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Using Expired Cottage CheeseA few times, after finding the cottage cheese container buried in the back of the fridge, well past its expiration date, I've tossed it out. Recently, I got ready to toss out another container, but had a 2nd thought.


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Reuse Healthy Choice Steamer BasketsIf you are trying to eat healthier and steam vegetables in your microwave, a bowl from Healthy Choice steamers works well time after time. You will also be recycling at the same time. I love not having to drag out my strainer all the time.


Ready Made Salads In Ziploc BowlsLike many couples with no kids in the house, we don't eat as we should. Here's a way to get a few more veggies in. Take one bag of salad lettuce and divide it into 6 bowls with lids.


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Flour Tortilla NoodlesCut flour tortillas into strips with your pizza cutter. Use them instead of noodles when you make "Chicken and Noodles". Nobody will ever guess that they aren't homemade noodles.


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Kangaroo CookingAlways cook something for the next meal, with your current one: extra potatoes in broth, for cottage pie; extra stew, to chop up as pie fillings; extra rice, to make rice salad or tacos; extra fish, for patties; extra spaghetti, to cut up in soup; extra bolognese, to stuff baked aubergines or marrows, etc.


A cutting board with a knife, rubber band and a bunch of celery.

Free Hands ChoppingTake a cutting board, a heavy rubber band (I save the rubber bands that come on broccoli bunches), and something you want to cutup (celery, squash, carrots, you get the idea). Take the rubber band and stretch it over the short side - slide it to one side to the left if you are cutting right handed and to the right if you are using your left hand. Take the celery, slide it under the rubber band and begin chopping. So easy! And you can use both hands to chop. Always use caution when using a knife.


A cereal liner on a refrigerator door.

Cereal Liners Instead of Waxed PaperThere used to be a show called Extreme Cheapskates on TV. One featured person said the cereal liners are better than waxed paper. I wash them off and put them on my refrigerator to dry. I use them to separate hamburgers, pancakes and waffles for freezing. I also use them to keep my counter cleaner if I am flouring chicken cutlets or kneading dough.


A squeeze bottle filled with mayonnaise.

Use Squeeze Bottles For CondimentsSandwiches are probably the most popular lunchtime staples. Who doesn't like a sandwich for a quick and easy lunch or snack? This tip applies to wraps too!


Using tongs for your toaster.

Use Wooden Tongs on Your ToasterIf you have trouble getting toast out of your toaster because the toast doesn't pop up enough above the top or because you have sensitive fingers I highly recommend using wooden tongs.


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Muffin Tin MeatloafTry baking meatloaf in a muffin tin instead of the usual loaf pan. It will bake in half the time and you will have individual portions that are all ready to serve.


A wok stir frying vegetables.

Making Stir Fry at HomeMy son recently moved away from home and has been asking me for cooking tips for some of his favorite foods. I have made stir fry about once a week for my family for many years. It's a great way to use up excess veggies. I figured that I would share my tips with you all.


A box holding a watermelon in a trunk.

Box for Transporting WatermelonIt's that time of the year when those delicious watermelons are in season. When we know we are going to pick up one or two, we put a box or the clothes basket in the trunk of the car to put it in. This secures the watermelon and keeps it from rolling around loose.


Crushing Crackers or Corn Chips for Soup Easily

Crushing Crackers or Corn Chips for Soup EasilyI love crackers in my chili and corn chips in my soup. But crushing them leaves a big mess. So I figured out a way to accomplish the crushing without the messing. Put two matching bowls, one with the crackers or chips in it, and one to crush them between the two bowls. No muss, no fuss! N-JOY!!


Placing a skewer in a lemon.

Cut Lemons No Longer a ProblemI use a lot of cut lemons but hate having a cut lemon half hanging around in my refrigerator until I use it again. Recently discovered that I can roll it gently (to release the juices) then pierce the lemon with a skewer. I just squeeze out the juice for a particular recipe I need, leaving the skewer in place when returning it to the refrigerator until the next time!


An avocado cut in half.

How To Tell When an Avocado Is Ripe?For years I thought if the sides were soft, the avocado was ripe. My husband heard on TV to touch the tip and if the tip is soft, the avocado is ripe. I had an avocado that was hard, but the tip was soft, and took a chance. The avocado was perfect.



A basket of fast food condiment packets.

Save Fast Food CondimentsEvery time I eat out, I receive tons of extra condiment packets. Usually, I don't need them, but I hate wasting food. I originally stored them in a ziplock baggy, but decided to find a container instead. I bought this cute heart shaped one at my local Mighty Dollar. Not only does it fit perfectly in my fridge door, but it allows easier access to my extra condiments packets.


Kale in a soup.

Use That KaleI received a cut fruit arrangement and the greenery was kale - lots of kale! Instead of throwing it out to the wildlife, I decided to make Kale soup. Now, you may be thinking, it was just used for decoration in the arrangement, and you'd be correct. However, kale is food, and it was washed and used next to other foods so there is no reason on Earth not to use the kale from the arrangement also!


Using cardboard to reinforce an aluminum pan.

Reinforcing the Bottom of a Disposable PanI like to give baked goods as gifts in disposable containers. However, sometimes the bottoms are flimsy. To reinforce them I tape a cardboard cereal box or other thin cardboard box I have. It makes it easier to transport, and I don't have to worry that the bottom will bend out of shape.


A turkey carcass being cut into smaller pieces.

You Can Cut a Frozen TurkeyDue to the virus, it will just be my husband and me for Thanksgiving. I purchased the smallest turkey breast I could find, but even that is too much. Both of us prefer the taste of turkey the first day. Since the meat was already frozen, the butcher at the store was unable to cut it.


Decorative stickers used to seal open food packaging.

Stickers to Reseal FoodsI constantly get too many address labels and stickers free in the mail and have lately been using them to reseal my no seal packages rather then use plastic bags or other packaging methods. Just a simple sticker will seal just fine, from cat food to cheese or my liverwurst.


Four jars of baby food on a counter.

Baby Your Food BudgetWhen I can get baby food for free with coupons, I buy it even though my babies are all grown up. I buy the applesauce and use in my baking or for a snack. I also use it and other fruits to flavor plain yogurt. The puréed vegetables are excellent to add to soups or to add to yogurt or sour cream for a savory dip.


Two boxes of oranges with different pack dates.

Check Produce Labels For DateAnyone having issues with produce spoiling much quicker than they should? I have made a few Costco trips and each visit I'm always left with something spoiling much sooner than they should (especially oranges).


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Baked Potatoes to Save Time and MoneyAt the beginning of the week, I wash a 5 pound bag of potatoes and bake them for 1 hour. Having these partially cooked potatoes allows me to make quick, nutritious sides that can go along with entrees such as french fries with hamburgers, home fries with omelettes, or mashed potatoes with a roast.


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Sticky Measuring Cup Clean UpWhen measuring peanut butter (or any other kind of sticky ingredient), spray your measuring cup with a non-stick spray like Pam before filling the cup. Fill and take a small spatula to release. Comes out easy and easier to clean!


Shredded cheese in a bowl.

Add Cheese In First for Messy DishesIf you are like me, you love dishes like Chili, Corned Beef Hash and Ravioli. But sometimes, if you love cheese, it's hard to deal with the mess of it being sprinkled on top. It's sometimes too melted, or sticks to the side of the bowl, or worse, spatters on the inside of your microwave.


A piece of bread in a pot of mushy rice.

Fix Mushy Rice with BreadI can't tell you how many times I've made mushy, soupy rice. There's a quick fix that transforms this gluey mess into perfect, fluffy rice: a slice of bread. Place a piece of bread on top of your pot or rice cooker full of mushy rice, put the lid back on, and allow to sit for 5 to 10 minutes. The extra liquids will make their way into the bread, and your rice is saved.


A bulb of fresh garlic with one peeled clove.

Peeling Fresh Garlic is a CinchPeeling fresh garlic really slows you down when you're cooking dinner. Try this tip the next time you use fresh garlic! It works.


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Cooking for OneI live alone, after having raised a family and losing my husband, so I am used to cooking for more than one. Also, a couple years ago I decided to give up processed foods, such as frozen dinners and convenience foods, as I am not a big fan of additives and preservatives. Plus, those foods are expensive for what you get. Most frozen meals are tiny and leave you looking for more.


A container containing shredded cheese and a measuring cup used as a scoop.

Cheese ScoopWhen I could have bread, I used to baste my morning eggs. But now, I have shredded cheese on my over-hard eggs. I got an idea that if I had a little scoop in there, it would keep my hands cleaner.


A beef patty made inside a ziploc bag.

Make Beef Patties Inside Ziploc BagOne of my absolute favorite meals is hamburgers. I always mix in at least 1-2 seasonings, the most flavorful for me being ranch and onion powders. I dread the mixing and shaping part though because bits of the ground beef sticks to my hands, as I roll and flatten.



A coffee grinder for making fine coffee powder.

Cheap Espresso PowderUse your coffee grinder to grind 1/2 the amount of ground coffee. Ground coffee has not been brewed yet, so it is stronger than espresso powder and you will need less.


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Preventing Injuries in a Commercial KitchenYou will get a thousand cuts and thousand burns before you become a chef. Here are some tips to prevent injuries when working in a commercial kitchen but might be helpful at home too.


A plastic bag used to collect food scraps.

Recycle Plastic Bags for Peelings and PitsNow that we won't be able to get plastic bags much, finding a good way to keep smelly stuff out of the trash will require some creativity. So now when I have bags from inside cereal, crackers, beans or barley, I keep them.


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Fresh Frozen SeasoningWhen a little girl I used to love watching my mother cook. Especially when she let me help make her homemade seasoning instead of store bought seasoning powder, other than salt and pepper. She brought out a big onion, cilantro, garlic buds, and pepper. She cut up the bell, onion and chopped up the cilantro. and let me throw them into the blender.


Flower and water in a jar to be added to gravy.

Making Lumpless Gravy or SaucesAnytime we all make gravy, there's always the issue or thought of not wanting to have any lumps in it from the flour. For many years, it was just stir or whisk them away, but that's a lot of extra stirring, and sometimes there's still even lumps left.


A cooked potato that has had the skin removed.

Boiling Potatoes in the Skin for Potato SaladWhen my mother made potato salad, she boiled the potatoes whole and then peeled them. Her potato salad was so good. When I want to make a batch of potato salad, I cook the potatoes in the skin like she did.


Grease Measuring Cup for Sticky Ingredients

Grease Measuring Cup for Sticky IngredientsIf you need to measure sticky things like molasses, syrup, honey, or peanut butter, lightly grease your measuring instruments first. This will allow the contents to slide right out without any fuss.


Cans of fried onions from Trader Joe's.

Stock Up on Seasonal Food ItemsWhile watching a Vietnamese cooking show - this gourmet fried onion pieces from Trader Joe's was being featured as a garnishing touch for a noodle dish! Many Asian dishes do use fried onion pieces for optional garnishing so this is a time saver! But of course, fried onion is universal for other dishes like: casseroles, salads, vegetables, pastas, curry dishes, soaps, meat loaf and more.


An InstantPot inside a recycled cardboard box.

Transporting Food SafelyIt's the holiday season! A lot of us are probably doing some cooking and then transporting the foods to our family or friends homes.


Leftover broth being strained before being added to a bowl.

Strain Leftover BrothAfter heating up your left over broth, use a strainer and strain the broth. You now will be left with clean, clear broth just like it was freshly cooked.


A colored bag of red potatoes.

Avoid Non-transparent Food PackagingWhen purchasing any produce or not just produce but any food related items - do not be fooled by non-transparent packaging.


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Homemade Powdered SugarTo make powdered sugar, place parchment paper on your table, put granulated sugar on top, cover with either the other half or a second piece of parchment paper, use rolling pin to crush the granulated sugar into powder.


A tablespoon of tomato paste in a plastic bag.

Storing Leftover Tomato PasteI wrap tablespoon portions in plastic wrap and store them in a freezer bag. They stay a long time and there is no waste.


Cherry tomatoes cut in half.

Slicing Cherry TomatoesTake two shallow-rimmed plates, or two identical flat container lids. Place the tomatoes on one of them, cover with the other so the tomatoes are firmly sandwiched, then use a very sharp knife to cut across the tomatoes perfectly in half. If you don't have a super sharp knife, use a serrated knife. Time saver!


Pieces of potato that have been placed in a plastic ziptop bag.

Making Squashed Spuds in a BaggieI love canned spuds. As a diabetic, I can have two servings from each one. If you love steamed spuds and keep the real ones, this works great too.



A plastic lid on top of a food scale, weighing chicken breasts.

Plastic Lid on Food ScaleUse a plastic lid on your scale when measuring food to help keep food particles and juices from running into the mechanical device. Not only is clean-up much simpler, the offset of food and container weight from taring the scale to zero is much lower; far better than using a heavy plate.


Stray leaves from Brussels sprouts that have been cut in half.

Save Brussels Sprout LeavesWhen I prep brussels sprouts and cut them in half, the leaves would fall off. If you add up all the leaves, that's a lot to toss out. I save the leaves and incorporate them for other dishes.


Packages of Mighty Leaf tea on sale.

Buy Variety PacksWhen trying a new product, for the best value try to see if there is a variety pack. You'll be able to get an idea of what you like/not like.


A small container with packaged butter pats from takeout.

Saving Takeout CondimentsWhen I order take out, I ask for complimentary condiments to go with our meal. These condiments add up and sometimes I don't even have to buy these ingredients.


A plate of raw hamburger patties, with a hole in the center of each one.

Add Hole When Grilling HamburgersWhen grilling hamburgers, press a hole in the middle and the hamburger will cook more evenly.


Melted cheese in a pan for topping a burger.

Melted Cheese ToppingNormally when I bake anything with a cheese topping, the cheese always gets baked right on it. But, when I make homemade hamburgers, I don't melt the cheese on the meat patties anymore because the cheese seems to melt and spread off of the patty and then slides off into the skillet, then half of the cheese ends up in the bottom of the pan, which usually ends up a burnt cheese mess with the cooked hamburger patties.


One small plastic container upended inside another.

Using Lidless ContainersI poured a can of pineapple into a plastic tub and realized I didn't have a lid. Then I went to get one with a lid, and found out it didn't have one either.


A plate of crackers in the microwave becoming crispy.

Recrisping Potato Chips, Crackers or CerealMicrowave a plateful of stale chips, crackers, cereals or other snacks in the microwave for 30-45 seconds. Then let it stand for 1 minute to crisp them back up!


A cooler with ice to keep grocery store shopping cool on the way home.

Bring Cooler on Grocery Shopping TripsEvery time we restock our weekly groceries, we make sure to bring our cooler. We place the cooler in the trunk with ice packs.


Using a recycled food tray to empty a coffee pod.

Emptying Coffee PodsI use to find emptying coffee pods could be messy, whether in your garbage, on a paper towel or down the sink. All were messy, not eco-friendly, and would even cost you if the paper towel method was used. I now use an empty plastic container. Simple, clean easy. I use a Smart One dinner container.


Ingredients for making a soft salad.

Making a Soft SaladI have some dental issues right now that don't allow me to eat anything crunchy. Not having much in the way of fresh foods for over a week, I was going into my "Rabid Rabbit" stage. In other words, I needed a salad!


Terra Cotta Disk for Keeping Brown Sugar Soft and Fluffy

Terra Cotta Disk for Keeping Brown Sugar Soft and FluffySeveral years ago, I'd purchased new containers/canisters for the flour, and brown sugar.


A bakery cake that says "Happy 5 years" A + M

Complimentary Cake DecoratingI always thought purchasing cakes from the bakery section were grab and go unless you fill out a custom form sheet. But, during bakery hours - you can get them iced with your request for free.


A homemade cardboard knife case.

Easy and Safe Knife StorageI have three knives. I only use one but for times when I need all three, I did this today. Reaching in a drawer, I almost cut myself so this was the day to do this project.


Green olives smashed to remove the pit.

How to Pit Olives Without a PitterOlives with pits still inside them taste much better than the ones that have been punctured and brined. Pitting olives at home without a pitter is very easy. Just take something like a meat tenderizer, potato masher, or even the side of a heavy knife, and give the olive a good whack.


Store Oil in Recycled Plastic Bottle

Store Oil in Recycled Plastic BottleI was putting an empty drink enhancer bottle into recycling this morning and I had an idea. I hate walking the length of my kitchen to get some oil from the pantry. My hip tells me to "compartmentalize!"


Add oatmeal into last of peanut butter jar.

Oatmeal in Last of Peanut ButterWhen your peanut butter jar is almost empty don't waste the last of your jar put your hot oatmeal into your peanut butter jar, mix well.Then you get a little bit of protein with your oatmeal.


A baggie inside a plastic cup, for packaging food for the freezer.

Putting Foods in a BaggieWhen I need an extra set of hands to hold open the baggies so I can put in the soup that I want to freeze, and don't have my hubby around, I just use a giant quart size cup and place a baggie inside of it. I'm able to drop anything into that "baggied cup" and then pull it right out when it's filled, and do that for as many batches as I want to freeze.


A paper towel used to wipe cooking spray in a pan.

Stretch Cooking Oil SprayBetween chicken broth for stir-frying, silicone baking sheets and parchment paper, non-stick spray is rarely used in my house. Economy, however, is never obsolete. Then too, it''s not always easy to get even coverage with spray.


A phone protected by Saran Wrap.

Protect Your Phone When BakingThe next time you are baking and you need to follow a recipe from your phone, wrap it in Saran Wrap so you do not get it dirty.


An ice bucket with a lid, for food scraps.

Ice Bucket for Food ScrapsI recently picked up an ice bucket at a garage sale (50 cents!) and now use it on my kitchen counter for my food scraps. It is attractive and well insulated to provide a strong, sealed bucket and yet lightweight. Perfect to hold food scraps until I add them to my compost pile!


A muffin tin holding taco shells for filling.

Muffin Tins To Hold Taco ShellsWhen I make tacos, I have to hold with one hand and fill with the other. If you stand the taco shell on a muffin tray turned upside down, it holds the taco in place while you fill it.


A bag that contains a head of cauliflower from the grocery store, cut in quarters

Cut Up Cauliflower Without the MessIf you are like me, you process your food when you get it home. There's cleaning, chopping, bagging, etc. Well I find that cauliflower has the most "mess factor" of them all. Every time I cut it up, I end up chasing little pieces all over the cutting board. So today I got smart.


A store-bought pizza crust after prebaking.

Preheat Store-Bought Pizza CrustIf you are using a store-bought crust, do pre-heat your crust until lightly brown. By pre-heating your crust, it will prevent the pizza from being soggy once you add your sauces and toppings to be baked again.


A mini muffin tin on a white towel in the kitchen.

Muffin Tins As Ice TraysIf you are having a party and need a lot of ice, use muffin tins.The full size ones are great for ice too, because you get bigger ice and it will not melt as quick.


An onion stored with an avocado half.

Keeping Avocados and Guacamole Super FreshI've tried all the various methods of keeping my avocados and guacamole fresh, but this is by far the best yet. Keep a piece of cut onion in a container alongside your cut avocado or prepared guacamole and it will stay fresh and bright for several days.


A jar of mayo and one of relish, to be combined to make tartar sauce.

Make Tartar Sauce in Relish JarI was almost out of dill relish when I realized I could avoid making a bowl dirty. With a dollop of mayonnaise dropped in the jar, it whips up just fine without using anything else.


A clothespin holding a single serving packet of sweetener closed.

Clothespin for Closing Sugar PacketsI am now using Truvia, which is twice as sweet as sugar. I only need half a packet at a time. I keep the packet closed with a clothespin until I need the rest of it.


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Save Money with a Vacuum SealerWe wait for sales on meat before stocking up. This past week, we bought a boneless pork loin for $16.00. We cut it up then ground it up and made 1 pound packages that we vacuum sealed and froze. We also bought another boneless pork loin and cut it into chops and tenderloins, vacuum sealed and froze.


An oil bottle dispenser next to a lemon.

DIY Lemon Juice DispenserI like to use the dispenser from my oil/vinegar bottle pourer to help get lemon juice out of my lemons. First, I roll the lemon around on the table using my hand with firm pressure in order to loosen up all the juices. Then I poke it and insert the dispenser. Squeeze the lemon and all this juice will come out, minus the pulp and seeds.


A sandwich made from two bread heels.

Bread Heel SandwichMany people don't use the ends of bread in their sandwiches. If you put the heel on the inside, you can make an excellent sandwich. Some people fool their children this way, but this tip never worked with mine. I do this for myself. Prior to this, I used the ends for croutons and bread crumbs.


A row of milk cartons with different expiration dates.

Grab Perishable Items in the Back for Longer Expiration DateWhen you purchase perishables, it is best to grab from the back if you want a longer expiration date. I am able to keep my milk longer before it could spoil, which works best for our household.


Using the back of a spoon to crush garlic.

Use a Spoon to Peel GarlicPeeling a garlic clove is very easy. No need to use a knife anymore or scrape it. Just smash it with your spoon and it's all done. It all peels off. Safe and easy.


Pickle Jar vinegar spooned onto plate of veggies

Using Vinegar from a Pickle JarDon't throw out the vinegar from jars of pickles. It can be used in place of ordinary vinegar. Sprinkle it on fries, add to French dressing for salads, mix with olive oil for a bread dip. It can also be used one more time to make the lovely refrigerator pickles that are on trend at the moment.


Peeling a ginger root with a spoon.

Spoon for Peeling GingerThis is a simple tip for everyone. When peeling of ginger, you can use a spoon. It peels it easily and it is very safe, unlike when you use a knife. Just try it!


A bag of marshmallows stored in the freezer to be used as an ice pack.

Boo-Boo Marshmallow BagIce is great for boo-boos, but marshmallows are even better because there are no pointy edges. I have a package in the freezer, still in it's original bag, to use for headaches, bruises or other boo-boos.


A bowl of instant mashed potatoes made with stock instead of water.

Make Instant Potatoes with Chicken StockI love to have single serve mashed potatoes on hand at our house. I use stock or broth for the liquid instead of water, because it adds more nutrition to the potatoes. Usually I buy the broth or stock, but sometimes I make it myself.


An Oreo cookie placed on a fork, being dipped into a glass of milk.

Use a Fork to Dunk Oreos in MilkDunking Oreo cookies with your kids is fun, but sometimes it can slip from your fingers when dunking it in the milk. That makes me irritable. So what I did is to use a fork. I just insert the fork in the center of the Oreo. This time, it won't slip off. Let's have a dunk!


A makeshift closure to a plastic bag, using a bottle top and cap.

Plastic Bottle Tops for Cellophane CapsSometimes I am all out of jars and containers to store my recipes or my ingredients. Since recycling is important to me, I used plastic bottles as a cap for my open ingredients in their cellophane pack.


A bottle of canola oil next to a refill pack.

Keep Containers and Buy Refill PacksWe always buy in big portions at home so we can save more time and money. Keeping the containers and buying refill packs instead of buying another bottle of liquid ingredients can save you almost 50% of your expenses.


Softening butter with a heated mason jar.

How to Soften Butter QuicklyI keep butter in the fridge, but when I want to use it, I have to wait a bit longer for my butter to soften. Good thing I was able to find another way by filling a glass with hot water. Pour out the content and cover the piece of butter with it. Wait 2 to 3 minutes and the butter is soft.


Tri-colored sweet peppers placed in a muffin tin, ready for stuffing.

Use Muffin Tins for Stuffed PeppersSweet bell peppers are delicious stuffed and roasted, but not easy to keep upright. To stop them falling over in the oven while they are baking, simply pop each one in a muffin tin.


Pouring batter into a ring mold.

DIY Ring MoldI was recently making my Japanese Style Puff Pancakes and could not find my metal ring mold ANYWHERE! So I used a shaped one. Yesterday, I realized I could just make one out of wax paper.


A pants hanger being used to display a cookbook in the kitchen.

Makeshift Cookbook HolderUse a clothes hanger with clips to hold a cookbook open while you follow your recipe. Simply hang it up in front of you from a cupboard door handle.


A bowl filled with food next to another empty bowl.

Second Bowl to Insulate Hot FoodI have two bowls that are metal and the same size and shape. The metal keeps my cereal hot but protects my hands from getting hurt. I just stack them inside each other. The top one conducts the heat from the cereal and the bottom one keeps the heat from my fingers.


A metal spoon inside a glass jar full of hot liquid.

Metal Utensil to Save Your GlassI often have to pour hot or boiling liquids into glass jars. Unless the glass is tempered, it will shatter. Someone told me that if you stick a metal utensil in the jar, somehow by magic it prevents the glass from breaking!


A grilled doughnut on a plate.

Grilled Glazed DoughnutHere is a way to make a fresh or almost stale doughnut really yummy. Get an electric grill, such as a George Foreman. When the grill is hot, press firmly so that the doughnut flattens and the glaze melts. Wait a few seconds until you see the glaze bubbling and the doughnut is golden brown.


Dried goods stored in the freezer.

Freeze Dried Goods to Prevent PestsIn order to avoid moths and pantry pests, take your dry goods as soon as you purchase them and stick them in the freezer for a minimum of three days. This generally kills any eggs or larvae that are just waiting to destroy your food.


A glass baking pan lined with tinfoil

Tinfoil for Easy Clean UpTo make your clean up from dinner or baking for fun, simply add a layer of tinfoil onto your glass or metal pan before putting it in the oven. Still use nonstick spray because it will still stick but it allows a easier cleanup.


A casserole lid that works as a small pie plate.

Casserole Lid as Small Pie PlateI purchased two small casserole lids. These lids can be used to bake a pie. It is a perfect size for a single person or retired couple to enjoy a pie without baking a 9 inch pie.


A bowl of snow ice cream.

Snow Cream VariationsI guess you could call this a garden picture. The snow was harvested from my garden. And too, I don't have an actual recipe. The amounts of all other ingredients would vary according to how much snow was used.


A yellow lemon cut in half, ready for use.

20 Uses for LemonsTips on keeping lemons fresh, uses for lemons and a few lemon recipes. I wash and dry fresh lemons. Cut them into wedges and de-seed them. Toss them into a freezer proof bag or container. Whenever I need a lemon in my drink, I add the frozen wedges.


Paper cups for muffins or cupcakes on top of glass jars.

Paper Muffin Cases as Jar CoversPaper muffin cases plus an elastic band make useful quick jar covers for home made jams, jellies, chutney and other preserves. Pretty them up with ribbons bows and hand made labels to give as gifts.


Making Lasagne Noodles Ahead of Time

Making Lasagne Noodles Ahead of TimeLasagne is delicious, but takes time to make. I cook my filling and noodles the day before and assemble and cook the lasagne the day I serve it. Here is how I store the noodles:


A coffee cup being used as a spoon rest on a stove.

Coffee Cup as a Spoon RestWhen using a long spoon for stirring soup, etc., I rest the spoon in a coffee cup. It takes up less space and makes less mess on the stove.


Placing a butter wrapper inside a ziptop bag.

Save Your Butter or Margarine WrappersSave the paper wraps around the individual margarine/butter sticks in a plastic baggie and store it by my butter dish in the refridge.


grinding spice into jar lid

Using Spice Grinders with Hot FoodSteam can cause a spice grinder to become blocked over time. It is therefore a good idea, especially with salt, to grind your seasonings straight into the lid and then sprinkle it from your fingers rather than hold the grinder over the steamy hot cooking food.


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