
Linda L.

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97 Posts | 512 Comments | Active Since 2004
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Are Walmart Great Value Products As Good as Name Brands?
Many stores offer a store brand as good as name brand guarantee. They will give you your moner back if you dislike their store brand. Not sure if Walmart does-ask them. I know Costco, and Trader Joes will do so.


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Keeping Cats Out of My Yard?
In San Diego we have a feral cat coalition that traps feral cats, spays or neuters them and then releases them. This is the only way to decrease their population without actually killing them off. Ask you local ASPCA, shelter or humane Society.


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Does Homemade Laundry Detergent Really Get Clothes Clean?
I make my own laundry soap-I only make the powdered version-why mess with heavy bottles containing water when you are going to add water to the machine aanyway. It contains washing soda, borax and grated fels or any bar soap. I save all the little bar soaps...


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Planning A Cruise?
I like Royal Carribean. Carnival is more of a party cruise and tends to be younger folks. And unless you want to be around mega-kids, dont do a Disney cruise. Lots of books, articles and websites abound.


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Moving to Kauai on a Budget?
Everywhere in Hawaii is very expensive.


Use Skirt Hanger for Storing Rugs

Use Skirt Hanger for Storing Rugs
I also do this with tablecloths


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Soothing a Child's Cough?
There is a pertussis (whooping cough) epidemic right now. Get her to a doctor.


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Weight Watchers Selection Plan Information from the 1980s and 90s?
I have at least 1, maybe more, WWCookbook I could send.


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Paper Towels Clogging a Toilet?
I hope you have talked to her about proper use and disposal of paper towels. If necessary, remove the roll from the bathroom. Prevention beats cure any time


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How Do I Make a Whiteboard?
This one is easy. Home improvement centers sell a 4 x 8 sheet of tileboard or showerboard. They will cuy it to size if you like. Just nail or screw it to the wall. If she wants she can put a border of ribbon, bulletin board trim or whatever she likes around...


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Choosing the Flower Color for Bridesmaids Bouquets?
Discuss colors with your floral designer. There are carnations in a burgundy and white, or all burgundy, some lilies and some orchids in those colors. When I was a designer we usally consulted with brides to figure out both color scheme and cost as some flowers...


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Centerpiece Ideas for School Fund Raiser Dinner?
Green houseplants are inexpensive esp if you buy them from a home center. Make or buy red pot covers or add a 3rd accent color. You could also attach some red and /or white silk flowers to wires and stick a few into the pots.



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Inexpensive Fall Wedding Table Centerpieces?
Use 6 houseplants which are about $5 each. Make a simple pot cover from autumn print fabric or fabric using the colors of th bridal party. Use fall pics or bunches of artificial fall leaves attached to floral pics or even wires and add a few to each pot.


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Ideas for an Inexpensive Commitment Ceremony?
It all depends on what you want-food, alcohol, dancing? Cake and punch would be cheapest, or cake and champagne. Finger foods are fairly inexpensive, i.e. veggies and dip, cheese and crackers, stuffed mushroom or mini-quiches. Costco, Sams and Smart and Final...


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Cleaning Windows
And NEVER EVER mix ammonia and bleach. The combination is LETHAL!


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Is Project Payday a Scam?
Rule of Thumb-If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is!


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Western Themed Cub Scout Banquet Ideas?
Happy Trails to You, or Tumbling Tumbleweeds. I once did TT in a school play with castenets to mimic the sound of hooves.


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Shopping for Tension Wire for Hanging Curtains?
Do you have a store like Home Depot?


Ideas for Organizing Storage on Closet Shelves?
There are hanging baskets that clip onto the shelf above. I have seen them at Big Lots and Home DEpot. Dont get the ones with plastic clips, the plastic breaks.


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What to Wear to a Dance if Your Date is Short?
Wear flats, and other than that dress appropriately for the event.


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Type of Staples Needed for Recovering Chairs?
I had the ame issue with antique oak chairs. Assuming the staples go in a little way you can then tap them with a hammer.


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Removing Sticky Residue?
WD-40, Oops or GooGone



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A Color Scheme for My Living Room and Dining Room?
I suggest all the ceilings done in the vanilla color.


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Fabric Stuck Under the Needle Plate on Sewing Machine?
The part you are describing is called the throat plate. It sounds like the fabric was pulled into the bobbin assembly which is directly underneath Cut the thread, pull it carefully out. You may need to open the slide plate over the bobbin case and snip the...


Braided Fleece Dog Toy - finished lying on a table

Make a Fleece Tug-of-War Dog Toy
Strips of old denim work really well too


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Add Pinecones to Fire
This is dangerous. Pinecones emit creosote, a sticky substance that coats chimney walls and is very flammable!


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Shopping for a Wall Mounted Coffee Cup Holder?
I buy them at the dolar stores. I have 1 on just about every doorback in my house.


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Keeping Pictures Hanging Straight on the Walls?
Use a couple of clear pushpins right alongside the picture frame.


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My Frugal Life: Surviving The Economic Crisis
And research and avail yourself of free spay and neuter programs.


dog with rope toy

Homemade Dog Toys
I buy stuffed animals at garage sales. Just make sure they are not filled with bean bag type filling and remove plastic eyes, ribbons, etc. Whether I spend .25 or 5.00 they destroy them just as fast


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Scraping Up Spilled Candle Wax
Old credit card or gift card works as well.


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Child Refuses to Wear Underwear and Other Clothing Items?
You mention therapy and OT-does this child have autistic spectrum disorder or other special needs? If so, she may have a sensory integration issue and a skilled teacher or therapist can help with a program for her. If she is not a special needs child why can...


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Cleaning Chef Coats?
Try straight bleach an leave it on for about 10 min then wash. (assuming it is white). If that doesnt work spray the white jacket with oven cleaner like easy off, wait ten min and wash. May need to repeat this treatment but it does work!


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Christmas Charities in Washington, DC?
Tone down your expectations and make Christmas about sharing and experiences rather than things. Go to local events like tree-lightings and Santa visits, bake cookies (husband can do this since you are working all hours), crafts, Christmas movies and hot cocoa...



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Hide Cluttered Shelves
Flat sheets are a very inexpensive way to curtain off an area. Use a tension rod cheaply avail in mass market and home improvement stores and no holes, hooks or hardware is needed and flat sheets can be had inexpensively at Wal Mart or at thrift stores.


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No Toys As Gifts For The Holidays
Amen to this idea! Kids with a whole lot of toys wind up playing with only the same few anyway, most toys stifle creativity, many perpetrate violence (guns) or dangerous unrealistic self-image issues (Barbies). Gift cards can be used after Christmas to buy...


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Reupholstering an Ottoman?
Depends on the dimensions H/W/L of the piece as well as the type of fabric-i.e. nap/pattern etc. Welted/corded seams are a factor.


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Remedies for an Ingrown Toenail?
2 Years! You absolutely need to see a podiatrist. Probably needs a small surgery and antibiotics.


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Why Do My Smoke Detectors Beep When the Heat Comes On?
Might be a dirty filter on the heater. These should b replaced at least every year.


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Ideas for Keeping a House With Toddlers Clean?
I suggest having only a limited asst of toys available to them. Rotate batches of toys every few days. That way there will be a limited number of items to be scattered and the toys will always seem new to the kids.


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Gift Ideas for Mother's 50th Birthday?
Send each guest a small cellophane bag,and a piece of curling ribbon, think corsage bag, and ask them to put 50 of something in it and tie with a ribbon. Suggestions of 50 pennies, 50 peppermints, pretzels, bobby pins, little silly toys like small cars, As...


Christmas Card Photo Caption Ideas?
Right side up or upside down. We bring you wishes from out of town (or anything else that works to rhyme with down)


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Help For Ostomy Supplies?
Do you qualify for Medicaid? Are these supplies covered? Perhaps a shelter or relative or friend can receive the things you need.


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Teacher Appreciation Gift Ideas?
I am a retired teacher. Please, no Avon, mugs or anything with fragrance. My favorite gifts have been gift cards to places like Starbucks (if she is a coffee drinker) gourmet coffee or tea as appropriate, class room stuff like stickers or markers, personalized...


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Advice for Disciplining a 10 Year Old?
Dont wait another minute in getting him under control. Permanent habits need to be developed while he is young. Behavior that is inappropriate or unacceptable now will be uncorrectable and significantly problematic when he gets older. There are many good books...


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Removing White-Out Stain on Clothing?
Whiteout does NOT come out. I have used it for years to mark names on the inside of dark sweatshirts that kids wear to school.


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Shopping for Open Bottom Bells for Christmas?
Do they need to ring or are they just decorative. Bell shapes of stryofoam are available in crafts stores. There might be some in the wedding department as well as Christmas stuff as they are often used to decorate at showers.


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Cleaning Wet Potting Soil Out of Carpet?
I do this all the time. Alllow the soil to dry and then it comes right up with the vacuum. Dont touch it until it is dry or you create mud that does stain.


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Party Favors Request?
Package up indiviual gifts of 60 of anything-60 pennies, nickels or dimes, sixty candies, 60 mini-cookies. You can get little cellophane bags at craft and party good stores. Tie these with a pretty ribbon and attache a note with a saying like{60 is nifty!


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Acne Remedy?
Absolutely see a dermatologist. You have had this for years, home remedies arent working. A specialist can figure out what this and treat it. They may need to take a sample of the discharge or do a biopsy, but dont mess around with it yourself.


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How to Remove Floral Clay?
I swear by Oops or Goo Gone, they will remove anything!


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How Do I Keep Bra Underwire From Poking Out?
Try putting a bit of a heavy fabric like denim or toweling over the end of the wire. Glue it in place with a glue gun or washer safe glue. I also have had that happen and this works for me.


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Sewing Machine Needle Not Catching Bobbin Thread?
Try changing the needle for a new one. I dont know why but this usually works for me.


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Fake Fuzzy Animal Skin Shoes for Children?
Payless Shoes has a website-check and see if they have them.


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Creating a Mock Float for Trunk or Treat?
Perhaps some of the flameless candles that are popular in the stores right now. Perhaps something lining the trunk with gold glitter fabric, tree branches sprayed black, and wear a sold color top.sweatshirt etc as you pass out candy.


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Black Stain on Fiberglass Shower?
Sounds like mold. Use straight bleach on it to kill the mold.


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How to Encourage a Partner to Go to Counseling?
Why isnt she working? Counseling, if need be by yourself, will help. Even if she agrees to get some counseling, if she isnt onboard she will not buy in to the program. The old saying You can lead a horse to water, you cant make him drink really applies here...


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Rust Stains on Clothing?
Try straight lemon juice and put it out in the sun.


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When Should the Child of a Deaf Parent Begin Learning Sign Language?
Absolutely learn simultaneously. The brain soaks up multiple languages easily when you are young. There is a neurological window from birth to about age 9 during which it is easiest to acquire new languages.


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Extinguishing Kitchen Fires
Be sure to keep the box already open. In case of a fire you dont want to have to fumble opening a box. Also a fire can get very big very fast, so more than 1 box of b soda should be handy. Dump several boxes into a coffee can and a better place to keep it would...


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21st Birthday Gift Ideas?
CD, an itunes gift card, gift cards to places he likes like Starbucks or a restaurant. If money is tight how about a homecooked meal and a DVD night, complete with popcorn, sodas and candy treats


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Shopping for Loose Fitting Denim Jeans?
Try Lands End. They have jeans in a variety of cuts, and if they dont fit, Lands End will take it back.


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Keeping Stink Bugs Out of My House?
Dont know if this will work on stinkbugs but for ants I use a trail of baby powder. Put this down where the seams of walls or anyplace you think the bugs are entering.


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Removing Rust Stains from Aluminum Siding?
Aluminum does not rust. Metal must be something like steel or iron. Perhaps WD-40 will work.


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Cleaning Sponges and Loofahs
I throw these in the dishwasher or microwave for 2 min.


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Lavender Table Decorations?
Any kind of pruple flowers-there are lots. Purple sparkly confetti (available at party supply stores) scattered on the table dresses it up. If you want to be a little more green, take a live plant with the pot wrapped in purple fabric or cellophane and insert...


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Removing Stains from a Countertop?
Oops or GooGone should work. If they dont, the stain may be permanent.


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Removing Super Glue From Skin
Must be nailpolish with acetone. Not all polishremovers contain acetone


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Reuse Junk Mail Envelopes
Some envelops have a bar code on them, either line this out or use WhiteOut. The bar code will mess up delivery of your other mail.


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Bowling Ball and Bowling Pin Costume Ideas?
Get some foam rubber that is sold in upholstery stores-it is sold by the yard. Cut out the bowling pin shape-front and back and make like a sandwich board. Paint as desired. Wear white sweat under it.


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Baby Won't Drink Formula?
Please check with your pediatrician. Almond milk may not give your baby the nutrients she needs. That is why they make formula.


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Bridal Shower Etiquette?
Usually showers are given by friends or bridesmaids. Moms usually are not the ones giving a shower. If you are set on giving a shower please limit the guests to your friends who know you and your daughter. Other friends or relatives will usually be invited...


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Finding a Handicapped Accessible Room Online?
There is a Lancaster Visitors organization and I think a B&B referral. You can email the places you are interested in and ask any access questions you have.


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Organizing Pill Bottles?
I also take a lot of meds. I write the name of the med on the bottle tops with a sharpie. I then stand the bottles upright in a basket. The drawer would work as well. I also have taped a med list on the bathroom mirror so everything is organized for AM and...


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Keeping Cat Hair Off the Bed?
The price to clean a comforter varies according to size and from cleaners to cleaners. Call around. Also, there are often ads for a discount in the Penny-saver. I, however, wash my comforters and dry them in the dryer. The washer load may become off balance...


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Uses for a Vintage Encyclopedia Set?
Glue the pages together and stack the books flat in a pile (binding edge out ). Add some more old books that can easily be found cheap in thrift stores to the stack-fasten together with a strong craft glue and use the pile as an end table or night stand plant...


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Changing a Bobbin Winder Spindle Gasket?
How about cutting a gasket from a margarine tub lid, use the old one as a pattern. If it needs to be thicker just double the plastic gasket.


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Paint Color Ideas to Brighten Kitchen?
I think a tera-cotta would be awesome.


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Getting Rid of Adult Acne?
See a dermatologist. There are a lot of new products, some prescription, that work wonderfully. Obviously, dont pinch, pop or scratch them.


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Removing White Out from Furniture and Carpet?
White Out is very permanent. I have used it to mark collars of dark sweatshirts for the kids on the inside to help them not lose them at school.


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Making Your Own Powder Puff?
How about using a makeup brush to apply it, or cotton balls, perhaps.


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Candle Wax on Wood Furniture?
Scrape it off with a an old credit or gift card.


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Buying the Sticky Paper Refills for Nightlight Flea Traps?
Wind masking tape or duct tape inside out on the roller.


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Caring for an Aging Parent?
I managed my fathers care until his death and also was a conservator for the mother of a friend who had Alzheimers. An aide in her home on a short part of each day or a couple of times a week would really help. Sometimes it is necessary to become the parent...


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Ideas for Community Service Activities?
Contact the activities director at a senior center or nursing home. They will likely have some suggestions for your group. Maybe the older kids can bake cookies altho not all elderly patients should be eating cookies so check with the facilttiy before doing...


assorted buttons

Saving Buttons
Thrift stores here won't even try to sell a garment with buttons removed They sell it off as rags


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Use Spice Rack for Bead Storage
I use one in the garage for little bits of hardware. Nuts. Screws.hooks etc


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Mark Corners Of Fitted Sheet
How about sewing a button on each of the 2 bottom corners?


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Removing Seafood Odors from Your Hands
Anytime I have food odors on my hands, esp onions or garlic I wash my hands with toothpaste (with breath freshener kind, or even mouth wash.


pin cushion

Crocheted Tea Cup Pincushion
use E6000 glue to join cup and saucer. It will hold better than hot glue/


Paper Towel Tube for Tong Storage

Paper Towel Tube for Tong Storage
I save the wide rubber bands that come around broccoli and wrap them around tongs


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Helping My Husband Match His Clothing?
I had a colorblind partner. I just marked the color name on tag with a sharpie(i.e. Light blue and put a list of colors that go together i.e. light blue-navy, black. Very easy, and after a while she learned the combination that work. Im sure that doing this...


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Purse Safety Straps?
A belt would work fine,especially a short or child's belt


A hose wrapped around a plastic bucket.

Homemade Garden Hose Holder
Standing water breeds mosquitos. With a number of mosquito-borne diseases out there I wouldnt suggest this. Water in your pic looks yucky


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Frontline Flea Treatment No Longer Effective?
I am using Comfortis, too, although it is expensive if you have to get it from the vet. In the US that is the only place to get it but you can order it online from Canada or Australia for way cheaper! I have 2 dogs in the same weight group and buy a dose strong...


Jars filled with thematic bits and treasures.

Decorative Story Jar
Please use caution before giving a glass jar to children to decorate. Some peanut butter or jelly jars are clear plastic and might be a better choice.


Refrigerator Caddy

Refrigerator Caddy
Also want to know how this is attached and held in place, please?


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Wedding Gift Ideas for a Second Marriage?
Gift cards for entertainment if they dont need things or family passes to a local attraction like a zoo or amusement park. Restaurant GC, movies theatres, rentals etc, or if possible offers to babysit.


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Homemade Shaving Cream Recipe?
I use cheap hair hair conditioner. Works like a charm and a bottle lasts forever.


Couple putting money in piggy bank

Frugal Ways To Save
It is not wise (and may be toxic) to substitute dog medicine for use in cats., regardless of dose. I agree with splitting pills for dogs of different sizes, but not species specific meds


Older Dog Has Started Chewing on Things?
People, whenever your dog has a problem you think may be medical, dont ask questions here, which takes days or more to answer. Go to the vet ASAP! Would you ask about your sick child here? How can anyone here know what I wrong with your beloved pet without...


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Finding Listerex Face Cleanser?
I believe this prduct had hexachlophene in it which the FDA pulled for safety concerns back then.


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Company Review: Publix Grocery
Many stores donate their soon-to -expire stuff to food banks and the like.


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Looking for Dieting Advice?
Be sure you are getting adequate nutrition while you are healing. Smoothies are great-add some protein powder to them-available in drug store, Costco, health-food stores. Get the vanilla flavor so it wont mess up the fruit flavor of whatever fruits you choose...


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Homemade Cough Remedies?
Never give honey to an infant under 1 yr old, however. Some honey has botulism spores that could be fatal to a baby.


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Cross Breeding Dogs?
Mixed breed dogs are mutts.


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Ear Cropping and Tail Docking?
Again, there are all too many unwanted dogs, esp mixed breeds around. Spay and neuter all your pets-dont breed!


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Making Homemade Tear-Off Notepads?
Rubber cement works, too and is easy to find


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Home Remedy for Diabetic Foot Pain?
Please discuss this with the doc who treats your husband. It sounds like diabetic neuropathy and is a serious complication of diabetes that can lead to amputation if untreated.


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Cleaning Cat's Ears?
Take your cat to the vet. She likely has ear mites.


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Advice for Reestablishing Credit?
If you want a card to make online purchases consider a pre-paid credit card, which you buy by paying a st amt of $ for it like $100-$200 and it functions like a debit card but is not linked to a bank acct.


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Dry Carpet Cleaning?
Look for a company called Chem-Dry. I, however, prefer steam cleaning. Carpet will be wet after, but should not be soaking. If it is they did a poor job of extracting dirty water.


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Repairing Shoe Straps With "Insta Fix" Glue
There is a glue I buy at Walmrt called E6000 that is amazing-it needs to dry overnite, but you have the flexibility of not needing to be spot on the moment you touch the surfaces together. It is inexpensive and holds everything-dries clear. Look on the peg...


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Killing Mange Mites with Bleach?
I wouldnt risk the kids health. Drain and clean the pool thoroughly. If you refill for the kids to use put it where the dogs cant get in, or keep it covered when not in use.


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Good Gift for a Departing Soldier?
Phone card, phone minutes, song downloads if he has an Ipod. Or a homemmade Gift cert for regular care packages- from home-maybe every relative could pick a month to send one?


Cleaning Espadrille Shoes?
Try a Mr Clean eraser, or if that doesnt work a laundry stain remover and scrub with an old toothbrush. Dont soak the shoe-it will probaly fall apart if you do.


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Hiding Places for Cash at Home
My aunt hid cash in her freezer, wrapped in foil and labelled with a food label, like hamburger patty


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Moody Children Need Breakfast
Sometimes I wake with a headache. I can usually attribute this to low blood sugar, and find eating breakfast right away-which I usually dont do quite so soon- helps. Kids might manifest bad moods or headache as well-this is super advice. Be sure to feed healthy...


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Moses and the Burning Bush Sunday School Projects?
They could make a burning bush by taking some twigs, tying or wiring them together and gluing on bits of orange and yellow tissue paper


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Painting Over Contact Paper?
Contact paper is a pain to remove. There are textured, strippable wallpapers you can get that are meant to be painted over.


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Treating a Dog for Pain?
Why is your pet in pain? Treat the source of the pain-and that means going to the vet first. If he has arthritis there are dietary supplements that may help, as will making sure he is not overweight.


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Keeping Grass from Growing in Mulch?
Roundup, and you can also buy pre-emergent weed and grass hebricides at any home supply store. One brand is Triox


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Substitute Teacher Business Cards?
I love all of these. I taught for 30+ years. How about Im here when youre not Are you aware of VistaPrint for free business cards (pay only postage)?


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Dog Pees on Furniture?
Dont have advice but Bichons are notoriously hard to potty train completely. I have 1 and he does OK wth urinating outdoorsin my house, but will poop anywhere, often my bathroom, if he has been scolded or whatever, but will pee on anything outdoors, so if I...


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Losing Weight on a Budget?
Eat lots of fruits and vegies, steamed or raw or microwaved without added fat or butter. Grilled chicken or fish-chicken breasts on sale are a good buy-stock up and freeze. Whole grain breads or pastas. Lots of water. Half of a meal plate should be vegies, 1...


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Fasting and Weight Loss?
This is foolish and dangerous. Your body needs protein to surviv and will start to consume is own muscle if you don get enough. The heart can b affected as it is a muscle. You also risk electrolyte imbalances and could ver easily pass ou while driving or doing...


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Bleach Alternative for Cleaning a Meat Market?
Your local health dept. will have safe guidelines to use. Please dont risk the health of your customers by doing anything else. You would have HUGE liability if someone got sick from your food.


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Cooking Oil Spray Kills Kitchen Ants
Works beautifully and smell evaporates fast.


Finished bag.

Canvas Bag Project
Not sure why I'd go to trouble of lining a grocery bag tho


Blue floppy disc case with photo inside.

Floppy Disc Case Recycling
I use one of these to hold car registration, proof of insurance and an emergency $20 bill in glovebox. All in 1 place if needed.


Blue floppy disc case with photo inside.

Floppy Disc Case Recycling
Inside one of these cases I put my car registration, proof of insurance, copy of AAA card and a$20 bill. Everything is in 1 place and I pop it into the glove box of my car. Cash is just in case as I never seem to have cash on hand when I need it.


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Make Your Own Board Game
When I was teaching I had my math class make our own version of a Monopoly game. We labeled the space with things Like principals office, library, front door, Ms so and sos classroom. We measured the board squares learning how to use rulers, and practiced counting...


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Plastic Lids Work as Small Dry Eraser Boards
2 lods turned back to back and fatsened with a little brad (paper fastener) in the center make a great card holder for little children who have trouble holding playing cards. Just slip the card between the lids and hold onto the circle.


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Dispose of Prescription Bottles Safely
With the opioid crisis we need to get these drugs put of our houses ASAP and safely. Many drugs stores will accept and destroy them appropriately. Some police depts have drug take back events. The sheriffs stations where I live have have a secure drop box inside...


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Use Natural Paint Brushes for Applying Makeup
BTW, CVS and RiteAid have same return policy on make-up as Walgreens.


Knotted rag dog chew toy.

Rag Knots Chewing Toy
Old denim jeans work really well for making dog toys!


Craft: Organizer from CD Cases

Organizer from CD Cases
I put my car registration and insurance info into a CD case (remove all the CD info first). Then toss it into the glove box and it is easy to grab when needed.


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Keeping Track of AC Adapters
White-out works really well as a permanent marker-no need to buy another product. Also, a dot of nailpolish matching color to color works really well.


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Using Plastic Stretch Cord?
Make sure you tie a square knot, not a granny knot, which will slip out.


Saving Money on Milk

Saving Money on Milk
Milk mixed half with water will have half the nutrients. Maybe ok to do so for baking, atho this might not work at all, but a pretty poor idea for drinking.


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Puppy Keeps Running Away?
I have had 3 Shelties and they like to run around in circles,, run away and bark incessantly. Because these are innate behaviors I have not been able to train her to do otherwise. Our house rule is that no one, under any circumstances opens an exterior door...


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Organizing Your Bathroom For Busy Mornings
Jot notes to yourself right on mirror or glass shower doors with a dry erase markers. It wipes right off


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Tips For Grooming Heavy Shedding Dogs
Sometimes when I brush my Sheltie I could swear I get enough hair off of her to knit another dog!


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Removing Odor From Dish Sponge?
These are so cheap. Just throw them out before they get as bad as that pic


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Storing Things Where They Belong
Now if I could just master folding damn fitted sheet!


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Stains on Hosiery from Shoes?
If these are good shoes from a reputable store. Take them back to the store. The shoes have been improperly dyed and will probably do this to all your hose.


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Use Plastic Placemats For Cutting Board
Dollar stores sell plastic cutting mats for $1. Better to use this thAn a placemat.


Stitched bird sampler.

Putting Samplers to Use
Coloring books would be great for patterns


a plate of spaghetti

Saving Money at Restaurants
In CA servers are paid minimum wage, and tips are not deducted from their pay. They do have to pay taxes on their tips, but the restaurant doesnt deduct that from their pay-its between them and the IRS/Franchise tax board. That said, I tip based on service...


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Can you freeze a soup with heavy cream?
Dont see why not. Milk and cream can be frozen.


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Can I freeze an egg casserole?
I freeze my crustless quiche all the time and it doesnt suffer a bit.


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Baking With Jelly Beans?
They melt if you use them for baking and make an unattractive colored blob. How about putting them on top of a cake or pan of brownies, They will stick to the frosting.


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Framing Inexpensive Art
OMG. I have a gorgeous original painting that was done for me but not framed and I have had it for at least 2 years. I have an antiques frame for it but the mat was too expensive to do. Now I can frame it and hang it up.


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Overspending in September - Supplies for the Secondary Schools
Many schools email the list to parents before school starts.


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Using Placemats to Protect the Nightstand
Regardless of what I use to protect my antique furniture, I always make sure the bottom layer is plastic


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Contact Paper For Longer Lasting Books
When I was teaching I did this with all the paperback books in my classroom library. It extended the life of these books enormously.


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Name Tag Ideas for Clothes?
I have marked black or other dark colored clothes with whiteout. It does not wash out.


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Spider-Man Party Ideas?
Spider webs are very easy to draw with fabric paint and would make great party girfts. Check with moms ahead of time as to sizes. Games could be Pin the spiderman in the web, spider toss into a can or bucket. Find the hidden spidermen.Musical spidermen (like...


Shabby Chic Bedroom Decorating

Shabby Chic Bedroom Decorating
In a similar vein, I made a headboard from plastic lattice, painted green stems on it and hotglued silk flowers along the stems. I did the flowers in each girls chosen colors.


Organizing With Cardboard Boxes

Organizing With Free Boxes
Love these boxes. I might put a piece of contact paper folded over where label is just to be prettier


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Pen Around Your Neck for Shopping
Kind of a silly thing to buy. Any pen with a clip can slip on any lanyard or chain you already have.


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Pajama Birthday Party for 7 Year Olds?
How about doing some crafts. If you do something like painted T-shirts or even socks , they can wear them the next morning. Buy T-shirts in boys dept-packs of 3. Just buy them all larger than needed and they can wear them as nighties or cover-ups.


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Airport Tips When It Is Difficult To Walk?
TSA wont let you bring a bottle of water thru security but you can bring an empty water bottle or reusable cup and fill it from a fountain inside security and once aboard do ask for as many bottles of water as you need.


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Sending Out the Old Magazines
I take old magazines to nursing homes, medical offices and a dialysis center near my home. They are always glad to get them.


Saving Money On Tights?
Buy dance tights in neutral color-the kind dancers wear with leotards. They last a lot longer.


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Cowboy/Outlaw Themed Birthday Party?
Serve food in aluminum pie tins, something like hot dogies and campfire beans. Rustlers punch, cowboy hat shaped cake. Red and white checked picnic tablecloth, Have kids come dressed as cowboys, make a couple of stick horses from old socks, stuffed and attached...


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How Long Should Dishwashing Gloves Last?
I agree-use until unusable! Then cut into slices or rings for extra strong rubber bands!


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Word Searches to Print Out?
Google search word search puzzles


bunny and parrot eating seeds

The Bunny and the Parrot Pellets
So-could she then talk and fly?


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Paint Color Suggestions For Asian Inspired Decor?
Celadon green or a rich taupe with red and black accessories


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Tips For Taking a Cruise With Children?
There are tons of activites for kids on cruises. Most cruise ships have a kids club organized and supervised kids activities. Let your kids spend some time there, and some time with you on shore excursions, meals, etc. Soft drinks are not covered in your room...


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Hand Towel Tip For Children
Chip clips or clothespins work great


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Thrifty Items For Your Glove Box
I keep my car registration, proof of insurance and a $20 bill in a jewel case in glove compartment. Easy to pull out everything if needed and the docs dont get shredded and wrinkle from other stuff in there.


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Button Sewing Tip
In thinner fabrics reinforce fabric with a small square of heavier fabric inside to see they. I like small squares of denim inside where button is sewn. Obviously this is only a goidvideanifbthevdwnum square won't be seen from outside. Oh and a Dab of clears...


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Safe Fingerpaints for Babies
Pudding, even baby food would work. Strained beets for red, anyone?


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Plastic Grocery Bags In The Glove Compartment
I keep my car registration and proof of insurance in the plastic case from a CD. Takes up hardly any room and keeps these important documents from getting ragged. I think I will add that emergency $20 bill, too.


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Colorado Discount Grocery Stores?
Have you looked in the old-fashioned yellow pages under grocery?


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Pocket Pouch for Couch?
I made one from a new square pot holder. With 1 corner up, fold the 2 side corners overlapping and tack with a few stitches. I sewed on a pretty button for decoration and tacked this, with a few stitches to the armrest cover on the couch. You could use velcro...


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Tinting White Tissue Paper?
How about streeaks of watercolor paint or diluted food coloring.


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Call Ahead to Check on Appointment Times
My time is as valuable to me as theirs is. Any doc can have an emergency now and then but running very behind always show lack of time management skills in the practice and disrespect for patients.


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How to Get Peace Lily to Bloom?
Do not overwater, and peace lilies like low light. A hi nitogen fertilizer at half strength will encourage blooms.


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Is Replacing The Springs On a Sofa Worth It?
This really depends on how much the sofa cost new, how much it will cost to replace springs, and how much a new sofa will cost!


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Looking For Advice On Vacuum Sealer Bags?
Try wetting your thumb and index finger, and rubbing in opposite directions with the bag between. This works in the market, too, for opening plastic produce bags.


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College Gymnastics Banquet Centerpiece Ideas?
Get potted mums in school color or colors. Using stakes long enough to go into the soil, spear small toys indicating sports, balls of different types, bats, mitts and poke 1 or more of these into each pot. A florist can get you pot covers in solid color of...


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Family Oriented New Year's Eve Party Ideas?
How about lots of balloons? Since helium can get expensive, I blow up balloons, tie a long curling ribbon to each, and tape them to the ceiling with a small roll of tape. No-one every guess I didnt use helium! How about making noisemakers at the party to use...


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Flame Retardent Plastic Table Covers?
Try lighting one on fire in a safe place with extinguisher right there. I doubt that these are fire retardant-they will probably flare up then melt.


Make Planters With Old Record Albums

Make Planters With Old Record Albums
To turn records into planters, cover an oven safe bowl, or flowerpot with foil. Place it on a cookie sheet upside down with a record on top. Oven at 250 degrees, record will soften and drape down over the bowl. Keep an eye on it.


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Removing Mold Smell From Mobile Home and Clothing?
Soak overnight in vinegar and laundry soap. Rinse as usual in the AM. Hanging them out in the sun to dry woould be a good idea, too


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Remember Shopping Items Without a List
If there is no way to make a word, make a sentence!


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Safe Can (Jar) for Hidden Keys
My aunt used to wrap cash to have on hand for an emergency in a foil packet in the freezer.


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Uses for Miscellaneous Fat Quarters (Gift Ideas)?
How about doll clothes, doll blankets that are tied with yarn. Or aprons for a child who helps you in the kitchen or potting bench. Tote or drawstring bags are great , too.


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Looking For Free Junk Website?
You must be looking for There are local groups here and its a yahoo group. I give and get stuff all the time.


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Looking for Lightweight Gift Ideas for Family Overseas?
How about gift cards to companies that will ship overseas that they might like, and that have web-sites to order from. A digital camera if they dont have one, or web-cam might be super gifts, too.


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Solution for Bad Smell in Chinese Antique Wood Bucket?
Try soaking it with a strong vinegar solution for a few days, then drain and soak in clean water. Leave it in the sun to dry.


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Too Much Liquid in Stew?
I use instant mashed potatoes


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Christmas Basket Food Wrapping?
Depending on what you make, some things can be made ahead and frozen. Clear plastic to-go boxes (clamshell) and deli containers are good in baskets. So is foil with red and green ribbons. Or a mix of the two. Containers can be saved from your to-go purchases...


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