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16 Posts | 577 Comments | Active Since 2007
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Why Is Dawn Detergent Recommended So Often?
I am a real skeptic about brand names. That doesnt convince me at all, but Dawn is everything it claims to be. 2-3 drops make swishy water for wiping down the kitchen. I use it to remove lanolin from raw sheep fleece (Im a spinner etc). It really cuts grease...


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Put a Pest Strip in Your Vacuum
Sorry---Avoid those pest strips like the devil was in them.. Pesticides are linked with parkinsons, ovarian and prostate cancer, brain tumors, and more. Chances are it is the dust killing the pests anyway. Its as if you sprinkled dust on their breathing apparatus...


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Hair Has No Body After Coloring?
Hi, I am 64 and gave up doing anything to may hair during a time I didnt work, 14 years ago. I shampoo only, just as plain as I can find. I have a nice streak of grey/silver and my hair has shine and gloss and I twist it when its damp, and it dries in lovely...


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Depression Jelly Recipe?
I think Ive read of it and it might have had jello as its base. Other than that, I have made clear strawberry jelly from juice, steam extracted from strawberries. absolutely divine, like a red jewel, turned to jelly.


My Frugal Life - The Frugal Gene
Dear Kim-- Im like you! At 5, I was menu planning once when my mother, baby brother and I were left alone with very little food for about 30 hours. I went by age, appetite, need and what was available. My mother, not very good as a cook, though never a spendthrift...


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Cleaner for Coffee Pots?
When I worked in a restaurant we took the cooled pots, put in a cup of ice cubes, some salt and lemon slices and swirled it until inside came clean. Rinsed. Why that method was chosen I dont know but it worked.


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Locating Old Friends Online?
My grandson introduced me to It often mentions maiden names, mother, father, etc. If you know the name of her parents it might be possible to find their number. Try also for her parents. Pikka


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Mothballs To Boost Mileage?


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Dog Odors Under Our Deck?
try getting a box of borax and sprinkle whole thing as evenly as possible. Could add baking soda as well; cover with cedar shavings and leave alone for two months or so. Also could get gallon of pet enzyme odor remover from janitorial supply house and spray...


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Training An Abandoned Dog?
Peeing is anxiety. When I get new dogs, I always take them out every 20 minutes. Yep, you read that right. They are bound to go one of those times, and they quickly get the message, you are the one who takes them to potty. When they go, make a fuss over them...


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Alternative to Heartgard?
Do you live where there is heartworm? Does she go outside where she is exposed to grass other dogs go on? If not, why does she need it? pikka


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Cakes are Not Rising in the Center?
If your cakes were baked in the same oven and you used same recipes before and they turned out all right (before you switched flour, etc), sounds like element is going out and maybe cooking unevenly, if its electric. If its gas/propane, that shouldnt change...



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Substitutes for Canned Soups?
Dont know where you are, but if you are near a WINCO store they have onion soup mix in bins, also dried onions and great beef and chicken bases in bins which are worth their weight in gold for flavor. One Tablespoon of beef base and 2 T of dried onions would...


My Frugal Life: Cut Any Corner You Can
BRAVO!!! Well done; I lived similarly though when I was raising my kids I worked Friday-Sun so never had the experience of garage/jumble sales I think you call them until I changed my line of work when I was on grandchildren.. I know what a haybox is, though...


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Old "Washing Clothes" Recipe
At 16 I used an old wringer washer. Similar routine, only indoors. In Africa, we hung whites on green bushes; the effect of sunlight on chlorophyll in leaves has a bleaching action on the fabric. Worked great. I used to buy boxed starch and make my own. I wonder...


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Balancing Bills On One Salary?
Terry: I will tell you how to figure out your current situation. I dont think it will add up, and then you have to decide what has to go. How far do you live from work? Can you manage with one car, if you shop once a week; everyone is going to be doing that...


Clothes hamper.

How to Organize Your Teen Bedroom
I agree with everything you said, but I learned one thing that makes all the difference at least to me. When you take something off, or finish a plate, DO NOT SET IT DOWN, WITH PLANS TO PICK IT UP...MAKE IT ALL ONE MOVEMENT ...when you take off your jeans after...


Saving Money on Soda Pop
My Dad had a service station when I was a very young child. I saw one of the coke bottles years later. It held five ounces. When I was a young teen, pop came in 8 ounces. When my kids were in school, and went on an all day field trips, I sent them with a liter...


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Getting A Job At The Port Of Tacoma?
Port of Tacoma must have a website with job section. Write them and ask them the question you asked here.


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Experimental Decorating With What You Have
I lived in a 3rd world country years ago, and visited homes from a hut to a very nice house. The most important thing I took away was whether or not people took care of what they had. Keep everything clean and polished as possible, add a nice crisp piece of...


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Homemade Product Similar To "Garlic Barrier"?
If you have a blender, put in lots of garlic cloves and water and blend the heck out of it. Otherwise , smash and grind cloves with side of wide knife blade until they are mush, add to water. Add also, for good measure, a tsp of liquid soap/dish detergent, and...


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One Saved Kitty!
Kitty is fine and very sociable now. I noticed I didnt say that we tried to find and call her during that 24 hour period. My son climbed up on the stove, onto the fridge top, and into the loft several times. Finally we heard something, but I am still amazed...


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What Should We Do With a Truck That We Can't Afford?
Always, one has to take into consideration the full context of the rest of your life. Get a notebook or sheet of butcher paper out and a calculator...Write down all the factors affecting or affected by this situation, one sheet of paper for each possiblle decision...


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Using Newspaper In Garden Boxes?
I think put the paper on the gravel. If bottom is chipboard, do you have some kind of plastic covering it first because it will fall apart and it has stuff gluing it together you dont want to leach into your soil.



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Frugal Meal Recipe For New Parents
This one is moderately frugal, but if its only the two of them eating you could make two and freeze one with the one recipe. Then it would be frugal for sure. You will need 1 pound hamburger, 2 cups salsa (can use Sams from Walmart and have leftover salsa), one...


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Rats Are Eating My Tomatoes?
This might be the time to grow upside down tomatoes. You dont have to buy the kits. You just have to figure out some way to string/hang some container that you can punch a hole in on the side or bottom. Or use a heavy plastic/feed bag of some kind. Strong wire...


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Are There Hydrangeas That Are Naturally Blue?
Has to do with ph of soil. Alkali, also called base ph produces blue. (Lime). Acid produces more of a pink/red shade: peat moss or sulphur. I like the blue myself. Your soil must be alkali in the spot where it grows.


Transplanting Bulbs?
Why dont you just get a tote & put in some compost? Dig up the plants to at least 3-4 inches below their roots, put in tote, fill in as it would be in ground take with. keep watered as necessary. Fill holes you left with some kind of soil, fairly cheap at walmart...


Marigolds to Repel Mosquitoes

Marigolds to Repel Mosquitoes
I have heard mosquitoes dont like lime -fruit- so I made myself some home made repellent, smelled sort of like avons skin so soft but a bit lighter. Get a couple of limes -about 20 cents at walmart-, grate the rind on the fine part of a grater, put in a jar...


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Moen Faucet Replacement Parts?
Call your local plumbing store and start the conversation with them, re do it yourself parts. They will at least point you in right direction.


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Knitting Pattern For Monkey Socks?
Basically you need to find the yarns first. I think the speckled gray yarn is called ragg yarn. Then you need some red. After than, google free basic sock patterns and you will find one you can use.



Garden Craft: Bentwood Arbor
Lovely. Grapes would be nice too, for the arbor part.


Backyard patio

Advice for a Backyard Patio?
In view of recent events, one thing I would definitely go overboard on is edibles. Dwarf fruit trees every 5 feet, berry canes, cooking herbs, medicinal herbs, room for a nice deep raised bed vegetable garden. Possibly room for a small chicken coop. I am not...


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Paper Mache Pumpkin?
Use the balloon and string idea from above but modify it. Blow up a balloon. Tie string around it, top to bottom at regular intervals making string a little snug so it will form ridges like on a pumpkin. Using thin tissue paper and watered down glue or flour...


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Reviews Of Wide Mouth Thermoses?
Since he is a carpenter, you might both read up on hot boxes, straw box cookers, hay cookers and fire less cookers, all different names for the same thing. He could make one with a handle, and extra insulation (google has lots on them), and hooks or clips on...


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Dyeing Material Without Coloring Box?
Since you have use of a computer, there is a wealth of information on natural dying on web. I worked for for a year and they have wonderful tutorials on line for the basics of natural dying. They use mostly the more exotic imported dyes because...



plum on tree

Plums Falling Before They Are Ripe?
Good heavens, you have a tree already bearing fruit and you want to cut it? Hard times are coming friend, figure out the problem and think of the tree as your health friend...


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Making Applesauce in Freezer Bags?
I made fresh frozen applesauce years ago and it was SOOOO good. I peeled and cored my apples, cut into chunks, about 4 at a time, threw into blender with a bit of sugar; I dont think I used vit c though I may have sprinked a tiny pinch to keep it from changing...


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Making Applesauce in Freezer Bags?
I made fresh frozen applesauce years ago and it was SO good. I peeled and cored my apples, cut into chunks, about 4 at a time, threw into blender with a bit of sugar; I dont think I used vit c though I may have sprinked a tiny pinch to keep it from changing...


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How Long Before Peach Pits Sprout?
In my Permaculture course, I was told certain hard pit seeds needed to pass through the digestive system of an animal and be exposed to stomach acid. I had a bunch of cherry seeds once and soaked them in vinegar (5 percent acetic acid, and our stomach acid...


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Apple Jelly Not Setting?
Pectin is made from green apples. Did you have any in it? Boil it longer is only thing I can think of, to concentrate the pectin.


Relearning a Frugal Upbringing
When I was just expecting my second child, we had old bills, one job in the family which my husband hated, and no credit (thats how it was then). I had decided to have my baby at home and knew I had to pay the doctor before delivery, and had to do everything...


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Kielbasa and Cabbage
This is great. Our family makes it in an oven dish, no carrots, add sliced onions. and one small can sauerkraut as well as thinly sliced cabbage with the potatoes and sliced kielbasa, all alternately layered with salt and pepper and a few tablespoons of water...


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Use Your Swimming Pool as a Garden
Sounds lovely. Was it a deep, above the ground pool? How deep is the dirt. What did you grow?


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Blackhead Remedies?
Read on the web about aspirin facials. Aspirin breaks down into acetisylisalic (sp?) and acetic acid. The first is used in many mild peeling lotions and the later is whats in vinegar, also good for light peeling. Anything that gets the skin life/death cycle...


dog lying in crate

Dog Afraid of Crate?
Our dog, a lab/border collie mix, raised havoc when we were gone. Usually someone is at home but occasionally we have to be gone. I saw on television that some dogs like to listen to slow, lower toned classical music, so I thought maybe stimulation was playing...


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Restoring Pizza Stone to Original Color?
Im so sorry I didnt see this before. I bought 2 pizza stones, one large, one medium at garage sales and my grandson uses them all the time, and they got oily, stained, burnt, etc. Threw them in the oven on middle shelves when self cleaning, thinking if they...


A woman dying her hair

A Green Guide to Hair Dyes
you can get black walnut powder on net, mix a little in water and comb on, leave for a while, rinse. It would make your hair look a little less gray: sort of light golden brown, I know someone whose hair was just about your color and thats what it did for her...


Landscaping on a Budget

Landscaping on a Budget
I would only add one thing: we dont know how the financial world will look for the remainder of our life. Plant any yard with at least 4 dwarf fruit trees and one standard fruit tree (think 5 spots on dice). The dwarf trees will live 10-30 years, depending...


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What to do About Armpit Odor?
If you are a stay at home mom Im going to suggest this. Stop using deodorant. Get plain soap like ivory with no scent and wash with fresh washcloth 3-5 times a day. It sounds like your body isnt processing something fast enough. Do you smoke or drink a lot...


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What to do About Armpit Odor?
Reading everyones tips and this just occurred to me. If you use a deodorant stick or roller, wont you get some bacteria on it, which eventually will make it ineffective? Maybe keep alcohols pad on hand and rub deodorant on the pad and then on yourself, or if...


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Getting Replacement DTV Converter Coupons?
I just read today that Senator Rockefeller who I guess heads the committee which would deal with this project, has suggested that the date of transfer to digital be postponed until June, because the coupon fund is empty. It has run out of money. I am guessing...


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Embroidered Pillowcases Have Yellowed?
Walmarts sells borax for about 2.60 something a box. Wash with hot water, detergent and one cup borax. Let dry in air. See how much that helped. Then, assuming it didnt quite solve the problem see if you can find a bar of PLAIN homemade soap, preferably a simple...


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Recommendations for Fabric Dye?
What dyes work best actually depends on the fiber. It would help to know what fibers you are planning on using. Wool, silk, angora, alpaca, are called protein fibers and can be dyed with any dye. My favorite is natural dyes, but food coloring works well with...


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Which Artichokes Taste the Best?
My guess is they taste similar and the question is what grows best in your area. If growing them from seed, why not grow both and treat them the same and make your own comparisons. They are very high in potassium and just lovely to eat.


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Melted Plastic on a Frying Pan?
Use something like the side of an old knife to scrape it. I am assuming, perhaps incorrectly, that this plastic is on the bottom and wont show if it gets scratched. Or dampen a cloth so its barely damp and pour baking soda on part to be cleaned and rub with...


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Plant Veggies In Your Flower Bed
Yes, in the permaculture class I took it was recommended 40 percent flowers in a vegetable garden because bees will be attracted by color and scent, and pollinate everything in the vicinity; pollination causes fruit to set on your veggie plant [fruit meant...


Manila Envelope on White Background

Simple Household Bookkeeping System
I do something similar, but only for the last 2 years, and once long ago for some months. I cant stress enough how useful this is on so many levels. Bravo for your 20 years of self discipline. You can track any number of things, even coding type of purchases...


man spraying weeds along a fence

Research Shows Weeds Becoming Resistant to...
People!! We have got to stop using this stuff, and its relations. Its relatively easy to stop weeds: Break the stem, up root with a hoe, stomp on them and cover with mulch. Pour hot water on stubborn weeds. Get a few chickens and they will clean any area you...


a shopping list

Shopping Wisely
Is it just me, or in the last few weeks, have grocery store flyers, weekly special ads featured less actual food, and more prepared food, mixes, and loads of non-food items like sprays, personal care items, pet non food items, vitamins, etc. I have noticed...


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Stripping and Re-staining a Table?
You might take a photo of the table as it is now, and take that photo to a hardware dept/hardware store, and tell them what you are aiming for. They will make some suggestions, and then stand there and read labels on different products. You can go from simply...


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Homemade Nestle Quik?
My guess is 2-3 teaspoons to 1 teaspoon cocoa powder, but its obvious there is something else in there too.


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Unplug It And Save On Electric Bills
Id like to offer this cooling tip for emergencies. When the weather turns hot, fill empty pop liter bottles about 2/3 full and pop into freezer.Keep as many as you have room for. If you electricity goes out, they will stay frozen a while. Wrap bottle with frozen...


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Knitting a Sweater Without a Knitting Board?
If I get you right, you want to knit a sweater making a front and a back, and sewing the two together at the end. Just cast on half the required total stitches using a flexible cast on, and if you want ribbing do that as many rows as you want, eg knit 2, purl...


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Rabbit Droppings Near Fruit?
Well, thank them for fertilizing your berries. I had rabbits once and loved their droppings for fertilizer, but they were contained. If there are no berries yet, Id just spray all the bushes with a nice long sprinkle from the hose and lay down straw mulch all...


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Retro Landscape Ideas?
I dont know what flourishes in your area, but if you go to your library and ask to see any magazines from the stacks that might feature garden images, thats a possibility; also old newspaper living sections ought to be available on microfiche. I had a great...


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Frying Pan With Domed Shaped Center?
Well, I think thats on purpose. My guess is saute around the edges and when cooked enough, pull to center with a spatula so oil can drain.


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Getting Rid of Mildew Smell in Home?
More important than the smell is the cause: MOLD. My sister-in-laws daughter and her two children ALL got pneumonia from an apartment with mold. You must get your landlord to find the cause of the moisture and replace all moldy materials. Even if you have to...


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Windowbox Gardening
go to : and scroll down to see vertical gardens and look at those wonderful grow towers. I was so eager to try something like that I could hardly contain myself. Any number of ways to do it I believe. Water from top...


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Windowbox Gardening
You cut a sprouted potato into a few pieces so there are a couple of sprouts per piece, or use single small potatoes. Let air dry after youve cut them overnight.


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Use Forks as Garden Markers
What a great idea. You could staple the bottom of the bag closed too, so wind didnt carry it off eventually.


Recipes Using Potatoes?
I made this soup for myself one day, and my grandsons not only loved it, they ate it all up. One large potato,or two smaller, peeled and chopped to about 1/2 inch pieces, a bit of chopped onion, 2 carrots or 1 large, diced, and chopped broccoli (a smallish...


Wool Sweater Pants

Craft: Turn Wool Sweaters Into Pants
Isnt that a great idea?


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Eating Out Can Be Cheaper Than Eating In
Back in 1978, I took a bookkeeping for small businesses course with my brother who was considering a business. I set up a practice set of accounts for my house, dividing expenses into categories and only told my children to tell me what they spent to the penny...


Cultivating a Natural Garden

Cultivating a Natural Garden
Lovely photo. Also if gardeners will restrain themselves and let the flowers go to seed, they can save some of the seed for next year to enlarge the area or fill in bare spots. Better yet, let the seeds drop on some flowers and they will come up on their own...


Ripening tomatoes.

Growing Tomatoes
An interesting fact I discovered about tomatoes is that they are actually a perennial, but we treat them as an annual.


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Removing Scratches from a Piano?
Old English sells a dark scratch cover furniture polish. There is also a product available only to professional refinishers, so you would have to track it down: Howards is the brand and its a scratch remover. It will stain, permanently, anything it touches...


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Internet Working Even Though I am Not Signed Up for Service?
Your laptop has a built in wireless chip, which must also have a working antenna. Its picking up a nearby signal.


My Frugal Life: Maintain What You Already Have
A lot of spending is just looking for something to do, to feel worthwhile, to be entertained. If you want to be entertained, raise a few chickens. If you want something to do, cook at home. If you want to be entertained, go to garage sales and meet people. Put...


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No Cost Quality of Life Improvements
That is great advice, and it works too. Basically all we want in life is to feel useful, needed, entertained, loved. I read once of someone who said just do what is before you. In the average home, house, apartment, job, there is always something before you...


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Melted Plastic in Stainless Steel Pot?
Chill pot in freezer for a while and use a sharp knife without serrated edges, probably a paring knife size, and scrape away. Chilling will harden the plastic, making it easier to pick at.


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Waterproofing Cotton Fabric?
No way would I mess with gasoline....Pleeeze... Oil cloth is made by brushing on boiled linseed oil and drying. Its found in the paint section of hardware areas. Would probably have to do at least 2 coats. If its damp where its drying, it will take a little...


Buying Trees and Shrubs

The Do's and Don'ts of Buying Trees and...
I wonder if people realize a fruit tree in blossom is as lovely as any flowering bush, plus you get fruit later. Buy in pairs for pollinization, even if it says you dont need to, because it does produce more fruit to have two around. One day you will be old...


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Inexpensive Feltable Wool?
Ooh, sorry. You paid TOP dollar. As someone whos been into textiles for 40 years, I must say the wool market is in a bubble just like housing, etc. BUT there are ways to find good sources. Suggestions: go to >groups> write in raw fiber or wool or...


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How Long Can Puppy Have Undiagnosed Parvo?
Parvo is pretty immediate. I had a puppy die once from it within 2 days and I didnt know what was wrong since Id been told it had had its first shot. There is no way a vet would not have figured out what was wrong with it immediately, let alone it have been...


Jar Full of Coins

Ready for the Rainy Day?
I think the idea about depositing twice as much is another way of wording a thrift tip I read from the Great Depression which was, dont buy a treat until youve got two times the money saved and in hand. Good tips.


My Frugal Life - A New Baby
Good for you. I am 65 now, but was poor when my children were born. Nursing is the best thing you can do for your childs health and development. We had little by way of clothing, etc but all the baby knows is is it warm and clean and loved. Babies do not look...


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Garden Concerns: Too Much Water?
I wonder if you have been watering in addition to rain? When it rains, its been watered. If its just the rain and its that wet, boy, what to do? When it stops raining so much, replant. If money is an issue, there are seeds still for sale at Walgreens 3/$1 and...


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Purslane Potato Salad
I believe in the Green Pharmacy [ the best $7 dollars I ever spent on a book] it says purslane is also good for asthma sufferers. I also recommend the book, which I bought in 1997 so it might have gone up a bit in price. I believe I ordered it from Barnes and...


Door hanging between trees in the garden.

Garden Door Decor
I like that. Now why is it we like something like that?


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Cleaning With Lemon Juice?
Lucky, lucky you. When I worked in a restaurant we cleaned our glass coffee pots with lemon slices, salt and ice cubes, just sloshed around. Can clean copper with 1/2 lemon and salt. Left over lemon slices in garbage disposal. Lemon halves on rust stains on...


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Advice for a First Time Home Buyer?
I know I am swimming against the current here, but I was in real estate once for a year and when the market started going wierd about 12 years ago I knew something was wrong. Things we were told were unacceptable in our firm [solid, honest firm, which of course...


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Advice for a First Time Home Buyer?
Forgot to tell you. Donald Trump on CNBC says condo loans are almost impossible to get. They are so overpriced. I researched the condo my son lives in and saw what everyone paid. Oh, boy. The man we rent from is several hundred dollars underwater every month...


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Treating Fleas with WD-40?
WD-40 is toxic! What is that Avon product? Skin so Soft, Id use that.


hanging jeans leg planter

Blue Jeans Planter
This is too cute. When I saw it was jeans, I thought, nah, but Im going to visit my daughter and grandson and put in a garden for each so I thought Id better look at it. Im leaving tomorrow and Im packing an old pair of jeans with me. My daughter has a bad...


My Frugal Life: Stretching Dollars
I lived similarly, and raised my kids that way, as well as a few of my grandchildren, but I feel sorry for people who dont even know what we mean. Yes theres the shock factor going on, but what of the small children and the younger parents who dont have any...


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Remedy for Bumps from Shaving?
Rub with a pumice.


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Saving on Decorating for Your Wedding?
Do you have a flower u-pick place within driving distance? Flowers are nice, usually 10/20 cents a stem.Could use any container for flowers, and cover with tissue paper gathered with a ribbon [dollar store/craft store]. Of course no candles nearby, right? White...


A garden bed made from an old bed frame.

Make a Garden "Bed" Out of an Old Bed...
Lovely. You could also zig zag a strong on the end frames for beans or peas to grow up, and even maybe something like zucchini to grow up and over. I like to try different things every year.


My Frugal Life: Frugal From Necessity
Amazing isnt it, how this country was built with tiny living quarters and large families. Old log cabins ranged from 10x12 to 12x20, and families often had 8-10 children.Some cabins had a loft. How did they do it? We have megamansions with more bathrooms than...


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Canning Upside Down
Green beans must be pressure canned; as long as you use a pressure cooker, I dont think it matters which direction they are oriented during the bath.


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Paying for a Tummy Tuck?
Id google plastic surgery schools or medical schools, plastic surgery department, and tell them your story. I think someone will help you. There is probably one medical school per state, I would think, so do a survey of say 6 states nearby.


Gourds with baby dolls inside simulating a baby popping out of the gourd.

Gourd "Sprouts"
That is too cute. Ive been wanting to start growing gourds (like I need another hobby), but I love the crazed or weathered look on the gourd and would like to know how that part was created just for general use. Lovely.


My Frugal Life: Recession? What Recession?
Go Michelle!! I think the hardest thing over the years for me to bear is the contempt with which my care with money has been viewed. I am great at stretching money, not so great at making it, but Ive always loved the creativity of frugality, which is enriching...


My Frugal Life: Recession? What Recession?
I lost a good job in 1990 and never recovered that amount of income. I am retired on a very small income now. During the years afterward, I really had to look at life, money, and how I thought. So it was to say the least, interesting.A couple of things I think...


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Reusing Old Sheets
Yes, just think of sheets as very wide fabric. Ive done many of the suggestions here, and made a summer kimono out of one once that was lovely. I think the idea of retro dresses is lovely, you might even be able to squeeze out a mother/daughter sundress set...


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Investing in Annuities?
Id be very careful of investing in anything right now. I recommend to check on your own banks current soundness.Thats to make sure your money is safe where it is. Then Id google for info about things you should know about annuities. You could...


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Investing in Annuities?
You might also google for information on Fidelity itself. Like, Is Fidelity having problems? Fidelity under investigation? That sort of thing.


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Use Your Trampoline as a Clothes Drying Rack
What a great idea. Wish I had one.


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Alternatives to GladWare for Brown Bagging?
Two things. Garage sales are great place to get containers for 10-25 cents. You can pay more, but why? Second, if people arent old enough to remember to bring them back, they arent old enough to use them. I know that sounds hard, but gee whiz, when are people...


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Mower Carburetor Not Getting Gas?
Could the fuel line need blowing out?


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Mower Carburetor Not Getting Gas?
Could the fuel line need blowing out? Or do you need a new spark plug?


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Setting Dye in Silk Fabric?
When you use food coloring or cake decorating paste with white vinegar as fixative for protein fibers (wool, silk are protein fibers) you want the temp to get to 180 degrees plus or minus a few degrees. Not a simmer, below that. The color will strike at that...


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Help For Seniors Who Need Eyeglasses?
Oh, yes. Find your local Lions Club. They provide glasses free I believe. I used to go out with a guy who belonged to that group and they did then.


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Uses for Egg Yolks
My dog also loves egg yolk. or You could make a genuine cream pie. The filling is essentially a pudding from scratch with egg yolks added after tempering. Most cookbooks have a good cream pie filling recipe: banana, or chocolate, or coconut. or Freeze with...


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Add Small Amount of Bleach to Dish Water
I think thats a great idea, about once a week I try to remember to do it. I dont like to do it too often unless Ive done something I know needs bleaching because constant bleach gives me contact dermatitis: another name for rough red hands.


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Home Remedies for Low Thyroid?
Black Walnut contains iodine, so wouldt anything else that contained iodine help? Like ocean fish, oysters, clams, seaweed?


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Countertop Colors for Sage Green Kitchen?
Black? Sounds really nice, all of it. A mid toned to slightly darker, very marbled looking green? A marbled/granity (not plain) honey, browns top? I hink several tones to the last two, or a plain black,matte finish or shiny.


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Getting a Loan Modification?
What is it you need modified? Look on website of Fannie Mae, and see if they have information. Call your local bank or credit union and see if they can advise you even if they arent the one. Google for bad loan modification companies. Call your local government...


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Are Puppy Vaccines Safe?
If they were 3 months old, I dont think so. If younger, maybe because vaccines are based somewhat on weight. Dont take puppy out where other dogs have been before its had its parvo shot.


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Removing Blood from a Pillow Top Mattress?
Well, you might try putting shampoo on spot , perhaps premixed with a little water. Rub in wearing rubber gloves after a while and blot with towel. Keep doing that. Might take several times. Pet enzyme solution might work for any residual stain. My sis in law...


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Finding Used Clothing Store Fixtures?
Look for companies going out of business. Sometimes people on craigslist will post and just keep an eye out in your own area. Google going out of business plus name of your town.


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Losing Weight on a Budget?
First, can you give us some information about your cooking skills? And any allergies, as well as your range of cooking equipment. And your general amount to spend each month, plus number of people fed on that amount. And your age, and range of mobility as far...


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Something Eating Leaves on Apple Tree?
Are they getting enough water? You have to be very vigilant the first 2 years. Stressed plants attract bugs. In the fall spray with a bordeaux mixture (lime and sulfur). This is a relatively harmless spray, made of natural ingredients and helps the tree for...


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