
Lelia Jo Cordell

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49 Posts | 1,934 Comments | Active Since 2008
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Make Your Own Trail Mix
Youve got a very good idea! You can also add more of a favorite ingredient when you make it yourself.


Use a scrubbing pad to sharpen knives.

Sharpening Knives
We use those green scratch pads, think Ill try this!


A robin on a log near water.

Young Robin
Wow! Thats all I can say. Thanks... JPJ


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Be an Encourager
Pamphylla... youve got it! The Golden Rule. LeeAnne, lol! I think servers like your practice as much as I do. :D


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Be an Encourager
Jpdoughgrl , LitterGitter and everyone, your great feedback reminds me of something else I do: I learn our servers name at any restaurant. Then if we need anything we can say Hey, Sarah, instead of hey, you or hey, waitress. Helping the servers morale has the...


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Be an Encourager
Thanks, ladies! Yes, I do practice what I preach. It can be tough some days, but the benefits are amazing. It makes my day when I encounter a real pickle-puss and turn his or her bad day around. Just feeling the change in their general atmosphere is all the...


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Summer Activities or Games for Children?
You might search this site for the article Summer Camp at Home. Its got some great ideas. If it helps, the lady (sorry, I forgot her name) called her summer activity/camp Camp Laffalotta.


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Keep Diluted Dish Soap By Sink
Natalie, I always loved Dawn. However, hubby insists on buying Joy. With your tip, I have the ammo to argue for a switch back to Dawn, thanks!


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Blowing Up Pool Toys
I cant be the only one wondering why didnt I think of this! Thanks for the tip, Robin.


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Donate Old Magazines
Thanks for the reminder, Gem. I have a couple of back issues of Readers Digest I need to take to my next doctors appointment.


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Summer Camp at Home
Just posted the link to this page on Facebook. I know some parents whove been searching for ways to engage their kids over the long summer. Thanks!


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Apply Products to Face with Q-tip
Very good idea. I still need to find some actual tea tree oil (I dont get out much,) but Ill try your application method when I do. Thanks!



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Link: Play Online Games That Donate To Charities
Cajun, Im sorry to hear youve been burned by scammers! Any individual or organization fraudulently claiming to be a charity should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Failing that, they should be drawn and quartered, tarred and feathered, and run...


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Link: Play Online Games That Donate To Charities
Great info to know, Deeli! And the site has several categories, not just vocabulary: English grammar, math, the periodic table, and two choices for geography are also available, or were, last I had time to visit. I need to get back, but things...


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Ideas for Getting Heavy Grocery Items into the House?
Im with Deeli, you might consider some sort of filtering system for your home. As for transporting the groceries, there used to be an aluminum, collapsible wheeled thingie for older and physically challenged folks to move their purchases from Point A to Point...


A roll of duct tape to capture insects.

Duct Tape To Check For Insects
Sounds a little gross (I hate bugs,) but effective!


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Picking Up Roadside Litter
LitterGitter, you and your hubby both deserve medals for not letting Earth Day be a once-a-year event! I also wish more people cared as much as you. Wonder how those slobs would feel if the tables were turned on them and their own yards became public trash...


A chipmunk sitting up in some tall grass.

Wildlife: Chipmunk
Aww! I used to love watching Chip and Dale cartoons... :D


Fishing in a mountain lake.

Summer Crafts and Activities for Kids (and...
Wow! I think I need to tell my friend Linda about this post, shes been trying to figure out what to do with her 13-year-old. Thanks!


Top ten secrets for a long and happy marriage.

Secrets for a Long and Happy Marriage
Sweet! And thanks to the Editor for the transcription of the image. :D


Use a stick or other reminder to grab your cell phone.

Remembering Cell Phone
Anything that helps us remember anything important gets my vote! Rather than leave the ice cream stick on the table, Id be more likely to tuck it in my pocket. Since I frequently put a hand into a pocket, Id feel the ice cream stick and remember that thats...


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Reuse Plastic Food Containers for Storage
You took the words right out of my, umm, fingers, lol! I made a batch of pasta salad last weekend for a friends birthday party in a public park. The 5-quart ice-cream tub was the perfect size. It also had a handle, which made carrying so much easier! If they...


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Product Review: Scott Naturals Toilet Paper
Great review, thanks! I wont buy Scot brand because it just doesnt seem like a quality product, regardless of the name recognition. Shesanangel, Im no environmental science major, but that was some good info to know! For the money and comfort, I prefer Angel...


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Keep Dishes Cold Outside
I never wouldve thought of this!



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Gift for a Tall Person?
For a gag gift, Id suggest a small stuffed or ceramic giraffe. For a more practical one, I like LadyHarpers thought: a gift card to a big-&-tall store. You might want to make sure theres one near your tallest family members home, looking up the store website...


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100th Birthday Gift Ideas?
Hi, please be sure to give your aunt birthday wishes from your TF family! While youre contacting the White House, you might also consider your local newspaper and/or television or radio station. (Id contact all three.) They may want to do a story. As for the...


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Name Ideas for Adult Day Care Service?
Especially if the people form whom youll be caring are MR/DD or Alzheimers/dementia patients, you might want to keep it as simple as possible. Tamaras Place, maybe? Loving Care is another thought. God bless you for wanting to look out for the most vulnerable...


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Save Condiment Packets
I used to toss those little packets that didnt get used quickly, shame on me! Now I pass them on to others who are worse off than we are. Even the little condiments cost can be too much when your budget is about one strand of a shoestring! Julia, God bless...


Photo of a baby possum

Baby Possum (Chillicothe, IL)
God bless you for your humane treatment of these little critters!


Wild horses running in Nevada.

Wildlife: Wild Horses Running (Nevada)
Wild horses are nothing short of absolutely beautiful! Thanks for sharing yours with us city slickers!


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All-American Style Potato Salad
I have one word for this recipe. Yum! Its a little differently made, but thats half the fun of cooking. Love your source, too.


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Kiddie Pool As Cooler
This is a really good idea, and just in time for the summer picnic season. I like the idea of separating drinks and foods into separate kiddie pools. Thanks, and hugs! JPJ


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Suggestions for Getting Along With Relatives?
Trudy, youre definitely in my prayers - especially because I have impossible, obnoxious family, too. Distance works for me. In other words, I make myself available when they want contact, but I dont pursue them. Several of us are Facebook friends, so we know...


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Keeping Milk Fresh
Ive got to ask hubby if our milk jugs are clear or opaque. However, our whole milk usually doesnt last long enough to sour the least bit, lol! The 2% pints are opaque and eminently freezable. And thanks for the tips about making sure the milk isnt as sour as...


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Thawing Frozen Bread
Good idea, I never thought about turning my bread as it thaws. Thanks again, Pookarina!


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Freshening Dresser Drawers
Since I dont use these in my dryer, this is an excellent alternate use, thanks!



Prayer Tower Flame

Scenery: Prayer Tower on a Stormy Night
Lionpridej, you did a great job. Thanks for letting me see it through your eyes. In a word? Wow!


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Avoid "Death by GPS!"
Thanks, Deeli. Ill try to check now and then. Theyre both still in my thoughts, too. SWC... yes, it is sad. Im no traveler, especially in remote areas. I cant imagine going through this situation, either. I hope this post helps others avoid what Albert and...


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Avoid "Death by GPS!"
Deeli, keeper60 asked me on the phone today if the husband had been found? And Suntydt, I believe the GPS was malfunctioning. Thats how they got lost in the first place.


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Canisters from Coffee Containers
I never thought of that! I like your idea a lot better than just tossing these sturdy containers. I guess the only trick will be getting all the coffee scent out. Thanks!


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Prepare for School the Night Before
I also found it helped to make sure anything that had to go to school was packed up the night before. That included everything from packed lunches to homework. Anything to ease the stress of the morning rush!


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Attach Store Discount Cards to Shopping Bag
Anything that helps us remember those discount cards is a great idea! Hubby keeps his on his key ring. Since he cant go to the store without the keys, that works for him.


A young boy at the zoo, looking into a glass tank of penguins.

Penguins at Woodland Park Zoo (Seattle, WA)
Thanks for the update. Glad Moses enjoyed his first trip to the zoo!


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Dusting Ceiling Fans
Great idea, now, whos going to volunteer their services to do this at my house? lol! I know, Ill draft one of my kids. :D


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Organizing Electric Adapters
Great tip, if youre organized enough to keep the box. For those of us not that organized, heres my alternative: use a peel-and-stick address label. Peel it off and fold it in half over the adapter cord. Use a sharpie or any good pen or marker to write your...


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Wash Dishes as You Go
Gem, thanks for the reminder. Weve had problems with sugar ants for years. Hubby always said it was unavoidable, but it really grosses me out to accidentally get an ant in a mouthful of food. Yuck! (Believe it or not, I can not only taste them, I can smell...


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Keep Flag From Fraying
Like Melody, Im a little confused concerning the details but I still love the tip. Brings back memories of the flagpole we used to have in front of our suburban Indianapolis home when I was very young.


Worn Shoes2

Re-cover Worn Shoes
Excellent tip - especially since it obviously worked so well for you. Im not that old, but I can remember a day when most folks re-covered or repaired items rather than discarding for new. I suppose youd have made some cobblers day if the functional part were...


Wildlife: Backyard Baby Owl
I love owls! Thanks for sharing yours with us.


Hampton Thunderstorm2

Scenery: Thunderstorm (Hampton, TN)
I always loved watching the power of nature cleansing the earth, awe-inspiring. Thanks for sharing such a vivid image with me. JPJ


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Can My Son Receive SSI?
Kanaqua... my condolences on your loss. Its tough, especially with such a little one. However, I really dont think you mean SSI. Thats Supplemental Security Income, which is based on your total household income. I dont know about your area or whether its nationwide...


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Ice Cream Sundae Bar for Memorial Day
Great idea. Just dont forget to keep the ice cream as cold as possible. You may want to consider setting the ice cream dishes in pans of ice. Im a Memorial Day kid (born on 5/30,) so Im sure Ill be getting my ice cream that day too!


A red squirrel jumping to a tree.

Wildlife: Red Squirrel (Aviemore, Scotland)
One in a million shot, good job!


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Label Boxes by Room When Moving
Great tip! One I hope never to need, but one I love anyway. Thanks!


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Reuse Lenses From Broken Reading Glasses
Great idea! Hubby isnt prone to breaking his glasses - hes prone to leaving them where our bratty dog can chew them when shes miffed at him ffor something. :P


High tides in Scotland.

Scenery: High Tides (Gairloch, Scotland)
I can almost smell the ocean, from the middle of Ohio, USA. Thanks!


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Coping Strategies for Tension?
Distraction works best for me. I know solving my problems is sometimes a waiting game. I do what I can on my end, then have to wait for factors over which I have no control. While I wait (thats a four-letter word I dont like, lol!,) I read, surf the net, sing...


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Make Each Mile Count
Sorry, Gem, but I have to agree with Ummsalwa. You have a great gas-saving plan, though. We try to do the same, but my elderly hubbys strength usually gives out well before all possible errands can be completed. I used to follow your plan when I was in the...


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Download Books From Library
Ive been doing this, but the library I use is for the blind and physically handicapped. My downloads are formatted for the talking book machine. My daughter, however, owns and regularly uses her Kindle to download books from Amazon. Now that I know library...


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Donating Old Encyclopedias?
You might ask any missionary organization you know. We caught an encyclopedia set on FreeCycle last year, and contacted our church. They were more than happy to take them for their Philippine faith-based school.


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Mark Medication Times On Calendar
Im all for any workable method to remember important things like taking your meds. However, I also use my pill-minder instead of writing it down. I couldnt see a note once I wrote it, in any case. I tried to get hubby to follow my method - especially when he...


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Keep Emergency Supplies in Trunk
After what I heard this morning on the CBS Early Show, about GPS units leading people astray and some perishing because of it, I think youre wise to be prepared!


photo of Sunrise at Cocoa Beach

Sunrise (Cocoa Beach, FL)
Hey, I remember swimming at Cocoa Beach once, when my blended family went to FL on vacation. It was 1975, and what we didnt know until later was that there had been a shark attack the prior week and the beach was closed. No wonder it was so quiet! Duh! But...


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Link: List of Senior Discounts
Im not a senior, but hubby is. Well definitely be asking about some of these discounts, especially at Krogers! Thanks!


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Treating Poison Ivy?
Yes, the fact that the rash is drying up is a very good sign. The liquid that comes out of the bumps is what spreads the rash. My entire family is extremely sensitive to poison ivy. Calamine never helped, but a gel called Rhuli-gel worked like a charm!


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Document Historical Events with Photography
I love this totally unique method of documenting significant events. We could never have gotten such good screen shots when I was a kid, the technology wasnt at the level it is today.


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Number Pad Doesn't Work with Garry's Mod Game?
You might want to check whether the num-lock is on or off. I believe off is the default. I use a screen reader program, and the num-lock has to be off in order for several features to work properly. Hope that helps...


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Will My Husband's Child Also Receive SSI?
I dont know about SSI, since we dont receive it. However, when hubby was getting SSDI (aka disability,) the children - including stepchildren - qualified to receive checks in their own names. Whoever has custody will have to account for how the childs money...


photo of Clothespin

Clothespin To Close Hotel Curtains
Great idea! These useful little items are so handy, you could probably carry more than just one or two.


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Shopping with Children
I wish Id thought of this strategy when I was raising my four on less than a shoestring! Maybe I should send it to my own daughter and daughter-in-law.


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Keeping Kids Occupied at Doctor
Smart thinking, and you have two wonderfull, intelligent kids. Love your name, btw... same as my firstborn.


Photo of an Easter Girl

Easter Dress Among The Flowers
Children are the most wonderful subject for any camera - they seem to love posing!


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Homemade Gift Ideas for Mother's Birthday?
Bailey, I dont know your age or craft ability, but heres a simple idea: favors coupons. If youre not very good on the computer you can write them by hand. Thats what I did when I wanted to do this and didnt have a computer. If you do have a computer, use whatever...


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Helping a Friend Who Is Breaking Off a Relationship?
Mightve been a good idea to tell this jerk in blunt terms, Mister, you gave me two choices: be your on-call friend with benefits, or no go. I chose no go. I can live with that. You can learn to do the same. However, I agree that your friend should block any...


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Having Hard Wired Telephone for Power Outages
The only caveat Id offer... when we switched to Time-Warner this past March, we were warned that the phone wouldnt work in case of a power outage. Thank God for hubbys SafeLink cell phone! Although we had to use A T & Ts 411 service to call the electric company...


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Keeping Drawer Organizers in Place
I like both ideas, now which to choose?


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Pack Your Lunch Instead of Eating Out
Oops! I forgot to say, the last time I just left food on the table was at a local Mexican restaurant, the day my oldest son got married. I still regret that. And since most restaurant meals are twice what anyone should eat, why not ask for half to be put in...


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Pack Your Lunch Instead of Eating Out
Debbie, you probably have lost weight. Its scary how high in calories most fast food is! Ive used a variety of strategies to avoid eating out or eating on the cheap. Ive even stocked up on Lunchables and had that with a soft drink. Then again, I only had a...


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Keep Change of Clothes at School
This is an excellent tip, although maybe the nurse could be the keeper of the clothes, rather than a teacher if lockers arent available. Of course, keeping their own clothes in their own backpacks is also a very good option. At least a couple of times in early...


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Time, Temperature, and Weather Phone Number for Springfield Ohio?
A friend gave me a better time/temp number today: (937) 652-1451 . Thats the Champaign Bank time/temp service in Urbana, Ohio. I just called for the first time and already like it better - it gives the day, date, time, temp, and a short weather report.


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Time, Temperature, and Weather Phone Number for Springfield Ohio?
Yes, Gina, that number and its counterpart, 399-2121, have been disconnected. Louell, I can get weather updates on my computer, but I was kinda hoping for a dial-in option. Thanks, though.


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One Rag for Each Cleaning Product
Great idea! Who wants to polish that heirloom table with the same rag as you just used on the toilet? Hubby even went so far as to use separate rags for the toilet, and for the rest of the bathroom. Much easier, and fewer chances of germ transfer.


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Saving Money on Movies
Not only are you saving money, youre also saving aggravation. Theres nothing worse than going to a long-anticipated movie in the theater, only to have someone twice your size sit down right in front of you. Then again, you also dont have the issue of strangers...


Photo of Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon (AZ)
Oh, this site is definitely on my bucket list!


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How Do I Reduce My Children's Stress Over Moving?
Jessica, never worry about writing too much in a request. More info gives us in the TF family what we need to provide appropriate feedback. That being said, since you obviously love your church family and have a good relationship with them, you might consider...


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Cleaning Business Name Ideas?
I love Anns idea! Heres mine: Whitneys Sparkling Spring Cleaning. Best of luck in your new endeavor!


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Hugs and Kisses From The New Mr. and Mrs.
Too sweet, pardon the pun, lol! And of course if there are those who prefer not to take the chocolate, its their decision. Wonderful idea.


Photo: Strawberries
How cute! I love strawberries, but hubby says the smaller ones are sweeter... I know they are, but I love them all!


Wildlife: Lady Bug

Wildlife: Lady Bug
Oh, I adore ladybugs! My sister still teases me about the day she watched me talking to one. :D


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Raising Money for a Mission Trip?
Mary, you said you love to sew. So... why not take in sewing jobs to raise funds for your mission trip? Or if theres a flea market in your area, make small craft items to sell there. God bless your travels!


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Ideas for a Swim Party?
No P in our ool, lol! Love it. :D When you say pool party, the first game I think of is pool volleyball. You do it with a beach ball of whatever size works best for your crowd. Thats gentler than the regular volleyball. (Remember the scene in Meet the Parents...


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What Do I Wear to a Cocktail Party?
Id say something colorful or sparkly would be appropriate... lame fabric, perhaps. I went to a ROTC ball once in a silver lame pantsuit. However, I was able to get a very pretty hunter-green velveteen cocktail dress at a thrift store many years later. I wore...


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What Does the Groom's Family Pay For?
Traditions arent as rock-solid these days and in this economy. The grooms family paid for most or all wedding expenses when my daughter married two summers ago. We could never have afforded it! And since they were paying, they chose: invitations, rings, food...


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Mother's Day Gift Ideas?
Oops - forgot to point out. My daughter is springing for a certain dollar amount for those groceries, too...


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Mother's Day Gift Ideas?
My husband had a mild stroke on Easter Sunday this year. (The doctors also suspect Bells palsy.) Not only are finances extra-tight, getting even the basic shopping done has suddenly become problematic. (I cant go on my own, since they usually dont let blind...


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Make Your Own Bath Salts
Simple, but very useful and thrifty. Thanks, Deeli!


Wildlife: Goose Prints (Long Island, NY)
Well-put, and your TF username is funny. I like funny. :D


Scenery: Sunset

Scenery: Sunset
Thumbs up to you, on the strength of the mental imagery you evoked... and your username. I support vets of all wars. Hubby was in Korea, a generation before yours.



Wildlife: The Chickadees and the Raccoon
Loved the way you told the tale from the viewpoint of the chickadee, ingenious!


Scenery: Quaint Thatched Roof Cottage (Tralee, Ireland)
Visiting Ireland is BIG on my bucket list - thanks for bringing a piece of it to us!


Baby Bunnies

Wildlife: Baby Bunnies
Hubby loves to tell about his Aunt Ella and how she used to have to shoo the wild rabbits away from her skirt hem... thanks for the reminder to check our yard before we mow!


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Potted Plants For Wedding Decorations
This is a great idea for any special occasion, not just for weddings. I attended an organizational anniversary in 2008. The centerpieces at each table were groupings of small potted plants (sorry I forget the name of the plants.) At the end of the evening, everyone...


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Relieving Sinus Pressure
Getting into a shower isnt always easy for me, since I have mobility issues. My easier solution is to enjoy the fragrance of my steaming cup of coffee or tea, or to put the plug in the bathroom sink and run a couple of inches of steamy hot water into it. Eucalyptus...


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Removing Lint Balls from Clothing
We have an old-fashioned clothes brush. It sort of looks like a looped heavy-gague wire covered in bristles, but it works. I think its older than hubby, and still has lots of use left in it. No sticky residue on clothes, either.


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Reminders on the Bathroom Mirror
Since print is kinda beyond me these days... my reminders go on MS Outlook Calendar. I can set reminders as far out as 2 weeks, or 0 minutes before the event. When reminders pop up, I can click snooze and be reminded again. Ill do this as often as necessary...


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Save Kids Meal Toys As Gifts
Very thoughtful! Since we rarely go to McDs, we found our own solution last time we went: we gave our toy to the toddler at the next table. Made the little guys day! His parents thought it was pretty cool, too, obviously.


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Recycling or Reusing Lightly-used Paper Lunch Sacks?
Oops, forgot to respond to comments, sorry. PBP... recycling in our area costs $$ we just dont have. MfM... I offered these on FreeCycle twice this time around. Last time we had to drop them off to the FreeCycler whod requested them because he couldnt come...


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Recycling or Reusing Lightly-used Paper Lunch Sacks?
We dropped them off at the grade school our kids once attended, on our way to do other errands today. Hubbys finally learning just the tiniest bit of thriftiness, lol! And they say you cant teach old dogs new tricks. :D


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Recycling or Reusing Lightly-used Paper Lunch Sacks?
Good news! The elementary school right up the street from our house will be happy to take them for their art teacher! Thanks for the outside the box thinking. :D


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Recycling or Reusing Lightly-used Paper Lunch Sacks?
These were what the pints of milk for hubbys meals came in. Think Ill call my local school board, thanks. A FB friend suggested my local arts council, as well. I just cant see tossing reusable/recyclable items.


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USPS Postage Increase (April 17, 2011)
Good info to have, Deeli. Thanks! JPJ


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Link: What is Passover
Elsa, I understand it was pretty hard on everyone who tried to keep kosher. Different dishware, pots, pans, etc, for different types of food? Id just be confused. Theyd never let me enter the synagog, let alone Temple.


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Teach Children That Abuse Is Not A Sign Of Love
Kmimm1... Refusing to tolerate abuse in any form is thrifty because so many welfare recipients are women like Anna. I was raised in a highly dysfunctional, abusive home. My father never abused us kids physically. It was the way he treated our mother, physical...



Scenery: Hyacinth (WA)
Love your poetic description, Deeli - I can see that little flower so clearly in my minds eye. Thumbs up!


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Reviews of E-Book Readers?
I dont have all the details, but my daughter did a lot of research on this subject. She chose the Kindle. She said she chose it over the Nook because the Kindle isnt backlit and can be read even in bright sunlight. I think hers cost about $140 late last fall...


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Link: What is Passover
So glad its been helpful. Ive always been curious about Jewish traditions, and learning hubby is part Jewish - Messianic, not Orthodox - heightened that. I also never realized how many people I graduated with are Jewish until they became my FB friends.


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Link: What is Passover
You may want to click the start Here, What is Passover link on this site, but its a great clearinghouse of Jewish information... holidays, calendar, etc.


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Getting Rid of Small Black Ants?
Hubbys in love with Hot Shot ant baits. The down side? Wiping dead ants off surfaces on a regular basis, eww! Theres also the issue of trying not to knock them off onto the floor or worse, into the dish water. :P My friend Bev suggested diazipam (sp?) sprinkled...


Scenery: Pond At Evening
Id much rather fall asleep listening to frogs than many other sounds in my city neighborhood...


Two colorful lorikeets at a zoo.

Lorikeets (Birmingham Zoo, AL)
Sweet! My mom used to have a parakeet... not quite the same though, I presume.


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Will My Child Receive SSI?
My children received SS benefits because my hubby, their stepfather, received them. If he had passed away before they turned 18, they wouldve qualified for Survivors Benefits until they turned 18. As Deeli said, never EVER lie to the SSA! Im not even crazy...


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Explaining Medical Procedures to Children
Umm... Lionpridej, I think you meant to say dont tell a child its not going to hurt when you know it will. I wish someone had explained procedures to me when I was little - no one thought a little bitty kid like I was would understand, but the lack of information...


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Invigorating Ginger Bath
Now Im trying to figure out how to get myself in and out of the tub so I can try this!


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Frugal Toys
My favorite, right up there with the tray and tumblers, is the fraction pizza visual. Youre sure teaching your kids more than fractions, though! I kinda miss the days when kids were happier playing with things that sparked the imagination.


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Ten Best Ways to Save
Dawn, I absolutely adore your list! I try to observe all your points, but never thought - and wrote - them out like you did. Im still working on hubby about consolidating or planning trips to save gas, of course... and I gave up using dryer sheets when I learned...


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Washing Plastic Food Covers
Think I need to try this. I usually slide a plate of leftovers into a plastic grocery bag and wrap the ends under, or put a saucer or bread plate on top of a bowl.


Scenery: Cole Harbour (Nova Scotia)
Wow... thats gotta be one of the most beautiful views in the Northern Hemisphere. Awesome! Thanks for sharing it with us.


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Remembering Reusable Shopping Bags
My hubby does most of our shopping and frequently uses a strategy like yours. Hes older and parks closer, though, lol! Once when he forgot to put the reusable bags back in our van, he simply piled the groceries on the floor of the van and bagged them when he...


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Relax During The Holidays
Excellent advice for any time of the year! Family and friends need to give up expecting those big, fancy dinners and learn how to just enjoy time together. A simple meal with love beats an elaborate meal and stress any day of the year!


Scenery: Morning Dew
Who cares what other people call it? Youve made it beautiful and let me see it through your eyes. Thank you for that.


Sun setting over the island

Scenery: Sunset (Ponce, Puerto Rico)
Sunset was always my favorite part of the day, and youve given me a spectacular mental picture to enjoy. I sort of envy you your scenery down there in PR! Thanks for sharing it with us.


A pencil pouch used to store cosmetics

Inexpensive Cosmetic Bags
Although I dont bother with cosmetics, I love this tip! I repurposed the pleather carrying case for the PDA-type device I fried awhile back. Its the perfect size to separate my stamps and a few other easily-lost items from the bottom of my huge purse.


Scenery: Water Lilies (Botanical Gardens, Birmingham, AL)
I can see them in my minds eye... thanks!


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Bleach to Clean Hard Surfaces
I knew hubbys aide was using too much, she used a 50/50 mix!


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Leave Yourself Reminders
Debbie52, maybe I need to try your method for ideas, Im an email addict and feel neglected if I dont get at least 5-10 daily, lol! What works best for me is the Microsoft Outlook Calendar. I set reminders there for phone calls, what I should expect in my paycheck...


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Getting Food and Utilities Help in Georgia?
Esther, theres a national Information and Referral hotline that has dispatch call centers in every county across the US. If you dial 211, they should know which way to direct you. A friend of mine was able to get help from our local homeless shelter, although...


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Should I Use Plastic or China for a 50th Anniversary Backyard Party?
Chinette and some other manufacturers have some beautiful disposable sets that look like the real thing. As special as a 50th anniversary is, I wouldnt want the added stress of fretting over your good china. Congrats to the happy couple! 50 years together is...


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Ideas for a Bridal Shower?
If the couple have already chosen their color scheme, use those colors for any dishes, napkins, decorations and so on. For the newlywed game, here are one or two questions... 1. Where did you meet and when? 2. Whats his (her) favorite color? Favorite food or...


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Bat Poop Stains on Fabric?
Id say try to cover your outdoor furniture each evening before the bats take wing. Whether you use old bedsheets tucked around, plastic trash bags draped over or whatever, preventing sounds simpler than constantly having to wash your outdoor furniture pads...


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Organizing Clothes That Can Be Worn Again Before Washing?
I dont have a very large wardrobe, so I keep it simple. I carefully smooth and fold re-wearable items and put them on top of my laundry hamper. I never thought about hanging them in front of a window or anything, but Ill think about that.


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How Do I Find Help to Pay My Rent?
Im sorry to hear youre having it so rough right now. I dont know about NM, but my county in OH has a place called the Interfaith Hospitality Network. They run homeless shelters, but also help with rent and I think mortgage. I never availed myself of their help...


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Almost Homemade Chicken and Dumplings
Thank you and God bless you for honoring my mother, Pookarina. And oh, poor Deeli! Im sure my moms recipe will be much better than what you were subjected to as a child. My mom was the best cook, she could make homemade baking soda biscuits that nearly melted...


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Perfume as Room Freshener
Deeli, dear, I do believe she said buy, not guy. I love blind humor, ha! I also love to use my unwanteds as backup bathroom spray and el cheapo FeBreeze, as well as general room deodorizer.


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Collect Water While Shower Warms Up
Hmm... this has gotten me thinking. Those of us on city water dont think so much about how much we waste. Its a good argument for more people adopting the old-fashioned sink bath method. Thats what I do between showers, or on days when I just dont feel up to...


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Use Clothes Pins for Chip Clips
I agree. Clothes pins are waaay cheaper than the chip clips. You can get a bag full of the spring-clip clothes pins for what a single chip clip costs. Wed be using rubber bands if we hadnt been given a couple of chip clips free.


Roll Clothes When Packing
Yeppers, the Marines taught my son the same thing. Worked much better too, since his suitcase was a duffel.


In Memory Of Jewel (Mountain Lion)
Wonderful descriptions, thanks for helping me see your photos through your eyes. I used to love watching folks like Marlon Perkins when I was a child. Also imho, its about time we humans became the good stewards of Gods creatures He intended us to be, even...


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Reshaping Old Glasses
When I was wearing glasses, there were many times the optometry workers adjusted them wrong. Either the glasses were too tight at the temples - thus aggravating an existing tendency to migraines - or theyd fall off my face if I moved wrong. Out of sheer desperation...


Screen door and snow.

Scenery: Snowed In
Egads! Hubby tells and retells stories of how he and his mother spent an entire winter snowed in like this. I can remember slogging through waist-high drifts to the local mom and pop grocery for essentials, but four feet of non-drift snow? Wild!


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Reuse Birthday Candles
I cant count the number of times Ive done something like this! Youll want to be careful if you use those little, straight candles, since they break easily...


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Attach Plastic Bag To Vacuum For Trash
Since I have allergies, I love the idea of keeping the plastic baggie for large debris. Then for our vacuum, youd just dump the contents of the dirt cup in with the rest and into the garbage pail it all goes! Ill also pass on the hint about keeping a bag handy...


When Are You Being Too Frugal?

When Are You Being Too Frugal?
Oh, Deeli, this one really hit home with me! Ive been in danger of slipping from thrifty to just plain cheap after living poor (not just moderately, but seriously poor) my entire adult life. My thrifty behavior and advance planning for windfalls is finally...


Reusing Tins

Reusing Tins
Hubbys starting to catch on to this idea. When we had a industrial-size can of fruit cocktail and no idea what to put it in (we were fresh out of empty plastic butter tubs.) Then he remembered the empty, washed coffee tin. The fruit cocktail fit perfectly and...


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Adult Child in a Toxic Relationship is Very Demanding of Time?
Oh, Kiro. Ive been there, done that, on both sides of the story. I stayed in an abusive marriage for 15.5 years until God opened the right door and sent me through it. I know my family cheered, in fact, my mother made a gift of the divorce filing fee when I...


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Cleaning Sticky Mess in Refrigerator
Now, why didnt I think to post this? I used to have to do it all the time when my kids were all living at home. Someone was always spilling something in the fridge, or would leave a pack of meat that leaked. This method saves a lot of elbow grease!


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Tips For Living Green
SpookyCat, we spoiled city-slickers could benefit from using your methods. Just for starters, wed save a lot on water bills and paper towels. Lilac, color-coded bath towels and washcloths for each family member should lessen sanitation concerns some. When you...


Heart shaped candy box.

Reusing Candy and Chocolate Boxes
I still have the beautiful metal heart box hubby gave me chocolates in two or three years ago. Among other things, the handmade necklace my daughter gave me that next Christmas is in it. It holds pride of place on my dresser.


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Homemade Hair Gel
Hmm... I hadnt noticed Fossil hadnt said how much water. I can only guess, a cup? In any case, since the gelatin is pure protein, it would be way better for your hair than anything on the market except maybe Mane and Tail.


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Vinegar as a Fabric Softener
Hmm... I never thought to add essential oils. Vinegar also works in the wash cycle as an odor eliminator, and part of what vinegar does is help pull all soap residue out of the clothes. I think that may contribute to the softening.


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Reducing Cell Phone Data Charges
Kudos to you for getting such cooperation out of your kids!


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Trash Bag For the Car
I like your method better than hubbys - his little plastic grocery bag seems to wander around our van. :P


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Designate an Out Of State Emergency Contact
Keeper said it well, lionpridej. This plan is extremely well thought-out and thorough. You seem to have covered every contingency. Thumbs up!


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Label Tops of Electric Plugs
Im wondering why I hadnt thought of this, too. Now Ill add my own little twist: for me, a tactile bump would work better even than glow-in-the-dark paint or nail polish. (I dont own any nail polish anyway.) And, how about marking the top side of the outlet...


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Moist Zucchini Bread
Ooh, this sounds absolutely yummy! Now I wish I knew someone wholl be growing zucchini this year. Personally, though, Id use chocolate chips rather than coconut.


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Glue for Envelopes
Sounds like a good one, Keeper. You get my vote! JPJ


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Making Omelets in a Ziploc Bag?
My niece described it for me a few months ago. You Prepare whatever items you want included in your omelet: diced or sliced green peppers, onions, cheese, mushrooms, bacon, etc. Crack two or three eggs, depending the size omelet you want, into about a quart...


Product Review: Wonderfile

Product Review: Wonderfile
Definitely sounds interesting as a replacement for the suitcase-sized purse I now carry. Of course, Id want something with a long strap. I put my purse strap over my shoulder. Think news carrier or mail carrier satchel. Ill look around for these to buy myself...


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Know What Information Is In Your Background Check
I copied and pasted the link. making sure nothing got highlighted but the actual url. Its now saved in my Favorites to thoroughly read later. Thanks, Deeli, I never thought to check that before.


Sunrise over Toms River.

Scenery: Sunrise (Silver Bay, Toms River, NJ)
You said that very well, very poetic. Ever consider entering something like this on a poetry site?


My Frugal Life: Life After Divorce
Dawn, I love that youre taking something that so often is seen negatively and turning it into a positive. Im not recently divorced, but have learned that economizing in small ways really adds up!


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Sewing on Scout Badges
Wish my mom and I had thought of this years ago, she for my brothers Scout patches, I for my 1st husbands rank patches.


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Conserving Fuel
Although I cant convince hubby to skip the drive through, I can at least get him to turn off the engine when we have more than a 60-second wait. It uses less fuel to restart than to idle the engine. It helps the environment just a tiny bit, too. And heres another...


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Buy Every Other Size In Baby Clothes
Sounds logical, but its a question of convincing my daughter-in-law of its wisdom! Hard to resist those adorable little outfits.


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Use Elmers Glue As a Face Mask
Dont know why I never thought of this! Youre right, good old (cheap) Elmers makes a great facial peel. Ive never tried it on my face, but I remember its non-toxicity from earliest childhood. Needless to say, Ive peeled dead skin from my fingers this way more...


Plants in ice by creek

Scenery: Plants In Ice
I always loved the look of plants trapped in a coccoon of ice...


Moose looking off to the right.

Moose (Yellowstone National Park, WY)
Eek! I know that encounter was scary!


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Warning: Never Give Small Child Keys
Its scary what damage tiny children can do with even the safest-seeming items! I clearly remember seeing a news item years ago about a tot who was running with a toothbrush in his mouth. He tripped and it went through the back of his throat. It was only his...


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Best Time To Purchase Airline Tickets
Hmm! You know, I noticed this trend when I was planning a trip some ten years ago. I just didnt know how to share the insight then. Thank goodness for TF! Hugs and thumbs up!


Person taking a photo of a whale.

Scenery: Whale Watching (San Ignacio Lagoon,...
Whales are such fearsome and magnificent creatures, intelligent, as well. Thanks for sharing yours with us!


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Best Dinner Plate Color for Someone With Vision Difficulties?
Aww, Deeli, youre so sweet! Youre also completely correct. I love helping others who are dealing with vision loss, or just curious about what we blind folks are really like. For me personally, it doesnt matter what plate color is set before me. I dont have...


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Finding Leaks in an Air Mattress?
My advice is similar to Foxrun41s. Make a small basin of soapy water. Wipe it over your air matress and look for bubbles. When you see them, mark the spot with a pen or marker. Dry the air matress thoroughly and patch where you marked. Best to you!


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Baby Oil to Remove Adhesive
There are a lot of us who wish wed had this tip when naughty boys put gum in our hair in our long-ago childhood.


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Online Etiquette
My sister taught me online etiquet, especially the value of deleting other emails in a forwarded thread and using the bcc feature. My pet online peeve - both in emails and online - is lack of proofreading and attention to simple rules of grammar. How would...


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Grocery Shopping Tips
Excellent and concise list. Thanks for your openness!


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College Scholarship Tips
Boy, do I wish wed had your advice when all my kids were applying for financial aid! I think Ill mention it to the three still attending. One graduates college this May. Penny, my left-handed son would certainly qualify for that scholarship!


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Mesh Laundry Bag With Baby Shower Gift
Wonderful and thoughtful idea! Now Im jealous, wish Id had a friend like you during my childbearing years! I couldnt knit or crochet to save my life. :P


blind_woman using assistive technology to vote.

Ten More Lessons from the Blind Side
Thanks, Hokey Poke! I enjoy myth-busting sighted folks expectations of the blind. God gave me my gift for written communication. I like to think Im putting it to good use. :D


blind_woman using assistive technology to vote.

Ten More Lessons from the Blind Side
Thanks for the wonderful feedback so far. Your kind words really lift my spirits on those rare days when Im feeling down. One regret I have is that I havent ever been able to catch on to the Braille concept. I keep saying I need to try to learn, but I just...


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Italian Tomato Sauce
Yum! I absolutely adore tomato sauces, and this sounds like an easy recipe to follow. Sounds as if I need to put storage bowls in the right size on my shopping list. Thanks! Hugs!


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Solution for Stinky Feet
Great advice as usual, Gem. Im so glad I have machine-washable slippers!


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Tiny Changes To Save Electricity
I love saving money! Weve been on a form of level billing for a long time. However, I love seeing the actual usage charge below the level of our payment - it counts toward the arrearage that built up over the years. I save electricity in tiny ways, too. I unplug...


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Vinegar and Aluminum Foil To Replace Fabric Softener
Ive been using vinegar in both my wash cycle (with the soap, as an odor-fighter,) and in the rinse. Id heard of the foil ball but hadnt tried it. Thumbs up!


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Protecting Credit Cards with RFID
And I thought the author whose book included this info (sorry Ive forgotten the name and title) was just imagining things or had become a conspiracy theorist! I dont think my debit card includes the RFID chip, it has to be swiped. But Ill have hubby double...


Double Rainbow

Scenery: Double Rainbow
Ive always loved rainbows, too and thanks for answering a question I never knew how to ask. Cool that you and your sis were both seeing that!


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Activities for an Alzheimer's Patient?
I spent two months in a nursing home after my car wreck eight years ago. We had a great Activities dept. They regularly brought in musical groups, made up holidays, and seemed to actually care what folks liked. Theyd read the newspaper headlines and those gathered...


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Banks With No Minimum Balance?
I refuse to do my banking at any bank. My credit union has a $5 minimum on savings, $0 minimum for checking. Fees are much lower, and cu employees treat us like royalty even though we keep very small balances. Dont know how cus are in your area, but ours includes...


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Keep Channels on Back of Remote
Hey, anything that helps you find your fave channels while learning your new channel numbers gets my vote! Ill need a similar solution starting next Tuesday, when we switch from Dish Network to cable for the first time in nearly 10 years. Im still debating...


Closeup of snow covered birdfeeder.

Scenery: Snowy Birdfeeder
I loved your whimsical description - thanks!


A girl playing at the beach in California.

Beach Visit
Hi, Stella. I used to enjoy playing at the beach, too. I dont live near a beach anymore, but hope to be able to visit one again someday. Thanks so much for giving us a preview of summer in late winter, I feel warmer already!


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Super Special Salmon Patties
TX Betty, if you use one can of fish, two eggs, and half an onion, that should halve the recipe. Ive never tried freezing them. I generally reheat and eat a couple patties for a quick and easy lunch. I dont even bother with condiments or bread. Call me lazy...


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Super Special Salmon Patties
Thanks, Cindy. Ill try your cooking method next time - then I can pretty much do it myself. I also need to try harder to work that mackerel!


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Super Special Salmon Patties
Deeli, Ive never thought to try making tuna patties, but of course you can try it. Let us all know how it turns out, k? And Pookarina, Id forgotten about the dietary benefits of salmon until I was watching Sunday House Call on the Fox News Channel last Sunday...


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Are Walmart Great Value Products As Good as Name Brands?
I firmly believe generic products in general are as good as name brand. The only exceptions I make are for Marie Calendar and Campbells. Why pay more for a name? When I was sighted I compared my multivitamins and ibuprofen with the store brand, side-by-side...


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Calendar to Track Automatic Bill Payments
Sounds like a good plan - but then, anything that helps us lower our debt load is a great plan!


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