
Janice C.

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17 Posts | 709 Comments | Active Since 2006
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Place Small Phone Book In Car
I do this too. Our phone books also have street maps of nearby towns and cities, which can be very helpful when youre driving. During the year, I add names and numbers and addresses and store hours. Even if you use the info just once or twice, its a real timesaver...


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Nausea Remedies?
Ginger or peppermint work for me. I buy a few ounces of real ginger in the produce dept. at the grocery store, slice it finely and let it steep in boiled water for a couple of minutes. Add sugar and its pretty good. Ginger cookies help - Aldis carries a German...


Sadie (Staffordshire Terrier)
Shes beautiful, and her coat is magnificent, isnt it. How lucky you both are to have each other. Terriers are the best!


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Tighten Screws In Doorknobs
My house is 100+ years old, and I dont want to replace the old doors, but the doorknobs get loose about once a year. I checked and made sure they come loose only from the inside. So if I pull the knob off, at least Im inside and can get my screwdriver and fix...


My Frugal Life: Bake For Special Days
Patty, you are an angel. What wonderful, delicious, perfect gifts for your family.


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Phone Safety: Telephone Number Search
Thank you so much. I followed your directions, and at the end, you can click on other search engines and remove your info from them too. Best hint of the week!


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Saturday Meal Ideas
Get a bread machine and make a loaf of nice bread on Friday night or Saturday morning. Its easy and automatic, doesnt need any watching. You can add cheese or nuts or raisins, whatever you like, to the dough and its delicious. Fresh homemade bread makes any...


Rose (Mixed Breed)
Shes adorable. Who could resist those big dark eyes? And her coloring is beautiful. What a sweetheart.


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Transfer Soap to a Smaller Bottle
I too have some arthritis in my thumb joints, and some days its hard to hold on to that dish soap bottle. So I put dish soap in a liquid soap dispenser, the kind you just push down on the top, and that helps. When I broke my pretty ceramic dispenser this winter...


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Audiobooks From The Library
I learned how to use the internet at my library - they give little free lessons, and then you can use their computers. And my favorite place to read magazines for free is a nice laundromat in a local strip mall.


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Removing My Phone Number From Google?
Put your number into the Google search engine, and when it comes up on the next screen, click on your number. The next screen will have a line on it asking if you wish to remove your number from Google. Follow the directions. At the bottom of the page, you...


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Locating Old Friends Online? Its recommended by a free-lance researcher/editor who teaches a copy-editing and research course I took last year.



Elsa and young girl sitting on chair.

Elsa (Rottweiler)
Theyre a beautiful pair. I love that Elsa goes against some peoples ideas about Rottweilers - she sounds like a saint!


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Making Mint Tea From Fresh Mint?
We used to mash the leaves and stems with a spoon in a small bowl, add sugar and then add the whole mess to a pitcher of iced tea or a pot of hot tea. Wed put a small strainer over the glass or cup to catch the foliage. It was fun, it smelled wonderful and...


Precious (Shih Tzu/Poodle)
Precious is really precious. How wonderful that she is so agreeable to being handled and dressed up - at 6 months old, she probably thinks all dogs are like that. Isnt she a dear.


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Handy Stitch Handheld Sewing Machine Reviews?
Read the directions? How fun is that? Id go to Goodwill or a garage sale and get a used sewing machine for $10 or so. Portables usually come in sturdy boxes (like luggage), theyre easy to use, the older ones are reliable, and they dont take up much space.


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Dachshund Behavior Problems?
My terrier years ago marked my pants leg only once, and that was while I was standing in a neighbors yard talking. I think he was literally marking his territory - me. Dogs are pack animals; they need to know that youre the boss of the pack and that you will...


sleeping small dog

Jazz (Yorkshire Terrier)
Hes just adorable, and from the photo, I can tell he knows hes in the right place - hes home. What a beautiful little dog.


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Always Park in the Same Lane
This is such a good idea. When I worked for a big box store, employees were assigned a certain part of the parking lot. I always parked near an overhead light and as close as possible to the same spot each time. Then when I got out of work at 10:30 at night...


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Gluten, Egg and Dairy Free Meal Ideas?
I guess rice is your friend. A combination I like is cooked rice, celery, peanuts, and soy sauce. Its easy to make, can be eaten cold or hot, and has a nice, satisfying crunch. You can also add other vegetables and mushrooms. If you can eat potatoes, they can...


Spring Lilacs in the Ozarks

Spring Lilacs in the Ozarks
Thank you for the gorgeous photo of your lilacs. Mine are a few weeks away, and every spring for a couple of weeks its heavenly. I never get tired of them. Same with lilies of the valley. I love perennials.


Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Tucker (Pembroke Welsh Corgi)
Tucker is beautiful. And I agree your vet has his priorities straight, but I think Tucker should have his own throne - I mean chair.


Safety Tips For Road Trips

Safety Tips For Road Trips
Good tips. I once walked 2-1/2 miles home and then 2-1/2 miles back again when I locked myself out of my car at Walgreens. My spare key didnt do me much good hanging on its hook at home. In my cardboard box care package in the car, I also keep an extra leash...


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Job Hunting Journal
This is such a good idea. Its hard work finding a job, and youre making it easier for your husband. Good for you. And good luck to your husband - I hope he finds a job soon and that its a job he likes.



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Check Door Hinges Periodically
Ill be darned. So I just checked the door hinges (all ok) and now I know how to replace my old storm door. I dont know why, but I thought there was more to replacing a storm door. Thanks.


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Broken Glass in Gravel?
Sorry to hear about your vandalism. In the morning when the sun is at just the right angle, I can see pieces of glass at the end of my driveway, and thats when I go out and pick them up. Once the sun moves, it no longer reflects off the glass and I cant see...


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Mother's Day Favors?
You could do a gardeners gift bag, with a $.10 seed packet, wooden tongue depressor with name of plant on it, and a tiny zip bag of Miracle-Gro (packaged by you), all in a little cloth bag that you could sew yourself. Maybe you could imprint each bag with something...


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Lint Balls on Fleece?
Sometimes going over the surface with a rubber glove will pick up lint and pet fur.


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Plant Mixed Garden With Old Seeds
Thank you. I didnt want to just throw the old seeds out. I might even mix old vegetable seeds in with the flower seeds. Whatever comes up will be a bonus.


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Teacup Cross Stitch Pattern?
I dont have a cross-stitch pattern for you, but for teacup lovers, theres a great knitting pattern for actual teacups and saucers in Unexpected Knitting, a beautiful book by Debbie New, Schoolhouse Press, Pittsville, WI, 2003. Her book is filled with new, very...


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Low Fat Snack Ideas?
Apples and peanuts are really good together. Another good combination is Cheerios, raisins or dried cranberries, peanuts, and a few chocolate chips. Put it in a little zip bag to eat on the run. And if you freeze candy, it takes longer to eat it.


Casualty of Pet Food?
Im so sorry for your loss. When I was a child, we had a rat terrier named Pepper, looked a lot like yours, and she was a wonderful dog. I hope you find a new love when you and your husband are ready. And thank you for the heads up - I worry every day about...


My Frugal Life: Save and Use Everything
Im glad you told your story here. You sound so appreciative of what you have now, and I think thats the key to living right - being grateful for what we have today. What a journey youve had.


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Home Water Maintenance Tips
That is a really good idea to teach the kids how to turn the water off. Good for you.


Homemade Dog Biscuits

Do It Yourself Dog Biscuits
They sound very good. And you can have some fun with them by eating one yourself when people are watching.


A cut end of celery to make a rose stamp.

Celery Rose
Thats one beautiful celery rose. Stacey, thanks to you, people will now be roaming the produce aisles looking for vegetables that grow on stalks so thay can put their own spin on your idea. I know it sounds corny, but one of the things Ive learned from thriftyfun...



Satin Bow for a Prom Dress?
Ive often wondered about the dresses the dancers wear on Dancing With The Stars. Like ice skaters, they must use skin-colored body tights and body glue in all the strategic areas, so the dancers are covered even if the dress gives way. In addition to the bra...


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Recycling Computers?
When you buy a new one from Dell, I know they have a recycling program. I imagine other computer companies would also.


Tawny (Weimaraner)

Tawny (Weimaraner)
Shes gorgeous. I love Weimaraners - they have a natural elegance that makes you wonder if they are descended from royalty.


American Staffordshire

Blu Venus (American Staffordshire)
Shes adorable. And obviously a star who deserves star treatment.


Roper's Impression (Quarter Horse)
What a beautiful horse. You look great together. You must be the best of friends.


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Decorating a Bar?
How about putting an ad in the paper and selling it. Then buy what you do like.


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Cat Pooping In The Bath?
You sound like a very wonderful, good-hearted person. No wonder the kitty chose you. If you fill the bathtub, I think youd want to be home for the kitty bath, just to be on the safe side.


CoCo lying with child.

CoCo (Beagle/Corgi Mix)
Shes a beautiful dog and thats a lovely picture - Best Friends. Its hard to think about what happens to unwanted pets. Im very glad you saved CoCo.


My Frugal Life: Watch Where The Money Goes
I like your essay, Lynn. I think all of your suggestions are excellent. I would only add to shop for unadvertised post-holiday clearance sales on seasonal merchandise. I used to work part-time at a huge retailer and I know sometimes you have to hunt for the...


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Replace Eyeglass Screws
I think Walgreens and Walmart carry eyeglass repair kits near their sunglasses for about $1, but losing an eyeglass screw always happens at the most inconvenient time. Ive seen retail jewelry dept. people fix this for customers.


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Check Out Staffing Agencies
Years ago I signed up with several temp agencies at the same time. I told all of them that, and they said fine, just let us know each week if you are available or not available. It worked out quite well.


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Thrifty and Green Liners for Wastebaskets?
You can custom-make bags for your wastebasket out of a couple sheets of newspaper. Tape them together or learn a little origami to fold them so they wont come apart. You can also use a paper grocery bag as a pattern.


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Neighbors With Barking Dogs?
How about calling your local police dept., the non-emergency number, and asking them what to do. Our officers give 2 warnings before they write an actual ticket for a barking dog (or loose dog). They do not tell the owner who complained, just that they have...


Dog on couch.

Sadie (Beagle Mix)
I agree with tedsmom. Sadie is beautiful and smart and how wonderful that she babysits too! Its a previous gift that you found each other.


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You Know You Are Living In 2007 When...
Thanks for a big LOL. Im old and only recently learned what that stands for. And yes, I do know exactly who Im going to send a copy of it to!


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Weeds In a Gravel Driveway?
I vote for vinegar too.


unknown Pupa

What Is This? Unknown Pupa (Crane Fly)
Sure looks like the pupa of a June bug, aka May bug or beetle. Theyre very common in Wisconsin, Dont know about Oregon. The grubs are white, about an inch long, and have a brown face. The grubs eat plant roots. The pupa always reminded me of the barrel-shaped...


Vacuums That Last?
I used my mothers Kenmore canister vac for years. It finally gave out after more than 40 years. They dont make them like that any more. I bought a Eureka Boss upright a couple of years ago. I like it. It was recommended by Consumer Reports. I also bought a...


Mini Sticky Notes for Bookmarks
This is a great idea. Ive learned the hard way to use bookmarks in novels to mark key points - like when major characters are introduced or clues are found. Then I can easily go back and re-read those parts, and I enjoy the book that much more. And your little...


Isis and Belle (Malamute/American Eskimo)
Theyre adorable. Thank you for such a sweet photo. It brightened my day.


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Epson All-In-One Reviews?
I have a Lexmark X3350, and refill the black and the color cartridges with ink that I bought at the Dollar Store. Its 1-1/2 years old and running fine.


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Melamine Tainted Food Used in Chicken Feed
Susan, Thank you for the fantastic job you are doing in keeping us all informed about tainted food for pets and now for humans too. As you know, lots of us love every photo of a dog or a cat that gets posted on thriftyfun. com. And the possibility of feeding...


Three pins made from western conchos and beads.

Concho Western Pin
Your pins are very pretty. I especially like the color combinations youve used.


Brandy (Golden Retriever)

Brandy (Golden Retriever)
Thanks for the priceless photo. What a great friendship they have. And Brandy is a very beautiful, patient, loving mom.


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Pinata Safety Tips
Youre a smart teacher to watch out for your kids like this. All those videos of pinata-swatting on Americas Funniest Home Videos arent really funny.


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Remote Control Tips?
I finally bought a second remote. I can usually find one or the other.


Dakota (Siberian Husky)

Dakota (Siberian Husky)
What beautiful dogs they are, and how lucky they found each other. I hope you can bring them together again so they can stay buddies.


A solar patio light on a shepherd's hook.

Solar Lights For Indoor Lighting
Great idea. Ive been wondering why they didnt make solar lights for indoor use. This should do the trick.


Sparkie The Dog
Sparkie is adorable. Do you happen to know what breed(s) he is? With that black jelly bean nose and clipped fur, he looks like a terrier to me. Im partial to terriers.


Toby (Yorkiepoo)
Golly, he is the cutest little dog. And you found him - or he found you - at a flea market. Thats amazing. How lucky you both are. Hes adorable.


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Cheap and Easy Window Cleaning
This year I used eco-friendly, non-toxic cleaner that you dilute - 1 tablespoon to a liter of water. It works on everything. I cleaned the windows first, and then the wooden sills, without having to change cleaners. Vinegar is great for windows, but it doesnt...


Skippy (Mixed Breed)
Thank you for writing about Skippy and Rascal and Spunky. A few years ago one of my doggies died at 18-1/2, and now my mixed terrier is pushing 17. (I dont know when her birthday is either. I was told she was 2 when I got her.) Its hard to lose a pet, especially...


Dog and child.

Socks (Terrier/Golden Retriever Mix)
Theyre both adorable. And its a wonderful story of how best friends found each other. Thanks for the happy ending.


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How Teenagers Can Save Money
A part-time job at a store gets you at least a 10% discount on almost everything they sell, and you learn about the merchandise - what sells, what gets returned, what isnt worth your hard-earned money.


Dottie At Four Months (Dalmatian)
Shes adorable. And look at those beautiful eyes - they make me want to give her a big hug.


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Order from Austree Not Delivered
Better Business Bureau can help too. Check their website.


Restoring a Rusty Washboard?
I agree with Beth - MA. Antiques Roadshow has taught us all - leave it alone until youre absolutely sure its not an antique. Your washboard looks like an antique. Besides, I think it looks really cool just the way it is.


Rescued Orchid

Rescued Orchid
Oh what a beautiful combination - rescued plants and rescued doggies. I love it. Dont tell anyone, but orchids are easy to grow.


Chicklet (Arab/Quarterhorse)
Thank you for telling us Chicklets story. Shes very beautiful, and so are you for rescuing her.


rainbow baby afghan

Rainbow Baby Afghan
Very pretty color combination, and I like the unusual pattern stitch. It gives a nice texture.


Tomato cage tabletop Christmas tree.

Tabletop Christmas Tree
Great idea. Very creative. Thanks.


Angel (MinPin) And Billy's (Chihuahua) Puppies
Yes, yes, yes, and yes, they are adorable. Is there anything more adorable than new puppies?


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Glasses With a Broken Bridge?
If the frame is plastic, you might try heating the broken edges over a pan of boiling water until they soften enough to push them together. If they dont stay together, you might try pushing a short straight pin into each edge while theyre soft, and then push...


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Taking Big Pills?
Take them with water, and then give yourself a reward for putting up with this unnatural behavior - a cookie!


Knitted Espadrilles
What a coincidence. I also discovered the floofle website just a couple days ago, and thought about posting this very pattern on Im glad you did - its a good idea, isnt it.


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Products Being Thrown in the Garbage
Toothpaste? I just heard on the news this morning that some toothpaste made in China may have the same problems that the pet foods had. I know retailers throw out a lot of stuff, but in this case, I think Id check with the Big Lots store manager to see what...


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Flat Ground Cover?
How about moss? You could put a few stepping stones down, and surround them with moss. And maybe a few fragrant herbs. Incidentally, youre my kind of (un)gardener. If it werent for perennials, my yard would be - oh, I dont even want to think about it.


Kitties in the Winter
Lovely photo. The kitties are wonderful. Is that #5, a Cheshire Cat, in the background?


Precious (Chihuahua) at 10 months
Theyre both just adorable. They look like little tiny reindeer. How can they be so small and have so much energy? Your husband was sweet to find Precious for you.


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Firm Training For Your Pit Bull
I think youve overstated the case on ALL terriers. Ive had 3, and never had a problem with aggression. They were all born to love. My little Lakeland terrier in particular would roll his eyes in disbelief if he were still here to read your post. (I exaggerate...


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A Cool Surface for Dogs?
Bare floor or low-pile area rug on the north, shady side of living room. Turn floor fan on low and aim from across the room. I know its time to turn on the window air conditioner when the dog sits right in front of the fan.


Thrifty Kori
Excellent, Kori, and you have a good friend in Coreen.


Barkley and Scruffy (Mixed Breeds)
Theyre adorable and I love their names.


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Buying Compact Fluorescent Bulbs
Thank you for your post. By coincidence, one of my compact fluorescent bulbs went out yesterday. Ive only had it maybe a year, and my other ones are ok. It does not have the Energy Star on it. Ill have to take it back to the store and find out about it.


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Save Wrappers To Placate Toddlers
You are a clever mom, and with limited mom time, you are really ingenious. I remember hating tomatoes as a child, and suddenly when I was about 11 or so, I tried them and have loved them ever since. I think sometimes young taste buds simply arent ready for...


Border Collie

What breed is my dog? (Border Collie)
Id guess part border collie, part lab too. I also have a dog whose birthday is a mystery. We decided on the month of May. If dogs could talk.


In Memory of BC (Baby Cat)
Im so sorry that your beautiful kitty is gone. She was gorgeous with all that thick gray and white fur. How lucky you were to have had her 15 years.


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A Frugal Watch Tale
Oh boy. I used to work in the jewelry dept. of a large retail store and we changed lots of watch batteries. There were also some watches we would not touch. The warranty can be voided on some, as noted on an earlier post. Read and keep your instructions. Keep...


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Preventing Tick Bites?
Good luck. The paper this week said ticks are bad this year. Im sure you know the basics - wear long sleeves and long pants and shoes and socks (yuck) and check your body thoroughly for the little things when youve been outside. Pull them off carefully - no...


Pretty cream and pink rose.

First Rose of the Season
Its a beautiful rose. I love the colors. My antique roses started blooming a week ago - seems early, but they have such a lovely apple scent that I wish theyd bloom all summer.


Rainbow Through the Lilacs
What a gorgeous photo and what a talented photographer you are. I love lilacs and I love rainbows. Pulling weeds also makes me forget the old aches and pains for a while. I heard some weeks ago that the hummingbird population is down this year, similar to honeybees...


I Love "Lucy" (Bearded Collie/Terrier)
Lucys a doll. How lucky you all are to have found each other. Years ago my dad had a terrier who covered her eyes with her paws when she came home from getting her summer haircut.


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Hand Sanitizer for Glass Cleaner
I like your hint because I have a very big bottle of hand sanitizer (got it on sale). Label says it can damage wood finishes and plastic. I guess you havent had a problem with that?


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Pinata From A Paper Bag
What a clever idea. And the kids can help decorate it as part of the party fun.


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Crocheted Bag Made From Grocery Bags?
Great idea. I started making a plastic bag rug to use as a doormat years ago, and never finished it because it seemed to take forever. I guess the large M hook makes it a quick project.


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Meatloaf Without Tomato Products?
I dont have a recipe for you, just a prayer for you and your brother. Ellen, you are an angel. Happy Birthday!


Twigs tied together in a decorative way.

Nature Stick Ornament
Its a lovely ornament, especially for summer.


Fuchsia plant

Beautiful Fuchsia
Thank you for the beautiful photo. It brightened my afternoon. You are a talented gardener.


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Thick Webs on My Pear Tree?
Tent caterpillars or worms used to be thought deadly to the tree, but now they just recommend cutting off that part of the branch and burning it. Each year we seem to have a different bug or weed that gets a lot of attention in the media, and then the next...


Recycled envelops and note cards.

Recycled Envelopes and Note Cards
The envelopes and notecards in your photos are quite beautiful.


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Removing Paint from an Antique Trunk?
If its an antique, please check with an antiques dealer before you do anything more. Antiques almost always lose value if theyre refinished or restored. An expert will be able to tell you whats best for your trunk.


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Dealing With Annoying Birds?
I like perfumed fans kite idea. I hadnt heard of it before, and I think its worth a try. Boat owners have a similar problem, and have all sorts of devices to scare birds away, most of which do not work for long. But I think the kite could work because its big...


What's this Flower?
Cow parsley? Plain name for such a pretty flower. Supposed to be good for colds and fevers and tummy aches.


Wild brown rabbit.

The Easter Bunny and My Veggies
Let them eat clover? I wouldnt try to fool the Easter Bunny. Or try to catch the Tooth Fairy. Youre talking serious repercussions.


Vinnie Vega (Toy Fox Terrier)
Happy Birthday, and what a neat present. I love terriers - theyre very smart and healthy and eager to help. Good companions, and in the winter I let their fur grow out (mine were the long-haired kind), and they threw off so much body heat, I felt I had my own...


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Check Out Community Clinics
Do you mean the clinics theyre setting up in local Walmarts and such? Local tv did a story on them recently, and found that theyre excellent for basic things like strep throat and colds and flu, and can be a real time-saver. They showed mom and child in and...


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Digital Picture Of Refrigerator Contents
Thats very funny, and very practical.


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Recipes Without Corn?
Me too, along with some other allergens. Ive found it best to stick to basics when you can. Almost all prepared, processed foods have corn syrup and/or corn starch in them. Thats why doctors dont like to see corn allergy. You might get a bread machine. Its...


Light purple and magenta clematis flower.

Large Clematis
Yikes! Theyre huge! And gorgeous. Nothing radioactive in the compost pile, I hope.


Tweeti the Cat
Now that is one great cat. And your photo is priceless.


wolf husky face

Dakota Star (Timber Wolf/Husky)
Shes a very beautiful animal. Could you tell us more about rescuing wolves and wolf hybrids and whether they can really be domesticated? Some of us wonder if thats possible. Last week a deputy shot a border collie (!) here who bit his hand slightly - its dreadful...


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Instructions for Confetti Rag Rug?
Id take a length of rug backing, 4 holes to the inch, however big you want the rug (plus 1 inch at each end to fold over). Cut 1 x 5 strips of cloth from rags, whatever colors you want, and rug-hook. On the edges, just fold over the extra 1 and hook through...


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Stitches Skipping on Sewing Machine?
Ive learned the hard way that you cant expect your sewing machine, even if it is a Singer, to sew over every weight of fabric without adjustment. Changing the tension and the needle and using the recommended thread and keeping the machine clean and oiled ought...


Jakie (Red Headed Conure)

Jakie (Red Headed Conure)
Shes adorable. Does she speak? Im glad life is good for Jakie.


Utah Morning
Thank you. Its gorgeous.


Closeup of Odee.

Odee (Yorkshire Terrier)
Odee is a doll. The first Yorkie I fell in love with was my neighbors. They used to say that in his heart, he was a doberman. He was about 13 when he died, and he also went rather quickly. It was probably his heart. He got weak, then recovered for a week, and...


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Locating Speedtraps
Its not an accident if it happens when youre speeding. I checked my area on this website. The nearest so-called speedtrap is on a part of the interstate that has more than its share of accidents. I hear the rescue squad and police sirens every weekend. As a...


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Making a Peg Leg for a Pirate Costume?
Doesnt Home Depot, Lowes or Menards carry balusters (the vertical posts of a stair railing), around their deck dept.? Youd have to work on it to make it look realistic. Otherwise, Id check with the local little theater group to see what they have.


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Recipe Using Jerusalem Artichokes?
Thanks to you both. Just what I was looking for - recipes with Flavor. Now when I give some away, I can give recipes too.


Brown Pit lying on bed.

Bea (American Pit Bull Terrier)
Isnt she sweet. Im glad shes ok now. That must have been tough for all of you when she got sick. That look on her face says it all.


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Stay Dry When Tent Camping
Good ideas. Merci.


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Excuses For Gossipy Callers
Your secret is out now. I do have this situation with two dear, dear friends, and my doggie is the answer. When she stands in front of the door, I have to end our conversation (its not really gossip) since I dont have a cordless or cell phone.


bulb syringe

Bulb Syringe For Filling Ice Trays
Good for watering small or hanging plants too.


Scooter (Morkie)
Oh my goodness, he is so cute he almost looks like a toy! How lucky you all are to have found each other.


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Reduce Chaos to Save Money
Eli, Im glad you wrote your article. Youve made us think about what is and isnt important in our daily lives. Each part of the world has its own kind of disaster (its tornadoes here), and its essential to be as prepared as you can be. I too love my knick-knacks...


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Cooler Jug of Water for Summer
Speaking of dog days, be sure to take a water bowl along for your doggie. I leave a clean plastic container from cottage cheese or sour cream in the car just in case DD gets thirsty too.


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Thrifty Shopping Tips
I agree with your hint. Its surprising what you can find at Big Lots and dollar stores and outlet stores. But Ive also found that one of the largest and not-inexpensive grocery stores in my area, which carries a lot of ethnic foods and lots of different brands...


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Starting a Crafting Business?
I like the previous posts. I hope they give you some good ideas. I think people love to learn about themselves. How about digging up some local history and using that in your business, maybe teaching local history and crafts to children or local groups? Once...


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Rose of Sharon as a Teeth Whitener?
How fortunate you are to have a yard full of hibiscus. You must be a talented gardener. I checked my old book on natural remedies and found no info.


Abby (Chihuahua/Jack Russell)

Abby (Chihuahua/Jack Russell)
Abby is adorable. With those big, brown eyes and that sweet face, shes irresistible. Shes a star.


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Outdoor Light Using Electricity When Turned Off?
Our power company will send someone out to do an energy evaluation on our property for free. If you can get an expert opinion for free, I say go for it.


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Hiding a House Key Outside?
Good ideas. I accidentally (as if Id do it on purpose) locked my dog and me outside one cold February night, and finally managed to get in through one window that wasnt locked, thank goodness. Hanging flower pot or dryer vent or dog kennel or neighbors yard...


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Getting a 4 Year Old to Look Forward to School?
Years ago I cried my first day of school, and then I met my teacher who was superb, and I learned to read, and brought my book home to do homework at my very own desk. It was great! And I loved school ever after. I do wish someone had told me at the time that...


Prize Winning Christmas Look
Somebody has to say it - Dahling, you look mahvelous! Congratulations on the trip to Ireland. Wow.


Penny covered flower pot

Penny Pots
I love this idea. Thanks. I get so many good ideas from


Snoop and ower sitting on the floor with a book.

Snoop (Rottweiler)
Snoop is a GREAT dog - he rescues you 3 times (!), he reads with you, and he looks terrific in hats. What a doll, and what a good example of his breed. How lucky you are to have found each other. P.S. Great photos.


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Have Kids Cook Their Favorite Foods
You brought back a sweet memory to me. I was babysitting 3 young children years ago. The 7-year-old little girl started to fry eggs on the top of the stove, all by herself. I knew she wasnt old enough to do this by herself, so I said to her, Your professional...


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Drive Slower To Save Gas
Barbara, Im with you, mostly. I drive just under the posted speed limit when I can. Sometimes you have to keep up with the traffic flow, of course, but often you can stay in the righthand lane on 4-lane highways and stick to 45 or so for a few miles. Of course...


Decorative ball with silk flowers.

Silk Flower Ball
This is very pretty and sounds as if it wouldnt take much time to make. What a handy idea, especially for weddings and holidays.


Hamburger Cake

Hamburger Cake
Very clever. I admire your creativity.


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Easy Summer Snacks for Kids
I like the cream cheese and brown sugar for dipping apple slices idea. Also the watermelon juice popsicles. Something kids can do.


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Statute of Limitations for Excise Taxes?
Please see For use taxes, it says 6 years, with certain big exceptions. Good luck.


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Buying Organic Clothing?
Walmart has some, I believe. Also, google organic clothing. and are just 2 that have mens clothing. If he can wear hemp, its even on sale. Also google organic cotton. You can email the manufacturer on their website and find...


Kayla And Lakota (Golden Lab/German Shepard)
Theyre adorable. They must be big now that theyre a year old. And they sound so sweet and intelligent. Im happy for you that you all found each other. Good luck to your son and daughter-in-law.


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Easy To Reach Food Storage
This is a clever solution to a problem a lot of us have as we get older: we start shrinking. Ive lost about 3/4 in height in the past 15 years, and that makes things farther away than they used to be. A step stool is not always handy, and standing on your tiptoes...


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Rural Work at Home Ideas?
I agree with loftworks. You write well, and there are websites and magazines that would be interested. What youve already written here is worth working into a good article on rural living. April, youve got enough knowledge and experience to write your own magazine...


Torn vacuum cleaner hose.

Repairing a Torn Vacuum Cleaner Hose?
Duct tape. I had a Kenmore canister vacuum for many years, and by the time I gave up on it, it still worked but the motor heated up too quickly. And the hose was almost entirely covered with duct tape. Its a good machine.


bike flower planter

Unusual Objects in the Garden
I have a girlfriend who uses the perennial favorite toilet as a planter. She put it behind their garage so you cant see it from the street.


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Non-Food After Their Expiration Date
I must say, I am rarely alarmed by anything I read on, but this post alarms me. Our friend is recommending eating food past its expiration date. Millions of people in the US each year get food poisoning, and many of them call it the flu or something...


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Finding Soft Bandanas?
I wonder if organic cotton would be softer. There are lots of websites.


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Preventing Edges From Rolling When Knitting?
Coreen, Congratulations on finishing your throw. I agree with the advice youve gotten, just knit a couple stitches at the beginning and end of each row next time. This time, blocking it should help. If it still curls, you might try adding fringe to weight it...


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Cream Cheese Dip Without Salsa Or Peppers?
There was a neat tip here a few weeks ago about adding brown sugar to cream cheese, and using it as a dip for apples. It tastes like caramel or taffy apples.


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Ant Repellents?
I poured about a cup of vinegar in front of my porch door sill where they had suddenly appeared, and that was the end of them.


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Fly Swatter Craft
Sounds lovely. I dont have a digital camera either, so I understand when people dont submit photos.


Frugal Ways To Save On Utilities
Thats very funny about sleeping on one side of the bed one week and the other side the next week. I never knew that a queen-sized bed could save you money!


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