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165 Posts | 302 Comments | Active Since 2010
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A popout orange pumpkin card

Thanksgiving Pumpkin Card
Thanks for this idea. I used the pumpkin pattern to create 3D pumpkins for my bulletin board at work. It looks so cute now. Thank you, Gem


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Snowmen Made from Creamer Bottles?
Why dont you just line some up and paint them. Only takes one can of paint and many Coffee Mate containers. Theyd be dry overnight. Good luck. Gem


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Snowmen Made from Creamer Bottles?
Here is a great site to use for the snowman creamer bottle. I just adore it.


Scenery: Road Salad
Thanks. That was a really fun picture to crack so many jokes about. Gem


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Planning a Harvest Festival For a Church?
Do a cakewalk. Find some cheap things to make online and have craft tables to do them at from donated items. Everyone has something they dont want or dont use. Ask also for things to give as gifts for door prizes. Get the congregation in the mood and sweep...


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Keeping Ice off the Car
Great idea but wont it hurt the paint on the car. You remind me of my son in law, he puts a tarp over his car to keep the snow off. Thanks for sharing. Gem


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Cleaning Out the Medicine Chest
Working in the medical field we have to get rid of a lot of unwanted narcotics. So many people flush them down the toilet which ends up in our streams and contaminates our water supply. People just cannot get it through their heads this makes our water undrinkable...


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Making a Cigar Box Guitar?
Here is a great site with video as well. Good Luck, Gem


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Homemade Christmas Gifts for Guys Who Like Fishing and Hunting?
Check out this. I did this one for some of the men. They turned out well. 9/2/19 Gem


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Can I Use Cardboard or Newspaper for Wall Insulation?
Yes, you can. The newspaper would be best. We did this with my husbands workshop which is an old trailer stripped inside. He used borax and what I would call newspaper dust. It was free and came in these huge bags. He mixed the borax with it and blew it in...


Farmer In The City
I love the old picture. It is just dear to my heart. Thank you for sharing your father with us. Hugs, Gem


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Vacation Ideas for the Smith Mountain Lake and Shenandoah Valley Area of Virginia?
Virginia is usually beautiful in October but with the dry spell and all you wont be seeing the pretty leaves turn. Here is a great url on what to do at Smith Mountain Lake. I have not been there in many years but did go there...



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Lavender Table Decorations?
Buy some silk roses in lavender and just lay the rose in the middle of the table. If you are doing more than one table this would be a good idea, but for only 1 table I would suggest a floral centerpiece with candles. Good luck! Gem


Scenery: Walking In The Rain
I love this picture. So very cute. I hope you frame it and keep it for whoever is in the picture. They will appreciate it along the line. GL in winning. Gem


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Child Support Payments and Social Security?
A good point from others, call Social Security. When my X went on SS I started getting 150.00 a month even though he owes me about 20 grand. I think they base your sons child support on how much SS the x gets. Do give them a call and find out. Good luck to...


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Can a Parent Sponsor a Housewarming Party for Their Child?
Thanks Coreen I was looking for etiquette rules. The house is in excellent shape and needs no repairs. Gem



Handmade Photo Album
Thanks so much. Another idea is to type up their favorite recipes and give them in an album with space enough to add to it. I also added in a collage of pictures of them throughout their youth. It was great seeing how they had changed. My boss got this album...


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Caring for an Aging Parent?
Valery you are an angel for being there for your Mom. She is just naturally getting older and she just needs some TLC. I can understand your husbands behavior but family sticks together. I am in the Nursing field and I can suggest you ask around your area for...


Finished angel.

Feather Angels
These are simply beautiful and so very easy to make. Doesnt break the bank to make a bunch of them either. Thanks for sharing. Gem from VA


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What Can I Use for Candle Molds?
We use milk cartons, anything with the waxy inside will work. Half and half containers, fancy coffee creamer containers etc. Good Luck, Gem


Spider and Web

Wildlife: Spider and Web
Cool shot you got there. Takes a lot to get a clear shot of a spider web. Thanks for sharing (I dont care for spiders except when they have woven such a beautiful web.) GEM


Spider and Web

Wildlife: Spider and Web
Sorry to hear about your other spider and you have a really cool pic here. Sorry you cant get the total effect of the web. When the moist air hits it sometimes it is so much easier to get a pic. Thanks so much for sharing. Hugs, Gem


assorted buttons

Saving Buttons
Thanks for all your comments. It means a lot to me that something as simple as a button can be dear to ones heart. I am so glad I brought back wonderful memories for you and that you stuck by me. Big hugs to all and God Bless! Gem


Buddy (Ferret)

Buddy (Ferret)
Arent ferrets just the coolest of animals? We have had several come through the house when the kids were growing up. One was a big thief. Loved them all dearly except for the smell. Fortunately ours all loved bath time. Good Luck, gem



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Where Can I Get a Discount on the Finance for Kidz Books?
Why dont you google it and youll find Amazon has used ones for so very little money. Also I recommend to anyone who wants to share a used book. Its a unique swapping system that you pay so very little for. Check it out. GEM (maphisx7)


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Diatomaceous Earth For Bed Bugs
Great article. I know a lot of people need that. I cannot imagine having bed bugs but with recent reports it is scary. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post. Gem


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Diatomaceous Earth For Bed Bugs
Here is a great website on this product. I always research anything I have never heard about first.


No Sew Child's Half Apron

No Sew Child's Half Apron
Cute idea! TFS Gem


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Reuse Cardboard From Tissue Box
I used this recently with my crafting group. They pasted pictures on them and then added glitter around the picture. They looked amazing. Best Wishes, Gem


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Making a Very Simple Quilt?
The old folks use to use a large piece on the back and sew remnants together. They then stitched the handmade part to the front part but it was turned wrong side out. After you sew about 3/4 of it turn it right side out and finish off the seam. They called...


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Making Potpourri Using Gelatin and Essential Oils?
Sorry I was addressing another situation. Have no idea about using gelatin. I made homemade potpourri with flowers that I dried and then adding a scent from the essential oils. Good Luck! Gem


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Sources of Sewing Material Scraps?
Why dont you use discarded clothing. There are so many clothes on the market you can get them for practically nothing at yard sales, etc. Plus you have the added benefit of choosing your own colors. Best Wishes, Gem


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I Can't Afford School Clothes?
Social services may be able to help you out as well. I personally brought our 5 kids up on thrift shop clothes. We never had many clothes growing up but there are so many more now. Many blessings and best wishes. (And God bless you for bringing up 2 children...


Tweety Bird stepping stone

Decorative Cake Pan Stepping Stones
Darling idea. Now Ill want to buy every cake pan I see. I love it. You get my vote!


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Getting Rid of Chiggers?
Try some powdered bleach on your whole yard. I hear lime does well also. Good luck!


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Homemade Neck Coolers?
You can use rice as well. Just have to make sure you have good material and a strong stitch. These can be put in the freezer as well. Good luck! Glenda



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Organizing a Bedroom Shared by Adult and Two Children?
I use to have my girls bunk in with me as well. I am thinking you need the crib. I use to store my baby clothes in a tote under the crib. Made easier to find her clothes and kept clean and I could still use the crib. Use as much of the closet as you can for...


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Materials for Homemade Cat Tree ?
When my husband made one for a friend he covered it with a piece of carpet. You can use the tubes that come out of restaurant grade plastic wrap or aluminum foil and affix it to a board and cover the round part with carpet. Good luck! Glenda


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Make a Memory Board for Photos and Keepsakes
Donita, Why dont you make your own. I have made them from Styrofoam and covered them with fabric and ran ribbons through to hold the photos. Very easy to do and a wonderful thing to have or give away. Hugs, Glenda


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Message to Accompany Gift of Pen to New Writer?
Im pretty good at words so Im gonna give it a whirl! How about: With each word you write may the magic of this pen bring you happiness and fame. It is an honor to know such a talented writer. God Bless!


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Using River Rocks to Make Employee Appreciation Gifts?
Well the appreciation day is something that isnt done by the company and I was trying to figure out something kinda like a keepsake for them. We have no funds for any activities for the employees so it was decided and agreed upon that we would all chip in for...


Pixie (Mini Dachshund)

Pixie (Mini Dachshund)
Thanks for posting this picture. I had a dachshund and she died of hyperglycemia. I was so heartbroken. She was very old but was my little Lady and I have a picture on my memory board of her. I love your bays pic. Glenda


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Smoke Alarms Have Gone Off Intermittently For Seven Years?
If it were me, Id disconnect them. Use wire nuts to cap them off, push them back up into the hole and buy some plain old battery powered ones and put over them in the area where the old ones were. Evidently you have a short somewhere and you may end up with...


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Making a Flag and Flag Pole?
I did this for Girl Scouts years ago. I used regular cotton material and had weights in the bottom. For the mascot you could copy it onto cloth (Id do solid school colors) and then glue it on. If you didnt think it would stick for lots of uses you could also...


A collection of brightly colored cookie cutters.

ThriftyFun Tips
Thanks for sharing. Great tips here. I am going to try some of them myself.


Congratulations Paul and Harlean (50th Wedding Anniversary)

Congratulations Paul and Harlean (50th Wedding...
Congratulations! Just goes to show that there is love at first sight. What a lovely story.


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Use Mop To Clean Under Sink
I love a good rag mop. It cleans in places you never think about using it like the ceiling, railings and other hard to reach areas. If you want to go green buy the mops that you can buy a refill for and drop your dirty mop head in the washer and bleach it like...


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Use Dawn Dish Soap as a Stain Remover
It works great getting dye stains out of fabric. I used everything then I used Dawn and voila, out it came. Glad you found something else useful to use it on.


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Buying a Small Commercial Range?
Depends on what you use it for. If you can you cannot buy the glass top ones. (I have heard horror stories about them anyway.) Buy a good name brand and get insurance on it. Some of the better brands, Whirlpool, Frigidaire etc are what most people go for because...


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Frugal Bridal Shower Ideas?
So many sites on the web for games. We did the wrap a gift and send it around. We used different mediums to make it more fun...such as a sock, rubber bands, ribbons etc and pass it around and everyone takes off one layer until it gets to the last layer and...


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Removing Paper Backing From Fabric Samples?
Just be extra careful using benzene as it is a chemical that can cause cancer.


A Mother's Day card with a scrubbie as a flower.

Craft Project: Scrubbie Flower Card
Sweet project. Think Ill get my 2 yr old Grandson to make one of these for his Mom. I love the verse too. You get my vote!


A Mother's Day card with a scrubbie as a flower.

Craft Project: Scrubbie Flower Card
We made this last year for my daughter. Her son made it. She cried it was so pretty. She refused to take the scrubbie off and kept the card intact. I think it was a wonderful hit.


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Crafts Ideas for Old Window Panes?
Why dont you try sketching on them? They would look great sketched. You can place the pattern underneath and use a diamond point tool to sketch with. Good luck to you!


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Plaque With Message from Father to Son?
I too had heard the poem and it is beautiful. Here it is: Special Gift (Name) You got it from your father A gift he was so proud to give So it is yours to use and cherish For as long as you may live If you lose a gift he bought you It can always be replaced...


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A Cookie Assembly Line
You can also use pastry sheets instead of the foil. Great way to make your cooking go faster. Ill give you a thumbs up!


Bath mat.

Matching Bathroom Accessories
Beautiful job you did. Love the flowers so much. Makes me think about doing mine the same way. Wish there was more time in the day. LOL


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Advice for Saving for the Future?
We have a really funny way to save money. We take a pint jar with a lid and add to it any ones, tens, twenties and any change we have that we can spare every month. This includes any monetary gifts you receive or any money someone owes you that you have already...


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Cleaning a Fiberglass Tub?
Try lime away. If that doesnt work I am out of ideas.


Coffee Mug Chocolate Cake

Coffee Mug Chocolate Cake
I gave these for Christmas gifts last year and they were well received. Excellent way to stave off the hunger for chocolate and oh so easy.


My Frugal Life - Managing on a Budget
Allison, I have no idea why you have to wait a year. We do this year round and it cooks down in about a week. The mat we are using is rubber and it collects the sun rays and allows it to heat up the food and grass, leaves etc we have put into it. If you do...


Milton (Chihuahua)
Such a beautiful dog. I love the black and white on it. Makes a bit different than the tan and white ones. I just love it.


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Cleaning a Burnt Coffee Carafe
Yes it does. I have done it many times. I leave for work and sometimes hubby forgets to turn off the coffee pot. Ours at work sometimes is burnt as well and it is so easy to clean. Some of them wanted to just pitch it. LOL


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Nursing Home Gift Basket Ideas?
Great ideas Ladies. I like the magazines, CDs video games, and movies. Most of the time if youre in bed a good movie is something you can watch and not worry about falling asleep. Just start it where you left off. Old folks love music and children. Why not...


A woman paying bills on a computer.

Snowball Payments to Get Out of Debt
I just started doing something similar. Great idea here. So Ill give you a big thumbs up for this tip.


a week worth of coffee

Set Up a Week's Coffee on Sunday Night
We set ours up at night as well and we use the reusable coffee filter. Its a green world out there and we try to do our part. We also use the coffee grounds on the compost pile.


Photo frame with lace edging.

Lacy Wrapped Mini Frame
This would make a nice anytime gift that you need in a hurry. Love the concept and it is very pretty also.


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Spicy Cheese Tortilla Rollups
Cant wait to make them. They look delicious. TFS


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Recycled Crafts for Nursing Home Residents?
Use any kind of can or plastic item and cut tissue paper flowers and decoupage them to it. In some cases you can use only a few to spruce up a room. Makes a quick, fun and thrifty craft.


Paper heart shape stapled together.

Staple Pieces Together Before Cutting Multiple Sets
Great idea. I normally use a paper clip if cutting paper. Thanks for sharing. You have my vote!


View of jump beads as adjustable clasp links.

Add Jump Rings to Handmade Jewelry
Thanks for the idea. I just finished some plaster of Paris Halloween jewelry pieces and used your advise for the O ring that I added to my bent ornament hanger that is in the top of the jewelry pieces. It worked great.


A closeup of Chex party mix, a favorite during the holidays.

Start Stocking Your Pantry For The Holidays
Time to stock for the winter snow season as well as hurricane and disasters. Thanks for reminding people. You have my vote!


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Use Your Old TV for a Security System
We have had one for years. I love it. And when people find out you have them they tend to stay on the straight and narrow. Also we got a discount on our homeowners insurance because we had it. May want to ask your Insurance agent. Excellent post.


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Fancy Non-Sew Tulle Dress-Up Tutu
A picture would be really nice.


Miniature Soap Bible

Miniature Soap Bible
We made these in Bible School about 40 years ago and it has been a beloved craft of mine ever since. Readers...a question for you: If you like this posting why havent you given her a thumbs up?


Three examples of finished charms.

Wine Glass Charms
I love making wine glass charms. You can individualize them to a person or theme. So simple and easy to make you wont want to stop. They also lead to making Christmas Tree ornaments that my 5 year old Grandson and I did for Christmas gifts this past year. They...


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Recycling High Density Foam Mattresses
Egg crate mattresses make great sleeping areas too. Just take 2 and put them egg shapes together and cover. Makes for a great spare bed for sleepovers.


My Frugal Life - Bartering
How fabulous. I really love what you are doing and how much you appreciate things better. Way to go on being frugal. Id love to have your pattern. I love to sew and grew up very poor. Shoes were a luxury for us. It is just so wonderful to hear stories like...


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Easter Bunny from a Washcloth
We use to make these and call them Boo Boo Bunnies because you could put a piece of ice in them and put it on the Boo Boo. They are darling. I love the chick one. Thanks for sharing the pic. I will have to make some. Gem


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Inexpensive Gifts for Friends
Wish you had a picture. Would make it so much better than a mental visualization.


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Thanksgiving Day Poem
Darling and Oh so true. Thanks so much for the much needed laugh.


Starbuck (Rabbit)

Starbuck (Rabbit)
He is adorable.


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Benefits of Fish Oil Vitamins
Yes it does help anxiety. Many people who are on meds for bipolar disorders take fish oil along with their routine medicines. This does not mean you should not take medicine prescribed for this condition it means in the long run it will make you feel better...


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Need Help Cooking Without Canned Goods?
Bless your heart. You will be ok. Eating healthy means sacrifice and you can use frozen foods. Try to start a garden and use foods from it to supplement your food budget. I wish you lots of luck. You must be a strong lady to be doing what you are doing to help...


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Making Keepsakes for Bridesmaids?
Why not make a pouch by using a running stitch and placing a drawstring in it and tie bows of different colors from the wedding theme. This way they have a real satin purse to carry on special occasions and white never goes out of style. If youd like you can...


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