
Frugal Sunnie

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11 Posts | 1,737 Comments | Active Since 2008
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Make Plans for Your Leftovers
I do this too, buying a larger piece of meat and figuring the leftovers into meal planning. It really does save money. At first my new husband thought I was being extravagant so I sat him down and showed him how that big piece of meat would serve us up to eight...


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Egg Cartons for Storing Earrings
I live in the UK, and most of the egg cartons we get here are a lighter weight plastic tray and attached lid-perfect for not only jewellry, but craft supplies, hardware bits and bobs like pushpins and screws.


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Quick Clutter Control
Ive used this system for years with a refinement-once a week I put everything that is still in the clutter basket into a wheelie bin out in the garage. If youre looking for something at my house you either rescue it before the week is up, or rescue it from...


A dog licking it's lips.

Saving Broth for Dog Food
Im with Fuzzy on this. The only thing I did differently when cooking for my dogs when I had them was that I didnt give them anything containing salts, other seasonings, onions, tomatoes, or any of the other human foods that arent good for dogs. And I strongly...


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Can't Do Without Appliances?
LOL, Im late to this party, but the three most useful small kitchen appliances I would have to immediately replace are: Toaster! 2 or 4 slice, this has got to be the most used small kitchen appliance ever! Electric can opener with knife sharpener. No kitchen...


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Make Sturdy Sewing Patterns With Leftover Holiday Wrap
This is such a good tip! The paper available for sale in sewing centres is too expensive to buy, and I have used everything from left over holiday wrap to brown paper bags to trace off patterns trying to save money. I think Ill be buying after-holiday sales...


ThriftyFun Links Image

Sewing Tips for Sewing Darts
I gave this a thumbs up because the line drawings at the link are crisp, clear enough to easily read and use-often line drawings are not clear enough to see exactly what should be happening but these are great. I also appreciate that there is a link to a PDF...


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Sewing Tough Fabrics?
When sewing heavy duty, tough fabrics by machine, first of make sure your sewing machine is rated to handle heavy duty fabrics. You can do everything else right - correct needle, thread, tension setting, and presser foot - but if your machine is not rated for...


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Adopting Older Cats
Seven years later this is still excellent advice. Now more than ever, no matter what country you are in, senior pets are losing their homes as their owners are caught in downturns, and these bewildered loves need rehoming with someone able to provide a furever...


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Sewing Kits for Men
I visited my newly divorced son in the States last spring and one of the things I did whilst there was teach him how to sew-I even bought him a little mini-sewing machine. The gift he loved most, though, was the plastic shoe box sewing kit I built him:) Guys...


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Rotating Stockpiled Goods
My husband and I started the New Year by organising our pantry and freezer. We inventoried everything we have onto an Excel spreadsheet. We made sure to include the expiration dates and location of what we have on hand, but from now on were going to use a permanent...


A black cat that enjoys being walked on a leash.

Walking Your Cat With a Leash
Were fostering a rescue cat (aged six years) and have trained him to the harness and leash for his new furever family. Theyll be able to have him with them in late spring and have really enjoyed the blog showing his training and progress:) We started him off...



Organizing Canned Goods

Organizing Canned Goods
This is the best and most inexpensive way to organise the pantry shelves Ive seen yet. So many of the organisation sites seem to want you to spend lots of money on organising systems-how is that thrifty?! But this one uses what most of us already have on hand...


A wall of sticky notes with New Year resolutions.

New Year's Resolution
This is a good tip. Ive made resolutions before on New Years Eve and broken them by 3pm New Years Day. A good example is my resolve to quit smoking cold turkey on New Years Day-sooo much easier said than done! Last year I tried something different-instead of...


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Gardening Co-op
Im glad to see this was a contest winner in 2006, it deserved it! Its still a winner now in 2012, too, I think Im going to see if I can get my neighbours in on a gardening co-op as each of them seems to have a speciality plant they grow very well in their veg...


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Family Closet for Organizing Laundry
Im with Pixie on this, and I can say from personal experience that this is not working for me! My husband and I use a small, easy to heat room as our bedroom but it is too small for us to store our clothes in. He has his clothes stored in his study in a free...


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Keeping a Master Grocery List on the Computer
I do something of the same except I print out several copies of the complete list onto scrap paper, then post one on the fridge. As we need something we tick it on the list, then take the list to the shops. Makes doing the grocery shop more efficient, we never...


Cat with distinctive ears.

Breed Information: Scottish Fold
The Scottish Fold is sadly hard to find here in Scotland and when one does find a reputable breeder here the cost of these adorable kittens who grow into unbeatable companion cats is truly eye-watering at £500+GBPsterling ($776+USD at current exchange rates...


Homemade Rain Barrel

Make Your Own Rain Barrel
Several of our friends have these barrels (called butts here in the UK) and they are very pleased with them. My husband and I are putting in four, one at each corner of the house. I held off on the barrels in the US because I had asphalt shingles but our house...


Jake with info.

Adopting from the Humane Society
I would love to hear how Jakes life got on! What a wonderful story, and a great piece on understanding a rescued animal!


Green Pepper Seeds

Saving Vegetable Seeds
Thank-you for another brilliant print off for the gardening binder:)


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Quickly De-icing Your Windshield
This does work a treat! I used to add a bit of white vinegar to the water as it seemed to help, too.


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Great Soil for Flower Beds
My husband and I stumbled onto this method when we accidentally planted the compost heap. Wed been experimenting with heaps versus bins, and lol, over a particularly snowy winter forgot where the heap was. That spring we leveled the bed wondering how it got...


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Clipping Keys To Your Purse
Ive also done this for years, it is one of the best handbag/rucksack/tote bag organising tips ever!



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Recycle Old Clothes As Quilting Squares
For you younger quilters, using worn out clothing used to be the only way to put together scraps for a quilt. Every bit of fabric that came into the house, no matter what the original purpose, was used and then reused at least twice in most American households...


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Old Headboard as a Garden Trellis
Great idea, especially the way you got the headboards and saved them from the landfill!


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Consider The Advantages Of Bartering
Actually, its scary how low the IRS radar goes on bartering. Make sure you know the level to avoid prosecution. They have chased down people for bartering, its sad but true.


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Hand Sewing Tip - Wax Thread to Stop Knotting
Sometimes the crafts and fabric stores will have this handy little notion on sale, I usually buy several at a time so I have a stock of them. But I have been caught without whilst travelling and have found using a candle works almost as well! I taught this...


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Set Your Sights High
I wonder if Henry would post differently now? All I know is that as TXBetty wrote-owning a house isnt always a good tax write off. Financially, nothing, and I really mean nothing, feels as good as knowing the house is paid for! Best sleep aid I know of:)


Photo of an oil lamp

Preparing For A Winter Power Outage
Thank-you for providing the links!


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KwikSew Sewing Patterns Review
I live in the UK where we still have to buy these patterns online. Used to love the brand but since being bought by McCalls, the quality has gone downhill a bit (same with Butterick-Vogue since buy-out by McCalls, sadly). In late 2012 or early 2013 McCalls...


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Growing a Tree Sized Pointsettia?
Hi Curious! Im a two state Master Gardener with a bit of experience with the lovely Poinsettia, so I think I can give you some worthwhile feedback. The Poinsettia is really a weed discovered in the 19th century by an American traveling in Central Mexico. He...


bartering hand shake

Bartering: The Wave of the Future
The only thing to watch when bartering is that sometimes you have to report the worth to the IRS. I did a lot of services for food bartering over the years and was astonished when a friend was pursued for undeclared income over bartering car repair work. I...


three tomatoes

Growing Tomatoes In Black Plastic Bags
Ive used the Topsy-Turvy bags for growing tomatoes with some success but if you do try it make sure the pole you hang the bag (or bucket if using the bucket method) is strong, lol-I ended up needing a 4x4x12 with five foot of that 12 in the ground, and a very...


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Keep Track of Website Information
Ive lost so many of those scraps of paper! Keeping a dedicated spiral bound notebook by the TV and computer is a brilliant tip, thank-you for posting it!



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Mark Back of Drawers When Moving
Oh, definite thumbs up on this. At aged 55, Ive moved several times, and this would have been so helpful over the years!


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Store Parenting Essentials in a Separate Backpack
Good idea! I use a gardening bag I got from an Avon rep selling her samples; it is so cute, and I love all the pockets-so easy to find everything, but its so worn out after three years of constant use. Ive got a pattern to make one out of old jeans, the pattern...


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Product Review: Knifty Knitter Spool Loom
I just wanted to say this tip got me hooked (pun half intended) on loom knitting. Six years later Im so into this that I have every loom type available from the spools to sock looms and even the jumbo round and long loom. Just in the spool looms I think I have...


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Use Your Old TV for a Security System
This is brilliant! I am one of those women alone, and I was wondering what to do with the old TV. Thank-you for sharing this!


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Use Your Old TV for a Security System
This is brilliant! I am one of those women alone, and I was wondering what to do with the old TV. Thank-you for sharing this!


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Eat A Leaf Of Poison Ivy To Prevent Reactions
Thumbs up to everyone who said this is not a good way to deal with poison ivy! Id like to thank the editors for the cautionary note, especially.


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Babysitting Bartering Group
Remember to check the tax situation for this. Several years ago there was quite a flap over undeclared income through bartering.


Print and frame schedules.

Print and Frame Regularly Used Schedules
I remember reading this tip when it was first published, it was a good idea then and still is:) I made it work for my family by using the framing idea to post info on using the laundry (loading the washer/dryer, international clothing and linens care label...


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Being a Parent During Tough Economic Times
For the American readers, a voucher in the UK is what is known as a product coupon in the US.


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Make an Extension Cord Keeper
Three years on from when this tip was posted and am so glad ThriftyFun reposted it! I had no trouble at all visualising the bucket, handle, and how it works but I wonder if it wouldnt be a very good idea to blunt the roller blades with duct tape to prevent...


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Coffee Filters for Embroidery Machine Backing
What a great idea, Ive used stabilizer for years on sewing projects and never figured this thrifty tip out, thank you very much for posting!


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Buy a Counterfeit Detection Pen for Garage Sales
I logged in to give this tip a thumbs up-its an outstanding tip and very timely! While I was in the States visiting family last month I noticed the clerks at several stores checking even five dollar bills with the pens and checking for the strip. I asked if...


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Zinc Pennies Can Be Toxic To Dogs
I no longer live in the US but my son does-I forwarded this to him as he has a dog and keeps coins in a dish where the dog can get to it. Thank-you for the heads-up, Deeli, and Happy New Year!


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Sponge Eyeshadow Applicator for Cleaning Keyboard
Great tip-much more frugal than using Q-Tips!


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Store Appliances in Pillowcases
This is a very good idea, thank-you for posting it. I have a couple of old bed sheets I can use to make the pillow cases, too. I have tried storing things in the original carton but it hasnt worked all that well for me-try repacking a small appliance you use...


Freezer Organization Page

Cleaning and Managing Your Freezer
I love the idea of slowing build-up by a preventative swipe with oil or glycerin! Just in time, too; one of my weekend chores is to defrost the deep freeze. :)


Different Ways to Hang Dry Your Clothing
Ive been doing this for years too! I live in Scotland now but when I lived in the US I always had an inside clothes line. Now I have a drying tower, but I am pushing my husband to build or buy us a Shelias Maid, those things are fantastic! Weve got the drying...


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Use Soap When Sewing Canvas
Good tip, although you want to be careful of a few things when using it: Always use the right gauge needle for the fabric you are sewing. Doing so makes it easier to pierce the fabric cleanly and makes for less work. Hand or machine, there is a correct size...


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Wipe Clean Cookbook Holder
Not sure how I missed this the first time around (in 2010) but I am sure glad I saw it this time. I cant wait to make one or two of these!


Garbage Bag Dispenser

A Garbage Bag Dispenser
This is a great tip, as are the refinement tips of smoothing the edges of the cuts to preclude shredding the bags when pulling out a fresh bag. This would be a great idea for use recycling plastic bags from the grocery, too, for those who dont like the cloth...


Paper clips for holding bias tape.

Use Plastic Paper Clips to Hold Bias Tape on...
I remember this post! It inspired me to try using binder clips (had a ton of those lying around after retirement but no paper clips). The binder clips work really well for me and I offer my newbie sewing students the chance to try both methods after I invested...


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Make Your Own Bird Feeder Suet
Robbie, your description of the birds response to your tweaked recipe makes me want to try it. Would you mind posting it with directions?


Small chalk board.

Sewing Chalk Board
PBP, how did I miss this the first time around?! I really like this so I added to your thumbs-up on it. Thank-you to TF for reposting it-Im going to print this off and make one themed for my sewing area, and another themed for the kitchen:)


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Shelf Liner for Wobbly Sewing Machine
Great sewing tip! I teach sewing and will pass this to my students.


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Use Pillowcase When Transporting Cat
Im sorry but 2.5 years later this still seems a bad way to transport a cat. My first thought when reading the tip was Hmmm, can you say cat in a bag?! Additionally, depending on where a cat parent lives, transporting a bagged cat may be against local laws. I...


Hot Water Bottle to Reduce Heating Bills
I was raised in the US but my parents were from the UK, so I grew up with hot water bottles. Nothing like the little loves for warming a bed before getting in! My older sister used to fill the bottles and put them in our beds about a half hour before we were...


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My Frugal Life: A Winter Miracle
This essay moved me so much I requested a reminder so that I could log in and say thank-you for writing it, but more importantly, thank-you for doing what you did for the elderly lady. God bless you. I hope you and your loved ones have a very happy Christmas...


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Troubleshooting Electrical Circuit Problems?
I live in Angus! Im answering your post from the US, where Im visiting my son. What a small and lovely world it is:) You really should have a licensed electrician in to sort this. It sounds as though you have a broken, worn, or possibly chewed wire somewhere...


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Small Boxes To Organize Drawers
I logged in to say this is a great idea, and Im giving it a thumbs up, too. What a great way to organise drawers on the cheap, this is just great!


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How To Kill A Tree?
Since you want the council to remove the tree Im assuming you live on council housing-if so, and you do anything to cause that tree to die that they can figure out you had a hand in, youll find yourself in very serious troubles indeed! In Scotland even if we...


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Troubleshooting an Electrical Circuit?
You have a short; it could be a broken wire connection easily spotted at the outlet, but it could also be a broken/chewed/frayed wire in the wall between the outlet and the circuit breaker. Turn off the power to your whole house by flipping all of the circuit...


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Replacement Parts for George Foreman Rotisserie?
Have you tried using Internet search terms like george foreman rotisserie replacement parts? Have you tried finding one in a second hand shop to sue for parts? Have you checked yard/flea/jumble/boot (UK term, same as a car truck sale in the US) sales? Have...


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Helping a Pack Rat Get Organized
I can be a pack rat too, when I recently married and moved to the UK, I had to get rid of everything that wouldnt fit in two suitcases! Luckily I had been curbing my pack rat tendencies for a long time before falling in love after a divorce left me on my own...


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Thread Keeps Breaking on Sewing Machine and Needle Stops Working?
My 30+year old Singer was doing that-turned out to be a broken gear inside the machine. I tried everything else first: changed needles, to a brand new spool of thread and bobbin thread, adjusted tension (including the bobbin tension), a few other things I cant...


Purple and white flowers

What Are These Flowers?
Looks like one of the newer hybrid petunias, yup! Nice plants with a lovely weeping-trailing habit. Used a lot in the American South off porches and decks, long lasting, too. We have them in Scotland, and I just love them, its like a little taste of the old...


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Pruning Rhododendrons and Azaleas?
Right after the last bloom begins to look ugly. Wait too long, and you take the risk of new bloom sets being pruned off. Next years blooms take shape soon after the last bloom of the current year fades, so pruning at the wrong time will cut off all those buds...


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Choosing the Best Lawnmower Height Setting?
It depends on your grass type, and the water available-a lot of people like to keep their grass a little longer to encourage strong, drought resistant roots-a grass root is only as long as its blade. Some grasses are more drought resistant than others, and...


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Choosing Acid Loving Plants?
Depending on your location and the microclimate, azaleas or rhododendrons are lovely under pine and other conifers. Theyre also lovely under oaks. Plant them in masses, its really beautiful during the blooming season. Theyll need to be pruned as soon as the...


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Recycling Used Tea Bags and Loose Tea?
We put ours in the compost heap, but Ill be holding a few back now that Ive read Keepers tip!


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Iron Leaks Black Liquid Onto Clothes?
It could be your water, too. Do you ever have spots on clothing fresh from the washing machine? Hard water will do that.


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Accidentally Used Herbicide Instead of Fertilizer on Lawn?
A big oops. You have killed your lawn, and there isnt anything you can do beside water the bejeeburs out of the areas youve sprayed in hopes of flushing any residual herbicide out of the soil. Youll have bare spots everywhere you sprayed, and you shouldnt try...


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Planting Honeyball Bush Seeds?
I wouldnt plant them in one hole, check this out for more information on your plant: Generally, youll want to plant, any plant with its mature size and needs in mind. Avoid planting things that will be wide at maturity...


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Removing Cooking Oil Smell from Work Clothing?
My son is a chef-his uniforms can hit the laundry basket smelling the same way sometimes. I use Dawn dishwashing liquid, or Palmolive Oxy-Clean instead of laundry soap, it works great. Two scoops of Oxy-Clean powder works too, with regular laundry soap, but...


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Removing Cigarette Smoke Odor on House Walls?
Vinegar in place of beach is safer and works better. Fill the bucket with a strong mix of the vinegar to hot water, then sponge the walls. You wont need to rinse or repeat (usually), and trust me the vinegar smell dissipates quickly, leaving the room smelling...


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Starting Roses from Cuttings?
You can try it, but be prepared for disappointment-the plant you get from the cutting may be very different from the plant you took the cutting from. Thats because the rose growing in your garden is usually a plant that has been grafted-two plants to form one...


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Treating Black Spot on Roses?
In rose care the best thing is a systemic feed that also has properties against black spot. After care, the best thing is a commercially produced and carefully applied fungicide labelled specifically for black spot. Once you get rid of the black spot, be careful...


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Norfolk Pine Turning Brown and Losing Needles?
Was the top, specifically the tip, damaged in any way during the storm? Damage, as well as pruning out the top, will kill a Norfolk, and it will behave the way you describe. I hope Im wrong, but Ive lost several of these. Mainly from a curious cat snapping...


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Mixing Herbicide to Use With a Sprayer?
The answer depends on the herbicide. Read the label line for line to get the right formula.


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Herbicide for Flower and Shrub Beds?
Jilson is absolutely correct-there is no herbicide that will be selective enough to save the wanted plants and kill off the unwanted. Sorry, but hand-weeding is the only way.


Elongated view of the machine

Refurbishing the Black Finish on a Vintage...
I have one just like that-a 1933 looks to be in perfect condition that my husband found in a second shop. Once its back from the shop and the Singer repairman has had a chance to inspect and fix anything needing fixed, I plan to use it for regular sewing. Use...


Photo of Yellow and Pink Roses

Garden: Yellow-Pink Roses
The Peace rose, named so because it was the last rose plant to leave France before the Nazi occupation during WWII, has given the world many breathtaking variations. Yours is the variation Chicago Peace, which sported off an original Peace tea rose hybrid in...


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Is It Too Late to Start My Garden?
If you use seedling transplants from the nursery in your area, and if the weather cooperates with you, you should be able to get something in the ground. The transplants are great way to catch-up a late started garden. Ask at the nursery what is the plant suggestion...


A child's jumpsuit made out of an old men's shirt.

Jumpsuit From Old T-Shirt
I gave this a thumbs-up also. Very cute, very thrifty. I repurpose mens shirts and silk ties that I find in the charity shops (I live in Scotland) now that I have used up all of my husbands pre-retirement stash for table linens, tea cosies, and handbags, lol...


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Whites and Light Colored Clothing is Dingy After Washing?
I am just learning about front load washers, so Im not sure this will help, but have you tried really hot water and bleach, or blueing liquid, or vinegar? Ive just remarried (at 54, and after 13 years divorced) and my husband has a front loader-everything white...


Identifying a Christmas Cactus?
It looks like a Christmas or friendship cactus to me as well. Neat thing about the plant is that the more you pinch it the more it blooms. Usually starts to bloom around Thanksgiving time in the States if in a sunny spot (like a southern exposure window sill...


Identifying a Christmas Cactus?
Whoops, forgot to say yours is looking a bit tall. You can use bamboo stakes and a lightly tied cotton string to support it, or you can pinch it back to the first knuckle or joint-it will bloom if you care for it properly. After that first pruning you can aim...


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Readers Digest Magazine Christmas Trees?
We did this in grade school too, following the directions other posters have given below. We also made choir boys and girls by folding just the top half of the page to the binding, then we glued a piece of cardboard cut to the shape of the back of the magazine...


Closeup of weathered deck railing

Refinishing a Wood Deck?
The first thing to do is use a primer made specifically for the final finish you want to use. I had a huge veranda in southeast AL built from pressure treated wood, and it lasted the twenty years we lived there. My then husband and our son built the veranda...


A makeshift shelf for the bathroom counter, covered in contact paper.

Makeshift Shelf For Bathroom Counter
I just thumbs upd this tip-wow, I love it, and will doing the same thing in my bathroom! Great tip and idea, thank-you. :)


White dog with short coat and upright ears

What Breed is My Dog?
Because the papers list her as a Husky first, it means she is predominately one of the Husky breeds, mixed with something else. But that depends on the origin of the papers, too-if prepared by a vet with experience in canine breeds, you can rely on the information...


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15 Amp Breaker Keeps Tripping?
Agree completely with ZooDad. Your son probably has several things plugged in that are overloading a single circuit-sounds to me that each room only has one circuit, even if it has several outlets. He and his family likely have (going on experience with my...


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My House Smells Like Cigarette Smoke?
Put a shallow bowl filled with cheap white vinegar in each room-hey presto, odour gone!


Tables made from the wood cut down from a tree.

Tables from an Old Tree
Very wow, just gorgeous!


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Would you Buy a French Door Refrigerator?
I wanted one for the same reason you do, Barb-for the ease of use. Im getting to a point in life where bending to get something out of the bottom part of the fridge is not the sort of stress I want to put on my back. But when I was remodeling my little house...


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What is Growing in My Mulch?
It is a mushroom, a fungus, and its telling you your soil under the mulch is too wet. Ive only seen this where certain conditions exist: 1-it could be the mulch is way too deep and keeps the soil too wet. 2-Sometimes the fungus is in the wet, too deep mulch...


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Grape Vine Leaves Turning Yellow?
I say report this person who keeps destroying your garden. Either to the HOA or complex management, or whomever is in charge there. Your post makes it sound as though you are in a condo or apartment complex, if not, then report this odious person to the authorities...


A dandelion outside in a grassy area.

Beauty by Any Name (Dandelion)
Absolutely spot-on, this one got an enthusiastic thumbs up from me!


A latch hook rug made from recycled fabrics.

Recycled Fabric Latch Hook Rug
The rug looks very cushiony-I think one would be great by the kitchen or bathroom sink. I try to get most of my crafting supplies from charity and thrift shops-I hope I find a couple of good size pieces of canvas soon so I can try this-my rag bag is full of...


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Disinfect Laundromat Washing Machines
I stopped using laundromats because I figured out the one I was using had shut off the hot water! I did my laundry by hand (not easy!); saved spare change and bought a used machine from Habitat For Humanity shops, wish Id known about using a disinfectant while...


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Petunias and Geraniums in Containers Not Growing Well?
Hi Nancy! Since three of the five are doing nicely, Im going to assume that you arent overwatering and that youve already checked that those two containers have adequate drainage, common causes of the uglies on geraniums and petunias The two containers that...


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Making Nails Stronger?
Try horse hoof conditioner, it really works! You can probably find it in your country at a horse supply shop. Im in the UK and get it at the local vet office at a lower price than in the tack shop. The stuff I get is a light creamy yellow colour with a pleasant...


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Repairing Fabric Trim on Antique Couch?
Use a semi-circle upholstery needle and upholstery thread to reattach the trim. The needle comes in a pack with several other heavy duty carpet/upholstery/leather/mattress/tent/fur/canvas needles and costs around three USD at Wal-Mart and fabric stores. I think...


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Removing Gasoline Smell from Carpet?
Gary, I hate to tell you this, but the only way to get the gasoline smell out of carpet is to remove the carpet, and it is a safety issue as well. Gasoline spilled onto carpet is a fire hazard that never goes away. If the petrol smell is in your car and you...


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Store Screws on Magnet When Assembling Toys
Great tip! I passed it on to my husband and will make sure he has a good sized magnet in his toolbox from now on. Thanks!


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Winding the Bobbin on a Singer Touch-tronic 2005?
The Singer website has threading and bobbin winding instructions for nearly all of their machines, and you can also order a print copy of your owner manual. Heres a link to their US site, use the drop down menu if you are in another country: http://www.singerco...


EMS Mail Returned "Not Deliverable as Addressed"?
Most likely the address was missing an business suite/apartment/flat number designation. Ive had several pieces of mail returned for that reason, and with that exact statement stamped on the returned piece. The USPS isnt always right about that, though. I lived...


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Remedy for Thin Brittle Nails?
The biotin suggestion is one I use (for my hair actually but it helps with nails, too), but since you sign yourself horselover Im surprised you dont know about using hoof conditioner on your nails to strengthen them. It REALLY works, and quick too! Apply it...


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Shopping for Mrs. Stewart's Bluing?
If you prefer to buy in person from a brick and mortar store, look for the old fashioned grocery in your area, usually a Piggly-Wiggly or IGA. Ive also seen it in Shure-Value groceries (AL), but I dont know if you have that chain in TX. There are usually mom...


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Getting Rid of Fleas in the House?
Nice thing about the vinegar is that it will also remove odors as it evaporates-the smell goes away within 24 hours taking every bit of staleness with it. Another way to get rid of fleas is to spray Liquid Sevin (find it in the garden centre including the big...


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Keeping Weeds From Growing Between Pavers?
The best thing to do is to pull up the pavers, pull all the weeds being careful to get the roots. Next lay down thick plastic sheeting (Visqueen, a thick tarp, an old heavy duty vinyl tablecloth or shower curtain), then replace the pavers, and brush sand or...


Nails growing out after biting.

Growing Out Healthy Nails After Years of Biting?
Try horse hoof conditioner (look in the Wal-Mart pet aisle, or at a local tack, feed n seed store), it works a treat for strengthening and conditioning nails-apply a thin coat in the morning to the tops and unders, and a heavy coat at night. Use a Q-Tip cotton...


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Remedy for Powdery Mildew on Succulents?
Ive never treated succulents for powdery mildew, but have other plants using a fungicide purchased at the garden centre. Check your local extension website, or talk to the staff at the nursery to see what they suggest.


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Finding a Professional Organizer?
Consider having a work party! Invite two of your closest friends or family members to come for a two hour stint of decluttering one small closet, cupboard, steamer trunk, or similar small area. Give the two helpers their pick of the things you would like to...


unplugged TV

Unplug For a While
I unplugged for the most part back in September 09, using a smartphone to access the Net for months until I remarried and moved to the UK. My new husband does have Internet service to the house and on our mobile phones, but we dont have a TV license, and dont...


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Getting Rid of Spiders in Shrubs?
MooseMom is absolutely right about spiders being beneficial (mostly), so try hosing from underneath to dislodge them-stick the hose nozzle aiming upwards from the base of the plant and fire away. If you decide you need something stronger, the dish soap is a...


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Getting Rid of Spiders in Shrubs?
Oops, forgot to add that you need to figure out why you have the spider invasion in the first place. Use the extension website to identify your particular type of spider and to find out what makes them feel at home on your plants-spiders are usually attracted...


Dark snake with side markings in bucket.

What Kind of Snake is This?
It doesnt look like any rat snake Ive ever seen, but it does bear an uncomfortable resemblance to a cottonmouth-a very poisonous snake that is comfortable in water, and has a very vicious bite: I strongly...


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Inexpensive Jewelry
Great tip, but you want to be careful of the dollar store jewelry as its been recalled several times in the US, UK, and Canada over the last decade for high levels of lead and cadmium: This article (containing good links to other information sources regarding...


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Weed Killer and Lawn Fertilizer Recipe?
LOL, Pat, I went back and found the recipe-which Id missed when I read the post asking for help killing off all growth! Heres a link for anyone who is looking for the recipe: And here is a copy/paste of the actual...


Flowers in Fountain

Flowers in a Fountain
Really a lovely photograph! Are you going to frame it and hang it somewhere special? I sure would!


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