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16 Posts | 577 Comments | Active Since 2007
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My Frugal Life: Saving on Electricity
You are right: good luck, be brave.. Great advice.


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Raising Honey Bees?
I dont know where you live, but if its just for pollination you could see if Mason bees are an option for your area. They are pollinators as opposed to honey bees and are simple and relatively inexpensive to start. As for honey bees, I see hives for sale on...


Replacing a Lock on a Steamer Trunk?
Google Hippo Hardware in Portland, and click similar. You will get a listing of stores handling old parts. Then youll have to write them. I worked for an antique dealer for 9 years and Im not sure parts are made any longer, though there are still trunks being...


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Roast And Slice Your Own Lunch Meats
Bravo, all you people. I am so glad to hear there are so many willing to put in that extra bit of thinking, doing, all for the sake of saving, and health. Ive known I was willing to do same, and my sis in law and her mom, but its been years since Ive heard...


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Crockpot Raisin Bread Pudding
No one but me likes bread pudding. So when I fix french toast for son and grandson, I use leftover egg and add a little more milk and vanilla and cinnamon and one slice of good whole wheat bread, and some brown sugar, about 1 Tablespoon. I also might add walnuts...


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Freezing Quiche?
I dont think the texture would be very good. Eggs tend to form holes where the ice crystals were, and then get watery. However you can freeze scrambled eggs with a little salt added, so you might freeze the eggs and stir when defrosted, and then make another...


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Problems with USPS Mail Delivery?
Have you gone into the post office where the lady works and talked to her, and perhaps bring a letter with you stating what you want and ask what you are supposed to do to GET what you want?And make sure a carbon copy goes to the supervisor and advise them...


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Selling a Home to a Family Member?
Under normal circumstances, you have a legitimate point. However, UK is having similar housing issues as the US, right? If you were to offer it on market to the public at the price plus the 20 K extra, would it really sell at that price? You might suggest to...


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Getting Rid of Giardia Parasites in Yard?
Isnt giardia usually acquired via infected water? I didnt know it could be in soil, which would infect a puddle of course. If you have more information, Id like to know more; my sis in law got it and was quite ill.


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Trouble Loading Software on Computer?
Was it new? Was it used, and maybe cleaned out a bit too well? Try googling each individual problem, you might find someone whos informed.


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Litter Box Training a Bunny?
Where did the previous owner have the box when you picked up the bunny? If it was in the cage, do the same. Or if theres room put in cage and keep bunny in cage until it starts going in box. There might be directions on the web as well, or contact a housebunny...



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Making Pizza Dough?
I use a regular yeast dinner roll recipe. Sometimes use a little milk as part of the liquid. But the best pizza dough I ever made was made with wheat germ added (1/4 cup substituted for flour in a basic bread dough recipe, which is the same as the rolls, just...


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Tomato Not Ripening?
Leave on vine as long as plant is still alive and as it dies, start to pick tomatoes, and get a cardboard box and lots of newspaper. Crumple a layer of newspaper balls and put in bottom of box and put greenest tomatoes there, not touching. Keep putting crumpled...


Cooking Two Things At Once In The Microwave
THAT is a wonderful idea, and I am certainly going to use it. Good thinking!


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Tiny Reddish Brown Bugs?
The papers, magazines and bean bags have to go in the garbage. Vacuum the books, wipe the shelves with soap and water and put back books after shelves are dry. If you must keep questionable items put in plastic tote with a lid and put in garage away from other...


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Good Stuffing Recipes?
You can use this recipe from scratch or use the non-bread ingredients to jazz up a mix. I prefer from scratch, but younger generations come close with mix plus extras (cornbread one in box). This makes a large amount, for a turkey in the 20+ pound range, and...


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Paint Stain on a Linoleum Floor?
Do you mean linoleum in classic sense, or do you mean vinyl? If its latex paint on vinyl, Id spray with ordinary window cleaner, homemade works fine, and scrape with a spatula. If its old linoleum, Id try scraping first with just a spatula, and see if a toothbrush...


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Plan Ahead When Shopping
The whole thing about careful shopping is to free up some of the same total amount of income for other needs. Otherwise, something doesnt get paid, causing late feels, stress, and the next time not covering some other basic need.


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Use Cornstarch to Reduce Bleeding
Thank you for that tip. That could be a lifesaver, and I usually have some around as I like to make my own gravies, etc. Thank again.


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Making Crispy Fried Chicken?
Martha Stewart had a show recently where she replayed an old segment on great fried chicken. Take cut up chicken and put in bowl of iced water for at least 8 hours in fridge; up to 24 hours. Drain on rack. In another bowl put buttermilk, probably about a pint...


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Tomato Blooms Die and Fall Off?
Was it very hot? I have read this year that if its too hot, tomatoes wont get pollinated. Now Ive decided to try this if Im ever faced with too hot weather. If very hot weather is predicted during blossoming and pollination weather, I will take a q tip and...


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Tomato Blooms Die and Fall Off?
Is that whats called fusarium wilt? I think it might be, so next year use plants resistant to that and put in different location. Also make sure tomatoes have all necessary nutrients, water the ground gently not the leaves so dirt doesnt splash up, maybe use...


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Cat Rolls in Dust?
Check cat for fleas. Might not have any though, because thats the purpose of the rolling in the dust. Let him roll.



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Causes of Body Odor?
Are you taking any herbs or vitamins? I took St Johns wort and one very hot day I kept smelling something like a decaying swamp. It was me. Worked one short job in a warehouse during a hot summer and I could smell all the coffee I drank sweating out of me. Lots...


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Recipes for Diabetic Ice Cream and Frozen Yogurt?
Basically, a good yogurt in quart size, plain; I like the heavier ones, your splenda in amounts you like, and any fruit you have on hand. For one quart of yogurt, Id use 2-4 cups of fruit, chopped, mashed, blended with a cup of yogurt in a blender, anyway you...


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Add Hair Clippings to Your Garden
Yes, hair is high in nitrogen. Wool is the hair of sheep and works the same. I am a spinner, and buy raw fleece and after washing, processing it, there is waste. I like to put that in holes when I put in starts. You can also use pieces of old wool blankets...


Vincent Van Goat (La Mancha)
Hes so cute. Do you have land?


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Buffalo Fries
This about frying potatoes only. There was an article about the harm of things fried in high temp fat in the Oregonian a couple of years back so a dietition went to work on finding a good way to fry potatoes, and Ive done it many times and it works. You take...


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Keeping Animals Off the Roof?
Yes, Im picturing a small zoo of deer, raccoons, foxes, any number of critters including pesky neighbors. Just kidding.


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Choosing Where To Be Frugal
I went to a garage sale this summer and found a nail care kit 3 kinds of cream/lotion and a four sided gray nail care foam thingy for a dollar. My hands had felt rough and I had been spinning fine wool and it kept catching on the rough skin. I dont like polish...


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Removing Film from Mason Jars?
Or try soaking them in soapy water with a little ammonia. Leave the house while they soak. If they are etched, this will not help. By soapy water, I mean regular dish detergent, preferably Dawn. It gets out/off a lot of stuff other soaps wont.


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Removing Tar from Cat's Fur?
Trim what you can, and use something like vegetable or mineral oil on her fur and see if you cant get it to slide off the hairs. Or shave her carefully after trimming.


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Removing Thrift Store Smell from Clothing?
Wash with a bit of borax as well as detergent or baking soda (1/2 cup)if you dont have borax. If they are sweaters, hand wash carefully with liquid dish detergent, put in a little white vinegar in rinse water, dry on towel then air out somewhere for few days...


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Store Brand Cleaners?
When you read the labels you will see both are 5 percent chlorine compound; which means 5 percent and 95 percent water. The only difference is amount of ounces and price and any perfumes. Personally I dont like perfumed products so I just get plain of whatever...



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Homemade Cough Remedies?
I would also check around the house for hidden sources of mold. Vents, etc.


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Black Spots on Tomatoes?
I think its a virus. Next year, use a different type tomato, plant in a different area, and dont put the diseased plants in your compost pile.


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Cleaning Wallpaper?
Can you give an idea of original cause? Try lifting with scotch tape pressed down on the spot, then lift off, then try to clean with wadded up ball of white bread, also pressed and lifted. If pencil, use eraser after these steps.


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Washing New Red or Black Clothing?
Id wash them separate from each other the first 3 times, then turn inside out when you wash them together.


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Looking for Dieting Advice?
My sun just had same situation only his dentist did the put teeth in and leave them method to act as bandaid while healing. It doesnt matter, you wont feel like eating. You will be so hungry, anything you can get down will do. Veggie soups, yogurt, puddings...


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Cat Aggressive to Owner and Other Cat?
Has he had a rabies shot?


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Buying a Used Commercial Bread Dough Mixer?
Go to all restaurant supply places in your area and talk to them about which ones they sell most, repair problems etc. This is after you call all the bakeries in your area and ask them which one they own, how much they use it, did they buy it used, repairs...


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Mildew Smell on Leather?
The blankets: wash repeatedly in hot water with detergent, borax or baking soda, dry in air outside where wind can blow them a little. May take 3-4 times. You have two problems: odor, and mildew, which is causing the odor. Mildew likes dampness, so dry the...


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Try Organic Milk Instead of Lactose Free Milk
Apparently there are two types of milk, and some cows give one, and some give the other, or carry both genes, but produce one, if you were thinking of breeding. I cant recall what they are called, but you can find on web. The older type I think it was is easier...


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Canned Bean Sprout Recipe?
It was kind of a chop suey sort of dish. My impression is cooked and drain hamburger, slice celery and onion, add to hamburger with 1 bouillon cube, bit of water for sauce, in which is 1 tablespoon cornstarch, some soy sauce. Heat until thickened, which cooks...


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Organizing for Frequent Moves?
Maybe get 3 boxes +/- and fill them with what you know you like to have those nights in motel. Maybe get spares from garage sales, the way some people keep things aside for camping.


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Frugal Wedding Location in Long Island?
Ive often wondered why people dont get married as they did during the WW2 and Depression years. Get married by a justice of the peace with one or two couples as witnesses and maybe your parents [and kids?]. Have an informal gathering at your home or parents...


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Blackberry Recipes?
Mmmm....lucky you. For jam you need pectin and recipes are in the box for jam, jelly, and freezer jam. I came up with a blackberry pie recipe, and when I lived where berries grew abundantly, we went through many of these pies. In a bowl, I mixed flour, sugar...


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Set a Cleaning Timer
I love timers for a lot of reasons as well as the ones youve listed. I wasnt organized until I was in my 50s and I have a lot of hobbies. I get distracted and try to remember to set the timer when Ive put the stove on, for things like boiling water for tea...


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Water from Air Conditioner Left Stain on Carpet?
Can you describe it? If its rusty, you might want to use lots of white vinegar, let set, and blot with thick towels, several times. I wouldnt let it set longer than 10 minutes before blotting but if you do, and it dries, try vacuuming up any rust dust before...


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Substitute for Cast Iron Skillets?
Well, what is it you like about them? They are heavy, but sometimes one can get the one with two handles. I am 65 and I certainly feel their weight but I think of it as weightlifting and good for my bones. I try not to lift them awkwardly though so as not to...


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Using Floor Tiles on Counters?
If you are talking vinyl, I dont think so. If you are talking stone, maybe. Talk to manufacturer, or contractor.


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Diet Ideas for Someone Who is Hypoglycemic With High Blood Pressure?
Well, fruits and vegetables fixed as simply as possible will help with high blood pressure as they are high in potassium which lowers blood pressure in general. Fruit will give you a little boost to your low blood sugar problems. But if you just eat fruit, youll...


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Using Dehydrated Apples?
You can rehydrate them with water, or a bit of apple juice, or apple juice and water, half and half..If youre going to make a pie, Id make the crust, put aside. Take your apples, mix liquid as above maybe 1/4 cup water for each handful/cup of apples. Put in...


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Fabric is Discolored Along Folded Edge?
Okay. Id plan on washing fabric up to 3 times. First time, just wash with a small amount of detergent in cool water in washing machine on gentler cycle. No hot water, no dryer. Just take it out and look at it. Second time, if you have gentle soap like handmade...


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Cat is Peeing in the Sink?
Ah, yes, the peeing cat. We waited until our cat was 18 months old before we got off our lazy duff and got her spayed. She was an indoor cat so she never got pregnant, but she did go into heat a few times. Her behavior was so outrageous we were embarrassed...


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Homemade Grand Marnier?
Definitely seal and cover tightly while steeping or all your alcohol will simply evaporate. Maybe a canning jar.


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Washing Microfiber Cushion Covers?
I think so. Gentle cycle as you said, luke warm water, maybe even let them soak so dont have to be agitated much. Regular detergent Id guess, not too much, but enough. Air dry until almost dry, then dry on cool. Id try, unless there was microfiber with leather...


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Finding the Value of Old Vinyl Records?
There isnt a lot of value, but most cities of some size have a store or two which buys old records. You could find one near you and give a call for an estimate. Also google old records, buy and sell. Definitely check on ebay and see if anything is going on...


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Painting Kitchen With Pink and Grey Countertops?
You could go get some paint cards that you think are near the colors you mentioned: pink mauve, gray, any other little fleck of color. Some light greens might work. Do you like the colors? Maybe the one you like most?


Uses for Shoe Organizers
That looks great. Good job, girl.


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Tips for Selecting Dog Food?
I think it depends on the dog. I feed my dog Walmarts OlRoy; she didnt like Kibbles and Bits, or Beneful, or the cheapest. We give her the occasional small steak or roast bone, vegetable soup leftovers. I have a casserole she will sit and watch cook for over...


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Replacing a Solenoid Switch in Washer?
You will undoubtedly get your part from a parts store. Ask them for a print out of the page from the repair book which tells you how to do it. They might charge you a few cents, but I doubt it.


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Float Ideas for a Mom's Group?
Well, I was watching a minute of Walter Mitty from the early 1950s and then saw your post. What I imagined was a float with a vintage electric stove (or its cardboard double] with a mother in apron, stirring at stove, hairdo in 1950s curly [permed] hairdo. Then...


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Sewing Patterns Swap Groups?
They are terribly expensive now, but I keep an eye out for the company pattern sales at Joanns. Two dollars a pattern, limit 5/6 for Simplicity and then the next week it was Butterick. Ill take that.


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Gargle With Cola for Sore Throat
Im going to try that. Phosphoric acid is in cola I think and maybe its that. An acid environment with fizzing to get in crevices of throat. Bacteria doesnt like acid.


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Natural Treatments for Hyperactivity in Children?
Make sure they have enough vitamin D. Mainstream press is just now revealing details of information which came out about 3 years ago re Vitamin D. Low vitamin D levels were implicated in so many problems it was incredible. It was found to be as effective as...


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Making Mittens Out of Wool Sweaters?
Google mittens felted sweaters [images] and dive in. Theres a lot of info on how to do it. Not hard. Working with wool is so much fun. I was preparing a fleece for spinning just this morning at 5AM. Thats how much I love it.


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Making Apple Jam?
Get a box of pectin and you will undoubtedly find, under jams, apple listed as one of the fruits you can make jam from. Just follow directions. Or, cut up your apples to the fineness you want, and cook with a couple cups of sugar and maybe a little frozen apple...


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Soak Beans Overnight
I saw an episode of Americas Test Kitchen where they tested the soaking/salt/beans theory and they came up with something new that Ive tried and am very pleased with. So they get the credit. You do soak the beans for at least a few hours, overnight is best...


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Frugal Storage Ideas?
What kind of crafts, and how much?


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Starting a Walking Stick Tree?
If the seeds are hard shelled, soak them in vinegar in a closed container over the winter. Rinse and plant in early spring. Maybe even keep container in the fridge in case they need to be subjected to cold first. Some seeds do, and it shouldnt hurt to be in...


tied orange fabric pumpkin

Fabric Pumpkin
I love your pumpkin. Its not perfect. It sags a bit, but really captures something of the farm. Thank you.


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Potato Cabbage Surprise
And you could turn it into a cream soup by adding milk and mashing a bit of the potato instead of pureeing, and grate a little cheese on top. I will try that tomorrow. I have all the ingredients.


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Cleaning a Toaster Oven?
Just before you go to bed at night take some paper towels or even couple layers of newspaper and lay them on the surface you want cleaned and pour or spray on some plain ammonia. Close the door and close the kitchen door if you can. In the morning wipe what...


Small cream and tan dog.

What Breed is My Dog?
He looks like a Tibetan Spaniel, but the only way to be sure is a DNA test, and as you can imagine, they arent cheap.


White dog running with ball in its mouth.

Alice Avalon Bay (Spitz/Border Collie)
Shes a beautiful dog and I know just what you mean about the saving being mutual. I dont know how to describe the relationship we have with animals except to put it in terms earlier people might have: they are brother/sister dog, cat, bird, and so on. They...


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Buying an Exterior TV Antenna?
You might go to your local recylcing place for parts if you make one, or go to your local dump [if its possible] and look in their metal area to see if they have one. If you have private dump yards sometimes they keep things and you could call and see if they...


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Getting a Kitten to Sleep at Night?
I read that cats like to play at chasing prey type of activities, eat, groom, sleep. In that order, so to have some control of their behavior, you arrange a play time, feed them, let them groom, and then they will sleep. All well and good, except our cats love...


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Planting Onions in Zone 6a?
Garlic is planted in the fall, so shallots must be also. I used to live in an old house which had a yard planted to the hilt. I found shallots growing there [Portland, Ore]which had regenerated every year [my introduction to shallots]. Just cover the area with...


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Stevia Plant Seems to Be Dying?
I dont know if this will work, but I read this tip years ago and saved a tall diffenbachia that only had 2 leaves left on it. Dampen the plants soil thoroughly, but dont soak it; you just want the whole plant to come out in one piece. After its sat for an hour...


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90th Birthday Party Ideas?
Looks like your Mom was born in 1919, my Dads birth year [hes gone]. So she was 10 in 1929, when the market crashed, and spent her teens in the Great Depression, and was in her prime early 20s during WW2. She saw all the wars and went from Ice box years, radio...


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Best Apples for Pie?
Whichever you use, if you feel they are going to be juicier than you want, mix a tablespoon or two of cornstarch with some of your sugar, and toss with the apple slices. Thickens the juices a bit.


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Dyeing Linen and Viscose Curtains?
Okay. I worked for a natural dyer for one year and she said linen has a slightly waxy coating on the fiber, which makes it resistant to dye [with home dyeing it can be a little uneven or mottled, though not overly so]. First, weigh them when they are dry. If...


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Sewer Odor Coming from Sink?
If you have already done all those things, Id try the vinegar thing, and at the same time as she suggests. It might be a vapor lock of sorts and if you dont do it all at once, whatever bad air there is might just move through to another pipe. I worked for a...


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Making Liquid Glucose?
Glucose is available as a crystal, just as sugar is. Find a source, and get distilled water. Figure out the percent solution you want, measure out glucose and put in appropriate amount of water, dissolve. There you go.


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Cleaning Terra Cotta Pots?
Because birds can carry diseases which cause dysentery, no I wouldnt. Id put it in the back yard or basement or laundry sink if you have one and put in detergent and bleach when you are not in the room, at least a half cup. Leave for few hours. Scrub with something...


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A Substitute for Tofu?
Well, for what reason are you eating tofu? Because you like it, or because you want to go vegetarian? As an inexpensive meat substitute? I enjoy it about once a year. If you are not concerned about eating animal protein, use chicken in most cases.


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Stained Glass Window Film?
I dont know where you get it, probably at a craft store, but there is see through plastic that just sticks to the glass, and can be peeled off. No adhesive involved.


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Determining the Value of Antique Doll?
Try yahoo groups for dolls and join one. Start there for suggestions.


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Using Bleach in a Humidifier?
I think so. What is it you are trying to accomplish? If your problem is mold, either see how much you can clean with a soap and bleach solution and do it weekly, or find out of there is something else to do by finding the 800 consumer satisfaction number for...


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Estimating Fabric Needed for Reupholstering a Couch?
Well, thats actually not enough information. The best source for figuring out your final fabric needs would be a book on making slip covers or upholstering from your local library. It will show you how and what to measure, and how to figure out different amounts...


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Importance of Insects?
They help pollinate plants and without pollination wed be doing it by hand if we hoped to eat. They also perform cleaning functions, eating things that are decaying which might make us sick if not processed away. They kill one another, which eliminates some...


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Other Uses for Baby Products?
My daughter uses baby oil, or baby oil gel on a cotton swab to remove mascara and moisten her skin right after a shower. The skin lotion for babies is nice for anyone. For years I used baby powder as a light dusting instead of make up powder to set my foundation...


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Lip Gloss?
Wouldnt it mean lard?


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Using a Knitting Machine?
You can find them new or used. There are websites with lots of info on the web; just google. Some sell machines, some just blog. Id check out for machine knitting. You may find one or be able to ask a lot of questions. Check their groups, visit and...


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Build Your Own Sofa?
Go to the local library and get some upholstery books that show a sofa stripped down to the wood. Study the shapes you like and figure out how to make a simplified version. Two by fours, some slabs of plywood sheeting, at least 1/2 inch thick, use good long...


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Painting Kitchen with Cherry Cabinets and Dark Granite Countertops?
A white the shade of cream, a very pale creamy yellow. Possibly a very light warm gray. Very pale creamy yellowish green-very light. These are just suggestions. Ask yourself how you want to feel in the kitchen. Warm colors: cozy. Cool: calm.


My Frugal Life: Learning From a Frugal Mother
Yes, and even though its wintry now, when garage sale-ing I always take a peek in the free box. I get lots of tupperware type stuff that way. If its scratched, I use it to hold dog food or store sewing pins, that kind of thing.You can often find things you...


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Substitute for Chocolate Chips in Recipes?
Id get a plain Hershey bar and let it sit somewhere a bit warm for 15 minutes. Use a sharp knife, like a chefs knife to cut each square into 1/4s or smaller. Cut all the way through. Put in fridge and chill, and add at last minute to cookie dough. These will...


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Appropriate Tip For Waitress at Sports Bar?
Ten dollars would have been about right. In non-game hours, she could have waited on 4-5 tables in that time.


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Does My Dog Sleep Too Much?
Was he wormed? Does he still have fleas? I had a neighbor who got emu oil shampoo for her poor old dog who had dry skin which she said looked slightly inflamed under a magnifying glass. I thought the dog was on its last legs. It seemed very down and out.It...


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Popping Fresh Corn from the Field?
Hang the cobs upside down with the husks and silk pulled back. Remove the silk, and use the husks to hang over a clothesline or such in dry place, not in a damp garage. Maybe near your furnace if possible. Idea is to let them dry for weeks. When they are dry...


My Frugal Life: $20,000 Experiment in Happiness a Failure
Funny how that works, isnt it? The things that have made me happiest have almost always been small, idiosyncratic [peculiar to me] moments or treasures. I love it when I finally get a recipe the way I want it so I can enjoy it for years. I love it when I get...


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Removing Black Heel Marks?
Try clear packing tape or scotch tape. Put on mark. Use back of your fingernail or teflon spatula [nothing too hard] to really bond the tape to the mark. Pull up and see if anything is better. If it is, continue. Tape is great for removing all kinds of marks...


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Permanent Marker Stain on Carpet?
You might try plain rubbing alcohol. It takes perm marker off a few hard surfaces.


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Reusing Toilet Paper Rolls?
If you garden, you could use them to make collars to keep away cutworms. You might shorten or cut in half and cut a slit up side and retape if plant isnt small enough to plant through the roll. Or just tuck in ground and stick seeds into ground with a chopstick...


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Tried and True Ways To Save
These are wonderful ideas, and Ive used many of them throughout my life. Its really a mindset mostly I think. One tip more, save small leftovers even if it doesnt seem like enough. Weve gotten so used to large portions we often dismiss small amounts, but they...


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Solutions for Dry Hands?
Ive heard using plain shortening and gloves to put on while you sleep helps.


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Removing Concrete?
Well, where is it, and what was its original purpose? What is your purpose for the space now? One suggestion: dig a hole nearby, twice as deep as the piece is, lever it over, and bury it.


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Transplanting Roses?
Well, what have you got to lose? They may or may not die, but probably not. Be sure to water them in. If you feel worried about a chill maybe put up some straw around them or wrap a little cloth around them. Something with a bit of ventilation.


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Can I Use Acrylic Yarn to Make Potholders?
Use wool if you can, make it a tiny bit bigger than you need, and toss into washing machine followed by stop in dryer, checking every 5-10 minutes. It will be nice and thick. Or go to goodwill and get an old all wool sweater, toss in washer on hot-cold cycle...


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Christmas Gift for Farmer Boyfriend?
I might recommend any books by Gene Logsdon: All Flesh is Grass, about pasturing animals again; Small Grain Raising, about growing grains for family and animal needs, Chelsea Green Publishing.


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Ants in Dishwasher?
We used to have ant problems every spring. My daughter discovered that by wiping their entry area with a bleach solution they would stop coming for a few days, and then wed repeat it. Maybe put some bleach [one tablespoon or it will reek of bleach] in your...


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Removing Dull, Stained Appearance from White Tile Floor?
Maybe wipe with a white vinegar solution a few times.


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Homemade Faux Finish Paints?
From the other posting, I am assuming its a fine grit paint? Rottenstone? Check on ebay for carbomer thickener.


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Banana Upside Down Cake?
Wouldnt you just butter a pan very well with real butter, put down some brown sugar, slice your bananas and top with any cake batter you liked, most likely yellow cake of some type? Cook as directed?


Taster Turkey

Taster Turkeys For Picky Eaters
Well you get the Grandma of the Month award from me. Great thinking.


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Remedies for Hives?
Hives are an allergic reaction showing in the skin as opposed to sneezing, etc. You are allergic to something touching your general panty and thigh area. It could also be a reaction to a spider bite, but there should be a bite mark at the center. Do you wear...


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Buttermilk Baking Mix?
I believe you can add buttermilk to bisquick. Or for more servings, buy powdered buttermilk at most grocers in baking section [near choc chips, coconut, etc], and make your own biscuit mix with a buttermilk recipe. One can would make a years supply or more...


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Substituting Agave Syrup for Karo Syrup in Recipes?
Here is your situation. To make the popcorn balls the syrup has to be cooked to a certain stage usually based on temperature. Its going to concentrate the syrup to about the same amount as a corn syrup, which will decrease its sugar content benefit, but it...


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Recipes for Someone With Acid Reflux?
Believe it or not, apples and apple cider vinegar have helped me, especially after meat. Just 2 slices apple and 1/2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar, for couple of meals started straightening everything out. Also, eating standing and walking short distance after...


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Inexpensive Christmas Gift Ideas for Couples?
What have you noticed the younger couple doesnt have: towels {inexpensive at Walmarts, even two towels and two washcloths would do]. My grandson needs towels, and a nice mid-size stainless pot in his apartment.A small but comprehensive tool kit for the car...


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Homemade Eggnog?
I believe there is recipe on Martha Stewarts website.


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Making Syrup from Dried Apricots?
I make jam from dried apricots. I would soak the cots a few days in a quart of water, well covered in fridge. Run whole thing through blender to chop and simmer for few hours, adding more water as needed. I think you would have even better results if you add...


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Cleaning Candle Wax Off an Ivory Menorah?
Put candle in again, light and melt a bit , and remove all was when old wax has slightly warmed from new wax.


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Refrigerator Exterior is Rusty?
Rust can be cleaned off with white vinegar. Swab area, wait few minutes wash with maybe a green scratcher/sponge, and keep doing until rust is gone. If necessary sand lightly with fine sandpaper when entirely dry. Paint with paint suitable for metal [probably...


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What is This Ingredient in Old Cough Syrup?
No 18 is probably a proprietary compound made by the pharmacist himself/herself. But you might ask any older pharmacists you run into if there was a text used by pharmacists with recipes in it. Or write your state pharmacy college. Or go to library and see...


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Ants in Refrigerator? are they getting in? Seal might not be sealing correctly. First wash all nooks and crannies and grooves of seal with soapy water to prevent any uneven sticking that might disrupt sea. Take everything out of fridge and wipe down whole thing with soapy...


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What Fruit Crops Will Grow in Salty Soils?
I am not sure what would work for you but the ones who might would be the Israelis. If you can find some sites for Plant/Garden Nurseries in Israel they might be able to point you towards both plants and information since I believe they have done very well...


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What Fruit Crops Will Grow in Salty Soils?
Once my mind gets going, it doesnt stop. See if you can find permaculture organizations in India. I know they exist, if anyone would have a clue, they would.


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Toddler Won't Play Alone?
Sounds like hes needing more interaction. No one likes to be shoved off in a room. Maybe take short walks with a small container for gathering treasures. When you get home, have a snack, then let him draw pix of his treasures [rocks, weeds, sticks, and so on...


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Buying a Round Loom?
Sounds like spool knitting. You can even make one with a toilet paper roll, 4 penny nails [no big flat head], and duct tape. There will be tutorials on web, and there is a book in childrens section of many libraries in last few years.


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Advice About a Student Loan in Default?
Are these cosigners members of the mafia or what? Or someone who once passed, mistakenly, for a friend or family? I would [really] send in your problem to Suzy Orman. Its a great problem and she has discussed student loans in the past. What is a confession...


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Modular Office Furniture Business Name?
If its assemble it yourself furniture, how about Office in a Box?


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Removing Dimensional Fabric from Clothes?
Only thing I can think of [with ventilation] is alcohol or acetone. You might try hand sanitizer, which is largely alcohol. be careful, these are both very flammable. Ill bet most people dont know that hand sanitizer is flammable, but believe me, it is.


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Lighted Rotating Moving Picture?
Do you mean the antique ones?


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Toddler Pocket Bib?
I would consider NOT using the cross ties in back because they could get tangled in them if they tried to get out of chair as they will when they get older. Maybe regular with a little tab of velcro. Probably have free patterns on web.


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Financing a Treadmill Purchase?
Have you looked on craigslist for an inexpensive used one of the model you want? Many people buy those things, never use them more than once or twice, and then get rid of them.


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Changing the Battery in a Smoke Detector?
Getting the lid off can be a pain. Theres usually a little tab thats supposed to give to pressure. Just keep trying; my son finally got ours off after I was sure it wouldnt.


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Beans Without Gas?
I recently learned a new way to cook beans on Americas Test Kitchen show. They stay whole, cook very nicely, and do seem to produce less stomach turmoil. Cover beans in salted water [probably 2-3 tablespoons to 2 quarts water, and stir before adding dry beans...


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Selling Handmade Crochet Items?
Cant you break up the items you have into categories and post them that way on Etsy? It seems the best venue to sell year round for crafters, that Ive ever seen. The other way is to google etsy, and when it pops up, check similar, but if you are dealing with...


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Recipes for a Burger and Fries Restaurant?
I worked in restaurants for 15 years, mostly in a small family business, which was run very well, of the owners own design, ie, not a franchise. My father also was a small businessman/inventor who had a small factory in his garage for many years, which he ran...


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Low Protein Dog Food Recipes?
I would think any vegetables one would put in a stew would make a good meal. The potatoes could thicken the water a little and a teaspoon of brewers yeast or nutritional yeast would add nutrients, plus a little olive oil. Potatoes, carrots, peas, celery, canned...


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Damaged Blue Spruce Tree?
It will probably fill out sideways more than up, and then it will grow upwards again. It should right itself over the whole of a year.


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Making Canned Chili Taste Homemade?
Which type chili are you using? If you are using the thick kind of grainy type, add a can of chopped small tomatoes, maybe the ones with jalapenos, Could add finely chopped pieces of bell pepper. You might also add another can of kidney beans. Stagg is kind...


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Saying "No" to Someone Who Asked You Out?
Is he being bullied or is he bullying you? If hes bullying you, he doesnt care about your feelings. If hes being bullied, I see your point about his feelings. You dont say how old you are. If you are relatively young 13-15, use your parents as an excuse, and...


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Canning Fresh Salsa?
As far as cooking before hand or not, I think the tomatoes have to be cooked a bit to be canned. If you want fresh, you could freeze whole tomatoes and make up a quart or 2 as needed; yes the tomatoes were frozen but would probably make up satisfactorily. I...


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Unable to Work Due to a Car Accident?
Definitely try for disability. It often takes more than one time. Consult a disability lawyer. Apply for welfare. Thats what its there for. Apply for workmens comp. Thats what its there for. I am not being facetious. Try everything and all. If you were injured...


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Chile Juice for Garden Pests?
When you are dealing with chilis, fresh or as powder you have to be aware you are exposing yourself and anyone in area [children] to a potential breathing problem or skin/eye irritation problem. You could blend them with water and let sit, strain after some...


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Knitted Recycled T-shirt Scarf?
Looks like 8-10 stitches for a large needle, maybe size 12-13.


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Price Per Load for Homemade Laundry Detergent?
Where does one find washing soda nowadays? I get my borax at Walmart; its about $3 per box. I use Purex detergent, at WMart for $3. I cannot figure out why detergent has gone up as it has. I do not use the amounts called for. I use about 3 tablespoons for full...


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Smell From Garbage Disposal?
Get some lemons when they are onsale, cut into small pieces or slices and freeze on a cookie sheet and then put in plastic bag in freezer, and until smell is gone, put one in every night and grind it up. You could also pour in some white vinegar [1/4 cup] or...


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Upholstery Cleaner Left Stain on Furniture?
Wipe with damp cloth [lukewarm water] over period of days and let dry in between, and see if you cant gradually fade the ring. I am only suggesting the gradual approach to avoid any mold problems which would rot the fabric. If you feel you got too much water...


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Getting Started on Ebay?
It sounds as if you are planning on selling often on ebay. I only buy, and use a pay pal account linked to my checking account; it goes through immediately and I get notices in my email account within minutes. I agree you dont want to risk bouncing anything...


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Acrylic Paint on Wool?
Try rubbing alcohol. Ammonia might work on anything but wool, it will disintegrate it.


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