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81 Posts | 411 Comments | Active Since 2007
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Saving on Makeup?
To save lipsticks - I use a lipstick brush to get to the very bottom of the tube of my lipstick. That way I dont have to discard my lipstick when it gets too low to apply to my lips.


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Skin Problems?
Its not a natural solution, but Ambi cream works well and gives results in about 2-3 weeks. It can be purchased a drug stores and on line at I love it, but it has a tendency to block my pores, but thats just my skin. Good luck.


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Swim Suit Odor?
You might try hand washing with cold water and letting it soak in Baking Soda then line drying. :)


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Remedies for Sinus Problems?
I use Bayberry bark herb for my sinuses. Buy at a health food store and I just follow the directions. Also, when I start to feel an infection I do these things too- 1. I change my clothes and wash my face and hands every time I come in from outdoors. Yes, it...


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Remedies for Sinus Problems?
Please dont use Lobelia - it is considered to be dangerous and poisonous. (b)(/b)(i)(/i)


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Love Those Carbs?
Oddly enough, I tried to buy this where I had before which was at Whole Foods Market, a local health food store, but theyre all over the US. They stopped selling it and had to pull it from their shelves something about the FDA. She kind of basically said to...


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I Love to Cook and Hate the Dishes!
My mother always taught my sister and I to wash up as you go along. That way there are no piles of dishes to face. I found that this really works for me. Now if I could only convince my husband..... :) Smoochie!


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Too Much Salt
This absolutely works, Ive tried it myself many times.


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Using It Up - Beauty Items?
Anjeena wrote that her favorite lipsticks becomes discontinued. I hate that too. But what I do now is email the manufacturer telling them the color that has been discontinued. I have had great luck! They usually tell me that the lipstick goes under another...


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Solutions for Soft Fingernails?
I would like to know where to buy white iodine also. (Id also like to know what it is too!) :)


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Solutions for Soft Fingernails?
Hard As Nails nail products/polish made my nails so brittle that I had to stop using it. Same thing with Barielle products.


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Saving Money on Mascara?
When I start running low I use my blow dryer on the tube. Make sure you move the blow dryer around when you point it at the tube though. This makes the mascara thinner and extends the use. Ive also run the closed tube under hot water for similar results



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Finding a Used Wedding Dress
I live in Houston, TX, USA and there are several stores called Baubles and Beads and Ive seen beautiful wedding gowns there, as well as evening gowns, fur coats, regular clothes, designer clothes, designer handbags, shoes, sandals, boots, and so much more. They...


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Hair Has No Body After Coloring?
Hi Mary, I sympathize - I have similar hair. My hairdresser said it has too much slip, meaning that its literally too slippery, almost too silky. No kind of clip or even electric curlers will stay in my hair. Also I have problems keeping curled around a hot...


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Skin Care Samples
I agree with Dede also. Can anyone recommend some site where you dont have to spend valuable time filling out endless computer screens? Id really appreciate it! Thanks from Smoochie RE: Skin Care Samples Post By Dede (Guest Post) (04/04/2006) I love them too...


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Giving Yourself an Instant Facelift?
This message is for Acesnanna (25) - you mention that you use Red Tea, Roiboos tea from South Africa. I would like to try your idea very much, but I live in Houston, Texas in the US and dont know where to buy this tea. Would you (or anybody else!) be able to...


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Removing Glow in the Dark Stickers from Walls?
I use Citri Solve also as well as goo gone.


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Keeping Eyeliner on Your Bottom Eye Lid?
When I line my eyes with a pencil, I go over the pencil and set it with eye shadow. It doesnt have to be the same shade of shadow. Sometimes I use a bright liner and then put black eye shadow over it. Its a unique look.


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Homemade Eyeliner?
Ill bet you could use cake mascara. The mascara is dry and comes in a pallet. You moisten the mascara brush and wipe it into the dry cake. Then use it on your lashes. I think you could get it at Maybe you could use this as an eyeliner, although...


Up close photo of red, wavy hair.

Save Money by Making Your Own Hair Products
The mayo treatment is a miracle - truly one of the best!


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White Chocolate and White Fudge Cookies?
Have you tried contacting Disney? They might give you the recipe. :)


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A Cooler Way to Cook Beans
I have an absoultely fabulous way to make beans given to me by a Hispanic co worker. But you probably wont believe me until you try it!! Place uncooked beans in a large pot and cover them with about 2-3 inches of cold water. Now heres the miraculous part - place...


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Where Can I Buy a Pumice Stone?
Ive bought a pumice stone in Walgreens or any pharmacy store where they sell foot pads, etc. Or where they sell nail polish remover items. Good luck!


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My White Barrel Handbag is Turning Yellow?
I dont have an answer, but I bet I know who would. I would get on line with Dooney and have them get an answer for you (or a replacement). For the price of what they ask for their handbags, they ought to not be turning yellow! Im all for buying high quality...



Cleaning a Hand Blown Vase?
What a beautiful vase! Like a work of art. I dont know if this will work for you, because my problem was different, but here it is. I had a problem removing coffee stains and smells from my coffee thermos. No matter what I used, no luck. I then tried baking...


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Red Bumps After Waxing?
Does anyone know where to buy azulene oil? Thanks from Smoochie :)


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Vaseline Stain on a Rug?
Thats a huge problem. I havent had that particular problem, but I think that maybe one of these might help. 1- There is a product available called Lestoil. I buy it in Houston at a regular grocery store in the cleaning products section. It cleans thru grease...


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Garlic Smell In My Fridge?
I would try some/any of these. 1. empty your refrigerator of food, etc. 2. take warm, soapy solution and clean all of your glass jars, bottles, especially on the bottoms. 3. use a solution of vinegar and warm water and wipe down all of the inside of your refrigerator...


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ELF Cosmetics Reviews?
Ive ordered Elf Cosmetics on and liked them very much. Plus you can earn dollars depending on how much/what you buy, and then you can apply it to your order. Plus no tax and free shipping over $50 which is a normal trip to Walgreens, Target and...


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Does putting water in mascara really help?
I agree - please dont add anything to your mascara tube. But instead of the hot water method mentioned, I have also used a blow dryer set on warm on a closed tube of mascara. The warm air loosens the mascara and makes it thinner. This is also a good way of...


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Perfume or Cologne and Clothing
I agree. Here is another tip that might help someone - very simple. I put perfume on cotton balls and then put the cotton balls in my bra. The scent stays fresh all day and also doesnt get affected by sweating.


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Candle Wax on a Laminate Floor?
I dont know if this will work on laminate floors, but I do know it will remove candle wax from carpets and wooden furniture. Take a plain, brown paper bag - the kind with no lettering or printing on it. You can get this kind of brown paper that is used for...


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Bags that Comforters, Drapes and Tablecloths Come In?
I use mine for when Im traveling for toiletries and to keep things together in the suitcase like socks, underwear. I also put shoes in them so the shoes wont get on the clothes.



Shampoo Without Sodium Lauryl Sulfate?
I have found that by using shampoos without SLS help the color stay in my hair longer. And I have white, absolutely white hair.


Styling My Hair Like Tippi Hedren?
This is just a shot in the dark, but I wonder if you could get on line and google to see if she has a web site devoted to her. Maybe one of her fans could give you some help or advice. I agree with you about her hair - such a classic beauty! Good luck from...


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Squirrels In Garbage Cans?
Hi Adele, I dont know if this will work for you, but I use mothballs in my attic to keep all kinds of critters away. I have had very good luck with this. Maybe this would help you. However, for me, it would be a pain to have to keep replacing mothballs every...



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Tips for Dark Skin?
Just FYI - I love Avon too, but their Beyond Color product did not work for me. I was so hoping it would because I heard such wonderful things about it.


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Tips for Dark Skin?
Im in the process of experimenting with plain old lemon juice. Ive had good luck so far on the knuckles of my hands, which are dark. Also on my arms which have sun damage. Same on hands, theyre much softer now. Im using it on my skin now and dont have sensitive...


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Tips for Dark Skin?
Someone on this site gave this recipe, but with no proportions, so Im experimenting. I just tried this recipe even though there were no proportions given. I started with: 1 tbsp. baking powder 1 tbsp. lemon juice 3 aspirin I dont have sensitive skin and I had...


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Tips for Dark Skin?
I found another thing that has been working for me. Find a facial soap with 2% salicytic acid in it. Wash your face with it and rinse very well. Then, put a layer of the soap back onto your skin and anywhere else you want to get rid of darkness. The next day...


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Need Recipes For "Unusual" Vegetables?
Lucky you to receive such a nice gift! Someone must love you! For me, when in doubt of how to cook something, I usually caramalize them. Take good quality olive oil plus 1 tablespoon of butter in a frying pan (the butter is added to the oil so the oil wont...


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Mosquito Problems, Decorate with Geraniums?
I live in Houston, Texas, USA and we have mosquitos all year round, even in the winter. I tried the Bounce dryer sheets and they didnt work for me, but I sure smelled nice! Good luck!


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Is 2007 a Bad Year For Roaches?
My sister gave me a book called Grandmothers Critter Ridders. Here are some recipes. Herbs to be put wherever you see the beasts: bay leaves cucumber peelings catnip Catnip tea - make tea, allow to cool, put in spray bottle and spray in roach areas 1 tablespoon...


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Shrinking Dry Clean Only Capris?
I dont think this will make them shrink, but I use Dryell Dryer Sheets for my dry cleaning and have had great success. However, I do send my dry cleaning to the regular dry cleaner after around two or three times after using Dryell. I dont think Dryell has...


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Do Horse Shampoos Make Your Hair Look Thicker?
I dont know about that - I tried the drugstore brand once and it left my hair like straw. But I had heard it was wonderful. My hair started falling out because of hypothyroidism a few years back. It also became thin, sparse, frizzy - like an 80 year old woman...


Floral pattern on white background.

Decoupaged Mirrors
Lisa, these are just beautiful! You are very talented and thoughtful to share your instructions. I printed them and since Ive always wanted to make them, they are on my list for my next project! :) PS How are the forest fires in Greece? Here in Houston, TX...


Home Haircolor Tips

Home Haircolor Tips
I have just recently experimented with my hair after coloring it at home. First, I dont wash my hair the day before I color. I just brush my hair really well. After I color, I used to wait two days before shampooing my hair. But my color always, always faded...


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Removing & Preventing Ingrown Hairs After Waxing?
If you find out the secret, please let me know. I have heard that there is a product called Tend Skin that is made for ingrown hairs. I believe you can get it on among other places. Let me know if it works, ok? The only thing is, I think its pricey...


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What Is Graham Flour?
You People Rock!(b)(/b)(i)(/i)(u)(/u) This is the first website I have ever joined and I am contiually amazed at how nice people are! Thank you so much for your responses, it really helped me. :)


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Health Advice For "Dirty" Spot On Arm?
I have a similar problem. Does the spot appear in the lines on the inside of the elbow? If yes, I did have really good luck with a product by Philosophy Beauty called The Great Awakening. It comes in two parts; the first part is an orange scented grain scrub...


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Recipe for Sticky Buns Using Rich's Roll Dough?
I would go to Richs website. I bet theyll be able to get your their recipe. Sounds yummy! If its not too complicated a recipe, would you mind posting it if you do find it? Id love to try it! :)


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Towel vs. Bathmat for Outside Shower or Tub?
I use bathmats, the kind that are like thick towels. I do use handtowels sometimes if Im out of laundry! I also get them at discount stores like Target, Marshalls, etc.


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Removing Label Glue from Plastic Bowls?
I also use Goo Gone or Citri Solutions, which smells so good!


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Tomato Sauce is Too Sweet?
I only add wine when the sauce is not sweet enough.These are great ideas - I never knew you could take out the sweetness.


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Apartment vs. Condo?
An apartment is something you rent and a condo is something you buy. Sometimes condominiums have a porch or balcony. When I rented a condo it had no balcony or porch and my unit was located in one building with a total of four units. This is how it is in the...


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Mock Guacamole
Does it really taste like avacado guacamole? Your recipe sounds so interesting!


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When Are You Ready For Your First Child?
I strongly agree with wrdnkwmn - sound advice. If you have just been married, spend more time together and get to know each other even more. Vacation, go on couples weekends, etc. Once thing I have learned about my family that I never wanted to believe was...


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Advice For Dealing With a Frizzy Mohawk?
I bet if you get on line you will find a recipe for holding your hair. It seems that once I heard of a recipe to hold hair with unflavored gelatin. How long is your hair? Have you tried Sally Beauty (they also have a site) to see what kind of professional products...


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Use Baking Soda To Prevent SOS Pad Rust
Thank you so much! I have never heard of this one before and I ALWAYS get rusty brillo pads. Once I heard that you can put a used brillo pad in an airtight container and it will last, but I didnt have long lasting luck with that one. Have a great weekend!


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Power Of Attorney For Elderly Parent
I really dont have an answer for you - sorry. But I do have a little advice, if you dont mind some. Before my Dad passed away last year, we found out that there are lawyers who specialize in elder care for senior citizens. Maybe it would help to consult one...


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Eyebrow Pencil Not Lasting All Day?
How about use a clear eyebrow setter over your powder. It looks like mascara, but its clear and its supposed to keep your eyebrows in place. Im sorry, but I cant remember the brand I used, but its a drugstore item and several cosmetic companies make it.


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Review of Kevin Trudeau's Coconut Diet?
I dont know anything about his diet, but I am curious - would you be willing to tell me, briefly, what the diet is about? I was surprised to learn (below) that he was indicted! Shocking, considering hes on TV all of the time. Thanks for the heads up!


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Watch Turns Skin Green?
What about spray varnish, like the kind you can get in craft stores?


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Sheer Coverage Mineral Makeup?
I tried Bare Escentuls (sp).My pores never looked larger. My skin never looker dryer or cakier. Tried it and practiced. Never could get it right. I will have to hear miracles and miracles about the next mineral makeup! Sorry, no luck for me.


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How Do You Get Your Nails to Grow Without Chemicals?
My sister swears by Knox gelatin capsules. I think the dosage is right on the box. This is plain, unflavored gelatin. I live in the USA and you can buy this by the Jello and pudding. Or go to the health food store and they will definately have it and probably...


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Fixing Smoke Damaged Leather Jacket?
I dont know about that one, but if you dont want to spend the money on a professional leather cleaning company and you cant it anyway- 1. What about Dryelle dryer sheets? 2. What about putting the jacket in a bag with baking soda in it? Good luck!


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Beauty Advice For Party With Husband?
Hi Bony from Kuwait! Im not a professional at all, but I think that putting your hair up is always a festive way! Then its nice because you can really show off some pretty earrings. I think I know what a saree looks like. But I dont know what shape neck line...


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How to Make Legs Look Longer Without High Heels?
Emma, you are a smart woman! My legs are long, and i STILL want to make them look longer! Some tricks- Match your shoe color and your hose color. You are aiming for one, unbroken looking line. Taupe hose or nude hose - I use beige or taupe shoes. Sometimes...


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Linen Snowman Towels from Target?
Hi Delores, Have you tried contacting Target directly via email and asking them about it? I email everyone now! Your project sounds so cute. If you do get instructions, would you share them with us? I will try to find it also and will post same if I get lucky...


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Removing Grease Stain on Battenberg Lace Tablecloth?
How cool is this?! I found Fels Naptha soap at: $8.90 for a 5.5 oz. bar Item No. H2766 But I was thinking about some other things; 1. If I were you I would take your tablecloth to an old fashioned local Chinese Laundry and see if they...


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White Purse Has Yellowed?
I dont know if Dooney and Bourke has a policy of renewing their handbags, but I know Coach does. If you send in Coach bags they will refurbish, repair and often replace for free, their handbags for the rest of your life. Maybe Dooney has a website you can log...


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Cleaning Outside of Revere Ware Pots?
Im not sure if this will help you, but my mother taught me how to clean and brighten copper bottoms of our Revere Ware pots and pans. Wet the copper bottom and sprinkle vinegar (any kind) on it. Then sprinkle regular salt on top of the vinegar and scrub with...


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Dryer Magic Dryer Balls?
Do dryer balls really work? Do the work on the principal that they stop tangling? Or do they make the drying time shorter? Thanks! Smoochie :)


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Substitute Fruit Juice for Oil in Baking
Hi Betty, This sounds like such a good idea! I have used unsweetened applesause before in boxed mixes, but the cakes/brownies come out with a fluffy texture, moist but not like using regular oil - I know it cant be like using oil, but Id love to find something...


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Chocolate Chips Turned White in Freezer?
Hi Debbie, My mother always told me that this is just the butter fat rising of the chocolate rising to the surface of the chocolate and can be safely used. Hope this helps! Smoochie


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How Do You Get Play Doh Out Of Clothes?
I would get on line with the manufacturer and ask them. Good luck! Smoochie


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Soy Massage Candle
Hi Lisa, This sounds so interesting! But I have a few question that I hope you can help me with please: Where do you buy soy wax? Where would I buy the kind of wicks you mention? Can you use these candles just for burning and scenting a room? Thanks in advance...


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Frizzy Hair That Won't Hold Curls?
First, thank you for all of your good advice, I appreciate your feedback very much. I have something that I found works and it was in front of my face the whole time. I found that Im not conditioning my hair enough. When I condition my hair - and I rinse it...


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Add Body Oil To Unscented Lotion
Sounds like a great idea. However I love Dollar Stores and I love them, I have been very careful to see where products are manufactured. I wont buy anything made in India or China. Dont ask me why, Im probably wrong, but I think other countries standards are...


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Milk and Honey Facial Mask
I have also heard that if you mix dried milk powder into your bath gels it adds that extra softness because of the lactic acid. I dont know exact amount to add though. I have only just tried this trick and if I have good results I will keep everyone posted...


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Scars from Breast Reduction Surgery?
I worked with a lady who literally swore by vitamen E. She just used ordinary capsules, opened them with a pin and applied it to the scar in the am and pm. While I was working with her she slammed her thumb in the door of her car - you wouldnt believe what...


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Husband Has Smelly Feet?
I tried this with good success and its cheap and simple: 1. Get a spray bottle from the Dollar Store. 2. Fill it with saline solution like you use with contact lenses. I use the store brand. 3. After showering, spray your feet with the saline solution and let...


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Facial Scrub to Get Rid of Acne?
Im 51 years old and until I was 30, never had a problem with my skin except for the occasional breakout. What I found that works great as a face wash is Clearasil Ultra Acne Clearing Gel Wash. I wash and RINSE WELL twice a day. After I wash my face, I smooth...


A container of bath salts with a sunflower button and green ribbon.

Silky Scrub Bath Salts
Can someone suggest another oil to use other than mineral oil? I find it clogs my pores. Thanks from Smoochie


A container of bath salts with a sunflower button and green ribbon.

Silky Scrub Bath Salts
Quick question please. The sea salt Ive bought in the grocery store is quite coarse and much larger than regular salt. Will this recipe melt the sea salt? Thanks from Smoochie


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Dealing With Thin Eyelashes?
I found my favorite drugstore mascara, finally. Its by Jane Cosmetics and it has one side with lash conditioner/builder and the other side is mascara. Works like a charm and doesnt clump, chip, get stiff, smudge. It makes my lashes look so much thinker. I usually...


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Use Vegetable Shortening for Very Dry Skin
My sister has a friend that has used crisco to take off her makeup plus her eye make up for years and years. She uses a wash cloth to remove it, but I understand that the makeup hardly budges from the wash cloth when you wash it.


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Food for Hair Growth?
I take horsetail herb - buy at good health food store - theyre in capsules. Follow the directions, but I think its 2-3 per day. My hair was literally falling out by the handfuls because of thyroid disease and my scalp showed, but this grew my hair back. I started...


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Food for Hair Growth?
ok, here is the growing your hair by the almanac info: ---------- RE: Cutting hair by the almanac Yes it does, be sure to get the old farmers Almanac by Robert Thomas, Im in Southern California so I have the One for my location and it is on page 230, for instance...


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Do Oriental Detoxing Foot Pads Work?
Wow. Am I glad I asked, thank you all so much. Ive heard about the Epsom salts detox. But how do you know its working? Can you give me an idea of what to expect? Thanks again! Best from Smoochie


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Where Can I Find Wine 'Dregs'?
Thanks for your emails. I know where wine dregs come from, but I want to be able to find out where to get them. Unfortunately, I dont have access to wine barrels. I read where its supposed to be good at exfoliating the skin, so I wanted to try it. Thanks for...


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Skin Is Darker Under Breasts?
I relate; I have the same darkness under my small breats, around my waist, between my thighs and behind my knees, and on the back of my thighs. I would love also to have a solution because I ex foliate but with no results. Thanks from Smoochie


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Where to Find Boric Acid in the UK?
Hi Paul from UK- I got on line and found this answer on - hope it helps. It was in answer to a question about maggots and I dont know if thats what you need it for but I thought Id tell you about it! We use boric acid in Houston, Texas, USA to get rid...


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Face Doesn't Seem Clean After Washing?
Thank you so much for all of your great feedback and advice. I thought Id let you know that Ive been using Ponds cleansing cloths twice a day and when I use my toner, nothing comes off on the cotton ball. Ponds Clean Sweep Microdermabrasion wet cleansing towelettes...


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Looking For Recipes Using Dried Beans?
Ok, I think I have the best way to make beans, even though I cant take credit for it! I worked with a Hispanic lady who told me how her culture makes any and all kind of dried beans. It will sound weird, but it works like a charm every time- Take the amount...


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Use Aloe Vera To Make Eyebrow Gel
Is this tip used to keep eyebrow hairs in place? Because mine go all over, no matter why brand of eyebrow gel I use. Thanks from Smoochie


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Rinse Canned Foods Before Using
I do that with all of my canned products too; tuna, beans, etc. and I think it really helps too. I also rinse my frozen vegetables before I use them. It seems to just cut down on that frozen taste. Thanks for the hint! Smoochie


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All Day Care for Oily Skin?
I have heard of this for a long time, but have never tried it myself, and I dont know how long it takes to work, but its supposed to work miracles: take plain honey, smooth it on your face for ten minutes. Do this twice per day. Supposedly, the skin is soft...


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Looking For Suave Alpha-hydroxy Product?
Sorry, but I thought you were looking for the brand: Alpha Hydrox, which they used to sell at regular drugstores. But I did find it online at and there is also a link to the Alpha Hydrox store where you can see the other things they offer. Did...


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Looking For Suave Alpha-hydroxy Product?
I emailed Suave and they wrote back to tell me they dont make it anymore - sorry for the bad news.


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Gluten and Wheat Free Flour Recipe
Can anyone tell me what the carbohydrates are for all these kind of flour? My husband is diabetic and has to be very careful with flour, as Im sure you all know. Thank you! :)


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Drugstore Products For Damaged Hair?
All great ideas, thanks! I have a little bit of advice that worked for me. I never shampoo the ends of my hair, only the roots. I used to shampoo the ends and my hair was always frizzy with split ends. After a month of only washing the scalp, my hair was much...


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Tips for Saving on Energy Costs
As far as coasting down a hill to save on gas, Ive never heard of putting the car in neutral first, nor have I ever done it. What I do is simply take my foot off the gas and let the car coast on its own. Works like a charm!


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Fixing Burn Hole In Cushion?
Okay, this may not fit at all for you, but here goes: Years ago my sister accidently knocked into someone whose lit cigarette burnt a hole in her dress and the other embers left additional scattered holes. Certainly, we couldnt afford to have the garmet re...


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Recipe Ideas For Someone Who Hates To Cook?
My husband loves this easy recipe: 1 lbs. ground beef salt pepper onion powder garlic powder 1 large can of cream of mushroom soup Can add: 1 jar or 1 can of sliced mushrooms. Brown the beef and drain off fat. Add the soup (and mushrooms if you want to) salt...


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Recipe Ideas For Someone Who Hates To Cook?
I just found two cookbooks on my bookshelf that might help you: 1. The Can Opener Gourmet by Laura Karr. More than 200 quick and delicious recipes using ingredients from your pantry. Publisher: Hyperion Special Markets, 77 W. 66th St., NY, NY 10023-6298. 212...


Eyeliner pencil with sharpener.

Long Lasting, Smudge-Proof Eyeliner?
Thank you everyone for your great advice. I have been trying to find an eyeliner that wont smear and will stay on all day. Tried 24 and 12 hour kind, set liner with powder, expensive kinds and cheap kinds. But I will tell you I didnt try a brand like MAC although...


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Coloring Graying Hair?
Someone on Thriftyfun recommended Gray Magic for hard to color gray hair. I tried it last week and it worked. The instructions recommend 10 drops for one ounce of color. I just followed the Revlon hair color directions and mixed the hair color with the developer...


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Manual For Pillsbury Bread Machine 1015?
I have done this before with no problem. Email the manufacturer and ask them to send you a copy of the manual. Make sure to give them the model number. Actually, whenever I send for manuals, I just give them all of the information thats printed on the machine...


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Recommendations For Body Wash?
I dont know if this will help, because I tried it about 20 years ago, but it did work then! My stepfather was a payloader operator (heavy equipment) and would get these unmoveable oil/grease marks on the baseball hat he wore while working. I dont know what...


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Strong Facial Peel Recipe?
This sounds very interesting, thank you very much. Im always looking for a strong peel because even though Ive always exfoliated (even before it became popular), Im 52 and I really need all the help I can get! But I have one question - what are the proportions...


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Strong Facial Peel Recipe?
I just tried this recipe even though there were no proportions given. I started with: 1 tbsp. baking powder 1 tbsp. lemon juice 3 aspirin I dont have sensitive skin and I had no trouble with any stinging or burning. Then I tried it with: 2 tbsp baking powder...


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Cleaning and Shining Hardwood Floors?
I bought the proper products recommended by the Holloway company, but unfortunately they didnt work. I even used a brush with the product, but no dirt came up, which is really weird because when I just just a damp cloth, I get plenty of dirt. I guess I could...


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Cleaning and Shining Hardwood Floors?
I finally did come up with something that worked pretty well considering the state of the floor were dealing with. I used Liquid Gold - from my grocery store. I applied it with a cloth mop and my floors just soaked it up. In some spots they looked revitalized...


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"Restful" Paint Color?
Hi Ellen! Ive always thought that a pale bluish color like in the aqua family is very soothing. Something like ocean colors. I also think pale greens, like a pale sage green is calming. However, I did lose the paint battle with my husband and now our walls...


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Paper Mache Pumpkin?
When I was in elementary school about 100 years ago, we made Easter baskets like this. Blow up a balloon and tie a knot in the end. Take any pretty color string and saturate it with Elmers glue. Wind the string completely around the balloon many times, depending...


In Memory Of Goopie (Boxer)
Im so very sorry to hear about your baby. I lost my cat, Tara, who shared my life for 17 years, 20 years ago and I hate to tell you, but Im still not over it. I still feel her jump on my bed in the middle of the night sometimes, and I automatically sit up and...


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Chicken and Biscuits
This may sound silly, but.... What do you mean by baking mix, please? Do you mean Bisquick? Do you have a particular brand you use? Thanks!!


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Are Eggs Shells Bad for a Garbage Disposal?
A plumber once told me never to put anything in the disposal that you wouldnt eat yourself. Egg shells, coffee grinds, etc. However, recently my dispposal clogged when I put potato peelings down it and I do eat the skins of potatoes, so go figure!!! Hope this...


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Measuring Curtains for a Wall?
I really do appreciate this information because I can barely even sew a button. The problem is this; I live in an old home and there is only one small window in the bedroom. However, it is not centered on the wall. This is the wall I want to cover with fabric...


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Baking Pan for Cooking a Turkey?
I always use disposable turkey pans, BUT I use one inside of the other. I get them at the dollar store or after the Holiday season. So cheap! Learned this the hard way though. One year I used only one pan and with all of the pulling and pushing of the pan to...


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Homemade Lip Stain?
Thank you so much for these very unusual and just wonderful recipes! How wise your grandmother is and so frugal. I guess it just goes to show that a person will make do with whatever they have and shes genius! One question though: what color henna do I buy...


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Removing Moles and Skin Tags?
There is product you can buy in the health food store that has thula in it. Sorry, but I dont know the brand, but the clerks will be able to direct you. The only thing you should know is that a GNC-type health food store (like we have in the shopping malls...


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Too Much Cumin?
I dont know, but I would try it anyway because it sounds like youve got nothing to lose! An old fashioned remedy for too much salt in a dish is to put a potato in the pot and the salt is drawn into the potato. Ive tried it and it really does work. Just peel...


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Cooking Frozen Chicken?
All of these recipes sound delicious and I am planning to use them soon! Thanks, all of you, for being so sweet! Smoochie :)


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Baby Proofing Home For Triplets?
Try the Dollar Store for cheap light switch covers, cabinet locks and things like this. I bought a ton of things like this at the Dollar Store when my grandbaby was born. Good luck!


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