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Finding a Free Mattress and Box Spring? is my favourite for freebies. Most reliable, by far. Just sign up, put in your zip code, and look in the free stuff area.


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No Electricity But Breaker Isn't Tripped?
Could actually be from the city itself (patchy brown outs). That was our case with your same situation last week.


Non-Pleated Face Mask - women's over the ear mask made with pink fabric with cherry motif

Non-Pleated Face Mask With Filter Pocket
Great instructions. Thank you!


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Finding Fabric Donations for Making Facial Masks?
I would make a post on in your local area. Neighbours are always willing to help drop fabrics off for cases like yours.


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Best Glue for Attaching Seashells to Velvet?
I use E6000 for things like this. Very sturdy. Second option is glue gun but it can be more obvious, the glue.


Curried Okra and Potatoes on plate

Curried Okra and Potatoes
Lovely! Looking forward to feedback :)


Curried Okra and Potatoes on plate

Curried Okra and Potatoes
I am sure you can trim them perfectly without cutting in, but I often do and then I lose an okra! ;)


Curried Okra and Potatoes on plate

Curried Okra and Potatoes
Haha! You should go ahead and trim if thats what you do. The story to why I keep it intact is I absolutely hate when the innards leak out because it changes the consistency of the dish by a lot. When I eat it, I dont eat that part. :)


bowl of Beans and Greens Soup

Beans and Greens Soup
Thanks as always always always!


bowl of Beans and Greens Soup

Beans and Greens Soup
100% YES to kale! try it!


bowl of Beans and Greens Soup

Beans and Greens Soup
Sorry! Should be 4 cups stock!



Egg Carton Panda - cute panda

Egg Carton Panda
Thank you!! :)


Egg Carton Panda - cute panda

Egg Carton Panda
Thank you so much!:)


Egg Carton Panda - cute panda

Egg Carton Panda
Oh thank you!!!! Warms my heart! x


Egg Carton Panda - cute panda

Egg Carton Panda
Oh I hope you do!! Enjoy! :)


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Asking My Mum to Let Me Shave?
Show her a video on how Nair works and Im sure shell give that a go!


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Jewelry Business Name Ideas?
Barn Bijoux Jewels


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Removing Super Glue from a Beard?
If nail polish remover does not work, try rubbing alcohol. Be sure to condition it with some sort of oil afterwards.


DIY Foosball Game Shoebox - ready to play

DIY Foosball Game Shoebox
The littles in my family would love this! Great!


bowl of Spinach Herb and Bean Soup

Spinach Herb and Bean Soup
Excellent! Im so happy you made it and your version was good :) I feel like we are all such great chefs right now :)


bowl of Spinach Herb and Bean Soup

Spinach Herb and Bean Soup
ooh that would probably be yummy! if you make it, let us know!! :)


A milk jug used for storing rice.

Reuse Jugs for Dry Foods
Yes! My town has changed them, as well. Time to craft with them, too! :)


Crocheted Exfoliating Soap Sack - sack with a piece of soap inside lying on the bathroom counter

Crocheted Exfoliating Soap Sack
YAY!!! I love that I get an okay as Im a newbie with this! Youre welcome! x



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Using Aloe Vera?
The gel is the clear goo you will find inside an aloe vera plant middle. To make the juice, its scraped out and added to things like citrus juices, water and sugar etc


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Flushed a Magic Eraser Down the Toilet?
If you have good pipes there, you should be okay. We have super old ones and when that happened, we had to have a plumber come out same day. If you havent noticed anything, you mightve gotten lucky-- but things can build up.


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Banana Pudding too Firm and Thick?
Maybe overboiled the mixture?


What Breed Is My Dog? - cute small brown dog with curled up tail

What Breed Is My Dog?
Looks like a Chihuahua retriever!!


Loaded Chicken Nachos on plate

Loaded Chicken Nachos
Yay!!! I hope you enjoy this one. Im so happy your sons shop for you. Its good to be that careful. We are, too!


What Type of Bulldog Is This?

What Type of Bulldog Is This?
Cuuute! Looks like an English Bulldog but maybe you can send in a photo from the side ??


bowl of Ginger Coconut Glass Noodle Soup

Ginger Coconut Glass Noodle Soup
Youre welcome, Betty. I love soup too, especially now! Happy to see you here xx


stack of Chicken Pizzadilla quarters

Chicken Pizzadilla
Youre so welcome, Jackie!! :)


stack of Chicken Pizzadilla quarters

Chicken Pizzadilla
MINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where have you beeN?? So excited to see you! Nice idea with rolling the bread. We dont have any bread here yet but got some flour finally-- so i shall bake :)


Identifying Tiny Black Biting Bugs - long thin black bug

Identifying Tiny Black Biting Bugs?
Are the bites round, pink, and raised? Could be fleas


Lid Stuck in Glass - green orange juice jug lid stuck in tall glass

Lid Stuck in Glass?
Definitely just submerge it in water. It will force shift its way out



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14th Birthday Party Ideas?
Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus, youre not to have gatherings. We just had a party for my dear friend via group video chat and we actually had so much fun! You could do this for now, and set a postponed party for a later date when its safe.


Identifying Household Bugs - two tone bug

Identifying Household Bugs?
Its a carpet beetle and harmless


glass of Whipped Coffee

Easy Whipped Coffee
THANK YOU!! Let me know how it turns out for you-- definitely prefer the standard sugar version, but the sugar sub is totally wonderful, as well. :)


glass of Whipped Coffee

Easy Whipped Coffee
Here it is made with 2 packets of stevia (truvia) in lieu of sugar. Its very good, but a little less creamy :)


glass of Whipped Coffee

Easy Whipped Coffee
I will try both for you today!! Be back with results!! :)


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Remedy for Pain After Removing Acrylic Nails?
Removing them at home always causes several layers of the nail to be ripped off. Try to soak them in warm salt water, then rub them with coconut oil. Do this daily. If the pain is severe, use icepacks for short periods of time.


Washable No-Sew Mask - woman wearing the mask

Washable No-Sew Mask
Another folding technique. This is a smaller handkerchief.


Washable No-Sew Mask - woman wearing the mask

Washable No-Sew Mask
(Describe Your Image Here)


Washable No-Sew Mask - woman wearing the mask

Washable No-Sew Mask
Hi Karen! Make sure when you fold it and tuck it into itself, that when you try holding it up against your face before you tie it on, it fits all your face. So, not too narrow. Im attaching another method of folding if you have a bit of a smaller piece of material...


Groceries and supplies dropped off on the porch.

Shopping During the Coronavirus
I make sure to check mom-and-pop type shops on the weekdays. Its been the only type of shop I have found toilet paper in the last 2 weeks.


What Breed Is My Dog? - brown puppy

What Breed Is My Dog?
terrier chihuahua mix :)


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Daycare Name Ideas?
Little Learners Camp


Average Weight of Adult Male Pit Bulls - black and white Pit with clipped ears

Average Weight of Adult Male Pit Bulls?
That is about the right weight- seems the max


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Homemade Virus Protection Hand Sanitizer?
I would question the manufacturer on how much alcohol is in it, as that is the key (to have enough of a high potency)


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Finding Free Beds for Low Income Families?
I would try as its they are assigned by your location so it would be easy to pick up or deliver. Just look in the free stuff section.


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Permed Hair Straight in Some Places?
If it is still straight after washing and air-drying, go back to the salon for a fix


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Roasting a Frozen Pork Loin?
From frozen, preheat oven to 350 F and place in shallow pan. Cook for 45 minutes per pound and check to make sure internal temp hits 145 F.


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Name Ideas for an Interior Design Business?
Deluxe Interiors Design Decor Direct Destinct Designs Design Riche


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Finding Free Beds for Low Income Families?
Id look on NextDoor for your specific neighbourhood area and surrounding


Re-dyeing Hair the Next Day - pinkish red hair

Re-dyeing Hair the Next Day?
No, you should wait. However, in the meantime, go get a temporary dye ($6 ish) and use that when you go out until its safe to redo. Temps are harmless and come in sprays and other forms.


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Using Leftover Hair Color?
No, throw it out. Even without the hole, its not safe.


Spicy Orange Garlic Chicken with salad on plate

Spicy Orange Garlic Chicken
Please do-- we loved it!


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Name Ideas for Homemade Dog Treat Business?
Bark at the Moon Baked Goods Barks Treats


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Remedy for Hair Damaged by Relaxer?
stick to routine deep conditioning and take biotin supplements


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Telling Someone to Stop Texting?
Hes not getting it and its annoying. Tell him youre removing his number and do so.


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Name Ideas for a Natural Skin Care Products Business?
Scrub a Dub Naturals Skinduced Skin Luxe Dew It All Skincare SkinFood


Identifying a Tiny Black Bug

Identifying a Tiny Black Bug?
Definitely a beetle. Just vacuum around.


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Asking My Mother to Let Me Shave My Legs?
Id tell her how you feel and ask if you could start with a hair removing cream like Nair.


Remedy for Cuticles Damaged by Nail Biting - a person's hand showing nails and cuticles

Remedy for Cuticles Damaged by Nail Biting?
Your cuticles are actually there to protect you, so cutting them is probably making it worse. Soak them in mild, warm soapy water, dry and apply coconut oil or cuticle oil every few days.


Making Custom Push Pins - pins and ticket on corkboard

Making Custom Push Pins
Aww thanks a million! :)


Bamboo & Coconut Shell Planters - planters hanging outside of a house

Bamboo and Coconut Shell Planters
I just love your natural crafts!


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Fixing a Hair Dye Mistake?
Use something like Color Oops to get the closest result to your original hair, then put a brown on it, Id say. That is, if you want your brown hair back :)


What Is My Chihuahua Mixed With? - brown dog with very large ears, in a pouch

What Is My Chihuahua Mixed With?
The second I saw the long body, I too thought dachshund mix!


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Storing Almond Bark?
It will start killing the texture and giving it this odd separated granular oiliness. Try to use what you can in bits and dont keep reheating. Same goes for most foods.


slice of cookie ice cream cake

No-Bake Cookie Ice Cream Cake
I hope you like it! Let us know :)


Valentine's Bird Card Holder - closeup of card holder

Valentine's Bird Card Holder
sooooo very cute!


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Red Border Bled on White Towel?
Id try the Rit too, but it sounds like it might be permanent. Good luck ! ! !


Making a Bag from a T-shirt - finished bag

Making a Bag from a T-shirt
Yes! You could easily hang it from the back of the seat! :)


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Setting Gel Pen Ink on a Denim Jacket?
Gel is not easy to set like permanent marker. You could try the hot iron press method but I still think it would bleed when you washed it. Try using fabric pens.


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Ideas for a Middle School Fundraiser?
I personally like things that dont involve food only because of large amounts of issues and allergies my family members have had. Maybe raffles, car washes, discount cards, serve-a-thons, auctions, and rummage sales.


Bamboo Decorative Box -  finished box

Bamboo Decorative Box
Your eco friendly crafts always make me so happy!


Heart-Shaped Toy Binoculars - red binoculars on dark background

Heart-Shaped Toy Binoculars
I hope you all make them! They look so cute in front of the eyes! :)


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Alternative to Dawn Dish Soap in the UK?
It is definitely Fairy. Thats what we use when we are over there:)


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14th Birthday Ideas?
Itd probably be nice to stay indoors. How about a movie at the theatre and some time in the arcade?


Golden Butterfly Suncatcher - two suncatchers hanging, showing both the back and the front

Golden Butterfly Suncatcher
You are a great artist!


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Choosing a Kitchen Sink Color?
Stainless steel, 100%


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Wooden Table Stained by Wipes Liquid?
If the wipes are marked with bleach in them, youd have to refinish. Did you let it dry all the way? A lot of times when you get liquid on surfaces, when it dries the stain vanishes.


Identifying a Tiny Brown/Grayish Bug - tiny bug on the sheets

Identifying a Tiny Brown/Grayish Bug?
Looks like a garden beetle that probably came from outside. Was the shell hard?


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Meaning of Inmate Disposition Code CITE?
I think theyve been issued a citation and to be released on custody?


Getting Bubbled Up Areas Out of Rugs - rug with long bubbled up area

Getting Bubbled Up Areas Out of Rugs?
Id pull it taut and then use carpet tape strips on the underside to hold it straight.


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Bedroom Furniture to Coordinate with Pastel Green Walls?
Cremes and golds if youre trying to stay subtle, but burgundies if youre daring to be out there!!! :)


Living Succulent Pine Cone Decor - sitting version

Living Succulent Pine Cone Decor
That sounds excellent. I had no idea until recently how easy they are to grow :)


Is My Puppy a Pure Bred Chihuahua? - white and light brown puppy

Is My Puppy a Pure Bred Chihuahua?
Looks like it is pure if youre asking just aesthetically :)


Selling Cabbage Patch Dolls - stacks of dolls in boxes

Selling Cabbage Patch Dolls?
WOW thats incredible. In your case, I feel they would sell better as a huge batch to a shop that prides themselves on vintage dolls. Ive seen them sold individually around $25 but I think you can go further by doing the above. Good luck. Thats so awesome.


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Using Coffee Grounds on Indoor Begonias?
Big no on indoor as youll get mold. I know this from first hand experience :(


Stringy Spiral Perm - permed hair photo

Stringy Spiral Perm?
I feel like it will end up like this again. Id go back to the salon asap.


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Treating a Cat with Worms?
You can find inexpensive solutions without going to the vet. Here is one:


Recycled Eggshell Vase - finished vase with faux flowers glued to the front

Recycled Eggshell Vase
How interesting and cool! Never seen such a thing xx


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Repairing the Sole on a Pair of UGG Boots?
I use something called SHOE GOO. You can find it in most big shops like Target, Walmart.


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Cigarette Smoke Odor Coming from Condo Below?
Id contact the HOA immediately. Thats unfair and its not something that you can make disappear with solvents.


Recycled CD Mirrored Hearts - a scattering of CD hearts

Recycled CD Mirrored Hearts
Great for adding to gifts or cards!


Garlic Parmesan Bread Puffs

Garlic Parmesan Bread Puffs
Thanks! They come in so handy for big groups :)


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Calculating Bread for Appetizers?
Probably about 60 grams worth each.


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2 Ingredient Fudge Recipe?
1 ¼ cups unsalted peanut butter 1 ¼ cups chocolate chips melt together, stir until smooth, pour into lined pan, chill


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14th Birthday Ideas?
It might be cold so maybe a group mall day? We used to love that when we were teens, just walking around together, hitting the arcade, eating.


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14th Birthday Party Ideas?
How about group bowling? You can get discounts if you call ahead with a large party.


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12th Birthday Sleepover Ideas?
Youll want to stay in for sure. Make popcorn, watch movies, serve pizza and cake. Maybe have everyone bring over nail polish and do each others mani pedis?


Problems with a Tongue Piercing - underside of a tongue

Problems with a Tongue Piercing?
Warm salt water rinse several times a day. If its still there in a few days, go to the place you got it done.


Tree Candlestick Holder - finished recycled bottle tree candle holder

Tree Candlestick Holder
I always know your crafts when I see them. They are easy to spot and lovely. Well done!


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Oven Temperature Gauge Not Working Properly?
My gauge went so I just bought a stick-in replacement and Im fine with it.


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Using a Tablet to Access the Internet?
You can get on the internet if you have wi-fi or order monthly internet access for it. You will have much less storage capacity and ease to get to files, but it still works, especially if you subscribe to a cloud service.


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