
Joan B.

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2 Posts | 380 Comments | Active Since 2011
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Shaping Eyebrows?
Everybodys eyebrows grow in a specific way. When you pluck them you have to follow the natural shape. If they are extremely bushy on the bottom you might could pluck an arch into them. If you do that, you run the risk of not getting them the same. You could...


Ideas for Opening a Small Home Based Sewing Business?
Number one you would need a room set up specifically for this purpose. You would need a good quality sewing machine and a serger. People now, dont want to pay for clothes that have the basic homemade seams. Although being a senior citizen that has been sewing...


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Shortening a Pleated Wool Skirt?
Any dependable tailor should know what to do without you telling them how to do it, other than how short you want it.


SSD and Child Support Arrears Garnishment?
Contact your social security office, and also your child support enforcement office. Something sounds fishy, but he shouldnt have been able to just go to the social security office and demand money. Also it wouldnt hurt for you to see if you can find an attorney...


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Resolving a Medical Bill When on Medicare?
Does the bill say if it has been turned over to medicare and your supplemental insurance. It could say that, or does it say this is the balance. Call they billing office and ask these questions.


Built-in shelf unit with three shelves and lower doors.

Repainting a Built-in Shelf?
I would remove the scalloped edging on the shelf unit and replace it with molding that you can buy at lumber yards/home improvement stores, for not too much. Being I have a tendency to rush in where angels fear to tread I would paint the edges to match the...


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Ideas for Meaningful Gift Bags for Wedding Guests?
I have never heard of doing something like that at a wedding. All I have ever heard of is putting a small momento of the wedding at each place setting at the reception. If it isnt a sit down reception you could have a couple people had them out as people arrive...


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Kitchen Paint Color Advice?
The colors you mentioned are all neutral colors, therefore any color you want will work for the walls.


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Kitchen Paint Color Advice?
The colors you mentioned are all neutral colors, therefore any color you want will work for the walls.


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Making Extra Cash?
A lot will depend on the area where you live. In order to sell stuff you have to be the type of person that can sell. Not everybody is that type of person. When my money is short, I cut back on things. One thing, I start my Christmas shopping in January and...


Adding Dry Fruit to Cake Batter?
That would depend on if you want the fruit actually in the cake or on top. If you want it in the cake you have to put some flour in a bag and put the fruit in it and shake it up before adding the fruit to the batter. If you dont do this the fruit will sink...


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Ideas for Out of Town Wedding Guest Bags?
I have never heard of giving out gift bags at weddings. I have heard of small, meaningful favors, but not gift bags.



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Inexpensive 10th Birthday Ideas?
Have it at home, and play games like pin the tail on the donkey, etc.


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Dyeing a Polyester Wedding Dress?
For a costume it shouldnt have to turn out perfect. Because of the different types of fabric, each type will turn out to be a slightly different shade of pink. As will any areas that have unnoticeable stains on it. Is the dress washable, because for dying, if...


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Dyeing a Polyester Wedding Dress?
For a costume it shouldnt have to turn out perfect. Because of the different types of fabric, each type will turn out to be a slightly different shade of pink. As will any areas that have unnoticeable stains on it. Is the dress washable, because for dying, if...


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Celebrating a Child's Birthday When You Have No Money?
At that age a child doesnt know what a birthday or a party is. All you need to do is bake some kind of cake, put two candles on it and sing Happy Birthday. The idea that kids need big showy parties is just plain rediculous. Kids wouldnt expect that type of...


Rustic looking bookcase.

Redecorating on a Tight Budget?
Unless the shelf you took out was horrible, I would have left it, for storage and display of knick-knacks. No matter what you build you will probably need more than just basic tools. I consider basic tools to be: hammer, pliers, screw drivers, a skill saw. If...


Rustic looking bookcase.

Redecorating on a Tight Budget?
For Holiday decorations go to and look for freecycle groups in your area and post on there that you need an artifical Christmas tree and the decorations for it. You might be surprised at what you receive. The thing is before you can ask for something...


Planning a Large Family Birthday Party for a Two Year Old?
As far as your kids getting to know relatives better, you could serve the same purpose, maybe even to a better extent, if you visited these family members on a regular basis. Once a year parties arent going to serve the purpose. Also when there is a whole group...


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Contacting a Lawyer After a Fall in Apartment?
That would be up to you, but I dont see how it was anybody elses fault other than yours. If it happened in the common area of the building and there was a puddle of water it would be a different matter. But in your own apartment, unless there was a flaw in...


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Wedding and Honeymoon on $5,500 Budget?
Only you know the price of things where you live. Price the things you want and then buy accordingly. Have the wedding at a time of day where the guests wont expect to be served a meal. Just have cake, coffee, tea, and punch. You dont have dance and you dont...


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Freezing Bell Peppers?
I just remove the seeds and dice them, and freeze them without any cooking. I use them in chili, casseroles, etc.


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Finding Out How Much Child Support Owed?
Wasnt it court ordered? If not contact your local child support enforcement office.


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Take Your Own School Pictures
We did this a few years ago for my grandaughters senior pictures. She is really into tie-dyed stuff, so she wore a tie-dyed t-shirt for some of the pictures, some were taken on my patio, using a friends shower curtain that looked like blue sky with palm trees...



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Asking a Guy to Homecoming?
Just go ahead and pop the question.


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Receiving SSI?
I dont know about SSI, but if it is retirement social security, you will get enough to add to yours so that you will be drawing half of what he gets. However, if your social security, alone would be more than his it wouldnt work that way. I have a friend whose...


Asking Boyfriend to Winter Formal?
Why cant you just ask him? I assume you are going steady, therefore it should be taken for granted that if you plan on going to the dance, he would be your date. Anyway that is the way it used to be. Maybe times have changed. I dont understand why people now...


Asking Boyfriend to Winter Formal?
I should also say, I wonder if your school has a policy against students from other schools attending dances. When I was in school, that was standard policy.


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Use Medical and Vocational Schools For Services
Where I live dental students only do exams and cleaning. If you need a filling or something, you have to go to a regual dentist. Several years ago, when I was attending a technical school, my car needed some work and I took it to the automotive department and...


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Living Room and Kitchen Paint Color Advice?
Its your house, therefore you can do anything you like. You have to live with it, dont worry about what others think. People never used to worry about have one room match the one next to it. Im kind of a free thinker.


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Shop Multiple Grocery Stores in One Trip
How much does the gas and wear and tear on your car cost? A person also needs the room to store this stuff. A lot of people that I know only have room for about a weeks worth of frozen stuff.


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Finding a Pro Bono Attorney?
Call the attorneys in the phone book. I dont think any of them advertise doing pro bono work. I know they dont here, but some of them do at times. It probably depends on the case being discussed. If your friend is a third time offender, maybe the best thing...


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Use Chuck Roast for Stew Meat
It is even cheaper to substitute hamburger and make hamburger stew. I am 71 years old and have never used anything but hamburger. You crumble it up and brown it and go from there. My late Mother taught me this when I was a child.


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Freezing Beets?
Google the topic to find the directions. No matter what you do with beets, you have to scrub them and cook them with the skins on them, and leave two-three inches of stem on them, or else they will bleed the color out, and they wont be the nice deep color that...


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What Can I Make With These Ingredients?
Google the ingredients and see what you come up with.


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Tightening T-shirt Sleeves?
The only way I know how to tell you to do this, would be if you have access to a sewing machine. Then turn the shirt inside out, and on the edge of the sleeve where the hem is, start sewing there, when you first start, sew about 1/2 in and then back up and...



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Painting Walls in Room Two Colors?
I dont understand what you mean tallest or shortest wall. Do you mean widest or narrowest? I guess that would be up to you, do you want the wall that is a different color to be the focal point of the room?


Shoes and handbags stored on bookshelf.

Store Shoes And Accessories On...
Thats a good idea if you have enough room in the closet. But half of my closet has my clothes in it, and the bottom of that half is used for general storage, along with the other half. My closet is probably 6ft. wide. For my shoes and purses I use one of those...


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Freezing Bell Peppers?
I clean them as if they were going to be used immediately. I then dice them into small pieces and measure them in about 1/2 cup measurements into baggies and put the baggies inside a plastic food storage container; so that they dont end up all over the freezer...


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Canning Beets?
Go to your store and find the department that displays their canning jars and you should find a book for sale that is either produced by the Ball company or Kerr company. Those books are full of directions for canning all kinds of things. Or else you could...


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10th Birthday Party Ideas?
Some beauty schools let groups of girls in that age group have birthday parties in their school. If I remember right it was manicures and pedicures. Cosmetology students do the work on the girls. But my thought is why not just do a family get together, with...


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Best Dye to Cover Bleach Spots on Clothing?
My experience is that nothing will completely cover the bleach stains. I think your best bet would be to buy the Rit color remover and completely remove the color and then redye them the shade of brown that you want. Just follow the directions on the packages...


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Building Materials Store Near Cadiz, Kentucky?
Look in your local phone book, most phone books have surrounding towns in them too. Also a lot of small towns have a lumber yard of some kind. Anyway that is what they used to be called. Larger towns, starting at about 12,000 population usually have some type...


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Financial Assistance for Roof Repair for Seniors?
Habitat For Humanity builds homes, I have never heard of them doing repairs, unless it is a house that they have bought and are refurbishing for a family to purchase. I have worked in non-profit offices and each office is aware of what other organizations do...


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Hearing Aids for Low Income Seniors?
Easter Seals used to do this, I dont know if they still do. When they do have hearing aids that people can get, most of the time they arent the fancy little ones that are popular now. These are larger ones that people have donated, and they have been refurbished...


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Choosing Bedding Color to Coordinate with Beige and Espresso?
Those are neutral colors, therefore any color you want will work with them.


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Helping My Sister Deal With an Abusive Relationship?
The best thing to do would be for your sister to pack up what she can in her car, take the kids, and go to their bank and withdraw a reasonable amount of money to get her out of the town that she lives in and into a battered womens shelter. This will have to...


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Hummingbirds And "Four O'Clocks"
I have had hummingbirds in my petunias, for many years.


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Free Computers for Seniors?
Does she want one or is that something that you think she should have? I have never heard of any place that gives away computers to anybody. You could try calling thrift stores like the Salvation Army, Good Will, etc. It used to be that they couldnt sell used...


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Planning a Thrifty Wedding Anniversary/Belated Reception?
Isnt somebody else supposed to offer to do a reception? My now ex and I eloped in 1964 and within a month his parents hosted a reception for us and a month later neighbors of my parents threw a reception for us where my parents live. They were nothing fancy...


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Planning a 25th Wedding Anniversary Party?
You dont need a lot of decorations. Balloons, special paper plates and napkins, maybe one floral centerpiece. For food, sandwiches, cake, coffee, and punch would be enough. Unless you are having the party at somebodys home, you will also have to rent a place...


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Chicken Recipes for a Large Group?
Google the topic and see what you find. Also some cook books have quantities for large amounts of food.


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Pekingese Won't Eat Dog Food?
Several years ago we had a Chinese Pug, that was given to us because the owners were going to be traveling a lot and they didnt want to drag him all over or board him. All he would eat is people food, and he wanted catsup on his meat, chocolate syrup on his...


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Freezing Stewed Tomatoes?
I dont know why not, it shouldnt be any different than freezing any other left over cooked food. If the texture turns out a little different they can always be used in casseroles. I kind of have a tendency to freeze anything that is cooked and doesnt run away...


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Decorating Scrapbook Paper And Cardstock
You want to make sure the glitter glue you and fabric paints are acid free.


A baby's onsie with a fabric paint design of a paw and the words "Born 2 B Wild".

Fabric Painted Shirt
A person can do that with a onesie (as I call them). I think most people now call them one piece underwear. Ive been painting t-shirts for myself and daughter for years. Several years ago I even did a thigh length denim, winter coat for myself. I have a tendency...


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Cake Mix Cookies?
I dont know why these cookies wouldnt be good. The cake mix includes most of the ingredients. All you have add is the moist ingredients. I would go to the sites like Pillsbury, Duncan Hines, etc. and look at the cookie recipes they have that are made from cake...


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Making Money Using Twitter?
Are you on disability. Im sure anything you sell on line, you will have to count as income and maybe pay taxes on it. What kind of things do you plan on selling online. There is where people can sell craft items. There is ebay where people sell all...


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Getting a Divorce When the Other Party Won't Sign?
Where I live, it used to be and probably still is that when divorce papers were served on a person, that person had 60 days to respond, and if there was no response, the divorce was granted to the person wanting the divorce, by default. I would be surprised...


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Freezing Corn?
I dont remember how long the corn is supposed to be blanced for freezing, but everybody that I know has always cut it off the cob before blanching it.


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Putting Contact Paper Over Wall Tile in a Bathroom?
I think you can buy paint for tile, it seems like I have seen that done on some decorating shows.


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Repairing a Cigarette Burn in a Faux Leather Corner Seat?
You used to be able to buy repair kits for vinyl in the hardware/automotive departments of discount stores, I dont know if they still have them, but it wouldnt hurt to look.


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Buy Now Pay Later Website for Bedroom and Bathroom Items?
Do you need all of that stuff at one time? If not buy one item at a time and you will save a lot of money. For example buy 3-4 towels and wash cloths at a discount store. The same applies to sheets, buy one set at a time. A lot of people only ever have one...


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Freezing Cooked Beets?
You should be able to cut the beets after cooking, then freeze them just like any other cooked food is frozen.


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Child Support and SSD or SSI?
If you want the amount of child support you pay decreased you have to ask for a child support modification. Talk to somebody in the child support enforcement office. When my daughter was a minor she received SSI and my ex husband still had to pay child support...


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Adding Small Shelves to a School Locker?
You used to be able to buy plastic shelf units specifially for lockers. The school lockers that I have seen have one shelf near the top, and if you need more storage space, you could use a couple heavy duty magnet type hooks and put a tote bag on each of them...


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Adding Molding to Laminate Cabinet Doors?
I dont know how you would do it, but Im sure if you ask at your home improvement store, they could tell you. Myself I just want the plain front doors, for easier cleaning.


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Getting the Best Buy on Toilet Paper?
I have had several people tell me the best buy is the Scott 1000 sheet rolls. However, I have visited where people use it and I dont like it.


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Asking a Friend to Sadie Hawkins?
Just out right ask him. You dont need a clever, cutesy way of doing it.


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Buy Now, Pay Later Websites?
Try But be aware that when you buy things from places like that, you end paying an awful lot more per item, than the amount listed. Im sure there are more, but I refuse to buy from places like that because of the huge amount of interest that they...


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2nd Birthday Party Decoration Ideas?
Use balloons (they go quite far for little money). Use colorful paper plates, glasses, and napkins. If you can get crepe paper over there, cut that into streamers and string them from the ceilings.


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Combining a Baby Shower and Wedding Reception?
As far as the shower goes, this morning I was reading in an etiquette column, that it isnt proper for family members to give showers. Call around to different places like VFW, American Legion, Senior Citizen Center, church fellowship halls, schools, etc. and...


Elvis with Bride and Groom All Giving Thumbs Up

My Elvis Wedding (Graceland Wedding...
Myself I would prefer to be married in the chapel at Graceland. But each to their own.


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Planning a Large Sweet 16?
Im sure there are places where you live that would meet your needs, but I am wondering who is paying for this large party. Why have that large of number of guests?


Looking for Buy Now Pay Later Companies?
There is a company called Fingerhut. Go to I dont buy from those companies because by the time you get done paying for the item, you have paid at least twice as much as the initial cost.


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Using Alum for Canning Pickles?
Your pickle recipes should tell you this information, or else google it. Im sure the amount depends on the recipe.


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Treating Leg Blisters?
Do you have trouble with edema? Have you went to a doctor? My sister has lots of trouble with edema in her legs, and several years ago she had leg ulcers, that she was positive werent because they didnt look like what a lady she knew had diagnosed as leg ulcers...


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Organizing Photos and Keepsakes?
What is wrong with just putting them in photo albums like people used. You can buy photo albums that have pockets in the pages for 4x6 photos and a border on the side to write information on. I have these photo albums and when I have smaller photos I put two...


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Store Batteries in the Refrigerator
I have heard that about make-up too. What I cant figure out is who in heck has room in their fridge for non-food items?


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Free Home Repair After a House Fire?
I have worked in a couple different non-profits that helped people with different things and all of these organizations know what the other organizations do, and a lot of the questions we received pertained to housing. I have never heard of free home repair...


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Painting Over Wallpaper?
About 40-50 years ago when I was a really young kid, people just plain painted over wall paper. Of course back then the paint was all oil base, and I dont know if that would make any difference or not.


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Helping a 6 Month Old Sleep Through the Night?
Not everybody has the same sleep patterns. Maybe your son isnt ready to sleep all night yet. See if you ignore him a little longer each night, if that helps. Otherwise my guess is that he just isnt ready to sleep all night. I have an adult daughter who slept...


A saucepan of gravy.

Thickening Gravy
Instant potatos work super good.


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What to Wear to Renew My Vows?
Wear whatever you want, it is your day, and if it is just the two of you, who cares.


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Determining the Most Cost Effective Lighting Source?
I dont know about cost effectiveness, but I do know electricity puts out more light, plus you can determine which wattage bulbs to use for given tasks. There was a couple years when I was a young kid, that all we had for lights were kerosene lamps. When we...


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Removing Ink from Clothing?
I have always heard that hair spray works. I would imagine some of those spray ons that you use before doing the laundry would work too.


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Planning a Wedding?
This is unusual, a male planning the wedding. Location, type of wedding you want, attendants, etc. A lot will depend on the type of wedding you are having and the rest will depend on yours and the brides tastes.


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Choosing Clothes to Wear to School?
Have them pick out their outfits the night before and make the rule that they cant change their mind. You are the boss, when they know they can no longer control you, they should shape up. If this doesnt work have them get up an hour earlier in the morning...


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Determining Canning Time for Smaller Jars?
I havent canned for 23 years, that is the last time I had a garden or had a place to store home canned goods, from what I can remember it depends on the type of produce you are canning. Either google the topic, or go to your local library and look for books...


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Early Retirement and Medical Insurance?
I was uninsured from 1983 until 2005, because I couldnt afford insurance of any kind, It was a real relief when I turned 65. There is a free clinic where I live, but that doesnt take care of hospital stays. Most counties will help people in the event of an...


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Landscaping a Treeless Yard?
Weeping willows grow fast, and if you plant a larger one, you will have a good sized tree in little time. They do take a lot of water to get them going real good. When we had one we watered a lot every week.


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Buy Sale Clothes Year Round
Another advantage to buying new over used, is that the new doesnt wear out as quickly. No matter how good a used garment looks, there is bound to be some place on it that has more wear, that is un-noticable to the naked eye. I also dont have the patience to...


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Saving Newspaper Cuttings
When I want to preserve a newspaper clipping, I just make a photo copy of of it. They dont yellow or anything. I use these in the genealogy scrapbooks that I am making, along with family photos, and little stories and historical facts that I can find about...


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Looking for Grants for Heath Care Costs Not Paid By Medicare?
Check with your Department of Social Services and see if they know of any available help for your Mom. They also have a section in their office called Adult Services for Aging. Im familiar with that because I am 71. They also help with homemaker services. I...


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Looking for Grants for Heath Care Costs Not Paid By Medicare?
The Lions Club only helps with eye glasses.


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Freezing Tomatoes?
That is the way my late Mother did it. As she got older she never planted more than three plants, and when she had more than she could use that is what she did, even if it was only a couple tomatoes. She kept a good sized bag that she would just toss the tomatoes...


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Free Computer Training for Senior Citizens?
I was in my late forties when I took a two year secretarial course, but any job I had after that didnt allow me to do anything other than data entry, which is basically typing. Back when I took that secretarial course, computers didnt even have a mouse, and...


Getting an LTD Catalog?
From what I understand with LTD is you have to have a business name in order to order from them. There is a catalog that is very similar called Lakeside Collections and you dont have to use a business name to order from them. In fact most of the merchandise...


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Shopping for Reasonably Priced Men's Jeans?
I know that feeling. I have a 25 year old grandson who is 68 and needs a 34 waist with a 38-40 inseam. The only jeans we have ever been able to find where we live are Wranglers and regular stores dont handle that size. Occasionally one or the other of the two...


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Making a Skirt and Decorating It Like a Christmas Tree?
All you would have to do is find a pattern for a circle skirt (like they wore back in the 50s, they ones that when spread out in a complete circle), and use that or else just use a straight piece of tulle and gather it onto a waist band. For the waist band...


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All of My Flowers are Dying?
I had three pots of flowers on my patio, that only gets partial sunlight. I used the regular potting soil for them. Two of the pots were inpatients which are supposed to be good shade/partial shade flowers. They were gone before the 4th of July. I also had...


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What are the Birthstones Most Commonly Used?
February is amethyst, March is Aquamarine, April is diamond or another clear substiture. May is emerald, June is pearl or alexandrite, July is ruby, August is peridot, Setember is saphire, October is opal, November is topaz, December is either turquoise of...


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Freezing Corn on the Cob?
You can google the topic, or in the morning call your Home Extension Agent for your area. I think you will find them in the phone book under your county or a neighboring county.


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Finding Free Furniture?
Go to the Salvation Army Church and ask for a voucher for free furniture, but only ask for what you definitely need. They dont always have what a person needs and their stores, that I am familiar with dont let people have the better furniture for free. Also...


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Kitchen Paint Color Advice?
Grey is considered a neutral color as is white and black, so it would work real well with your blue counter tops, and with the rest of the house. Any neutral color will work with any other color.


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Growing a Small Garden Indoors?
I dont know how potatoes would work in a pot, tomatoes need eight hours of sun. I know for sure that radishes would be successful and I have heard lettuce. I tried to grow peppers in a pot on my patio that didnt work, because I probably only have 3-4 hours...


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Making Goulash With Hamburger?
I dont have an actual recipe, I learned how to make it from my late Mother. I brown the hamburger, I rarely use a full pound of hamburger, depending on how large of batch I make. There are two of us and make enough for 2-3 meals. While I brown the hamburger...


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Decorating Store Bought Cookies?
Ritz type crackers, using peanut butter to make sandwiches out of them. Then melt chocolate candy melts and dip the little crackers in that, and put them on a bakers rack or something to let them drip a little bit. You could sprinkle some different colored...


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Determining the Value of a Craft Materials Donated to Charity?
When I used to donate things if I wanted a receipt for tax purposes, I was told to estimate what you think the items are worth, you do a lump sum, not for each item.


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Current Rates for Housekeepers?
Where I live, housekeepers start out at $10.00 an hour.


Black leather women's shoes.

Fixing Up Leather Shoes?
I would just use some black shoe polish on them. It wont fill up the holes and dents, but kind of hide them. Or you could use regular shoe dye, but from what I have heard if that gets wet it comes off. The shoe polish would do that too, but the polish is less...


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Can Prescription Drugs Affect a Perm?
I dont know about that particular drug, but my younger sister was a beautician for years and she wouldnt perm or color hair within a certain time before or after a planned surgery or a pregnant womans due date. We used to have really good arguments about that...


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Lids on Canned Tomatoes Turned Black?
I dont know if they would be any good or not. Did you can them together or did she do hers at her home? I do know that I was brought up that home canned goods should be stored in a cool place like an unfinished basement, you dont want it to be cold enough that...


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Qualifying for Social Security Survivor's Benefits?
Check with your local Social Security Office. They are the ones that would know.


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Finding a Professional Organizer?
All you can do is call around and get estimates. I am 71 and 2-3 times a year I go through my belongings and get rid of some stuff. Some of it gets thrown away and some is dontated. When you do it yourself, you have to be really strict with yourself. From what...


Freezing Vegetables?
You have to blanche them for a certain amount of time and this varies according to the vegetable. Google the topic, or else look in the stores where they sell canning supplies and see if you can find a book with this information in it. I really think you should...


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Why is Step Parent's Income Included in Calculating SSI Benefits?
Call your local social security office and ask. It probably has to do with the amount of total income your family will have. I would assume the child support you receive is counted too.


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Recommendations for Books on Homemade Gifts for the Nonseamtress?
One easy craft project is to make throws/blankets, throw pillows, etc. out of fleece, using two layers and cutting fringe in the layers and then tieing them together. You can even buy kits to make these. You can even find the directions by googling non-sewing...


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Bargains on eBay
I have quit shopping on ebay, because every time I found something I wanted the only payment they would take was paypal, whereas, I used to be able to pay by money order. I just dont want to get involved with other forms of payment, so I go without the item...


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Material Bunching Up in Sewing Machine Feed Plate?
The only time I have that problem is if I forget to start my sewing 1/4 inch from the edge of the seam. Anyway that is the possible solution if what you described is what it sounds like.


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Lightening Dark Brown Hair?
How often have you colored it and how long do you wait between coloring? If you have a lot of color, I would let it grow out then color it the color you want. If you dont want to wait that long, look at hair coloring kits in your local discount stores and see...


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Cowboy or Western Crafts for Vacation Bible School?
The has all kinds of Sunday School and Bible School craft projects that are really inexpensive. I dont know what themes they have but go to the web site and look it over. For decorations on the walls you can use colored construction...


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Can an Injured Child Qualify for Disability Benefits?
Contact the social security office and apply. All they can do is deny the claim. It will also depend on your income. Also it will probably depend on weather or not you have medical insurance.


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Remedy for Thin Brittle Nails?
I had artificial nails for my daughters wedding 6 years ago and never had any problem with my natural nails. After those nails came off I often bought kits at discount stores and applied them myself and still never had any problem between applications. Now...


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Paint Color Advice for Kitchen and Adjoining Living Room?
Your cabinets and counter top are neutral colors that way anything will go with them. However, in an apartment are you allowed to paint? Where I live the only way a person can paint in the apartments is if they can afford to repaint the walls to the orgional...


The Dangers of MSG and Aspartame
Life itself is dangerous. Im not willing to give up convenience foods because of what it might contain. I look at it like this the Lord created the people that invented these things for a reason. Another way to look at it is no matter what we eat or dont eat...


A frustrated man at a laptop

Warning: Anti-Virus Pop Up Advertisements
The first time my computer repair man worked on my computer, he installed a couple free downloads, for me and got rid of the Norton Internet Security that I had bought. He said the free downloads are better than the purchased ones. Every now and then I get...


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Removing Multiple Layers of Paint from Wood Work?
Stores have all kinds of products to strip paint off. No matter what you use, there is a certain amount of hard work involved.


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Advice for Dealing With a Verbally Abusive Spouse?
Just plain leave him and when he begs to come back dont take him back. I lived with a verbally abusive husband for 20 years and have been divorced since 1983. It is so peaceful. I am happier now, even though I am more hard up financially. I hadnt worked during...


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Paint Color Advice for Kitchen and Adjoining Family Room Paneling?
Do whatever you want in your house. It has to be your decision and you dont have to worry about matching the white of the cabinets because anything will go with white.


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Buying Liquid Detergent in Extra Large Containers?
If you could find containers of detergent that large, have you thought about how you would handle them and get them home?


Packing One Bag for a Weekend Holiday?
Depends on the size of the bag. Actually your clothing would probably be better off in one bag and your hair and face supplies, etc. in another bag.


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Freezing or Canning Bell Peppers?
I freeze bell peppers, I take the seeds out, and dice them and put about 1/2 cup in a baggie and then put them all in another container and pop them in the freezer, then use them in cooking.


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Front Door Color Advice?
Pick up some paint chips in different colors and see what you like. All the colors that you mentioned are neutral colors so therefore, any color door would work.


Fork and knife on a napkins

Paper or Fabric? What Napkins Save the...
In the apartment complex that I live in it costs $3.00 to do a load of laundry, then there is the detergent and fabric softener. The only time we use more than one paper napkin at a meal is if we have something like pizza or chicken, and I do buy the cheapest...


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Line Baking Pans With Aluminum Foil
Good idea. I am 71 and have been lining baking pans for several years. I never thought of lining the foil pans, though.


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Being Denied Visits with Grandchildren?
Im not saying this is the case, but sometimes there are two sides to every story. Also in some states grandparents do have rights for visitation. Speak to an attorney, if you want to fight for visitation. In my case my daughter and grandkids only contact me...


man in baseball cap holding a tricolor dog

Emergency Veterinarian Services on a Payment Plan?
Go to for a list of assistance programs.


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Clearing Up a Long Neglected Yard?
The best thing to do is just dig in and get started. What works for one person, might not work for another. If you have a pick up just load the garbage cans up and take them to the dump or else put them out where the garbage gets picked up. Maybe put large...


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Faster Nail and Hair Growth?
I cant say anything about hair because due to age and some medications I am taking, my hair is thinning out. However, I take several doctor ordered over the counter supplements and my nails grow really fast.


Galley kitchen with white cabinets with brown doors with a white window frame treatment

Painting or Refinishing Kitchen Cabinets?
Completely refinishing them would be a lot of work---you would have to take the old finish off first. I would take the doors off and pick a color of paint you like and paint them and then paint the actual cabinet part in either a matching color or a contrasting...


finished chest with knobs on drawers

Craft Project: Chest Decoupaged With Sheet...
Looks very nice, but doesnt your decopaged items get to where they have dust stick to them? I have had lots of people tell me they have that problem.


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Kitchen Flooring Advice?
I agree about sheet vinyl, it takes a lot less work to keep up. The grout that tile requires is just plain nasty to keep looking decent.


finished chest with knobs on drawers

Craft Project: Chest Decoupaged With Sheet...
All I have ever decopaged was wall plaques, but even when they had been done for months, say in the process of moving you take them off the wall, and lay them someplace waiting to be packed and inadvertantly a piece of fabric would get laid on them, lint from...


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Paint Color Ideas for the Master Bedroom?
Use a color that you and your significant other agree on, and like. I look at it like this that a person can use any color they like, to heck with what others think.


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Ideas for a Dollar Yard Sale?
Where I live the only way that stuff would sell would be marked ten cents to twenty-five cents.


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Painting Sauder Furniture?
My guess is you would have to prime it first. I have never tried it, but on the home decorating shows they almost always advise priming first. You can also buy some paint that has a built in primer.


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Free Wood Chips?
I dont think city, county, or state employees are allowed to take tips. You could also contract the tree services in your area. Check on Craigslist or freecycle and see if anybody has some wood chips to give away. Or even post on those sites that you need some...


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Free Wood Chips?
I dont think city, county, or state employees are supposed to take tips. You could also check with a local tree service, or on craigslist or freecycle asking if anybody has any wood chips to give away. Be aware that when you get free stuff you usually have...


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Free Wood Chips?
Im only going by what different government employees have told me. I use a city operated paratransit service and sometimes a passenger will offer a driver a candy bar, and gets turned down because they arent supposed to accept gratuities. It even says that...


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Need Help Organizing Personal Belongings?
I am 71 years old and used to be the same way. I went from a three bedroom house with a good basement and a garage, to a three bedroom townhouse that had a basement, but I still had to get rid of a lot of things. Then from there I went to a two bedroom apartment...


Gray kitten with a colorful scarf.

Scarves For Pet Photo Backgrounds
Arent the scarves apt to get snags in them from the pets claws? Or do you keep special scarves for the purpose.


Coupons by Mail?
The only coupons that I print out are direct from the companies themselves. I dont use a lot of coupons because most of the stuff that I buy is the store brands and they are lower priced than the name brands with a coupon. There are a few brands that I buy...


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Buy Now and Pay Later Site That Delivers to Ireland?
I would imagine any of them would, if you are willing to pay enough shipping charges. But when you buy that way you are actually paying more for the item because of the outrageous interest charged.


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Soft Foods After Tooth Extraction?
After the pain is gone, you should be able to eat almost anything, until you get your dentures. I ate baby food, mashed potatoes, soup, until the pain was gone. After that I managed to eat regular meals, no steak, or things like that, but other foods worked...


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Frugal Recipes for Diabetics?
You dont need actual recipes, you can control the number of carbs, by the amount of the serving. Find a book that tells the amount of carbs different foods have in them. The only way to cut carbs is to lower the size of the serving. All casseroles have potatos...


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Flower Advice for a Fall Wedding?
Chrysanthamums for sure. But google the topic and see what you come up with. It will also help to use the area where you live. If you plan on using a florist they would know, and if you plan on using silk flowers, you can use anything you want. Really it is...


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What is a Cold Water Block Press?
I googled cold block press for matelasse and it said the item should be air dried. If you do this at home do you have a large enough area to spread it out until it is dry. It also said that the fibers in matelasse are very delicate, so I would assume that hand...


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Buy Now Pay Later Clothing Sites?
I havent heard of any clothing sites like that, but you can apply for credit at most cothing stores and sites, and pay monthly. Even the buy now, pay later merchandis sites, expect monthly payments.


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Easy Omelet Recipes?
You dont really need a recipe, start out like for a basic omelet, then add whatever meats, cheeses, veggies that you want to add to it, in whatever amounts you want.


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Joining the National Guard at 35?
Google it to make sure, but the way I understand it is that you dont get the money to help with the school loans until you have met a certain amount of your enlistment. I dont know if there is any way you can get out of being deployed if that is what they decide...


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Would you Buy a French Door Refrigerator?
I have a friend that has one, she loves it, but for her it is also a vanity item, just like her stove with a smooth top. She lives in rentals and has an awful time finding rentals that will let her bring her own appliances with. Myself I wouldnt do that in...


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