
Janice C.

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17 Posts | 709 Comments | Active Since 2006
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Pattern For Block Knit Vest?
Grace, you can get good free patterns at the Joann Fabric store website and the Lion Brands yarn website. Google will find them for you. Good luck.


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Weeds From Neighbor's Property?
You might ask the city dept. of public works for some advice. I imagine this is not an uncommon problem this time of year. Too bad you cant talk to your neighbors about it. Maybe theres a neighbor they will listen to - an intermediary? Its important to be nice...


Zhen's Rattle Cube

Zhen's Rattle Cube
Its a beautiful design and a wonderful keepsake.


black pug

In Memory of Diesel
I am so sorry for your loss. Diesel looks like a real buddy, a dog you could tell all your secrets to. Your son has a lot of artistic talent and I hope he keeps at it. Its a remarkable drawing and Ill bet everyone says it looks just like Diesel.


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Waffles for Grilled Sandwiches
Good idea, Bobbie, especially in the summer when its too hot to cook for more than a few minutes.


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Frugal Ideas For Women's Salons
The local technical school here has a barber/cosmetology dept. and the services are free. Its a good deal if you dont mind a student practicing on your hair and nails. Ive seen some of their work and it looks professionally done.


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"The Vial Of Life" For Emergency Information
This is a great idea, and I agree - no SS number. EMTs need this info ASAP to save your life.


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"The Vial Of Life" For Emergency Information
This is a great idea, and I agree - no SS number. EMTs need this info ASAP to save your life. And if you dont take any prescription drugs, Id put that info in a container, so they know that too.


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AOL Email Reviews?
Ive had free AOL email for almost a year, switched over from a paid subscription, and havent had any trouble with it. I use the AOL home page as my home page. The unlimited email storage and free security monitor I like a lot.


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Keeping Cat Hair Off Black Clothing?
Put on a pair of rubber gloves and brush the fabric. It will take off the lint and animal hair.


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Cigarette Smoke Coming From My Neighbor's Yard?
You can set up a fan in one window, close the other windows, and blow the bad air out of your house. This works quite well, especially if you open a window on the opposite side of the house so the air comes in one side and goes out the other. You could add...


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Listening Suggestions For Online Radio Shows?
I think has radio progams. Their website has enormous variety.



Tracy's Delphiniums
Tracy, your flowers are very beautiful. Thanks for the great photo. It brightened my day.


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Window Treatment Ideas For French Doors?
Ive seen rolls of darkened plastic that you can see through only one way, at Menards, if you have one in your area. You cut it to your window size and I believe its removable too.


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How Should I Pay For My Child's College?
Dont forget the Peace Corps. If you join and serve 2 years in a foreign country, your loan repayments are suspended during that time.


Picture of Our New Pond
What a beautiful pond. And a lovely heart shape. Nice project for your mom and you. She must be very proud of you.


Tranquil Place
Great photos. Our Wisconsin birds have had to learn to survive a lot of human development - loss of habitat, lawn chemicals, power lines, traffic, pollution - all the accoutrements of civilization. In June I was surprised to see 6 ducklings walking single file...


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New Clothes For Stuffed Animals?
Those of us who watch Antiques Roadshow know you shouldnt try to fix up a possible antique before you get a professional opinion on its value as is. If the toy is old and/or collectible, it might be worth more just the way it is. Just a thought.


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Ideas For Leftover Patches?
I like Mackenzies and Brynnas idea of a quilt, and I think denim would look great.


Double delight rose.

My "Moon-Kissed" Double Delight Rose
Absolutely gorgeous photos. Thank you so much for brightening my day.


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Use A Teapot Instead Of A Soap Dispenser
Very pretty idea. Just so nobody tries to pour tea from this teapot!


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Painting Advice For Jewel Tone Living Room?
Gold sounds nice. And maybe do something geometric with the jewel-tone colors, like a narrow stripe of each around the top of the walls, or a jagged stripe on one wall, something that would bring the whole room together.


Flower "Bed" That's Different

Flower "Bed" That's Different
This is just beautiful. I love flowers and wrought iron and old stuff recycled and reincarnated. This is just lovely. How nice that you put it in the front yard so others can enjoy it too.



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Make Sure A Gift Of Wine Will Be Appreciated
You need a friend/neighbor who loves wine, and who will trade you for something youd like. People are very practical about gifts these days - we Americans have so much stuff that weve got to pass along what we wont enjoy or our houses and garages will overflow...


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Look For Giveaway Dishes For Food Gifts
What a generous, loving thing to do, and what a lovely poem to add to the plate. I think some of us might be interested in your rum cake recipe, if youre willing to share that too.


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Rescued Dog Won't Go Potty?
Kathys advice sounds good. No dog can resist a good walk. Hell get the idea. And youre wonderful to adopt your little guy.


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The Gift Of Tea
What a wonderful gift. At Christmas I got a container of different flavored tea bags from a sweet, generous neighbor. I stretched them by using one flavored tea bag and one regular tea bag in my drip coffeemaker. The two bags made a whole afternoons worth of...


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Recycling Contact Lenses?
Thanks for the responses. did not address my question at all, but from the other replies, Ive concluded that it probably isnt done. MADRE either does or does not accept contacts, depending on which posts you read. I guess Ill just keep...


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Help Selling Homemade Doll Clothes?
Mackenzie, you are an enterprising person, and I wish you good luck. If you put narrow elastic in the waistband of the dresses and skirts, they will fit more than one size doll.


mountain and lavender

Lavender and Mt. Hood
What an exquisite photo. I can see myself there, only Id turn the chair around so I could see Mt. Hood.


catfish in tree

If Fish Could Fly?
Ill take your word for it that its a catfish and not one of those horrible Asian carp that leap out of the water and eat everything in the river. Its a really interesting photo.


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Saving on Clothing - Be Willing to Do Minor Repairs
I picked up a very nice, new pair of black pants at our local Goodwill store. When I got them home, I saw they had a brown spot, like a bleach spot, on one side. I used a black pen to blacken the spot, and now they look just fine. Its fun to find a bargain...


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Please Recycle Your Carpet
I have some 50-year-old magazines with advertisements in them for carpet companies that would take your old carpets. I had no idea they still do that.


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Hiding Joints on Wallpaper Borders
You are a clever woman.


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Advice About Praying?
Joan, this is wonderful news. I hope things continue to get better for your mom and for you. Lots of us know how hard life can be, and when you write God Bless You, its really appreciated. Those are powerful words.



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Will Paper Ruin a Blender?
Im with dpool and cfbandit. Its 2 birds with one stone - no one will accidentally drink your paper blend and youll be helping out Goodwill.


Completed necklace.

Pink and Pearls Necklace
Its very pretty. I like the pink beads and pearls together.


Keeping Mini Roses Alive
Twenty years ago I planted a red rose bush on the south side of the house and never saw it again. I thought it had died over the first winter. This spring I pushed aside the pink rose bush next to it, and there it was, happily blooming away. I swear it wasnt...


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Camomile Tea for Cat Eye Problems
Cool chamomile tea has long been recommended by herbalists as an eyewash. If you boil the water first, let it cool, and are careful to keep everything clean, I think it would be pretty safe to use. Plain water is often recommended for flushing the eye to remove...


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Relieving Itching From Yellow Jacket Stings?
Meat tenderizer is supposed to work. Also calamine lotion helps. Its pink and you can get a bottle of it at Walgreens for a few dollars.


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Need Recipes For "Unusual" Vegetables?
Beet greens are the best and if theyre fresh, theyre loaded with nutrients. Just cut the stems about an inch above the beet, and boil them for about 10 minutes, like you would fresh spinach. You can chop them up before cooking, to make it easier for your boys...


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Dogs Wakes Up Every Night?
Good, thoughtful advice. I would only add that a good, long walk every day will help her (and you) sleep better.


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Advice On Using Gold Jewelry Cleaner?
Walmart sells an excellent brand at their jewelry counter. Its called something like Connoisseur. Its used by professional jewelers, and is very good and not very expensive (about $3.00). The directions are on the plastic container. The red container is for...


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Searching For Surname "Tolley"?
You might try genealogy websites like . They offer one weeks free subscription. You can request that other Tolleys who are searching can contact you through the website.


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Preventing Sludge Buildup In Sewer Pipe?
You will want to ask the city what to do. Given the environmental damage that lots of chemicals do to our water supply, the city will probably know just what you need to use.


Romeo (Yorkshire Terrier)

Romeo (Yorkshire Terrier) and Phillip
Both doggies are so cute. My terrier mix passed away 4 weeks ago, and Im not ready for a new dog yet, but when I am, itll be a small terrier again. Theyre so adorable.


Hedge People

Hedge People
What a great idea.


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Use Laundry Basket For Transporting Groceries
I do this too, mostly when I go to Aldis. They charge for bags or you can take their boxes for free, and I get tired of recycling all that cardboard. I also have an insulated bag in the car in summer. Makes grocery-shopping a little easier.


Aggressive Young Labradoodle

Aggressive Young Labradoodle?
Your dog is adorable. Hes a puppy. Is he teething? Give him a soft chewy toy every time he starts biting. Hell soon understand the toy and only the toy is ok to chew on. Keep it available to him at all times and hell soon learn to chew on it to comfort himself...


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Saving Prepackaged Salad Mix
This is one of those ideas thats so simple and obvious once someone tells you about it. Good idea.


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Is There a "Statute of Limitations" For Car Accidents?
See Also check drivers license points FAQs, left side, same page. They dont use the term statute of limitation for points, but that is what it is. Looks like if its not alcohol-related, its gone...


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Removing Rust From Small Metal Items?
Remember the Antiques Roadshow mantra - dont clean anything thats old until youve checked with a knowledgeable antiques dealer who can tell you whether or not its more valuable just the way it is. The AR experts get almost physically ill when they see something...


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Looking For Legitimate "Type-At-Home" Program?
I dont know about, but I think is legitimate. You have to be careful with each job, of course.


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Garbage Bag Made From Newspaper?
You can easily use a grocery bag as a pattern, and then tape it together.


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Good Quality Fabric Scissors?
Have you tried electric scissors? There are some new ones out that shine a laser dot ahead of them so you can cut really straight.


Two happy dogs dressed up.

Wills And Pearl (Jack Russell Terrier)
Thanks for the sweet post and the great photo. My dear mixed terrier Lady, like your Max, also lived 17-1/2 years, healthy until the last few weeks. She died 5 weeks ago and Im not ready for a new pup yet, but when I am, itll be another terrier. You couldnt...


Young girl sitting on her bed with birthday quilt.

Daughter's Birthday Quilt
What a beautiful quilt. How lucky your little girl is to have such a talented, caring mom. Ill bet shell have this quilt forever.


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Staying in One Place Saves Money
So true. My family thought I was nuts to keep my parents house after they were gone. Its an old house, built solidly with good materials long before plastic was invented, and its 4 feet higher than my neighbors down the street. While much of the country is...


Humphrey (Basset Hound)
What a sweetheart, what a beautiful face, and what a great name. Arent you lucky to have found each other. Thanks for posting Humphreys picture.


Crimson Beauty (Hibiscus)

The Morning Luster of a Crimson Beauty (Hibiscus)
Spectacular blooms. You are so lucky to have such a beautiful plant all summer long.


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Help with Binding in the Sewing Machine Pressure Foot?
I agree with the previous posts. Also, if it binds up when you first start sewing, pull the 2 sewing threads taut to the back as you start to sew. That should do the trick.


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Ideas for Nut Free Lunch Snacks?
Youre a sweet, patient mom to go along with this. I hope in the older grades that the child who has a nut allergy learns to deal with it himself. It makes me wonder - what about the child who has milk, soy, egg, wheat, corn, etc. allergies?


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Saving on American Girl or Similar Dolls?
Hi Mackenzie, Big Lots - Ive seen 18 dolls there occasionally. No clothes on them, all ready for you to make them a wardrobe. Other 18 brands listed on ebay - Geotz Dolls, Faithful Friends by Heidi Ott, Savannah of Storybook Heirlooms.


Horse And Buggy
What an excellent photo.


Riley (West Highland White Terrier)

Riley (West Highland White Terrier)
Oh hes just adorable. How lucky you are to have found each other.


Looking down on snowy mountains.

Alaska From Overhead
What a beautiful photo of a breath-taking landscape.


Garden arbor

Garden Arbor
Wow - what a beautiful arbor. I guess we call it a pergola here. Your boyfriend is a good and talented son and his mom is a lucky parent.


In Memory of Roc
Im so sorry for your loss of your beloved Roc. My dog Lady died 8-19-07, so I know how you feel. But my little terrier died after 17-1/2 years; we had a long time together. Soon Ill be looking for a new dog. I hope you find another dog that makes you happy...


Glass ornaments with paint on the inside.

Glass Holiday Orbs
Very beautiful ornaments, and clever idea for painting them on the inside. As the weather gets cooler, I get more in the mood for these winter projects.


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Clean Blinds Without Spreading Dust?
I vacuum the blinds every month or two, using the hose extensions and the soft brush accessory for my vacuum. Just run the brush horizontally across 2 or 3 slats at a time. Do one side of the blind and then the other. Once a year we take them down, hang them...


White corner fence in flower bed.

Corner Fence
Neat fence, neat guy. Good for you too.


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Gardening Allergy Advice?
Why not try wearing plastic safety goggles, the kind that look like swimming goggles? I got a pair at Menards some years ago. Theyre lightweight, and protect your eyes all around, so nothing can get into them.


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Do Horse Shampoos Make Your Hair Look Thicker?
I think cotton turbans look great. You can make a whole wardrobe of them in different colors and patterns, and theyre lightweight and washable. Baseball caps come in lots of pretty colors too. I like the idea of attaching bangs to the front. Your mom can experiment...


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Ideas For Recycling An Old Piano?
I agree with kimhis. The idea of destroying a piano makes me a little dizzy. Surely a church or school or organization would want to use it? And remember the Antiques Roadshow mantra - get an appraisal from a knowledgeable antiques dealer before you do anything...


Finished project.

Crochet With Old T-Shirts
I love this idea. I have some faded t-shirts that are only technically still wearable. Now they have a new purpose in life. Im guessing you use about a J-sized hook (about 1/4 in diameter)?


Butterfly and Zinnia

Butterfly and Zinnia
Thank you for brightening my day with such a pretty photo. Great way to start out the weekend.


Berber Carpet Remnants

Berber Carpet Remnants
This is just a great idea. And if you have an older carpet with frayed edges, I bet you could trim it, do the burlap-and-glue-gun thing, and make it look almost new again.


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Instructions For Removing Sink Trap
Ive heard of people whove also retrieved contact lenses this way, but it must be tricky looking for something that small in the sink trap. Your daughter was lucky twice - got the ring back, and no plumbers bill.


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Switch To Using Aluminum Cans
Im not convinced of the aluminum-Alzheimers connection, but its certainly better to be safe than sorry. I do wonder if more states will start requiring cash returns on plastic bottles. It seems a good idea, but often the transportation costs to a recycling...


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Baskin and Robbins Birthday Club
Happy birthday to you. I read your posts here all the time and Im not surprised that your celebration is going to be fun, delicious and thrifty!


Uses For Soldering Cylinder?
If you get water in your basement, you could use them as risers. Put 4 or 6 of them under your washer, dryer, chairs, whatever you need to keep safe from the water. Might also work for ribbon, etc. storage.


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Grants For Seniors To Buy a Home?
One of the states around New York (Delaware? Rhode Island? I cant remember) has a trust set up for historic homes. The state keeps ownership of the house, and you move in and restore it, if it needs it, while youre living there. There is no rent to pay, and...


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Take Good Care of Your Books!
I love books too, and am unhappy when I check out library books only to find theyve been treated badly: written in, eaten over, pages creased, covers battered. I was taught that books represent the ideas that make us free. I know that computers and ipods and...


A pickpocket stealing a wallet out of a purse.

Keep Your Purse Safe When Dining Out
Pickpockets move so fast that it can happen anywhere, so I wouldnt blame the restaurant. It happened to me too, years ago. I was standing at a counter looking at a pattern book, put my purse right next to the book, and a small boy grabbed it and ran. I had...


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Turn a Tight Sweater Into a Cardigan
Works for an adult sweatshirt too. I got identical sweatshirts on sale, so I cut one down the front and faced the edges with firm, contrasting fabric. You could put in a separating zipper too.


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Help Finding Legitimate Survey Websites?
Take a look at


Christmas decorated curtain rings

Christmas Ornaments From Curtain Rings
These are elegant. I like them all. They would make nice decorations on gifts as well.


Pup (Beagle)
What an adorable pup she is. Ive heard that beagles love to hunt so much that sometimes they keep going and going and then cant find their way home. I think your Pup kept going and going until she found you.


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Simple Stuffed Teddy Bear Pattern?
Thanks to Nicky in Canada for the McCall pattern number, 6907. I also like Eleanor Burns Quilt In A Day tv program. Shes very upbeat. I wonder if the teddy bear pattern is in one of her books. Maybe your library carries them.


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Gluten, Egg and Dairy Free Picnic Menu Ideas?
Romantic? How about this - oysters as an appetizer, then cold lobster on a bed of rice (no butter, of course), green salad with homemade dressing and cold mixed vegetables on the side, fresh fruit for dessert, all served with white wine. Bring along home-made...


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Red and Scaly Skin?
Since youve already been to the doctor and what he prescribed hasnt helped much, you might try vitamin E. You just poke a hole in a capsule with a pin, and put it on the rough skin. Its often recommended for chapped lips, and it works really well if you use...


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80 Year Old Gift Ideas?
I like the idea of a dozen roses (or more) for Moms birthday. And if she really likes them, a bouquet of cut flowers every week until her next birthday, or until she tells you to stop with the flowers. And how about 2 boxes of really good chocolates? One just...


Puppy With Dandruff?
Hes adorable. I hope the brewers yeast and fish oil in his food works, along with the thorough rinsing, after his bath, will help. But if not, it could be allergies. Id think hed be itching and scratching with allergies.


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Removing Label Glue from Plastic Bowls?
Peanut butter, any vegetable oil, nail polish remover (only if its hard plastic, dont use on soft plastics), and Goo Gone. I think they use that goopy glue on purpose, to keep theft down. I like your heart shirt. If you tie-dyed it yourself, I hope youll share...


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Good Dog For Apartment Living?
I was also single and living alone when I first got my dogs. Im very partial to terriers. My Lakeland terrier (about 15 pounds) was the best dog a human could hope for - smart, extremely healthy, so well-behaved I swear he was psychic, excellent with children...


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Advice For Kitten With Small Uneven Eyes?
Good for you for rescuing a stray. might help - click on uneven eyes. I searched cat uneven pupils and found several websites that might give you info. Good luck.


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Ideas For Door Prizes At Womens Church Function?
If you are a gardener or know one, get some small pots, some dirt and some slips of geraniums or cactus or whatever plants are available, and you can make lots of door prizes. If you make them a few weeks in advance, youll have nice-sized plants to share.


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Storing Crochet Patterns
I like this idea too. I often write my knit lace instructions on a 4x6 card or piece of note paper and put it in a 6 x 6-1/2 ziplock bag. It fits nicely in a plastic bag with my project so I can take it all along.


Morning Glories: Not Just A Weed

Morning Glories: Not Just A Weed
In the Midwest its now creeping charlie. Once you have it, its yours forever. I wish plant researchers would study these prolific plants - these weeds obviously hold the secret to immortality.


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Tips For Dog Safety
I love dogs, but Ive been bitten several times by a neighborhood dog. Ive had the owner in court 7 times about his dogs running loose, and I do not understand why his house insurance company still insures him. I carry pepper spray when I walk past their house...


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Repair Your Box Spring Instead Of Replacing
Wow. It never occurred to me that a person could re-do their own box spring. What a clever idea.


Riesentruabe Tomato
I googled Riesentraube conjoined tomatoes and got lots of hits. has a very charming 84-page catalog you can download, and these tomatoes are listed under Red Tomatoes. Riesentraube means giant cluster of grapes, it says. There are several heirloom...


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Decorating With Dust Allergies?
Me too. The best solution Ive found is the home vacuum system that plugs into the wall and all the dust and dirt goes downstairs into a big bucket, for someone else to empty. Its well worth investing in it, does a great job, really gets rid of the dust. I believe...


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Uses for Blank Address Labels?
You might try hp.coms Activity Center. Its free. Click on Home Office & Business Templates, then find list of Business Kits. Click on each of them - I like the Nature design - until you find a design you like. You can print stationery, business cards, fax forms...


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Can I Machine Wash Dry Clean Only Draperies?
I machine-washed heavy draperies years ago and they shrank about 4 inches in length. I dont recall the fabric content. If theyre expensive and/or custom-made, Id have them dry-cleaned.


Tan Cocker.

Lady (American Cocker Spaniel)
Lady is a beautiful, beautiful dog. She deserves to be well taken care of. How lucky you both are to have found each other.


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Stock Up When Groceries Are On Sale
I do this too, and sometimes I can skip grocery-shopping for a week, which also saves money on gasoline. I especially try to store up on basics, like flour, sugar, coffee, tea, rice, noodles, canned goods, chocolate. One year I found toilet paper and kleenex...


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Knit Hat Pattern?
The Joann Fabrics website and Lion Brands website have lots of free patterns. If you google them, youll find them very easily.


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In Memory of BeffieKat
Im so sorry for your loss. I lost my beloved dog 2 months ago, and it is very sad. Its so hard to say goodby. When youre ready, I hope you find a new love.


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Song Dance Theme Ideas?
The 60s had a lot of fun music that wasnt really romantic - Alley Oop, The Twist, Peppermint Twist, Loco-Motion, Monster Mash, Downtown. I googled 60s music hits and found lots of sites. is a good one.


hummingbird moth

Hummingbird Clearwing Moth
Very neat. Thank you for sharing the info. Beautiful photo.


Socks As A Kitten
What a beautiful face. I hope someone found Socks and gave him a new home.


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Credit or Debit?
A problem Ive seen occasionally with debit cards is that when you deposit your paycheck, it may not clear for several days and until it does, you cant use your debit card. Most banks will cash a paycheck immediately, but not all banks and not all paychecks...


Tall leafy stem with pink flowers.

What is this plant? (Phlox)
The flowers and the long, narrow leaves are the same as I have on my 50+ year old phlox. Almost every year I get a hummingbird around them.


Backyard "Drinking" Fountain

Backyard "Drinking" Fountain
Very beautiful. How peaceful.


Bugsy (Domestic Long Hair)

Bugsy (Domestic Long Hair)
The Humane Society of the U.S. website,, has a lot of info and articles on puppy mills, but I found nothing there on kitten mills. Your Bugsys story is sad but, thanks to you, it has a happy ending. Good luck to both of you.


Scared Chihuahua

Advice For Dealing With Chihuahua That Won't...
Poor baby. He looks so sad. I found that an abused dog often responds positively if you get down on the floor eye to eye with him, instead of looming over him. It takes a while for them to regain some trust in us humans. Poor sweet dear.


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Credit Union Theme Ideas For Christmas Parade?
I love ImTrishs idea. Perfect.


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How to Memorialize 2 Year Old Siamese?
Im very sorry for your loss. I know how difficult it is when a beloved pet dies. It can hurt just as much when youre an adult as when youre a child. For a memorial name tag to wear as a charm, has a 14k gold cat name tag (search cat name...


Two pink roses.

Pink Roses
They are very beautiful roses and you took a lovely photo of them. I hope youll show us more pictures like this one.


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Aspirin For Infections
This sounds like a great idea. I thought triple antibiotic cream would kill almost anything, but I guess in a hospital or nursing home you can get bugs that are very resistant to the usual antibiotics. Since the cream didnt work. could this have been one of...


Butterfly on Butterfly Bush

Butterfly on Butterfly Bush
I also like the different angle you used in this beautiful photo. It makes you look twice and then again.


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"Sharing Our Hearts" Sorority Brunch?
On Real Simple, the PBS tv program, they showed that you can make a heart by putting 2 candy canes together. You might glue a heart on small boxes filled with sample toiletries for people at your local homeless shelter.


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How to Repair Small Holes in T-Shirts?
If the other ideas dont work and the mending is noticeable, Id use embroidery thread to either make some textured decorations in the same color as the shirt or use contrasting colors to decorate the shirt. Knit fabric generally does not mend invisibly.


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Craft Ideas For Fur Fabric?
Also, muffs and my personal favorite, car seat covers.


Cream colored dog in fur cape and cuffs.

Niño (Terrier Mix)
Hes absolutely adorable, and what a great name. How lucky you are to have such a wonderful model for your fur creations, and how lucky Nino is to have so much fun.


Double Cheese Burger

Money Saving Hamburger Ideas
Oh, no, another ground beef recall. The very best idea about ground beef that Ive read recently on is to buy whole cuts of beef and grind your own. Apparently much of the risk of contaminated ground beef is caused by the mixing of ground beef...


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Pattern for Crocheted or Knitted Dog Booties?
The crochetpatterncentral website is adorable, but will a dog leave the booties on for long? Please send us a photo when you get them made.


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Looking For Review of Good Sturdy Vacuum?
I bought 2 a couple of years ago, a Shop vac canister, 5 gallon, 2 hp, and a Eureka Boss Smart Vac upright. Both were recommended by Consumer Reports, and I am very pleased with both. I sometimes use the shop vac as a regular vacuum, and it has held up well...


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Movers Stealing Belongings?
How awful. Those movers should be in jail. I hope you file complaints with the Better Business Bureau and consumer websites so that others can be warned about these people. That would help others at least.


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Making a Braided Rug from Crochet Chains?
I like susanmajps idea of putting 3 chains together to make one strand and then braiding 3 strands together. You could also pin 12 or so chain ends to an ironing board or pillow and braid them together. You can find instructions on the internet for braiding...


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Keeping Track Of The Grocery Bill When Shopping
Good idea. When Im waiting in a grocery line, I mentally add up the total for my groceries, and am usually within 20 cents or so. At Aldis its easy because a lot of prices end in 9, so I just round it up to 10, and then add up the number of items I have and...


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Stretch Your Canned Soup
I make tomato vegetable soup with a can of tomato paste and various vegetables, canned or fresh, enough water to make soup, and whatever spices I feel like at the time. You can also add an onion, some garlic, a little olive oil and noodles. Its a meal in a...


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Review of Dollar Tree Inkjet Refills?
I bought black and color refills at the Dollar Tree more than a year ago and am having no problems with them. Each package has everything you need to refill your cartridge. Just do it over several sheets of newspaper because the ink can drip if youre not careful...


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Who is Responsible For Parents Debt When They Pass Away?
Assuming the parents didnt set up a will or trust to benefit their children, the estates will be informally administered through the court system. The estates administrator (probably one of the children), appointed by the court, will submit all unpaid bills...


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Review of Hand Crank Flashlights?
I like my Energizer LED flashlight that I bought at Walgreens several years ago for about $5. It runs on 4 AA batteries that I replaced for the first time just recently. The light is very white, and that takes a little getting used to, but it always lights...


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Training Aggressive German Shepherd/Husky Mix?
Whatever obedience training you decide upon, I hope you do it soon. Dog trainers have told me it is very difficult to train established aggressive behavior out of a dog.


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Advice With Helping Neglected Kitten?
Thank you for your compassion. Animal abuse or neglect is a crime, and you dont want that to happen again. I would clean up kitty, make him pretty, and find another home for him (not a pet shelter where his chances of survival may be iffy). I think that even...


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Caring For My Elderly Cat?
Im glad your kitty is beating the odds. You must be taking very good care of the old girl..


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Drying Bar Soap?
I unwrap the soap bar and put it on a bathroom shelf for a few weeks.


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Buy Frugal Extras When You Shop
Dont forget bargains at discount and fabric and craft stores. With the holidays coming up very quickly, I watch for discontinued yarn ($1), crochet hooks ($.50), needles ($.97) and other craft tools to donate to the local womens shelter, so they can make their...


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Have a Dollar Store Budget
So, so true. Theres always something to buy at the dollar store, and I always get something I wouldnt have bought anywhere else because its only a dollar.


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Screen Size Problems?
Thanks for the good laugh at myself. I thought you meant window screens!


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Teach Kids About Needs vs Wants
I think this is especially important with the holidays approaching. When I worked retail, I saw lots of cihldrens tantrums over toys, and they were all caused by parents who didnt prepare their children for shopping. Tired or sick children should not be taken...


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Write Prices On Grocery Purchases
I think retailers would tell you to write all you want on the packaging, after youve paid for it.


Filly on a foggy morning.

Filly On A Foggy Morning
Beautiful photo, magical.


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Source for Old-Fashioned Cards and Ecards
Great website for cards and pictures for holidays. Thanks very much.


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Halloween Costume: Ghoulteacher
Yes, picture, picture. And thanks for the laugh out loud.


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Make Hand Cream As A Gift
Good idea. I made a white hand cream years ago with soybean oil and something else, heated over the stove. It came out really well, but then I lost the recipe. I like this one because you dont have to use the stove.


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Use Reusable Gift Wrap
What a good idea. You could also go to Goodwill and get a nice, reusable basket for a few dollars.


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Help Your Teenager Narrow the Career Search
Great advice. Kids should take advantage of career days at school too. Not every teenager is destined for college right out of high school. Some are better off getting training for a good-paying technical job. Then after working for a while, they know more...


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Shag Rag Rug?
Try #16 is a shag rug.


Baxter The Cat
Im usually a dog person, but Baxter is so adorable and your story is so sweet I had to add my 2 cents worth. The others said it well - theres nothing average about Baxter!


tree with fall colors

Autumn Leaves in the Front Yard
We have a sugar maple in our neighborhood that lights up like its on fire every October. They are glorious trees, especially against a bright blue sky.


Striped knitted throw.

Scrappy Knitted Throw Blanket
Its a beautiful afghan, very colorful and cheerful. Hope your leg is much better.


Hibiscus Bush

Hibiscus Bush
Thank you for such a bright, beautiful photo. Reminds me of Georgia OKeeffes huge flower pictures.


Italian Greyhound/Beagle

Tobias (Italian Greyhound/Beagle)
Hes adorable. And such a good sport to let you dress him up for Halloween. What a sweet dog.


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Remembering Math Formulas?
I do a simple problem using the formula, then remember the answer, and that helps me. For example, Im knitting lace for the edge of a 48 round tablecloth. Circumference=pi x diameter, so I need to knit about 150 of lace. I can recall that when I have to figure...


Henry (St. Bernard)

Henry (Saint Bernard)
How lucky you are to have found each other. Henry, you are a big furry angel.


Photo of stacked firewood.

Saving Money on Firewood
Our electric company and phone company cut down trees around their utility poles and under their power lines in our yards every couple of years. You could check with them too.


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Comet Holmes Now Visible
Thanks so much for the heads up. Ill be outside tonight watching for this comet. The last comet I saw was Hale-Bopp in 1997, I think it was. That was spectacular.


Growing a Pine Tree?
Many years ago I read that you should put the cones in the regrigerator for a month or so to simulate the natural overwintering they would have outside. This readies the seeds to grow in the spring.


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Eyedrops or Supplements That Improves Vision?
Use the Thriftyfun search feature. Type in non-surgical cataract removal. Click on first item, Nu Eyes Review, for discussion. I would love to find eyedrops that really work.


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Cathedral Window Quilt?
This is a lovely old pattern, and you dont ever have to press it because that would flatten the window frames. I havent done this one yet, but look forward to it. Remember - you can always find patterns at the public library for free. The librarian will help...


Thank you for the beautiful photo. It made my afternoon.


Tank (Basset/Lab)
What a sweetheart he is. How lucky you all are to have found Tank in time to save him. Hes so cute he could be a calendar dog for July!


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Party Mix Recipes?
I like MartyDs sisters idea. Make your own concoction and Never give out the recipe. Let em enjoy it and try to figure out what you put in it.


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Pricing Hand-knit Lace Edging?
Thanks very much, Marge. Ive long heard that too, but it just doesnt work for such a labor-intensive craft as knitting lace. It takes me 40 hours to knit 40 inches with a $4 skein of cotton thread, and Im not going to charge only $12 for 40 hours of work. If...


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Advice For Severely Itchy Skin?
He might try taking a Benedryl before bed. Ive used Claritin (Aldis has a cheap generic) during the day, and that helped me. Skin allergies seem to get worse in the winter, with dry air and furnaces kicking on.


Tatted Snowflake
Thanks for the encouragement to learn how to tat. I tried it years ago and just couldnt get the hang of it. Maybe I need a different book with easier to understand instructions. The snowflake is just lovely.


Merry Christmas from ThriftyFun's Maggie
Thank you for a beautiful photo of a beautiful dog. Maggie looks very much loved. I am now searching for my next true love at the local animal shelter, and Maggies story gives me hope. My little terrier Lady died 4 months ago, and its time for me to find a...


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111 Easy Edgings (Leisure Arts #2924) (Paperback)?
You didnt say if this is knitting or crochet. Since you mention chains, Im guessing crochet. There are lots of free patterns available on the internet for crochet lace edgings. Just search free crochet lace patterns. Many of them are worked top to bottom, and...


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Use Landscape Fabric for Interfacing
What a clever idea. Good old Big Lots.


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Music for Pets with Separation Anxiety
How wonderful and very funny. Ive heard many times that NPR, national public radio, keeps pets quiet, partly because they have no commercials to grab the listeners attention.


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How Do You Bathe an Old Dog?
Glucosamine/chondroitin worked really well for my 18-year-old dog. Walgreens sells its own brand that comes in clear gelatin capsules. You just open the capsule and sprinkle it on the dogs food. It was such a relief when my dog no longer cried out in pain from...


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Dog with Irritable Bowel Disease?
Poor dear. Youll want to be sure to get the name exactly right because the treatment for irritable bowel syndrome is different from that for inflammatory bowel disease. Good luck to you and your doggie.


Fabric covered Styrofoam jewelry organizer.

Recycled Jewelry Organizer
Cindy, this is a really good idea, and timely for some of us who need to get organized after the holidays. And I like the pink fabric you used in the photo. Very decorative.


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How Has the Cost of Gasoline and Oil Affected Your Life?
This is sure a hot-button issue, isnt it. For me, I have had to cut back on my driving. I combine almost all my errands into one day. I watch food prices very carefully. I dont do much discretionary spending any more, dont buy much at the dollar stores. As...


Jewelry made from jeans hardware.

Junk Jewelry From Remnants
Wonderful. Your pieces would look great with a plain black knit top, to accentuate the wonderful details, or as you show it with white fur. Jeans never go out of style.


Fabric shoulder bag.

Savannah Bag
I really like this bag too. Its nice and big, and you could add a zipper if you want to.


White and tan wiry terrier.

Cooper (Terrier Mix)
Hes so adorable. And its a great photo.


My Frugal Life: Frugal in England
Borasic Lint, you are a very good writer and a smart, resourceful person. You say you are classified disabled - I think youre doing a great job of dealing with your inconvenience.


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Sewing Helpers
I love Sewing with Nancy and watch it often. Ive been sewing for many years, but she comes up with new ideas that are really worth trying.


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Starting a Discount Canned Food Grocery Store?
How about Diamonds? Because Diamonds is a girls best friend.


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Doggie Biscuits That My Dog Won't Choke On?
It isnt hard to make your own doggie biscuits, and there are plenty of recipes online. Most of them are edible for people too, and you avoid all the chemicals they have in the store-bought ones.


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Keep Track Of Guest's Beverage Choices
Regina, you are an angel. I have food allergies and of course take responsibility for my own well-being, but its so kind of you to take care of your guests to this extent, and wonderful that you do it without fuss and bother.


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Feathers Coming Out of Down Jacket?
How about making a flannel lining for it? I dont think feathers would work through flannel.


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Making Crafts for Money?
How about selling your crafts on ebay? Think of something original and clever and itll sell.


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Cleaning Plastic Bead Curtain?
This might be a good way to find a younger person who can help with chores. Maybe theres a friend, relative or neighbor who has a son or daughter who can help you out once in a while. Try one out on this chore; see how she or he does. You ll want your helper...


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Speech Ideas for Receiving an Award at Work?
Congratulations on your award. You have a good employer who recognizes good people and obviously wants to keep you. How about something like Thank you for this award for ______. Im very pleased and honored to win it this year. It means a lot to me. Thank you...


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Home Remedies for Dog Joint Pain?
Glucosamine/chondroitin helped my dog right away. Walgreens brand is one of the least expensive and comes in gelatin capsules (check the label), so you can just open it and sprinkle it on the dogs food. It has a sweet and salty taste, not bad. I used one capsule...


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Quilting With Foil Snack Bags?
This is such an interesting idea. I hope you will tell us more about it. And thanks to your son for his service to our country. You must be very proud of him.


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How Do I Sell My House to My Son?
I believe Louisiana state laws are a little different than those of other states, because they are based on the French system of law, not the English system that other states use. Ask your local banker or a local realtor for the name of a good real estate attorney...


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Making Needlepoint Heirlooms?
If I were collecting needlepoint in the future, I think Id look for (1) unique, original designs, (2) signed and dated by the maker, and (3) top-quality materials. After all, it wont last long enough to become an heirloom if its not made of top-quality fabric...


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Cutting Fabric Strips?
Joann Fabrics sells a clear plastic board with slits in it that you use with a rotary cutter. Its called a June Tailor Shape Cut board. You can fold the fabric and cut 1/2-inch or wider strips. Its in the quilting notions, maybe $15 now. Mine is 10 years old...


Creative Crafting with Cookie Cutters

Creative Crafting with Cookie Cutters
Ive been waiting for these ideas. Ive collected a couple of dozen cookie cutters from after-holiday sales and I knew Id eventually find ideas on what to do with them. Thanks.


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Sizing Charts For Making Clothing
Thanks for such a helpful website. It makes me want to dust off my knitting machine and get knitting.


A denim and pink quilt made from recycled fabrics.

Denim And Pink Recycled Quilt
What a beautiful quilt. I like the pastel pink and blue colors together. And the denim must make it very warm and cozy.


How I Save Money By Keeping a Clean House
Wow - this is a wonderful essay and you inspired dramatic comments. You should be out on the lecture circuit with all those other great motivational speakers. I am a little curious, though, to know whether youd give it all up to work full-time outside the home...


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