
Coreen Hart

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78 Posts | 376 Comments | Active Since 2005
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Organizing a Summer Fete?
At our church harvest festival, the most popular event for children that age is the fishing pond. If you are not familiar with it, you make a curtained-off area and make a fishing pole from a branch with a string and clothes pin on the end. The kids toss their...


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Getting The Most From Your Warehouse Store Membership
Theres something else thats very important at Costco. If you pay for your order with their photo-id American Express card, you get at least 1% back. Gas pays 4%. Our reward for using the card last year came to over $185.00, which we applied to a new set of...


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Minted Yogurt Dip
Raymonde, you come up with the most wonderful recipes! Your friends are worth their weight in gold. If I were closer, I would invite myself to dinner! --- Coreen


My Frugal Life: In The Kitchen
I couldnt agree more!


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Rabbit Droppings Near Fruit?
Well, we fertilize our organic garden with cow manure, if thats any help to you?


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Add Vanilla to Cola
Vanilla extract has sugar in it? Thats the first Ive heard of it. I make my own, and it is just vanilla beans in vodka or brandy for six weeks in a hall closet. And I cant imagine 1-2 drops of vanilla alcohol causing a problem. Im a type 2 as well, and I dont...


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Ideas for Bland Stir-Fry?
You didnt mention soy sauce. It just doesnt work for me without soy sauce!


Two pom pom chicks holding Easter candy.

Jelly Bean Chicks
Now I know what my friends and family are getting for Easter! Thanks!


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Softer Homemade Bread?
1) Use milk, not water. 2) Could you reduce the baking time? 3) Put in moisture-retaining ingredients (up to 1/2 cup per loaf) such as potatoes, mashed winter squash or leftover cooked cereal. Making bread is such a lovely adventure!


intricate light green wire necklace, bracelet, and earrings

Floral Wire Jewelry
Omigosh! That is gorgeous!


A bouquet of wildflowers

Tribute to My Mom
I love your tribute! My mother was not a great cook. I think she was traumatized early in her marriage when she made a beautiful leg of lamb with mint jelly and my dad took one look and ran to the bathroom! (In all fairness, he couldnt help it. She didnt know...


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Making Children's Dress-Up Costumes?
When my grands were little, I made wreaths to fit their heads like a crown. For our grandson it was ivy and a few white flowers. For our granddaughter it was lots of bright pink and white flowers. They had lots of fun with those! I just made a soft wire loop...



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Popping Microwave Popcorn Without a Microwave?
I do it all the time. Sometimes microwave popcorn is so cheap I cant resist it, or it gets me a nice rebate. Its already seasoned, which is something I dont do myself, but its nice for something different. Just pop it like regular popcorn, but dont add any...


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Liver Albanian Style
Sounds so good, but Id never have Pernod on hand. Could I substitute something like aniseed or dill seed? A stick of black licorice? Id really love to have a liver recipe my husband would eat.


dog laying on back

In Memory of Kirsty (Lurcher)
How at ease she looks! Obviously she felt loved and happy.


Long nail.

Neat Chef Tools on the Cheap
You have definitely got the touch!


My Frugal Life: Living On Less
All very sensible!


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Serving Liver To Kids
Ill have to try that for my husband. He can barely stand to be in the same house with liver, and I enjoy it.


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Recipes Using Rolled Oats?
This is one of our favorite recipes: COTTAGE CHEESE PATTIES 2 cups cottage cheese or homemade quick cheese 1 cup oats 3 eggs 1 T. sage 1 t. salt breadcrumbs if mixture is not firm enough. 1/2 cup finely chopped onions finely chopped celery (optional) Mix everything...


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Modern Afghan Pattern?
I have one almost finished right now. It is made in jewel tones and some fuzzy yarn. There are color bands all the way across, and the colors are randomly distributed. It is 5x5.5 and extra warm. I have had so much fun making it! Its like having a party!


art piece using hooked rug technique

Tufted Textile Art
It looks like a cold sunset over the North Sea! How lovely!


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Recipes Using Leftover Oatmeal?
I used to mix it in my bread batch, along with things like mashed squash, extra eggs, leftover whole wheat cereal, the last bit of cereal in the box, extra raisins, etc. You get something different every time, and its always good! With squash and raisins, I...



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Dill Cabbage
Got to try this! No fat! Is there a web site that lets us figure calorie and nutritional information?


Gardening: Mini Greenhouse for a Head Start
Do you plant your garlic in August? Then harvest it the next July or August? Thats the way my husband does it, and we get huge garlic. Hope this helps. I think your mini-greenhouse is wonderful!


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Crafts Using Styrofoam Peanuts?
I learned this from my neighbor. Thread a darning needle with dental floss or string. Put the peanuts on one at a time to make a garland for the Christmas tree. The peanuts are slightly brittle, so go carefully. It looks so nice on our sparkly Christmas tree...


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Washing Machine Not Rinsing Soap Out of Clothes?
Why not try putting the water in first, then adding the detergent and agitating until the detergent is fully mixed in, and then add the clothing last. If you still have streaks, you probably need to work on that rinse cycle a bit. Best of luck!


A doll sitting on a chair made from Advair inhalers.

Advair Doll Chair
Serevent inhalers are in green and darker green, and the exact same shape and size!


pile of beans

Saving Money on Beans?
My husband grew two 30-foot rows three years ago. He planted a cup of black beans from a bag we bought at the grocery store. At that time it cost about .79, but now its over $2.00 for a pound. We got enough dry beans that we are still using the last half gallon...


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Churning Butter?
This is how we make butter at our house: First, the milk must stand in a cold place about 24 hours so all the cream can separate out. Skim that off. Put it in a quart jar and let it sit on the counter until it reaches 68 degrees. You can shake it, but it takes...


Valentine note

Love Note
Well done!


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Making a Family Food Budget?
You didnt say whether that was per week or per month. I feed two of us (big eaters) very well on $150 per month, but if I had to, I could feed us on $50 per month. There are a million tips on ThriftyFun like buying in quantity, cooking from scratch, couponing...


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Recipes for a Mini Crockpot?
There was one at our church potluck last Sunday that held barbecue sauce. I would imagine chocolate would be nice - you could dip strawberries or pieces of banana in it. Gravy wouldnt get cold. It would probably melt wax in case you needed to coat the top of...


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Where Do You Let Your Dough Rise?
If your oven does not have a pilot light, try using a styrofoam cooler. We use one for making yogurt. When the dough is ready to rise, put it in the cooler and put jars of hot water around it. Put the lid on tight and weight it with about 5 pounds of phone...


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Mayonnaise Separated After Being Frozen?
Since it is only separated and not frozen, try using it up in salads and things where the separation wont show. It cant hurt you!



Garden: Trellis Rosebush
Ahhhh! I love it!


Wine Cork Self Portrait

Wine Cork Self Portrait
This is fine art. If you need more wine corks, I can help. My husband makes wine and we always have extras.


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Pirate Ship Made from Recyclable Materials?
I made one for a kids party a few years ago. I asked the appliance store for a refrigerator box, and they saved one for me. You lay it on its side. Cut down the middle of each end from top to bottom, slash a bit along the bottom of the sides, and fold the ends...


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Gardening on a Budget
One side benefit is that you make friends with like-minded gardeners. You are a lady after my own heart!


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Crust on Homemade Bread is Hard?
I think Harlean has it right. Butter the top and then wrap a towel around the loaf. How much fat are you putting in each loaf? If the above doesnt fix it, try adding more fat, preferably butter. Good luck! Nothing like a slice of homemade bread fresh out of...


Milkweed Ornaments

Milkweed Ornaments (Tiny Holy Village)
Thats the neatest thing Ive seen in some time!


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Homemade Heat Packs for Children?
One caution with microwaving these. They get hottest in the center and you may not be able to tell how hot they are. A friend of mine had one for her husband. It was under the covers on his leg. He said it was way too hot and smelled smoke, but until he threw...


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Simple Christmas Decoration Ideas?
One very easy Christmas tree decoration is to get a ring such as the plastic ones that hold soda cans together or a bone ring, and single crochet all around them. You can add a second or third row of single crochets. Be sure the stitches completely cover the...


Different colored puzzle piece pins.

Puzzle Piece Pins
The thing that struck my mind was, I sew (crochet, knit) because I am. Thanks for a great inspiration!


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Wooden Spool and Nails Instructions?
Those were the days! Its hard to find a wooden spool anymore,but now they make plastic spool knitters. Ive seen them at Walmart. I use a crochet hook now, but in the olden days we used a bent horseshoe nail. Maybe thats tied in to the Horse Range name. I started...


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Ideas for Mobile Food Service Business?
We id this for several years. I would have loved to sell healthy food, but it really doesnt sell here. First, start with the health department. Our annual permit was $65.00, and we paid $14.00 each for a training course that was very valuable. We had to undergo...


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Making Extra Money For The Holidays?
What are your talents? Aluminum cans are worth a lot right now, or if you can write the local papers are probably begging for extra help for the holidays and you can still be your own boss. Are you tied down with toddlers? Do you already have a job where you...


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Frugal Gifts For Neighbors?
This week I found little ring boxes with different Nativity scenes on them at the Dollar Tree. I bought some to give to the people who help me at the various city offices where I go every couple of weeks to collect data for the newspaper. I think Ill put some...


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Making a Dessert To Be Sold at a Charity Function?
Cupcakes with candy designs on top work. Use candy corn for teeth and eyes, gum drops for hats, or roll out the gumdrops and them shape them into flowers. Use bright colors.


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Frost Damaged Jalepeno Peppers?
They will be okay if you keep them in the freezer in a baggie and just take them out as you need them.


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Butter Clogging a Drain?
How about putting the butter in a stainless steel container and setting the container in the hot water? If it doesnt overflow, you wont have butter in the water.


Baby with cloth nappy.

Washable Cloth Nappies
Oh, Ruth! How I wish more mothers would do this! Disposables are just money down the drain. I think youre marvelous! --- Coreen


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Recommendations For Small Food Processor?
I have had a little Black and Decker processor that holds about 1 1/2 cups. I use it for tons of things. We had a fancy Cuisinart, but it gave up the ghost quite rapidly. My little one cost $10.00, and I had a $10.00 coupon!


Photo of a pumpkin.

Saving Money on Pumpkins
In the aftermath of Halloween, commercial pumpkin patches are left to rot. There are literally hundreds or thousands of all kinds of pumpkins and squashes that no one wants. It never hurts to ask the owner if you can glean from the field. Gleaning is a custom...


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Cherries Are Very Small?
Ill bet you have Nanking cherries or Hansens bush cherries. Our bushes get covered with them, just like clusters of grapes. I juice them and then make jelly using the cherry recipe in Sure-Jell or MCP pectin. Its my most favorite of all the varieties Ive ever...


Raised Garden

Raised Veggie Garden On Deck
Ive had fantasies of doing that if I ever had to move to an apartment! I think youre both brilliant!


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Ideas for Adult Princess Ball Party?
Have manicure stations! Do each others nails (hands or feet). Unless you invite men as well. Not sure how that would go over.


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Ideas for Adult Princess Ball Party?
If youre having couples, get a male friend with a loud, great voice to announce the guests at the door as they arrive. Put him in a red velvet jacket. Powdered wig optional. :-)


backyard garden

Radio City Spectacular Garden
I can hear the music starting...


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Frugal Meals for College Students
I am happy to gift you with my Ph.D. in economics! Or maybe common sense! Love it!


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Frugal Meals for College Students
All these ideas are great except for one thing: they are mostly low in protein. You really need protein to stay sharp and healthy. In place of the canned salmon you could substitute Jack Mackerel. It costs about a third of the salmon and we think it tastes...


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Peach Jam Is Liquidy?
How long ago did you make the jam? It sometimes takes 2-3 weeks to set up. Since it is still liquid and slightly separated, if it is properly sealed (boiling water bath) just invert the jars for a week or so and see what happens. I had some corn cob jelly once...


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Does Sewing Your Own Things Save Money?
The world of sewing is a wide one. I traded my Bernina for a Singer treadle about 25 years ago, and have not been sorry. Although I no longer have time for sewing clothes, I do sew just about everything else. I replace broken zippers, hem up thrift store jeans...


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Harvesting Black Walnuts?
Black walnuts are common here. If you know a handyman, get him a board about 8x12, or maybe a little longer. Use a router or circle cutter, and cut a spot out of the middle that is the size of the nut, not including the husk. Prop the board over two chairs...


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Hair Has Become Dry And Gray?
I started into that cycle a few years ago. In my case, it was hyperthyroidism (had your thyroid checked?) and a medication I take for my heart. Also, when I got my hair cut yesterday, the stylist suggested massaging tea tree oil or peppermint oil into the scalp...


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Becoming A Vegetarian?
In Nourishing Traditions Sally Fallon cites several studies that showed that vegetarians were subject to up to 191% more of certain cancers. I dont think it takes a lot of meat to move you out of that category. Something to think about.


Violet on the window sill.

Violet (Parakeet)
I am intrigued by the name. How did you come to name her Violet? I have two that are that color! Shes so lovely!


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Cost of Ribeye Steak?
It fluctuates wildly. Ive seen it anywhere from $1.99 per pound to $6.99. Your best bet is to save up and buy a quarter or half of beef from a small ranch. Then you get all the cuts for a set price per pound, and better beef too!


11 Year Old Cat Losing Weight?
When we wormed our outdoor cats one of them went from 7.5 pounds to 15 pounds in about a month!


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Getting A Hair Out Of Your Eye?
I worked for ophthalmologists for about 13 years. Their solution was this: Stare straight ahead. Now look toward your nose and close your eyes. Repeat until the foreign body is in the inner corner of your eye. Now you can scrape it out with a clean fingernail...


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Help with 4 Year Old Behavior?
She should be checked by a pediatric psychiatrist. I have raised 29 other peoples children. Her behavior parallels that of some of my children. Put yourself in her position. At four she is not old enough to evaluate it. If someone is doing something to her...


My Frugal Life: A Journey
I admire you so much! Thanks for sharing!


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Frugal Christmas Gift Ideas?
Here is how I manage it: Watch for rebate premium offers. For instance, right now you can get Tony Stewart Racing Gear for 20 points from Van Camps Pork and beans. Theres one point on each can, and they are on sale for the summer holiday. You get your choice...


Shell wreath and candle holder.

Shell Wreath with Candle Holder
How lovely! Are the seashells painted with glass paint also? Is this built on a styrofoam base? What kind of glue did you use?


My Frugal Life: Poor But Proud
Is Slim Let the same as Ball Fruit Jell?


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Help Dealing With Bossy, Whiny Child?
It seems you have been given some very good advice. I have raised 29 children, and I completely agree that a firm hand and strong discipline coupled with plenty of reassurances that they are loved is the absolute best formula. My children came from homes with...


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Baskin Robbins Jamoca Almond Fudge Mud Pie Recipe?
Try this recipe: Hot Fudge Sauce 2 T. cocoa powder 2 T. butter Melt together over very low heat or in a double boiler. Then add: 1/3 cup boiling water 1 cup sugar 2 T. corn syrup Stir well and bring to a low boil over direct heat. Do not stir. For a sauce that...


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Steak'n'Cheese Sandwiches
Sounds heavenly! Are the inside round beef slices just essentially thin roast beef?


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Frozen Watermelon Smoothies or Daiquiris
What a great idea. Im the only one who eats watermelon at our house, so a lot of it goes to waste. As a result, I dont buy it more than once or twice a season. Now I can freeze the leftovers and have smoothies when I want them. Thanks!


My Frugal Life: Living Well
How I wish your common sense would run over into some of my friends!


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Getting Rid Of Thick, Yellow Toe Nails?
I use Vicks every night. It doesnt cure it, but it makes it look and feel normal. Be sure to rub it in around all edges of the nails and underneath them.


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Keeping Flies Out Of Dog's Food?
Feed what the dog will eat in one sitting. Then take the dish indoors and put any leftovers back in the sack.


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Storing Leftover Nacho Cheese?
Maybe it depends on the brand. We freeze it all the time. We buy Ortega at Costco and we sell it out of a food concession and its always smooth as can be.


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Count Protein To Help Control Diabetes
Pretty soon there wont be anything left for us to eat but lettuce! Aargh!


ThriftyFun's Office Primroses
Too beautiful to be real!


birthday card

Perfumed Handmade Card
Orquidea, you have some of the coolest ideas!


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Foods That Cause Acne?
My uncle had awful acne with boils until a doctor told him to eliminate dairy foods. It cleared up very well. I have also noticed that people who wont eat veggies (cooked and raw) have more acne. Hope this helps.


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Easy Frozen Pizza Slices
Absolutely brilliant! Simple,satisfying and not loaded with sugar. Youre obviously an intelligent and caring Mom.


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Making Silk Flower Petal Soap?
That sounds so lovely! And what a great use for silk flowers that are no longer fresh looking! Thanks!


Long plaque with different shells.

Shell Plaque
I am dazzled! But how does the tile grout hold up? Is it pretty tough?


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Where Can I Find Wine 'Dregs'?
I agree. Make your own wine, and then youll have it. What are you needing dregs for? I know from personal experience that wine dregs are super plant food for asparagus ferns.


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What are Graham Crackers?
If I were in your position, I would try toasted bread crumbs, probably white, with a tablespoon of sugar stirred in for every cup of crumbs. Ive done this before, and the flavor is quite similar. Happy baking!


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Add a Sporty Neoprene Bicycle Grip to Your Cane
Why didnt I think of that? Thanks!


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Reusing Bed Skirts
Just saw one today! It was beige, and a medium quality, new, still in the package. The price was $1.00.


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Using Paper Bags for Cat Litter
Now bury the bag in a flower bed in the back yard, and youll improve the soil by leaps and bounds!


American Gas Prices 1996-2008
There is an interesting article in the current (april 2008) Readers Digest abut a man named Wayne Gerdes. He is one of a group of people competing for the title of Worlds Most Fuel-Efficient Driver. Here are some of the things he does to reduce fuel consumption...


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Make Ham Gravy From Drippings
Once you taste ham gravy over fried sweet potatoes, youll never be the same. Its one of lifes finer things.


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Cleaning a Mobile Home That Was Infested With Mice?
We are dealing with this problem right now. Our best solution is to tear out the walls and insulation (assuming there is any) and check while youre at it for broken boards. We found most of our joists and stringers were broken. The trailers were collapsing...


My Frugal Life: Cut Any Corner You Can
Three cheers! We do have a haybox except I dont know what to call ours. Its a styrofoam cooler that we put heated food in and then stuff with rags and cover tightly. My husband makes the yogurt in it, and weve cooked beans and a roast in it. Ill bet scalloped...


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Trimming a Bird's Nails?
If you hold the toenail up to the light you can see where the blood vessel ends. Clip an extra 1/8 inch beyond the vessel so you miss the vessel. Wear a glove and be gentle. Your parakeet will not be crazy about this procedure.


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Can I Freeze Kale?
Did you put sausage in your soup? For me, kale just doesnt work without a ring-type sausage such as Polish. The flavors blend beautifully.


Growing an Asparagus Fern?
My husband makes his own beer. After he racks off the clear part, there is a sediment left in the bottom. When we had an asparagus fern, he used to feed it to Grandfather. Within three days there was such a growth spurt that we had to keep trimming Grandfather...


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Trouble With Easy Pie Crust Recipes?
Here is the one I use. I got it from my sister in law. I can sell these pies anytime, because the crusts are so flaky and tender. The thing to remember is that the dough might need a touch more water, but it should never be sticky. Also, do you put flour on...


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Trouble With Easy Pie Crust Recipes?
P.S. I will be in Anaheim sometime in May, so if you need a coach, let me know.


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Planting an Apple Tree?
I think we are in similar temperature zones. My ultimate favorite for fresh eating and making pie filling is the Vista Bella. It is not common, so you will have to hunt, or I can send cuttings for grafting. It comes on in early August and is sweet/tart and...


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Planting an Apple Tree?
I forgot the upkeep part. We take a 2 liter pop bottle, put in a banana peel, then mix a cup of vinegar and a cup of sugar and add that to the banana peel. Now top the bottle off with water and hang it up in the branches of the tree. It doesnt get them all...


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Centerpieces for Luau for Seniors?
We just hd a Hawaiian-theme dinner party. For a centerpiece I put seashells in a clear glass vase. It was the talk of the party, and it made the friend who gave me those shells feel nice.


A white cluster of flowers.

What is This Flower? (Lantana)
My guess is that its a primrose variety -- cowslip maybe? They cant take heat. From your zone, its probably too warm for the little guy. But isnt it pretty?


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Valentine's Fun for the Financially Challenged
Gina J. You made my day! Your valentine was dandy. But howd you get The chocolate To stick on cherry candy?


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Removing Rust Stains From Title Deed?
Dear Brian, I dont know that I would try that. Its going to look as if you tried to alter the title deed. Why not inquire whether you could get a replacement title instead? Just explain what happened. Youll probably be required to bring in the damaged original...


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Flavored Tortillas Used to Make Wraps?
Use a flour tortilla recipe. For part of the liquid, substitute some veggies (one kind only) that have been liquified in the blender. Spinach, tomato, carrot, you get the idea. Then roll the tortillas out and bake on a dry skillet. You can control the color...


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"Phantom of the Opera' Birthday Party?
For food, it should be French. Maybe croissants with your choice of fillings? Sparkling apple cider in wine glasses -- you can get plastic disposables if necessary. Do you want the guests to dress up? Ill never forget Emmy Rossums dress when she sang Think...


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Is It A Need Or A Want?
If you dont mind my saying so, youre a consumer after me own heart!


Uses for old computers and equipment?
This just came out in the Costco magazine. Go to, click on electronics, and then on trade-in and recycle. If it has a cash value, they will buy it. If not, they will still send you a prepaid shipping label and you can send it to them. They will recycle...


Jewelry made from jeans hardware.

Junk Jewelry From Remnants
Kate, that is fantastic! Youre showing us what can be done! How about some instructions? Are you glueing or soldering? --- Coreen


My Frugal Life: Frugal in England
Dear Borasic Lint, You sound so much like me that I wonder we are half a world apart. I am also thrifty, disabled, and always picking up freebies and cheapies. Our tree is artificial, since we had trouble keeping a potted tree alive. My parents are descended...


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Onion Salvage
I do that too! You can plant just the root end and it will grow green onions, too.


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Suggestions for Disposing of Dog Waste?
I knew a man who had two small house dogs. In his back yard, he started at one side, digging a narrow trench about a foot deep. He threw the waste in there (it was along the edge of a flower bed) and buried it. Every summer he sold great big nightcrawlers to...


Tree made from magazine pages

Recycled Magazine Christmas Tree
I want to make those gorgeous ornaments! Please send us directions!


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Painting Red Birds on Glass Ornaments?
Be sure to get paint that is designed to stick on glass. Lots of paints will flake off from glass. If you can find plastic ornaments, fabric paint, the 3-D kind, works very well.


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Carnival-Style Lemonade?
I met a lady and her daughter this summer who were selling lemonade at a farmers market. The money was putting the daughter through college. They got $3.00 for an 8-oz. glass! They squeezed the half lemon into the cup, then added a plain sugar syrup that they...


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Help With 7 Year Old Picky Eater?
At the risk of sounding too stern, here is what we did. We had two picky eaters when I married Jim. When they were little, we didnt force them to eat anything. We simply told them that there would be no snacking in between meals. It was their choice whether...


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One Pot Beef And Veggies - $10 Dinner
There is no need to brown the ground beef. Just crumble it over the top. Because of the long cooking time, it gets done all the way through. Thanks for asking.


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How to Package Homemade Soaps?
Check thrift stores for beautiful containers. I just found a three-level peach-toned six-sided box with little cherubs and flowers on it for $1.00. I LOVE the shrink wrap idea!


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Grocery Shopping Tips To Save Money
Well, I think youre one of the sane ones!


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Black Things in Cat's Ears?
A good friend worked as a veterinarians assistant for many years. Its what the vet used. She recommends putting Vicks in the ears. It will smother the mites and prevent/eliminate any infection caused by the little marauders.


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50th Anniversary Party Favors?
Why not seashells? Get some big enough to put a few mint in them.


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Ideas For Cat Themed Wedding?
Have you seen the remake of That Darned Cat? They had lots of women wearing little cat ears on headbands, and I thought they were incredibly feminine.


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Can Green Tomatoes Be Preserved in Newspaper?
We dont use newspaper, but we do put them in a cool room where they wont freeze. We sometimes have tomatoes ripening into late December.


Getting Started Saving Money
This is another easy savings method. We have used it for 20 years. Give yourself a household allowance. It should cover gas and groceries, plus maybe $10-20 or so. I get my allowance (which I give to myself) every two weeks. I try to save as much of it as I...


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Tomato Sauce is Too Sweet?
If it happened to me, I would use the sauce for barbecue sauce. What do you think?


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Dry Tea Leaves as Deodorizer
What a great idea!


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Saving on American Girl or Similar Dolls?
Once you get your doll, get a pattern from the fabric store. There are lots of cute outfits there. Some of them match the ones in your American Girl magazine in every way except for fabric. What girl doesnt like to pick her own fabric? Have a blast!


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Staying in One Place Saves Money
There are distinct advantages to staying in one home for a long time. You can actually start a savings account for one thing. And most important, we have developed a network of friends who are priceless. We help each other and share meals together. In my childhood...


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Advice For Tree With Small Sour Apricots?
Our apricot tree used to do that. It looks like it has a fungus, because it dripped sap from the main branches. Two years ago I put pine needles around it about four inches deep. Last year we had a pretty good crop -- not perfect, but quite usable for drying...


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Advice For Tree With Small Sour Apricots?
P.S. The sour apricots make the most flavorful jam!


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Recipe For Cream Cheese Sandwiches?
I like cream cheese on whole wheat bread with just about anything! Drain and stir in a small can of chopped olives, then spread on the bread. Spread softened cream cheese on bread, then top with sliced, peeled cucumbers and an optional sprinkle of salt. Put...


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10 Year Old With A "Fresh" Mouth?
It helps to figure out why shes doing this. Do her friends talk that way? Does she get it from TV? Is she holding a grudge about something? Is she being treated badly by the kids at school? Sometimes it takes a little prying because they dont want to be a tattle...


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Need Recipes For "Unusual" Vegetables?
Good for you for trying out new foods! They are highly nutritious as well as tasty. Our favorite beet recipe besides pickled beets is a raw salad. Grate raw, peeled beets on the coarse side of the grater. Dress with vinegar and oil and salt and pepper to taste...


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Mosquito Problems, Decorate with Geraniums?
Rub a little vinegar on your exposed skin. It repels skeeters quite well.


Wheelbarrow Flower Decoration

Wheelbarrow Flower Decorations
Couldnt be cuter. Ill suggest the design to our Sunday School teacher. Theyd look sweet with holly for Christmas gifts for mom and dad.


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Wintering Annuals?
I had the pleasure of seeing standard geraniums kept over winter in a sunny picture window in Idaho. They had grown to over six feet tall, and were blooming in January. They were tied up to nails at about one foot intervals. The lady also kept parakeets in...


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Print Grocery Coupons From The Internet
I print and clip an average of 3 coupons per week from the site. I dont always use all of them, but like the option of printing the ones I want. I dont like it when they automatically add other coupons that I cant use. Ink is expensive!


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Saving Money on Carpet?
Once you know what color, texture, etc. you are looking for, keep an eye out for remnants. You will need accurate measurements of the room(s) to be carpeted. Ask the salesman to watch for you, and check in with him often. Or you can go ultra cheap. Ask the...


Saving Money on Weddings

Saving Money on Weddings
I agree totally with being yourself. A friend did have a barefoot wedding in the park, with the only musician a harpist. It was gorgeous. The marriage wasnt. My first wedding was simple but elegant, with six bridesmaids and six groomsmen. It was held at our...


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Ideas for 14th Birthday Parties?
How about decorating cupcakes, having a scavenger hunt, etc? Our 17-year-old granddaughter went to the prom with four girlfriends ( her first year with no date) and they had a formal dinner served by her mother, highlighted with belching contests. Their dresses...


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Newborn Kitten Eyes Not Opening?
Its hard to tell a kittens age, but if its walking around and mewing, its at least three weeks old. If its drinking out of a saucer, its probably six weeks or older. Most likely this is an infection. If you have some boric acid on hand, mix it up and use a...


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Preventing Edges From Rolling When Knitting?
Thank you, everybody! Great ideas!


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Help With My Grocery Budget?
You dont say how much you spend every month, so its hard to guess, but a couple of ideas you might try are, 1) have a baking day. Bake your bread, treats, etc and freeze what you will be eating next week. 2) when you make out menus, do you see whats already...


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Buying Organic Clothing?
You can buy 100% cotton sheets and sew them into shirts and pants and stuff.


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Coupons Are Found Money
As you may have discovered, a really valuable coupon is rare, but you can get multiples of the best ones. You can order them by joining a website such as or others and locating the people who clip coupons. The best coupons go fast. I dumpster...


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Minimizing Diseases in Vegetable Gardens?
My husband keeps our garden almost pest free using Dipel for cabbage worms and by keeping the soil well-fed. We have cattle, so we have plenty of manure and straw to till in. We handpick potato beetles and their larvae. I hang traps in the fruit trees. I got...


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Oolong Tea?
Chinese restaurants carry it, and Asian food stores carry it. Its heavenly!


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Save Wrappers To Placate Toddlers
Ingenious! You are a mother who pays attention to her child -- rare and precious these days!


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No Cook Peanut Butter Fudge
You might try this one. I clipped it from a 1989 Home Cooking Magazine, and have never made it. It sounds really cheap and easy: Peanut Butter Squares. 2 cups peanut butter, 3 3/4 cups confectioners sugar, 3/4 cup melted butter, 3/4 cup brown sugar, 3/4 teaspoon...


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Kim Chee Ramen Breakfast
Dear Marna, That sounds absolutely perfect! We love Oriental-type food and have invented a few recipes of our own. I am finding it harder to digest dairy products. I was planning to put up Kim Chee this summer anyhow.


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Ants In My Worm Farm?
Can you get those little round tin containers of ant bait? I bet the worms wouldnt be interested in it, or very few of them would fit anyway. Just a thought. Let me know how it comes out and what solution you try. Im interested in growing worms, too.


Saving Money on Car Repairs (and Maintenance)

Saving Money on Car Repairs (and Maintenance)
Just as with major surgery, if your car needs something expensive, get at least one other opinion! We took our car to a dealership that we trust, because it had a shimmy in the front end. I waited 4.5 hours to get the estimate, which was $822.00. I was told...


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Nviro Potter For Seeds
We have these in two sizes, and my husband prefers them over soil block makers now. I will try to get the instructions from him. I know you cut a single sheet of newspaper (no glossy inserts) that will go around the pestle part with an inch or two of overlap...


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