
Kim Churchman

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3 Posts | 1,273 Comments | Active Since 2007
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Old Clothesline as a Garden Trellis
Here in Washington our blackberries are so growthy, they do 20-foot long canes in a year, and I love them, one bite of a good ripe blackberry is instant summer for me! They can take over, so Ill try putting it up like that. Thanks!


Butterfly on Butterfly Bush

Butterfly on Butterfly Bush
Nice, different angle, more interesting!


Staying with Family: A Guide To Being A Better Houseguest
You sure had your heart in the right place, doing whatever you would want done for yourself if you were in opposite places. Good work! Not only to clean up your own messes and pay for your own costs, but to lighten the load of your hosts in every way you can...


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Sunday School Craft?
Hi Sandy - when I was doing Sunday School my very best resource was the retired ladies who had led Sunday School for years. They were delighted to be asked, didnt want to take it on again but they had run into every problem that could possibly arise. Keep it...


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Draining a Can of Tuna?
Huh, and here I thought I was doing the normal thing, and everyone does it differently. I use the can opener to make a slit in each side of the top, as if starting to open the lid, then I perch the thing on its side on the edge of the sink and let it drip a...


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Inexpensive Owl Halloween Costume For 5 Year Old?
Hello Chewelah, from Moses Lake! good luck with the projects!


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How to Talk to Mother About Shaving Legs?
Best thing to do is to put it into a letter. If you write the letter on your computer, then you can get it in decent shape before you print it and leave it out for her (in a place where nobody else will get it). If you handwrite it shes more likely to say yes...


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10 Month Old Shitzu With Skin Problem?
A vet bill just to look at a skin thing is not that expensive, not like a big operation or something. Why not ask this question to someone who actually knows? The vet will probably prescribe a topical cream, which will work better than any stupid herbal guessing...


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Cleaning a House with a Long Haired Cat?
It is a good idea to have one client that you serve for the sake of charity, and you charge nothing at all, a free gift. Good idea why? because you are so blessed to have the other clients. This lady should either be your charity client, or you let someone...


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Removing Red Sharpie From Bedspread?
If the black and white areas are pieced together, as in quilting, you could just replace the white section?


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Sweaty Armpits With No Odor?
Choose fabrics that dont show the wet, and let the value of sweating, the detox and clarifying of body fluids, roll on. You can wear snug-fitting cotton tshirts underneath, with neckline modified so that they dont show, and the cotton will keep underarm areas...


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Training Aggressive German Shepherd/Husky Mix?
Get Cesar Millans new book Be the Pack Leader. He is on TV as the Dog Whisperer on the National Geographic channel. I have had much improved success with my Red Heeler spitfire just from watching the show.



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What is the Perfect Birthday Gift For a Bullrider?
How about a box of fine steaks? with a pair of oven mitts, a bottle of BBQ sauce? Or with you in nothing but a cute BBQ apron and boots?


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Recipe for Quick and Easy Candy?
1 car 1 store 1 dollar mix well, add one chocolate bar, enjoy. Might as well go right to the good stuff.


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Gift ideas For Goddaughter's Confirmation?
Not a Bible, her parents will want to give her a first Bible, but there is a large body of literature for young people in the faith. Also Christian music. So how about a trip with you to a Christian bookstore?


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Cleaning a Brushed Stainless Steel Refrigerator?
Many restaurants shine their stainless with WD-40.


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Did I See an Angel?
Youre not the only one, there are other angel sightings. There can be imposter entities, but they are not honoring the sacrifice of Jesus in our place. The Bible says test the spirits, to see whether they be of God. They certainly arent all white women with...


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Seattle Birthday Party Ideas?
I would serve salmon, coffee cheesecaeke for dessert, download imagery to print off for decor, make a Space Needle out of hot-glued toothpicks for a cake topper, paint it white? stand that over a cake in the shape of the state of WA? or have two guys on each...


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Cleaning Up After Trimming Bushes
Awesome tip, that was very useful! why didnt I think of that? Good one!


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Recipes for Duck?
Go to, and then add it to your Favorites list. Very useful! Enjoy, duck is tastey.


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Decorating Around Base of Antique Tub?
How about a cloth skirt around the tub, whole thing?


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Inexpensive Toys Made in the USA?
The best toys use the kids imaginations. The awesomest toy I ever had growing up was a gunny sack full of blocks. They were just odd sized scraps and chunks, and they had been taken to a belt sander by a family friend to polish them a little. The three of us...


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9 Year Old Lab Losing Hair?
It is not expensive to have the vet just look at your dog, do a smear under the microscope to make sure there arent mange mites embedded in his skin, and get yourself a diagnosis. Thats where you start, by getting a diagnosis.


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Removing Sharpie From Vinyl Bus Seats?
If worst comes to worst, you will have to paint over the graffiti with some spray paint.



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Product Rating Web Site?
You might reconsider that $19, because its a bargain. Consumer Reports accepts no advertising, therefore their published test results are not slanted from pressure from any advertisers. Their test data is pure, not polluted. I went car shopping once and the...


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Picking up the Tab at Lunch?
Whatever you do, make sure its known before the day, so they can be prepared to pay either their own or all.


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Hiking Themed Birthday Party?
Are those mylar Space Blankets expensive? they use a lot of them at the finish line of a marathon. They are a classic item mentioned in ten essentials lists.


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Homemade American Food for Japanese Mother in Law?
Take her to McDonalds! or fix hamburgers, what could be more American than that? she can decide how much BBQ sauce or onions she wants on hers. Or southwest cuisine, where she can add her own picante sauce?


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Inexpensive Christmas Craft Ideas for Cub Scouts?
They could drill a lot of holes in a pine square to make a trivet. Boys love drilling!


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Ebay vs. Garage Sales?
Neither! G-sale - it rains and brings strangers around. EBay - every item takes so long. Best profits for me are with Its Deductible, the software comes bundled with my TurboTax, and can be downloaded for only $15 or so. Its like having a garage sale, except...


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Keeping Brownies from Getting Hard on the Edges
Try putting them in a smaller pan and then put the pan into a larger pan with a bit of water up to the level of the brownie batter.


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Hobbies to Avoid Gambling?
Could it be that ultimately youre going to have to move to get a handle on this? that and also find new ways to medicate that itchy-twitchy feeling? is there a family member or a church connection that would help you live in a different town for a couple of...


Deer Near My House
Great shot! looks like twin fawns with their Mom.


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Sippy Cups for Hospital Stays
Great idea, it took real creativity to come up with that. You didnt say, but I just wish you the best with your knees - hope youre okay.



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Hand Sewing Tip - Wax Thread to Stop Knotting
I use the wax, and also my Mom showed me years ago that it matters which end of the thread you put the needle on. Stroke downward lightly between thumb and forefinger, and you will feel the difference, because of the twist of the threads filaments. Try from...


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Crafts Using Old High School Jacket?
Put the important part into a picture frame?


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Inexpensive Umbrellas?
surely a SEATTLE thrift shop will have umbrellas! hi from over here in Moses Lake!


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Improving Scanner Quality?
after you scan, put it through photo editing software and click on adding contrast.


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Melting and Casting PVC Products?
Put PVC Casting into your search engine. I surely would not want to breathe the melting PVCs vapors!!


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Think Before You Speak
Good observation, very true.


Man Standing Next to Gigantic Tomato Plant

Gigantic Tomato Plant


pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin Recycling (To Roast or Not to Roast!)
Im going to try that pumpkin smoothie, thanks!


pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin Recycling (To Roast or Not to Roast!)
Im going to try that pumpkin smoothie, thanks!


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Slugs Indoors?
Are we talking one, or armies of them? If its one, Id pick it up in a tissue and flush him down the potty, saying Bad slug, you should know better, the water will carry you back outside. If its armies, then first find out how they get in! carried in on firewood...


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Help With 7 Year Old Picky Eater?
We can all thank the food advertisers on kid TV channels, they sell bad food with such excitement that good food has a tough act to follow. God Bless you and your son.


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Caring For Torn Orange Tree Branch?
When I was in Florida, orange groves were simply shorn. They had a shape like an upside down styrofoam cup. It made picking easier. The only thing I would think of for green oranges would be some sort of sweet n sour sauce for meat, but Ive never heard of one...


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Can You Wear a Wig for License Renewal in Virginia?
You might want to just walk into your local DMV office and ask in advance, just in case. Your friend would be so upset if they said even one tiny boo, so please get the info for her. That would be my guess. God bless!


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What to Write to Tell a Girl You Like Her?
How about I like you, youre crazy like me. Or Ive been noticing lately, its easy to like you.


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Ways To Keep Earrings From Slipping?
The disc backs seem to help my earlobes keep from flopping when I wear a heavier earring. I switch my earring backs around to match the right tightness for each pair. Or you could use a hole puncher to cut lots of dots from a sheet of rubbery stuff and punch...


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Home Remedies For IBS?
I have some luck with chewing up raw old-fashioned oatmeal, dry, a bit of that seems to help. I dont think I have real IBS, just a cantankerous hard-to-please gut sometimes, depending on stress. Good for you for putting in a question. God bless!


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Help With Planting a Peach Tree?
Look up and keep handy the number for your countys Cooperative Extension office. They have a Master Gardener program made of volunteers who have had some advanced training and who just love to answer questions like yours. Youll ask them again and again as things...


wooden bike rack

Wooden Bike Rack
Nice design, looks good!


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Making Things For Pigmy Goats to Play On?
Hi you lucky pygmy owner! One thing thats very popular is empty wire spools from the phone and electric companies. They are wooden, large is 4 high laying on its side, and they are often seen linked together with a plank for the goat to walk in midair from...


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Difference Between Minute Rice and Other Brands?
Some rices are deliberately starchy to suit Asian preferences. Those who like chopsticks need a rice that forms gummy, sticky lumps to pick up. That is the rice used in sushi. Here in the US we like fluffy rice, separate grains that dont stick together. That...


Growing Organic Vegetables at Home

Growing Organic Vegetables at Home
Im impressed, that is a really pretty head of brock!


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Store Cottage Cheese Upside Down
That tip just saved my budget, because I love the stuff! I use a ton of cinnamon in it and its great. But now and then a half tub gets away from me, so Ill do it your way now!! Im so happy with this idea!


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Carnival-Style Lemonade?
Ill bet their secret ingredient is the fun atmosphere of being at the Fair!


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Yorkies Barking Too Much?
You know the Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan on Nat Geo? I just bought his new book, Be the Pack Leader. I just wish Id tried this two years ago. My dog is so much happier and more energetic, problems are getting resolved so fast, Please Buy the Book! that or his...


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Boston Terrier with Bad Breath?
Your dog drinks urine in its cage - could it be because your Bossie is desperately bored? If you exercise him enough to wear him out to be happily tired, it will help. Chew items as described in other posts will help. Can you minimize cage time as much as possible...


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Inexpensive Lucite Salt/Pepper Mills or Grinders?
For quantity cheep, try the restaurant supply stores in your yellow pages.


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Where to Find Iron Shut Tea Bags?
The first teabag ever invented was made of silk, so other fabrics might work too? Maybe reusables?


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Putting White Christmas Lights On a Live Tree?
I use my leaf rake to lift them up there.


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Free Printable Budget Planner?
Check out , they have a radio show that has been a big help to me.


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Stop Dog From Eating Out of Trash Cans?
Just like in the game of chess, your options are only three: block, move or capture. You can block her access to the garbage with a barrier, you can move the dog or the garbage, or you can cage her.


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How Do You Get Your Nails to Grow Without Chemicals?
Instead of incomplete protein from gelatin, just go with good nutrition with enough complete protein from meats, legumes, dairy, eggs, and so on. Everyones nails should grow just fine on good nutrition as long as the nail bed isnt diseased. They should grow...


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Is Food Coloring Harmful to Pets?
I once ate some M&Ms and just for giggles I sorted them by color. To my surprise, red ones dont taste so good. that was the beginning of my trend toward organic living. Think about it, do you really want to put wierd stuff into his body?


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Keepsake for Mother's 90th Birthday?
Make a doll ornament dressed in the fashions of yesteryear with her hair color and hairstyle. By stringing beads and wooden shapes you can get in the craft places, you can put a cute thing together, and why not give her a fringed skirt like in the 20s? so it...


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Gag Christmas Gift for Short Man?
How about a mushroom shaped pillow he can hide under in case it rains?


Marley (Yorkshire Terrier/Chihuahua)

Marley (Yorkshire Terrier/Chihuahua)
Oh, hes just totally beautiful, such a good-looking little man! Not everything called cute looks cute to me, but this guy I could just pick up right now. Thanks!


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Check For Mismarked Sizes At The Thrift Store
What a great thrift-shop score! Good for you and thanks for the tip, Ill use that!


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Creative or Romantic Birthday Present?
How about a food party where you travel around the world via the different cuisines? Pizza for Italy, BBQ steak for the USA, dessert from France...sparkling apple cider from Germany...stir-fried veggies for Asia...


Longwood Gardens - Kennett Square, PA
Thats a sneak peek at heaven, so beautiful. Thanks.


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Overweight Pug-a-poo?
While you are reducing her food intake, she will try to be a thief and sneak food. This makes her amenable to seeing her usual kibble as treats. Or you can use another brand of kibble for treats. Reduce her daily intake if she gets more treats on a given day...


Woman dressed as a bowling ball.

Homemade Bowling Ball Costume
Hi Stacy - you rock! lookin fine! Way to not spend a ton of money on only one night!


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Prizes for Theater Contest?
Please re-post, what is a theater contest?


Origami Heart

Dollar Origami Hearts
thats the best use of YouTube Ive seen yet! thanks for putting that up.


Creeping Phlox
How very beautiful! I will most certainly get creeping phlox going at my place. I think you just started a trend! I see this as being the north side of the house, right? not full sun? thanks! Nicely done photo.


Advice for How to Gain Weight?
You could not get a contract with the famous Ford modeling agency without those cheekbones! Those are called the apple of your cheek and its mostly made of your smiling muscles drawn up. If your doctor is satisfied with your weight you should be too. What, are...


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Finding a Gift for Husband?
Edibles, like a pie you made!


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Using Cinnamon Sticks Multiple Times?
The flavor in it is the essential oil. You can tell how much flavor it has by sniffing it or even nibbling a corner that you shaved off with a knife. Most are very dried-up and just for decoration.


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Advice for Decorating Cookies?
If they arent hardening fast enough, you can put them into a warm gentle oven to speed up the process.


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Starching Your Curtains
Hmmm, interesting! that sounds pretty easy, and cheep too. I could do that! I bought a house and still after a year dont have enough curtains up, you have me inspired - thanks.


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What Can Be Injected In a Turkey For More Flavor?
I used equal parts onion juice, garlic juice and lemon juice. Very tenderizing. I blendered a white onion, bought the garlic juice, and used normal reconstituted lemon juice. I tried it at a friends house and it made me buy an injector. The needle is big enough...


Dottie At 9 Months (Dalmatian)
ooh, her eyes are so enchanting, what a beauty!


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Painting Red Birds on Glass Ornaments?
Ask a nearby child to draw a bird for you? let them participate!


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Resources for Learning Spanish?
How about distance ed via your computer with the community college near you?


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Recipes for Cupcakes from Around the World?
Dark chocolate would be Mexico, where it was first discovered! Norway would be berries, Holland would be cheese, Africa would be lime, India would be sweet raisin curry, Hawaii would be pineapple. Im sure youll have a world globe with yarn running from muffin...


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Removing Stains from Hospital Pads?
How about a tub soak with dishwasher detergent for a good degreaser to release the odor and stains?


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Drive With Enough Room for the Car in Front of You
What could be thriftier than avoiding a huge crash and hanging onto your abilities? One inch of space is what you would beg for if you could, once its too late. Its true! experts recommend that we could all move all traffic faster if everyone would just pull...


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Sneaking Veggies Into Ground Beef
Only caution here, I would think, is not to use things in ground beef that suck up the fat. My Mom made it with oatmeal when I was growing up, everyone did, but now we know that the oatmeal ensures that you eat lots more of the fat that would have dripped out...


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Cleaning Plastic Dish Strainer?
You might have hard water. You can make a vinegar solution with hot water in the sink and immerse the rack for a half hour.


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Dealing with Symptoms of Sjogren's Syndrome?
Hello, Im a dental hygienist who has worked with three advanced Sjogrens cases. You have a yeast infection in the skin at the corners of your mouth. No kidding! Its actually totally common in anyone with more moisture at that site. Using lip balms will seal...


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How to Locate Pet Urine Stain?
I put the words black light pet urine into my browser and a whole bunch of listings came up.


Weed The Cat
pretty photo!


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Henna for Healthy Home Hair Coloring
Excellent idea, I wonder sometimes about saving the earth with other measures and then the unbelievably poisonous petrochemical hair dyes are rinsed down the drain. People absorb through their skin of course, patch-delivered drug therapies are evidence, so...


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Save On Oil Changes For High End Cars
Or for even greater thrift, trade the car in for something normal people would spend for. The prices of those cars is so high, I would only spend that on real estate that I can keep, not watch the rust, rot and depreciation. I can afford such a luxury car, but...


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Will Dusting With Water or Vinegar Damage Furniture?
The key is not to let the wood be wet for very long. You can clear the dust off with a dampish cloth, then follow with a dry cloth to take the water off. You might do an online search for natural ways to keep your wood surfaces oiled, which they do need now...


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Bright White Walls with Red Accents?
Soft mossy gray-green and vanilla? a champagne, honey vanilla, not a yellowy one. Anything to keep it adult, not a juvenile primary-colors look, so avoid crayon colors like royal blue, forest green or butter yellow.


Lacy heart decorations.

Lace Hearts
Fanciful, very pretty!


Monte and Hershey (PVGV and Doodle)

Monte and Hershey (PVGV and Doodle)
Nice shot! you had the camera down to dog level, their precious facial expressions are so engaging. Good-looking guys!


juice can drum ornament

Drum Ornament
I would never have guessed! looks terrific!


Paint Brush Santa

Paint Brush Santa
Unbelievably clever!


What Kind of Dog is Buddy?
Hes no way ACD, Aussie Cattle Dog. NOT! Its Corgi-Pom, because of the coat and the curled tail. Too prominent of nose to be Peke, but a very Pom facial shape. The Corgi has the spoon-shaped ear, rounded, and there could be a drop of Beagle there for the folded...


Christmas Tree as a tomato cage

Cute Tomato Cage Christmas Trees
Thanks, I will remember that this summer when I see tomato cages on sale and Ill get several, to make me a mini-forest out on the lawn. I like natural-type designs, not the inflated things. Merry Christmas!


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Removing Milk Stains from Leather Shoes?
Hi Sven - the milk had a tiny bit of fat in it, so use something detergent, like a mild dish soap solution.


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Getting a Student Loan When on Disability?
Meet with the deacons at your church, and they may co-sign for you. God bless you, and please put a post up to tell us when you graduate!


A yarn Snoopy ornament

Snoopy Tree Ornament
the clearest directions, nicely given!


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Removing Dog Hair from Curtains?
My local WalMart has a pet-specific lint roller in the pet department, has a green handle, and the papers on it are far stickier. They dont cost any more, but they actually work, and my dogs hair is like toothpicks, very stubborn to get out.


Lady (Border Collie/Blue Heeler) and Endo

Lady (Border Collie/Blue Heeler) and Endo
Shiny, healthy dogs! they look happy - good for you to rescue them, they were deserving!


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Could My Dog Have Postpartum Depression?
She is nervous and being maternal, so she is defending her pups. She is not depressed, which would look like apathy and maybe abandoning the pups. You need to boss her well enough to wade right through the aggression, maybe with a heavy leather glove on your...


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Gift for a Dental Assistant Graduate?
I was a long-time dental assistant. Flowers are great, or a plant she can keep. She will get a sore neck and back, so a massage/vibrate pad for a chair will be very much used. She will wear out uniforms, and even though L & I requires that the office provide...


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Italian Mastiff Puppy?
You will be getting vaccinations next week, so that would be a good time to ask your veterinarian!


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Cat Hair Loss from Flea Allergy?
Why are you not asking the vet who helped you eradicate the fleas? a phone call doesnt cost money!


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Indoor Birthday Party Locations?
Look into renting an Elks or other fraternal lodge. They have wonderful big rooms, chairs, kitchen, everything for very reasonable. My girlfriends wedding was very frugal that way.


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How Do You Get Play Doh Out Of Clothes?
See on the left side of the page? Thrifty Fun has a large body of information you can search, so you will find lots of answers there.


husky pup

Keira (Miniature Siberian Husky)
Adorable smiley pup-pup! that one will have an unlimited appetite for exercise all her life...


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Frizzy Hair That Won't Hold Curls?
I use a wax pomade, like Got2Bs Defiant. I apply it to dry hair with fingertips and it glues down the frizzies, but without darkening or flattening my hair. I keep some at work for repair of frizzies, using only where needed. If I were wearing a braid, I would...


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Paper Plate Challenge?
Yard sale signs!


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Cleaning Cloth Tote Bag Handles?
I would just use some white shoepolish on it.


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Reshaping Artificial Holly and Pointsettias?
Please repost and tell us whether they are silk or plastic -


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Sweet Plum Sauce Using Wilds Ezy Sauce?
I did a search for Wilds Ezy Sauce and got nothing useful.


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Removing Burnt Residue on Popcorn Popping Machine?
Burnt carbohydrates can be a real challenge. I would put foil on it before using it again and then toss the foil each time. Foil is cheap so you can hopefully afford to be the one to buy it. God bless you!


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Freezing Pimento Cheese?
Yes you can freeze it. Use baggies and divide it up into smaller amounts, then put the baggies into a larger one, with a 3x5 card label in with them, with the contents written in felt marker with big dark letters. Are you sure you want to eat that? Many processed...


Coffee shaker card.

Shaker Cards
Those are really nice, anyone would be delighted!


San Francisco Wedding Photos

San Francisco Wedding Photos
Guess you could title the stair picture Steppin toward our Future and the tree one Mighty trees from little acorns grow or something? Nice shots!


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Making Fleece Gloves Non-slip?
Pop on a steering wheel cover! Mine is nice and bumpy, ostrich pattern, and my gloves grip it nicely.


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Should I Close My High Interest Credit Card Account?
Go to, the only free credit report (dont go to Your report will include a section of recommended actions you can take, to improve your score. I dont feel any need to know my score, just to do what they recommend...


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Advice for Permanently Straightening or Curling Hair?
Why not save some money by wearing it up or some other new way, like braiding or such, rather than a temporary and expensive treatment? You can do some wild effects by spraying hairspray and holding it up while you dry the hairspray with a hair dryer.


Decorative birdhouses.

Craft Birdhouses
wow, beautiful!


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Tips for Using an Onion Blossom Maker?
The Bloomin Onion from a certain steakhouse is famous for being ranked the worst single food item in Americas restaurant industry. I felt like someone had to ask, do you really want to eat a deepfried onion? If you use them just to make it easy to chop an onion...


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'Spring Cleaning' Themed Church Event?
Why not involve the Sunday school kids and have them make paper flowers and butterflies and all?


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Glueing a Glow-In-the-Dark Puzzle?
Separate it into large pieces, hopefully halves. Slide each piece onto cookie sheet and then put second cookie sheet on top, then flip, then reassemble on table. Apply glue with disposable brush and dont put on too much so it doesnt soak in between pieces. Lay...


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Washing Hood With Fox Fur?
Spot clean with a solution of baby shampoo?


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Is Cheese Unhealthy For Dogs?
I use cheese for rewards when Im trimming toenails. Too much is high calorie, thats the only caution I know. Yes, it has saturated fat, but then how long do dogs ever live anyway. Its a main ingredient in some of the raw diets.


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Help For Invisible Eyebrows?
My hair is medium red too, and I have read that redheads fall into two groups, darker eyelashes and paler ones. My eyebrows are blonde and my lashes are almost so, like invisible glass eyelashes. I went to the website and bought a lighter...


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Advice for Dealing with Lazy and Abusive Husband?
We are very much worried about you. You are in India, where marriage is not about equality or as I understand it. Do you have a safe place to go? I have read about Indias bride-burnings. Please repost, tell us more about how youre doing. What are your parents...


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Making Ornaments from Can Lids
Photo please! this is the first craft Ive seen for those things. Thanks.


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Kelpie Mix Breed Dog?
Both ACDs and Kelpies normally have rigidly upright ears when they are looking at something (they fold back whenever they want, but are not flopped forward). So there could be a third breed in her background expressing itself. Just google Kelpie or Australian...


White and tan wiry terrier.

Cooper (Terrier Mix)
Hes so appealing, I almost hugged my computer!


Stuffed square quilt.

Easy Pillow Quilt
Looks wonderful, a real thrifty and pretty item. Very nice!


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Speech Ideas for Receiving an Award at Work?
You are very thoughtful and while I am not eloquent, I consider your gift a very wonderful one and I thank you very much.


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Treatments for Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)?
I am with you, because Im a bruxer from way back, and Ive had two teeth need root canal from it when they had never had a filling or cavity or any other trauma. I havent been helped by night guards because I take them out without waking up, since they feel...


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Cleaning Carpets Without a Vacuum?
Hie thee to a thrift shoppe, they have many for cheepie.


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What Do You Think of Your White Cook Top?
Yes, I like mine, and I keep it clean without any real effort. I cook carefully, not allowing pots to boil over, so I prevent the worst messes. After dishes, I take one paper towel, put one shot of Windex on it, and swipe it down, so that it is degreased and...


A fabric wallet for storing tea bags.

Tea Bag Wallet
Looks really fine!


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Does Pre-tanning Prevent Sun Burns?
Having had all three kinds of skin cancer, including melanoma, I cant recommend any tanning. Ill be fishbelly white all the rest of my life, and happy about it. The last skin cancer I had cut out of the middle of my back cost $600 just for a simple chop-out...


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My Dog Smells But I Can't Give Him a Bath?
Baking soda is a fairly strong alkali, like rubbing your dog all over with wood ashes or salt. Too harsh. Cornstarch would be better, non-irritating. Pet wipes have a ton of fragrance, baby-powder smell, and I am not fond of my dog trading one stink for another...


Recycled Barnyard Animals - toilet paper tube pig, cow, and dog

Recycled Barnyard Animals
Those are sweet, and would be fun for any kid! Now what would you use for the cow or goats udder?


How I Save Money By Keeping a Clean House
Way to go, Mom! you rock! thanks for telling the truth!


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Removing Dried Grout from Bricks?
I think the above posts were referring to acetic acid. Vinegar is a weak acetic acid, and you can buy much stronger industrial strengths. Why not paint it?


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Warts on My Face?
First, get a proper diagnosis what they are! I have had three kinds of skin cancer. They can look like nothing at all. Get thee to a Doctor!


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100% Juice Is A Good Way To Add Nutrients
Sorry, but too many parents are feeding juices instead of water to kids. The acid in the juice erodes the chewing surfaces of the teeth. It isnt cavities (the sugar in the juice promotes that) instead its more like potholes, not just flat abrasion. I remember...


basket of fresh food

Ten Easy Ways to Eat Healthfully
Good ideas, thanks. I had to smile when you recommended carrots and tomatoes for greenery, so thanks for the added whimsy too.


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Uses for Faux Fur Coats?
They might help the homeless survive the winter?


Tall multistemmed house plant with narrow leaves.

What is this plant? (Neanthe bella)
I dont have the name, but I know dracaena, and that one looks like green swordblades 2-3 wide, rising out of the dirt.


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Uses for Faux Fur Coats?
If you donate them to charity for the tax writeoff, be sure to photograph the coats with close-up shots of the tags and their labels. This will help you survive audit.


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Jazz Up Your Water with This Fruity Lo-Cal Beverage
Sounds nice, well worthwhile. BTW, could you save more money by buying Splenda in a big bag? or WalMarts brand of sucralose, Altern (same exact thing)? Happy hydrating, Kim


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Making Banana Bread Moist?
Store it wrapped up airtight, so no moisture escapes. You can make your recipe more moist by adding more fat or applesauce. God bless you, Kim


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Smooth Bumps on Daughter's Back and Chest?
One form of dry bumpy skin can be a Vitamin A deficiency. Be guided by a nutritionist, dietician or doctor on that because too much Vitamin A is toxic, but then not enough is unhealthy too. God bless you both!


Front Yard Perennials
Looks so nice! you inspire me. I bought my house two years ago, no landscaping, and I feel inadequate for the task, but I can do postage stamp spaces one at a time!


Brand-New Grandson Rowan
Hes quite the cute little man!


Shopping Bag Into Planting Bags - seedling in plastic bag pot

Shopping Bag Into Planting Bags
great photos, thank you for the clear photos. Very money-saving tip!


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Using a Chinese Paper Lantern?
Take a black marker and in a carefree loose scribbling style, do a map of the world.


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Easy, Do-It-Yourself Hairstyles?
I happen to think that crewcuts look great on many women. Talk to your stylist about your hair type, and believe me, wavy hair will never be pin straight.


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What is 'Packed' Brown Sugar?
It just means you need to measure accurately without gaps and air pockets.


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Ideas for Fence Post Tops?
Are you just looking for something to keep the wood healthy? milk jug bottoms work longer than you might think.


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Removing Endust Residue From Pergo Floors?
The main ingredient in Endust is silicone, didnt know if you knew that. Not the best to be breathing.


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Use Spinach Instead of Lettuce In Sandwiches
Good one, and for the balky kid, you can blend the spinach with lettuce.


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Removing Plastic from Stove Burner Rings?
How about a new burner ring?


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Security Software Compatible with Windows Vista?
Doesnt your Norton do automatic updates?


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Using Whipping Cream Instead of Frozen Whipped Topping?
You dont want frozen whipped topping anyway, its got a lot of partially hydrogenated fat in it. They make that by superheating oils and blowing hydrogen through it, so its more like a plastic, and particularly toxic. Of course there is saturated fat in whipped...


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Sprinkle Colored Sugar on Hot Cereals for Kids
What, no cocoa in it? Marshmallows? Of course I remember the green food coloring on St. Patricks day, ewww!


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Progress of Spatini Protest?
Sorry, I have no idea what spatini is.


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Float Ideas: School Spirit?
Black streamers comes to mind, or dancers doing a catlike dance with white claws in full black outfits with little ears on the hoods. Or musicians wearing all black playing a good song or three. Or a car painted up as a panther with big whiskers over the hood...


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Military Themed Christmas Tree?
You could throw a sheet over the tree painted to look like a mountain in the winter. It could look like a little reenactment.


Saying Goodbye (Bald Eagle)

Saying Goodbye (Bald Eagle)
I expected a speck in the sky, what an eyepopping shot!


Adorable Son
what an expressive face, he looks like a fun baby!


My Frugal Life: Message In A Bottle
Elegantly written, I havent seen that wonderful word insouciant in a while, pity!


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Use a Pet Crate as a Footrest
Good for you, they really need to make crates more like furniture.


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Use a Broadcast Spreader for Salting Sidewalks
Tell him he can straighten the crank handle with pliers and then chuck his cordless drill onto it! I reseeded a whole 28-acre pasture that way. BTW, why not use coarse sand instead, and keep the salt out of the groundwater? God bless, Kim


Small Garden with Lots of Flowers

Lots of Flowers in a Small Space
Thats the way to make gardening more rewarding and easier, to stuff it with flowers! Youre onto my secret! Nice work, bet your yard is a head-turner.


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Does Splenda Cause Cancer?
I wondered that too, so I went through like thirty pages of Net search links and read everything. I spent half a day on it. I have had some training in how to understand and identify whether research findings are sound or bogus, which helped. So far the most...


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Looking for Large Wooden Clothespins?
I put wooden clothespins into the search box on eBay, and got 20 listings. Most were for the vintage round Quaker type, but there were also 6-inchers, really cute. I like your idea. God bless you! --Kim


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Getting Rid of Poop Odor?
Im not sensitive to fragrances, so I would just drown it with commercial air fresheners from the grocery store. Ask your vet for the name of a dog trainer or behaviorist, and get a quote (costs nothing to do that, right?) on help with the potty problem. Or...


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Rolodex Style Recipe Holder?
Rolodex cards come in several sizes, head to your office supply store!


Cookie on hot pink blanket.

Cookie (Terrier/Poodle Mix)
He looks good, sharp and perky attitude, healthy obviously, and I like them with longer legs like him, looks better to me. Enjoy him forever!


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Cleaning a Mobile Home That Was Infested With Mice?
I took out walls and found in my mobile that the rodent traffic had put all the skimpy insulation down to the bottoms of the walls. No wonder things would get cold so soon after the woodstove went out. So the added benefit of opening everything up and reinsulating...


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Should I Bury a Fence for New Dog?
I must agree with others, that is not the breed for you. You can stop a dog from digging at the fence by laying concrete pavers along the bottom, they are less than a dollar each. No dog can dig through that concrete and they dont realize that they can dig...


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Should I Bury a Fence for New Dog?
OOps, I didnt see youre from Ireland, please disregard my suggestion of finding advice from a 4H leader at the county extension office. Hey, I saw a cartoon today that says Every dogs an Irish Setter on St. Pattys Day! --Kim


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