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Why Does Food Giant No Longer Take Coupons?
Theyre not the only stores that wont accept internet coupons, alot in our area wont. What you need to do is to write the company thats issuing the online coupon, and see if they will send you via snail mail coupons for their products. Tell them the stores in...


Our Winter Wonderland
No snow here except in the mountains. They look lovely from here! Thanks for sharing your back yard snow photos.


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Have Them Pick Their Own Gift From Thrifty Finds
I dont have a special room dedicated to this like you do, but I do shop after holiday sales, yard sales, thrift stores for new or delicately used items that can be used as gifts (or kept for myself). I keep my gift stash in a private cabinet in my home. I keep...


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How Do We Help a Friend with Metastasized Cancer?
May God bless each & every one of you, for your wonderful suggestions. Theyre all right. Be the friend to her, as youd want her to remember you being. Do all you can to make her happy. Favorite flowers, favorite foods, favorite places to visit, favorite games...


Sunflower Sign

Using Old Barn Wood
You could paint some old timey store signs, those would sell. I love seeing old timey signs. I like decorating with things from long ago & I like old barn wood!


Large white goose.

Mr. Koose-Koose (African Goose)
Great story, thanks for sharing! Ive never seen an African Goose before.


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Can I Freeze Stuffing?
You can freeze it in anything but aluminum pans. Otherwise youll give yourself a quick trip to the hospital with food poisoning. My sister and her family learned that the hard way.


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Why Are My Cookies Running Together?
You might have used a butter spread from a bowled container instead of stick margarine or stick butter. This will change the consistency, I learned this soon after I started cooking. Always cook or bake with stick margarines/butters or canned shortening unless...


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Repairing a Frayed Drawstring?
What we used to do was use clear Scotch brand tape to wrap around the frayed end of the drawstring & gently heat the end with a lit match, just enough to melt the taped end a little bit & it was good as new.


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Keeping Tuna Salad from Being Dry?
Tuna, Miracle Whip (to get it to the right consistency), chopped boiled eggs, chopped onion (optional), black pepper, chopped dill pickles, some canned sweet green peas (drained, optional). Ive had many compliments on my tuna salad. Can serve it on various...


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Stove Top Teriyaki Pork Loin?
We bought a marinated teriyaki pork loin a few years ago & prepared it on the gas grill. It was so salty. My best way of preparing this type of loin is in a crockpot. I know you said you dont have one, but buy you one as a Christmas gift to yourself or ask...


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Stove Top Teriyaki Pork Loin?
Slice it in round pieces, dredge in a a batter or flour, and pan fry. Serve on hot biscuits. Nothing better than that for any meal, serve hot or cold.



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Butter Rum Fudge
Sounds delicious!! I cant wait to get some butterscotch chips, as the other ingredients are staples in my pantry. Ive finally figured out what Im taking to a New Years Eve party weve been invited to!


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Recipes for a Juice Extractor?
Juicers are much easier to clean if you rinse off the parts as soon as you finish using them. You can always go back and wash them thoroughly later, after youve finished your nice fresh beverage.


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Using Listerine For Toe Fungus?
Were using hydrogen peroxide & a few drops of tea tree oil mixed together in a small spray bottle as a pre-dental rinse before we brush our teeth. Its helping our peridontal disease (as our gums dont bleed like they did before we started using this mix), it...


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Ideas for "Cheer Baskets"?
For a lady, you might include a nicely scented body powder, a pretty hankerchief, a pretty scarf. For a gentleman, some flavored chapstick, a nice handkerchief maybe with his initial embroidered on it. My sister used to take a widowed relative: home baked muffins...


Cocoa Jars for Christmas
One time, for my local post office employees, I gave a big popcorn tin. I know they were all appreciative.


Logo for ThriftyFun Recipes

Coffee Spoons
Ive seen a similar version of this before. Can used crushed candies such as red hots or cinnamon discs, butterscotch or peppermint hard candies, instead of the marshmallows. Can be used for coffees, hot chocolate, etc. Wrap & decorate for whatever the occasion...


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Recipe for a Orange Flavored Cheese Ball?
I recently made a salad using cottage cheese & sugarfree orange jello & mayo, it had a good flavor. Why not use cream cheese & the jello mix & a little pineapple juice as a thinner? Best of luck!!


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Cook a Turkey Breast Side Down
I saw, just yesterday, on a satellite tv cooking show, to cook the turkey breast side down for a more even tenderized breast meat. Then turn it over during the last hour or cooking, so it can brown. Id never seen anyone bake a turkey this way, before.


Line of lighted jugs outside.

Milk Jug Lights
Ive seen these before, but never knew how to do them. Looked great!!


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Need 50 Small Gift Ideas For 2 Secret Sisters?
Chapstick, bookmark, nail files, nail polish, nail polish remover pads or liquid, cottonballs, shower cap, rain bonnet, bandana, pretty hanky, coin purse, small stuffed animal, small box of chocolates, can of nuts, pretty pill box for her purse or nightstand...


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What Can Be Injected In a Turkey For More Flavor?
a cajun marinade or natural fruit juices such as apple.



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Lego Bathroom Decor
Some friends of ours made their floor plan of their dream home up out of Legos. This way, when they wanted to redo something it was much easier than having to do it on printed floor plans on paper.


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Save Plastic Fruit Containers For Storing Small Items
Or use them to pack homemade goodies in for gift giving events.


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Using a Jar of Red Peppers?
I had a jar of these that I thought Id use to substitute for chopped pimentoes (for color) in a veggie dish. Big mistake. The pickled flavor of the peppers, that Id tried to wash off in a colander, didnt work & over come all the other flavors in the veggie...


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Flavored Brownies?
Different colored M&Ms are pretty in brownies. You can color coordinate them for the holiday youre preparing them for. Example: red & green for Christmas, red for Valentines Day, etc.


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Start-up Investments Are A Sign Of A Scam
Also, any company that states that youve won a prize from their company in a sweepstakes that requires you to pay a fee for them to send your prize to you is also scamming you. Beware. Also, when ordering checks for yourself or for a family member, if the company...


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Coupon for Curves?
Most of the time theyll let you have a trial week for free, just ask about it at your local Curves.


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Coupons for Triscuit Crackers?
Dont you just love the new flavors??? Yummy!! I dont know of any way to get any totally free product coupons. Most of the time when you write to the companies via snail mail or email, they most always send cents off coupons for their products. Recently, I wrote...


Filly on a foggy morning.

Filly On A Foggy Morning
Breath taking!! Thanks for sharing!


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Bag Take Home Leftovers After A Holiday Dinner
My Mamaw used to wash up & sterilize the styrofoam trays that raw ground beef came on. Shed used those for putting cake slices on to freeze. They worked well with plastic wrap so you could see thru it.


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Have a Dollar Store Budget
The dollar store is the one place that I dont feel bad about coming out with a few bags full of unplanned purchases. Its much better than going into a regular store and paying full price and coming out with many bags of unplanned purchases!


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Removing a Super Glued Rear View Mirror?
whatever he does, just be careful not to break the windshield! Somethings are better left to the body shops or repairs shops. Sometimes in life there are just some things that you cant save money on. Best of Luck!


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Recipe for Quick and Easy Candy?
On the potato candy recipe, you dont have to boil the potato, you can just nuke it in the microwave. Watch it, as you want the potato to be soft to the touch. My Mom used to make this for Christmas and for other gift giving times. Peanut butter crunchy or creamy...



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Do Mothballs Kill Spiders?
Ive been told that if you put hedgeapples, also known as Osage Orange, like under your house, when you have a spider problem, theyll rid your house of spiders.


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Review of Kevin Trudeau's Coconut Diet?
Too much coconut, in any form, consumed clogs your arteries. Also, no diet is a good or successful one unless you change your eating habits and exercise several times a week. If you do this, its best for you rather than making some guy or gal, or some big company...


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Buy Butter Now For The Holidays
Not just butter, prices will also rise on: nuts of any style, chocolate chips, sweetened condensed milk, sugars (brown, granulated and/or confectioners), flour, baking powder, eggs, dried candied fruits, etc.


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Add Extra Milk To Yogurt Smoothies
Make your own homemade smoothies, all in a blender. Mix milk with frozen fruits. Or mix a carton of flavored yogurt with milk & a dab of fruit juice (optional), to your choice of consistency. Or do like my friends husband, he uses plain, unflavored yogurt with...


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Ideas For Door Prizes At Womens Church Function?
Bubble bath is something I like to receive, or a gift card to a local store. Foods are iffy, with food allergies. A pretty date book or address book for her purse. Good luck!


A pickpocket stealing a wallet out of a purse.

Keep Your Purse Safe When Dining Out
My hubby got pickpocketed once, in a restaurant in Las Vegas. He never knew the fellow that bumped into him had lifted his money out of his shirt pocket, till a little while later he went to get gas in his truck to come home on! In restaurants, I keep my purse...


A pickpocket stealing a wallet out of a purse.

Keep Your Purse Safe When Dining Out
Also, another thing, watch large items that might be sitting on top of your grocery bags in a shopping cart, that might not fit in a shopping bag. Ive heard of these items disappearing, when the shopper has their heads turned. One incidence I heard of here...


Floral pattern on white background.

Decoupaged Mirrors
These are lovely! My favorites are the floral, especially the yellow one you have on top! Exquisite! Thanks for sharing!


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Getting the Last out of Bottles and Jars
The same goes for liquid laundry detergent bottles!! Rinse them out before tossing in the trash.


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Battery Operated Clock for Power Outages
I use my cell phones alarm clock & keep it close by all the time. We used to use digital clock on our nightstand with the red glaring light. No more of that!


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Velcro on the Back of Puzzle Pieces
Im surprised no one else has written regarding this. I thought this was an excellent idea. How many times have you bought a puzzle at a yard sale only to get it home & find out you dont have all the pieces? It would take some time to do, but great idea! Think...


Shower Cake For Baby Shower

Shower Cake For Baby Shower
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!


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Watch Out For Vinyl Bibs From China
Alot of your household items come from China, if you were go thru your home to look and see. If you go to Dollar stores, many of those items do, too. Especially if you order from such places as Oriental Trading Co., etc. Next time you go shopping, start checking...


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Look For Nail Polish And Other Toiletries At Rummage Sales
One might want to be wary of outdated toiletries. Open them up to make sure theyre not all dried up or smell bad.


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Polly's Texan Tuna Salad
Sounds great! Another variety, you could leave out the cayenne & toss in some chopped jalapeno, with pico de gallo (chopped onions & chopped tomatoes). We like jicama, it tastes like a cross between raw potato and apple.


Huge Hydrangea Bloom
Thanks for the memories of my Mamaws house (her next door neighbors house, just off Mamaws carport). I spent so much time in those bushes. Ive always loved those flowers, so lovely!


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Reasons for Not Using Coupons
Its worth it to me to use coupons. Theres no telling the amounts of money coupons have saved us since we started using them. One Kool-Aid coupon in particularly that I redeemed landed me a Grand Prize of $5,000. in a Kraft Foods Sweepstakes several years ago...


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Use Food Coloring In Decorative Bottles
I had a friend whod do this, to spiffy up her bathroom. Something pretty to look at while bathing, she said.


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Recipes Using Condensed Milk?
check out for more delicious recipes using sweetened condensed milk. May God richly bless you & your family!


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Cheap Notebooks For Back To School
With prices this cheap, those items could be picked up to give out at Halloween, or for inexpensive gifts, that you know will be used! I recently got some 24 ct. packs of Crayola Crayons for .25 cents a pack for school donations for our church project.


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Save Freebies For Gifts
Some advertising freebies (like hats, t-shirts, jackets) have embroidered logos on them that can be carefully removed by hand. My Mom got some denim shirts that had advertising on them, that she didnt want to have on it. With a pair of sharp nosed scissors...


Picture of Our New Pond
cute, thanks for sharing!!


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Tips For Spaghetti
One other thing is to heat your pasta bowl with hot water & empty it just before before adding your sauce or spaghetti before serving. If not, itll be cold upon serving.


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Organize Grocery Coupons By Aisle
My favorite store moves items also. So this way of organizing coupons wouldnt work for me.


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Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss?
I gives me heartburn, something fierce.


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Dark Purple Banana Peppers?
Theres nothing wrong with the purple peppers, they can be eaten just like the rest of them. Im not sure what causes them to turn that color, but theyre ok. Wish I had a plate of them right now!!! grin. My Grandpa used to grow them, some would turn purple.


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Locating Free Tires?
Check with someone with a farm. They might supply you with more than you know what to do with! Good Luck!


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Will Dry Heat Harm Wool Clothing?
Im not sure what you mean by dry heat. I do know that you cant put wool sweaters in the dryer, theyll shrink up to the size of a small dog. Best of lucky with your problem.


A cake shaped like a cross celebrating First Communion

First Communion Cake
Beautiful!!!! I hope you make cakes for a living, if you dont, you should!! God Bless You,


Lime Green Wedding Cake

Lime Green Wedding Cake with Fresh Flowers
I watch Ace of Cakes on satellite tv, I sit in awe just watching them make these wonderful cakes. I love the lime green color. I have to admit, Ive never seen a cake this color, its not bad. I admire you daughter for taking the leap & choosing this color for...


My Plant Window
Looks great and congratulations on all your wonderful yard sale finds!!! Thanks for sharing, I love to hear about excellent finds such as these & how theyre put to good use.


Green Iguana

Rex (Green Iguana)
I saw on the tv news where the iguanas can spread salmonella poisoning to everyone and everything they come in contact with. Wash carefully after handling one.


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Homemade Detangling Spray
This sounds wonderful. My scalp dries out & is so itchy. I dont have dandruff. My hair dresser said to use conditioner every time I shampoo & I do, but its still itchy. Thanks for sharing!


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Be Careful About Personal Information On Websites
I had ran an ad in a refunding magazine for coupons, & such. I had a lady not interested in the coupons, etc. respond to me by sending me all kinds of unwanted junk via snail mail, for a few months. Im just thankful this doesnt happen very often.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Making a Purse from T-shirts?
You could put them over the front seats in your car. Ive seen people do this before, instead of investing in seatcovers.


Tips for Moving To The Galveson, TX Area?
Are you prepared for higher costs of insurance & property taxes for waterfront properties? Waterfront property sure sounds good, but these 2 items keep alot of folks from being there. Would it be so bad to live a couple of blocks or miles away. The different...


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Decorating the Wall Behind Your Bed?
On a recent decorating show I watched, the crew hung a curtain rod & pretty curtains on the solid wall behind the bed, made it to appear there was a window behind the bed. It was attractive. Only those who knew the room completely would know there wasnt a window...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Decorating the Wall Behind Your Bed?
On my previous post, I forgot to say the decorators used the curtains behind the bed, as they didnt use a headboard on the bed. It looked really nice. Bed ead boards arent necessary. We have one to keep the bed from hitting the wall.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Help With My Grocery Budget?
Coupons are great items for helping with grocery savings if theyre on products that you use, unless you live in an area that doubles or triples coupons, where you can get groceries for just pennies or completely free. If you dont live in an area where your...


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Mouth Retainers Dropped in a Trash Can?
The same thing happened at a restaurant I worked at several years ago. A big family had a dinner & the daughter had a retainer she put in a paper dinner napkin, that got thrown out with the trash after the meal was over & theyd left. The Asst. Manager was the...


Impatiens in red wagon.

Wagon Flower Garden
So pretty!! My Grandma used to grow these flowers in her flower beds in front of her house. Thanks for the memories!!


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Buy Flexible Rulers In Craft Section
I bet if the truth were known, there are many more items such as this, cheaper in other areas of the stores. I know when I was working in casinos & needed black slacks, black shoes, black socks, white button-down shirts. I ended up purchasing mens black shoes...


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Catering Supply Companies?
Smart & Final sells containers such as youre looking for. They sell to businesses & non-business owners.


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Easy Omlets For Camping
We made these once, just to see howd they be. Remember to write on each bag, prior to cooking in the boiling water, whose is whose. We used diced canned Armour Treet meat (that Ill not use again in the omelettes, greasy). Diced green canned chilies (did great...


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Share Magazine Subscriptions
I get freebie magazines off the internet. After I read them, I donate them to my churchs quarterly rummage sales. Customers can buy them for .25 cents ea. Folks get great, hardly used magazines practically free and it helps the church, too!


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Recipes Using Jennie-O Frozen Turkey Patties?
We dont care for the taste of plain ground turkey meat, so we purchase the seasoned ground turkey sausage to make our burgers with or use in burger meals. Its much better than the plain.


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Adult Diapers For Makeshift Water Dam
I recently saw use of adult incontinence bed liner pads being used being used for soaking up water from a leaking roof. I thought, interesting alternative.


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Disposing of a Microwave?
Some folks will take old appliances to use for scrap parts. Just ask around.


Mass Of Flowers

Mass Of Flowers
How pretty!! Thanks for sharing!


Rescued Orchid

Rescued Orchid
My Mom said she bought some dried up discounted plants at a local store. Some were as low as .10 to .50 cents ea. She said she figured if they didnt come back out, shed not lost much. She said they not only came back out, but ended up being some of her most...


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Easy Fruit Crepes
Some hotel/casino restaurants in our area have these on their brunch buffets. MMM good!


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Start Holiday Crafts Now
Also, crafting items, paints, etc. might be cheaper in the earlier months of the year, than in Sept.-Dec. Like how around the winter holidays the stores jack up the prices on baking products, etc.


Save Money on Clothing

Save Money on Clothing
Check with some of the churches, in your area, that might have rummage sales to support their ministeries. The one in our area, that does this is the United Methodist Church.


My Mom's "Lid" Drawer
My Mamaw had a drawer that sounded like your Moms lid drawer, although we never named it. It had nearly the same items identically, bag ties, rubber bands, jar lids. My Mamaw saved would reuse pieces of tin foil a million times it appeared (just wash it, fold...


Using Broken Bowls in the Garden

Using Broken Bowls in the Garden
Lovely flowers and wonderful idea!! Thanks for sharing! Couldnt tell the dishes were broken.


hand painted wall border

Handpainted Border Decor
I LOVE it!!! Thanks for sharing!! It brings back some memories of the morning glories in my Grandmas fenceline!!


gentle paper tape

Gentle Paper Tape
My Mom always used first aid tape for her potluck dishes name tags.


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Bell Pepper For Serving Dip
Later, after the dip is all eaten, no dish to wash!!


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Recipes Using Raspberry Divine Dessert Sauce?
Our church has a food bank. Our members have a list of specified foods were allowed to donate. I find this kind of silly, as people need to eat all kinds of foods, not just certain ones. Im not sure why the list, as when Ive worked in the food bank area, there...


Spring Lilacs in the Ozarks

Spring Lilacs in the Ozarks
Thanks for sharing!! I absolutely adore lilacs. During my youth, at home, I had a lilac bush right outside my bedroom window. My parents had a time with me, I always wanted my window open so I could smell the lilacs & they wanted the a/c on! Thanks for the...


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Check Door Hinges Periodically
A little ball ping hammer is good to keep on hand, for this very reason. Ive had to use mine in the kitchen, several times a year, especially on the cabinet doors you use the most.


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Be A Movie Extra For Fun And Profit
A movie crew came thru our town, did some shooting at our church. Our congregation were asked to be extras. But we not to be paid, but have the satisfaction of being in a movie. A few did volunteered for it, but said it was not as exciting as theyd thought...


My Frugal Life: Bake For Special Days
I do this when I visit my parents. When I lived with them before getting married, Daddy always said I made the best stuffed bell peppers. So when I go for a visit, I always put aside one evening to prepare a huge pan of stuffed bell peppers. Well eat some that...


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Allergic Reaction from Hot Chocolate?
Could he be allergic to the dried milk or creamer product that the manufacturer put in the hot chocolate mix? Sorry to hear about this happening.


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Label Buffet Offerings
I was just telling my husband a few weeks ago, that I needed to find a way to make a flag or something to stick into my food dishes at potluck dinners. This would do the trick. Thanks for sharing!!


Straw hat decorated with flowers and greenery.

My Easter Bonnet (Spring Decor)
This is a lot prettier than some Ive seen in gift shops for sale! I bet youd not have any trouble selling yours to the public.


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Planting Time
No, I didnt write this, dont remember where it came from, most likely from a pal in the email. Thanks for thinking that I could write it. Thanks everyone!


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Who Makes Store Brands?
Both my husband & Im sure that Targets Market Pantry Salsa is the same as Pace Picante Sauce, which we totally adore.


Shipping and Packing Material

Saving Money on Shipping and Packing Material
I have a friend who runs a mail shipping business. I was taking pre-packed packages in to mail thru her business. She told me that it would be more cost efficient for me to bring in my items & let her pack them for mailing. She also said not to use newspaper...


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Stickers For Many Uses
Plain metal trashcans, metal file boxes, etc. can be decorated with stickers of your choosing. Say like Dora the Explorer stickers for a little girls bedroom, for example. The possibilities are endless.


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Buy and Freeze Sale Hams
When I buy a ham, I freeze some of it in slices, to heat up for sandwiches or for breakfast/dinner. I freeze some of it in chunks for a pot of beans or for putting in casseroles or scalloped potatoes. I freeze the bone, for a later pot of beans. I really make...


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Make Frozen Lasagna Taste Homemade
My family has done this for years with several different foods. Buy them at the grocery store & take home and add to. #1. Frozen cheese pizza: add veggies, cheeses & meats in the amounts of your choosing to it, before baking. #2. Frozen lasagna: add a layer...


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