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Mandarin oranges mixed with whipped cream for an easy dessert.

Low Calorie DessertMix sugar-free Cool Whip with a mandarin orange. It tastes just like a creamsicle.


A plate containing different sprouted seeds.

Sprouted Seeds from your Kitchen CabinetI always sprout seeds, especially in the winter. I add them to sandwiches, salads, soups, or even eat as snacks! I normally just use a mason jar with a piece or cheese cloth or a little screen material under the jar ring/cap to allow me to rinse and drain daily until they sprout.


An oil spray being added to a bowl of popcorn.

DIY Cooking Oil SprayEver notice how cans of cooking oil sprays end up empty so quickly? They are costly for how much actual oil they have in them. They also have quite a few additives. You can make your own at home two ways.


Two hot dogs that have been cut in half and then broiled.

Cut Hot Dog in HalfSummertime means a lot of picnics and backyard parties especially classic hot dogs and burgers! When it comes to hot dogs - one hot dog is a bit too much meat for the bun in my opinion.


Flaxseed and water to use as a vegan egg substitute.

2-Ingredient Vegan Egg SubstituteTo make an awesome egg substitute for your cooking and baking needs, mix one tablespoon of ground flaxseed meal with three tablespoons of water. Pop it in the fridge for about 15 minutes to let it thicken up until it's gooey, then it's ready to use. If you need more "eggs" you just double/triple the recipe, and so on. This works great in things like muffins, cookies, pancakes, and burger patties.


A bowl full of organic produce.

Prioritize Organic Produce PurchasesOrganic produce is always more costly or unavailable locally where I live so I can't always buy organic.


A bottle of homemade produce wash.

Produce WashIn a mason jar, add 1 cup of water, 2 tablespoons of baking soda, and 1/2 cup of vinegar, mix well. Put produce in a bowl and pour over fruits. Let sit five minutes and rinse well.


A salmon cake added to a deli pasta salad.

Add Salmon to Pasta SaladI found a wonderful combination to put together, from the deli at our local Food City. I found that I could purchase a small container of rainbow pasta, and sprinkle pieces of the salmon on top, and it makes a wonderful, light lunch, and was very delicious!


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Healthy SnackingIf you're like me and always want to run to the vending machine and have a sweet or salty snack, then this tip is for you! I always keep a bag of trail mix or dried fruit in my desk drawers so anytime I'm hungry, I can save myself from picking an unhealthy snack.


A portion of almonds in a silicone muffin cup.

Muffin Cups for Portion ControlMuffin cups hold a portion of nuts or other snacks. This will help you control your weight.


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Low Fat White SauceSeveral recipes call for a white sauce, which is flour added to melted butter, then thickened with milk. I'm trying to cut down of our fat grams, so this is a way to cut out some butter and still have a great tasting white sauce.


Add Butternut Squash to Frozen Dinners - chunks of squash in pasta meal

Add Butternut Squash to Frozen DinnersButternut squash is one of my favorites. I like to buy the ones you steam in the microwave, since they come in small packages. The other day, I was eating a small dinner, the type that comes in small packages, and I decided to scatter some of the butternut squash on top of the spaghetti.


An assortment of different prepackaged salads in a supermarket.

Food Inspiration at the MarketI am trying to eat healthier but it's easier said than done. I am tiring of making the same salad over and over. When I go to assorted markets, I will snap photos of the salad aisle to give me inspiration on what different kinds of salads I could make or may like.


A deli meal consisting of a salmon patty and green beans.

Combine Salmon Patty with Green BeansI was at Food City and I decided to go to the deli and get a salmon patty. I felt I needed a side of vegetables, so I purchased green beans. I put them together, and surprisingly, they go really well together.


Blueberries in Container

Bring Fruit to Potlucks or Church DinnersWe recently attending a cookout at church People often pick up cookies or cokes or something processed to bring. I think blueberries are a great food to bring because they have so many vitamins and antioxidants in them. So I will be bringing blueberries, strawberries, and other wonderful real food to all the meals I attend.



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Product Review: Sweet Leaf SteviaThis is the world's best-tasting stevia. My son even likes it. This all you need to sweeten your food. I use SweetLeaf in everything; baking cakes, cereal, coffee, tea, everything! I put it in a peach cake and was so good. It took 24 packets to add up to 1 cup of sugar. I always keep it on hand.


A bottle of Truvia Nectar.

Product Review: Truvia NectarThis is a stevia sweetener blended with honey. It is used just like honey, and tastes and pours exactly the same. The big difference is that it is much lower in sugar, carbs and calories.


Seeds, grains, garlic and lemon to add to food for extra nutrition.

Adding Extra Nutrition to Your FoodTo increase the amount of vitamins in my diet, I like to enhance my meals with a variety of nutrition boosters! Anything to make one's food 'super!' Here's a few things I like to use:


Drink Water Instead of Soda

Choose Water Instead of SodaDrink water every day. Not diet soda, not crystal light, but water! Sure, you might not like the plain taste of water. So go to your local Walmart and buy an herbal tea box and put that in your water. Otherwise, you may think that diet soda is better for you, but it is not.


Groceries ready to be cooked for dinner.

Fast Food Versus Good FoodIt seems like I've posted online a lot lately about healthy food being cheaper than "fast food," but I get the feeling that many remain unconvinced. To illustrate, I'd like to share a purchase I made recently at my local grocery store. Here are the items I bought:


Chocolate chips and nuts

Chocolate is Good for YouFor a long time, I have heard and read that eating a little chocolate every day is good for you. I have chocolate chips left over from Christmas, that were going to waste if not used, so for the past couple of weeks I have been eating some of them daily.


Chia seeds soaking in juice

Add Chia Seeds to DrinksTo get your Omega 3 vitamins into your kids, spouse or yourself, just rehydrate chia seeds in a jar of your favorite drink: grape juice, OJ, tomato juice or just filtered water.


Keep Restaurant Menus for Meal Ideas

Keep Restaurant Menus for Meal IdeasMy adult children are vegetarians and I am not. When I go to a restaurant with them, I will keep the paper menu. It reminds me of the ingredients in their favorite dishes for when they visit me and I want to make something vegan for them.


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Add Vegetables to Macaroni and CheeseAll kids love their mac n' cheese. Whether it is your homemade recipe or out of the package and into the microwave, add vegetables to make macaroni and cheese healthier.


Strain Sugar from Cereal

Strain Sugar from CerealWhen you get to the end of the cereal box or bag, you'll see sugar or tiny particles that you don't want to eat. Take a strainer and dump the cereal into the strainer and shake around. The small parts and sugar will fall into the sink or garbage can.


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Bulk up with BeansTo stretch our meat budget and add extra nutrition, I love to add beans to meals. My favorite is the white Great Northern. Super easy to soak over night and cook the next day.


Healthy Snacks for Losing Weight

Healthy Snacks for Losing WeightFirst, learn what foods/snacks are your downfall and BAN them entirely from your home! Have these food items on hand for when cravings hit! Remember that the less processed a food is, the better it is for your health.


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Stretch Meat with Thin SlicesMy husband and I are trying to eat less, but do not want to feel deprived. When I cook chicken or turkey breasts, I use a long knife and slice horizonally through the meat to make three thin slices of each breast.


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Salad Spinner for Making Bean SproutsI searched online for directions on making bean sprouts and found that a gadget is sold that resembled my salad spinner, so I tried using what I had and it works very well.


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Cut Down On Sugar in Fruit PiesWhen preparing fruit for pie filling, crisps, cobblers, etc., mix in a teaspoon or two of baking soda before adding any sweetener. Then start out with adding 1/4 to 1/2 the amount of sugar that you normally would.



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Free Fruit For Kids At Farm Fresh GroceryThe supermarket chain "Farm Fresh" recently introduced a "Healthy Eater Free Fruit "card. The card is designed for children 12 years of age and under and they would receive a free apple or banana each time they were in the store.


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Saving Money on Healthy FoodI have a restricted diet. I admit sometimes it get boring to eat the same type of food so I have been trying to change it up some lately. Summer is the perfect season to get fruits and veggies, but even frozen things can be fresh.


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Nutrition In DisguiseI had 3 boys in 4 1/2 years when I was very young. Then at 40, I had another boy. His brothers were 17, 20 and 22 when he was born. I gave them pancakes slathered in butter and syrup at least twice a week.


Green beans flavored with a small amount of bacon bits.

Adding Bacon Flavor To RecipesI used to cook green beans with bacon. Recently though, my husband's doctor suggested we cut back on this kind of processed meat. But we LOVE the flavor of foods cooked with bacon.


Measuring cup next to empty apple sauce container.

Portion Control for DiabeticsAfter sometimes eating an entire package of Instant Spuds, I had to learn when to control portions to keep healthy. When this came home to me, I set out to learn how to do it either in my head, or with everyday things around the house.


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Whole Grain Cooking SubstitutionsHalf of the white flour can be substituted with whole grain flour in cookies, muffins, quick breads, and pancakes.


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Reduce Calories and Fat in Asian CookingI love Asian food and make it often. Many recipes call for cutting the meat up in chunks then breading and frying it. The breading always absorbs some of the fat no matter how you fry it. That adds a lot of calories and fat to your meal.


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Review Menus Online Before Choosing RestaurantSpeaking as a person who lost over 100 lb. in one year, one of best recommendations is to only go to restaurants where you know you can get something that fits into your diet profile - calories, carbs, fats, etc.


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Replace Margarine with Olive Oil in RecipesMy husband and kids all loved the boxed macaroni and cheese, but I've never been a fan of all the fat and calories in it. I always used skim milk in the mix, but cutting way back or deleting the margarine/butter gave the stuff a noticeably blander flavor they didn't like.


Wooden bee hive

Buy Honey Locally And Other TipsMost people think honey is honey, but not all honey is created equal. Store bought honey most of the time is not all USA honey. A computer will print the place of origin of honey on the container.


The Dangers of MSG and AspartameFor most of my 56 years, I have been having a myriad of symptoms, most of them neurological in nature. I have known for a while that the food additives we are (often) unknowingly consuming have had an effect on us. It wasn't until today that I knew how much.


A handful of sunflower seeds in shell.

Sunflowers Seeds for ZincSunflower seeds are so wonderful. They are full of zinc, which means they will add zing to your life. Plus they will add sunshine to your personality. I am talking about the salted shelled variety here.


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Cook Spinach With Coconut OilWe all know that spinach is good for us - we should eat it everyday. I have also discovered Organic Cold Pressed Coconut Oil. This has great benefits, good for your hair, skin, weight loss, lowers blood pressure, and a whole host of other things.


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Substitute Olive Oil For Healthier CakesYou can substitute the same amount of olive oil instead of regular oil when baking cake. You get essential Omega 3 fatty acids found in salmon by using the olive oil.


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Healthiest Produce for the MoneyCosts will vary from place to place seasonally but overall these fruit and veggies have the absolute most nutrition for the money per ounce.



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Add Juice Concentrate to KefirI add juice concentrate to our Kefir. It makes it as good as a Danactive yogurt we used to buy in the stores. Even my kids like it. It is also much better for you than Danactive. I have learned not to use the pulpy juices.


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Roasted GnocchiRoasted gnocchi makes a brilliant and time-saving alternative to roast potatoes or fries and can be found inexpensively in most supermarkets. Heat two tablespoons of sunflower oil till smoking in pan on the hob or in the oven, then shake in the gnocchi.


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Make Tomato Soup from Spaghetti SauceYou may have heard that chemicals in the lining of some cans leaches out and may contaminate the food inside. In place of canned tomato soup, I used a jar of spaghetti sauce (any brand will do) and milk to make a delicious soup.


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Colander to Remove Excess Salt from NutsWe love pistachios, but many times they have a lot of salt on them. I discovered that by shaking them in a mesh colander, I was able to removed a large quantity of the salt. I also shake pumpkin seeds.


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Substitute Fruit Puree For SugarIf a dessert recipe calls for 1 cup of sugar, swap in 1/2 cup fruit puree. I make my own using apples, prunes, or pears. I also use jarred baby food when I can buy it on sale at the grocery store.


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Put Cinnamon in Cottage CheeseWe know that cinnamon is very good for us. We know low-fat cottage cheese is good for us. Put them together for a yummy side dish or treat any time of the day!


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Advice For Healthy EatingAfter exploring the Atkins diet, Nutrisystem, and various other diets and diet advice, this is the best diet advice I have to offer. This simple advice will keep your weight in check and ensure that you have good health and energy.


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Cook With Coconut OilHealth is on everyone's mind, and a healthy body starts with what you put into it. Coconut oil, and coconut product are at the forefront of nutritional subjects with claims of internal and external rejuvenation!


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Eating Healthy on a BudgetI am trying to change my eating habits. However, I have noticed that foods that are suppose to be healthy are very expensive. Foods like boneless chicken breast, salmon, fish, and shrimp can be very expensive when trying to feed your whole family. Do you have any suggestions?


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Removing Fat From Cooked FoodsIf you cook soups, stews, or pot roasts that have fat in them, there are a few simple ways to get the fat out while leaving the flavor in.


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Stay Hydrated With Diluted Fruit JuicesWe are all told to drink more water and stay hydrated but I know I get bored with plain water very quickly. I've found that you can make great tasting flavored water simply by diluting good quality bottled fruit juices.


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Adding Fiber to Meat LoafI discovered a great way to add a little fiber to Meatloaf. My family was none the wiser. I used crushed Fiber One Bran cereal. I used one cup of cereal instead of breadcrumbs or cornflakes.


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Stop Drinking SodaI'm 67, a wife, mom, grandma of 21 great kids and will soon be a great grandma. One of the best things I've done for myself is to stop drinking soda pops. I know the soft drink companies won't appreciate me, but after a year of no pop, I've lost weight, my arthritis is better, my waistline is smaller, and my belly is smaller. I seldom experience bloating and I'm saving on the grocery bill.


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Chick Peas for Extra Servings and NutritionAdd chickpeas to virtually any stew or crockpot meal to extend the number of servings, and add nutrition.


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Increase Dietary Fiber With Uncooked OatmealIncrease the fiber in your diet and save on dish washing by eating tasty uncooked oatmeal. Yes, uncooked oatmeal. Don't knock it until you have tried it! When visiting Turkey, I noticed uncooked oatmeal on the breakfast buffet.


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Lettuce With Peanut Butter and OnionMy Dad had a heart attack in his 50's. His doctor told him to stop eating bread. And for snacking he gave him this hint: 1 large leaf lettuce, spread with 1-2 tablespoons of peanut butter. Add a THICK slice of red onion. Roll it up and enjoy.


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Dip Your Fork Into Salad DressingDip your fork into your salad dressing or dip, instead of dunking your food or pouring your dressing over for food. Your tongue will still get the flavor you're wanting, not tons of it, neither will your hips. Plus, you'll not have to purchase the salad dressings as often, so you'll be saving on your food bill.


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Golden Mashed PotatoesWhen making mashed potatoes, add a couple of handfuls of shredded carrots to the raw potatoes in the pan. This is a wonderful, nutritious addition that is tasty and colorful.


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Chop and Wait Before Cooking With GarlicThere is new scientific evidence that in order to be most effective, the garlic needs to be chopped up and sauteed or cooked for a short while. The beneficial ingredient will develop over time so be sure to chop up the garlic and let it sit for about 10 minutes before using.


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Agave Nectar as a Sugar SubstituteI have been researching sugar substitutes and have found an awesome substitute that is not chemically altered like Splenda and the others on the market. Some of you may already use it, if not I highly recommend you try agave nectar. My family loves it.


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Healthy Substitutes for Cream of Mushroom SoupThis not a request as such but a question. Why do so many recipes have soup, especially mushroom added to them? I've noticed that at least one of Robin's daily recipes has it in. Canned soup contains a lot of hidden salt and other additives which, if you're on certain diets, isn't too healthy.


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Gluten and Wheat Free Flour RecipeRice flour is a good substitute for just a portion of wheat flour. It has no gluten, so has no elasticity. If you have wheat allergies or are on a gluten free diet, you can use 6 cups rice flour, 2 cups tapioca, 1 cup potato (or garbanzo bean) flour mixed together to make a great flour that can be used in all kinds of muffins, breads, cookies, bars, etc.


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Healthy and Frugal Meatloaf "Burgers"Try sneaking vegetables to your picky eaters in the form of meatloaf burgers. Add leftover vegetables like peas or mashed potatoes and unbuttered corn to the ground meat and mix well as you would meatloaf to blend.


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Rinse Canned Foods Before UsingWhen you open a can of tuna, vegetables or even fruits, empty the contents of the can into a strainer and rinse under running water for up to 5 minutes before adding them to a recipe. This cuts out lot of the salt and sugars added to canned foods.


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Soy Protein Wiener: Vegetarian AnthemThis is a little jingle I thought of when I decided to turn vegetarian. It's written to the tune of the Oscar Meyer wiener song and I think it has a shot at becoming our anthem.


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Count Protein To Help Control DiabetesDid You Know? Very often, diabetics are told to not worry about counting the grams of protein they eat, with the exception of making them as low-fat as possible. But protein grams do count!


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Sneaking SpinachOoooo I've always loved St. Patrick's Day - the whole MONTH of March actually! Everything is expected to be green, but not everything is expected to be good for you...


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Jazz Up Your Water with This Fruity Lo-Cal BeverageWe all know that water is good for us, but it can get boring. Try this simple recipe to jazz up your water. I take a 64 oz. pitcher and fill it with 2 slices of orange, 2 slices of lemon, and 2 slices of lime. Add water and about 5 or 6 packets of Splenda, and shake well.


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Add Baby Food To Recipes To Boost NutritionI do not want to spend that much time steaming and pureeing veggies and fruits, so I buy the small bottles of baby food when it is on sale and add it to different dishes.


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Unfiltered Apple Cider Is Better For YouWhen purchasing apple cider vinegar for cooking, read the label to make sure that it is made using the whole apple and unfiltered. If not, the vinegar is not as high of quality and precious nutrients will be missing.


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Stretching Virgin Olive Oil with Canola OilVirgin olive oil is so expensive, however it does provide an extra olive taste, which is so nice in certain recipes. Being on a budget and not wanting to sacrifice taste, I have mixed 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil to 2/3 cup Canola oil.


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Try Salad SandwichesA lady I used to know, told me a great way of getting your daily intake veggies. She said a lot of the time, she might not have the time to have a salad.


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A Healthier Alternative To MayoInstead of mayo, instead of Miracle Whip, I have found a healthier alternative. In short, I tried hummus at a restaurant, and it was excellent. It's basically beans. I bought a package that you reconstitute with cold water.


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Healthy Tips for Reducing Fats When CookingAfter reading so many recipes on this site that are ladened with fats, I thought I would share one of my tips that I use to help our family use a little less of them.


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Five Colorful Fruit And Veggies A DayEat 5 or more servings of colorful fruits and veggies a day, to help achieve optimal health!


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Ways To Reduce Salad Dressing UseThe new salad dressings with sprayers are pretty pricey even if you have a coupon. To control the amount of salad dressing we use at home, I do not remove the foil seal when opening the new bottle.


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Making Healthy Spreadable ButterYou can make spreadable butter that is healthier for you than margarine.


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Preparing Fresh Fruit for the WeekI buy seedless watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew, or grapes, and cut it all up into a large covered bowl, and eat fresh fruit all week. For breakfast, I pour a carton of non-fat yogurt and a handful of low-fat granole on top. Healthy and light!


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Add Dehydrated Powdered Vegetables to RecipesI dehydrate many of my home grown vegetables and then grind them and further reduce them to powder in my blender. Then I store the powder in the freezer and use it all winter long in several ways.


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Encouraging Kids to Eat Fruits and VegetablesTips for getting kids to eat fruits and vegetables...


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Less Sodium in Canned SoupI love some canned soups, and I am sensitive to sodium. I have found that many soups, particularly Progresso Chicken/Rice for example, can be drained of the canned liquid, and fresh water added.


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Getting the Family to Eat More Fruits and VegetablesTo get my family to eat more fruits and vegetables I cut them all up (like apples, or peel oranges) and put them in single servings in a plastic bag. So they can just grab what they want and not have to worry about fixing it themselves. It helps me to eat my fruit too!


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Healthy Eating For Overall HealthEven with being frugal, you need to look at the big picture. For overall health and weight loss, you have to look at long term eating and not just immediate gratification. I shop at Aldi's every other week and our Aldi's has a produce section where the healthy treats would be as inexpensive as chips.


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Healthy Snacking Grows Healthy Kids"Kids love to snack, and the good news is that snacking is important to a child's well being. Children are growing and developing rapidly.


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Popcorn and Trail MixPopcorn is a great inexpensive snack. You can cook it in a hot air popper and have a low calorie snack for very little money. The calories go on when you use oil, butter, or margarine on it.


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Eating Healthily and Frugally at Fast Food ChainsExcluding Subway, the more healthy items at fast food chains are the more expensive (e.g., Grilled Chicken sandwich vs. a Big Mac). When you go, make sure to ask if you can SUBSTITUTE a healthy side item, like a salad, for french fries or potato chips. By defoliate


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Fruit Flavored CerealInstead of buying fruit-flavored cereal, you can make your own healthier version. Buy a bag of frozen berries or peaches in the grocery store frozen food section.


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Enriching Meatloaf - Adding CalciumFor a little healthier dinner, try mixing 1/4 cup nonfat dry milk into meatloaf before cooking it to sneak some extra calcium into your kids' food. They will never know the difference.


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