
Lelia Jo Cordell

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49 Posts | 1,934 Comments | Active Since 2008
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Keeping a Journal
Luana, I love your idea. Im not nearly as organized with journal writing, but then I dont need to be for my purposes. I dont plan to pass along my random thoughts. My journal is strictly an outlet for me. Recipes and other useful info, I store in other folders...


Man and Little Girl Eating String of Spaghetti

Lady and the Tramp Photo Recreation
Aww! Theres something special about the father-daughter love.


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Free or Cheap Cellphones?
My hubbys had a SafeLink phone for a couple of years now. I applied online, & since were on Social Security (disability for me, retirement for him,) we qualified. 60 minutes have been more than enough for us. The down side? Its not blind-accessible. I had to...


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Freeze Sauteed Veggies For Quick Cooking Later
Now, why didnt I think of that? Ive figured out that I can freeze fresh, diced onion for use later, but hadnt thought to try sauteeing first. Thanks for the idea!


Tape aligned, door locked.

Is the Door Locked?
This is a great tip! Now Im plotting how I can adapt it to myself. Thanks for the idea.


Photo of spreadsheet for budgeting.

Keeping a Spreadsheet to Monitor Budget
Marti, this is a great idea, I cant track every penny, but I keep a running estimate spreadsheet. I found a simple spreadsheet works best for my screen-reader, since I can set the audio function to read the column titles as I arrow from one to the next. Ive...


Closeup of Salamander on Rock

Wildlife: Salamander (Nesika County Park,...
How sweet! Wish Id been there, Ive only seen salamanders in pictures. It wouldve been an unforgettable experience for this Midwesterner.


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Booklights in Home Emergency Kits
Love this idea! Lights are something that wouldnt occur to me - but hubby wouldve been glad for some during the last, thankfully brief, power outage around here.


Gold Falls Oregon

Scenery: Golden and Silver Falls (Coos Bay, OR)
Ive always thought of waterfalls as a multi-sensory experience. Sight, sound, smell, touch - and if you open your mouth at the wrong moment, taste, lol! Thanks for sharing.


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Organizing Your Expenses
Suntydt, your logic is sound. However, Id venture to suggest you buy yourself a business-style cash ledger. Use that instead of your checkbook to track your outgoing cash. Might work better and save confusion.


Watch Quantity When Buying Tissues
Thanks for the tip. I still remember the day my non-bargain-hunting hubby and I were shopping in a locally-owned drug store. He grabbed the nearest multi-pack of purse-pack tissues, then someone pointed out that wed get a better deal buying 10 individual purse...


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Store Toothpicks In Spice Jar
The important thing to remember is, you did think of it. Thanks for the tip!



Park Sign for Zion National Park

Travel: Zion National Park
xintexas, I love your sense of humor almost more than your descriptions!


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Have Friends and Family Check On Older Parent
Scooterrhea and Lilac both have a good point. If I didnt have scary dogs, I wouldnt want to be alone with an unlocked door! Your reasoning and basic idea are sound, though. You also get others involved in your dear mothers care - if not physically, at least...


Very tall diaper cake with a white teddy bear on top.

Make A Diaper Cake For Baby Showers
Useful trumps cute for me every time - looks like you managed both - thumbs up!


Yellow Iris LIke Flower with Red Spots

Scenery: Yellow Wildflowers (Shore Acres...
Wow! Ive never made it to OR and may never do so. Thanks for sharing a piece of it with us. Thumbs up!


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Graduation Gift Ideas?
With my sense of humor, Id have gone for something like a bobble-head to show how my head swells, knowing how brilliant my kid is. :D


Praying Mantis on Underside of Leaf

Praying Mantis (Richland, WA)
We regularly saw praying mantises where I grew up in a suburb of Indianapolis, but I dont remember ever seeing a brown one. Thats pretty cool!


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Blackberry Buckle
Yum, I love your recipes - every single one! Thumbs up... with hugs. JPJ


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Beware of Drug Interactions
Ive saved this to my Favorites, too - thanks! JPJ


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Taking the "H" (Hassle) out of Homework!
Bravo! Anything that reduces the nightly frustration of homework gets my vote.


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Disguising WiFi Box and All Wires
You have a wonderful idea! I only wish you could unplug some of those items without losing important data. Even when theyre covered, those little blinking lights mean those items are drawing energy. Energy conservationists call them energy vampires and suggest...


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Attach Important Items To Handbag
God bless your daughter for recognizing the need and acting on it, and God bless you for not having too much foolish pride to accept it. I cant think of anything worse than losing all my important items that I carry in my handbag!


Front of Air Force One at Ronald Reagan Library

Travel: Air Force One (Ronald Reagan Library,...
Wow, that sounds like a great educational trip! I havent been there in awhile, but Ohio has a free Air Force museum about 20 miles west of us, in Dayton. Theres a lot of history stored there. imho, we are all responsible for teaching the next generations about...



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Fresh Blueberry Crisp
Julia, youre merciless, lol! Ill never lose weight this way. Ah, well, Ill die happy... :)


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Eggplant and Zucchini Casserole
Hmm... this sounds interesting. Ive never tried eggplant. I think its time I broadened my horizons, dont you?


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Choosing a Good Charity
I completely agree. Why shouldnt those of us who have an embarrassment of riches - whether financial or otherwise - refuse to give where its needed most? That, of course, is in our own neighborhoods.


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Opening Jars With Arthritis
I tend to use a floppy rubberized circle as my jar opener. The hot water thing did used to work for my family - my mom had small hands and my brother usually wasnt around. Mom would also sometimes rap the edges of a jar lid with the handle of a butter knife...


Deer Very Close to Camera in Parking Lot

Wildlife: Deer at Bays Mountain Park (NE...
Hey, that was one rude deer, lol!


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Speech Ideas for Receiving a Service Award?
First, congratulations on your award! Next, Garnetgirls got a great idea! If you have trouble with saying all that, though, a simple thank you should do. (btw, Garnetgirl, I like your idea of going into the bathroom beforehand for a little pep sing, lol!)


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Ripening Fresh Fruits You've Purchased
Julia, thank you so much for sharing info many of us never learned at our own mothers elbows.


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Old Fashioned Peach Cake
In a word? Yum! I absolutely adore peaches. Thanks for a new idea of what to do with them.


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Using Shampoo and Conditioner as Body Wash
This is something I recently discovered when I forgot to carry a bar of soap into the shower with me. Id received several good-sized bottles of shampoo, either via coupon or as a gift or hand-me-down. I simply grabbed one of those bottles at random. It worked...


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Summer Squash Casserole
Although Im not much of a squash eater, imagining this blend of flavors has my mouth watering!


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Volunteer In Exchange For Tickets
This is an excellent idea, and not just for community-theater productions. I saw some truly wonderful productions at my childrens HS this way. Colleges and universities should also be open to volunteers.


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Are You Ready For An Emergency?
These are some very good tips. Youve definitely got me thinking! Our power was off for a couple of hours last month due to an auto accident involving local power lines. We were without power for about 15 hours when the remnants of Hurricane Ike blew through...



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Summer Cucumber Salad
Sounds like a winner... or should I say keeper? lol! Thanks for sharing! JPJ


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Apple Brown Betty
Ill never lose weight this way, but thats okay. Therell just be more of me to love... besides, hubby keeps saying if I get too round, he can roll me down the street instead of my trying to walk. JPJ


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Hearing Aids for Low Income Seniors?
There are a couple of avenues you may want to explore. Your county Area Agency on Aging first, of course. They can help these dear folks with more than just hearing aids. My hubby gets, among other things, a Medicaid card. That pays for anything Medicare doesnt...


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Leave Blouses Buttoned
The little touch of arthritis in my fingers doesnt interfere with my doing buttons, but its faster and easier for me anyway. No more feeling all up and down the length of the top, making sure Im not buttoning crooked! I only undo the top couple of buttons so...


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Use Facecloths to Keep Cool
This is a wonderful tip. I use a hand towel rather than a face cloth and leave it in the freezer longer, but it helped me survive the record high temperatures Ohio got throughout July and August. I heard even Colorado got temperatures near 100 this year.


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Store Paprika In Refrigerator
You said it yourself... spices are as precious as gold and can be almost as expensive. Keeping spices in the fridge or freezer can also probably save them from clumping in a hot, humid kitchen. Youve probably saved folks a lot of money with this tip! JPJ


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Easy Pineapple Cake
Yum! I love pineapple. Im going to have to break down and chase hubby out of the kitchen, just to try this one. Thanks!


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Helping My Sister Deal With an Abusive Relationship?
God bless you for your love and concern for your sister! I spent 15.5 years in a farce of a marriage with a man much like your brother-in-law. Neither his family nor mine had much money, and he had our pastor on his side. He browbeat me into forking over every...


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Write Names On Class Picture
Sounds like a great idea and not just for annual class pictures, either. If Id thought to do this with family pictures, those that include extended family my hubby and new friends dont know, they could read those names and help me reminisce even though my eyes...


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Cleaning Hairbrushes?
I have one of those wide-apart brushes for extra-curly hair, so cleaning it is relatively easy. My fingers fit between the rows, so I can work through to dislodge the hair. Once Ive de-haired, I get a couple of drops of shampoo on my fingers and wipe through...


Terry Fox Statue from Front

Terry Fox Memorial (Thunder Bay, Ontario)
God blessed the effort. As He does any effort we make to do something extraordinary to help others. Thumbs up to you for sharing a sight some of us would never have seen otherwise.


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Tips For Saving On Electricity
All very good thoughts. For our extra-tight budget, I unplug those small energy vampires like the toaster, coffeepot and microwave. Instead of turning off my fans, I turn off the surge suppressor theyre attached to. Since were low-income, were on the PIPP Plus...


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Selling the Estate
Thank you for the caveat. Im sure youve helped a lot of people today. Estate-sale companies make huge profits from others hardships. However, Im sure it was worth it for your family. Best to you and your dear mother... and God will bless you for honoring her...


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Glazed Meat Loaf
Julia, you can probably hear my tummy growling all the way from Ohio! Grr, Feed me!


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Smashed Potatoes with Sour Cream and Green Onions
Ive never wanted to try smashed taters this way but you make it sound so yummy!


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Safety When The Lights Go Out
Excellent idea - wish wed had something like this when an auto accident knocked out our power for a couple of hours. Didnt bother me, of course. Im used to getting around without seeing where Im going, lol! Hubby was the one I worried about.


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Unsubscribing from Freecycle?
I was getting too many FreeCycle emails too, but rather than unsubscribe, I changed my email preference to the daily digest. It works for me, since I occasionally spot a request I can fill. If you still want to unsubscribe and nothing else works... go to your...


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Freeze Water Bottle
Im with happyintern - we all have to die from something. Ive been using the same, hard-plastic water bottle for years. I simply wash it thoroughly on a regular basis. Also, this tip is something my kids did throughout their school careers. They were in marching...


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Good Garage Sale Signs
Excellent advice! Thanks, and happy selling. :)


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Walking for Exercise
Its difficult for me to get out and about - not because I cant walk, but because I lack a sighted companion both willing and able to walk with me. My solution: I sneak in extra steps any time I can, right here at home. I sometimes even walk back and forth between...


Calf Feeding from It's Mother

Newborn Calf
Im not cut out for the farming life - which makes me even more grateful for the extra-special folks who are. Thumbs up!


Twin Newborns Held by Doctor in Haiti

Photo: In Time of Need (Haiti)
Thumbs up for your sister for her generosity in donating her services - and to you for telling us about it!


Bumblebee on Pink Flowers

Wildlife: Danger and Elegance
Emmy12, thank you for the picture youve put into my mind - you get my vote! And Lilac, Ill be sure to tell my son about that series of shots. Hes also fatally allergic. JPJ


Silhouetted Dragonfly on Flag Pole

Dragonfly on Flag Pole
Thanks for giving us another peek into your unique world, Deeli - thumbs up!


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Homemade Ant Traps
Hmm... I think well have to try this. Those little commercial ant baits get expensive, and Im always knocking them off into the dishwater, yuck!


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Extending the Life of Razor Blades
Like MaryEileen, Ive been pouring a little alcohol over my razor blade when I finish shaving. I know oil retards rust but dont understand how!


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Cook Meals For A New Mom
This is a wonderfully thoughtful tip! Here are one or two more: Spend an hour or two caring for any older children so the new mom can nap, new moms need all the sleep they can get! Or, that time could be spent on helping with the housework. Dishes, dusting...


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Recycle Bubble Wrap And Packing Materials
Its great to see folks recycling instead of filling the landfill! Im also proud of you for resisting the urge to pop all those little bubbles, lol!


Cleaning Windows with a Mop
Ingenious! We short (or vertically-challenged, hee,) folk have to adapt to this tall-peoples world, dont we?


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Is Your US Post Office Designated For Closure?
Thanks for the link, Deeli. My town is not affected, but several offices in my sisters area are affected. So is the one nearest friends of ours. In this day of electronic mail over standard, Im not surprised, just sad.


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Finding Free Books for Your Kindle
Dont know if my daughter uses this method to get books for her Kindle, but Im posting to Facebook anyway. Thumbs up!


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Back Child Support?
My 77-year-old, sickly hubby still sacrifices a few dollars every month to the child support office, for back support he didnt pay when the mother took him across the country to live. Not only is the son in question 29 now, but the woman who gave him life didnt...


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Update on the GE Self Cleaning Oven
Thanks for the update and reinforcement for your original warning. Thumbs up for both you and your DH!


A green rubber duckie in a swimming pool.

Swimming Rubber Duck
Aww! Now youve got me singing The Rubber Ducky Song from Sesame Street! Too bad your maintenance guy was such a sourpuss...


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It Costs Nothing To Smile
Wise words, well said, Nita! I follow your philosophy too. God bless you real good... JPJ


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Barter For Music Lessons
We also got our woodwind instruments from our local music shop. We cant trade though, neither daughter who played wants to give up her beloved alto sax! Sounds as if you made an excellent trade - and other kids can use that gently-used clarinet. Thumbs up!


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Live Like No One Else
Excellent advice! Ive never tried to keep up with the Joneses. The things I have are because either theyre truly necessary, or I truly enjoy them.


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Repair Your Dryer Instead Of Replacing
Your way is not only thrifty, but earth-friendly as well - thumbs up!


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Pay Off Your 30 Year Home Mortgage in Only 18 Years
This is definitely on my bucket list! Ill be sure to keep the caveats in mind, though. Thanks. JPJ.


Afternoon sun rays shining down through clouds

Scenery: Heaven's Rays
I often wished I had a camera, and of course the skill to capture more than a blur. Thanks for sharing your awesome image with us.


Baby house wren on ground looking at camera

Wildlife: Wren
Lol! Youre probably right. No adolescent wants to be caught looking silly - thats why the dirty look, Id bet!


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What are the Birthstones Most Commonly Used?
Heres a very good Wikipedia article on birthstones. I believe it includes the entire list in order.


Moses at the Beach

Scenery: Day at the Beach
Im with lionpridej and deeli - thanks for the update and thumbs up!


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Use Lonely Sock as Powder Puff
Ive been pondering the problem of powdering without mess, too - thumbs up to you and your DH for this inventive solution!


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Paying Bills On Time Without Auto-Pay
Leslie, you expressed your rationale for not using automatic bill-pay very well. I couldnt have said it better! I prefer to pay my own bills on my own schedule too, but mine is more a matter of never knowing ahead of time what my income will be. It would be...


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Wrap Grapefruit In Newspaper
Now Im going to have to find some newspaper. We dont subscribe because neither of us sees well enough for that teeny little print. Great tip, though, as always.


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Activities for a Person Who is Legally Blind and Living with Dementia?
My prayers are with you as well, but heres a practical suggestion for entertainment: did your mother ever enjoy watching game shows like Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune? If so, thats an activity that may help. Or perhaps you could find simple jigsaw puzzles, the...


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Tickets for Chores
This is an excellent method - wish Id thought of it when my brood was young! It also takes an extra-special person to be a foster parent. Wish I could give you two thumbs up.


Squirrel Whisperer2

Wildlife: Feeding Squirrels (Hyde Park, London)
My great-grandpa had his pet squirrel, too. He/she would literally sit on my great-grandpas chest and eat. The original squirrel whisperer! Glad your mum is carrying on in that tradition.


Plastic adhesive nail packing with batteries inside and "charged" written on the outside

Uses for Plastic Packaging
CaroleeRose, Ive heard the nickel-metal-hydride (Ni-MH) batteries are better, so Im trying to stick with that type. I also just bought a universal battery charger for everything from AAA to D, which can discharge batteries before charging. Dont quote me on...


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Paper Towel Waste Eliminated
Youre all going to think Im gross, but Ive been known to hoard barely-used paper towels where hubby doesnt see them. He throws them away if they have one single crumb touch them. When possible, I use cloth, but oftentimes it just doesnt work out. Of course...


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Movie Slumber Party
We were never into movies so much, although we did that sometimes. Our family activity was music - Mom would put on a stack of 45s or maybe some albums. (We had everything from Alice Cooper to Jim Reeves, and even comedy albums.) Sometimes it was just Mom and...


Button with a no smoking sign on it.

Quit Smoking by Changing Your Routine
Congratulations to every single former smoker! I have a son whos going through the same struggle, and both my parents smoked while I was growing up. Hubby smoked until his heart attack 10 years ago. Ive never smoked, but I definitely sympathize. Youre right...


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GDTYL - Gotta Drive, Text Ya Later
Excellent use of creativity! I like the idea of using the GDTYL acronym before the key goes into the ignition. Adults, lets model the behavior and reinforce what the young folks are saying! HS kids do dramatizations in my area, but theres nothing quite as powerful...



Attend Free Summer Community Events
I dont get out much, but I was able to attend a performance of Annie Get your Gun earlier this summer. They passed the hat and concessions were offered, but there was no admission fee. Free or nearly so is great!


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Getting Kids to Keep Their Rooms Clean
ROTF! My mom posted photos of the room I shared with two older sisters, on the outside of the bedroom window. Your method works better. I hope your daughter is still close to that friend - she sounds like a real keeper!


Sunset Eagle Mountain Utah

Scenery: Sunset (Eagle Mountain, UT)
I love the mental picture you create - thumbs up and thanks!


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Thrifty Water Bottle Cozy
I really need to do this, thanks for the poke/reminder, and thumbs up! Im going to search my sock drawer for one of those orphans before this day is out.


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Link: Contact the White House
Glad as always to be of service. Thanks for the votes and the great feedback. :D


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Library For Blind and Print-Challenged Bookworms
Thank you for the feedback so far! A longtime, visually impaired friend has already called me to say hes getting himself registered for Talking Books... that makes my day. :D


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Great Great Northern Beans
TomatoHanger, I need to keep reminding hubby to try his recipe with a little carrot and celery - thats how my mom cooked great Northerns. Deeli, Im sorry. I dont own a crock pot, so dont have any conversion recipe. Pookarina, I have a couple of sons who would...


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Great Great Northern Beans
Thanks for the votes, ladies. SuziQ9, I never paid attention when I was small either, and regretted it later. Just this year I *finally* got her chicken and dumplings to taste anywhere close. Hubby likes to add a dollop of BBQ sauce to his great northerns once...


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Homemade Yellow Cake
SuziQ9, you & I are in the same boat. I always thought there was more to cake flour, so always skipped those recipes. Maybe even an inept (and blind) baker like me could do this simple recipe, including making my own cake flour. Thanks, Julia!


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Free Home Weatherization Programs for Energy Efficiency
We got our weatherization done free by our local county agency, about a year ago. Hubby still complains about the new fridge, which seems cheap to him, especially when compared to the one it replaced. Im very happy with the furnace, though. It has a tactile...


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Try Pawn Shops For a Wii
Thanks for the reminder, Brandy, not only that pawn shops are a good alternative for thrifty shoppers, but that persistence pays!


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Add Cake Trimmings To Frosted Middle Layer
lol! Were going to have to try this one. And here Ive been, trying to keep the crumbs out of the frosting... :D


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Mother's Chicken Salad
In a word? Yummy-yum-yum! The raisins, pineapple and curry make this sound very exotic. Thanks for another delicious-sounding summer recipe.


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Organizing Loose Change
The change jar idea is solid but do be aware that its a temptation. My older sister raided mine regularly when we were kids, no matter where I hid it. (I knew when she did it because I counted it periodically.) I also have an uncle whos been known to help himself...


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Budget for Paying Off Debt
This is great advice, even though Im not to that point yet. Right now Im using any cash windfalls to pay down and pay off debt.


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Hush Puppies
Oh, yum! My mom made wonderful hush puppies. Mary1Day... we try not to turn the oven on when temps are 90+, sorry!


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Get Children To Read By Example
This is excellent advice, which I lived as my children grew. They rarely saw me without a book handy. Im happy to say at least my older daughter is carrying on the tradition, albeit with a Kindle rather than traditional books.


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Read What Is Interesting to You
Great point. Hubby always said he preferred King Arthur and swashbucking tales over anything else. I was always what youd call an omnivorous reader. An older sister still teases me about my reading her encyclopedias during a visit. If I couldnt get anything...


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Organizing Change
Excellent thinking - and thanks for being honest when it comes to exchanging those coins. I suppose a less honest person would be tempted to slip a few notes or coins into their own pocket rather than exchange fairly for the benefit of their employer. You get...


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Grow Your Small Change At The Supermarket
Yeppers, every penny helps, especially in todays shaky economy! Reusable bags are also more environmentally friendly. Just remember to remove the cardboard bottoms and wash them once in awhile.


Laundry hanging on line in doorway

Scenery: Mountain Life (Campbell Folk School)
You know something? I believe folks who dont depend on technology to get through their days... and that includes indoor plumbing, have a good idea. If all our gadgets were suddenly taken from us, a lot of us (myself included) would have a hard adjustment. Not...


Little fawn

Wildlife: Fawn (Elk Neck State Park, MD)
The beauty of nature, thanks for sharing! We dont see enough of this kind of thing, thanks to urban sprawl.


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Pineapple Meringue Cake
Omg! If I ate stuff like this on a regular basis, Id be too wide to fit through my kitchen door (which is almost as wide as I am tall, lol!)


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Mom's Scalloped Potatoes
Yum! I might use the rat cheese too, Im probably half mouse. I love cheese, lol!


A heating/massage pad on an office chair.

Add Heat And Massage To Your Office Chair
How thoughtful! Your boss is going to love you... :D


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Be Grateful For What You Have
Linda, I love this uplifting thought! I know hubby wouldnt say I do this, but I do. :)


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Getting Children to Read for Fun
Excellent reminder! Im a lifelong bookworm and always had at least one book in progress. I only wissh Id had more energy and patience to read to my four stair-step children. In spite of that, though, all four read well (although one has a little trouble yet...


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Sausage Milk Gravy
Oh, now youve really brought back some memories! My mom used to make gravy like this and make baking-soda biscuits to go with it. If I can ever remember the recipe, Ill post it. One of my clearest childhood memories was my mom, stripping off multiple rings...


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Template for Making Wanted Dead or Alive Posters?
If you have MS Publisher on your computer, the program includes many general poster templates. You can customize the words, color scheme, etc, once you choose the design that suits your mental image of what a wanted poster looks like. Have fun!


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Basic History from Historical Movies
Watching historically-themed movies can be a painless history lesson if youre picky. The Patriot (with Mel Gibson) and Glory (with Morgan Freeman and a young Denzel Washington) are both well-done and thrilling to watch. And I agree, nearly any historical film...


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Fried Green Tomatoes
Julia, Im going to have to stop thinking about this particular recipe - youre making me hungry! Funny... I didnt used to like fried green tomatoes until hubby cooked them this way. He uses a small brown paper bag and shakes the tomato slices and cornmeal together...


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Sharpen Scissors with Steel Wool
Pretty sharp, Gem, pun intended! lol! Mom of Towers has a great point, too. Sharpen your scissors and double your supply of steel-wool pads in one go!


A frustrated man at a laptop

Warning: Anti-Virus Pop Up Advertisements
Maybe its just me. Ive never had a problem on TF. I currently have the AVG free edition, helpfully installed for me by a TWC techie when the one TWC recommended was incompatible with my screen-reader. Its blocked at least on threat, but I dont think it was...


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Homemade Mayonnaise
Im not much of a cook, but might get brave and try this. So... put in the whole egg, shell and all? Is that why you wash it? I thought it was cracked in, without the shell.


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Large Juice Can as Charcoal Chimney
And best of all... no icky lighter-fluid flavor to your food!


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Mike's Polynesian BBQ Sauce
Yum, gotta love a guy who can really cook like this! Ive gotta try making this someday. Im only sorry my younger daughter couldnt try it. Shes highly allergic to pineapple.


A drum in the Fire Brigade Pipes and Drums of Greater Baltimore

Scenery: The Fire Brigade of Greater Baltimore
Im presuming you mean bagpipes, sorry I have to seem so ignorant, I cant actually see it, if theres a pic. But imho, theres nothing more hauntingly beautiful than Amazing Grace played on the pipes.


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Advice for Dealing With a Verbally Abusive Spouse?
Lana, please find a way to talk to a qualified counselor! I strongly feel you need more backup. You deserve better than youve gotten these past 22 years. So do your children. Its just my learned opinion, since Ive been in your shoes, that separating permanently...


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Bridesmaid Hairstyle Ideas?
For my younger daughters wedding, my older daughter did my longish hair in a nice French braid. Thats the same style I wore the night I received the Goodwill-Easter Seals Community Employment Independence award, in 2008. Since I usually do a regular braid and...


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Attach Corks to Keys
I know several fishers on FB. Going to post this great tip there now. Thanks!


Glass that was cracked during Hurricane Katrina, in Gulfport, MS.

Scenery: Finding Beauty in Destruction (Gulfport, MS)
So many people focused attention on New Orleans, MS as a whole got ignored. Thanks for reminding us Katrina visited you in MS, too.


A hummingbird hovering at a red feeder.

Hummingbird at Feeder
Wow! I think I may have seen a hummingbird once when I was little. I couldnt see clearly that far away, it had perched on the edge of something out in our yard. My siblings told me it was a wasp, and I was terrified of wasps! Thanks for sharing your stunning...


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Classic Boiled Custard Pudding
I have one word for you, Julia. Yum!


A ball of aluminum foil to prevent static in the dryer.

Aluminum Foil as Alternative to Fabric...
Maybe its time I tried this. I have discovered adding a couple of capfuls to the wash cycle help deodorize, especially if I manually stop the load and soak it for up to an hour. A couple more capfuls also soften the load very nicely, but leaves the problem...


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Request Take Out Drinks Without Ice
Thanks for this reminder. Hubby and I splurged on takeout tonight, but instead of ordering their drinks, we made an extra stop at the beverage drive-through and bought a six-pack of ginger ale. Six cans of good drink for the price of two watered-down ones!


An orange and black Tiger Swallowtail butterfly near some pink flowers.

Wildlife: Tiger Swallowtail
I love butterflies! Even when I was terrified of every other insect on the planet, butterfies enchanted me. Thanks for sharing yours.


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Hand Washing Sweaters and Delicates
Julia, you make an excellent point: too few of our young people are learning to do things the old-fashioned way. The Tone soap is a new one on me, but I do wash the cashmere sweater a neighbor gave me in a nice-smelling soap. Like you, I squeeze it in a towel...


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Disinfecting Old Hats And Shoes
I learned the hard way never to trust a used hat. My son found an abandoned hat on the grounds of the elementary school they attended at the time and tried it on. (I think he was 6 then, maybe.) His beautiful, thick head of curls had to be sacrificed to stop...


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Fourth of July Coffee Cake
I might leave out the nuts and coconut, but the rest sounds yummy!


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Vinegar For Relieving Itchy Bites
Ive been using witch hazel, which only helps for maybe half an hour at a time. I think I need to try this one!


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Test Power Cable Before Replacing Electronics
Wow, what an experience! Thats why I forsook AT & T for Time-Warner back in March. Not only is the website more user-friendly, the tech support is much better! I feel theyre more interested in serving us than making a few extra bucks. Of course, we dont have...


A blue heron fishing in Beaver Marsh in Ohio.

Wildlife: Great Blue Heron at Beaver Marsh (Akron,...
Joyce, Ive got to post this to Facebook. I have a sister in Akron who might enjoy Beaver Marsh. Thanks, and thumbs up.


The ancient site of Stonehenge with a cloudy blue sky.

Stonehenge (England)
I can sympathize. I was born in Indianapolis, IN, the home of the Indy 500 race - on race day, no less! Yet Ive only been to a single race, for my 13th birthday. Like your visit to Stonehenge, it was a bit anticlimactic. Thanks for sharing your experience, though...


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Use Butcher Paper as Gift Wrap
And your simple packages probably stood out among all those fancy wrappings. Simplicity is classy and elegant! Thanks for sharing this.


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Simple Tips For Frugal Living
Great tips! Although Im not so good about turning off the shower, Im an electricity miser. I rarely even turn on my computer monitor. I use my screen-reader. The monitor and mouse are strictly for the convenience of others. Im probably saving more than $40...


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Removing Rust From Tools
Wow, do I ever know a few people who could use this tip! Thanks. JPJ


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Fresh Summer Vegetable Soup with Pasta
Yum, Im hungry! My mom used to make a veggie soup too, usually with chopped beef and okra added to your list. Just the soup and buttered bread made me very happy.


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Reuse Plastic from Mailings
Good idea! We get a lot of small plastic bags with hubbys Meals on Wheels. I tend to use them to wrap solid and semi-solid garbage thats likely to get smelly before we can get it out the door, whether to the outside cans or the curb.


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Homemade Stringed Instrument Hangers
I know several stringed instrument players who are going to love this tip - I just posted it to Facebook. Thumbs up to you and your hubby!


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Turn Off A/C At Night To Save Electricity
We dont have a/c due to hubbys health (he couldnt handle the sudden temp changes.) However, I turn off the ceiling fans in the front of the house before I go to bed. Its that principle someone on TF mentioned awhile back: dont heat or cool unoccupied rooms...


Bear coffee art

Travel: Fancy Cappuccino Art (Osaka, Japan)
I wouldve hated to mess up the image!


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Cut Scrubbing Pads in Half
Aww, thanks, Pookarina! By the time mine have softened to that extent, I figure theyre ready for the trash... but then, we have a curtain rather than a door on our shower. Hugs!


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Beef Teriyaki
Mmm, I love teriyaki, and this recipe sounds so easy! Thanks, and thank your daughter for finding it in the first place.


Binder clip holding USB cord

Binder Clip to Contain Cords
Love this idea! Anything that helps those of us with different challenges adapt on a budget gets my vote. :D


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Don't Use Cruise Control In The Rain
I learned to be cautious with cruise control... not in ice or snow, but just in general. I was using cruise one day and got literally blown off the road. (I was a little too close to the edge and couldnt recover when a truck blew by and my right tire dropped...


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Organize Bills By Type
Youve got a great idea, always abide by the K. I. S. S. rule, lol! Although my hubby could more or less pay his own bills before we got involved, he was paying some bills twice and others not at all. Im still trying to get his cooperation in organizing unpaid...


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Ideas for Playing Crossword for the Visually Impaired?
Oopers, I forgot to point out: no amount of enlargement would help me!


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Ideas for Playing Crossword for the Visually Impaired?
Thanks for thinking of us blind folks when working on crosswords! Im nearly totally blind, but have always loved word games. Heres my suggestion: Read the crossword clue aloud, give the number of letters in the answer, and if appropriate, recite blanks and...


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Reuse Takeout Containers For Leftovers
This is a lovely, thoughtful idea, and has the benefit of reserving your better storage containers. Places like Applebees, for example, have excellent to-go boxes. Seems a shame to toss them after just one use. And of course we dont reheat in those plastic...


Homemade Pedialyte

Homemade Pedialyte
Lionpridej, I forgot to say Im glad your mom is okay!


Homemade Pedialyte

Homemade Pedialyte
I always suspected our pediatrician got kickbacks from the makers of Pedialyte. It was a standard in his diarrhea diet. For upset stomachs, hubby always prefers ginger ale. A good brand actually has the ginger thats known to settle stomach upsets. I like this...


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