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205 Posts | 895 Comments | Active Since 2009
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Including Eggs in a Healthy Diet?
I have high cholesterol so my doctor told me to cut back on the eggs. I had been eating 2 a day most days, plus maybe some egg salad sometimes for lunch, and of course however many I used in cooking dinner. I have cut back to no more than 2-3 times a week having...


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Store and Go Cleaning Basket
This is great! Actually Ive been doing it for years, just never posted it. Yours got a thumbs up from me! Heres what I keep in mine: All Purpose cleaner spray Scouring powder Window/mirror cleaner Roll of paper towels Plastic scratchie for scrubbiing 4 clean...


Bean dip lid on cat food can

Save Plastic Lids for Canned Pet Food
This is an awful, horrible, terrible tip! Please do not do this! Any food, including pet food, should never ever ever be stored in the metal can it comes in. Take it out of the can and put it in a plastic container. Empty margarine tubs work great. Foods stored...


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Vacuum Smells Bad?
imafrayedknotts tip is the best. And easiest. Try putting a good heavy coat of carpet deoderizer down, then vacuuming it up. Might need to do it more than once, airing the vacuum out between each.


Cast iron griddle sitting on foil in baking pan.

Problems Seasoning a Cast Iron Griddle?
The shiny gun-metal color part makes me wonder if its true cast iron. I dont know. But sure makes me wonder. Id try all the other tips from people, especially the one from imafrayedknott, and then if it still doesent come out right, Id have it checked to be...


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Help for Cat with Diarrhea?
Yes, talk to your vet. But in the meantime you can give her small doses of Pepto Bismol. No more than 1/2 tsp every 6 hours. It works on cats and dogs just like it does with people and does not hurt them.


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Puppy is Pooping in Crate?
Would you be surprised to see your 12 month old child peeing and pooping where hes not supposed to? Well thats what youre doing with a 3 month old puppy. It doesnt matter the breed. Hes only 3 months old! You cant train a child to use the toilet overnight and...


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Tips For Making Beds
Its so good to read someone who folds their sheets the same way I do. So many people say they fold theirs and put them inside the pillowcase. I dont like that idea at all because the pillow case gets dusty, especially in these parts of the country where dust...


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Product Review: Magic Mesh
galthomas, My glass doors are in my kitchen, and in the hot weather I have my kitchen and living room separated. The only room I cool during the day is the living room (bedroom at night but the glass doors are shut and locked then). So yes, I keep the doors...


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Inexpensive Heating Unit Similar in Efficiency to Window AC?
Lilac and Poor but Proud were recommending portable oil heaters. I bought one of those; the roll around type so I could take it to the bedroom at night. Even after it running for several hours, I could put my hand within 5 inches of it and not feel a bit of...


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Inexpensive Heating Unit Similar in Efficiency to Window AC?
By the way, you said you already have the a/c units. I bought our heater at Wal Mart for $68.99 + tax. Its shown on Type in heaters, then click on under $100. Scroll down to Lasko Products Ceramic 1500W Tower Heater. It keeps us comfortable in...


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Inexpensive Heating Unit Similar in Efficiency to Window AC?
Like you said, out of necessity we have also gone to window a/c units. We have one in the living room and one in the bedroom (luckily its just the two of us so thats all we need). We live in a large triple wide MH so there is a lot of area that needs cooling...



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Apply Deodorant In Sweaty Areas
Its amazing the things we do every day and never think to post! Ive been doing this for years without ever thinking! I apply it under and between my breasts, on my upper thighs (way high up (!)), and on the back of my neck on hot summer days. Ive even put it...


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Reducing Cable Costs
Things like this sound good in the beginning. But if you push, and believe me you have to really push and insist and be persistent, and get the price AFTER the initial time frame (in this ladys case Feb 2013) youll find that the price will skyrocket. And not...


Cash register receipt with incorrect marshmallow price.

Really Saving Money at Walmart
All this is interesting, I didnt know about a lot of it. I am a grudgingly loyal customer of Wal Mart. Meaning if there was a store comparable to it anywhere near here, Id shop there instead. But since theres not, I stick with Wal Mart for 90% of my shopping...


Plant in white pot against white background

Five Houseplants to Grow Just for Fun
These sound like fun to try! Thanks!


White poodle on counter after grooming

Learn to Groom Your Dogs Yourself
You did a great job here! The entire time I was growing up my mother bred poodles. With anywhere from 2 to 25 or 30 dogs at a time we had to learn to groom them ourselves. I even had a small business grooming dogs for a short time.


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Abusive Husband?
My first husband also beat me and abused me emotionally. He started before the birth of our first child and it never stopped, just got progressively worse. At the time I was 20 years old, had one baby and another on the way. No job experience and closest family...


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Machine Oil for Squeaky Hinges
Ok, now Ive never heard of using mayo on squeaky hinges! New one on me! But I do use vegetable oil a lot of times. Normally I use WD-40 but if Im out of it I use vegetable oil. Also if Im using it on something that animals, birds or my pets will be around, its...


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Cleaning Dog Urine from Carpet?
Im in the process of doing that now. My older dog has begun not holding it as long as he could when he was younger. First off, let me tell you what I do to prevent it. If Im going to be gone more than 2-3 hours at most I put him in his cage (my dogs normally...


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Giving Medication To Pets
Time release capsules can be opened too. Think about it. You swallow the whole capsule, not just a few grains at a time. Its when it gets into the system that the time release goes into effect.


Granny square with bread closure attached, marked with a J.

Remembering Crochet Hook Size on Projects
I have my own method of remembering. When I go to make something with either knit or crochet, I print out the pattern on my printer and slip it inside a page protector. Everything to do with this project is kept in a bin. This keeps the pattern, which has the...


Brown and white short haired dog on a tie out at the park.

What Breed is My Dog?
Dont know about the breed but he sure looks happy and healthy!


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Best Cat Litter for Odor Control?
Hi Linda, I also had only one cat and the smell from his box, even though it was covered, was horrendous, even though I scooped every day too. I tried the Multiple Cat ones. Didnt work any better than the single cat ones. I even tried mixing 2 and 3 different...



Dog leash in hand

Leads for Dogs Need to Be Easily Seen
I too enjoy reading your postings, Robyn. And this is a very important one. Actually if you google lighted dog leashes you will get lots of sites where you can get actual lighted leashes and collars for your pets. Some are LED, some are actual lights. I got...


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Giving Pills to Pets
This is a TERRIBLE way to give a pill to a pet! Giving them pills is so very easy if you just use the right method. I take the pill (if its a large one I use a pill splitter and cut it up small) and a bite-size piece of their favorite people food. People food...


Training Kittens to Use Litterbox?
You actually answered your own question there. They are only 5 weeks old! Yes, cats pretty much come house trained, but kittens will be kittens. They are still babies. As they get older, and also as they watch their Mama, they will learn quickly and will no...


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Non-Skid Computer Table Pad And Mouse Pad
I found out many years ago that mouse pads are not a necessity! I havent used one at all in many years and my mouse works just fine. If you feel you just have to have something, you could make a cover for your entire desk top and that would suffice for a mouse...


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Baby Shampoo As Pet Shampoo
Using baby shampoo, even the cheap stuff as long as it really is sensitive, is perfectly fine for dogs and cats. Cats dont need to be bathed at all unless they get into something thats gotten them extremely dirty. They clean themselves. Dogs, on the other hand...


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Assembling a Crochet Baby Sweater?
I have made hundreds of these! I always sew (whip stitch) shoulder fronts to the back first. Then I sew the back to each side next. Then I sew the sleeves in. When sewing the sleeves in, I fold the sleeve in half. Then I use contrasting yarn and loosely tack...


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Best Heat Pack Filler?
I asked the same question months ago and got basically the same responses from many people. They mostly all said to fill a sock with either rice or beans and microwave for I think 30 seconds. Everyone said this would stay hot for at least a couple of hours...


Three Pit Bull puppies on a leather chair.

Feeding Puppies Together or Separately?
As long as they are still learning to eat food instead of nursing off mom, Id feed them separately. But as soon as they get they idea and are eating good from a dish, Id put them all together so they do learn to eat together and share. If one or more seems...


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Dealing With Loneliness and Self Doubt After Death of Parents?
When my mom died, the best thing I found was to indulge myself in my crocheting. If you have a craft, force yourself to dig into it. If you dont have one, find one. Even if its just putting jigsaw puzzles together. It has to be something that wont entirely...


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Making a Hanging Plant Holder?
Forgot to say, if you dont put a ball or something at the lowering height like I described, the weight of the plant will bring it all the way down and through the pulley. I guess you could call the ball a stopper. Just be sure its large enough and strong enough...


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Making a Hanging Plant Holder?
My husband made me a hanger for one of my plants not long ago and it works fantastic! We went to Walmart and picked up a small pulley (only a little less than $2, found in hardware dept) and some nylon string (also in hardware dept). Nylon because its so much...


Shoes and handbags stored on bookshelf.

Store Shoes And Accessories On...
My closet is real similar to Redhatterbs. Mine is deep but narrow. The clothes all hang on one side but the other side is used up by the door which opens into the closet. But the floor is filled with my personal tool box (one that my husbands not allowed into...



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Training a Dog Not to Bark?
I have 2 dachshunds and for years they have driven me crazy barking like mad every time someone came to the door. After years of trying different methods I finally came up with one that works, at least on my two. It actually came from a method I use on my cat...


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Dog is Twitching?
It sounds like a possible allergic reaction to one or more of the shots. Take her back to the vet. If he/she wont or cant give you anything for her relief, then call around to other vets till you find one that can. Dont accept that itll go away before long...


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Storing Vacuum Cleaner Parts and Carpet Cleaner Hoses?
With mine, I got one of those hooks that goes over the door and thats where the hose goes. For the extension wands, they go in a tall bucket (mine is a tall cat litter bin that I covered with Contact paper). For all the nozzles and such, I have a bin that goes...


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Keeping Cats Off Counters at Night?
I dont know who posted it, but I agree with Deeli. Dont use mouse traps! Mouse traps are one of the cruelest things ever invented, right along with wild animal traps. The reasons they are cruel are too many to list. My cat gets up on my counters too. Thats...


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Replacing Land Line with Basic Cell Phone?
The first thing you need to do is make sure there is adequate reception in your area. I say this because we want to do the same thing but where we live reception is hit or miss, mostly miss. So we are waiting till we move (which we have been planning for several...


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Getting Rid of Fleas?
As for Muttmoms tip about the Borax. Sure itll get rid of the fleas, but youll also be burying your cat too! Borax is very toxic to pets. And as much as cats lick themelves to clean themselves, they are especially susceptible. And unless you keep it in a cage...


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Getting Rid of Fleas?
Let me start by saying two things. 1. Most people think its the pets that bring the fleas in. That is so wrong! Yes pets bring them in, but so do people! They get on our shoes, socks, pant legs, whatever and catch a ride into the house. So dont just blame the...


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Mild Sunburn Relief
I am also fair skinned and have loved to swim all of my life. I have heard about this vinegar bath countless times over the years, and since it goes around so much it must work great for a lot of people. But I want to add a warning to this. Try dabbing (using...


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Yellow Jackets in the House?
If they are as bad as what you described no amount of spraying (no matter how good the spray is) is going to help. You need to get a professional exterminator in. Deeli suggested calling your county offices and homeowners insurance company for help. They may...


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Repurposing New Fabric Bed Sheet Container?
I love those little bags, dont you? I clipped one to the side of my recliner (thats our most-used living room chair) and use it to hold the remotes. Another is clipped to the side of the bed for the same reason. I clipped one inside the car on the side of the...


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Getting Food Home From the Grocery Store
Speakeasy, I tried the blue ice method. In my situation it didnt work at all. By the time I get from home to the store, then do my shopping, the blue ice is warm or just barely cool. Not cold enough at all to keep my food cold. Even with 4 or 5 of them in there...


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Airbag Cover is Peeling?
Take Foxrun41a advice and head for the dealer immediately! If it looks like its about to burst, you dont want it bursting while you are driving! The dealer should be able to fix it to where its safe again. Im afraid any home remedies may not be strong enough...


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Bi-Saver Mortgage Payments
I do something similar to this without going through the bank or paying any type of fee. I keep an envelope in the box where all my incoming bills are kept (mine is a desktop type file box). Every week I write a check for 1/4 of the mortgage payment and put...


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Wait For Insurance to Pay on Medical Bills
And thats if you get refunded at all! Many times theyll hold the payment that you made so long theyll hope youve forgotten and never do refund you what is owed to you.


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Attaching Wheels to a Dog Kennel?
I dont know how to attach the wheels, but once you do get them attached, make sure there is a way to lock the wheels so that they dont roll when you dont want them too. This will save some disasters from happening!


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Cat Litter For Drying Flowers?
Although Ive never done it myself, I have heard of people burying cut flowers in cat litter to dry them. Good luck!


Group of Seven Various Orange Flameless Candles

Solar and Battery Lights Inside and Outside
What a thoughtful idea! Youre such a good mom to your dog! I also use the solar outdoor lights in my living room. The way my room is designed I was forever tripping over the coffee table in the middle of the night. So I tied a solar light underneath it. I positioned...


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Bissell Carpet Cleaner
I dont recommend anything with that ugly 7-letter word in front - Bissell! I have bought 3 different Bissell products at different times in the past. All 3 worked great for a few uses (just long enough to not be under the store warranty anymore), then one thing...


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Choose Site Carefully For Blackberries
Oh Patricia, you are so very right! I planted one small plant 12 yrs ago and Im still mowing down all the little sprouts that keep showing up! My suggestion is that if you want to plant blackberries (or raspberries or any other such berry) plant them in a container...


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Plastic Tubs For Pet Food
I use the plastic tubs that cat litter comes in. They have a good snap on lid and they are stack-able. Another thing, if I happen to buy too many bags like I did this month! Last week I had bought an extra bag because I thought I was running low. This week...


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Dog Was Sprayed by Skunk in the Eyes?
Call your vet! I am not usually one that immediately says to call the vet first and foremost. And for the rest of her body there are home solutions to help get rid of the odor. But with her eyes, she definitely needs to see the vet. Anything from home could...


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Making Your Own AC Filters?
I buy the inexpensive blue filters as close to the size I need as I can find, then cut to fit. After cutting I bind them with duct tape. Works great for me! And saves a lot of money over buying the expensive ones made specifically for the a/c. I do this for...


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Dachshund Kicking Back Leg Out?
I have had dachshunds (pure bred not mixed) off and on all of my life, and have 2 now. Does Dixie act like shes in pain when her leg kicks out like that? If not, then dont worry about it until you can talk to Auburn. If she is in pain, try putting her in a...


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Think About Where You Store Valuables
My mother had a saying that she used whenever we were trying to find hiding places. If you can think of a place, so can a thief. And hes got a lot more experience finding things!


A jar of salt in a Smuckers jelly jar.

Keeping Salt From Clumping
I have always used the old solution of keeping rice in my salt shakers. Even with 50-80+% humidity its never failed me yet and Ive been doing it for 40 years!


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Keep Manuals And Car Paperwork In Glove Box
DottieNM and Suntydt, Thank you for your feedback. I had forgotten to add that I also keep a small amount of cash in my folder too. It has been $20 but Im thinking of adding another $20 for a total of $40 what with the way gas prices are sky-rocketing. But...


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Is A/C Condensation Water Safe for a Dog to Drink?
If your dog (or cat) has just lapped up a little bit before you caught him, I wouldnt worry as long as he doesnt start acting differently. But I would try to enclose the area where your a/c drips so that your pet cant get to it again. Mine is on my deck and...


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Cleaning a Bird Cage
I used to have zebra finches (beautiful little birds!) and had 2 fairly large cages for them (I began with 2 and inside of 6 months I had 7!). I cleaned the cages basically the same way Hester said. With one difference. While I was cleaning their cages, I let...


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Pets and Maintenance People In the Home
The only time my dogs are crated like that is when maintenance people come in. Otherwise they have the run of the house. I dont believe in leaving them crated for any length of time.


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Crate Training a Puppy?
How big is your crate? For training purposes, it should be just big enough for the puppy (at his current size) to stand up and turn around, and take just a couple of steps in. Its important not to have the crate large enough that he is able to get away from...


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Crate Training a Puppy?
Everyone here is assuming you have someone to come in and take the dog out periodically. Not everyone is that lucky! And no, you arent a bad puppy mommy because you have a job. Dogs do get accustomed to being alone through the day. I have 2 small dogs and periodically...


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Sunscreen Reapplication at Day Camps
Catastrofy (sorry if I misspelled, time for new glasses!). It sounds like you run a very caring day care. Good for you! Bravo! This happened to my kids 30 years ago and they did get better. But not before spending time in the hospital and then at home recuperating...


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Sunscreen Reapplication at Day Camps
Lilac, youre so right! Im so glad I dont have any small kids at home anymore. If I did, there is no way in the world Id take them to the Y!


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Whitening Teeth With Strawberries and Baking Soda
Will this work with any other fruit besides strawberries? Im very allergic to them but would like to try this. Also, before anyone suggests it, Im also allergic to pineapple and coconut. Its the pits when I want to order a banana split! LOL


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How Do I Stop Taking Prescription Sleep Medications Safely?
As a life-long insomniac I understand what you are going through. OliveOyl was on the right track. Get a pill splitter and cut the pills in half. Take them that way for about 2 weeks. Then cut back to every other night for 2 weeks, then every 3 nights for 2...


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Husband Won't Sign Divorce Papers?
Im not sure about GA, but many states will allow you to get a divorce even without his signature. Different states word it differently but it boils down to the same thing. Check with your lawyer though. If youve paid him he needs to get off his duff and do...


Can with expiration date printed on it

When Expiration Dates Matter
I have a rule that I follow every year with sunscreen. I have fair skin nad being elderly doesnt help either. But for many years now, including when my own kids were young, at the beginning of spring, or at the first onset of sunscreen being stocked in the...


Can with expiration date printed on it

When Expiration Dates Matter
Another thing I wanted to add here. When my kids (both fair haired and fair skinned and burned at the drop of a hat) were little I enrolled them in the local YMCA summer fun club. One day they took a day trip to the beach. I was adamant with the counselors...


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When Should Girls Start Shaving Their Legs?
Lilacs answer of when she wants to is a terrible answer! My twin granddaughters wanted to at 5 years old! I used a 2 sided rule with my daugher and granddaughters. One was if their leg hair started coming in dark (they are all fair skinned) and not before age...


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AC Keeps Tripping Breaker?
Mine used to trip every so often too, especially on really hot days when it would be running almost constantly. When it tripped it also cut the TV, my Roomba vacuum, and a fan I use to help circulate the a/c air (my a/c is a window unit). I tried moving the...


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Mark Top of Comforter For Easy Bed Making
I also mark mine but instead of a safety pin which can become unpinned and rust over time, I use craft paint and at the bottom 2 corners I paint a small B (for bottom) and an arrow pointing to the bottom on each bottm corner. I try to get a oolor that will...


man attaching plant to a stake

Staking Garden Plants
You sound knowledgeable so Im going to ask a question. Ive asked other people, and also posted my question but got mostly idiotic or sarcastic replies. We planted a 3 tall dogwood last year (btw we are in Zone 8, southeastern NC) and a Bradford pear tree the...


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Dog Has Diarrhea?
Give her Pepto Bismol. Dosage depends on her weight. Its on the side of the bottle. Give it to her no more than every 6 hours and itll clear it right up, depending on the severity usually within 1-3 doses. I originally got this from a vet many many years ago...


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Fix-a-Flat for Flat Tires
Fix-a-Flat, does work great. But it has one draw-back. If you use it too many times on the same tire it will not work anymore. I know this because we had been using it one one of our lawn tractor tires. We used it many times and it always worked great. Now...


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Treating Canine Rash
What a great idea! I have the same problem with one of my dogs. Not the anxiety but she does suffer every summer from insect bites along her belly. Shes a dachshund so is short-legged, and for some reason the chiggers, ants and mosquitoes attack her something...


Walk Behind Mower

Tips for Buying Walk-Behind Lawn Mowers
I very much enjoyed reading this and even copie/pasted it to save. Lots of very good information here, and written in a way that I could understand it (versus trying to understand my ex-mechanic husband!). Thank you so much! This will prove invaluable the next...


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Glowsticks Instead Of Fireworks For The Fourth Of July
This is great. We did this when our 4 year old twin granddaughters lived with us. Where we live our back yard is TOTALLY dark at nite, no light whatsoever. Not even from the moon because of tree cover. We didnt feel safe giving them sparklers to play with on...


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Remedy for Dog's Itchy Skin and Accompanying Odor?
The tips from muttmom and Lizzyanny sound great. Im going to try them on my dogs. My 11 year old dachshund has a problem with small bumps showing up on her that itch like mad. I tried the vet routine to no avail. Poor dog suffered for 3 years with the vet always...


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Cleaning Love Bugs Off Your Windshield
Sounds great, but do you have any suggestions on how to reach the windshield with that dryer sheet on an 18-wheeler? My husband goes to Florida quite often during love bug season and has a time getting them off the windshield.


Close up of small black and white dog

Remedy for Dog's Itchy Skin?
My dachshund has been having a really bad time itching lately too. About 2 years ago she started getting these bumps on her that at first resemble big pimples. And they itch like mad. She also was itching in places where there were no bumps, or where a future...


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Looking for a Good Dispenser for Baby Oil?
I agree with several of these people that a pump bottle is the best. The oio will dispense easily and not clog up. Plus, any bottle that has to be picked up once youve gotten oil on your hands can easily slip out of your hands.


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Mark Medication Times On Calendar
This tip is a little ridiculous, at least in my mind. If I cant remember to take the meds, how am I supposed to be expected to remember to write it on the calendar? The way I remember is I keep my meds in those plastic med boxes. I buy mine at the dollar store...


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Is There an Herb That Will Repel Fleas on Dogs and Cats?
Fuzzytufts, I can sympathize with your ankle situation. I had foot surgery in Feb and am just coming out of that 3-month period of being laid up. Be patient, itll get better as long as you dont overdo it. As far as your dogs and cats in the south, I also live...


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How Do I Train My Cat Not to Sleep on My Head?
Heres a method I used to teach my stubborn cat to stay off of or away from things I didnt want him around. I went to the dollar store and picked up some spray bottles that spray a good stream. I filled them up with water and placed them in strategic places...


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Preventing Rust Rings
I tried this several times, even putting as many as 5 coats of polish on the bottom of the cans. The polish wore off in no time and I still got the rings. I found a very simple solution. I always have that rubber matting stuff that comes in rolls to line your...


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Home Remedies for Dog With Chronic Ear Infection?
I had the same problem with my dachshund at one time. Like you, she went through several rounds of vet visits and antibiotic treatments with no help. Finally I went to Wal Mart and picked up some people type over-the-counter people medicine for drying up water...


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Keeping Cats from Clawing Carpet and Furniture
You didnt say, but did you give them something that they could scratch on? Cats have an innate need to scratch. For one thing its how they keep their nails filed down, Plus the scratching also satisfies other needs in their nature. Its good that you were able...


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Getting Nails To Grow?
Im sorry Annia, but there is no product that will cause your nails to grow that fast. If you absolutely have to have them long and pretty in just one month Id suggest starting now and researching the different nail salons in your area and getting artificial...


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Growing Hair Quickly?
Again, Annia, there is no product that will make your hair grow that fast either. With your nails you have the option of getting artificial nails. But with your hair there is no similar option, other than a wig. As with your nails, vitamins will help your hair...


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How Do I Remove Diesel Fuel from a Dog's Coat?
As the wife of a trucker and the owner of 2 very inquisitive dogs, Ive been there, done that! Fuzzytufts has it right. 2, 3, or sometimes even 4 baths with Dawn dish soap and as warm water as your dog can handle is the best way. Diesel is much worse than regular...


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Moving Into a Much Smaller House?
Fuzzytufts is right. You have to allow yourself time to grieve. One thing that helped me through when my Mom died is I ran across an article (you can google the subject) on the 5 Stages of Grieving. It helped me to recognize the feelings I was having and to...


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Hummingbird Feeder Recipe?
Hummingbirds are attracted to the red color, but it does not have to be in the food. The red feeder will attract them. The food should not have any coloring added to it at all. Also, Cookie17s recipe is too strong. Instead of a 3:1 ratio, use a 4:1. 4 cups...


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Reminders on the Bathroom Mirror
I tried leaving notes to myself on the mirror, and no matter how large I wrote, or how large a piece of paper was that I wrote it on, Id look around it without realizing what I was doing and never see the note. So I came up with an alternative. If I have to...


Place Kitchen Table in Corner
Great idea! Ill be painting my kitchen soon too and think Ill do something similar. I have a double window on one side of the kitchen that the table would look really nice under. Never would have thought of that! Thank you! (P.S. Coincidentally, I have the...


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Instant Mashed Potatoes As A Thickener?
Im sure Redhatterb thought she was helping, but really. Is a little bit a pinch, or a tablespoon or a cup or what? Heres my answer. Start with 1 tablespoon full. Then cook the gravy for a bit as it usually thickens as it cooks. If its not thick enough then...


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Looking for Starch for Crocheted Items?
I use any bottled liquid starch I find at Wal Mart or anyplace similar. Its always worked great for my doilies. I simply pour a small amount into a bowl. I place the doilies in the bowl, and add enough water to cover, mixing for just a few seconds. I allow...


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Traveling With a Cat?
I travel with my cat a lot (coincidentally, usually to Florida!). Be sure to keep her in a travel crate or a cage in the car. This is an absolute MUST with a cat. Made the mistake once of no crate and almost lost the cat! In the motel, keep the crate door open...


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Removing Post It Note Adhesive from a Dry Erase Board?
I was taking one of those stick people stickers off my back window on my car one day and it left some of the adhesive. For lack of anything else handy, I used some hand sanitizer on a small piece of cloth. I was amazed at how easily it came off! Ive since used...


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Dog Has Non-painful Firm White Bumps on Skin?
Jim, My 11 year old dachshund has the same things. They started showing up on her about 5 or 6 years ago. I took her to the vet at that time and was told not to worry about them (not told what they were tho). With age more and more bumps have showed up in different...


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How Do I Determine My Dog's Breed?
All three of the previous responses are totally ridiculous. Simply go online and google Breed Standards of the Pit Bull. You will get several very good sites that spell out the standards. From those you should be able to find out if yours is a true pit bull...


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Is Peanut Butter Okay for Dogs?
Yes, peanut butter is fine for dogs. As long as (as some of these people have said) the dog has no allergies to it or its ingredients. Also I wouldnt give him a whole lot of it. I used to have a Golden Retriever and he got no more than one full teaspoon a day...


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Pouches for Starting Seeds Indoors
I agree with Gardendreamer. What do you mean by a vinyl pouch? Please submit an explanation and if possible a picture.


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