
Linda L.

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97 Posts | 512 Comments | Active Since 2004
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Child Support Payment and Taxes?
Best advice-tell your son to talk to his tax preparer. Different states/different laws . and a little OT, why are you asking-seems like your son needs to be responsible for this and for getting his own answers. If you have a relationship with your grandchildren...


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Sleep Over Ideas for Girls?
Is there a 24 hr Walmart? Make a Walmart Scavenger Hunt-either stuff to buy or even better-take pictures of the items!


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12th Birthday Party Game Ideas?
Mani and pedis, crafts like making hair ornaments or beaded jewelry, make your wolw pizza for food and an engaging activity. 12 year olds usually have a pretty good idea of what they do and do not want-ask her what she enjoyed at other kids parties, and what...


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Removing Permanent Marker from a Whiteboard?
WD-40, nail polish remover, Mr Clean eraser-pretty easy to do but also hide the Sharpies!


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Cleaning a Saucer Chair?
Depends on what fabric it is. Is the cushion or cover removable? I made a new cover for one when the color it was didnt go with my decor. I used a sheet sized fabric, cutting a circle the size I needed, ran a casing all around the edge and then ran elastic...


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Prevent Forgetting Items With Car Keys
Ive been doing this for years. Even when I am dining at a friends or family members home and they offer me some leftovers I place my keys in the fridge. Cant go anywhere without them!


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Decorations for a Daddy-Daughter Dance?
How about having the kids trace and then color or otherwise embellish the figures to look like themselves. Cut out and mount around the walls. It might be fun for each dad to find the cut-out he thinks is his daughter!


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75th Birthday Party Centerpiece Ideas?
I like using green plants, 6 potted plants can be had for about $6 in places like Home Depot. Use fabric or tissue paper to cove the ugly pots or buy some pot-covers from a floral supply. To add some color snip a few silk flowers and tuck them along side the...


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Shopping for Gift of the Magi DVD?, eBay or Amazon


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Cleaning an Antique Christening Dress?
Since this is delicate and sentimental please dont try to clean it yourself. Find a good dry cleaner that clean with archival quality products. If you have a local art museum the curator might be able to suggest one.


Dog tag used as medical ID with "Diabetic" on the first line and "Tetanus Allergy" on the second.

Saving Money on Medical Alert Jewelry
Most of these tags can be engraved on both side, include a contact /next of kin number as well. A great cost-conscious idea!


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Use Toothbrush To Clean Keyboard
Alcohol would be better than vinegar. It evaporates more quickly and sanitizes better.



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Finding Inexpensive Furniture?
You need to buy a new mattresss. Costco sells one of memory foam that is relatively inexpensive and very comfortable. There is an ongoing epidemic of bedbugs so it is not wise to bring in a used mattress.


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Getting Rid of Fruit Flies?
The above works fine but cover the jar with plastic wrap and poke a small hole. I just stuck it with my fingernail or a pencil. Bugs go in and are too stupid to get out.


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Making Things Easier for the Disabled
Grab bars are your friend. I have 1 installed just outside the tub/shower enclosure and 1 beside the toilet. Be sure they are in stalled into a beam or joist with 3 screws. Sometimes they come with shorter screws, it is worth the few extra dollars to get longer...


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Ask For Household Items On Craigslist
When it was time to move my mom from her own place to an Alzheimers facility we contacted a local womens shelter. They gave the info to a woman who was transitioning into her own place and she then contacted us, and made all the arrangements to get the things...


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Finding Free Mattress Sets?
Do not bring used mattresses/box springs into your home. There is a major bedbug epidemic going on and once they get into your home it is almost impossible to eradicate them.


Laundry Detergent Cap Cupcake Pincushion

Laundry Detergent Cap Cupcake Pincushion
I did this years ago with a tuna can and stuffed it w steel wool which sharpens pins a bit too


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Guinea Pigs Having Babies?
Guinea pigs are essentially rodents, please dont breed them!


Pencil bag holding picture of puzzle (cut out from box) and pieces

Zip Pencil Bags for Storing Puzzles
Ziploc bags work fine as well. If you want to keep all of them together reinforce the end, with scotch or packing tape and punch holes. Then they can go in a binder. Or toss all the bags into a shoebox.


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Coping with Adult Child's Divorce?
Please dont own this. Your daughter and husband are adults. If they ask for your help-offer what you can but dont blame yourself. I assume the older mentally ill child is receiving some sort of therapy, special ed or out-patient care-your daughter should seek...


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Cooking Dried Beans in a Crockpot?
I do this all the time. To my crockpot I add a bag of dry beans,an onion peeled but not cut up, and a large sprig or 2 of rosemary, because I have a large bush of it. Certainly this is not necesssary, tho. No SALT! Salt toughens the outside of the beans. Cover...


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Use Coffee Filters When Potting Plants
Paper towels work great , too.


Melted Chocolate Bunny

Melt Down Big Chocolate Bunnies Into Smaller...
Dont put water into real chocolate when melting it-chocolate will seize-get heard and grainy and not melt. Maybe the writer here used imitation-type chocolate.



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6th Birthday Party?
I dont see any problem, but do let everyone know the agenda. There might be safety issues if the kids get wild or it is totally dark-perhaps some dim lighting would be well-advised.


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Insurance Coverage for Plastic Surgery?
Some do, some dont. Depends on if you can make a case for medical necessity. I did and the appropriate surgery. Always refer to it as reconstructive surgery. I had an abdominoplasty and a mastopexy.


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Child Support Calculations and Stepparent's Income?
Ask your attorney. Also,most states have a division of the DAs office that deals with child support.


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Supplements for Weight Loss?
I lost 100 lb and have kept it off after GBP surgery a number of years ago. No supplement will make you loose weight-eat what you were told to and if needed there are bariatric nutritionists/dieticians who can help you get an appropriate meal plan together...


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Put Eyeshadow in the Freezer
I totally agree with the comment on freezing kills nothing. It might preserve the product pigments and stuff, but dont expect it to kill bacteria.If you have had any kind of eye infection like pink eye , also called conjunctivitis throw away ANY products you...


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Copying and Pasting Text on the Computer?
I am currently taking a computer class-the prof recommended OpenOffice as well.


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Choosing Colors for a Graduation Lunch?
Might want to incorporate school colors.


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Acne Treatment?
I have found dabbing tea tree oil on the blemishes really helps.


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Wasp Traps?
I think they are just too stupid to think to do ths.


First Aid Basket

First Aid Basket
Peroxide shouldnt be in your first aid kit. Current best practices are soap and water, and if needed an antibiotic ointment and bandage. Peroxide is too strong and can destroy healthy tissue making healing more difficult.


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Homemade Sun Lotion
This may feel good after sun, but is NOT useful as a sunscreen!


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Homemade Tanning Recipe
Iodine will dye the skin but this provides no sunbrun/SPT protection. Baby oil invistes a burn and is dangerous. Use this after sun exposure, if you like.



Pill in Canned Food

Canned Food "Pill Pocket"
Our vet advised to roll meatball of canned food and tuck pill into it. Most recently I had liquid amoxicillin to give and just rolled it into wet food. Gracie gobbled it right down and the taste of medicine didn't slow her down


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Ants in the Kitchen?
Sprinkle baby powder where you see them. Kills them on contact. Also cinnamon along any cracks or gaps is a deterrent, but a bit messier. I wonder if cinnamon oil would work?


Plastic bag holder made from a shirt sleeve.

Upcycled Plastic Bag Saver
Tissue box works great. I keep it on top of fridge so when I have a grocery sack I stuff it in there. I try to use my recyclable bags when I remember so have less and less of the single use plastic bags these days.


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Organizing Toiletries When Traveling
Try inflating some zip top baggies into sort of balloons and wedge between bottles and tubes to hold upright andin place. Who cant use a few baggies for odds and ends at ur destination


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Glue for Magnetic Tape?
I swear by E6000. Available at Home Depot, Walmart. Its easy to find.


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Inexpensive Combined Birthday Party Ideas?
Use lots of generic Yellow stuff. A package of S-bob stickers can decorate these if you want. Use just a few S-bob accessories, or if your kids have S-bob toys, use them as centerpieces, etc. Dollar stores have underwater/sea theme accessories at this time...


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Getting Rid of Ants Safely?
Baby powder works great! Dollar store brands are fine.


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Cleaning Rate for a One Bedroom Apartment?
I pay $40 for having my 1 bedroom cleaned and its 3-4 hours work.


Earrings made with scrabble tiles

Decoupage Scrabble Tile Earrings
I would love to attach earring back to back side of tile and use them as initial earrings. If u want just square tile shapes use a piece of cardboard chip or foam core board. Use letter tiles to create name or word art . Little squares are easy to come by but...


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Donating Ball Point Pens?
Schools will love these, or I donate often to an organization that assists foster parents.


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Grey Hair Doesn't Hold Color?
If you are dissatisfied with the job they do or their attitude, go elsewhere. Find someone whose hair you do like and ask where they have it done. Flattery will get you the info/referral you want!


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Using Rit Dye on Polyester Fabric?
Polyester will not take Rit dye. There may be other dyes available through specialty shops online but Rit works best on natural fibers like cotton or silk.


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Emergency Vet Services on a Payment Plan?
Please use common sense-when something appears as serious as this is, dont write to a website. Get your pet to the vet!


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Are Peanuts Good for Dogs?
Peanuts might be a choking hazard. Most dogs like peanut butter and a little is OK for them.


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Making My Own Compost in a Bucket?
Drill holes in your composting bucket to let air in and excess water out.


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Getting Rid of Fleas on My Cat?
I am loving Comfortis for my dogs-not sure if there is a cat version. It is expensive though, and you have to get it from a vet or order from Canada or Australia online.


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Getting Rid of Fleas?
I swear by Comfortis. It is expensive, however, and you have to get it from a vet or online from Canada, Australia or Mexico.


Thread pulled through bobbin hole.

Threading the Bobbin
I wish I could see the well enough to get the threader thru eye of a needle


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17th Birthday Ideas?
How about a party on your half birthday?


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Painting Hard Cover Books for a Decoration?
How about drilling a hole through each and stacking them with a long screw or metal rod with end caps? Even a wood dowel might work.


finished cake on plate

Mini Pineapple Upside Down Cakes
Its jadite. Depression glass


Bottle of blue nail polish.

Renewing an Old Monthly Planner with Nail Polish
Phenomenal waste of time! New ones are $1 .


Coffee can with a colorful snowman taped on.

Snowman Coffee Can Supply Holder
A can with a snowman pic stuck on is hardly a craft.


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Glue for Gluing Items to Glass?
E6000- available in craft stores as well as home improvement stores, Walmart, etc.


Bookshelf piled with books.

Packing and Storing Books
Why don't u ask her to mail it using MEDIA RATE on the postage. It is cheapest way to do so. Not sure what 'conservative Christian ' has to do with it


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Breeding a Miniature Poodle?
I totally agree. Please do not breed your dog. All sorts of dogs are put down every day because they lack homes. Dont breed or buy while shelter pets die!


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Keeping Dogs Off Furniture?
Try putting some aluminum foil loosely on the couch-the crinkly sound and texture may be enough to break them of the habit. Or just keep the couch covered with a sheet when the dogs are in. Or some small mousetraps set on the couch that will snap when the couch...


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Dog Scared of Laminate Floor?
My sheltie is afraid of shny floors-I think it is the reflection. Can you coax her with treats-either fed to her with each step or a trail of treats.


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Eating Stew Left in Crockpot Over Night?
Next time put it right into the fridge, doesnt matter that its hot. If the crock is removable, just put a folded towel under if if your fridge shelves are glass. Uncover it to facilitate cooling. The reason people used to cool things before putting them in...


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Dog Has Black Smelly Deposit in Ears?
You must take your dog to the vet. Sounds like an ear infection. My shelties used to get them all the time. If you have a pet you have to be a responsible pet owner and provide necessary veterinary care!


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Getting Rid of a Groundhog?
Mouse or rat poison, perhaps?


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Making a Scarf from Scraps
Wish there were pics


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Homemade Bubbles?
There are a lot of recipes for bubbles. Most are a combination of dish soap, water and glycerin(avail in drugstroe) to stabilize the bubbles. Mix and allow to age for a few days. recipes will tell you how long. I mix them in an old 2 liter soda bottle-clearly...


Man in Wheelchair Washing Dishes

Organizing for a Disability
A backpack hangs perfectly on a walker or wheelchair and has lots of pockets


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Black Snake With Huge White Eyes?
One time I had a snake in my yard, I made a few phone calls and described the snake and was told he was a King Snake. I named him Elvis and he was seen in my yard now and then for a couple of years. Once I knew he was a helpful snake and not poisonous, we were...


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Organizing Information and Reminder Notes?
I use a regular spiral notebook like kids use in school. I jot everything in it that I need to do, remember, buy, etc. When done I either X it out or if it is a separate page and I never will need it again, i.e. a grocery list I tear and toss. Other memos, i...


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Comfortis For Fleas
I swear by comforted but it is expensive. I found a source in Canada to order from. Even w shipping it costs less than half what it costs here. Be sure to order for dog or cat and based on weight.


Organizing Business Cards

Keeping Track of Business Cards
They make clear plastic inserts for binders/notebooks that have little slots that fit a card. You can put these business cards in back to back and each sheet holds 20 cards. U can see everything at once. These should be available at any stationery store


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Planting a Garden Path Border?
Tin cans will rust and disintegrate. They will leave debris in the garden and you can cut your hands on it. Plastic or aluminum wont rust and wont disintegrate. You could even cut the bottoms off and once the plants have a good root system pull the plastic...


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What Kind of Snake is This?
When I found a snake I couldnt identify in my yard I called a local reptile store and they IDd it as a king snake-a good guy so I named him Elvis and he hung around for a couple of years.


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Gluing Marbles to a Window?
I would use E6000. U can find it almost anywhere, it is cheap and pretty much sticks anything to anything


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Treating a Dog With Parvo at Home?
I agree with other posters. You must take this dog to a vet. Parvo is fatal if not treated and since he has been sick so long he may not recover. Responsible dog owners, like parents, manage to care for their animals when they are sick. If you cant do this...


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Floss Threader for Threading Sewing Needles
OMG!!! I currently hardly sew at all since I cant thread needles without going nuts. My pile of mending thanks you!


No-Sew Dog Throw Blanket

No-Sew Dog Throw Blanket
My dog chewed up fringe on one of these blankets. Not a good idea for a dog who chews


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Dry-Erase Markers on Mirrors
I have been doing this for myself-notes from me to me whenever I need something in the AM that I think of at bedtime!


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Dog Started Peeing in the House?
When in doubt go to a vet. She may have a UTI. Special spot?


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Making a Terra Cotta Lighthouse?
You can stick just about anything to anything with E6000 glue avail in craft and home improvement stores. It comes clear, black or white so be sure to get the color you prefer.


Pulled Pork Sliders

Crockpot Pulled Pork
Do the same with chicken, if you like. Boneless, skinless thighs work great.


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Dental Floss to Thread Sewing Needles
How do you get the floss thru the eye?



Sterilizing and Desalinizing Driftwood
I sometimes pop potting soil into the oven to sterilize it.


Pay Cash for Everything

Pay Cash for Everything
I have also found that if i carry larger bills like $20 or $50 bills i am more likely to think before i break these. I also throw all coins i get into the bottom of my purse. When my purse gets heavy i dump out loose change and stash it away,as loose change...


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Store Empty Containers in Freezer
Rather than storing empty plastic containers in freezer fill them w water and store full. It costs less to run a full freezer than empty one


egg shells in aluminum pan on top of toaster

Egg Shell Uses
I crush the shells kind of coarsely and sprinkle around plants that are having snail issues. If the nasty creatures try to cross over the eggshells the sharp edges slice up their evil little bodies.


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Trash Can for Laundry Detergent Storage
Box or large bag in garage not near indoor laundry room. I store a red plastic coffee can in laundry room, these cans have a nice tight lid, if needed as well as a handle shape to easily grab it. Scoop stored in red canister. I make a concentrate powder laundry...


Cut Veggies to Prevent Double Dipping

Cut Veggies to Prevent Double Dipping
I always do a vegie tray in a basket. I line the basket with a few lettuce leaves and arrange the vegies inside. It looks really stunning and I always get compliments on it.


finished scarf on girl

Braided Beauty Scarf
Whenever I am braiding a craft I use a clip board to hold the top. Makes it easier to have get a clean, even braid.


different sized bag footballs

Storing Plastic Bags Using Football Fold
Life's too short to spend time folding trash bags!


Healthy Chicken Dinner Foil Packets

Healthy Chicken Dinner Foil Packets
Sounds delicious but I dont think I want to keep raw chicken, cut up especially, in fridge for a week.


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Birthday Party Food for 100+ People?
Blow up balloons with just plain air, not helium. Tie with a curly ribbon like you would get if you bought helium balloons. Make a loop of tape or use 2-sided tape and tape these balloons onto the ceiling with ribbons hanging down.. Can do ahead and looks as...


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Storing Silk Flowers?
Silk flowers wont be damaged by heat, but if in the sun can fade.


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Dollar Store Placemats as Drawer Liners
I use these placemats on the shelves in the fridge. If there is a small spill or something sticky I just pull out the placemat, clean it and replace it. Saves having to pull out the shelf to clean/


Storing Hangers in the Laundry Room

Storing Hangers in the Laundry Room
I have a shower curtain rod stuck between the 2 doors leading into laundry room-I hang empty hangers or hang-dry wet things.


Assign Each Family Member a Wrapping Paper

Assign Each Family Member a Wrapping...
Joke,right? However, not funny


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Ideas for "Old Timey" Themed Birthday Party?
Patchwork type cake would be adorable, or maybe let the kids each decorate a sort of rectangle cupcake(or round would be OK) and place them all together on a platter for a patchwork effect for the pics-then eat either their own or maybe draw names and each...


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Using Selective Weed Killers
We are in the midst of a severe drought and the really eco-conscious are taking out their grass longs and putting in drought resistent,low water plants.


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Save $5 a Week for College
When your child is out of diapers, stash the money you would have spent on diapers every week or month into college fund!


kitchen sink

How To Control Ants In Your Kitchen
Vinegar works really well, too.


plant with brown tips on leaves

What Is This Houseplant?
I dont know what this is but try watering with distilled water and only water when it is dry to touch about 1 inch into soil


Room Color Scheme Ideas

Kitchen and Living Room Color Scheme...
warm yellow/gold or melon


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Planning a 60th Birthday Party?
If your guests all will drink alcohol how about pouring margaritas from the teapot. No one will expect that!


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Controlling Body Odor?
Definitely start with your doctor


Marking the Dial on a Toaster

Marking the Dial on a Toaster
I also use nail polish to mark the top of plug on every electric thing. Not a critical need but makes it easier to grab a plug right-side-up.


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Bariatric Surgery for Weight Loss?
There is a website called which is a support group/info site for gastric /bariatric surgery patients. It was enormously helpful for me. Also ask your bariatric surgeons office for any groups tht might be around. Is there a way I can send you...


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Is This an Abusive Relationship?
My biggest and most immediate concern here is what the second-hand pot smoke could do to your unborn child. Ask your doctor ASAP!


Homemade Cinnamon Rolls in One Hour

Homemade Cinnamon Rolls in One Hour
Can I use this recipe to make rolls or r loaf if bread


button hair tie in hair

Button Hair Ties
It might be hard to find button w large enough shank. I think any button would work esp one with 4 holes would work if really strong thread was used and stitched over the elastic many times and tied off tightly


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Feeding 35 People at Party Inexpensively?
This is FAMILY. Ask them to help!


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Removing Permanent Marker from Backpack?
Usually, Permanent means permanent. Can you draw or paint or sew on a patch over it?


Garden Sphere Out Of Hanging Baskets

Garden Sphere Out Of Hanging Baskets
I LOVE this idea, 99cent store has these hanging baskets


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Container for Liquid Coffee Creamer?
You could use a picnic style ketchup or mustard bottle(sold as a set in dollar stores) or place the bottle on a lid from a cottage cheese container.


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Cleaning Bathroom Grout?
Scrub as much as you can with a stiff brush and spray on KABOOM with BLEACH. Walk away and just let it dry. May have to repeat this a couple of times


room wth beams on ceiling

Painting a Bedroom Red?
I think this will feel like you are in the stomach of a wild animal!


Frugal Parenting

Frugal Parenting
Reading to your child from an early age greatly contributes to development on all areas. Library is your friend


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Inexpensive Party Table for 4th Birthday?
Oh course you can! Make your own cake, easy with a mix. Color frosting to match theme, ie red and blue if her has a spiderman interest. A few generic colored napkins and solid plates, etc. Serve an easy and inexpensive home-made punch-a mix of sherbet and 7...


WWI Spice Cake

WWI Spice Cake
My mom used to make a sauerkraut choc cake. Anyone have recipe?


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Donating Craft Supplies?
A school or Sunday School would love to have these. Teachers spend many of their own dollars to buy craft and educational supplies from their own pockets so any donation helps. Yould be amazed how resourceful teachers can be to use any odd thing.


Paper Plates as Microwave Helper

Paper Plates as Microwave Helper
On top of bowl is a splatter guard as well


woman wearing the necklace

Magazine Swirl Necklace
Does this really stay together including the jump rings?


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Reusing Coffee Grounds for Gardening?
any acid-loving plant will love coffee grounds-hydrangea, roses, citrus, begonia-google acid-loving plants. Starbucks will even give you their used coffee grounds for your garden


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14th Birthday Party Ideas?
Trampoline place or laser tag or go carts-all of these are in N County, S.D. and probably all over the county. What about a paint-your-own ceramics party. Likely you can bring own snacks and cake to latter.


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Changing the Color of Beige Drapes?
Dont think this can be done, sorry


glass yard decoration

Gluing Glass to Glass?
Use E6000, available pretty much everywhere. Get the clear kind as it does also come in black or white. I have used this to glue glass to glass, ceramic to ceramic, it works easily, cleanly and permanently. Let dry overnite to be on safe side.


Giant Pom Pom Monster

Giant Pom Pom Monster
Not suitable or safe for under 5 s. Eyes,chenille and stray threads can come off and be a choking hazard


Organizing Plastic Bags

Organizing Plastic Bags
Folding them? Really? What a waste of time? Stuff them into a tissue box or put them into bottom of wastebaskets so u have them at hand when u pull out and discard the one u gave filled w trash.


A marked roll of tape, ready for next time.

Paper Clip Tape Marker
My tape gun end continually gets messed up, this will help and I could even use a nail when I am at workbench


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Finding a Quilt Maker?
maybe a facebook group?


The finished chicken rice gift bowl.

Chicken-Rice Gift Bowls
One persons trash is still trash. Why go to the trouble...


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17th Birthday Party Ideas?
How about attending a live play of some sort, maybe a musical, at a local venue like community theatre? These are often inexpensive, but your friends need to commit to attending as u will have to buy their tix all at once and tix are usually non-refundable...


Baking Pan Chalkboard

Baking Pan Chalkboard
If u use tin pans rather than aluminum u can also use as a magnet board


Help With Identifying This Plant?
I think this is a variety of wandering jew, tradescantia


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Removing Cigarette Smoke Smell from House?
The long-term solution might be to call in professionals.. Too important to mickey-mouse it.


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Container for Disposing of Kitchen Grease and Oil?
coffee cans, ice cream cartons (line w a plastic bag if necessary, milk cartons, (cut off the top w a sharp knife.


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Childcare Name Ideas?
Love learning lollipops laugh live lively


Donate Food Thoughtfully - Tuna Helper and other items

Donate Food Thoughtfully
What about hotel type toiletries? Have tons of these


Chicken salad sandwich on plate

Chicken Salad Sandwiches
I use part greek yogurt in the dressing, sometimes part salad dressing like ranch or a creamy caesar. Yogurt reduces the fat from mayo and switches up flavor now and then


A fast food receipt from Subway

Double Check Restaurant Receipts
I'n dine in restaurants I find errors at least 10% if the time. Sometimes these are significant. Always check


Wear Gardening Gloves For The Unexpected - pampas grass

Wear Gardening Gloves For The Unexpected
Pampas grass is an extremely invasive plant, non-native in CA and a real nightmare to get rid of. It will choke out anything in the area. Not sure about how it grows in other regions but PLEASE do not cultivate it in CA.


Gardening By Trial And Error - canary grass

Gardening By Trial And Error
Think about what u plant and avoid non-native invasive plants. I live in southern ca and pampas grass is invasive and hard to control


A piece of embroidery thread being inserted into a knot.

Using Thread to Untie Knots
For necklaces, put knotted chain on a plate and one drop of cooking oil. Use 2 pins to tease the knot apart. Oil makes it really easy.


pudding on top of bananas and wafers in containers

Banana Pudding Wafer Surprise
Instant pudding mix will NOT thicken if made with soy milk.


A car key and remote on a bedside table.

Leave Car Keys on Bedside Table
Quite a long time before car alarms I was awakened by an intruder in my home. Because I am a teacher i carried a whistle on my key ring which I grabbed and started making lots of noise. Scared the intruder who ran off and awoke neighbors who ran in.


A sensor tag on a newly purchased clothing item.

Double Check Sensor Tags Before Leaving Stores
When I went on a cruise, I found a sensor that had been left on the hem of my cocktail dress! I made a hole in the dress to remove it and when I returned home, I returned the dress to the store


Dog Toy from Old Dish Towels  - dog pulling on towel toy

Dog Toy from Old Dish Towels
Denim strips from old jeans work really well


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Stopping Nail Biting Habit?
Plain rubbing alcohol tastes terrible, is cheap and should help. You can even get alcohol swabs, the kind used by people injecting insulin to wipe of nails after you wash ur hands


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Slowing Down Morning Glory Infestation
Every time I see any post calling for Dawn I wonder if a less expensive dish soap would work are well?


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Slowing Down Morning Glory Infestation
Please no ROUNDUP. Roundup is a big cause of new colony collapse. We need bees as pollinators and bee populations are in serious danger


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Frigidaire Ice Maker Leaking Water?
I just had a huge water damage is due to icemaker leak. Around 50k worth of house damage. Keep an eye on it and be sure to get it fixed ASAP


A purse attached to a shopping cart with the child straps.

Safe Purse While Shopping
This wont stop a thief but sure will slow them down. Keep an eye out anyway!


A cellphone in a car, being held by a rubber band.

Rubber Band as Car Cellphone Holder
A hair elastic would be more invisible and probably last longer than a that said, genius idea!


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Removing Grease from Laminate Tabletop?
Have u tried simple green or Krudcutter which I can get home depot


Coupons and samples from writing companies.

Compliment Companies to Receive Coupons and Perks
A number of years ago a pet product company flew my dog and me from CA to NJ to make a tv commercial as a result of such a letter!


What Is This Houseplant? - plant with dark green leaves in a standing planter

What Is This Houseplant?
Called a ZZ plant. Very hardy


What Is This Houseplant? - plant with dark green leaves in a standing planter

What Is This Houseplant?
Oops, Just saw the dropped leaf. It is a fiddleleaf fig. Used distilled water on it-leaf tips burn easily


A candle to deter flies at a table.

Get Rid of House Flies with a Candle
When i serve food outdoors i toss a length of netting (cheap at a fabric store) over all the food. Easy for guests to see thru and they can flip it up to serve rhemselves. Toss it in the washer and use it again


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Getting Rid of Snakes Without Poison?
Unless the snakes are poisonous pls let them be. Snakes are an important part of the ecosystem. Some eat rodents and even baby rattlers. Find out what snakes live in your area and it is pretty easy to identify them


A jar of frothed milk.

Frothed Milk in a Jar
Will this work with non dairy milk


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Living Room and Entry Paint Color Advice?
Is there any COLOR in the room.seems very neutral to me!


A blister on a dog's skin.

Blister on Dog's Skin?
Pls tell the groomer about this. Our dog had such a cyst and the groomer nicked it, it got infected and she needed surgery


Items in a home prepared for an indoor yard sale.

Planning an Indoor Yard Sale
I hope you realize that getting a dog is about more than just getting-dogs are expensive and to be a good pet parent you need to be able to afford day to day expenses, grooming and vet care. If you choose to adopt a dog be sure you can afford planned and unplanned...


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Bleaching Dye Out of a 100% Viscose Romper?
Extremely unlikely. Likely to wind up with a blotchy mess


Homemade Panko Breadcrumbs

Homemade Panko Breadcrumbs
I always make own panko-style crumbs. I put fresh or slightly stale bread in food processor, then spread those crumbs on baking sheet and in the oven at about 200 degrees or so. I let it dry about an hr or so, stirring occassionally


Bone China Candle Cups - finished tea cup candle

Bone China Candle Cups
Wax has a low flash point and can catch on fire Melt in double boiler or set can with wax into a shallower pan with a few inches on a low flame. Or in micro or in can set inside electric skillet or on wax melt warmer as suggested. If on stove or micro stay...


Brownie Brittle

Brownie Brittle
This didn't even come close to crisp even baked longer. Chewy but not crisp at all


Plastic Bottle for Rehydrating Indoor Plants

Plastic Bottle for Rehydrating Indoor Plants
I freeze water bottles with water, and sometimes liquid fertilizer, then remove the caps, invert in a plant and as the ice melts the water trickles into my plants rather than running out the drain hole.


DIY Temporary Ombre Hair - finished hair

DIY Temporary Ombre Hair
Maybe kid-safe pastels? Doesnt this get all over pillowcase?


Plant Your Tomato in a Recycled Washing Machine Tub - planted closeup

Plant Your Tomato in a Recycled Washing Machine Tub
This is very ugly and looks like the junk it is. Just because you can doesnt mean you should.


Identifying a Houseplant

Identifying a Houseplant?
cyclamen I think


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Cross Stitch or Needlepoint Pattern for Stetson University?
If you havent been able to find a kit it is not hard to transfer an image to your canvas. Id be glad to explain it to you. Is it possible to communicate directly?


Watering Hanging Baskets - hanging basket and plastic tub

Watering Hanging Baskets
Taking down or moving heavy baskets is a pain. I freeze water, sometimes with water soluble plant food, in empty water bottles, then invert the frozen bottles into the baskets right where they are. The ice melts slowly, soaking the soil and I dont have to lift...


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Child Support and Social Security Benefits?
Did I read right that u just found out who your son's father is? You didn't know until now? How do u know definitively that this person was your son's father? All questions you will be asked by SS


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Curtain and Accessory Color Advice?
Dark blue curtains will block a lot of light. And How about adding a pop of color like a bright yellow or green or a deep corAl. Maybe pick a color out of a piece of art?


A bottle of homemade Miracle Orange Oil Cleaner.

Homemade Miracle Orange Oil Cleaner
I always have lemon peels. Will try this with them


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Keeping a Puppy Outside?
A 7 week puppy shouldn't even be separated from its mom. Why have a dog if you can't care for and protect it properly


Containers of sorted coins.

Don't Be Shy Using Coins and Coupons
Some banks and credit unions that are free for their customers. Also some stores have coin stars that are free if you use the coin star money/voucher in that store. Read the signage on the machine. My Walmart does this


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Removing a Willow Tree?
Pls do not use herbicides. Most herbicides are responsible for bee colony collapse. We need bees as pollinators and they are dying off because of herbicide use


Heineken beer bottles that have been marked down.

Saving on Alcohol
how about BYOB?


A bedsheet that is slightly too large for the bed.

Test New Sheets Before Washing
I ALWAYS return things,including food, if it doesn't perform or fit, or last as long as it should. If I buy full sheets and they don't fit my full bed they go back, if I buy something that falls apart after washing or normal use it goes back. If food goes bad...


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14th Birthday Party Ideas?
What do other kids do at parties? Even if their activities are out of your price range perhaps you can modify. Or how about asking every friend to plan 1 activity for the party that they think everyone would enjoy. Let them plan and execute it. You do need...


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Thread Breaks When Sewing a Zig Zag Stitch?
Using old thread could be 1 problem, or you may need to change the needle. Needles get dull and threads will break


New Baby Frame - finished frame

New Baby Frame
Even without the crochet booties this would be adorable I would use buttons from my stash


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Caring for a 4 Week Old Puppy?
This puppy is way too young to be away from mom. No sooner than 8 weeks is preferred. This pup needs to be on a canine milk replacer formula from vet or pet store. Baby will not get adequate nutrition from what you are feeding. No RAW food Also suggest to backyard...


A small dog asleep on the floor.

Being Frugal Around My Home
I'm sure u love ur dogs but it doesn't look like what u r feeding them is at all a healthy diet. What will u do when they get sick from malnutrition?


A jar of coins spilling out on a white background.

Cashing In Pocket Change
In Walmart as well as some grocery chains if u use coin star and get a voucher from the machine u can use it as cash (no service fee)at the register


Crayon Frame - crayon frame decorated with flowers and a butterfly design

Melted Crayon Frame
SOOOOO dangerous. Paraffin in crayons can catch on fire quickly


A box of watermelon for sale with an arrow marking the one that was chosen.

Choosing Great Watermelon
I buy produce at a local market and usually have them cut it in half so I can see the inside. Pale pink vs red and sometimes a mushy appearance are no-go s and I have them cut Another one


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Fitted Twin Sheet as Party Tablecloth
Provide fabric msrkers or sharpies so guests can draw or write a birthday message. Use the same sheet every year!


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