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13 Posts | 301 Comments | Active Since 2009
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Parakeet Losing Her Feathers?
I think youll find if shes wet you may see the bald spots. If its summer where you are then its pretty natural for birds to drop feathers. Other than that if shes scratching a lot she may have mites - you will need to buy a mite spray for both birds. More info...


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Breeding Finches?
I dont think getting a new female will help - she wont accept it - if the father is feeding it, well all will be well - if not you may need to handrear it - having feathers at this stage is good as it means its closer to being weaned. Keep a close eye on it...


young man holding a white dog

House Training an Abused Dog?
If you can get him onto a lead try walking him - just you & him. Over time he may learn to bond with you - often dogs bond with the owners this way & also its important that you be the one to feed him his meals. It sounds like he may have a little separation...


black and tan puppies

What Breed is My Dog?
The German Shepard part looks to be right.


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Cat Has Gunky Eyes?
You may need to check in with a vet - an eye infection can go hand in hand with glaucoma, I was told. Or a simple case may react well to eye drops. Good luck


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Adopted Dog Will Not Eat?
Try warming & mashing his food first as the smells make the food more tempting. Try lightly sprinkling his food with dried liver dust or pieces - [ this can be bought from the pet shop - known as liver sprinkle ]. Not too much liver as for some dogs this can...


closeup of Buttons, a Pomeranian, sticking out her tongue.

Buttons (Pomeranian)
I have had 4 poms - they are just lovely, affectionate little dogs. I hope you get a few more happy years together.


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My Dog Has Gas?
Go to your local pet shop & buy some charcoal tablets. Follow the instructions . Sometimes they get a lot of wind due to a very rich diet of red meat.


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Older Dog Peeing Inside?
Some small dogs need to be retrained regularly. Try going back to the original house training routine by taking your dog out every couple of hours to give it a chance to go on the grass - also take the dog outside after it wakes up from a long sleep - Keep...


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Removing Dog's Eye Discharge?
I found with my wee dog, which had a very weepy eye for weeks that after gently pouring warm water over her eye to soften the gunk , then gently removing it all with a soft cloth , I then opened up her eye & added a few drops of human eye drops - I have found...


black and white dog

What Kind of Dog is This?
A very sad dog is what this is. If you keep it ,Im sure no matter what breed , that with plenty of love & attention it will be a much loved part of your life. Best wishes for helping it so far.


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Dog Pooping in Her Crate?
Please dont put her into a smaller crate - shes stressed enough. Take her to the toilet after each meal. Feed her earlier - give her a BIGGER crate or even better a pen to sleep in. Dont punish her. A large pen is far better. These can be bought from pet shops...



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Dog is Sleeping All the Time?
Do you pay more attention to the younger dog than the older one? Maybe if you encourage the play with the older dog by playing ball or ruff & tumble with it .


Tinker (Ferret)

Tinker (Ferret)
How lovely she is, and lucky to have you looking after her.


red lump on puppy

Red Lump on Puppy?
You must always put your pet first. This is what a loving & caring animal lover should do. Please take him to the vets for help - your wee dog is suffering. Maybe the vet can let you pay the account off in installments. Please help this dog.


next to puppy

Indie (Tabby)
Wow! How beautiful.



Tide (Rough Collie)
He has the colours of a rough haired collie but looking at his adorable face he may be a border collie mix. Pure collies have a pointier & longer nose. Either way both the collie & the border collie are exceptional dogs in their loving and gentle nature. So...


closeup of face of dog lying down

What Breed is My Dog?
He looks like a border collie to me. Hes just beautiful. These dogs are great for rounding up stock , highly intelligent and make faithful and loving pets. You are very lucky.


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Dog Pooping on Carpet?
Try scooping up the poop & put in in the area of yard that you want her to do it. Take your pup outside on regular intervals, especially after it has eaten, & put it close the poop, she will soon get the hint. I always give my indoor dogs the opportunity to...


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Feeding Millet Sprays to Finches?
No doubt the same feeding routine for the cockatiels and budgies with the millet sprays would be fine for the finches. Enjoy the wee birds but be warned they are very quick so protect the cage door entries as they could escape very easily. I put a length of...


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Stop Brown Spots On Grass
Great hint - thanks.


DJ and his favorite toy when he was younger

DJ (Chihuahua)
Oh! So sweet - enjoy your life with this little cutie.


Dog standing on carpet in middle of room.

What Breed is My Dog?
Papillion mixed with something - maybe a jack Russell as usually Papillion have longer fur on their bodies - but what ever this little dog is a cutie.


long haired small dog

My Dog Won't Eat?
I would suggest a visit to the vet - the little dog may have an obstruction in her gut or suchlike - please get this little beauty checked out for her well being.



BlueBoy in a cage on perch.

BlueBoy (Parakeet/Budgie)
Birds make delightful pets - yours is obviously being loved. Thanks for sharing.


Dog sitting with front paws up.

House Trained Dog Pooping Inside?
Scoop up her poop and place it in the area of garden that you would like her to go - leave it there for a while - each time you take her out put her face near the poop to get the scent. After meals is a common time to poop , usually within 1/2 hr with my dog...


Sitting next to man painting a mural.

Rasco (Bulldog)
Always nice to see someone who loves their dog.


Powderpuff on the bed.

Powderpuff (Calico)
What a sweetie.


Baking Soda and Citrus Foaming Cleaner - baking soda and lime

Baking Soda and Citrus Foaming Cleaner
Thank you for this hint - Ill be trying this for sure.


Four photos of Jack Russell puppy.

Puppy Poops in Crate?
Try increasing the size of the crate - a small one is very frightening for the dog - she needs room to spread out . Try taking her for a walk before crating her so she can go to the toilet first - by using a big crate she can have newspaper down and she can...


storage vaults in coop

Vittles Vaults for Storing Chicken Food
Thanks so much for this hint. I keep parrots in 2 large aviaries & have the same problem with my seed. I have been keeping it stored in drums in the garage - but this idea appeals to me.


Floopy eared puppy.

What Breed is My Puppy?
She looks like a Yorkshire terrier cross. Shes a cutie. Love her well as Im sure she will you.


Small tannish white dog.

What is My Dog's Breed?
Looks like a yorkie terrier crossed with super cuddly!


Black cat on bed.

Leaving a Cat Home While on Vacation?
I know of people who have done this successfully but they had very reliable people who bought the food around for the cat - the risks are of course that some other animal may eat the food , plus if the cat gets injured or hurt in some way that no-one is there...


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Remedy for a Dog With Gas?
Charcoal tablets are available from the pet shops for this - although these can also be bought from a health food store - some advise may be needed from a vet nurse or similar about the dosage for your dog.


Black and white dog.

Keeping a Dog Warm in Its Pen?
I use my old sheepskin car seat covers, rather than throwing them out. Also I have been known to buy a sheepskin rug specially for sleeping on. Also why not use a pillow with a cover on it - then regularly wash the cover to keep it clean rather than washing...



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Puppy Pooping in His Cage?
Try taking the poop from the cage and putting it in the area of the garden where you want him to do it - leave it there until hes trained - remember 5 months isnt that old - try giving him a larger cage - also he made need to be left out of the cage for longer...


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Training a Pet Cockatiel?
How long is a piece of string? This will vary from the amount of time you train it and at what age the bird - believe me you will be rewarded in the end. Just gently tuck your finger under the birds chest and nudge it slightly - the bird will climb up on to...


Tan puppy in pink coat.

What Breed is My Dog?
Not sure what hes crossed with, but he definitely has some teddy in the mix! A cutie...


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Finches Laid an Egg?
If you are going to move them into a more comfortable size cage (which the bigger the better) then do it now - then you may only sacrifice the one egg. The move will likely upset them, but only for the moment - they will lay again. I would still leave the egg...


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Rehabilitating a Former Bait Dog?
Im sorry to say that maybe you should let this dog go. The killing of the cat should be a warning of what he is capable of. Next time it could be someones much loved pet, a small puppy or dog - or maybe a small child. The heartbreak that this could cause for...


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Puppy has Blood in Stool?
Before you panic .... do you feed her fresh red meat? Also give it a couple of days to see if it settles down. Was she dripping blood or was it just within the stool? Sometimes what you feed her can result in discolouration of the poop. Keep a close check on...


Black and white dog.

Introducing a More Aggressive Breed to...
A larger more aggressive dog may attack & possibly kill any of the smaller dogs - is it worth it ? Ps. the dog in the photo is just beautiful - good luck with your problem.


October (Bengal)

October (Bengal)
Just beautiful.


Closeup of a Pom's face.

Chompers (Pomeranian)
A cutie - Pomeranians are so photogenic.


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Too Many Finches?
Its too late now - you could throw all the eggs away. If you want to stop them breeding try taking out all the nest boxes. If you want to get only a few babies just put the one pair in with a nest box and keep all other birds in a separate aviary. It would...


Sophie on pink piece of laundry in dryer.

Sophie Lane Boonjaras (Persian)
Wow .... what a beauty.


tank on furniture

Protecting Furniture Under a Fish Tank
What a great idea. Thanks


Black and tan dog.

Remedy for Dog Breath?
They made need some attention to their teeth - take them to the vet. He can remove any teeth that may have gone bad or they may have gum disease. This also needs to be checked by the vet.


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My Chihuahua is a Picky Eater?
Slightly warm and mash the dog food before giving it to the dog - a good trick that Ive found is before putting it down sprinkle the top with a teaspoon or so crushed dried liver - the smell seems to tempt my dogs to eat the food. Dried liver is usually available...


Small black dog.

My Dog Will Not Eat Dog Food?
Try cooking up a little rice - throw some very finely chopped rump steak in with the rice before cooking it. Once cooked strain then add a little gravy & stir through a few tinned mixed veggies. Warm slightly on serving and sprinkle dried liver sprinkles on...


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Older Bichon Frise Smells Bad?
I always wash my dogs behinds every second day - as the urine can dry on the fur as does anything from the rear end.


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Remedy for Dog Boredom?
Exercise - regular exercise. If you have a yard for him to play in, then play with him. Run him along the beach or around the park. Chase a ball - anything that will burn up some energy. Just like humans they need to burn their stress off.


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Removing Dog Urine Smell from Wood Kennel Floor?
Try covering the floor of the kennel with a generous amount of baking soda - get plenty into the joins of the wood. Leave overnight then vacuum away. Or you could mix white vinegar & baking soda together and sponge wash the floor leaving it on for a few hours...


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Dog Keeps Shaking Head?
Buy some ear drops specially formulated for dogs at your local pet store or vet - put a few drops in its ears - rub the ears then a few minutes later get a cotton ball & wipe its ears clean. Note: do not use a cotton bud. This will help clean any build up of...


week 5 no 3

Chicks Week-by-Week (Weeks 1-6)
Thanks for these photos. A great idea to show the stages. I raise cockatiels which is a similar but a little bit more complicated as I rear them. But the chicks dont get pretty until about 3 weeks old on. Raising any bird is a delightful hobby.


Fluffy white dog sitting on bottom with paws up.

Solo Awesome (Pom Chi Mix)
wow ! what a handsome little dog.


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6 Week Old Puppy Won't Eat or Drink?
Puppy milk - whatever it takes - possibly its too young to be away from its mum. Try soaking cereal in warm milk & once soft try to feed her. Buy a special animal syringe feeder & squeeze warm puppy milk directly into her mouth. If in doubt please contact a...


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Remedy for an Itchy Bird?
Birds do like to bathe - but be warned - as some people fill a bowl or put them in the shower. In some cases this is ok but often the bird goes into shock & may die of fright by being forced by their well meaning owners. The safest way to bathe your bird is...


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Remedy for an Itchy Bird?
The safest way to give your bird a bath is by filling up a clean plastic spray bottle with luke warm water & spraying him lightly with it - birds love this - you will get such pleasure in watching him shuffle about & lift his wings. DO not do what some may...


Ted (Labrador)

Ted (Labrador)
A lovely photo of a lovely dog.


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My Dog Ate a Pair of Underwear?
Get him to the vet now - hes in urgent need of help - if he doesnt get it he may have a slow painful death. If you love him, help him.


Blonde Pomeranian sitting in the grass

Chompers (Pomeranian)
Lovely little dog - I have found Poms to be so loving & loyal. Enjoy him.


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Too Many Finch Babies in Basket Nest?
I breed cockatiels on a casual basis, & was told never to change the nest box once the eggs were laid or babies were born as the parents would never return. Ive never tested the theory though - maybe you could Google finch breeders & ask them.


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Dog Licking Bottom and Chasing Tail?
It is highly likely he has an infection or parasite in his rear end - irritating him so much that he tries to grab his tail - this would be distressing him so it is important to get him treated by a vet. A simple cream may fix this or an anal gland extraction...


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Raising Parakeets?
It could be a mating ritual - you dont mention the age of the birds. Google information about parakeets or Google parakeet breeders & contact them as they are full of useful information.


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7 Week Old Puppy Wakes Up During the Night?
Oh, hes so young . Try putting a battery powered ticking clock inside the bed - maybe put it inside a hot water bottle cover - this will mimic the sound of his mothers beating heart. This may help. Im sure Id be like you & want to cuddle him for reassurance...


Closeup of Callie by fishtank.

In Memory of Callie (Pretty Mama)
This touched me deeply. I too lost a beautiful cat that way. It tore me apart as I adored my girl - I spent 3 days in tears. I still to this day [ after 32 years ], remember the love I had for her. My thoughts are with you .


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Can Advantix be Used on Horses?
My advice would be to contact Advantix company direct. Contact details should be on the packet or try through the web site. This is too important a question - I believe some animals can die if Advantix is not used correctly.


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Removing the Nest in Finch Cage?
Yes - I would remove the nest & start again - cleanliness is the key to healthy birds.


Lab sitting on deck watching sun set.

Jake (Yellow Lab)
fab photo - love the vibe of the dog - so chilled.


Cat looking up.

Finn Rogers (La Perm Cat)
WOW! What a beauty.


Parents in cage.

Caring for Finch Eggs and Chicks?
I would be very surprised if your babies will be fed by their parents now that you have fed them - its usually very important for the early days for the parents to feed the babies due to the minerals that they regurgitate - you may now be committed to handraise...


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Dog Pees in House When Certain Neighbor Visits?
Is it possible to put your dog in the garage or outside when this neighbor approaches?


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Feeding a Nesting Finch?
Try Googling breeding finches on the internet - Im sure you will find heaps of very important imfo.


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Baby Wipes For Dog Odor
I too do this - much to the disgust of my dogless friends. I think its a very hygienic way to keep the dogs clean & odours dont get on the furniture & carpet.


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Finch Eggs Not Hatching?
Often first timers go through the cycles of laying eggs & not following through - sometimes they need a few times to get it right Also are you sure that they are a male & a female? - as females will still lay eggs and go through the motions of sitting on them...


Finch nest.

Zebra Finch Has Laid Eggs?
Congratulations - it is thrilling to have your birds breed sucessfully - but most importantly - do not handle them - leave the parents to care for them - google finches on the internet & read all about the breeding of finches . Keep the parents diet healthy...


Dog in box.

Previously House Trained Dog Backsliding?
The occasional accident cant be helped - as you say she did it by the door so no doubt she had attempted to get out. Just keep up the regular practise of letting her out often.



Dogs Peeing and Pooping Since Moving?
Repeat all the house training - one main meal a day - feed around 4.00 in the afternoon as they often poop after there main meal - dont let them nibble all day - the more food the more poo! Take outside often - sleep them in a pen in the garage with newspaper...


Cats in outside pen.

Flooring for Cat Pen?
Concrete the floor - at least you can hose off the smell & germs. You would still need the cats to have litter boxes. You would need to have raised beds so that the dog & cats dont get arthritis in the bones & warm soft bedding undercover. You would need lots...


Patterdale Terrier.

Dog Pooping in the House at Night?
Try feeding your dog earlier - around 3-4.30pm in the afternoon. It may then empty its bowels earlier - outside - before you go to bed.


Chubby small brown dog.

Weight Loss Ideas for Small Dog?
There is nothing easier than opening a can of top quality dog food or cooking up some pumpkin/potato & mashing it then adding a little cooked chicken breast or cooked beef. If you must give it a treat peel & slice a little apple. Dont give it human rubbish...


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Treatment for Dog With Ear Problems?
My dog has a similar problem. The vet gave me ear drops called dermotic - put a few drops in the ear 2 times a day. This has worked really well - almost no problem now. In between meds you could regually cleanse the ears with epi-otic - put a few drops in the...


Black Lab on couch.

Can Meds Cause Dog to Pee More Often?
Yes - it will be the steroids. Google the side effects & read all about it - steriods / cortizone for dogs - as its very important to know. My dog is on predizone at present & constantly wants to eat - she also pees every 2 hours. Remember not to punish your...


Closeup of Baxter's face.

Baxter (YorkiePoo)
I feel your karma for selecting a dog from the shelter is that you have received a beautiful little dog - he sounds like he has a fantastic personality & is so happy to loved . He looks adorable. I hope you have a long life together.


Two Poms with their toy.

Feeding Dogs Baked Chicken Meat?
God - Im so confused. Of late Ive read not to feed dogs canned food, not to feed dogs raw meat, not to feed dogs cooked meat, not to feed dogs dog biscuits, and not to feed dog chews. Ive never been so confused about what to do. Ive had dogs for 10 years & am...


Colby on chair.

Colby (Maltipoo)
What a cutie - thanks for being a decent human being & by rescuing these dogs - my heart goes out to folks like you.


Dog lying on bed.

Dog Not Eating Well?
Try cutting up some rump or blade steak finely or a small amount of cooked chicken (no bones). Try mixing cooked meat with a little cooked rice, cooked carrot & gravy. Serve it warmed to let the fragrance out as they like to smell the food if you use tinned...


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Finches Not Sitting on Eggs?
Im not sure about finches but I breed cockatiels and they usually dont start to sit on the eggs until they get up to 3. Are you sure they are a true pair as some females still lay eggs?


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Breeding Lovebirds?
Firstly & most important is to seperate the pair that you want to breed - as with most birds at breeding time. There can be fighting to the death - also other birds will sabortage the nest & eggs. Try screwing small screws into the side of the box & wrap thin...


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Leaving Dog in Crate When Not Home?
Certainly not in a small crate - I built a large pen one metre square for my dogs. I keep water, bedding & newspaper on the floor so they are free to go to the toilet if urgent. You have to think of the dog in the long run - what if something happened to you...


Pit Bull on kitchen rug.

Bear (Dog)
Thank goodness for folks like you - loving hearts & considerate Merry Christmas from Australia


Lying in the grass.

London (Border Collie/Aussie/Coyote?)
Not sure what he is but he sure is handsome.


Karma lying on back waiting for more tummy rubs.

Fluffer McStuffins (aka Karma)
Wow - what a lovely kitty. Makes me want to get one - lucky you.


Muffin ready for Halloween.

In Memory of Muffin (Yorkie)
What a beautiful dog - I hope you get another dog to love - shes a sweetie - thanks for sharing.


Five cute baby birds, three yellow with blue and two gray with a turquoise tail.

Baby Cockatiels (Australia)
Oops! Sorry - I made a mistake & sent this photo of some baby peach face lovebirds which I also raise not the cockatiels.


Closeup black and white photo of Hershey.

In Memory of Hershey (Yorkie)
What a lovely dog - beautiful black & white photo too. Hope you get to love another dog soon.


Young Thrush in person's hand.

Thor (Thrush)
Great story - thanks for being a kind person. I hope he lives a long life & keeps living near your property - well done.


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Cat Reacts Badly to Canned Food?
My cat always did well on fresh meat, that is blade or rump steak. I always bought in bulk whatever meat was on sale & with as little fat as possible. Just cut finely & freeze in packets in the freezer.


Scooter with one of his babies.

Scooter (Ferret)
Really cute - such a sweetie. Thanks for sharing.


The homemade cat scratching post in action.

Making a Cat Scratching Post
Excellent instructions - Thanks for taking the time to photograph each step. Good job.


Shiloh on a dog bed.

Shiloh (Pomeranian)
What a beautiful girl - enjoy her.


Pom in sneakers.

Outlaw Moss (Pomeranian)
Wow - How fab is this little fella. Poms make such great pets. They love to be with you every minute. Thanks for sharing. PS. heres my two girls.


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When Does a Dog Stop Going Into Heat?
#FARSTAR - To answer your question - I saved the dog at 3 years old. All i know is that she had been de-barked & has such severe scarring in the throat that no tubes or anesthetic can be used - as she may die. I have given her a safe & happy life - free from...


Warning: No String Toys for Birds

Warning: No String Toys for Birds
Thanks for the warning. I totally agree. I found one of my cockatiels hanging by the neck - as hed flown into a rope toy. It was just sheer luck that I found him in time. He lived but Ive removed all hanging toys. Also the birds chew on the string which can...


Warning: No String Toys for Birds

Warning: No String Toys for Birds
So sad. Im sorry for you. I too had a similar problem. I found a cockatiel hanging from his neck thanks to a string toy. He survived but only by share luck as I came home early from work.


Kitten in hanging potted plant.

Fuzzy Wuzzy (Domestic Longhair)
Maybe you should call your kitty Mischief as it looks like shes full of it. What a sweetie.


Cute puppy with a black bow in its hair.

Veah (Maltipoo)
What a sweetie - lucky you.


Cute red Pom Chi sitting in the lawn.

Shanti Puja (Pom-Chi)
What a cutie - thanks for sharing.


Parrot sitting on white wire shelving.

Verne (Orange Winged Amazon Parrot)
What a lovely pet - thank you for being such a caring pet lover.


Tinker (Ferret)

Tinker (Ferret)
Beautiful - you are so lucky to have such a lovely pet.


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Fish Keep Dying?
Its likely that the bigger fish are killing the smaller fish - rule of thumb is to keep all the fish a similar size in the tank. Look out for chasing during the day - in the quiet of the night killing may happen.


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Dog is a Picky Eater?
Slightly warm & mash the food before you give it to the dog. The aromas make the food more interesting. Also I grind up 1 Tbsp. of dried beef liver (can buy this at the pet shop or supermarket) & sprinkle it over the food as this seems to tempt my little pom...


Dog Coughs After Drinking?
Dogs have a little flap in their throats which sometimes gets stuck. Talk to your vet about the technical terms. My two dogs have had it for years & although its distressing. It us unlikely to be life threatening at this stage - small dogs are prone to this...


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Natural Dog Treats?
My dogs like chopped fruit. I chop apples, bananas, watermelon and pears up into very fine pieces. I peel the skin off & remove all pits (so they wont choke). I limit the amount to 1/4 a day - they lap it up.


Goat and Dog on Sofa

Foster Freeze (Goat)
Never mind the goat - hows that beautiful dog? Wow you are blessed.


Sophie (Maltese)

Sophie (Maltese)
Shes such a cutie. Thanks for sharing.


Velvet (Mini Potbelly Pig)

Velvet (Mini Potbelly Big)
What a sweetie - luv her to bits.


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Giving Pills to a Dog?
Im not sure if these products will fit in with your dogs diet, but I use peanut butter or creamed honey liberally on a small piece of toast. I grind the tablet up 1st but you could roll the toast in a ball with the honey & pill inside.



Previously House Trained Dog Pooping in the House?
I dont leave the dogs in the house when I go out. I made a large pen for them in the garage - little beds, toys food & water available. They are secured in there with latches so they cant escape. I have newspaper on the floor - if they must go urgently then...



Previously House Trained Dog Pooping in the House?
PS. I made the pen with 4 large pieces of wooden garden lattice from the hardware store which are hinged together on 3 sides - leaving a gate effect. I then lined the lattice with plywood - stapled it on with housing staple gun to prevent the dogs climbing...


Dallas (Pomeranian) and Sadie (Australian Shepherd)

Dallas (Pomeranian) and Sadie (Australian...
You are indeed lucky to have such lovely dogs. Poms are just the best little dogs - I have 2 myself.


Silky Bantam Rooster

Mr. Rooster (Silky Bantam Rooster)
Love this type of chicken.


Jack Russel and Rat Terrier dogs standinog up in the branches of a large tree

Doc (Jack Russell) and Hoss (Rat Terrier)
These two look like they get up to some mischief together. Im glad you gave them both a loving home. Great that they have each other as well.


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Gestation Period for Budgie Eggs?
It takes 18 to 21 days for the eggs to hatch.


Pita (Longhair Cat), a grey and white cat on a couch.

Pita (Longhair Cat)
Shes beautiful!


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Removing Cat Spray Odor from Carpet?
Try a mixture of baking soda & white vinegar. Just sprinkle with dry baking soda 1st, let it soak up the spot, then sponge of with water & white vinegar mixed together.


A small aging dog in a basket.

Caring for Your Aging Dog
Take care with older dogs that have hip & back problems. I had mats down on my floors to help my dog have more secure footing . But even then, as my wee girl ran to me to get some nibbles, her back legs slipped out from under her & she dislocated both her hips...


Grey parrot with Jiffy cake box

Zaz (Congo African Grey Parrot)
Its a pleasure to see someone who takes such good care of their caged bird - thanks for sharing.


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Homemade Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner for Dog Urine
I think you will find that the baking soda, white vinegar & water are sufficent enough without all the extras as they do a good job on their own.


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Pet Hair Detangler?
There are some leave in hair conditioners on the market for dogs, after bathing, towel dry the dog then brush or comb a little through. Regular brushing will help as well. A few minutes a day is better than once a week.


Sookie the Blue Russian Cat

In Memory Of Sookie (Russian Blue)
So sad to hear of your tale. I hope that one day you may get another cat that will also bring you the joy that this little one did.


Lily the Pomeranian on Leash in Fall Leaves

Lily (Pomeranian)
She is stunning. Thanks for sharing.


Kahlua Sitting by Brick Wall

Kahlua (Afghan Hound)
Thank goodness for people like you, who have such goodness in their hearts to give animals like this a home. Good on you, shes lovely.


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Keeping Pets Warm in Winter
Sounds like your over paranoid & may do more harm to your animals than good . The birds may well overheat, as well as the dogs. Just plain cuddly blankets on top of a pillow will do the dogs & a sheet over the bird cage. Remember to allow the fresh air to circulate...


Little Baby Squirrel Laying on Towel

Baby (Squirrel)
This is a lovely story. I wouldve done the same thing. I rear baby birds so I too would have tried to save this little critter. We dont have these little guys in Australia, would love to see a photo of your little pom with the squirrel, best of luck for the...


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Dog Is Pooping in Owner's Bed at Night?
I find that my dogs go to the toilet not long after their main meal, so I feed them their dinner at 4pm in the afternoon.


A happy dog on a couch.

Vegetables and Fruit for Dog Treats
I feed my wee girls chopped apple. I peel it first so the skin wont lodge in their throat. I chop it tiny & give only a small amount , daily. They also like a little fresh corn that I strip off the cob. Do not give the dogs the corn on the cob as the cob may...


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Attaching Wheels to a Dog Kennel?
Maybe instead of attaching wheels to the kennel just make a flat trolley - wooden slats with 4 wheels & something to pull it along with. Maybe you know a retired handyman that can help..


Two Pomeranians, one red and one white on the lawn.

Healthy Homemade Dog Food?
Love your dogs. Beautiful.


Fox like puppy on bed.

What Breed is My Dog?
Your dog looks like a Pomeranian. May I suggest that you let its fur grow out as these dogs are beautiful when left natural. They just needs a regular gentle brush. Here is a photo of my dog , she is the mini version. Great, happy little dogs.


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Reuse Ziploc Bags for Dog Waste
I put all my dog poo down the toilet - saves on flies, maggots in the bin not to mention the over powering smell that comes from the bin.


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Home Remedies for Removing Cat Urine Odor?
Try mixing cup water, 2 tbsps of baking soda & 1/4 cup of white vinegar together in a spray bottle. Spray on the stain & rub with a cloth to remove excess moisture, do not use disinfectants as it leaves a lingering small of ammonia which will encourage the...


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Training a Dog to Not Poop Inside?
Try collecting some poop & placing it in an area of your garden that you want her to do it. Leave it there until she gets the message, take her out to that spot each time you take her outdoors, often dogs poop just after eating a big meal for the day & in the...


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Wash Dog When Emptying Hot Tub
Not sure what you mean by hot tub - if it is your household bath then thats a good idea but if you mean a outdoor spa then its not so great, as dormant chemicals may cause skin problems & itching.


dog on mat

Use Non-Slip Mat When Trimming Pet's Nails
Yes, this is a great idea. I have some in the bottom of the bath when I wash my two dogs to stop them slipping & hurting themselves. PS love your little dog.


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Home Remedy for Pomeranian Hairballs?
maybe a little bit of fish oil put into the dogs food my help. Or I can suggest breaking a human soft gel fish oil tab in 1/2 & putting it straight down the dogs throat by putting the oil directly into a animal medicine syringe then administer it. This may...


Bird With Beads

Be Careful What Your Bird Plays With
I found my cockatiel hanging when a length of string that had a rattle ball tied to the bottom had wrapped itself around her neck while she played with it. Also the little bit of metal inside bells that make them ring can come off & lodge down the birds throats...


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Birds Eating Our Dog's Food?
Leaving food outside isnt such a good idea as flies will lay their eggs in it - also ants could take it over. Try just feeding the dog what it needs at the time then taking the food away.


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Feed Dog Pills with Cream Cheese
Take care with too much cheese - some dogs can get ill with this. Try a little honey or crush the tablet, mix with a little water then suck it up into a special animal syringe and squirt directly into the mouth.


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Set Up Pup Pool for Summer Heat
I too have a pool for my two babies - they need it in the Aussie heat - I let them dry out naturally in the sun - I encourage anyone with long haired dogs to do this - it helps so much with heat stress.


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Be Wary Of Flea Medication Allergies
I had a cat that had a reaction to flea powder - after she licked her fur all skin inside her mouth peeled off & ulcers were left . It was proven to be the powder & the company apologized. Also with ADVANTIX - I only give 1/2 the recommended dose every 2 weeks...


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Dog Food Liver Cake
Be warned - many dogs get really loose bowel motions from too much liver which can lead to blood in their movements as well.


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Name Ideas For Cocker Spaniel?


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Shredded Wheat as a Dog Treat
I agree - here in Australia we have mini weetbix - both my dogs get one of these given to them reguarly as a treat. A little honey or peanut butter can be spread on top but they like them just as much plain.


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