farm Fresh EggsThis is a page about cleaning farm fresh eggs. Commercial eggs are cleaned in the processing plants. However, if you buy farm fresh eggs you may be wondering how best to clean them.


Egg Yolk

Non-Food Uses for Egg Yolks?This is a page about non-food uses for egg yolks. Whether you are cutting them from your diet for health reasons or have some yolks left after baking, there are uses other than cooking they can be put to.


Marking Hard Boiled Eggs

Marking Hard Boiled EggsThis is a page about marking hard boiled eggs. If you are storing hard boiled eggs in the same carton as your raw ones, marking will remove the confusion and prevent an accidental mess in the kitchen.


Separating Egg Yolk From Whites

Separating Egg Whites from the YolkSome recipes will call for egg whites only, or for the eggs to be separated. This page contains many tips and tricks to help when separating egg whites from the yolk.


Egg frying in Teflon pan on gas stove.

Making Fried EggsThis is a page about making fried eggs. Fried eggs are an easy, quick part of any mealtime fare.


Brown eggs in a carton

Cooking With EggsThis is a page about cooking with eggs. Eggs are used in a lot of recipes.


Eggs in Circle on White Background

Keeping Eggs FreshThis is a page about keeping eggs fresh. There is some confusing information available regarding the best way to keep eggs fresh.


Cooking eggs for a large group.

Cooking Scrambled Eggs for a Large GroupThis is a page about cooking scrambled eggs for a large group. Scrambled eggs are an easy dish to make for a large gathering.


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Pasteurizing EggsDon't be afraid of using raw eggs in smoothies, custards, ice cream, or whatever; simply pasteurize them first. Just heat them to 140 degrees F for 15 minutes, cool them quick and wala! No threat of salmonella or any other bacteria.



Deviled Eggs Closeup

Deviled Eggs TipsThis page contains deviled egg tips. Deviled eggs are a great appetizer at any festivity. Here you will find tips for making this treat even better.


Hardboiled Eggs

Cooking Hard Boiled EggsThis is a page about cooking hard boiled eggs. Cooking hard boiled eggs is easy, but if you haven't done it before it can be difficult to know what steps to take to get a perfectly smooth thouroughly cooked egg.


Two brown eggs, one peeled part way, on white background.

Peeling Hard Boiled EggsHard boiled eggs are a delicious protein rich snack and an ingredient in many recipes. However, sometimes rather than a cleanly peeled egg you are left with a mess of ragged egg white stuck to the shell.


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Adding Salt for Boiled EggsHard boiled eggs will peel so much easier if you add salt to the water. I usually add about 1/4 cup salt to a 4 quart pan of water. The salt penetrates the shell but has no effect on the egg.


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"Scroiled" EggsIf you like scrambled eggs or omlettes, but hate cleaning up the mess, here is how I do something similar. I call them "scroiled" eggs! Whisk up an egg, then boil the kettle. Pour boiling water into a saucepan on a low heat.


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Egg White Liquid Equivalent?How much liquid is in an egg white?


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Should I Choose Brown or White Eggs?I was wondering why some chicken eggs are white while others are brown and why such a difference in the price so Googled and read a few different links. It turns out that, depending on where in the world you live, that you might as well buy whatever is least expensive.


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Scrambled EggsBeat egg, sour cream, salt and pepper in 1 qt. casserole, using fork. Stir in cheese, bacon and green onions.


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What Kind of Eggs Are These?When I was in boarding school, they had the nicest breakfast. A large cookie sheet with a small rim would hold many almost fried eggs floating in water. We'd scoop out an egg and eat it with buttered toast. I'm calling them almost fried, because they looked like they were fried, but there was no evidence of pan frying. No crispy edges nor caramelization. Any ideas how there were made?


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Mash Eggs for Egg SaladMy husband loves egg salad. I hated the chopping of the eggs. So I took my potato masher, the one that has all the holes, and mash them. It only takes a minute and all the egg pieces are the same size. I add a little garlic powder, onion powder, celery salt and dill. I throw in some mayo and mix it all up. Chill it and enjoy.


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Should I Put Vinegar In Water When Boiling Eggs?Should I put vinegar in the water to boil eggs?


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Dunking Eggs Before Cracking Them?As I was flipping through the tv channels, I caught just a brief moment about dipping uncooked eggs in the shell in water before cracking them.


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Be Thrifty in the Kitchen With EggsI love to look for ways to be thrifty in the kitchen. One of the most inexpensive food staples I have in my refrigerator is the egg! If you are still concerned about the cholesterol in your diet, in most recipes, you can use just the whites.


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Use Cheese Slicer For Cutting EggsSummer is just around the corner and you will probably be wanting to take some deviled eggs to those family picnics. I have found an easy and quick way to have perfect evenly sliced eggs every time without having some break.


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Removing An Eggshell When Cracking EggsIf you're making eggs and get a piece of eggshell in them all you have to do is take half of the cracked eggshell and scoop out the piece of shell...


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Smell from Hard Boiled Eggs?After I hard boil eggs in water to which a little vinegar has been added, I soak them in ice cold water, and when no longer warm, place in fridge in a bowl. Hours later the fridge smells like sulphur.


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Organic Eggs Taste BetterOrganic eggs might cost you up to 3 times as much as regular eggs, but the difference in the taste you'll notice.


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Cutting Hard Boiled EggsTie a one foot piece of thread to your kitchen tap. Hold the end tightly in your left hand while you bring up a peeled egg from underneath the thread. You will have a perfectly clean cut hard boiled egg. It works like a charm. By Marianne


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A Boiled Egg Tip My Father Taught MePut eggs in a water filled pot on the stove and bring the water to a boil. When it is at a boil, turn the water off and leave the eggs in for the length of time that you would normally boil them.



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Finding Parini Egg Cooker Instructions?I was given a egg cooker, but it has no instruction manual or measuring cup. If anyone can help me out I would appreciate it. How much water do I add and how many minutes for hard boiled eggs? And do I pierce a little hole in the top? Also what's the little egg shape thing on the side for?


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What is the Shelf Life of Free Range Farm Eggs?What is the shelf life of free range farm eggs?


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Storing Farm Fresh Eggs?How long can farm fresh eggs be stored after cleaning?


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Peeling Hard Boiled Eggs?When I peel hard boiled eggs the shell comes away with some of the white and looks awful, how can I stop this happening? I have tried peeling in cold water and hot and rolling the egg first, but nothing seems to work. The shell just goes brittle and comes off in little bits.


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Scrambled Eggs are Watery?How do you prevent watery scrambled eggs?


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Peeling Soft Boiled Eggs?Is there a secret to peeling soft boiled eggs? I have no problem with the hard boiled ones. I want the soft center egg to still be hot after it is peeled, but I did ice it quickly for a minute, but the shell was stuck tight. The membrane wouldn't give at all. Any tips from you thriftyfuners?


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