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293 Posts | 430 Comments | Active Since 2009
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A cabinet with a spoon as hardware.

Silverware Cabinet Handles
What a fabulous idea! I am going to try this! How did you attach them to the cabinet?


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Make Your Own Juice Pouch Patterns
Would love to see the pics of your juice bag purses. I want to make one, but have no clue where to start. Thanx!


$10 Dinners: Chicken Stir Fry - stir fry with chopsticks

$10 Dinners: Chicken Stir Fry
Thanks a bunch for sharing this recipe! My mouth was watering just looking a it.:) I will be trying this right away!


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Use Laundry Basket For Transporting Groceries
What an awesome idea! I am going to do this!


Chicken And Rice Soup - served in a bowl

$10 Dinners: Chicken and Rice Soup
This looks so good! I will be making this asap. Thank you!:)


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Shop Other Thrift Stores Before Goodwill
Great idea, I agree, even this place is getting expensive! Goodwills usually have 50% off day the last Saturday of each month. Thats the only time I go now, and you save a bundle then! :)


jean pockets converted into school locker pockets

Denim Locker Pockets
This is fabulous! Will be making these immediately!


Apple keychain craft

Apple for the Teacher Keychain
I am a teacher, this is hilarious! What a cute idea~ :)


Avoid The Advertisements

Avoid The Advertisements
This is so true! Whenever I have reached my budget for the month, I refuse to even look at the ads that come. You will inevitably find something you must have that 5 seconds ago, you were just fine without.


Mirror Pin

Mirror Pin
What a fabulous idea! I never would have thought to do this in a million years. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful project, I will be making some right away! Love!:)


Brown and White guinea pig on the lawn

Marco Piggy Piggy (Guinea Pig)
He is so cute! We just got two guinea pigs, and one of them looks just like yours! Hope you enjoy your little Marco Piggy piggy.


Newspaper print applied to nails.

Newspaper Nail Art
This is so cool! I am totally going to do this! You are very creative.:)



Photo of the supplies needed to make a fruit fly trap.

How to Make a Fruit Fly Trap Video
Thank you! I am going to go try this right now!


Salt and Vinegar Weed Killer

All Natural Weed Killer
Thanks for sharing, will definitely try this! Sounds like an awesome alternative to harsh chemicals.


finished soup 2

Crockpot Baked Potato Soup
This looks DIVINE! Cant wait to try, thanks for sharing! :)


finished soup 2

Crockpot Baked Potato Soup
Well I tried it, and it was fantastic!! Thanks so much, this one is definitely a keeper. Great job! :)


Sage advice for 2013

Sage Advice for 2013
This was beautiful! I am going to print it out and put it where I can see it every day. Thank you!


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Stretch Meat with Thin Slices
This sounds delicious, I am going to try this. So simple, but my mouth is watering just reading it.:) Thanks!


Sausage Breakfast Burrito

Sausage Breakfast Burrito
This looks incredibly good, thanks for sharing, thumbs up!


upclose of tacos

Crockpot Tacos
I will be trying this right away, thank you!


Bowl of broccoli cheese soup.

Unexpected Broccoli Cheese Soup
I love broccoli cheese soup! I will be trying this for sure, thanks for sharing!


Quiches are finished baking.

Muffin Tin Quiches
These look so good! My mouth is watering just looking at your pictures on the computer.:) I am absolutely trying these. What a fabulous quick breakfast idea when re-heated. On my to-do list. Thanks for sharing!


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Easy Way to Flour Pans?
Using a paper towel or clean cloth, scoop about 1/8 Cup shortening and wipe all over pan, especially in creases. Toss about 1/8 Cup flour into pan, shake as if youre panning for gold... quick little back and forth, side to side movements. Turn pan on side in...



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Other Uses for Ramen Seasoning Packets?
You could add them to your pan when browning your meat for extra flavor for tacos perhaps.:)


Vacation Memories with Hotel Toiletries

Vacation Memories with Sample Sized Toiletries
Good idea, I have always done the same thing!:) They also come in handy when you run out of your large bottles at home.


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Storing Cut Tomato?
In an airtight container. Youll probably want to use them the next day since they tend to become watery and mushy rather quickly.:)


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What Can I Make With These Ingredients?
I would brown the hamburger, chop up the rest of the ingredients, add to pot. Add enough beef bullion cubes to correspond to how many cups of water you added. Add a can of stewed tomatoes for an even richer flavor. Simmer around 1 hour to let flavors blend...


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What Can I Make Out of These Ingredients?
I would crumble and brown the ground beef, chop the onions, add the rice, add a large can of diced tomatoes, maybe 2 teaspoons garlic powder, 1 1/2 tsp. salt, 1 envelope taco seasoning. Simmer till rice is tender, maybe 25-30 minutes. You could eat as is with...


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What to Serve With Quiche for Dinner?
We enjoy quiche pretty often for dinner. I always add some type of coffeecake, sweet quickbread, or a super easy can of cinnamon rolls popped into the oven. Cant forget the orange juice, yum! :)


Banana Peel Sleepy Tea

Banana Peel Sleepy Tea
Thank you for this recipe. I always have trouble falling asleep, cant wait to try! :)


We Went to Paris for $20

We Went to Paris for $20
Great idea, just goes to show that persistence pays off and good things come to those who wait. You earned every bit of that vacation, good job!


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Fairy Milk
Sounds yummy!


Customizing a Pen Cup

Customizing a Pen Cup
What a good idea! :)


white dog

Shifu (Maltese Chihuahua)
Oh my goodness, priceless! :)



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What Can I Make With These Ingredients?
I would brown the cut up chicken in oil, add your chopped green onions, celery, small amount of grated ginger, 1 tsp. at the most, 3 Tbsp. soy sauce, 2 tsp. garlic paste, and one can pineapple chunks with the juice. Simmer till vegetables are tender, add sprouts...


Garden Basil Lime Frosting

Garden Basil Lime Frosting
Looks really good! Will try this. :)


Blanket Curtain in a doorway hung with binder clips and shower curtain rings Without Sewing

Blanket Curtain Without Sewing
What a fabulous idea girl! I definitely want to try this! Thanks.:)


pile of credit cards

Dreams Come True with a Credit Card
Very good idea! You may as well get the most out of what you have to do anyways. Excellent idea!


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Yogurt Pie
This sounds delicious! Thank you for sharing, cant wait to try! :)


Yellow jonquil growing inside.



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Fish Cakes
This sounds wonderful! Cant wait to try! :)


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Portabella Turkey Burgers
These sound awesome! Will definitely try, thanks! :)


Coin Purse for Broken Keyless Remote

Coin Purse for Broken Keyless Remote
What an excellent idea. I never would have thought of it, but its perfect! Good job!:)


Closeup of bee on celosia flower.

Bzzz - Bee on Celosia Plant
Great picture! :)


Gluten Free Strawberry Delight

Gluten Free Strawberry Delight
What a gorgeous cake! Cant wait to try, thanks for sharing! :)


Sandy (Golden Chow Mix)

Sandy (Golden Chow Mix)
Just beautiful!:)


2 Ingredient Pancakes

2 Ingredient Pancakes
These look awesome, cant wait to try! Thanks for sharing. :)


2 Ingredient Pancakes

2 Ingredient Pancakes
I made these for my family tonight and theyre incredible! All I heard was MMM!


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Crockpot Meal Ideas?
Sandi, thanks so much for this recipe... it sounds awesome! I am going to make it asap.:) How many hours would you suggest cooking it during the day?


Save Over 15 Days of Time

Save Over 15 Days of Time
Excellent advice, theres just nothing else to say, excellent!


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Chew Gum While Cooking
This is really good advice! I nibble and taste so much while cooking that by the time its done, Im nearly full but still eat anyways. Great idea, thanks for sharing!


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Rubbing Alcohol as Eyeglass Cleaner
Great idea, never would have thought to do this!


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Use Yogurt in Place of Milk
Very resourceful thing to do, Ill have to try that sometime! Thanks for sharing! :)


Terra cotta flowerpot man sitting on garden bench

Flowerpot Gardener Taking a Rest
Super cute, good job! :)


Washing A Large Veggie Harvest

Washing A Large Veggie Harvest
Great idea! You are very creative, like it. :)


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Outdoor Movie Sleepover
That is a very frugal and fun idea! Good thinking! :)


dog and baby goat

Malaki (Great Pyrenees Mix)
Cool, thumbs up!:)


black cat

Baby Dinkuhn
What a sweet picture! :)


Pay Cash for Everything

Pay Cash for Everything
Kenneth, I totally agree!! Years ago, young, dumb and disorganized....many overdraft fees over $10 or less. You can dig a hole thats hard to get out of. If you use your account for the same bills each month and take out cash for everything else, screwing your...


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Homemade Coffee Body Scrub
Great idea, thank you! :)


cute gray and white kitten next to Jack O' Lantern

Fuzzy's First Fall (Domestic Longhair)
This has got to be the cutest little kitten I have ever seen! :)


George Forman Grill to Make Bear Paws

George Foreman Grill to Make Bear Paws
These are cool, my little boy would LOVE these! Thanks for sharing.:)


Keeping Birds Off the Rain Gauge

Keeping Birds Off the Rain Gauge
I had to laugh when I saw this, what a creative and first rate idea! Good thinking! :)


several sunflower pens in jar on railing

Flower Pens
Thank you Kathy, you are very kind!:)


several sunflower pens in jar on railing

Flower Pens
Becky Miles, yes, it is a great project for kids too! My 6 year old loves making these. Every time we go to the dollar store she runs to the fake flowers to pick out a new bunch. Shes happy, and Im only a dollar lighter.:)


young boy with a large sunflower

Free Sunflower
Thank you Frickester, I agree. Years back we were in a different financial situation. Money was no real object, and my children pretty much got what they wanted whenever they wanted it. Now that we have to do a bit more planning and stick to that scary :) word...


profile of hummer feeding

Salvia Guaranitica For Hummingbirds
What amazing pictures of that hummingbird! Youve got my thumbs up, you deserve to win! Love it.:)


young boy with a large sunflower

Free Sunflower
Thank you Diane, I really appreciate your kind are so sweet!


profile of hummer feeding

Salvia Guaranitica For Hummingbirds
I didnt realize your post was entered in the last contest. Please enter another one of your garden pictures, I will be certain to vote for you. You have some amazing shots!


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Chickens Save You Money
Sounds like a lot of work for eggs, but if you enjoy animals and have a place for something like this, I can see how it could be a real money saver... especially if you produce a lot of eggs and sell them. On my street there are various stands by the road in...


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Chickens Save You Money
While xyz has a point that there is a lot involved in acquiring the proper set-up for chickens, it is still a meritorious idea. Self sustaining, do it yourself ways of living are awesome. If you google cheap and easy ways to set up coops, I am sure the internet...


Simple But Fancy Fruit Desserts

Simple But Fancy Fruit Desserts
This is a really neat and quick idea. Thanks for sharing, well try this! Good thinking! :)


Congratulations Casserole - Cooked casserole in a pan.

Congratulations Casserole
Thank you Karen, I hope you enjoy.:)


Congratulations Casserole - Cooked casserole in a pan.

Congratulations Casserole
Dear Lewaretoole, Thank you so much for pointing that out to me! I used 3 -10.5 oz cans cream soup. Sorry about that.)


A pile of pot scrapers cut from recycled plastic.

Free Pot Scrapers
Thanks for the tip cj wagz, sweet name by the way!:) Because of the flexible nature of the plastic, these scrapers sort of fold up like a taco and get those corners really well. Thanks for the suggestion though, my ideas can always be improved upon and I enjoy...


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"Sock It To Me" Cell Phone Case
Very cute idea, good job!:)


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Slime for Kids
Thank you for sharing this, I know my kids will love giving this a try! :)


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Davy Crockett Soup
What is consomme? Other than that, this looks like a fun and fabulous idea for a recipe for munchkins. Thanks so much for sharing! :) We will try this right away. (b)Editors Note:(/b) Comsomme is clear soup made with concentrated stock.


small orange tabby kitten

Heisenberg (Orange Tabby)
He IS adorable!:)


closeup of rose of Sharon with a bee

Rose Of Sharon
Good job on the picture! Beautiful flower, love it that you were able to capture the bee in it as well. Cool! :)


Becca holding Louise

Louise (Red Star)
What a cute little girl!:) Sorry to hear about your pet.


new leaves beginning to grow

It's Easy to Grow a Pineapple Plant
This is super cool, I am going to try this!


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Use a Can for Baking Extra Batter
What a cute idea, good job!


American Chop Suey

American Chop Suey
I like recipes like this, thanks for sharing. Looks yummy!:)


Sophie Francis King (Yorkie)

Sophie Francis King (Yorkie)
This is one of the cutest things I have ever seen!:) Your dog looks like its smiling. Great picture!


Homemade Flower Barrette - finisher flower.

Homemade Hair Flowers
Thank you for your sweet comments, have fun making your own!:)


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Family Members Visit Without Being Invited?
You are not overreacting at all. While it was very kind of your Mom and sister to stay and wait with your little one till your hubby came home. It is inappropriate and a bit presumptuous for her to continuously invite extra family members over. I totally see...


Zion (Puggle)

Zion (Puggle)
So stinkin cute!:) Thumbs up!


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Stuffing Your Thanksgiving Turkey
Youve got my vote, great idea... hope you win!:)


cute brown and white dog in red outfit

Turbo (Chiwienie)
Love the skirt, thumbs up for you!:)


A plate of cookies made with cake mix.

Cake Mix Cookies
I agree Jackie....Youre right, butter would be healthier. Thanks for the suggestion.:)


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Moxa Kills Athlete's Foot
Thank you for this interesting solution. I know someone who may want to try this. I will be sure to pass this along. Youve got my vote! :)


A plate of cookies made with cake mix.

Cake Mix Cookies
Thanks Pamela, your idea sounds fantastic. I will be trying this!:)


Learning Frugality

Learning Frugality
I loved your post! You are so right, well buy things we think we need, then realize we didnt need them at at all. I totally agree that homemade gifts are better than store bought as well. I hope you win, you are one smart cookie!


In Memory of Rubin (Cat)

In Memory of Rubin (Cat)
Im so sorry for your loss, your cat sounded adorable!! I voted for you.:)


standing in the grass

Lucy (Poodle)
What a cute little doggy, I voted for you! :)


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Use Fleece as Bedding for Guinea Pigs
I think this is a great idea! I had a guinea pig when I was a little girl. The bedding gets really expensive, $20 or more a month, especially when changed regularly as it should be. Sounds like a huge money saver, great thrifty pet idea!:)


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