
Coreen Hart

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78 Posts | 376 Comments | Active Since 2005
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Dandelion Wine Recipe?
Dandelion wine is wonderful, but if you have allergies, especially to pollen, watch out! I made it once, and my eyes swelled shut for two days!


My Frugal Life: Watch Where The Money Goes
More power to you, lady! I do the same, and youre right -- you can make a big difference!


A colorful array of beads

Saving Money on Beads for Beadwork
I just rescued a ton of black beads from an old sweater than was given to me. They were all sizes and shapes, and there were black sequins, too. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!


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14 Day Induction Diet?
I gave it a shot about two years ago. I stayed on the 14-day induction period longer. I lost 18 pounds and then couldnt lose any more. Eventually I went back to a more balanced diet. However, within six months I was diagnosed with diabetes and Graves Disease...


My Frugal Life: Bake For Special Days
What a sweet daughter your dad has!


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Sewing Machine Keeps Jamming?
If you have the machine threaded correctly, here is one more thing to try. When you start the seam, hold both the top and bottom threads firmly off to the left, so the machine cant jerk them up. Thats what solved my problem.


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Brown Rot on Apricots?
Is your soil really alkaline? Or does your tree drip sap? Mine does, and when I mulched with pine needles, the brown rot really backed off. Its not gone, but I try to get the apricots picked up the minute they fall, and we dry a lot of them. Im sure it has...


West Highland Terrier Barking?
My friend raises Chihuahuas. When they bark and its not for a good reason, she squirts them with a squirt gun. They have learned pretty fast! Hope this helps.


Saving Money on Tea

Saving Money on Tea
I dont know how helpful this is on your specific question, but I remembered a time when tea really paid off for me. It was about 8 years ago. Smiths had a sale on Lipton teas, including herbal. They also had a manufacturer coupon and a store coupon. When all...


Sand Dollars
How beautiful! I remember collecting them at Oceanside, California when I was in elementary school. Did you know that if you break them open, five tiny doves will fall out? Theres some kind of legend about the doves, but I cant remember it. Thanks for lovely...


Finished aquarium.

Gel Aquarium
How totally ingenious! Thank you!


Video: Happy Birthday Susan
Happy birthday, dear Susan. I feel as if we are old friends! Thrifty Fun is the one newsletter I always read! With love, Coreen



Victory Garden

What Would You Plant in Your Victory Garden?
I guess I would plant food in every available space. What we couldnt use, our elderly or disabled friends would. If there was just a flower bed, the flowers would mostly have to go. There is nothing prettier than a border of parsley (did you know it makes good...


Heart Shaped Foods For Valentine's Day, A platter of heart shaped cheese slices

Heart Shaped Cheese Pieces
YUM! Can I come to your house?


Shamrock Lapel Pin

Shamrock Lapel Pin
May the Blarney Stone kiss you back!


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Budgeting With Envelopes?
One of the best paybacks on the envelope system (assuming you keep the envelopes under lock and key so nobody can help themselves) is that if you have money left over in the grocery and gas envies, you can put it in savings! I love the feeling that we have...


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Using Up Corn And Flour Tortillas
Why dont you just freeze some? Thats my solution, since theyre so much cheaper in the big package. Glad to meet a fellow tortilla lover!



Coping with Fibromyalgia: One Woman's Story
Thank you for your encouragement! You told me more in one article than my doctor has told me in several years! Like you, I also write, fight brain fog, have severe sleep disturbances, GERD, IBS, etc. I also have some potentially fatal problems like cardiomyopathy...


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Storing Cut Avocados?
In my humble ( and totally prejudiced) opinion, the best thing is to peel and slice the remainder, splash with lemon and salt, and quickly eat it before anyone sees you getting more than your share. I had a giant tree in California, and I never gave any away...


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Storing Cut Avocados?
I almost forgot. If youre more hungry than a few slices will satisfy, make a sandwich with whole grain bread, Best Foods mayo, avocado slices and salt. Mmmmm.


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Can you live on less than £5 a day?
I dont know what the current exchange rate is, but it used to be $7 to 1 pound years ago. We live on about $500 per month for everything, and almost half goes to medical bills. We live well! Yesterday i bought 22 cups of yogurt and 20 of the new Cacao Reserve...


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Storing Fabric?
I use apple boxes and clear plastic tubs with lids. I am so jealous of your fabric! What a wonderful windfall!


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Retrieving Clothes that Have Fallen
How clever! This would be useful for people who drop things on their own floor but are too arthritic to bend over that far, too!



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Eggs in a Nest
Thats my kind of food! We often did something similar. Instead of scooping out the center, wed mash the spud and put whatever we had over the top of it. Some of the toppings we used were cheese, butter, broccoli, leftover minestrone, browned hamburger with...


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Knitted Bag Rug?
Step 1: How big do you want it to be? Take actual measurements. Step 2: Get the knitting needles and plastic strips you plan to use, cast on 10 stitches, and knit until its square. (Most of the patterns I have seen call for cutting grocery bags into 2 wide...


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Making Toast Without a Toaster?
Weve used the broiler for 25 years, and its great! I think our kitchens can get cluttered with too many accessories, dont you?


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Seashell Craft Ideas?
I once made a necklace out of bean clams and one scallop. The scallop was the pendant. Most of the shells already had a hole drilled in the right place, and those that didnt have one, I used a hammer, small nail, and positioned the shell on a piece of 2x4 to...


Puzzle ornament closeup.

Jigsaw Puzzle Ornaments
Thanks for reading! To answer the questions: 1) the pink is glitter glue. Poster paint works, too, depending on the base color you use. 2) You dont glue puzzle pieces to the paper. You lay a sheet of wax paper on top of the circle, then lay the first row of...


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Homemade Soft Cheese
I think Id better answer your questions, although believe me, its easier than you may think. I wrote it vague because thats what it is. I usually clabber the milk in a gallon jar like a sun tea jar, but I dont know what kind of container you have. Just be sure...


Composting Grapes

Composting Grapes
If it helps, I dont put anything in the refrigerator. I have a 5 quart ice cream tub with a tight lid, and I stick it under the sink and add peelings, etc. as they accumulate. Most of ours go to the chickens anymore, but some goes to the compost heap, too.


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Fingernail Polish on Skin?
Just let it wear off. Give her a bath a day for three days, and Ill bet it will be all gone.


Budgie Keeps Laying Eggs?
Does she have a mirror? Better yet, why dont you get her a male friend? Then buy another cage or two, because those little rascals are ready to fly in 2-3 weeks! You could give them as gifts or sell them. Around here they go for $20.00. Good luck!


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How do I set up a budget?
Some of my favorite financial advisors say this: Take last years income, and if you expect to make about the same you can divide it into 12 months. One-twelfth of a years income is how much you have to live on. Then put ten percent in the bank. It pays to have...


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New Year's Resolutions
I plan to save all the unexpected money that comes in, such as pennies on the sidewalk, aluminum can money, yard sale, etc. Then I hope to use it to print a book about thrift and sell it. Wish me luck!


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Balancing Work and Family?
I wont be popular, either, but if there is any way at all, stay home with your child. Have you penciled out your work-related expenses? Figured in the cost of gas, insurance, special clothing, fast food dinner when youre too tired to cook, etc? Deduct that...



Snow on garden sculpture.

"Snow Angel" Photograph
Heavenly! Reminds me of the movie The Christmas Box. Thanks for a nice eye treat.


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Prevent Athlete's Foot
I just want to back you up on that. I use generic Vicks on my athletes foot and nail fungus. It works slowly, but very well. I tried oral and paint-on meds before, and they both made me sick. Vicks has no side effects.


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Is there a cooking oil that is better for us?
I often use cooked, mashed pumpkin in place of oil, so I cant figure out why your recipe calls for a whole cup. I agree with the others that applesauce is a great replacement, too. These work for quick breads, but not for cookies or pie crust, of course.


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Burn Stain on Jeans?
The burned spot is going to wear out really fast. But embroidered jeans are in! Why not find one of those cute embroidered motifs at the fabric store and stitch it over the burn? (Depending on where the burn is, of course.) Good luck!


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Small Items to Send to Troops?
Phone cards, stationery, gummy bears, cool ties, and of course, a nice Christmas-y note signed by you wishing them Gods protection and wisdom. If you dont have a pattern for cool ties, theyre all over the net. I got mine through someone here on Thrifty Fun...


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Not Losing Weight While Dieting?
I guess Ive tried all methods, including the cleansing. Then in December my doctor ran a TSH, a thyroid study. Bingo! Graves Disease! So if you havent had that checked, this would be a good time. Other than that, just eat lightly, get a little meat in that...


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Pumpkin Substitution
Hi, Linda, It only takes 1 cup of pumpkin to make a pie. Or stir it into quick bread or a meat loaf. Adds lots of moisture and only a little flavor. Or make pumpkin candy by stirring and then kneading in powdered sugar until its nice and stiff, and let it dry...


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Creative Cookie Containers?
I like corsage bags. You can buy them from the florist quite cheaply. Just fill with cookies, tape the neck shut and tie some ribbon around it. I also use them for small gifts, such as cosmetics for teens.


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Quickly De-icing Your Windshield
Maybe it depends on how cold it is. My husband did this and cracked the windshield badly from top to bottom.


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"Tennessee Christmas" Float Ideas?
If youre going to broadcast music, Amy Grant recorded A Tender Tennessee Christmas some years ago. Maybe someones got a copy?


Finished ornament.

Wrapping Paper Starburst Ornament
Harlean, this is so gorgeous! I am going to make some of these to give to friends for Christmas! Thanks!


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How long does it take for the baby goldfish to grow into full grown fish?
One source I read said they grow about an inch a year.


My Frugal Life - Frugal Living on Five Acres
Martha, your story sounds so much like ours! But I differ from you on one point. I LOVE our lifestyle! We have been able to keep our expenses very low. My husband is still healthy, and I help all I can. Our land is paid for, as are our trailers. We are very...


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Cleaning Out a Piano That Was a Home To Mice?
The vinegar is a good idea. I would follow that up with crumpled newspapers (no colored pages) that you change every two or three days until the odor is gone. Then put some potpourri or something in there, just in case.


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Globe Costume Idea?
I would use three hula hoops, and hot glue them in position (meaning youd have to leave a seam open until youre done. You might have to cut two of them open to get them over the equator. Ive seen hula hoops at the dollar store. Hope this helps!


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Ways To Save On The Electric Bill
May I suggest putting up a clothesline? Most clothes look fine when line dried. If you are looking at lots of snow this winter, put up a line in the house. You can hang them in the morning and theyll be dry by afternoon. Plus your interior air will be nice...


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Making a Purse from Children's Jeans?
I had one I hauled around for years, and it was from my jeans. Just cut off the legs, leaving about half an inch. Turn the hip part inside out and stitch across the leg openings. Cut a long strip for the shoulder strap. It should be the length you want plus...


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Brushing My Dog's Teeth?
Our dentist told us to skip the paste entirely unless we needed our teeth whitened. I cant see why it wouldnt work for the doggie, and then you wouldnt have to rinse.


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Collecting on a Debt in Australia?
Dear Cathy, How wretched! Here in the States we would get an attorney to handle it, but I think we can also go to the courthouse and get a form to fill out. Personally, I think its worth an attorney, even though you wind up paying a third or so for his/her...


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Is Skunk Spray Harmful To Dogs?
My late friend, Lola, used to have a dog that hated skunks. She chained it up, but if a skunk came by hed break the chain and off hed go. He killed them, but they usually got him first. He eventually went blind and a little nutty after about 50 skunks. I strongly...


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Painting Wicker To Look Old?
Use the antiquing method. Buy a light, warm shade of tan and then a darker shade, about like black coffee. Paint the piece with the light shade and let it stand as long as the directions on the can say. It should be thoroughly dry. Then put on the darker shade...


Medium green leaves with yellow flowers.

Is This a Sweet Potato Plant?
Noope. Its a nicotiana, or flowering tobacco (not smokeable). They plant themselves from year to year. I guess your sweet potatoes didnt make it. But arent they pretty?


My Frugal Life - Coupons, Contests, Freebies and Rebates
Its great to meet a fellow couponer/refunder! Sometimes I feel like an endangered breed. There is so much money available out there in those offers! Right now, Im collecting for a lifetime supply of HIP liquid makeup. I started couponing about 35 years ago...


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Fall Decorating Ideas?
I found a base in the alley uptown (yep, I take an occasional dive) that looks like grapes and ears of corn. I plan to fill it with roadside grasses that have dried, or maybe some late grain if I get lucky.


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Credit Help in the Philippines?
The first thing to do is figure out how you got this way. Was it something like a medical emergency, or just buying out of control? You have to fix that first, or youll never get a handle on this situation. Next, see how much you owe for one month (add it up...


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Having Fun Saving and Making Extra Money
Ijm with Bobbie G. Ive tried a couple of times to list things on ebay, and I am registered, but it never goes through. Is there an easy way to learn the method?


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My Blending is Leaking?
The plastic wrap idea works for our gallon jars of milk. But why not take it back to where you bought it and explain the situation? See if they have one with a tight-fitting lid?


My Frugal Life - Frugality, Debt Reduction and Giving Back
Christy, you have soooo got your head on straight! And we enjoy Mary Hunt, too. She gives good advice. My hitch with giving is that all these giant charities, Christian and secular, have directors who pull down salaries of $200,000 or $300,000 per year. I dont...


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Easy German Recipes?
About 30 years ago, a foster daughter taught me this recipe: Bake a potato for each person. While it is baking, mix half sour cream and half cottage cheese. Add some finely chopped onion and salt and pepper to taste. We love it!


Living Off The Land
I confess that we hope to put in electricity (solar) and running water next year. Were not as young as we were. But we have lost (pretty much) the desire for things. We are deeply content. Thanks for your nice comments!!!


Backyard Before

Backyard Makeover
Mmmmmm! So pretty and tranquil! I love it!


Saving for the Wedding
Your wisdom warms my heart!


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Natural Heating Pad
Use caution when using a microwave to heat the rice sock. A friend overheated hers without realizing it. She put it on her husbands leg cramp. Pretty soon they smelled smoke. It burned a hole in their sheet and blankets and also under his leg. They credit God...


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Name Ideas for a Computer Programme?
How about Hitch and Gitalong?


rabbit eating carrots

Rabbits Eating My Vegetables?
You can usually borrow a Hav-A-Heart trap from the humane society, animal control, or extension service. However, if youve got one young one, youve probably got the rest of the litter nearby. Some people bury chicken wire about a foot deep all around the fenceline...


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Recipes Using Orange Marmalade?
Marmalade makes a terrific glaze for ham, or you can warm it and pour it over cut up fresh fruit for a nice compote.


clipping coupons

Comic: Clipping Coupons
Truthfully, I dont think I spend less with coupons. I DO spend the same amount, and get more. Right now Im using my extras to get prizes for our churchs Harvest Dinner. We have a regular festival, with a fish pond, dart boards, etc. Free candy coupons yield...


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Cat Peeing on Clothing?
If they are males, it sounds like a trip to the vet. Both genders get urinary tract infections, but males get a particularly painful kind. Are they neutered? If not, that could help. Or they could be marking their territory. Whatever smells like family is theirs...


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Snakes Under Our Deck?
Dont think Im nuts, but why dont you enclose the bottom of the deck and raise a piglet or two in there. They think snakes are dessert!


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Getting Rid of a Rose of Sharon?
Boiling water will kill off the top. However, it wont kill the root. Frankly, digging them as deep as you can is the safest and cheapest, if you have a strong back.


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Weeds Growing In Cracks In My Driveway?
Pour boiling water over them.


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Sports Theme Birthday Party?
Try Right now they are offering a coupon for $1 off Airheads. Sometimes you can find them on sale for $1. There doesnt seem to be a limit on how many coupons you can print off. Make a baseball layer cake. Just make a round cake, frost it...


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Removing Weeds from Crowded Beds
Oh, be careful! Roundup is another of Monsantos Jekyll and Hyde chemicals, I believe. It is super toxic to people. Your gloves are porous, so it will absorb into your skin.


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Using a Pond to Water My Garden?
You can buy a hand-pumped siphon hose if you look around. Once it starts going, you can let it run until you are done. There should be a shut-off valve so you wont have to prime it a second time. It will only work if it runs downhill. My husband invented one...


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Reuse Tissue Paper and Gift Bags
I really love your idea. I have a gift bag and tissue sitting on my desk right now, and your message is so timely!


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Jimmy Buffett Themed Party?
Of course, you would have to play Jimmy Buffett albums and serve (if youre mainly having adults over) margaritas and beer. Jimmy has a song about how he likes his hamburgers with Heinz 57 sauce, etc. Bet you could get by with burgers, fries and cake and ice...


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Money Saving Strategies?
I save all the unplanned money that comes in. Its harder now with gas prices up, but aluminum can money, cash rebates on groceries, birthday gifts, and yard sale money all get plunked in my savings. The first year I did this, I also inherited mineral rights...


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Grocery Book Deals?
Coupon, coupon, coupon! Tell him that he needs to get joined to a coupon website such as or other, and trade for coupons. Keep track of whats hot and whats not. Always buy a Sunday paper and clip as many coupons as he might possibly use...


How to Transplant Lilacs
Is it a different variety? Not all varieties get tall, are the same color, or even exactly the same form. Not all varieties sucker as much as the old fashioned one.


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Saving Money in Your Ktchen By Implementing the Three R's
Re-use glass jars as refrigerator containers. They take less shelf space, and the lids give you a good, tight seal.


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