
R Barbara

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190 Posts | 145 Comments | Active Since 2009
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Stain Wood With Shoe Polish
Years ago, in my poorer and maybe more creative days, I used paste shoe polish to stain unfinished picture frames for pen and ink sketches I had made as gifts. I applied it with the polish brush and buffed it out with a buffing brush and a cloth. The frame...


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Using Small Fabric Scraps For Quilt Tops
The flip and sew method is also know as foundation piecing and is also quite like paper piecing. The quilt top fabric pieces are sewn face down onto muslin or some other base fabric of your choosing, then folded back and pressed. You can continue building the...


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What is This Poem? (The Secret Heart)
Hi Virginia, I have found the poem you are looking for: (b)The Secret Heart(/b) by Robert P. Tristram Coffin Across the years he could recall His father one way best of all. In the stillest hour of night The boy awakened to a light. Half in dreams, he saw his...


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Trax Farm Caramel Apple Dip?
I found this on the Trax Farms website: Caramel Apple Delight 8 oz. cream cheese, softened 1/3 cup brown sugar 1 tsp. vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon caramel flavor Apples, cored and sliced Blend first...


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Geraniums Offer Great Cuttings?
According to what I have read early cutting will bloom that summer whereas those taken in late summer or early fall can be wintered over and will bloom the following summer. I took cuttings several years ago in the late summer, potted them and kept them in...


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Poem "Master Do Not Cry for Me"?
I believe this may be the poem you are looking for: Do not cry for me, my master The sun is warm, The grass is soft, The water is cool and sweet Do not cry for me, my master I play with others, The joy and strength of my youth restored Do not cry for me, my...


seed starts

Use Snow To Water Houseplants
According to several sources including, snow contains nitrogen, some sulphur, and trace amounts of other elements. In fact there is reason to believe snow contains more of these elements than a corresponding amount of rain. Add the slow...


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Use Head Lamp for Hand Sewing
Why didnt I think of this? My husband frequently uses one when doing electronics work or even some home repairs. This will work perfectly for hand quilting, especially up in the northwest where sometimes the sun never shines:) Thanks so much for this great...


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How to Make Fitted Crib Sheets?
Although this question is rather old I thought I would provide some information for anyone still looking to make their own crib sheets. The standard crib mattress is 51 5/8 inches long by 27 1/4 inches wide by 5 1/2 inches thick. So you will need your fabric...


Small mallow or hollyhock.

What is This Plant? (Althea Zebrina)
It is a hollyhock. It must have self seeded. I have them coming up all over in my yard. I attribute these volunteers to my friendly bird gardeners.


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Looking for Zachary Creme Drops?
I would definitely check with the manager at Walmart. I just bought some in Washington state at Walmart last week. Good luck. Barbara


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Crustless Pumpkin Pie
Has anyone tried making this recipe? The egg substitute amount seems quite high?



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Recipe Book for Ninja Master Prep?
It looks like you can download a pdf file from this link:>. I hope this helps.


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Crocheted Puppet Doll on a Granny Square?
Here is a link I found for purchasing the pattern for the doll you describe: It is from Mary Maxim Inc. and is called a crochet blanket doll. I was not able to locate any source for a free pattern. Hope...


What is This Plant?
Hi Jean, It is an amaryllis. Here is a link to how to grow them by Ellen our TF gardening expert: I hope this helps. There are a couple of other posts on Thriftyfun relating to this plant. You can do a Google search...


A pink flower on a shrub

What is This Flower? (Camellia)
It is a camellia. I dont know the variety, but you can research that if you desire to know more. Barbara


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Hairspray To "Fix" Artwork
I did just this when I took art in college. It worked well for fixing charcoal drawings and was much cheaper than artists fixative products.


What is This Plant?
Thank you very much. I live in the Pacific Northwest and have a lot in my yard. I think I will treat it like the herb it is; mow it and move on. I also like it, its quite pretty. Barbara


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Ideas for Preparing for a Job Interview at a Botanical Garden?
Deeli is right regarding expanding your knowledge of the wildlife at the gardens. I was going to suggest an approach similar to her last point, become familiar not just with the history of the gardens, but also you could research the focus of the gardens. What...


Bell shaped flowers growing on a stalk.

What Is This Flower? (Bluebell)
It is a bluebell. I have hundreds in my front yard. They are very pretty and very prolific. Love them or hate them. Barbara


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Shopping for Nylon Flower Materials?
I dont know of a place to purchase these supplies in your home country, but there appear to be several on-line sources. Have these proven to not be suitable? Best of luck in finding a supplier. Please share your finished project with us when completed. Barbara


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Inexpensive Genealogy Website?
Thanks to both of you for your feedback. I will followup on your suggestions. Barbara


An orange flower with broad green leaves.

What is This Flower? (Nasturtium)
It is a nasturtium. They are a trailing plant and can have red, yellow, or orange flowers. They are self seeding in the Northwest. The flowers and the young leaves can be used in salads and have a slightly peppery flavor. I love flowers that you can eat. Barbara


Member standing next to giant plant leaf.

What Kind of Plant is This?
This looks like a Paulownia or Empress tree to me. They are a fast growing tree with clusters of purple flowers, native to China. They do not have long seed pods but rather clusters of ovoid seeds. The catalpa tree has similarly shaped, but smaller leaves and...



Multistemed plant with bulbous base on stem. Has ovoid leaves aligned in pairs.

What is This Houseplant?
My daughter has a plant that looks just like this one. It is a zamioculcas or aroid palm. According to what I found on the net it likes low light, not direct sunlight, and only needs to be watered when dry. Hope this helps.


Plant in kitchen window.

What Is This Plant?
It is a variety of wax begonia.


Long dark green leaves, with heavy ridges and light greenish balls.

What is This Tree?
Looks like a horse chestnut tree to me :)


Leaves and bee at the top of the tree.

Honeycomb Tree
It was great fun helping you to actualize your creative vision. Keep up the artistic projects. Cheers for recycled crafts.


Flower Garden Quilt on bed.

Handmade Flower Garden Quilt
I am so sorry that I missed this question so long ago. The finished hexagons are 3.25 inches, so with a .25 inch seam allowance the original piece would have been 3.75ish. I too liked the larger size pieces.


Karma doing his job as office supervisor.

Give Your Cat Yogurt for Soft Stools
Suntydt - Nope the yogurt was in fact used to clear up loose stool. If the stool is loose due to bacterial issues this remedy works well. :)


Karma doing his job as office supervisor.

Give Your Cat Yogurt for Soft Stools
Sorry that this is too late to help cobalt. But in fact Karma loves yogurt, so I in fact just give him a couple of coffee spoons in a very small dish and he just laps it up.


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What is This Plant?
It sounds to me like an oxalis. There is a variety with dark purple leaves.


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Dinner Roll Holder Tutorial?
Here is a link to one on the net. The pattern is free. They are very cute. I plan to make one myself.


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Reasonable Cleaning Rate?
The rate is often determined not only by the size of the house and what the owner wants done, but also by the going rates in your area. I ran a small housecleaning service in the early 2000s near Portland, Oregon. There were two people working and our rate...


Group of four yo yo trees.

Spool Yo Yo Tree
I apologize for the lateness of my reply, I just saw your question. It may be too late to help you, but the tallest is 6.5, the middle one is 6, and the small one is 4.25.


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Getting Nappies Whiter?
Years ago when my daughter was in diapers, I too used cloth ones. At that time we lived in the American southwest, in Arizona. To keep her diapers white, I hung them outside in the sunshine after washing. This naturally bleached them back to ultra white. All...



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Donating Used Sports Trophies?
We received this advisory from a reader: Mostly an FYI, not a question I contacted Special Olympics, as suggested in your blog. I was told that they only use ribbons. Just thought Id spare people the inquiry. By Patricia V.


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Use Hairspray as a Fixative for Chalk Drawings
Back in the days before color :) I used to use hair spray to fix charcoal drawings in my art classes. It was generally Aqua Net, affordably priced for the college student. It worked great.


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Using a Quilt Scrap Making Tool?
I dont know what a scrap making tool is, but could you be referring to a binding tool? It is used to cut angles. Try Googling that and see if it is what you are looking for. Sorry I cant be of more help.


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Arts or Crafts for Traveling?
Have you thought of crochet or knitting, both of these would be good choices. Likewise, quilting can also be done completely by hand. I made a hexagon quilt that covers a king size bed top completely by hand. I took the pieces to work, strung together with...


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Buying a New Foot Pedal for New Home Sewing Machine?
You dont mention how old the machine is, that may affect your ability to easily find a replacement. If you have a sewing machine repair shop nearby, they may be able to order you a new one. If that is not possible you might try searching the various on-line...


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School Transport Name Ideas?
On the Road to Knowledge Moving Our Children Towards Success The Wheels on the Bus Go to School (not sure if the childrens song is know in your country :)


pink flowering

What is This Plant?
It appears to be a kalanchoe; there are many varieties. They are a popular succulent, native to arid areas. They are generally an easy to grow houseplant, as long as you dont over water and have the temperature above 55 F. They prefer a bright, sunny location...


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Installing Laminate Flooring?
If you do the job yourself, make sure to follow the installation instructions and leave the recommended space near the walls for expansion and contraction. We bought a small, second house and the contractor that did the updating on it left no space along either...


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Buying Yarn for Trellis Jewelry?
It is readily available on Amazon,, and a variety of other online stores. You can also very likely find it at any large craft store such as JoAnn Fabrics or Michaels.


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Washer Displaying F30 Error Code?
From what I have seen on the net, it sounds as though your machine is having a dispenser issue. It could be that the dispenser motor is not working properly. You might try researching how to fix that. Hope this helps.


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Rattlesnake Information?
According to information found on the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Center site, a baby rattlesnake sheds its skin for the first time at about one to two weeks of age. At this time they develop the first segment of their rattle, called a button. It is not a functioning...


peace lily

What Is This Plant?
It is a peace lily. I have had several. They are easy to grow, make lovely flowers, and help to clean the air in your home.


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Buying Spools for Yo Yo Christmas Trees?
When I made this craft I purchased the spools in a small bag from Joann Fabrics and Crafts. Michaels also carries them. As to buying them wholesale there are a number of vendors on the internet that offer them.


tiny dark pink flowers on multiple branchlets from single stem

What Is This Garden Flower?
It looks like a type of chenille flower.


light purple flowers with yellow centers

What Is This Garden Flower?
It looks like an aster. I am not sure of the variety.


pink blooming shrub

What Is This Garden Plant?
Looks like a 4 oclock.


Fridge Milk Tart

Fridge Milk Tart
Looks yummy, I will have to try this one.


What Is This Houseplant?

What Is This Houseplant?
It looks like a type of dracaena.


What Is This Houseplant?

What Is This Houseplant?
It is an African violet.


What Are These Houseplants?

What Are These Houseplants? (Kalanchoe)
Hi, the white flowering plant looks like an African violet, not sure on the other one.


What Is This Houseplant?

What Is This Houseplant?
It is a lipstick plant.


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Identifying a Flower?
I believe that it is white-flowered Malva moschata 'alba', a type of musk mallow. Check out this nursery page for this plant. The photo appears about 2/3rd of the way down the page.


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Determining the Gender of Lovebirds?
From what I have read the only reliable way to determine the gender of most lovebirds is through either surgical or blood testing methods. There are typically no external differences between males and females. Even birds of the same gender may go through the...


What Is This Houseplant?

What Is This Houseplant?
Looks like a gold dust croton.


pink flowering cyclamen

What Is This Plant?
It is a cyclamen. Very pretty.


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Cleaning Business Name Ideas?
Speaking as someone who probably fits into the older folks group :), the term the whole shebang is old school enough that they will probably just love it. Good idea.


spray nozzle on dish soap container

Spray Nozzle for Dish Soap Container
Great idea, I think we all frequently use too much liquid dish soap. Mine has a pump now, but I think I will get a sprayer soon. Thanks.


potted ficus benjamina

What Is This Houseplant? (Ficus)
It is a ficus benjamina.


light green foliage plant

What Is This Houseplant?
It looks like a caladium. See this Thriftyfun page:


What Is This Houseplant?

What Is This Houseplant?
It looks like it might be a type of bromeliad.


pink flowering plant - probably mandevilla

What Is This Plant?
It looks like a mandevilla. Check out this link on our site: It is grown outside, typically as an annual. Hope this helps.



What Is This Houseplant?
It looks like a bromeliad. Very pretty.


plant with very dark green leaves and orange flowers atop long stems

What Is This Houseplant? (Calathea crocata)
Check this link: The plant is one of the few Calatheas that flower. There is a photo of it on this site. It is a calathea crocata. Beautiful plant.


bush with new growth red foliage

What Is This Bush Tree?
It appears to be a photinia. Check this link for information and photos: and this one: There are many more on the net, with and without photos.


orange and yellow rose

Closeup of My Rose
Absolutely beautiful. It reminds me of a Georgia OKeeffe painting.


Birthday Candy Poster

Birthday Candy Poster
As the nana in question, I love it and am carefully opening the candy so that the wrappers remain in place. Got to save such a thoughtful gift.


orange Piñata rose flowers

Piñata Rose
They are beautiful and the hat actually helps make the photo complete.


Honey-Do Memo Board

Honey-Do Memo Board
I love it, the little honey bee is stellar and the paper is perfect.


Breezecatcher Rotary Clothesline

Product Review: Breezecatcher Rotary Clothesline
I am loving it. Now to see if I can get my laundry dry in our, soon to be, drizzly Pacific Northwest.


Attend a Cooking Demonstration

Attend a Cooking Demonstration
What a great idea! Can you share the recipe?


What Is This Houseplant?

What Is This Houseplant?
I believe that it is a coleus. That being said, yes, coleus is toxic to dogs, cats, and horses. According to the ASPCA website the essential oils in the plant can cause, vomiting, diarrhea, depression, anorexia, and occasionally bloody diarrhea.


large potted plant with dark green deeply cut leaves

Identifying a Houseplant?
It looks like a Philodendron Selloum. According to one site it can get quite large inside 4x4, under good conditions. It is a tropical plant and can grow outside in zone 8 or higher.


Thriftstore Glass Garden Tower

Thriftstore Glass Garden Tower
This is my first time using E6000, it is recommended for glass. We will see how well it lasts once I clean up my garden and put it outside.


What Is This Garden Plant?

What Is This Garden Plant? (Lychnia or Silene coronaria) - Rose campion
It is a (Lychnia or Silene coronaria) - Rose campion. This flower is a member of the carnation family and is a good addition to a self sowing garden. Thanks for asking; I see them frequently and also could not remember what they were called. A bit of internet...


Identifying Antique China - Japanese tea cup and saucer

Identifying Antique China?
I dont know the value of your set, however, a bit of searching for Japanese china with image of geisha in cups might help. There were several sites that came up when I googled the topic, with different images and designs. Good luck. They are beautiful.


What Is The Name Of This Fern?

What Is The Name Of This Fern?
It looks like a western sword fern. They are native to the western United States. They are found growing along the Pacific Coast from southeastern Alaska south to Baja, California.


Fabric Cover for Baby Gate - finished fabric covered gate

Fabric Cover for Baby Gate
Love it; poor Nina foiled again.


Tulip in My Backyard - closeup of red tulip

Tulip in My Backyard
I especially love the closeup. It gets my Georgia OKeeffe on.


What Is This Houseplant? - philodendron

What Is This Houseplant?
It looks like a type of philodendron, also known as a Swiss cheese plant.


What Is This Garden Plant? - red  crocosmia flowers

What Is This Garden Plant? (Crocosmia)
It is a variety of crocosmia.


Plant Your Tomato in a Recycled Washing Machine Tub - planted closeup

Plant Your Tomato in a Recycled Washing Machine Tub
Thanks for the tip. I have seen this suggestion elsewhere too. I will definitely give it a try. Thank you.


completed salad in bowl

Slaw Beet Salad
Wow, this contains two of my favorite veggies. I will definitely give it a try. It will be all for me as my family seems to have a deep grained aversion to both beets and brussels sprouts. Silly them.


Community Quilt Block - finished block for the guild

Community Quilt Block
Thank you. I love piecing and quilt making.


Identifying a Bird

Identifying a Bird (Towhee)?
It appears to be a towhee. I am not sure which variety, that would depend on your geographic area. They are great fun to watch as they back kick through the dirt and scattered leaves searching for food. They are also often ground nesters that enjoy the seclusion...


Another Wisteria Photo - beautiful wisteria flower

Another Wisteria Photo
Wisteria blooms are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.


Recycled Shot Glass Candle - collage image of five shot glass candles

Recycled Shot Glass Candle
These are really cute. They would make nice party favors as well.


Weeping Cherry Tree Has Two Different Size Leaves - both leaf sizes

Weeping Cherry Tree Has Two Different Size Leaves?
The lower branch is growing from the root stock, hence the different, larger leaves. Weeping cherry trees are the result of grafting the weeping variety onto a straight trunk of a different variety of cherry. You can prune off the lower branches that grow from...


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Making a Yo-Yo Christmas Tree?
The measurement in mm is of the diameter. Yes the largest one 220mm is approximately 8.6 inches across. I made cardboard templates for a range of yo yo sizes from 10mm to 240, but did not use all of them for this project. I hope this helps. If you have any...


Paper Carnation Wreath - closeup of wreath on the front door

Paper Carnation Wreath
Your flower projects are always so pretty. Thank you for sharing this one and others.


Cut Out "MOM" Card for Mother's Day - finished card standing on a shelf

Cutout "MOM" Card for Mother's Day
Wow! I love it. The paper layout reminds me of a patchwork quilt. Beautiful.


My June Garden - daisies on top of south end of the wall with solar dragonfly

My June Garden
I dont always see that I have received comments. Thanks to you all. The latter part of the summer was spent weeding and trying to set up two new planting areas in the backyard. The house is older and one fun thing that occurs is finding old vintage bottles...


Carved Rock Identification - round stone with incising on the top surface

Carved Rock Identification?
I dont know whether you were able to determine what your friend found, but to me it looks like a layer of clay on top of a flat stone. The top, incised layer is not the same color and there appears to be identifiable edges around the incised portion of the...


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