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This page contains money saving food tips and information about healthy eating.



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Weight Watchers Food Companion Books?What is the most recent year that Weight Watchers published the Food Companion and Dining Out small soft-cover books?


The sprouted lentils.

Sprouting BeansEveryone can do this. You only need a container with a cover. You may use many kinds of beans. I used lentils this time.


Lentils & Brown Rice  in jar

Cooking Lentils with Brown RiceComplete the protein of your rice by adding lentils before you cook it. It tastes delicious and is good for you.


A vegetable puree to add to food for extra nutrition.

Adding Extra Nutrition to Your FoodBoosting the nutritional value of your meal is easily done by adding concentrated foods, and can often enhance the flavor. This is a page about adding extra nutrition to your food.


Big plate and small plate of spaghetti.

Controlling Portion SizesAs many of us know diets do not work in the long run. Weight is often regained. One easy way to reduce extra calories and lose weight or not gain it back is to pay attention to your portion sizes. They are typically too large. This page contains suggestions for controlling portion sizes.


Two hot dogs that have been cut in half and then broiled.

Cut Hot Dog in HalfSummertime means a lot of picnics and backyard parties especially classic hot dogs and burgers! When it comes to hot dogs - one hot dog is a bit too much meat for the bun in my opinion.


Person making a salad on a countertop full of fresh food.

Transitioning to a Healthier DietChanging our diet to a more healthy one can be difficult. It often means not only giving up many snacks for healthy alternatives, but also shifting to better carbohydrates and whole grains, not to mention more vegetables. A slow introduction of the new foods may make the process easier and more successful. This is a page about transitioning to a healthier diet.


Sliced ham on a cutting board.

Roasting and Slicing Lunch MeatsAvoid added sodium and other unwanted ingredients by being your own deli. This page has information about roasting and slicing lunch meats.


Add Butternut Squash to Frozen Dinners - chunks of squash in pasta meal

Add Butternut Squash to Frozen DinnersButternut squash is one of my favorites. I like to buy the ones you steam in the microwave, since they come in small packages. The other day, I was eating a small dinner, the type that comes in small packages, and I decided to scatter some of the butternut squash on top of the spaghetti.



A glass of iced tea with stevia.

Homemade Stevia SweetenerIf you grow stevia in your garden at home, try making this easy homemade sweetener. This is a page about homemade stevia sweetener.


Cut up zucchini to use in place of fruit.

Using Zucchini Instead of Apple or Pineapple When BakingThis is a page about using zucchini instead of apple or pineapple when baking. Try using this versatile squash instead of fruit in your next baking.


May holding large hamburger looking at it suspiciously from the side

Helping My Husband Change His Eating...This is a page about helping my husband change his eating habits. Changing your or a family member's eating habits can be a real challenge.


Small images of foods arranged by color against a while background.  Yellow foods like bananas, corn, squash, and yellow mellon are in the middle

Foods That Are Yellow?This is guide about foods that are yellow. Those bright yellow and orange foods including fruits and vegetables are not only pretty and tasty they are healthy. They contain carotenoids which are converted into vitamin A helping to improve low light vision, body development, and strengthening your immune system.


granulated and cubed sugar

Reducing Sugar in Your DietThis is a page about reducing sugar in your diet. Most of us are aware of the excessive amount of sugar in the typical diet in some countries.


Using Chia Seeds

Using Chia SeedsAn annual herb that is traditionally grown in Mexico. The seed is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and dietary minerals. It can add texture to many food and beverages. This is a page about using chia seeds.


A happy woman eating a salad.

Healthy Eating AdviceThis is a page about healthy eating advice. Eating a balanced diet is a great way to feel better and maintain a healthy weight. Finding new ways to eat healthy foods makes it easy eat well.


Mom Making Healthy Meal for Daughter

Healthy Meals for KidsChildren have an increased need for energy as well as other essential nutrients, but often have difficulty eating a lot at one time. This page is about healthy meals for kids.


A woman shopping for produce.

Buying Foods in SeasonThis is a page about buying foods in season. A great way to ensure you are getting fresh foods for your family is to shop seasonally for fruits and veggies.


Healthy Snacks for Losing Weight

Healthy Snacks for Losing WeightFirst, learn what foods/snacks are your downfall and BAN them entirely from your home! Have these food items on hand for when cravings hit! Remember that the less processed a food is, the better it is for your health.


Woman Avoiding Fast Food

Avoiding Fast FoodThis is a page about avoiding fast food. It is everywhere, we are surrounded by fast food restaurants. Choosing to avoid fast food and improve our eating habits can be challenging.


Sugarfree Peanut Butter

Buying Sugar Free Peanut Butter?This is a page about buying sugar free peanut butter. Many brands of peanut butter include ingredients other than just peanuts, such as sugar.


Cantaloupe With Cottage Cheese

Cantaloupe With Cottage CheeseThis is a page about cantaloupe with cottage cheese. Add some cottage cheese to fresh cantaloupe for a refreshing healthy dish.


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Free Fruit For Kids At Farm Fresh GroceryThe supermarket chain "Farm Fresh" recently introduced a "Healthy Eater Free Fruit "card. The card is designed for children 12 years of age and under and they would receive a free apple or banana each time they were in the store.


Frozen Pasta Meal

Making Packaged Foods More NutritiousThis is a page about making packaged foods more nutritious. Many of us find ourselves rush and having to turn to packaged foods when making meals. There are numerous ways to make them more nutritious.




Cooking With Coconut OilThis is a page about cooking with coconut oil. Cooking with coconut oil is becoming more popular and can even be a healthy alternative to other cooking fats.


Fruits and Vegetables

Getting Your Family to Eat More Fruits and...This is a page about getting your family to eat more fruits and vegetables. Getting the family to eat a more healthy diet is often a challenge.


Avoiding Genetically Modified Foods (GMO)

Avoiding Genetically Modified Foods (GMO)This is a page about avoiding genetically modified foods. Many of us have concerns about eating genetically modified foods.


eating healthy on a budget

Eating Healthy on a BudgetContrary to common belief you can eat healthy foods on a budget. This is a page about eating healthy on a budget.


low salt recipes

Low Sodium RecipesThis page contains low sodium recipes. Trying to stick to a low sodium diet may be difficult without changing the way you cook.


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Whole Grain Cooking SubstitutionsHalf of the white flour can be substituted with whole grain flour in cookies, muffins, quick breads, and pancakes.


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Eating Healthy While Eating OutThis is a page about eating healthy while eating out. Eating a healthy meal when eating out is possible as long as you know what to look for. By knowing which things to avoid you will be able to make better choices for a nutritious meal.


Woman choosing between an apple and a hamburger.

Eating Healthy at Fast Food RestaurantsFast food restaurants are convenient and fast but they can be far from healthy. Many fast food restaurants have added healthier items to their menus, however they can be confusing and even misleading. This is a page about eating healthy at fast food restaurants.


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Substitute Olive Oil For Healthier CakesYou can substitute the same amount of olive oil instead of regular oil when baking cake. You get essential Omega 3 fatty acids found in salmon by using the olive oil.


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Healthiest Produce for the MoneyCosts will vary from place to place seasonally but overall these fruit and veggies have the absolute most nutrition for the money per ounce.


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Make Tomato Soup from Spaghetti SauceYou may have heard that chemicals in the lining of some cans leaches out and may contaminate the food inside. In place of canned tomato soup, I used a jar of spaghetti sauce (any brand will do) and milk to make a delicious soup.


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Substitute Fruit Puree For SugarIf a dessert recipe calls for 1 cup of sugar, swap in 1/2 cup fruit puree. I make my own using apples, prunes, or pears. I also use jarred baby food when I can buy it on sale at the grocery store.


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Eat Apples for Colon HealthWe are hearing a lot about colon health and colon cleanses. A natural, inexpensive and gentle way is to eat several organic apples per day with a glass of water. You will see the difference.


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Add Veggies to Tomato SauceMake your spaghetti healthier, tastier, and stretch farther using fresh, thin sliced carrot, and/or thin sliced zucchini. It adds color, and flavor to any tomato/pasta combo, and kids love it because the tomato disguises the taste of veges just enough to please their pallet.


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Give Unwanted Food to Family or FriendsI am terrible when it comes to passing up the snacks when I go to the store. I am trying to curb that desire to snack on chips and dip! This week, I cleaned out my kitchen cabinets and because my dad is on a pension I called him to offer it to him and he accepted GLADLY!



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Good Power FoodsThese foods will give you strength and energy


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Cut Up Veggies For Quick And Healthy SnackGreat for weight conscious people, or children. When I buy my vegetables, such as carrots, bell peppers and such. I immediately wash and cut them up and put them into zip-lock bags in the refrigerator. When I want a snack, I will opt for them rather than sweets or chips.


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Berry TreasuresWhich one is better for you, blueberries or cranberries? It's not even close, according to the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, citing a study from the Technical University of Denmark.


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Has Anyone Tried 'Miracle Noodles'?I am contemplating purchasing some noodles called Miracle Noodles. I want to know if anyone has used these before and what do they think of them. You have to order them. They are pure fiber and calorie and cholesterol free.


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100% Juice Is A Good Way To Add NutrientsServing juice to your family can be an easy way to help picky eaters get the nutrients they need. Use your calculator to find the best price per ounce.


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Add Beans To Ground BeefWhen cooking with ground beef for spaghetti or chili, I often take some kidney beans or bean medley and crush them up and add to the sauce. With the vegetables and sauce, you can not taste the beans, but you get the added nutrients.


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Cereal Bar Recipe?I made a cereal bar and lost the recipe. It had bananas, whole wheat flour,oatmeal, chopped nuts and raisins, I used Splenda instead of sugar and apple sauce instead of oil or butter. It was great and of course I lost it. It was only 100 calories per bar, which you cut like a flat cake. can anyone help me.


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Nutritional Information For Newsletter Recipes?Would it be possible to include the nutritional information with the recipes included in the newsletters?


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Pour Off Oil From Bottled Salad DressingsWe've got a pal who's a nurse. She pours off the oil that gathers at the top of bottled Italian dressing, before using the rest on her salads.


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Mix in Baby Food to Get Extra VeggiesBeing a single working mother, I am always on the run. It's hard to come home after working all day and make the most nutritional meal. A lot of times we end up having quick fixes and I forget to add a fresh vegetable.


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Lower Salt SoupsWhen preparing homemade soups, use margarine instead of butter and herbs instead of salt.


Raise a Glass to Healthier Eating

Raise a Glass to Healthier (and...The primary reason for eating healthy is to maintain a properly working body. However, after my husband was forced to alter his eating habits due to various health reasons, our family realized another perk to eating in moderation - savings.


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Making Healthy Spreadable ButterYou can make spreadable butter that is healthier for you than margarine.


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Tips for a Husband Who is a Picky Eater?Does anyone have any suggestions for a picky eater? My husband and I are wanting to start a family soon and I want us to start eating better but he refuses to eat any veggies and very few fruits. The veggies he will eat are: broccoli, lettuce, fried squash, and corn on the cob.


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Before Eating Junk Food, Consider Medical Costs Down The RoadWhen choosing healthy food and considering cost, it helps to remember what the dentist charges for a filling if I eat junk food, what cholesterol and diabetic prescriptions cost, not to mention the cost of going to the doctor and other medical tests.


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A Healthy Meat SubstituteWhat if I told you I'd found a food you can use like meat that's not only dirt cheap, but also healthier than many other food items on the market? You'd probably think I also had some swamp land in Florida to sell you cheap.


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Invest In Your HealthYour health is worth much more than what you can save by eating junk. Cut back on other areas; possessions come and go, but you only have one body. You are buying quality of life, not just apples. Our family of four eats unprocessed, mostly organic foods on $100 a week, mostly by cooking everything ourselves. Give yourself some time to transition to this new lifestyle and mindset, and you'll find yourself actually spending less, not more. By Shirley


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Groceries Are Cheaper Than Doctor BillsWhen I was raising our children my mother-in-law told me one day as I too was complaining about food prices. "groceries are a lot cheaper then doctor bills" and I never forget that and raised four healthy beautiful adults.



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Weight Watchers Food Companion Books?What is the most recent year that Weight Watchers published the Food Companion and Dining Out small soft-cover books?


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Eating Healthy at Fast Food Restaurants?Tips for eating healthy at food places. Is it even possible? Post your tips and ideas below!


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Healthy Oil for Popcorn?What kind of oil is 'healthy" for popping popcorn on the stove top?


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Is there a cooking oil that is better for us?I heard you can substitute apple sauce for oil but is there an oil that is better for us? I am a diabetic and so is my father, I like to make him pumpkin bread but it calls for 1 cup of oil.


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Recommendations for a Reliable Nutritional Information Site?I'm looking for a reliable website with nutrition info (ie: how to read nutrition labels, etc.) Can anyone offer me suggestions on site(s) they have liked/had good results with?


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Benefits of Almond Milk?I would like to learn more about almond milk and it's benefits. Is it better than drinking 1% milk or light soy milk? I recently made some homemade almond milk, but it was kinda gristly even after blanching. How do I make it smoother?


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