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45 Posts | 205 Comments | Active Since 2012

Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 146 Feedbacks
The following is what I believe in and try to remember on those rough days that happen from time to time.

Somewhere deep within you is a song that plays softly, always...
A song you can hear only if you're very quiet, and very still...
A song of life, and dreams, and wisdom...
A call to adventure on a path that's uniquely yours.

Take time to listen to the song of your soul and see where it leads you...

Have A Wonderful Day Everyone


Contest Entries

A pair of exfoliating gloves for use in the shower.

Exfoliate and Moisturize at the Same TimeI have dry flaky winter skin around my eyebrows and the bridge of my nose. Quite by chance I found a remedy that removes the flakes and moisturizes at the same time without leaving my face all shiny.


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Grandma's Pie InventionMy grandkids are the pickiest eaters imaginable and getting them to eat breakfast is a frustrating chore. I came up with a breakfast meal that's nutritious, tasty and fun to prepare. They call it Grandma's Pie Invention and now they ask for it when they come to visit.


My Retired Tea Towels

My Retired Tea TowelsWe all have them, the old tea towels that are worn out, faded or stained, that we don't care to use anymore and that we would never put out when company is coming over.


Gold Painted Branch As Home Decor

Gold Painted Branch As Home DecorLast summer, I found a nice branch that I spray painted gold. Usually it sits in a decorative basket in the hallway. This past Christmas, I hung some small red bells from the branches, wrapped the basket with a seasonal tea towel and placed it on a side table in the family room.


Hide Money for Teens Inside Glove Fingers

Hide Money for Teens Inside Glove FingersMy 3 grandchildren are all teenagers now and it is very difficult to know what to buy them for Christmas. Money is always welcome but I didn't want to just give them an envelope with cash.



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