
Joan B.

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2 Posts | 380 Comments | Active Since 2011
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Getting Help for a Contested Divorce?
I dont know know that there is anything to do if he wont sign the papers. However, quit blowing money on an attorney, if it isnt do any good. When you had the divorce papers served on him, did he respond. Here in SD when a person is served with divorce papers...


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Getting Help for a Contested Divorce?
Also most states have a legal aid service, where you can get free legal aid. However, a lot of the time they only handle certain types of cases.


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Inexpensive Alternative to Satellite TV Service?
If a person lives in a rental you cant put up an antenna. Are there some channels that you can eliminate? I dont know how the dish companies are about things like that. I only pay for basic cable. In the apartment complex that I live in, at this time, basic...


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Painting Over Dark Paint?
Primer is like an undercoat that people put on before painting. It is supposed to make coverage easier, especially over dark colors, etc. However, I have seen ads on TV from some of the Home Improvement stores that say there is a paint that they stock that...


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Refinishing a China Hutch?
There are all kinds of products to strip paint/stain/varnish off items. Some of them take more work than others. Go to your home improvement store and ask for advice.


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Making Baked Jelly Donuts?
Google baked jelly doughnuts and see what you come up with.


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Product Review: Scott Naturals Toilet Paper
I do know their 1000 sheet rolls are rough. I have a sister that uses that because it is cheaper and she lives alone, so we all know she wont be using an excessive amount of TP.


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Dishwasher Tablet to Clean Toilet
I will have to try that, hopefully the brand I use will do the same thing as yours.


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Painting Dark Wood a Light Color?
You might have to lightly sand the paneling, then put a coat of primer on it, and then paint it a light grey.


beaded pendant necklace and matching earrings

Ideas for Selling Handmade Jewelry?
Do flea markets/craft shows in your area, ask different local merchants if they would display and sell some of your things. Also there is, where people can post and sell their craft items.


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Survivor's Portion of SS Benefits?
You have to have been married for at least 10 years for this to happen. The way it works is the spouse that has the least amount of SS coming can draw enough off the spouses so that the survivorhas enough SS to equal half of what the other spouse gets. For...


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Survivor's Portion of SS Benefits?
If I remember right when I applied for SS I was told that if my ex would die I would get all of his SS. I would advise contacting you SS office for more information.



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Reattaching a Rear View Mirror?
I do know of some people that no matter what or who reattaches the review mirror, it never stays attached. I had a car that as soon as the weather was a little on the humid the cloth lining on the roof would get so saggy that it would touch the top of our heads...


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Repairing a Wobbly Chair?
I have seen older chairs mainly, belonging to elderly people that have wire running from corner to corner between the legs and and twisted together in the middle, somehow. They used several layers of wire, and I dont know how they did it, but I have seen it...


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Remedy for Unexplained Hair Thinning?
I dont necessarily think it is unhealthy hair, unless you have been over processing it(coloring, perming, curling, straightening). No matter what beauticians say, I think a person can over process the hair. My sister is a beauty operator and she always told...


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100th Birthday Gift Ideas?
100 saftey pins, a poem consisting of 100 words(would be more meaniful if you could write it), 100 petals from silk flowers or real ones if you prefer. A note pad of 100 sheets of paper. Im sure there are other little things a person can think of. I just dont...


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100th Birthday Gift Ideas?
Another thought, 100 safety pins, you could link them together to make a necklace to loop over her head at the party.


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Refinishing the Top of an Antique Dresser?
If it just water marks and scratches you can strip the finish offf and re-stain it. If the top is warped it might need professional help.


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Gift Ideas for Girl's 14th Birthday?
Depending on what you want to spend some type of CD, a journal, if she likes crafts there are all kinds of craft kits for reasonable prices, a gift card to a store or movie theater, cafe. There are several things for $5.00+ The thing is to keep the gift from...


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Is Medicare Part B Worth the Cost?
You are lucky that being you have medicare that you can still get help with medical assistance from local sources. When I was old enough to get medicare the free clinic told me I would have to quit going there, Which at that clinic a patient saw third year...


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Is Medicare Part B Worth the Cost?
I forgot when you get to where you qualify for medicare part D, the pharmeceutical companies will probably tell you that even if you dont apply for part D, they will drop you from the free program. This happened to me when part D went into effect, now instead...


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Easy Patchwork Baby Quilt Pattern?
This will depend on if you want to make a quilt with the tiny little pieces that make a fancy design or if you want to use just plain squares. If you want to use just plain squares, google Around the World quilt patterns. I would probably add for infants or...


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Eligibility for Survivor's Disability Benefits?
Contact your locals Social Security Office. They should be able to help you.


Suggestions for Starting a Home Business?
If you start a home based food business, contact the state because I think most places that do food prep have to have health inspections and meet certain qualifications. Also if your state has a sales tax you will need a sales tax license. If you have a home...



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Asking a Guy to Prom?
Does he show any interest in you? I would say if you are going to be a junior or senior next year and you have liked him since 7th grade and he hasnt shown any interest in you, I would suggest you set your sights else where. There is a good possibility that...


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POA Rights and Responsibilities?
Discuss the matter with your Mom and ask if she would consent to you taking over paying her bills, etc. If you have power of attorney, is your name on her checking account? If so, you wouldnt have to transfer money to your account to pay bills, you could just...


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Buying Frozen Rhubarb?
I have never seen frozen rhubarb. However go to every now and then they have canned rhubarb. I think it is rather expensive, but to me it is worth it because anybody that I know doesnt seem to grow it and living in an apartment complex...


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Dollar Store For School Supplies
The schools where I live specify certain items and most of them wont be found at dollar stores.


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Can Homemade Soap Containing Fels-Naptha Cause a Rash?
Depending on any other symptoms you might have besides the itching, it could be psoriasis. This is a rash/itch that can lay dormant for years and all of a sudden show up for the first time. I would consult a doctor/dermatologist.


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Buying Metal Bangles for Making Bracelets?
Do research on line, you will find all kinds of places that have all different types of these bracelets. However, when I am short of money I forget about things I want or like.


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Crockpot Hot Dogs and Chili?
You can make any chili recipe in the crock pot. As far as hot dogs go, google it and you will find directions someplace. I found directions for hot dogs several years ago, I just dont have it handy and cant look for it right now.


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Suggestions for Getting Along With Relatives?
You just avoid certain topics. I have two sisters that we cant discuss politics or religion together, because Im not conservative enough to suit them. When our parents were alive it was different, because my mother acted as moderater and my dad sat in the other...


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Where Can I Buy Government Surplus Type Cheese?
They dont sell government surplus cheese or any food items. It used to be given out with other surplus food items, to low income people schools to use in their hot lunch programs, and probably homeless shelters and places that serve meals to the needy. From...


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Putting a Photo on a Plate?
You could decopage it on, or you could check with places that print photos and see if they could do it. I know I have seen ads that these companies can put photos on mugs, etc., so I would imagine they can do it on plates too.


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Garnishing SSD Benefits for Back Child Support?
Talk to your Child Support Office and see what they say. I would think they could give you the advice you are seeking. I also think they will tend to the paperwork for you. You could also call you social security office and see what they say.


Ideas for 4th Birthday Party?
Forget about having a theme party. My opinion is 4 years is awfully young to be having parties, other than with family members. My daughters each had two, one for their 10th birthday and one when they were 16. There was no theme to them. They played a few games...



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Organizations That Assist Low Income Families Get Free Furniture?
I dont know of any place that gives out free cars. Do you receive help with your rent, like a subsidy? If you do report that your income has went down and your share of the rent will go down. If you arent renting a place like that start looking for one. They...


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Cleaning an Oven?
In my 71 years I havent found a better way to do it. I did discover that it is easier if you have the type of oven that you can remove the door, just makes it easier to reach. Six years ago I asked for a new stove in my apartment and got a self cleaning oven...


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Squirrels vs. Container Garden Veggies?
That is a good question, however, I know what I would do if it was legal to shoot pellet guns in the town where I live.


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Food Ideas for a Reception for 100 on a Budget?
If you are on a small budget forget the wedding and just go get married. Alternative, have the wedding at a time when the guests wont expect a meal, serve cake, coffee, tea, and punch. Otherwise do things like sloppy joes, salads, chips, etc. Forget serving...


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Ideas for Daughter's 13th Birthday Party?
You can go to a movie or roller rink, things like that, or else have a slumber party with pizza at home.


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Bleaching a Gray Shirt to Make It White?
It will take a quite a bit of bleach(I dont know how much) and probably have to soak for quite a while. Back in the late 70s my now ex had a pair of blue and white striped coveralls that he used when he went hunting in the winter and then one year he decided...


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Ideas for Daughter's 13th Birthday Party?
One of the two beauty schools where I live have party packs, however the age limit is 12 years and the cost is $10.00 per child. I dont know what is included in that pkg.


My Frugal Life: Disguising Generic Items
Several years ago when I was married and my girls were young, I did something similar with powdered milk. There were a few times we would get low on milk and the budget didnt allow to run right out and buy more, when a carton of milk would get low, I would...


My Frugal Life: Disguising Generic Items
When my grandkids were little, the oldest one had to go to a Shriners Hospital in another state for surgery and I ended up taking care of his two little sisters for several days. As my daughter and son-in-law were leaving they told me the kids dont like the...


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Roach Problem?
I had some of the creatures last summer and tried various home remedies and things that you could buy in stores, and nothing worked, until I told the manager of our apartment complex and he had pest control come. That person set out tent shaped sticky things...


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What is Eating My Dusty Millers?
I dont know what it could be eating your plants. I do know that I am thoroughly fed up with both squirrels and rabbits eating my flowers, and the squirrels digging the dirt out so they can eat the roots. Unfortunately where I live it is illegal to shoot pellet...


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Free Valance Pattern Ideas?
Try looking on google, ask for free patterns for whatever topic you are looking for.


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Is It Too Late to Start My Garden?
In my 71 years I have never followed the Farmers Almanac for planting. I go by the weather. So far where I live the weather hasnt been warm enough for much of anything to grow. Two nights ago our low was 33 degrees. I am patiently waiting for summer to arrive...


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Child Support and SSI?
If he owes back child support, he owes back child support. That happens when you get involved with a divorced person who is supposed to be paying child support. I tried to tell my daughter that, when she was 20 and planning on marrying a man with a small child...


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Dealing With Loud Upstairs Neighbors?
I have had neighbors like that, only the music they played didnt seem to have words, it was just thump-thump-thump. After 10:30PM I call the cops. When there gets to be too much of sounding like they are throwing stuff, or maybe fighting, or dropping heavy...


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Agencies That Help Disabled People Get a Car?
I havent heard of any places that help with things like that. You could ask your church for help. I know a woman that did that, but she did attend church regularly, she said it isnt much to look at, but gets her where is needs to go(work, etc.). However, about...


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Ideas for Finding Free Furniture?
Try your local Salvation Army Thrift Store. They are usually good at giving out vouchers for free furniture at the thrift store office, then you take it to the thrift store itself. Usually you dont get to pick what you want and it is only necessities. I have...


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Best Way to Sell Used Furniture?
There are also furniture consignment stores..


Elongated view of the machine

Refurbishing the Black Finish on a Vintage...
Whatever you do to it, will diminish its value to antique dealers because they dont like antiques whose appearance has been improved. When an item is wood, and might have water stains, part of the stain and varnish is gone, they want it left that way, instead...


Photo of Curtains and coutertop samples

Kitchen Paint Color Advice?
With the colors that you listed for cabinets, countertops and backsplash any color will work, as they are neutrals.


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Review of No Sew Hem Products?
My girlfriend has used the ones advertised on TV called Style Snaps and really likes them. They are kind of in between clear and opaque. I have some I havent had the occasion to use yet. I figure they should work for the times that I have a shirt that the neckline...


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Paint Colors for Room with Red Sofa?
You will have to use a neutral color for the walls. Something like ivory, beige, taupe, grey, etc. Or else use a color wheel to determine what colors you like with it.


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Ripping Seams Easily
When I was much younger and did a lot of sewing, when I sewed on navy fabric for the seams I used black thread and on black fabric I used navy thread. If I had to rip out part of a seam it was much easier to see, and on the seams it didnt matter.


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Family Circle 1986 8 Hour Trip Around the World Quilt Instructions?
You can google Trip Around The World Quilt and find several different directions for this quilt.


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Inexpensive Party Locations for Teens and Adults?
Limit the number of guests to the number that you can entertain in your home. That is the least expensive. I have heard that sometimes Senior Citizen Centers will rent out space quite inexpensively. But in my opinion no matter how low cost the rent would be...


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Recipes for When It's Hard to Chew?
There is always soup and also baby food.


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Organize Food Storage Wraps In Magazine Holders
This is a really good idea. Im going to try it and I will even be willing to buy a new one at WalMart in order to try it. I dont have a car so I dont do garage sales or thrift stores. Public transportation is too expensive for that.


An antique iron claw footed bathtub

My Frugal Life: My Iron Claw Bathtub
One of my aunt and uncles had a claw foot bath tub in one of the houses they bought and my uncle enclosed that one, mainly because it would be a pain to clean underneath it. He did make one end of the tub surround removable, but that might have been because...


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Canning Milk or Sour Cream Based Soups?
If she didnt process them, more than likely they should be refrigerated. In fact it always used to be that when people canned any type of food it was kept in a cool place, like a basement for storage. It was felt that the foods kept better in a cool place.


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Heating Up Store Bought Pizza
I have never put pizza right on the rack, I always just use a pizza pan and it turns out OK.


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Growing Tomatoes in Containers?
I would do it every year. I have always been told that when you plant a garden you shouldnt plant the different veggies in the same spot every year.


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Moving Buttons on Blouse to Alter Bust Size?
My guess is there would be too much gap between the buttons. More than likely you wouldnt have enough space to do much good. Sometimes the seams are made so that a person can let each one out about 1/8-1/4 inch, that combined with moving the buttons might work...


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Joining Yo Yos to Make a Tablecloth?
When I was a little kid my mother had a throw pillow made out of yo-yos, and the yo-yos were hand sewed together with tiny little stitches. The only backing on it was the fabric cover of the pillow it self. When she got all the yo-yos sewed together she then...


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Finding On-line Grocery Coupons?
I look at the General Mills web site, Pillsbury, and various other production companies. There isnt always coupons but a lot of the time there is.


Purple and white flowers

What Are These Flowers?
Other than the leaves the flowers themselves look like the plain, old-fashioned petunias, and the leaves werent that clear in the photo.


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Finding Help After House Fire?
Several years ago I worked as a receptionist in a Red Cross Office and in a situation like yours we gave a family a voucher for, if I remember right, two outfits for each family member, plus putting them up in a hotel (probably not for very long.) The family...


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Finding Help After House Fire?
Also motel/hotel rooms come equipped with toiletries. You shouldnt have to be buying them as long as you are in a motel.


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Finding a Lost Relative?
Do you have contact with any other relatives that might know where she is at? There are a lot of online sites that for a fee are supposed to help find people, but I dont know how dependable these sites are. A couple of them are and zabasearch...


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Sealing Home-printed Photo Magnets?
You could buy a roll of clear packageing tape and cut it to size to cover the front.


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Finding Help After House Fire?
I used to be a receptionist in a Red Cross Office (several years ago), and at that time we would put a family up in a motel for a couple days until they could regroup and find a place to live. Usually there was family or friends that would take them in. We...


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How Do I Can Vegetables?
Either google the topic, or go to one of your stores that handle canning supplies and in the area where the supplies are located you will find a book you can buy that tells how to can many different items. That is how I learned how to can, from one of those...


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11th Birthday Party Ideas?
Cant you have the party at home. Location parties are awfully expensive, in my opinion. If it has to be a location type party, take them to a movie or a skating rink, something like that.


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Where Can I Get Help to Pay My Electric Bill?
Talk to your county. Most counties have a welfare department that will provide one time help for things like that. However, you will be expected to pay it back. You probably would have been better off asking different churches, the Salvation Army, etc. for...


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Panasonic TV Only Lasted Three Years?
No matter what a person buys there is a chance of getting a lemon. What is the warrenty on this TV? I would be willing to better it is past the experation date.


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Harvesting Potatoes?
I just googled it because it has been so many years since I have had a garden that I couldnt remember. If you want the potatoes fully grown, wait until the plant itself has quit growing and started to die back.


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Remedy for Shin Bone Leg and Toe Cramps at Night?
When I have this problem it starts in the top bones of my foot and then travels up the shin bone, then some times around to the calf in a cramp. It doesnt happen every night and only in one leg at time, it isnt consistant in just one leg. I dont have a remedy...


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How Do I Can Potatoes?
Google it and Im sure you will come up with all kinds of help.


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Income Ideas for a Stay at Home Mom?
You have to be able to sleep sometime. Do you have anybody living with you that could care for the kids in the day time while you worked daytime hours. If you got off work at midnight and went directly home, you would be able to sleep until 7-8AM before the...


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Getting Dental Work Done Without Insurance?
Also depending on the school, they only do exams and cleaning.


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Clearance Items for Christmas
Im already done with my Christmas shopping, I started some of it before last Christmas.


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Repainting Old Furniture
I too prefer the painted look, however, where I live a person would never get $15.00 for a painted chair.I realize a lot depends on the neighbor hood a person lives in too. I have never lived in bad, poor neighborhoods, but I cant even sell a book for ten cents...


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Use Cloth Napkins Instead Of Paper
Inexpensive wash cloths would work too. I have thought about switching from paper, but when it costs me $3.00 a load to do my laundry, I just dont see it as being very economical. As it is we do four loads a week, and using cloth napkins would more than likely...


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Saving for Emergencies on a Tight Budget?
I am living off $750.00 a month total, retirement Social Security. I get rental assistance for my apartment, the rent includes heat, water, sewer, garbage, cable TV (as a thank you for renting from them). I also get food stamps. Check with your Department of...


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Double Thread When Sewing Buttons
Ive been doing this for about thirty years.


Photo of an oil lamp

Preparing For A Winter Power Outage
Good advice but not everybody is situated so that they can do this. I always have canned tuna and canned vegies on hand. We can always eat cold cereal. Between soda and bottled water we have plenty to drink. Being my apartment only has a shower, I have two...


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