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104 Posts | 175 Comments | Active Since 2008
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An apron stocked with helpful household tools.

Keep Apron Stocked for Household Projects
Sandi, Great tip. Ive been doing this for years. Especially when I watch my grandkids. Since you cant take your eyes off little ones, I would keep all my essentials in the pockets of my aprons. No more having to run to this room or that, or wondering where...


The start of a latchhook rug on a canvas

Frugal Scrap Rug
How are you attaching the yarn bits?


Morning glory enveloping porch light with purple blooms.

Morning Glory Vine
Robin, youre so right. One pack of seeds can last a lifetime. I always save lots of seeds from my vines to plant where I really want them, knowing that plenty will come up where I never expected. This particular vine had the largest leaves Id ever seen on a...


Morning glory enveloping porch light with purple blooms.

Morning Glory Vine
Sorry Robyn, I see now you spell your name with a Y. :)


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Raw Potato For Healthy Skin
Does it matter what kind of potato?


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Crafts Using Styrofoam Trays?
I only use the white meat trays that are fairly clean to begin with--its impossible to have no meat juices on them, so I wash well w/ soap and hot water. Then my grandkids and I use them for home-made shrinky dink material. I usually end up experimenting w...


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Crafts Using Styrofoam Trays?
To Arentwetho, Neat idea. My grandsons are into friendship bracelets right now and your idea would be great. We use the stretchy cord so they are easy to get on and off the wrist. I bet the punching process is part of the fun. radioflyer (aka ~gloria)


Distant photo showing height.

What is This Plant? (Giant Ragweed)
To Elaine, Youre right, the leaves are similar to the ones at the website you suggested, but my plant does not have purple stems and is much taller, less bushy than this one. Im not sure the plant in your photo would grow in NY, I think it was a southern grown...


Distant photo showing height.

What is This Plant? (Giant Ragweed)
To Blane, Where is around here? Maybe I could find a book on weeds of your area. Thanks for your reply. ~gloria


Distant photo showing height.

What is This Plant? (Giant Ragweed)
To burksandy, If I ever find out, Ill post a new photo with the name. Thanks, ~gloria


Distant photo showing height.

What is This Plant? (Giant Ragweed)
To Leslee, We had a royal battle with hogweed once and this is different. If you could see how the leaves of this plant form inside one another youd be able to see the difference. But yes, the shape of the leaves is similar but not the same. Thank you for the...


Distant photo showing height.

What is This Plant? (Giant Ragweed)
Thank you suzy, Ill keep an eye open for those clusters.



Distant photo showing height.

What is This Plant? (Giant Ragweed)
Ha!! Finally. I know what it is. I let this monster grow, but it never did bloom. I figured I could I.D. it by the flowers, but nada. Nothing. Just kept getting taller. As of clip time today, it was 6.5 feet tall. Yikes. A botany professor identified it for...


Squirrels on the birdfeeder

Birdbath Visitors
Im a squirrel-watcher (might as well be, theyre going to eat all the bird seed anyway) and this is the best squirrel pic Ive ever seen. I love it. Great shot. Hope you get your rain...and some for us here in NY.


Vintage mirrors on shelf

Decorate With Vintage Mirrors
Thanks everyone for your kind words.


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Spray for Flying Insects
Brilliant! Im always doing battle with some kind of bug in my old house. Lately its spiders on the ceiling where I cant reach them (and usually at bedtime, eewww). Do you think this would work with spiders? Im always afraid Ill knock them off the ceiling and...


Purple plant with pink flowers

What is This Plant?
I cant tell for sure without seeing the leaves better. But it could be pentsemon/pentsamon. Google and compare.


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Squirrels vs. Container Garden Veggies?
I had the same prob. every year with squirrels and chipmunks in my container gardens, pots and even in the flower beds. They use to dig and eat my seeds as fast as I could plant them. Now I cover the area where the seeds are planted with a black plastic mesh...


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Raised Beds Using Cardboard Boxes
Im going to try cardboard boxes, too. But I think I will reinforce them with bands of duct tape, or possibly metal strapping, at least two bands around each box. Growing season here in NY is very short, so I think they will hold up that long. Ill still do a...


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Raised Beds Using Cardboard Boxes
This season, I will be using feed sacks and old wicker laundry baskets to plant potatoes. Got the idea from who plants hers in bushel baskets. Anything will do, apparently, if the sides are high enough for continuous hilling-up. Also...


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Treating a Child with Constipation?
My twins pediatrician told us to put a tsp. of Karo syrup in their bottles when feeding formula. I did not use formula with iron, this will constipate even more. The Karo was a miracle for us. Natural and easy. Call your doc and ask if this is a good idea for...


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Removing Black Mold from Window Sills?
Ive read that its dangerous to use bleach on black mold.


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Removing Black Mold from Window Sills?
Thanks everyone whos commented so far. Dee, what is the ratio of vinegar to water? Or do I spray it on undiluted? Do I have to rinse it off? Thank you, ~gloria


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Removing Black Mold from Window Sills?
Thanks everyone whos commented so far. Dee, what is the ratio of vinegar to water? Or do I spray it on undiluted? Do I have to rinse it off? Thank you, ~gloria



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Using French Fries in Hashbrown Casserole?
Coll3, This seems like a long time and a high temp. to cook meat that is already browned. Do you mean for the meat to be completely cooked through before going into the oven or just a quick browning but still not cooked all the way? Thanks, ~gloria


cooking pot as hose hanger

Use a Pot as Hose Hanger
I love it. Inventive, useful. And whats wrong with a little exploding dumpster look, as suggested? Ive found some great stuff in dumpsters and saved it from the landfill. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I think our creative friend should be proud to...


Rug made from white bedspread.

Recycled Bedspread Rug
Ive tried this a couple times and cant seem to get it to lie flat. It wants to cup up. Do you have any suggestions to remedy this problem? Yours is beautiful.


Limb pen holder.

Useful Items From Tree Limbs
Just thought Id pass this on. You probably know that oleander is very poisonous. The flowers, leaves, stems, twigs, etc., eaten or the smoke from burning. I would not use oleander for craft projects or suggest to others to do so. Safety first. Yikes!! I sound...


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Deer and Rabbit Deterrent
Im about ready to try anything. Last winter, a nest of bunnies holed up under the ladys mantle plant in my garden then proceeded to devour two large burning bushes. They started at the bottom where I couldnt see and completely girdled both bushes, killing them...


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Bending Silverware for Crafts?
For my bent silverware that I glue onto glass butter dish (see on Thriftyfun), I simply used my hands to bend into the shape I wanted and that fit the top. More modern flatware can be harder to bend than the old silver stuff. Ive never used heat with any of...


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Buying Bear's Britches Seeds?
I grow them, but Im not sure how to collect the seeds. I could try to save you some. contact me at cheesyflasouvenir AT


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Thrifty Bird Suet Cage Cover
Could you post a photo. Im having a hard time picturing this in my mind. Thanks.


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Trash Bag Bird Bath
I like this idea. Thanks for posting. Do you dig a little hollow first before you lay the plastic down? Seems like that would give it a bit of stability and a bit of depth. I do something similar by putting large rocks in the garden that have natural hollows...


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Making a 3-D Whale?
If you dont mind a little mess, what about paper mache? You could use an inflated balloon for the shape, wrapping the pasty newspaper strips around it, then popping the balloon inside carefully when its dry. (You can get lots of paper mache recipes on the internet...


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Use Masking Tape to Make Seed Tapes
You dont have to worry about lead in pencils. They are made with graphite now. But good idea anyway. gloria


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Making a Camera Ornament?
Thanks Cyinda, I hadnt thought about paper clay and fimo, I was thinking more along the lines of a soft sculpture, maybe out of felt. But I will definitely give the fimo some serious consideration. I have a pretty good supply of that. I think I would have to...



Dutch Bunny
Yikes! I should have mentioned that you must use an iron skillet. No melt-able parts. Or use an equivalent baking dish. So sorry. ~gloria


Dutch Bunny
Yikes! I should have mentioned that you must use an iron skillet. No melt-able parts. Or use an equivalent baking dish. So sorry. ~gloria


Dutch Bunny
Kaelle, Isnt it funny how there are so many names for this? Oooh, jam sounds wonderful. And yes, a more shallow dish or pan allows for the batter to puff up better. My iron skillet is just right, but a deep dish pie pan would probably work. But dont forget...


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Easy Grow Potatoes In Boxes
For a great tutorial about growing potatoes in bushel baskets (or any container really), check out the blog The Art of Doing Stuff. Just type growing potatoes in the search box on the blog to find the right post. I did this last year with great success. I planted...


Finger drum made from a roll of tape with decorative designs on the "drumskin".

Tape Roll Finger Drum
Ok, first, love the idea. Second, couldnt you use stronger paper to make it more durable, or would that mess with the sound? Three, and most important, how DO they sound? Also, love that you use the phrase, work a treat. ~gloria upstate NY


Polka dot fleece socks.

Simple Fleece Socks
Who knew socks could be so easy. Thanks, Stella.


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Memory Trick For Medications
Ha! Great minds think alike. I do the same thing.



Growing Garlic
Weve had such a mild winter here in w. NY that my fall-planted bulbs sprouted in Nov. and have grown slowly all winter long. Weird year. Im looking forward to seeing how they do until harvest time, wondering if the early start will give them a jump on when...


Photo of a denim purse.

Denim Pocket Purse
Hah! Good tip. Good pun, purse-onality.


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Making Pantry Soup
Thanks for the reminder of this easy and inexpensive meal. Every time you brown meat of any kind, put a little bit in the freezer. Then when you make your pantry soup, you can add the browned meat and add a little more protein and heartiness to the pot.


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Castor Bean Plants are Dangerous
Melmarr, You can get dozens of pics if you google it, but it looks like a cross between a pot plant and Russian hogweed if youve ever seen either of those. I grew up in Florida and its a wonder any of us kids ever survived because we had castor bean plants...


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Non-Greasy Fried Fish
I make my own panko by crushing saltines in a plastic bag, then toasting in a frying pan with a little butter (or Smart Balance for less fat). I use it to top off dishes like home made mac and cheese and other casseroles that get baked. You get a nice crunchy...


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Reusing Old, Broken Speakers
Who knew there were magnets in speakers? Good to know. And I like that you kept the speaker out of the landfill.


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