
Holiday GiftsAsk a Question Follow

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Making Spirit Gifts for High School Dance Team?My daughter's high school dance team is going to Nationals and I would like to make spirit gifts for the girls (17 of them). Any ideas or thoughts?


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Asking People to Bring Frugal Gifts?My daughter is expecting her first child in April. Her friend wants to throw her a baby shower. However, my daughter, her friend, and most of the people being invited to the shower are students.


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"I Love You" Scavenger HuntLast year for hubby's birthday, he was working nights, and would be getting home at 4:30 am. I took a bunch of scraps of paper (you could cut a bunch of hearts, and do this for valentines or any holiday, really). We each took turns writing what we love about daddy


Matching Doll Gift

Give a Girl a Matching DollGive joy to a little girl. Get her a doll that looks just like her! My granddaughter was thrilled!


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Gift Baskets for Baby ShowersI have been using these two tips for many years and have received only compliments! For a very unique baby shower gift, buy a potty (just the pot), and then with the help of your Pharmacy and Dollar stores, fill it up with useful items the baby will need...


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12 Days of Christmas Packaging Ideas?Does anyone have any packaging ideas of poems or sayings to go with the 12 days of Christmas?


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Use Photo Tags for Pre-ReadersWe have a lot of little ones, (pre-readers), and come Christmas morning there is a big rush to open gifts. So to let everyone help give out the gifts and let Mom and Dad enjoy the activities, we came up with an easy name tag idea.


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Gift Ideas for an "Army" Guy?I am looking for help with a frugal gift for my brother. I am normally very good at picking out gifts for people around me but I am having a really tough time figuring out what to get my brother.


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Stick Old Photos to MagnetsMy best friend is a photography major. We were going through pictures one night and came across a great idea. We went to Wal-Mart and bought a pack of business card magnets in the school supplies section.


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Christmas Gifts For Teachers?I need ideas for Christmas gifts for teachers and childcare providers? Any ideas for something other than a coffee cup?


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Gift for Someone Who's Had Hip Replaced?I have a good friend who just had her hip replaced. What could I do for her to pass the time while she is recuperating? I was thinking of a gift box, food etc. Her daughters clean for her. Does any one have any unusual suggestions? Something to brighten her spirits. Maybe something that is not food. Thanks so much. I appreciate any suggestions.


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Surprising Someone with a Beach Vacation?I am planning a surprise 50th birthday party for my husband next weekend. I have booked a surprise beach vacation for us in 3 weeks. Does anyone have any original ideas of ways to tell him about it? Any ideas would be really appreciated as I'm running out of time! Thank you!


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Apple Candles For Teacher GiftsFor teacher gifts, I buy apple scented sampler candles, wrap them in holiday fabric, and tie with wired garland. Now that the kids are older and have several teachers they have a little something for each one.


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Giving Teachers Plants As Gifts?Teachers, would you like a potted plant for Christmas? Our children have grown plants all year round and they are looking pretty good. Would these be appropriate Christmas gifts from kiddos or would they just be seen as more work? Thanks for your input.


The Peer Pressure of GivingSince when was it an expectation to spend a fortune buying gifts for each holiday? The recently advertised Mother's Day sales touted jewelry for hundreds of dollars to "show Mom how much you really care." What happened to the days of handprints papers and cards with glitter?



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Personalized Photo Albums For Grandchildren?I am looking for a simple (quick and inexpensive) project to make as Christmas gifts for my 12 grandchildren, ages 5 to 23. I am wanting to do something with the digital pictures that I have of them from over the last few years.


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Creative Gift Ideas for My Boyfriend's Birthday?I just remembered that my boyfriend of 3 years is turning 20 next Sunday (October 12). I feel really bad for forgetting! I never do that. I've just been so busy. I don't want him to know I forgot. The problem is I am a broke college girl. I'm in art school and I'm naturally creative.


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Memory Gifts For ChristmasEvery year the adults in my family draw names and buy a gift for just one person instead of a gift for everyone. Sometimes we have themes for the gifts. One year we did memory gifts (I saw this one on TV)...


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Gift Ideas for Pet LoversFor the pet lovers in the family I've come up with a unique way to show them I care at Christmas time. I found $1 "Pet Sitter Information" pads for the refrigerator for when they need to leave their pets in the care of others, with contact numbers.


Birthday T-Shirt

Birthday Tee ShirtOur grandchildren made their grandfather a birthday tee-shirt and imprinted their footprints and hand-prints on the front of the tee-shirt. On the back was the birthday age number..I.E. #62!


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Gift Ideas For Boyfriend's Daughter?I need gift ideas for my boyfriend's daughter who is turning 21. I am searching for a special gift to give my boyfriend's daughter. I have not met her yet since she lives in another state. I only know her from what her dad tells me and from reading her travel blogs. She has traveled the world, comes from wealth, and has pretty much been raised as an only child. So, she doesn't want/need for too much.


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Handmade Gift Ideas?My father is retiring in August, I want to give him a special gift just from me. It has to be sentimental to him, and personal and handmade. He is interested in wild birds, fishing and nature. He is a strong Christian man. Any ideas?


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Baby Gift Ideas for a Great Granddaughter?I need suggestions for a gift for a soon-to-be great granddaughter. It's been much too long for this babe to know what is good and 'cool'.


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Special Craft Ideas For Baby Gift?Hi everyone! I just found out I'm going to be an Aunt for the first time. Woohoo! We live in Indiana and my brother and sister-in-law live in California. I want to make sure we are close to our niece/nephew despite the distance. Does anyone have any suggestions on neat crafts or anything like that we can share that will help our family feel closer? Thanks a lot!


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Buy Birthday Gifts Throughout The YearShopping for Birthday gifts for yet another birthday party left me frazzled. It was always the same thing; what to get a child, how to stay in my budget and how to stop the last minute "I need a gift" shuffle?


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Surprise Birthday BalloonWhen my niece turned 12, I bought a huge helium balloon and put it in a big box, along with her birthday money, and mailed it to her. When she got it and opened the box the whole family was startled as the balloon got out and went up! A very fun way to surprise a kid on their birthday!


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Volunteer Poem Given with Votive Candle?About 10 years ago I received a volunteer gift. It was a clear votive cup with a candle in it. Someone had glued rhinestones to the outside of the votive. A poem was included, something about being a shining volunteer. I have lost the poem and I am wanting to make these up for volunteers. Does anyone have the poem or something similar?


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Coke Cart For Secret PalAt work we have a Secret Pal. Mine is big into Coke Cola products. This year, I went to the Goodwill and found an old maid's cart with wheels. I sanded (very little) the old paint and rough spots, painted it white (left over-non leaded paint).


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Creative Way to Give a Gift Card?I bought a friend a gift card to a store. What would be a creative way to give it to them?


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Gift for a Dental Assistant Graduate?My daughter will be pinned on January 10, 2008 as a Dental Assistant. What would be a nice gift to bring to the pinning?



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Remembering Animals In Need This HolidayThis year, my lovely daughter will give a different Christmas gift to the young children in the family. Instead of books or toys, she is paying for a year's subscription each, to sponsor a donkey in a donkey shelter near her.


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Ideas for "Cheer Baskets"?I need ideas for creating "Cheer Baskets" for widows, shut-ins, etc in our community.


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Step By Step 12 Days Of Christmas GiftsI start off by making my cards. They are 3 1/2 inches tall by 3 inches wide. I use the poem from the 12 Days of Christmas song that I print on the inside.


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Gifts for Day Care Staff?I need some inexpensive gifts for my child's day care staff. There are 4 staff members. I want to give something nice but yet not "break the bank". Any ideas?


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Donations Instead of Gift Giving?I need some help coming up with a idea for a gift exchange at the school where I work. This would be for staff only. I had thought of having everyone purchase items that could be sent to the troops instead of buying each other gifts, but I'm not sure who I would contact.


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Mail Coloring Pages With Return EnvelopesI like to send cards to my brother's family out of state for each holiday. The little nephews, ages 4 and 1, love to get mail. I love to receive pictures from them to post on my fridge too. I decided instead of spending money on a card, I printed off pictures to color on the internet and put in envelope with a return one for me.


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Small Gift Ideas to Give Dec. 1-25?I have 2 ladies (who live in the same house-mother and daughter) that are my secret sisters from church. For each, I will give a gift bag with 25 individual gifts (one to be opened daily from Dec 1-25).


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Finding a Gift for Husband?What can I buy for a 59 year old man that isn't interested in sports of any kind? And he has too many clothes now. This man is my husband!


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Weight Loss Themed Christmas Cards?I'm in a weight loss group online, and we are going to send Christmas cards to each other.


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Creative or Romantic Birthday Present?My boyfriend is turning 18 on Nov 21. and I'm not really sure what to get him.. I don't want it to be lame since its his 18th. He's into video games, but basically has all there is. War movies, blah but I don't want to get him something like that. If you can think of something really creative and fun that would be great! Or a romantic date, I'm not too good at those.


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Gift ideas For Goddaughter's Confirmation?My goddaughter is having her confirmation in November. I was wondering if anybody has some good gift ideas? I want to give her something meaningful. Thanks in advance for your suggestions!


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What is the Perfect Birthday Gift For a Bullrider?My boyfriend is a bullrider, and his birthday is coming up very soon.


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Items with Meanings for Goody Bags?Where could I find a site with different ideas about meaningful basket or goody bags? My daughter got one from her teacher one year that gum sticks that meant something, a peppermint something else. Each little thing she put in the bag had some kind of meaning.


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Use Packaged Marshmallows for MailingWhen mailing cookies or breakable items to family and friends, use packaged marshmallows and crumpled newspaper to help cushion the item.


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Make Your Own Fruit Basket And TraysDon't pay to get your fruit baskets made, do it yourself. You can buy a basket or pretty bowl, or anything you want too make this in. The wrap you can get at Dollar Tree and you just pull it over the basket or container and use a blow dryer on it. Just like the stores do, only less expensive.



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Classical Records for Frugal GiftJust had a lovely but frugal birthday. One of my gifts was a set of Baroque classical records in great condition. The music is lovely, and there was a beautiful illustrated booklet about the music and the times.


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Over The Hill Gift Ideas?I am looking for a fun, clean, inexpensive Over-the-Hill gift idea for a 40th birthday for a male friend.


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Tip for Purchasing Store Gift CardsPlease be thoughtful when purchasing store gift cards for others. Generally they're a great idea, but keep in mind they cannot be turned in at the store for cash. Be sure the card is from a store that the giftee actually shops at...


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Gifts For Returning Friends And FamilyThis is a tip if you have a neighbor or friend who's been away from home for a long time. A nice gift to have for them upon their arrival home is a few of grocery items to hold them over for a few days.


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Use Shredded Colored Paper Instead Of Tissue In Gift BagsRan out of colored tissue paper and had a black gift bag to stuff - so I ran some colored advertising pages plus some bright-colored computer paper in our shredder. (I put a garbage bag on our receptacle to catch the shredded paper.)


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The Gift Of TeaOne of the best gifts we ever received from a friend was a huge bag of individually wrapped name brand teabags (all different varieties and flavors). It was from a coworker, whose sister worked at a brand name tea factory and got factory discounts.


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Gift Ideas for a Child Undergoing Chemotherapy?I need ideas for fun inexpensive gifts to send to my nephew who will be missing first grade this year due to illness (undergoing chemo).


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Money Walnuts For Christmas OrnamentsRaising three children by myself made money very tight, especially at Christmas, so I was always trying to come up with new ideas which would stretch a dollar.


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What Gifts Should Graduates Get for Other Graduates?What do kids graduating get for their friends also graduating? Money is tight because my daughter is trying to save for college?


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Gift Idea for Less Than $30?My dear friends are celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary on Easter Sunday. I need to bring a nice but inexpensive (less than $30) gift to the luncheon. I can't think of anything.


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Surprise Gift in a Soup CanI got one of those one touch can openers. I took a good size can, opened it on the bottom, filled it with candy, a scarf, socks, etc. I then glued the bottom back on and, TaDa!: a can of "soup".


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Leave Birthday Card Envelopes BlankIn my extended family whenever we go to birthday parties, we don't write the name of the person it's for. That way when the party is for someone in the immediate family, you can use the envelopes for mailing whatever.


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Giving a Trip to Hawaii as a Gift?Giving a Trip to Hawaii as a Gift. I have booked a trip to Hawaii for my boyfriends 22nd birthday/college graduation gift. I have told him that I have a family reunion that week to ensure that he will have the time off of work.


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Gift Note Ideas?I need a note or words for a note to write on a gift. I am giving an anonymous gift (a shirt, wal-mart gift card and a few small items) to a student who is a foster child and is having some tough issues to deal with right now.


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Little House on the Prairie Gift Ideas?My son is 8 years old. In his class they have been studying "Little House in the big Woods" I think that is what Little House on the Prairie is based on. He has to make a Christmas gift for another child that would be relative to that time, or something homemade like they did.


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Giving a Large Gift?I am looking for a creative way to give a gift that can not be wrapped because it is too big and it also needs to stay outside?


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Making Almond Roca?Making Almond Roca. When I make almond roca the sugar and butter mixture sometimes separates. The result is a greasy, not as hard or as tasty, product. Even when I make it on dry days this will happen. What am I doing wrong?


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Gift Ideas for an Artist?What homemade gift do you make for your boyfriend for christmas if he's an artist? Anything that he can use as a tool while painting, drawing, etc. Or any other ideas at all?


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Kid's Presents For Mom?Ok, I'm a kid. I have a problem. I'm 14. I can't drive so I have to get my mom to take me places to buy her stuff. Hello! Problem! My dad is in Iraq. I get $40 a week, if I do my chores.


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Seminary Graduation Gift Ideas?I have a good friend who is graduating from SW Baptist Theological Seminary and I was looking for gift ideas.


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Message in a Bottle Gift IdeaI am making a message in a bottle for an anniversary gift, how can I decorate it?


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Space Theme Gift Ideas?What can I give for gifts that has a "space" theme?


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Acceptable Gifts for Soldiers in Iraq?Does anyone know of a website or list of items that soldiers stationed in Iraq are allowed to have? My son-in-law is being deployed to Iraq and we are going to have Christmas early so we can celebrate with him.


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Christmas In OctoberChristmas in October or Early Bird Christmas Gifts. So the kids are back in school and you're back at work and you're thinking, "The last thing I want to think about is Christmas" but I am here to tell you that this month is the best for getting some of your shopping done. . .


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Birthday Cake in a Box GiftBirthday Cake in a Box. I created a little girl's birthday gift that did not need to be wrapped. I am the world's worst wrapper and did not want to add the cost of the gift with wrapping paper and a card. . .


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All Day Gift PackageAll Day Gift Package. I dread giving birthday party gifts as they can be very expensive and numerous! This year, my daughter took a card filled with various events. . .


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Gift Ideas for Grandparents?Gift Ideas for Grandparents. Every year for Christmas, I never know what to get my grandparents. They have everything.


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A Nice Card Instead of a GiftCards Instead of Giveaways. If it's Halloween, Christmas or Easter and you don't have anything to give out. . .


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Preparing Calendars for GiftsI often give calendars for gifts. Before wrapping up the calendar, be sure to write birthdays. . .


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Look for GiveawaysUse giveaways as much as possible. I have a little pocket calendar that I re-covered with some art from a brochure and then covered with a scrap of clear contact paper. . .


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Saving Giveaway ToysWhen I go to McDonald's, I get the Mighty Kids meal, and get a toddler toy, instead of the usual toy. I have used them to give to charity at Christmas for their toy give-away, and I have used them to give to my grandkids and great grandkids.


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Finding Foreign Language GreetingsDo you have relatives/friends/colleagues who speak a foreign language? Did you know that you can find out what a seasonal greeting is on the internet?


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Prayer for Losing Weight?I was wondering if anyone of there knew of a nice prayer to lose weight? I would like to use it in a gift set I am giving someone.


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Birthday Gift for a 96 Year Old?We have a dear uncle who is turning 96 years old in a few weeks. He still lives on his own, is healthy and spry and sharp as a tack! I need suggestions for a birthday gift, if you all would be so kind.


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Instead of Buying, Make Them at HomeMoney is limited for many right now. My money saving idea for holiday gifts is to make as many gifts as possible. Examples: homemade business cards...


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Religious GiftsHere is an idea for a cheap gift for someone that is religious. Look online for free religious books, dvd, cds, bookmarks, etc. You can also order bibles online for free.


Inexpensive (Earth Friendly) Christmas GiftI'm a bit low on money this holiday season, so I was trying to think of homemade gift ideas, and came up with this. It's thrifty, it helps recycle, and it's environmentally safe! All great things! I have a few "recipes" for natural, non-toxic cleaners that I got from a co-op natural foods store.


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Cards for Leaving Tips?Does anyone have the information on how to create miniture cards to leave with a tip at at a local restraunt or at your barber or stylist?


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Flower Pot Gift Ideas?I have a ton of flower pots that I'd love to use in my holiday giving but I need ideas for the people who don't like gardening.


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Birthday Gift for Someone Deployed in Iraq?What is a good birthday gift for my girlfriend who is deployed to Iraq?


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Gift Giving on a BudgetIt's getting to be that time of year again when you start thinking about holiday presents for everyone. For me, last year was a first as I set out to save money in a rather unique way: buying most of my gifts on eBay...


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Birthday Presents for a History Buff?I need help for my husband who is turning 25 this month. He is an avid history buff, CRAZY about hunting and would love anything to do with his truck. I can't decide what to get him and I would like to be creative.


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Teacher of the Year Gift?Any suggestions for a novel, very special gift for a Teacher of the Year who is also a niece?


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Quick and Easy Baby GiftFor a quick and easy and cheap baby gift, buy a package of cloth diapers, then personalize them by adding decorative ribbon. I have bought ribbon at Hobby Lobby for 10 cents a yard on clearance. If you do not sew, then apply heat n bond fusible to the back of the ribbon and simply iron on. This is a practical gift that any new (or not so new) Mom will love.


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What to give an outstanding woman?I have a friend who is just super. She is raising 3 young boys, one with a disability, she has a job with headstart...


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Unexpected Gift ItemsKeep an eye out for inexpensive sale items, when doing your shopping. Maybe you can't use the item, but you never can tell when you might need an unexpected gift...


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Graduation Basket Ideas?My ex-boyfriend and good friend is graduating from high school soon and I want to get him a basket and fill it with all sorts of things. The problem is I don't really know what to get him and I'm running out of money. I've already made him some mix tapes and gotten some stuff from his favorite TV shows and put that stuff in, I just want to put a lot more in and make it really special.


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Groceries for a GiftWhen a my birthday rolled around, one year, my Mom wanted to know what gift to get me. I had started trying to eat healthier than as usual. I suggested that she give me a gift card for a local supermarket. She was baffled, so I told her that I'd just be buying fresh fruits & veggies with it. This seemed to please her and it helped me out as well.


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Gift Ideas For a Business Partner?I have a good business partner, and his birthday is coming in 2 months. I want to get him a great, unusual gift, but I couldn't find anyone who can help me with it. The problem is that I'm busy, and do not have enough time to think about it. I'm ready to pay some money for a good ideas.


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Custom Books for FriendsI save all kinds of stickers, colored paper, string, beads, fabrics, jokes, cartoons, anecdotes, etc. I then buy $1.00 mini photo albums and make custom books for friends.


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Gift Ideas for School Staff?I am on the PTA board and we are trying to figure out a new birthday gift to give staff members this year. Since we have a limited budget and must buy for many, we are trying to keep it inexpensive. Last year we had a poem that came with a bunch of small items.


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Give a Recipe as a GiftA good gift idea is to get your favorite recipe, (front and back) put it in a frame and hot glue utensils on the frame (for example wooden spoons, soup ladle, cookie cutters,) whatever goes well with the recipe. Add a raffia bow.


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A Home Cooked Meal as a GiftFor my parent's most recent wedding anniversary, my sister had ran out of ideas on what to give them as a gift. So she called them up (lives close by) and told them to not make any plans for dinner. Sis prepared them a home cooked meal, complete with an entree, 2 kinds of veggies, salad, rolls, dessert and a jug of tea. Then she took it to them.


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Summer Vacation Picture GiftsWith summer vacations looming, it is time to take lots of pictures. I ALWAYS get two copies. When giving a picture to someone, I put it in a frame. (Thrift stores always have frames for very little cost.) If you have several pictures to give someone, place them in a small album. This is a very welcome gift of pleasant memories.


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The Gift of a Special WeekendFor our parents' wedding anniversary one year (when my siblings and I were still at home, in school and 2 of us had jobs). We wanted to do something really special for them, other than the usual gifts we gave.


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Recipe Box as "Moving Out On Your Own" GiftAnother "moving out on your own" gift I did recently for a friend was to make a recipe box. I bought a nice wooden recipe box and placed one unopened package of blank recipe cards inside.


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Tips Jar Gift for a Hairdresser - "Moving Out On Your Own" GiftA friend of ours is graduating high school in a few weeks and informed us that she is moving out of state as she was accepted to one of the top hairstylist schools in the United States. She also informed us that she may have to live on her own for the first time.


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Real Appliances for the KidsOne Christmas, when my niece asked Santa Claus for vacuum cleaner, Santa brought her a small, but real vacuum cleaner, instead of a play one that wouldn't pick up anything.


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Free Gifts Worth More Than MoneyYou don't want to spend money on a gift that won't be appreciated. You don't want to give cash or a gift card that can be lost or expire. Yet you wish to give something. What is a frugal person to do?


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Gift Idea - A Trip To The Dollar StoreFor little kids birthdays who don't really need any new, expensive toys, give them some money (like $10) and take them to a Dollar Store where they can pick out 10 different toys that they would like. It is cheap and the kid can have fun picking out whatever they want!


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"The Talented Mr. Ripley" Question?Does anyone know the name of the original french film that the movie" The Talented Mr. Ripley" was based on. I am getting married in a few weeks and want to give it to my bride as a gift as, it is the movie we went to see on our first date.


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Quick and Meaningful GiftFor a quick and meaningful gift for anyone, write an acrostic poem. Simply write the person's name down the left side of a sheet of paper, one letter at a time. For each letter, choose a word or words that describe the person. For example,


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The Easy Way to Make a Special PresentWe all know someone who is difficult to buy a present for. Someone who has everything they need and would not appreciate `normal' gifts. Often this will be your parent or an older relative or neighbour, and they can be a problem to buy something for.


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Soccer Senior Gifts?I was just given the task of making the 7 Seniors on our soccer team their gift from the team. The last few years other girls on the team did this. I would love some ideas, please. Thank you for your help.


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Bar Mitzvah and Graduation Gift Ideas?My niece is graduating high school and my nephew will be Bar Mitzvah this June. Both occasions call for gifts, but being on disability, my funds are very, very tight. Any suggestions?


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Shopping For GiftsWhen shopping for that perfect gift, the more time you allow yourself to shop around, the better price you'll find. Last minute shopping trips when gift giving, usually costs you more. Think ahead.


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Free Printable Cards or E-cards?Does anyone know of sites that allow free printing of cards or E-cards? I know there must be some. I'm new at this. Also are there sites that have just friendly chat among cleancut adults NOT LOOKING for anything but good conversation?


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How to Make Seed Packet Diapers?I am making favors for a baby shower. They are seed packets in little diapers made out of material. I am looking for instructions to make the little diapers! I am not crafty at all and can't figure it out on my own!


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Cool Heads and Warm HeartsIf you've ever struggled making the right decision, you may appreciate this story:


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Confirmation Gifts for Boys?What kind of gifts can you get for a teenage boy for confirmation?


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Love LettersNicer than a bouquet of expensive flowers, a love letter is something to be cherished forever. Check out a book such as "How to write a Love Letter" from your local library and start writing!


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Gift Certificates, Gift Cards and Premium RebatesIf you receive dated gift certificates or other premium rebates to use in a particular store, note the date on your calendar and which store it is to be redeemed in at least 7 days before the expiration. That way, you will have a reminder while you still have time to do something with it.


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Buying Atomizer Bottles?I am going to make gifts, and would like to have pretty glass atomizer bottles. Could you please tell me where I could purchase these? Thanks!


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Mailing a Get Well CardAnytime I mail a get well card to someone in the hospital I put THEIR home address in the the "return" section of the envelope. That way if they are discharged before the mail gets to them it will be "returned" to them at their home. Barbara in NC


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The Best GiftsMalls are everywhere - in every town, city, village and nook. They house thousands of storefronts and assorted units. The products they stock are numerous and the array is mind-boggling. There are items for the home, clothing, jewelry, plants, furniture, and gift assortments to pick and choose from.


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