
Eileen M.

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56 Posts | 240 Comments | Active Since 2009
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Removing Packaging From Toys Before Wrapping Them
As a single parent, I also appreciate having the batteries already installed when the gift is unwrapped! I try to remember to do this for my grand-nephews and nieces.


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Keeping Cats Off My Fence?
I was going to suggest bird goo - the silicone caulk that stays sticky when it dries - and then I saw that you have a plant growing up to the top of the fence. The goo might work on a naked fence though. Water gun or hose with a good strong stream of water...


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Blood on a Nylon Shower Curtain?
You might also try household ammonia. Shouldnt bleach the curtain but will often take bloodstains out.


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Opening a Can of Soup
Please be VERY careful with the pull-top cans! I am recovering from a badly cut thumb from that SUPER sharp edge! Yes, rinse the tops first, and shake the cans or store them upside down are both good ideas.


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Uses for Shower Curtain Rings?
I use the metal (pear shaped) ones to clip onto my camping coffee mug, and anything else Id rather not lose... these make the new caribiners (sp?) that you can buy redundant. They do get kind of gunky, but usually clean off with a little soap and water and...


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Photo Scavenger Hunt
This is fun to do on a campout also!


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Fabric Christmas Bags For Green Gift Wrapping
I do similar with baby blankets - the inside blanket is fleece, wrapped in a flannel blanket, diaper style. Always a hit at baby showers!


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Making Basket Stuffing
Be sure you have the pinking shears dedicated to paper only or you will regret it the next time you try to pink fabric!


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Mark Back of Drawers When Moving
I did the same, but with chalk works wonders, especially when you are tired.


Single Black Sock on White Background

Saving Money on Socks
I buy both kids socks in the boys department - somehow boys socks last longer than girls socks! I also put initials on every sock as it comes out of the bag! My sons foot sweat EATS his socks like acid, and my daughter doesnt like to wear his stretched out...


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Removing Smoke Odor from Leather Boots?
You might also try putting activated charcoal (aquarium supply/pet store) or charcoal briquettes in an old sock - rubber band or tie the toe, and put it in each boot. If the weather permits, putting them outside with the charcoal in the boots may also help...


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Inexpensive Church Mother's Day Project Ideas?
Have you ever tried making duct tape rose buds? If you google it, there are bunches of sites with videos and directions. With duct tape coming in so many colors, you can make them by the dozens. All you will need is duct tape of whatever colors, green duct...



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Fleece Stockings Pattern?
There is a pattern company that makes patterns for fleece everything - green pepper or something like that. They are usually on the wall, not in the pattern drawers, in the fabric shops. I made some fleece socks for myself last winter - they were great!


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Thorny Shrubs in Garden?
Have you tried RoundUp yet? RoundUp will kill the entire plant, roots and all. It sounds like this invader is coming up from roots, or seeding from a neighborhood parent plant. If it is a root-volunteer, RoundUp may well help. If it is a seedling, you should...


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Pyracantha Shrubs Not Producing Berries?
I would be so thankful not to have the berries! Birds like to eat them, esp when they have fermented a bit, and the birds then fly into the side of the house, very drunk. I am allergic to the pollen, so that might have a little bit to do with why I dislike...


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Garnishing a Student Loan Refund for Child Support?
Yep. Any kind of refund can be attached. Depending on how far in arrears someone is, their licenses can also be held - drivers license, any professional license (Realtor, doctor, dentist, etc.).


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Lipstick Left in Dryer?
The newer product in the orange spray can, Jigaloo also works great for stains - it even takes spray paint off! You need to be SURE the dryer is cool, and open windows, turn on fans, etc. to get good air circulation.


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Attach Your Cell Phone to Your Keys
Great idea! Also, get into the habit of always, always, always putting cell phone and keys in the same place. I put those command adhesive hooks just inside the front door so everyone know to put their keys on their hook as soon as they walk in the door. This...


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Rusted Garden Tools?
A bucket of sand with oil in it, just enough to get it moist, will work really well. If you have a lid for the bucket, you can keep it for a long time.


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BBQ Side Burner Blackens Pots?
I was going to say the same thing - if you cant fix the burner, at least keep the pots from getting all sooty. This works great for pots on any kind of fire - the soap just slides right off when you wash the pot.


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Dog Always Has Body Odor?
Did you get his ears checked? My moms cockers stink when they get ear infections. Now she knows to check the ears first, and get right on the nasties. Good luck!


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Finding Slimming Bathing Suits?
Lands End has a line of slender suits. They have some in Sears stores as well as on their website.


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Build Your Own Emergency Medical Kit
Awesome post! Thanks for the sources! My troop first aid kit is a red soft-sided ice chest with plastic liner (from WalMart, I think) that lives in my car. Ive used it for family things, Girl scouts, Boy Scouts, and occasional car accident responses.


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Wrapping Gifts in Holiday Tablecloths
You can do this with any of the disposable table cloths, birthday, other holidays, etc.



Pansies being pressed in a large book

Drying Flowers in a Book
Way back when I was in school, we did flower pressing for a botany class. Professor suggested using tissue between the flower and any book pages, especially if it was a nice book. Flowers do stain paper, but if you dont mind, thats ok. Timing? Well that really...


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Using Bleach as a Weed Killer?
Bleach - not so much! Vinegar will work but it is not selective. Anything you put it on, it will kill. Boiling water or steam will work as well, but be careful you dont get burned yourself!


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Getting Rid of Frog in My Yard?
Please dont get rid of the frogs/toads! They eat so many nasty insects, snails, slugs, etc. After awhile, their music will be white noise for you at night and you wont be able to sleep without it!


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Preventing Mold Growth in Stored Cooler?
Pull the plug out so air can get into the cooler when you put it away.


Pair of faded blue jeans hanging in front of door

Dyeing Blue Jeans?
Maybe consider bleaching the whole pair of jeans? That might make the faded area less noticeable.


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Dryer Sheets for Insect Repellent
If you wear a hat outside (sun hat, ball cap, etc.), you can tuck the dryer sheet or insect repellent wipe into the hat to keep the critters away from your head. You could also clip it on the back of your shirt.


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Bleaching Designs onto Denim?
I use the bleach pen, works great to put initials on the dark colored socks!


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How Can I Clean a Medical Cast?
If youve had the cast for more than a week or so, call and see if the office will change it for you at no cost. Sometimes the swelling will reduce to the point where you move around inside the cast, so it should be changed. If not, Febreze works amazingly well...


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Removing Odors for Car Carpeting?
Ditto the spot cleaning; you can also try activated charcoal (aquarium charcoal). Put some in an old sock and put that in your trunk for awhile. Good luck!


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Goop as Stain Remover
Even better, Goop the stain before washing it at all. Too easy to forget to NOT put it into the dryer before goop-ing the stain!


What Is This Plant?
We call it Angel Wing. The one my mom has is decades old and lives quite nicely on her covered patio year-around. In the winter when a hard freeze is forecast, she covers it with an old sheet and it may die back abit, but it does keep coming back!


What Is This Plant?
We call it Angel Wing. The one my mom has is decades old and lives quite nicely on her covered patio year-around. In the winter when a hard freeze is forecast, she covers it with an old sheet and it may die back abit, but it does keep coming back!



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Removing Mildew from a Romertopf Clay Baking Pot?
Id agree with PIKKA, and add that if you still have ANY signs of mildew, use the pot outside. Do not bring it in the house, especially if you have anyone with allergies, the mold/mildew will just be waiting for the slightest bit of moisture (therefore, not...


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How Do I Clean Walls With Flat Paint?
Chances are that you arent seeing residue from Mr. Clean, rather, Mr. Clean is taking the flat paint right off the walls! If the walls were painted with basic contractors cheapo paint, that is what will happen.


Using a dog tag for medical information.

Use Dog Tag for Medical Information
If you have anything more complicated that the OP here, I strongly recommend the Medic-Alert tags - they have a computer file with all your info, including dosages of meds, telephone numbers of doctors, next of kin, etc. that can be a truly lifesaving thing...


Denim handle hot pads.

Skillet Handle Hot Pads
You could also sew them right sides OUT, with a decorative (zigzag or whatever) stitch, to obviate the need to turn the potholder.


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What Can I Use to Weight a Doll?
Try decorative gravel or aquarium sand? Michaels and other craft stores often sell polished (well varnished anyway) small stones, about dried bean size that might work well.


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Keeping Cat Hair Off the Bed?
Get some pretty flat sheets the size bigger than your normal sheet size, put these over the top of your comforter, etc. This will catch most of the fur, but not all, especially if you have a cat who knows how to burrow. My middle cat loves to burrow under the...


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Removing Melted Crayon from Tent Screens?
At the risk of sounding silly, I would say not to worry about the screen, just let the colors become part of the decoration of the tent. Any solvent type cleaners might melt the screen fabric, so Id just leave it alone.


Picture of a sock as a bottle cozy.

Use Sock on Water Bottle
This is also a great way to tell whose is whose, if you use different patterned socks.


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Freezing Liquids In Freezer Bags
I also freeze em flat, then file the flat baggies in a n empty shoe box. Dont forget to label and date everything!


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Tiny Hard Shelled Bugs on Kitchen Countertops?
You may want to put bay leaves in your pasta, rice, flour, corn meal, etc. to repel the little critters. I keep my flour in the freezer, just to be sure I dont get weevils, have had them too many times to count! Tupperware is a good storage solution as well...


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Inexpensive Catholic Wedding Venue in New York?
I would also suggest the same. Ask your pastor to contact the pastor of the Catholic church youd like to be married in, and see where that goes. MANY parishes have a 6-month waiting/preparation time requirement, but they MIGHT waive that if your pastor can...


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Inexpensive Wedding Reception Ideas?
Absolutely! Do what YOU want to do and can afford to do. Remember that the wedding is one day, and the beginning of a new phase of your life. Dont mortgage the future for one day.


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Selling or Donating Old Costume Jewelry?
You could also donate it to your local Girl Scouts... In the phone book or internet under Girl Scouts - locate a council near you. The council will have a very local contact who would undoubtedly LOVE to relieve you of the unwanted jewelry to use in crafts...


Uses for 2 Gallon Water Containers

Uses for 2 Gallon Water Containers
If you are going to have kids using these, you might want to got around the top edge with either tape (duct tape or whatever) or grind the edge down a tad with a dremel-type tool, to remove the very sharp edge. So not fun to slice your hand open while trying...


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Removing Rust from Brass?
Believe it or not, plain old generic Ketchup will take the tarnish off brass. If the ornament is immersible, just dump a bunch of ketchup into a plastic container and put the ornament into the ketchup, turning to get it all covered, leave it for 10 minutes...


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Growing Mimosa Trees from Seed?
PLEASE check with your local agriculture department before you start planting mimosa seeds! While these trees may be pretty from far away, they are a real PAIN in the clean-up department to have in your yard! The flowers are messy, the leaves are messy, the...


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Dry Erase Marker on Polyester?
You could also try hand sanitizer gel - the stuff that is mostly alcohol - rub it in and wash as usual. DO NOT put in the dryer! If needed, treat and wash again, and then wash once more to be sure the alcohol is totally out of the shirt before putting it in...


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Hide Important Numbers in Cell Phone Contacts
I have this for my kids school id numbers! They know them, but I have to know them for calling in absences, etc.


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Do Solar Ovens Work?
Yes! They can work very well, and sometimes not so well. If you Google solar oven recipes you can find all sorts of fun things to try. My own favorite is to use boxed brownie mix as directed on the box, and put into a round dark pan to bake in the sun. It does...


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Treating an Allergic Reaction to Antibiotics?
Call the Doctor ASAP! They do have stronger antihistamines, and you do need to know exactly what it is you are reacting to! There is a blood test to do for allergies that may be life-threatening, this one is in that group. Please also get and wear a Medic-Alert...


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Looking for Weed Killer that Won't Kill Grass?
Look for a broad leaf weed killer that is labeled safe for lawns. Most of the phenoxy herbicides (2,4-D, dicamba, MCPA, etc.) will do minimal damage to grasses and take care of the broad leaf weeds just fine. Blackberries will be very hard to kill - many repeated...


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Buying a Microwave Food Cover?
Check the dollar stores, and Wal-Mart. Ive seen them both places.


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How Can I Use a Fire Pit on a Wood Deck?
Do check with your fire department; if they are OK with the distance from the house, you could get concrete pavers to put on the deck first, then put the fire pit over the pavers. A metal oil drip pan could go under the pavers first as an additional layer of...


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Blood Stains on Clothing?
Try household ammonia, blot it on with a cotton ball and rinse with cool water, several times.


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Advice for Organizing and Selling Off Clutter?
I would agree - donate the accumulated stuff to your local family services agency, or any charity that will come and pick it up. If you have lots and lots, you could split it up amongst them, so everyone gets a piece of the pie.


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Frosted Sandwiched Pretzel Rounds?
Sounds a bit like the pretzel squares with melted Rollo candies we had around Halloween, addictive!


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Start Seeds in Egg Carton
If you use the cardboard type cartons (bottom half only of course), you can plant the whole thing into the pot or garden, the cardboard will disintegrate.


Craft Ideas for Instant Tea Jars?
You can do homemade Find it jars, put unpopped popcorn, or rice in the jar, about 2/3 full, then add little items for the kids to find, hair clips, pennies, plastic animals, marbles, nuts in shell, bolts, etc. Finish filling the jar to about 4/5 full, screw...


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Freezer Has Fuzzy Ice On Compartment and Food?
By the by, it turned out that the seal was not quite sealing. My fan had a big old block of ice in it...


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Cover Hot Handle With Oven Mitt
I had a similar problem with my cast-iron skillet. I finally sewed a potholder (square one) into a rectangle, and slipped it over the handle of the skillet. I just leave it on the skillet handle so I dont have to hunt for it!


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Garnishing Disability for Child Support?
Talk to an attorney! If there is a state department of child support services, or family services, make an appointment and go talk to a case worker. My ex- is now on veterans disability, and his check is not garnished either. However, when he requested the...


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Christmas Gift for My Boyfriend?
My daughter made a tied-fleece blanket for her boyfriend last Christmas, no sewing required.


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How Do I Measure Brown Sugar?
One pound is about 2 cups.


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Squirrels Chewing Outdoor Christmas Light Wires?
Tabasco sauce or other hot sauce might do the trick, but, you have to re-apply it after rain. If you have a squirrel that likes hot stuff, youre out of luck.


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Getting Rid of the Smell of Copper Green Wood Preservative?
Good luck with getting rid of the smell. While your deck is, technically, outdoors, it still will stink for a long time, (thats why the products are labeled for exterior use only. The naphthene molecule is what pulls the copper into the wood and releases it...


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Use Shredded Paper in the Garden?
Nowadays the newspaper is not printed with leaded ink. I like to put a nice layer of shreds down under the compost I add to my raised beds each winter/spring. Adds more organic material to the soil, takes care of a disposal problem for me, and gives the earthwormies...


Tattered Flag

Photo: Tattered Flag
I hope that the custodian of this flag has since retired it from active duty. If you dont know how to retire a flag properly, please contact your local Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts and they will be able to connect you with a troop that does retirements throughout...


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Economical Edging for Raised Garden Beds?
I have used 8x8x16 cinder blocks as the edging for my raised beds. I do nail them down with rebar so they dont shift. If you get a sale, they arent too expensive, or check around colleges when school gets out and pick em up for free when the students leave...


Growing Concord Grapes from Cuttings?
Please check with your state agriculture department for rules on bringing in plant material from other states. There may be some disease/insect issues going on that you arent aware of. If they are ok with it, you might try taking several cuttings and peeling...


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Kid Crafts Made from Tree Branches?
If your branches are 1 inch diameter or larger, you can cut rounds or ovals for tie-slides. Cut the rounds/ovals, give the boys sand paper or sanding blocks to sand them smooth. Decorate with whatever your theme of the month is, and hot glue them to 3/4 inch...


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Crafts Using International Coffee Tins?
We used them to make personal first aid kits, back when my daughter was in fourth grade or so. Ive also used them as coin banks, with a slot cut in the plastic top, and as a sorting bin for beads, buttons, etc. Im coming up on 75 of them empty in my garage...


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Identifying Navy and Black Pants
What an awesome idea! Thanks.


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Vegetarian Chili Recipe?
I make a dump Chili in the wintertime: 1 package McCormicks chili spice mix (hot or mild - your choice). 1 big can tomatoes - chopped, diced, whole, crushed - your choice). 3 to 5 cans of beans, rinsed - I like to use red kidneys, white, and black for variety...


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Foods for Healthy Skin?
Water! Good old H2o is really the most important skin food. Fresh fruits and veggies are likely next in the line.


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Drying Padding Inside Vinyl Covered High Chair Cover?
Hanging the pad in the sun is your best bet. I would turn it every couple of hours, so the damp spots get rotated. It will dry, eventually, but it may take several days.


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Girl Scout Luncheon Centerpieces?
Im a veteran Girl Scout leader. Why are you (adult?) doing this? The girls should be coming up with ideas for the centerpiece! Ask your daughters troop members what they think.


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Displaying Pierced Earrings for a Garage Sale?
I would suggest cutting 3x5 index cards in half (makes them 3x2.5) and poke holes for the earrings to go through. This way you can put the price on the card and not lose the backings.


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Displaying Pierced Earrings for a Garage Sale?
I would suggest cutting 3x5 index cards in half (makes them 3x2.5) and poke holes for the earrings to go through. This way you can put the price on the card and not lose the backings.


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Coconut Recipes?
If you dont think youll use it, take it to the office and put it on the free to a good home space (Im sure you have one or something like that).


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Where Can I Buy Inexpensive Muslin Fabric?
If you are on the Joann mailing list, you will occasionally get a 50% off one cut of fabric, so if you buy the bolt, it is one cut. Not terribly expensive to begin with, but this makes it really affordable!


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Removing Shells From Hard Boiled Eggs?
A friend of mine swear that if you run the pot under cold water right after they are cooked, and rattle the eggs around in the pan a lot, the shells will peel off so easily! Of course you cant do that when you are coloring the eggs, but it works for just regular...


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Will a Systemic Weedkiller Harm Other Garden Plants?
It really depends on what systemic herbicide you are using. If you sprayed the briar plant and any of the herbicide drifted onto near-by plants, they may well be affected. If you used a q-tip or paintbrush to daub the herbicide only onto the briar, the other...


Logo for ThriftyFun Recipes

Parmesan Baked Cod
This is also great for salmon, and chicken.


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Buying a Wonder Box Cooker?
You could also google solar oven and go from there.


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Savings Container for Spare Change
You might want to be careful where you put the jar, if it is easily visible, you may invite a burglar.


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Are Walmart Great Value Products As Good as Name Brands?
My sons science class did an experiment with paper towels, they found that the GV brand were most absorbent and least expensive!


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Cleaning Ink Out of a Dryer?
Believe it or not, gel hand sanitizer! Wait until the dryer is cool, then use gel sanitizer on either old rags (old socks are great!) or paper towels and rub it into the ink in the dryer. Probably repeat multiple times. Do leave the dryer open for a few hours...


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Super Special Salmon Patties
I am looking forward to trying this one!


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How Do I Dry Clean an Area Rug?
Look in the phone book or online for a rug/carpet cleaning company in your area. Often, oriental rug shops will know of a good, reputable cleaner.


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Keeping Mice Out of Garden
Please dont put mouse baits out loose in your garden! Read the label directions first, and always put baits in a tamper-resistant bait station. This will reduce the number of accidental poisonings of pets, children, and other wildlife.


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Organizing Toys?
If the kids have regular twin beds, get the clear plastic under the bed storage things. Each one has their own (however many) with their names on them. Depending on the number of toys, put pictures on the ends of the bins so they know, legos goe in this bin...


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Making Omelets in a Ziploc Bag?
The challenge is to not let the baggie touch the side of the pot, it will melt onto the pot, and then you have a nasty icky mess in the water, or water in the omelette. Weve done these for years in the past and now we do regular breakfast burritos scrambled...


Cheap White Washcloths for Everyday
I do the same, and keep a stack of them in the kitchen, they make awesome spill grabbers, as long as you rinse them out they dont get sour smelling. When they get too gross, into the rag bag!


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Thrifty Easter Ideas?
Have the kids help you make baskets from brown paper grocery bags. Roll the tops down to the appropriate height, attach a twice or ribbon handle, and color with drips from the egg dye (outside of course!). Fill the bag/basket with crumpled newspaper or old...


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Where Can I Get Free Yarn for Charity Projects?
If you have a local e-newsletter or blog page, you can post a note there and will likely be inundated. I had yarn donated from teachers, scout leaders, people whose moms or aunts had passed away just about anywhere. You could also put a note in your church...


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Getting Rid of Wild Violets?
Assuming you have a grass lawn, any broadleaf herbicide should work on the violets. They are prolific seeders, so you will probably have to retreat for several years to get all the new plantlets.


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Why Do Recipes Call for Draining and Rinsing Canned Beans?
Ditto! Plus, the liquid in the canned beans is sort of gritty, and rinsing them gets rid of that. I rinse all my beans, except the ones canned in some sauce or other.


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What Can I Use to Kill Weeds in My Lawn?
Trifluralin is a general broadleaf weed killer. HOWEVER, please check the label of the product you want to use, and be sure to follow the directions exactly. It should not kill the bermudagrass, but check the label first please...


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Do Calla Lilies Spread?
Yes, callas will naturalize very nicely. They need shade some in the summer, but will do very nicely here year-round. They do like to have their feet wet regularly, and do need to not get too dried out. If they die back in summer, dont worry, theyll be back...


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Planting Tomatoes Deep
If you dont want to dig a really deep hole, dig a trench, normal depth, and as long as the plant is tall. lay the seedling in the trench on its side, except for the top 6 inches or so that poke up out of the trench. Be careful not to kink the plant, but just...


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Pesticide Treatment Left Strong Odor in House?
Insist that the pest control company give you a copy of the label of the pesticide product they used. You can then go to the pesticide company as ask them for a list of the ingredients, including any solvents, that is in that product. Good luck!


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Natural Weed Killer
Yes, vinegar will work as an herbicide. Be very careful not to get it on any plants that you want to keep, it will kill them as well. It is not a pre-emergent herbicide, so you will have to re-spray to get new weed plants, but it is somewhat easier on the environment...


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Squirrels and Chipmunks Eating My Bulbs?
You can also make little chicken wire pots for each bulb - wrap the chicken wire around a 1 quart cottage cheese container (or similar size), including the bottom, so it looks like a cup or pot. dig the hole deep enough for the whole pot, put soil in the bottom...


The Right Way To Spray

The Right Way To Spray
Thanks for a great post! Just a reminder, read the label every time! Even if you think you know what the label says, read it again! Sometimes fruits and veggies are dropped from labels because of tolerance issues - too much of a certain chemical getting into...


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Who will take my wire hangers?
You can also donate them to your local Girl Scouts or Cub Scouts, they are always handy for crafty things!


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Track and Field Themed Centerpieces?
EUWW! Old sneakers on the table? How about hurdles made from pretzel rods and marshmallows? Table runner could be an oval cut from brown craft paper with white lines for the lanes on the track... shot puts could be foil wrapped malt balls. Discus could be york...


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Cleaning Cast Iron Pans
Most of the time you can clean cast iron with hot water and a nylon scrubbie - no soap, unless you want to start all over. To re-season a totally grungy pan, or one that is rusted, put it in your oven on the self clean cycle. When the oven cools, the cast iron...


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Raised Beds Using Cardboard Boxes
I have raised beds that I started by using the 8x8x16 inch cinder blocks, held in place by rebar stakes. The wooden stakes just rotted off within the first year. I add at least 1 cubic foot of composted steer manure every fall/winter after I pull out my summer...


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Decorating Luggage?
Fabric paint will do very nicely. Just be very sure it is well dried before your trip or it will stick to everything else. I use the soft fabric paint, not the dimensional stuff, which tends to lie flatter and soak in better to the fabric. I put my kids last...


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Changing Your Furnace Filter
Then I write the change date on the fridge calendar to remind myself again!


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Growing Tomatoes in Containers?
The foal ice chests are a wonderful idea. You can also mix in styrofoam peanuts to make the weight less...


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Reusing Baby Medicine Drop Bottles?
Keep the droppers for art projects with kids! Use them to drip drops of paint, food color, fabric dye, onto a white t-shirt or sweatshirt for a neat colorful something to wear. You could also offer them to a pre-school or kindergarten teacher who will have...


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Use Shredded Paper as Fire Starter
I like the basic idea - Id be more comfortable with making the shreds into less blowable fire starters, I think. I am going to try stuffing shreds into a toilet paper tube, AND Im going to try putting some shreds in a cardboard egg carton with some melted paraffin...


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How Do I Sanitize a Stainless Steel Bowl?
Bleach in water, let it set overnight or for a few days, then set it out in the sunshine to let that beat on it for a day or so. Then Id put it through the dishwasher on sanitize cycle. Good luck getting past the mental images!


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Planning a First Communion Party?
Much depends on time of day and your budget. If it is a morning Mass, you could have lunch or brunch, rolls with sliced meats and cheeses, salads, etc. If it is an afternoon Mass, thing cake and punch, If evening Mass, hors doevres or snackie things. Remember...


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How Do I Thank Guests at First Holy Communion?
Maybe you meant a note of thanks? At any rate, be sure your child writes thank you notes. Maybe you could include a picture of the child all dressed up?


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Put Kids Table in Kiddie Pool
Oh what a great idea! I put an old shower curtain (plastic) under my kids table when they were little. I like the pool idea even better! Especially if you dont have a four-legged vacuum cleaner in the house (dog), containing the mess is worth the hassle!


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How Do I Clean Spit Off of Walls?
Good luck with that! I would have him clean the walls, definitely! Non-latex gloves, safety glasses, lots of rags, and a bucket of lysol-spiked warm water... He grimed the walls, he washes the walls. Then, perhaps involve his in choosing a new color for the...


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Keep Change of Clothes at School
Not a bad idea for adults to keep a change at work, either. You never know when youll end up wearing your lunch, or slip in a puddle.


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Accidentally Used Herbicide Instead of Fertilizer on Lawn?
Always read the directions every time you use any pesticide product! If you have the original label, it may tell you how long to wait to replant. Otherwise, you get to have a spotty looking lawn until fall when you should be able to re-seed. Expensive lesson...


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