
Frances Adams

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11 Posts | 554 Comments | Active Since 2009
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Determining the Value of a Vintage Set of Encyclopedias?
The place I always start with to try to find somethings resale value, is looking on ebay, it may not be very accurate, as some things never sell, but it is free, and usually fast. If not, you can probably search for that name and year, and in the list of sites...


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Cheap Homemade Toilet Bowl Cleaner?
My friend buys the generic denture cleaning tabs at the dollar stores, and uses those, along with the standard toilet bowl brush, does this at least 3 times a week. She drops on in, leaves it in overnite, and scrubs and flushes the next morning. I just dont...


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Getting the Best Buy on Toilet Paper?
I dont like the regular Scott. It is a great value, but it smears too much. If my family wont use it, not much of a buy! Sign up at various brands websites and you can get coupons sent to your email, or regular mails. I usually get the doulbe roll Angel Soft...


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Using a Brillo Pad on Cloudy Headlights?
Hubby says that most of that is on the inside of the lens covers, he could be wrong but swears he is always right!


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Choosing Drapes to Coordinate with Room Color Scheme?
I agree with DaniLion. Either a goldy or tannish color would look great, and not be another dark tone.


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Parent's Level of Involvement in Cub Scouts?
When my boys were in grade school, their school formed a Cub Scouts troop. I was a den mother, and hubby helped out a lot, but ended up being more moms and grandmoms helping out. The boys seemed to enjoy it a lot! They can learn a lot from women.


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Printing Coupons with Barcodes?
When I print out coupons, if they have a barcode, it always prints with them. The only problem I have ever had, is when the ink runs low, they dont scan well. And it isnt always to the low level where I would think it is low, just enough to have an altered...


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Getting My TWIC Card? This site should help you with that. Best of luck to you!


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Buy Now, Pay Later Websites?
You can also try Ginnys, which has several other family websites and catalogs, and generally offers credit with installment payments. But as with Fingerhut, you can usually find much better quality, and less expensive items elsewhere. However, I have been in...


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Cornsilk Loose Facial Powder?
Go to nexttag, it is a site where you can search for a product, and find the cheapest place to purchase. It has been discontinued, so if you find some you like, I would stock up! I used to love it as well, when I was younger and had oily skin. I never did like...


Tableware set: white with red flowers and leaf spray around half of outside edge. The edges appear to be ruffled.

Determining the Value of a 1940s Tableware Set?
Go to Replacements website, and search for your pattern. Then you can see what the pieces sell for there, and it should give you an estimate of their worth. You dont have to know the name, but can usually search by a description.


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Scrambled Eggs are Watery?
What did you mix them with? If you mixed them with margarine, diet margarine, or squeeze butter, the water in those will leach out and make the eggs watery. Or maybe they are just not cooked long enough.



George, Pomeranian Shih Tzu, Laying on bed

George (Pomeranian Shih Tzu)
Sweet looking baby!


Pillow sham draped over the back of the couch

Place Ice Bag in Pillow Sham
What a great idea! Thanks so much for sharing. I have oodles of shams, but never thought to use it for that. Always try a towel, and it always falls out.


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Using the Dishwasher as a Drying Rack?
I have a small dish rack that I keep in one side of my double sink. I know that rack-less kitchens look nice, but I am not into that. My house is what I like to call natural, I suppose if I were trying to sell it, like another poster said, that I would do that...


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Using Leftover Candle Wax?
I received a large warmer that uses a light bulb to warm the wax that you get from the same company. It usually costs too much for me, so I have started using my candle stubs, and the leftovers in the bottom of glass jars that are too low to burn. It works...


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Organizing Photos and Keepsakes?
You can purchase ready made photo boxes at most dollar stores, or make your own from shoe boxes covered with nice paper of your choice, to match your decor. Then you can make dividers if you want, out of manilla folders, cut to fit the boxes, and leaving a...


Tucker the Dog Laying on a Couch

Tucker (Aussie)
What a beautiful baby! Ours died this year. He had tumors, but lived to be 14. He was a great pet, and a wonderful herd dog as well! Enjoy your new baby - love his blue eye!


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Homemade Product for Dusting Wood? You can try some of the recipes here. Good luck to you!


Black Pomeranian on Blue Rug

Dallas (Pomeranian)
What a little happy, frisky looking pup!


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Getting Rid of Mildew in a Closet?
Finding and fixing the root cause of the moisture is the only real way to stop it. Temporarily, you can mix a cleaning solution of one cup of bleach to one gallon of hot water, and wearing gloves, apply the mixture to the closet surface with a sponge, and allow...


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Treating a Finch with a Deformed Beak?
Dont know much about birds, had a chicken with a malformed beak, but she was still able to eat and drink, so we didnt worry with it. As long as your bird can eat and drink, it should be fine, otherwise, I would try a vet, you may want to call first, and find...


Bathroom sink and cabinet.

Removing Musty Smell in Bathroom Cabinets?
Mold can be a health hazard, causes serious allergies, illnesses, etc. You may want to have your home evaluated for why there is mold, the extent of mold, and what to do about it. For the smell, you can put bowls of charcoal in the cabinets, to absorb the odor...


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Getting Tar Off of Cars Easily?
We always use WD40 to clean off tar. Just spray, let it sit for a few minutes, and wipe with a dry cloth. Dont spray while the auto is in the sun.



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Treating a Dog with Allergies?
Depending on where you live, if there is a veterinary university nearby, they may help with taking care of your pup. Sort of like going to a hospital that is a teaching area for medical schools. Best of luck to you and your pup. Try searching online for over...


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Holes in Tee Shirts?
You didnt say where the exact same spot is. Could it be something he is sitting in or on, or leaning against, such as a desk or dinner table? Is he playing video games? It may be the controller for the game. Hope you find the answer.


Closeup of Salt and Pepper Cats Sleeping on Leopard Print Blanket

Salt and Pepper (Cats)
How precious, both of your twin babies!


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Looking For Women's Sketcher's Sport Style Shoes?
There is usually a model number on athletic shoes, either printed inside, or under the tongue. Look to see if you can still read it, and search for the Sketchers brand with that number. You may be able to find it that way. Companies discontinue styles often...


Tuna Noodle Casserole Recipe?
I always used my motherr recipe, feel free to add or change any of the ingredients. One box of mac and cheese, one can of cream of chicken soup, 2 cans tuna (drained well), one can peas with carrots (drained well), salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder...


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Killing Weeds Growing in Pampas Grass?
Every year in the fall, my father-in-law would burn the pampas grass, which kills the weeds, and helped ours to grow back bigger and thicker.


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Storing Pet Food
Great ideas! I especially like that one about the ice cream buckets. I havent had any in a long time, since the kids left, as we dont eat that much ice cream, but those buckets are great for so many things.


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Looking for Grants for Heath Care Costs Not Paid By Medicare?
You could also check at whatever hospital your mom does business with. Sometimes the Social Workers, or Case Managers will help people with programs such as those, even if they are not current patients. That is how I found out that my mom qualified for a certain...


Redish Pomeranian on floating tube in swimming pool

Kara (Mini Pomeranian)
I am sorry to hear about your babys throat, but she sure is a beauty!


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Cleaning Burners on a Gas Stove?
If yours are the removable metal kind, see if you can google your stove brand, to find the manufacturer site, for recommended cleaning. Mine are like cast iron, but dont rust, so I either put them in the dishwasher, or spray with oven cleaner, then scrub with...


Household Uses for Borax and Washing Soda?
You can search for uses for borax, and come up with tons of sites with lots of ideas. Good luck to you!


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Cleaning Musty Smelling Dresser Drawers?
Charcoal, dryer sheets, baking soda, and good old free sunlight work. But like the other poster, just dont put your clothes in there. Best of luck to you on your trip!



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Goat's Milk for Children with Autism?
You can try the store bought type, or advertise in your local paper, or in your states department of Agricultures paper. Most states have a flyer put out monthly by the Dept of Ag, you can usually find it online. This is where farmers sell their things, and...


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Painting Plastic Bottles to Reuse?
Good luck getting the kids to reuse them. I always tried that with glasses at home with the kids, and still ended up with a sink full of dirties. Till I started making them do the dishes! But I do hope that you find a great idea for your gathering, and hope...


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What is Killing Our Cats?
Are you sure that no neighbors are poisoning the cats? It isnt unusual for an animal to go to water when they have been poisoned. I am hoping not, but that has been the case in our parish in the past few years.


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What to Do If You Find a Stray Dog?
Is there an animal shelter in your area that you can bring them to? You could try calling your sheriffs dept and seeing if they have animal control to pick them up. People will drop unwanted animals off in the country when they no longer want responsibility...


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Cleaning Interior of a Car?
Clean it first with Murphys Oil soap, or store brand equivalent, in water, with a soft cloth. Allow it to dry, then go over with the furniture polish, spray the polish on the rag, instead of the surface.


Remedies for Dark Oily Skin?
As far as lightening, I dont know much about that. For the oiliness, you can swab it daily with witch hazel, then dab on milk of magnesia, let it dry, and rinse off with cool water. Doing that daily will help with oil control.


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Small White Head on Finger?
That isnt really a whitehead. It is actually an infection, may even be a small ingrown nail. You can try warm soaks with epsom salt, to help draw it out. If it continues to get worse, you will need to see your doctor, he may lance it and drain it if it is bad...


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Substitute for Skin So Soft Gel?
I have seen creamy petroleum jelly and baby oil gel at most Dollar Stores, and Everythings a Dollar type stores. They dont have the great scent of the SSS gel, but works well. I use the creamy petroleum jelly after washing dishes, it is mostly scent free.


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Removing Mold in Pop Trailer?
The mold is due to a moisture problem somewhere, a leak, or even just interior condensation. I always clean and treat mold with a bleach and water mixture. You need to wear gloves if applying it with a sponge, or get a cheap sponge mop, and just mop a light...


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Dead Yellow Jackets as a Protein Source for Chickens? Both of these sites discuss this topic, including how to make a feeder/trap for yellow jackets, apparently these are a good source of protein for chickens.


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Treating a Child's Cough and Congestion?
If he has had a cough for more than a week, he really needs to see his doctor. He may have seasonal allergies that need certain medication, or could be something worse. If it has only been a day or two, try over the counter Robitussin DM for children. It has...


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How is Mange Transmitted from Dogs to Humans?
It is spread by direct contact. I had gotten it on my hands, when I was a teen, from my mothers dogs. You can try wearing gloves while you are there, and watching for any signs of itching. If any starts, see your doctor right away.


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Freezing or Preserving Eggplants?
My friend would peel, chop, and boil the eggplant until done, then strain well, and freeze in quart size bags. They use it in place of bread cubes for stuffing type mixes, and instead of rice or noodles in casseroles. She says that you can thaw it, drain it...


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Removing Hair Dye Stains on Nails?
Try scrubbing hands with a thick paste of baking soda and water, then putting a thick coating of petroleum jelly, leaving it on for a few minutes, then scrubbing with an old toothbrush or nail brush.


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Shopping for Sea Breeze Astringent?
Sea Breeze is a skin astringent, makes the skin tingle when applied. You should be able to find it near the acne care products.


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Making Snack Bowls From Old Record Albums? Gives good directions for just how to do that. Good luck with your project, sounds like it will be great!


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Getting Rid of the Urine Smell from My Toilet?
If you have tried cleaning, the most likely problem is the wax seal under the toilet, they can develop gaps, and allow liquid to seep down under and into the flooring. The ehow site rec. by MCW should help you with replacing that. Best of luck to you!


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Home Remedy for a Dog with a Spider Bite?
If the dog isnt having an allergic reaction, a spider bite will usually end up similar to a boil, causing skin infection and local swelling. You can continue the Benadryl, and keep the site clean and dry. You can try applying antibiotic ointment 3 times a day...


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Repairing a Peeling Vinyl Recliner?
I would just either make a cover for it, or use an old bedspread, or one from a garage sale that you like. You can either throw it over the chair, or make it more fitted by using rubber bands or hair elastics to gather the fabric at the corners under the legs...


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Removing Cigarette Smoke Odor on House Walls?
Our first home was a used trailer, and had the same problem! Even the inside of the fridge was covered in oily yellow cigarette film. I used the dollar stores brand of Murphys Oil Soap, mixed up in a bucket of hot water, and used a sponge mop to wash the walls...


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Looking for a Good Dispenser for Baby Oil?
You could also try the fillable ketchup or mustard bottles from the dollar stores for the oil, just be sure to label them.


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Can My Son Receive SSI?
You can contact the Social Security Administration (there should be one listed in your local phone book), or check online. SSI is for people who are disabled, you are needing to ask about survivors/dependents benefits.


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How Can I Get Coupons in the Mail?
Go to the websites of your favorite products, and some allow you to sign up for mailed promotions. You can also write letters to the same companies, telling about how much you like a product, and they usually send something back, even if it is only one time...


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How To Make Your Own Coffee Single Bags?
You could also try the same method, but using muslin fabric, which is normally about a dollar a yard, or any type of thin fabric, just wash it first before using.


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Infant and Toddler Remedies for Colds and Coughs?
Sometimes a pharmacist will help with questions such as that, doesnt hurt to ask.


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Repairing Versus Replacing Appliances?
You can always get an estimate first, our appliance repair man is always helpful, as he has worked on my washer and fridge twice each. The last time for each, he said he wouldnt recommend more than 2 repairs, then get a new or good used replacement. I always...


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Finding a Lost Relative?
The Salvation Army helps to find lost relatives. We have been contacted by them twice, looking for a man with the same name as my husband, but the one they were trying to find was much older.


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Homemade Corn Relish is Hard and Chewy?
If you are using fresh corn on the cob, is it coming from your garden, or the grocer? If from your garden or someone elses, it may be field corn, which is usually fed to animals, instead of sweet corn, field corn is perfectly edible, but the kernels are tougher...


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Best Frozen Meals for Losing Weight?
The best thing to do if you must buy meals is to find Lean Cuisine and similar meals on sale, our stores usually cycle those through every 6 weeks, but have limited choice of meals, with the sale price being 3 for $5. Our local super-center has their brand...


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Home Remedy for Flies?
One part liquid dish soap, one part white vinegar, and 3 parts water in a spray bottle, shake slightly to mix, and spray on surfaces outside, such as the doors, outer walls, etc to keep flies from hanging around.


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Growing Corn From Seed?
My husband always uses an old saying plant corn when the oak leaves are as big as a squirrels ear. It is always funny to hear him say it, but it seems to work.


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How Do I Clean Spit Off of Walls?
The best cleaner for any body fluid is diluted bleach with water. Wear rubber gloves, and use old towels to wipe down the walls, then let them air dry. Dispose of the dirty towels in the garbage.


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Where Can I Find a Growing Guide for Vegetables in My Area?
Hope you have found the info you needed. Our local farm and garden store offers a free listing to customers, that is specific to our area. Good luck with your garden!


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Deterrent for Snakes?
You can also try the moth ball crystals to sprinkle around.


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Remedy for Sinuses That Clog Up When Lying Down?
Afrin and Dristan sprays when used more than a day or two can result in rebound nasal congestion when you stop using them. The spray that I use is more expensive, but works wonderfully well. It is Nasal Crom, and it $7-$14, depending on the size. It contains...


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How Can I Get Coupons for Meat?
I dont know if you have any in your area, but look for a meat processing plant, we have several in our area where you can have a deer, beef, or hog processes. These places also sell meat, sometimes in bulk, but usually much fresher and better tasting than anything...


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Homemade Ear Wash for Dogs?
You could also try a mix of witch hazel and water for an ear wash.


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Uses for Expired Grapeseed Oil?
If you have dry hair, and the oil does not have an off smell, you could rub a little in your hands, and rub into the hair, for shine and moisture. Some of the brands of hair oil used in the same way are very expensive.


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Baby Shampoo for Woolens
Baby shampoo is also great to wash your makeup brushes in!


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Homemade Nail Buffing Cream?
A little bit of baking soda makes a great buffer.


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Making Infant Dresses?
There are very pretty baby dresses that can be made from pillow cases. If you are good at sewing, just look up pillowcase dresses, and it looks to be easy to copy.


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What Are the Disadvantages of Using Store Brands?
I try to use store brands for most things. Only rarely have I found something I didnt like. I remember once hubby complained about a cheaper brand of green beans, the beans were cut extra short, and had a lot of stems left in there. You just have to try them...


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Using King Size Comforter on Queen Bed?
I have a king size bed, and that is my main complaint about them. They only fit just a little past the top of the mattress! I use Queen size blankets, comforter on the guest bedroom double-bed, and they fit much better. I am sure that a king comforter on a...


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Changing Hair Color from Dark to Light?
I have naturally dark brown hair with red tones, and it never mattered if I did it myself, or had it professionally done, but there was always that brassy undertone, so I decided to just go lighter on the brown, and have been much happier. Trying the blonde...


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Getting Food and Utilities Help in Georgia?
We have a place called the Pine Belt Agency. Not sure if it is in other states, but you could try to look it up. They provide assistance with various things, and if they cant, they can usually find out who does.


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Packed Lunch Ideas?
This is a variation of a sandwich, but my hubby likes it, toasted frozen waffles, spread with peanut butter. Dot one side with raisins, and put apple slices in the middle. He also likes homemade tuna or chicken salad, and I send big leaves of lettuce, then...


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Use Newborn Diapers for Swiffer Pad
Our local Walgreens has their brand of Swiffer Wet Jet pads, 2 packs for $6.99. They work just as well.


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Musty Smell on Laundered Towels and Wash Cloths?
Ours does that from time to time, hubby says it is because all of the detergent, and some water doesnt sling out in the spin, sits in the washer, and gets musty smelling. The baking soda and vinegar worked well for us, as well reducing the number of towels...


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Cleaning a Laptop Screen?
A chalk board eraser works on my desk top screen--not sure if laptops are diff materials.


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Cleaning Soap Scum on Shower Doors?
When our home was new, the instructions for the tub and shower said to apply automotive wax to the sides and glass doors, but not to the bottoms, of the shower and tub, to help keep soap scum from forming. It could probably be done after the glass is cleaned...


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Organizing Clothes That Can Be Worn Again Before Washing?
If you have a covered porch, you could put it on the coat hanger, and hang outside where it could get the sun and fresh air. That is what I do to hubbys hunting clothes that he doesnt want washed just yet.


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Save Money By Shopping Online
That is great advice! We live in a rural area, and even though we have 2 grocery stores, and now a super-center, there are still many things that is cheaper to order online, than try driving all over, or to the next towns, to try to find.


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Saving Herbs and Spices?
I hardly ever have any that are grown at home. When I have to buy some for use in a recipe, I take the rest, chop up finely, and put into an old ice tray, fill the cubes with water, then freeze. Then pop them out into a freezer bag, and be sure to label with...


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Discouraging Spider Bites?
Are you sure that you are getting bitten by spiders? are they abscesses/boils instead? It is more common for people to have repeat abscesses/boils than repeat spider bites.


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What Can I Use to Practice Nail Art?
I like the idea also of the fake nails, you could get several packs from the everythings a dollar type stores. You could even glue them onto straws, or onto the edge of an old book, for practice. Best of luck to you! I admire the painted designs I see on nails...


Dog With Arthritis?
My vet always said that aspirin only should be given, if not the prescription dog medications, and not Tylenol to dogs. I gave my adult 75 pound dog 2 baby aspirins daily. You can do a search online for glucosamine, chondroitin dog supplements, and see what...


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How Much is a Stick of Butter?
Do you have any way to verify that it means to take 6 sticks of butter, and whip them? That is how I read it. I often write recipes for family, and try to add notes for situations such as that, where I know what I mean, but it may not be a standard recipe instruction...


Molly (Dachshund)

Molly (Dachshund)
She is a beautiful girl! I have a pic of my Lenard somewhere on here, he is a black and tan dapple mini Dachshund. Give her a big kiss from myself and Lenard!


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Protecting a New Puppy from Parvo?
Home Care: The virus is extremely hardy and resistant to common household disinfectants. The exception is household bleach, a solution of one part bleach to 30 parts water for at least 10 minutes will inactivate the virus. Recovering dogs should be isolated...


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Cloudy Turtle Tank?
Are there rocks, pebbles, etc on the floor of the tank? Turtle tanks do tend to get much smellier than regular fish tanks. We used to keep alligator snapping turtles that the kids would find, until they got too big for me to clean the tanks out safely, then...


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Crafts Using Round Salt Boxes?
You could start with organization type items, by covering the box with either paper, contact paper, or fabric, and use in craft room, sewing room, or desk top for sort and store things like scissors, pens, rolls of ribbon, etc, anything that would fit. That...


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Best Material for Replacing the Subflooring in a Mobile Home?
When we redid an older mobile home, we used 3/4 inch regular plywood in the bedrooms, living room, and waterproof 3/4 inch ply in the bathrooms and kitchen. It does cost a little more, but there was already particle board there, and it was worn out and sagging...


Chicken in the yard.

Biscuit (Chicken)
She will be a pretty girl when she is grown! We only have one hen at home, and she hatched all of our turkey eggs, she looks so funny with her turkey babies that are twice her size! Poultry is such fun to raise, and watch, enjoy yours!


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Freezing and Cooking With Eggplant?
I have seen it cut into chunks, boiled with salt until almost mushy, then spread into a thin layer and put on cookie sheets to freeze. Then break up into chunks, and place into freezer bags, or vacuum bags, and freeze. Then use it as the basis for stuffing...


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Finishing Raw Carpet Edges?
How about looking in the hardware dept, for different colors of duct tape? I know it sounds weird, but it the tape matches or coordinates with the carpet, and is wide enough, you can apply it similar to wide blanket binding. Start from the back side, applying...


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Getting Rid of Fleas in Bedding?
If they are indeed actually fleas, and not bed bugs, then they are in your home, and they will continue to get in your bedding, until they are eliminated from your home. Getting rid of them depends on if you want to try all natural, home made type remedies...


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Suggestions for Hanging Kitchen Trivets?
If the trivets are like the ones I have, mine are open metal type designs, and I just put nails in the wall, then hung the trivets up that way. There are also glue on type picture frame hangers in the frame section at most discount stores, hey are a paper type...


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Stopping Nasal Drainage?
Everyone has different ideas on what works best for them. I cant use Afrin brand, and similar generics of the same medication, as it causes severe rebound congestion. One of my friends with chronic sinus problems uses the Neti-pot, that is available over the...


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Homemade Auto Glass Cleaner?
We have always used just a small amount of non-sudsing ammonia in a bucket of warm water, and a microfiber cloth to clean the windows in the autos, and home. Be sure to wear some gloves, and keep a window open for fresh air, as ammonia is irritating to most...


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Looking for Oneidacraft Forever Rose Flatware? I use this site for china that a friend collects...


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Making an Outdoor Decoration from an Old Cowboy Hat?
Have you thought about painting it inside and out with polyurethane, or even clear shellac? You can try a tiny bit of what you want to try on a small spot on the inside, maybe under the sweat band, to make sure it wont damage the hat.


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Troubleshooting the Cause of My Large Electric Bill?
One big pull on electricity is the computer/printer/modem staying plugged all the time, and the tv/vcr/dvd/etc plugged in at the living room. Even when these machines are off, if they have any glowing light on them, they are pulling electricity. The best way...


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Is Advantage Better Than Other Flea and Tick Products?
Fleas over time get adjusted and immune to certain chemicals, just like worms do. That may be why they recommend one product over another. We have had dogs for over 15 years, and first started with Happy Jack products, the had to move to prescription drops...


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Foods I Can Eat After Having My Teeth Pulled?
I am not sure if you are eventually going to get dentures. If you are, and if you have fit problems, keep on going back to the dentist, as much trouble as it may seem, until they are the right fit. My father in law never would, but he was able to eat anything...


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Need a Sweet and Sour Sauce Recipe?
I make homemade egg rolls, and usually use soy sauce in my sauce, but I am sure it could be left out. One that my husband really likes is some pineapple juice (or any type that you have on hand), seasoned rice vinegar, and brown sugar, with a little corn starch...


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Buying a GPS?
It may not be cost effective if you just need it infrequently. Have you tried searching for maps to the doctors and printing? We have the Onstar on my truck, but I always google directions first, and print them out, along with the map, to help, as sometimes...


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Using D Con Rodent Poison?
We have used all types of rodent killers over the years, and the only thing that does not cause an odor, is if they are caught in a trap and disposed of immediately. It never mattered what brand of poison we put out, if they died anywhere near the house, such...


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How Do I Wash A Feather Blanket?
I have only had feather pillows, and it takes much time for mine to dry. I always waited till it was middle summer to wash them, then hang them outside for several days, then fluff in the dryer with the tennis balls. When they are hanging outside drying, I...


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Cleaning Down Filled Pillows?
You could try hanging them outside on a good sunny day, all day long, then running through the dryer on LOW with a tennis ball or one of those laundry balls sold at stores. Just run for about 10 minutes, the refluff the feathers. If it is actually dirty, I...


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Whites Aren't White After Washing?
Sometimes if whites are not 100% cotton, they will turn dingy yellowy or gray. Chlorine bleach doesnt work, nor does hot water on these types of clothing. You can check out some of the Rit dye products that are made for whites, and a product that helps with...


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Cary's Sugar Free Maple Syrup?
Have you checked sites like Amazon? There are some products from other countries that I can order there, and maybe the reverse may be true for you. There is a certain type of Irish oatmeal that one of my sons just loves, and I order that for him from Amazon...


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Substitute for Cream Cheese in Cheesecake?
You could probably get by with either an instant, or cooked pudding that can be stored in the pantry for quite a while, but it wont have that cream cheese flavor. If you are using it in a pie, just reduce the amount of milk by 1/4 cup to make it firmer.


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Decorating a Guest Bedroom?
I let my family, in particular hubby, decide what the rest of the house is like, but once all the kids left, I use one bedroom as a guest room/sewing room. I left the walls as is, a neutral color, but the decor is more like what my grandmother had in hers, I...


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Dog Pees in House Rather Than Going Outside?
You can try using an old rag to mop up her accident, and put it outside in the yard wherever you are wanting her to go, leave it there, and start taking her out on a leash, and let her find it, and see if she will urinate on the towel. Maybe this will help...


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Dog Smells Even After a Bath?
He may have a fine undercoat that wont let him get wet to the skin (we have 2 dogs like that). The next time you bathe him, put just a very small amount of pine oil type cleaner in the tub, not more than a tablespoon, and that may help keep the odor away longer...


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Removing Body Odor from Clothing?
I agree with the poster who said to use one cup of white vinegar. I have a top loader, and not sure how well a front loader soaks, when we have smelly laundry, I fill up the washer, and put the vinegar in, then let the clothes soak over night, then spin that...


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Does Garlic Help Dog With Worms?
You can try some of the over the counter wormers, and give it according to label directions. Make sure it is safe for the pups age and weight before buying.


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Could I Have Rodents in My Mobile Home?
Keep in mind that electrical plugs can come loose after time in a mobile home, in our older home, we found that with some plugs, the screws were applied to the drywall only, not where there were studs, and these eventually wiggled loose. Yes, you could have...


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How Do I Cook Buffalo?
I have never had buffalo, but we often have deer meat, and I will cook it in the crock pot, whether it is cut into roasts or steaks, and have never had a problem with it not being tender.


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Alternative to Paper Napkins?
We have taken to using the small kitchen towels, or the guest towels in the bathroom that no one uses! Then just throw them in the wash, and use again.


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How Can I Clean a Medical Cast?
I know that they can get grubby looking, and not sure how to clean them. I would contact the staff at the office of the doctor that placed it. Otherwise, if you have enough, you can wrap the cast with ace wrap, those can be removed and washed, either tied up...


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Concerns Over the Prep for a Colonoscopy?
When I had mine, they used Go-Lytely, and it is grossly miss named! But keep in mind, that the colon has to be clean, or they wont be able to see what they are looking for. It is too expensive a procedure to have to be done another day. Stay at home, and dont...


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Something is Biting Me in My Apartment?
Bed bugs should leave tiny red marks on the sheets, where they excrete blood as they bite during the night. It could be fleas, if the previous owner had pets. You can try putting one of the sticky glue mouse traps out under the edge of the couch, while you...


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What are the Differences Between Standard and Miniature Dachshunds?
According to the info we got from the AKC website (this is where my dog is registered) there are no differences other than size. I dont know if you have one, but several people in our area have bought Miniature Dachshunds that they found online, or at larger...


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My Dog Will Only Eat Chicken?
My sister in law started making her own dog food after the recent contamination of some dog foods. She boils chicken, either whole or parts, or whatever is on sale that week, removing the meat from the bones. Then she mixes it with cooked rice and mixed vegetables...


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Making a Very Simple Quilt?
I am not sure that I understand what you mean. If you mean making a top with squares, and a back with the fabric, and no batting between, I wouldnt call that a quilt, maybe a coverlet or throw would be better. I dont see why it is not a legitimate craft, since...


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Printable Monthly Planner?


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Cat Has Worms That Won't Go Away?
The only thing that has worked at our house for fleas are the Comfortis tablets from the vets, which are $6-14 each per month. As for the worms, they may be immune to the type of dewormer you use, or they arent they type of worms you think they are. Be to try...


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Car Parking and Tail Lights Don't Work?
Start by checking to see if they need new bulbs, also check at Auto Zone, they do many things without charge. Not knowing how old the car is, it may be easier if it is an older model to check, hope you can get them working again soon!


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Using Oil Diffusers?
I have never had much luck with those, the scent only stays a few feet around the diffuser. I do live down a dirt road, and that tends to make the whole house smell like dirt and dust. The best thing that I have used are the Lampe Berger type lamps and the...


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Weight Loss Surgery?
Please join a support group, or find one online, maybe where you can chat with others that have had it done. I know of some people that have had a horrible time post surgery, and had difficulty adjusting to life, and others that did fine, but gained a lot of...


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When Should You Replace a Washer and Dryer?
Newer models will be more energy efficient than the ones you have now, but if they are working and not causing a problem, then I would keep them. You could contact local repair businesses, and see if they have second hand appliances that they sell, when you...


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I Can't Afford School Clothes?
I see that you have already gotten several great replies. I agree with the answer to ask at local churches, even if you dont attend. Several of the churches in our area help out children during school time, and many of the residents donate money, clothes, school...


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Dealing With Frizzy Hair?
I dont have curly hair, but mine is coarse textured, and can get frizzy. I like the Biosilk brand of hair oil, just a few drops rubbed between the palms, and then over the top of dry hair, or worked through damp hair helps. It can be expensive, but salons that...


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Cleaning Dirty Work Clothing?
I always use Simple Green spray for laundry like that. My husband drives a log truck, and has to do alot of his own maintenance on it. If they are bad enough, I will put them in a 5 gallon bucket on the porch after spraying the worst spots, fill it up with...


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Older Home Has Musty Smelling Closets?
If you have already checked, and found that there are no leaks or moisture problems that require fixing, then try putting some charcoal in a plastic bowl or basket, and leaving it in the closets. Of course, if there is any carpeting inside the closets, you...


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Cooking for an Elderly Person?
With no gallbladder, just take care that he doesnt eat anything too greasy, as that can cause diarrhea. You could make him a nice roast in the crockpot, as they always make any cuts of meats fork tender, and easy enough to eat even if you have no teeth or dentures...


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Keeping Snakes Away from a House?
My mother in law swears by moth balls, but then as foxrun said, she also does all of the other things as well. We use a product called Snake A Way, as we have several turkey hens, and it works to keep them out of the nests and the coops where we keep the baby...


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Recipe for Lunch Meat Casserole?
I would try just about any casserole, especially the ones that ask for bacon or ham. Hash Brown casserole would be great with that, it usually doesnt call for meat (basic recipe includes a bag of frozen hashbrown potatoes, cheese, etc, with a cereal topping...


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Reconstituting Dried Gel Eyeliner?
I would take it back where I bought it from, I wouldnt want to put that on my eyes, even if you got it softened.


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Buying Alba 77?
Go to, you can order the powder mix there, it says 70 calories per serving. Best of luck to you!


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What Type of Doctor to See for Muscle Spasms?
Start with a general practitioner, they will ask detailed questions about what is going on with you, may even refer to an orthopedic or neurologist, depending on your particular situation


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Travel with Medications in Original Containers
That is very good advice! I would like to add, to please dont bring those with you to the ER, and show the nurse, saying this is what I take, a pharmacist would have a hard time deciphering what everything is! Thanks for the heads up, nothing ruins a vacation...


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Remedy for Small Bumps on Face and Corner of Mouth?
What size and color are the bumps? my sons used to get their worst acne spots in that same place---both pimples that seemed to not want to come to the surface, and blackheads, especially on the borders of the lips, and the areas just in the corners of the lips...


Tan and dark brown Pit looking puppy.

What Breed is My Dog?
What a cutie! We had one that looked similar, and the parents were both what we call here, striped cur dogs, with one of the grandparent being a pit, great family dog!


Can You Cross Breed a Dachshund with a Pit Bull?
Just about any dog can be bred with another, may not be a good idea. I saw an ad recently for Dachshund/Labrador mix dogs.


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Shopping for Salt Shaker Stopper Replacements?
You can also try some of the pink rubber erasers, they will just have to be cut down to fit into the hole.


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Flea Deterrent Using Citrus and Murphy's Oil Soap?
I tried just about every home remedy and store bought remedy for fleas that there is. We have several outside dogs, and one inside, the fleas were about to tote us off! We even tried the drops applied to the back, both over the counter and the ones from the...


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Skin Lightening Products?
Another brand avail at most stores is Porcelana, but I agree with jacketbacker, that the Avon Banishing Cream is the best over the counter. Regular price is $8.50, but is currently on sale at for $3.99. You can also call 1-800-ForAvon to find a...


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Soap Does Not Dissolve in Dishwasher?
The water in the washer may not be getting hot enough to dissolve the granules. You can try the gel or liquid dishwasher detergents, and see if that works any better.


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Home Remedy for Worming Dogs?
We have 8 dogs, most of them working dogs, and I do most of the medicating myself. It depends on the type of worms they have. I use Pyrantel liquid wormer. It is available at Walmart in a small size, and at most feed stores in a larger bottle. Just follow the...


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Finding Someone to Make a Memorial Quilt?
You can check out your County Agent office, most of those have offices for 4H clubs, and homemaker clubs as well, and may be able to set you up with someone reliable.


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Cucumber Recipes?
Our local Oriental restaurant makes cucumber Kim-Chee, very delicious! There are several recipes online, just pick whichever one is easiest.


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Lowering Blood Sugar Quickly?
I dont know what range of drop you are wanting to do, or how quickly, but for patients that are hospitalized with extremely high sugar, it is dangerous to drop it too quickly. You definitely need to be talking to your doctor about this subject.


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Remedies for Age Spots?
You can try any type of over the counter fade cream, but it will take time, and will not be as effective as a prescription. He also needs to be wearing a strong sunblock on his arms and hands, to prevent worsening, or new ones from forming.


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