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20 Posts | 1,370 Comments | Active Since 2009
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Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough in a Bowl

Use Less Ingredients When Baking
My sister had a lot of kids. They always fought over who got the most chocolate chips in a cookie. She finally came up with a solution. She put five chips into each cookie after she spooned the dough onto the pan.


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Odd Foods That Can Be Frozen?
I slice bananas lay them on a plastic cutting board and freeze them. After they are frozen I put them in plastic bags. They make great frozen snacks. I wash and chop celery and freeze it. It then is ready to use. You can do this with onions and green peppers...


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Whipped Cream Substitute
For the growth to be retarded it has to be there in the first place. It is not the amount of bacteria that makes you ill. The bacteria can multiply after you ingest it. Eating raw eggs is risky for adults but to give it to children is not responsible. It is...


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Personally I believe a painted ceiling makes a room look smaller but people should do what they want to in their own homes.


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Bibs for Protecting Clothes
I have to agree with Curious Reader. Why go out of your way to humiliate your children. I raised three boys, all turned out great. All spilled a little food from time to time and I washed their clothes until they were teenagers then they did their own laundry...


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Tomatoes and Prostate Cancer
I seem to remember that the lycopene is only brought out by cooking the tomatoes. So canned tomatoes or cooked fresh ones would be the best to use.


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Return Address Labels
Your address is on everything. Why worry about the lables? No one can use them for anything. If you have a lot send a sheet or two to your friends who write to you so they can put them on the next card they send. They can do the same for you.


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Stain Removers for Ants
Find where they are coming in and sprinkle a row of talcum powder there and across your entry door step. They will not cross it. Make sure the powder has talcum in it. Believe me, they were driving me crazy last year and my daughter found this solution online...


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Keep Your Shower Curtain Clear!
The new silk ones can be thrown in the washer. I keep the rings on. It doesnt hurt a thing. Then I put it back on the rod and it dries. After having a silk one I could never go back to plastic.


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Dip Bacon in Flour
The cookie sheet works great and if you use parchment paper the sheet is very easy to clean.


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Recipe for Really Big Rolls?
Any of the roll recipes mentioned will work but I prefer using whole milk and instant yeast.


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Outrageous Meat Prices?
Actually you would be better off not eating it. If you must have it buy organic and only eat it once a week. Since I dont think Florida has huge cattle ranches, you dont know where that meat comes from anyway. Being thrifty is not necessarily about saving money...



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Homemade Dandruff Treatment
Really, a bottle of Selson Blue will do it right away. You have only to use it once a week to keep the dandruff away. Most dandruff is caused by yeast. The bottle of Selson Blue will last for months using it only once a week. It puts a shine on your hair too...


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Make Your Own Coffee Filter
When you use products for food that are not intended for food use, you take the chance of chemical poisoning. Especially something like dryer sheets. How much are you really saving if you dont buy coffee filters? A penny? I have used a paper towel in a pinch...


Garbage Disposal

Sewer Smell Coming from Garbage Disposal?
When a garbage disposal is old and the rubber blades are worn, it doesnt grind everything like it should. Food gets stuck on the rubber and rots. Nothing helps. My daughter got a new disposal and the odor was gone. Complain to the apartment manager and insist...


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Better Tasting Instant Mashed Potatoes
I just want to add that if anyone is allergic to sulfites they are in most instant potatoes. Trader Joes do not have them in it.


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Traveling Toiletries?
I have not heard of this happening. I fly a lot and use 4 ounce bottles for liquids. I put those and all my toiletries in zip lock bags.


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Stretching Hotel Coffee
I have stayed in hotels from coast to coast and have never been in one that would not bring extra coffee or serve fresh cofee in the lobby. Just ask.


Cat sitting in front of printer.

Cat Loves Photos
My 15 year old Whitey loved to play with plastic. Unfortunately he swallowed a piece. It was from a wrapper made in China. I took him straight to the vet where he passed the plastic. It was so toxic with chemicals that it killed him. I wont let my new cat chew...


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Drying a Mattress Cover?
You might be able to dry it on the cold air cycle of the dryer.


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Saving Money on Coffee Filters?
If you dont want to pay for coffee filters, get a reusable mesh filter. Paper towels are not cheaper and may contain chemicals. If someone is trying to save money by not buying filters I wonder if they are throwing other money out the window. I mean by buying...


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Alternative to Water Guns
Great idea. I too, think giving kids toy guns is terrible and sends a bad message. Squirt bottles accomplish the same thing.


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Expiration Dates on Food?
Actually where dairy products are concerned, the date is the date they can no longet be sold by. They are good for ten days beyond that with good refrigeration and then out they go.


Annualize Everything

Annualize Everything
If you smoke or drink soda none of the above tips make any sense. If you are going to be frugal start with the cigarettes and soda first. Thats big money saved and your health too.



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Keep a Laundry Basket in Your Trunk
I have a folding bag on wheels that I bought at Target on line. I put the bags in it and roll it into the house. I think you could fit twice as much in it as a collapsable crate.


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Keep a Laundry Basket in Your Trunk
This is what I use. Saves my back.


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Elmer's for a Facial
You should not put anything on your face that is not meant for human skin. There are chemicals in products that could either damage your skin or even poison you. Just buy the mask.


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Use Straws at Restaurants
I agree with susanmajp, If this were true we would all have cold sores wouldnt we? Relax, enjoy your meal. Small resturants wash dishes by hand but they have to add bleach to the wash water and again to the rinse water. Relax.


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Use Straws at Restaurants
I agree with susanmajp, If this were true we would all have cold sores wouldnt we? Relax, enjoy your meal. Small resturants wash dishes by hand but they have to add bleach to the wash water and again to the rinse water. Relax.


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Narrow Measuring Spoons?
I have a tip for measuring extracts which come in those flat bottles which can tip over easily. Most of them have a paper or foil covering after you take the lid off. I poke a tiny little hole in the paper with the point of a sharp knife. I can still pour into...


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Removing Cooking Odors from Hands
Actually for thirty years I have washed my hands under cold water after peeling onions. It works every time. I saw that tip on TV.


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Cleaning Stainless Steel Racks?
The short way is spray with easy off oven spray, let set, then rinse off.


Keep Kids From Using Too Many Bandages

Keep Kids From Using Too Many Bandages
Whats the big deal about bandaids? Get them at the dollar store and let them use them. Bandaids are comforting.They only want them when they are little and they are only little once. Give them the bandaids!


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Prevent Bringing New Clutter Home
My parents were hoarders and I had to clean out their huge home when they died. I can tell you it is often the free stuff that causes the most clutter. They were 84 and 85 when they died. At that age people go to the hospital a lot. They always brought home...


Getting Out of Debt, Picture of a woman cutting a credit card.

Ideas to Get Out of Debt
Unfortunately, in this day and age we need a credit card. We need it to travel, to reserve rooms and buy things on line. Many card companies will cancel your card without telling you if you dont use the card. So the best thing to do is at least once a month...


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Making Biscuits and Gravy With Bacon Grease?
All you need to do is cook it a little longer. You need to cook the flour taste out.



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Maintaining and Fixing Your Window Air Conditioner
Spending 20 a month for a new filter is ridiculous. The new window units that cost under 200.00 have washable plastic filters. They also are energy rated to cost about 55. dollars a season to run. In most places thats five months. I suggest that anyone even...


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Freebies from Hotels, Restaurants, Etc.
One problem with saving these packets is that there are expiration dates for these things and that date is usually on the big box they all came in. The second thing is, there is a fine line between taking more than you need and stealing. When you get a takeout...


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Cushings Disease Advice?
Your vet knows best. Please do as he advises.


Uses for Bacon Grease

Uses for Bacon Grease
The only problem I have with bacon is the additives they put in it. Some natural bacon products are not cured or smoked so they dont have good flavor. I am looking for bacon without sulfites etc. that has a good hickory flavor.


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Leashes for Cats?
The truth is, if a cat wants off a leash they can get off. Cats do not have sholders like a dog. They can slip out of anything as small as their head. Anything smaller than that can choke them. You rarely see cat harnesses for sale with the other cat products...


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Frugal Ethics - When Frugal Becomes Just Plain Cheap
It is no ones business who goes to church or not. Remember there are always people who will think you are not in the right church! There will always be someone who thinks your standards are too low. I think it is OK to order a childs meal unless the restaurant...


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Using a Car Sunblocker for My Kitchen Window
You can buy very cheap plastic on a roll that is made to cover windows. It is tinted. It blocks all heat but you can still see out. I covered a whole patio door once when I lived where this window faced full west in the summer. It was amazing. From the outside...


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Don't Toss That Broken Fan!
One should not put food in anything not designed to hold food. Todays plastics and paints are toxic. There is a limit to being thrifty. Broken fans need to be put in the trash. If one really wants to recycle then take it apart, take the plastic and metal to...


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Handles for My Rosewood Wardrobes?
I needed some cherry wood drawer knobs and went to ebay. I got a whole sack full for under five dollars.


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Blush Brush For Cleaning Your Sewing Machine
I use a long handled art brush with a flat tip. I spray a little endust on it and it comes out clean as a whistle.


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Coffee Filters for Cleaning Eyeglasses
Do not do this! Over time it will scratch your lens. Call your eye doc and you will see. Use products especially made for glasses.


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Coffee Filters for Cleaning Eyeglasses
Your eye doctor will tell you that this practice will leave minute scratches on your lens. Please do not do it.


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Keeping My Dog Warm at Night?
Bring the dog inside. She has no business being out in the cold day or night. She has served you sixteen years. Let her in the house in her old age.


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Does anyone still use the old mop and bucket?
I use the swifter for quick cleanups on spills but it wont get the floor clean all over. My back door comes right into the kitchen so dirt gets tracked in. I use a steam mop sometimes but I really dont think anything cleans like a string mop and soapy water...


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Drink From A Straw For Healthier Teeth
Of course, pop is a useless beverage in the first place, wastes your money and adds calories or chemical sweetners. I saw something horrible in Walmart once. I got there really early and all the registers were not opened. The floor mats that the checkers were...


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Saving Too Many School Papers?
My kids were not especially interested in saving their papers but I saved some of them. I saved the drawings mostly. Now that they are grown they love the idea that I saved the papers. They also loved the few baby clothes I saved from each. It says love. You...


a boot with succulents

Unusual Ideas for Planters
Please just buy some flower pots at garage sales instead of something that needs to go in the trash. I have found lovely pots at sales for very little.


Uses for Old Maps, Photo of an old map.

Several Uses for Old Maps
What a great idea. I buy a new Rand Macnally road map book every year. Think how many pages of maps are in the old books. Wow. Decoupage would work but I love the idea of the maps under the glass desk top.


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Reuse a Paint Canvas as a Memo Board
Wait! If you paint you can cover the canvas with gesso and paint over it. Artists do this all the time because canvas is expensive.


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Using Peanut Oil Instead of Vegetable Oil?
Peanut is an excellent oil, if you arent allergic to peanuts.


Saving Money on Car Repairs (and Maintenance)

Saving Money on Car Repairs (and Maintenance)
While it is true that regular oil changes and maintenance will prolong the life of your car, it is also important to know the car you are buying. Some cars are cheap and will not last no matter what you do. Others will go to 300,000 miles with little work done...


Cooking Hamburgers

Preparing Ground Beef For Safe Consumption
Grinding your own beef is much safer. I buy a chuck roast, wash it then cut it in cubes and grind it in my food processor.


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Weed and Feed on New Grass?
People had lovely lawns and gardens long before all those chemicals were invented. Please stop using them.


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Buying Organic Clothing?
I think the organic clothing Walmart sells is only for children but you can check it out. A doctor told me daughter that it takes 60 washings to completely get the chemicals out. You might take a few of his outfits and throw them in the wash everytime you do...


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Tomato Puree vs. Tomato Sauce?
I make my own similar to the other recipes posted here but I add a tablespoon of sugar and a tablespoon of mustard. It is an excellent sauce. I prefer using the paste.


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Staying in One Place Saves Money
On the other hand there are those who feel the need to see what is out there. I am one. I have moved ten times in the last thirty years and that is encluding 4 states. I hate to think of the people and places I would have missed if I had stayed in one place...


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Help with Binding in the Sewing Machine Pressure Foot?
Dont use WD40. If you cant find sewing machine oil get household machine oil. It is thin and will work. However, anyone who uses a computer can get anything they want on line. Go to Joanns fabrics on line and order some sewing machine oil.


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Tips For Preventing Garbage In The Home
What is meant by recycled toilet paper?


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Making Your Own Brown Sugar
It isnt cheaper. Molasses is not cheap.


Double Cheese Burger

Money Saving Hamburger Ideas
To each his own. We can live without meat. But if you must eat beef and you really care about your health buy beef without harmones and antibiotics and grind your own. Some of this cheap hamburger comes from several different countries and is washed with ammonia...


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Tip for Knowing Whether the Dishwasher Has Been Run
Wow. Maybe I shouldnt admit it but I can tell if mine has been run because the dishes are dirty if it hasnt been. I run mine once a day at night. If there is room for a few more dishes too bad. This works for me because it usually is almost full and I cannot...


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Start Buying Christmas Gifts In The Fall
When my kids were small I used to buy presents in the fall. I bought each of them one each time and wrapped them and labledthem. Then I hid them. One summer I was doing some deep cleaning and I found some presents, one for each. We had a little Christmas in...


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Neighbors Added Onto Our Fence without Permission?
In some cases pit bulls make nice pets but national stistitics show they are THE dogs responsible for the most deaths. Rotts are next. You cant argue with that even though people do. In some communities there is a limit to the number of dogs you can have. They...


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Don't Reuse Ziploc Bags Containing Meat
Why take a chance? Are we THAT frugal that we have to take a risk for our health for one plastic bag? The best thing we can do with meat wrappers is get rid of them. I personally dont keep raw meat in plastic containers. I keep it in the container it comes...


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Make a Garden Holder for Your Cell Phone
Does it have to be an old shoe? (I have this thing about ones yard looking like a dumpster exploded.) How about something from a craft fair or that you made yourself? Like a key holder or a small covered bird feeder (without the seeds) so if you forget and...


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Using Advantage for Dogs on Cats?
I would not do it. It is made for cats and dogs for a reason. There are some places it pays to be thrifty but where health is concerned why take chances. My personal opinion is this; If a person cant afford to feed and take care of pets properly then they should...


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Cleaning a Shower Curtain?
Throw it out and get a fabric curtain. I wash mine once a month in the washer and leave the rings on. It is simple. If you must use a plastic one, use liners instead of the heavy ones then throw them away when they are dirty. I will never own a plastic curtain...


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Burnt Food on Glass Cookware?
Easy off oven cleaner will take burnt food off of stainless steal pans and glass baking dishes. No problem. Don't use on aluminum


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Remove Pine Sap with WD40
WD40 has been known to cause seizures in some people when breathed ot in contact with skin.


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Bouncing Cat Toy from Sewing Scraps
My vet said the number one object in the country they have to remove from cats stomach are elastic hair ties.


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Beverages for the Christmas Cactus
Obviously that works but what really works is rhododendron plant food. It is not expensive and it take so little (one forth teaspoon to a gallon water) that a small box lasts forever. It really makes the difference and the cactus will burst with blooms.


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Clean Your Tub with Vinegar and Baking Soda
Careful with fiberglass tubs. Baking soda will take the finish off after a period of time.


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Problem with a Spoon Sliding into the Batter
Well yes, but how about investing in long handles spoons for mixing? Then you wont have to take time with the rubber bands.


Saving Money on Soda Pop
I save money on soda by not buying it. No food value there. Sugar and carbonate bad for your teeth. If you use diet, thats worse. Pregnant women and children should not drink it. Every time you drink a soda you throw the cost of it out the window. Not thrifty...


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Keep Drawers Closed With Cellophane During a Move
You can use duct tape if you do not let it touch the furniture. Wrap the piece in a quilt and duct tape the quilt. The drawers will stay closed.


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Experimental Decorating With What You Have
All good except the mattress on the floor. Creepy crawlers can get into the bed with you like Spiders, ants or roaches if the place has them.


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Using Grass Clippings That Have Weed Killer On Them?
No one should use those chemicals in a place where people and pets walk. Do not put them on your garden. Even grass that has been cut several times still has the chemicals in it because they are in the soil the grass grew in. Just like it will be in the soil...


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Mark Back of Drawers When Moving
But if you forget, most chests of drawers have the largest drawers at the bottom and they grow smaller as they go up. So if you forget to mark them just get a ruler and measure. Sometimes the difference is small.


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Food Processor Homemade Noodles
I bought an inexpensive noodle cutter. It works great.


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Grocery Bags vs. Garbage Bags?
The answer to this question is from your local authorities. They will tell you what you need to know.


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Getting Rid Of Mold In Birdbath?
If your birdbath is close to your house you can hose the dirty water out. then you can bleach the bath and hose the bleach water out. If you are afraid of bleach residue rinse with vinegar. It neutralizes bleach.


Adding oil to a car engine.

Saving Money on Oil Changes
Synthetic oil is great and lasts longer than regular oil. Some people have been ripped off by those fast oil change places. A dealership or Wal-Mart center is best if you cant do it yourself. Be sure and have your transmission fluid and brake fluid checked...


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Adding Crystal Light To Water?
As an adult you may choose to eat and drink these chemicals but pregnant women and children should never consume artificial sweetners. They can cause kidney dammage, not to mention stomach problems.


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Bagging Your Own Groceries?
There isnt a single grocery store in my state that wont bag a persons own bags for them. They encourage you to bring your bags. You must complain to the manager. They probably dont realize the checkers are not loading your bags for you. In the last state where...


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Mouthwash to Unclog a Toilet
Cat litter causes more problems than just clogged toilets. It can go down the toilet and you forget about it but then it can stop up your drain pipe to the street. Or if you have a septic tank it can clog that.


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Fixing a Muddy Area in My Yard?
Have a load of clean dirt brought in and raise the level of your yard at that spot. Place the dirt at such an angle that the water drains in the direction you want it to.


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Rotate Your Sponges
No sponges for me. I use a clean cloth daily in the kitchen and paper towels to clean the bathroom. I have read that not only are sponges dirty but they are filthy. It is cheaper to use dish clothes in the kitchen. Most dollar stores have them but my sister...


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Use Nail Brushes for Cleaning Small Spaces
A nail file cleans the visible dirt from under the nails but the invisible dirt and bacteria (encluding that which causes food borne illnesses) can only be cleaned with a brush. Cant you save at lease one brush for your nails?


Saving Money on Milk

Saving Money on Milk
Watering down milk is the worst. The others are not much better. Isnt there some other place you can save money and leave the milk alone? How about cutting out soft drinks entirely? And absolutely no smoking. And by the way there is no such thing as fat free...


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Washing Dreadlocks?
In the first place if a person has dreadlocks they should learn to take care of them on their own and not rely on mother or girlfriend. Second, a trip to the beauty shop once a month (aside from frequent washings at home) is a must. Then, use a shampoo especially...


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Temporary Shelves Using Cinder Blocks?
NokomisNims has the best idea. It really works and I have done it for years. There are no holes in the wall and you can easily take the shelves with you. It is a little hard to understand on paper. Take two short boards, as short as you want them. Stand them...


Repairing a damaged couch.

Dog Ate Couch Arm?
Dobermans love to be outside. Plus they get rickets if they dont get enough sunlight. They are the only dog that has that problem. So I think I would be looking for a dog house with an old couch in it.


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Saving The Bagged Salad
The salad that is not cut from iceburg lettuce keeps longer. I buy organics. Olivias organic in the plastic box has a nice refrigerator shelf life. Also mushrooms can be frozen. If you find them on sale just separate them in small quantities but do not wash...


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Thrifty Fabric for Sewing Clothing
With all due respect I do not know a single soul who would wear a skirt made from neckties. However, they are wonderful for crafting an old time crazy quilt. In fact they are perfect because they are silk and have beautiful designs on them. I have a crazy quilt...


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Saving Money on Fat-Free Half-n-Half?
Half-n-Half is half milk and half cream. Fat free half-n-half is a misnomer. Here is what it really is, Ingredients: Nonfat milk, milk, corn syrup, artificial color, sugar, dipotassium phosphate, sodium citrate, mono and diglycerides, carrageenan, natural and...


Oatmeal with bananas for hungry teens

Saving Money While Feeding Active Teens
All of these diets seem a little short on protien. No one mentioned eggs which are about the healthiest food there is. I once had three teenagers. Two six foot football players and a cheerleading girl. They drank a gallon of milk a day, ate a loaf of bread...


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Switching to Stainless Steel Pot and Pans
My stainless looks brand new and I have had some of it for 15 years. I clean it with Easy Off when it needs it. That is all I use and I also put it in the dishwasher. Some of it gets put in there every day. I have the kind with stainless handles. The heat will...


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Plastic Lids for Microwave Splash Screens
Only number 5 and 7 plastic is safe.


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Picking Up Straight Pins
A magnet is great especially if you spill pins on carpet.


A pop can box made into a bag organizer.

Use Soda Can Box to Organize Bags
My question is...when will you use all those bags? Wouldnt some of them be better used recycled to the grocery stores to be sent to the recycling plant? Natural resources are used to make those bags, the more that are returned to be recycled, the less natural...


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Cereal Bags to Store Ham
And they are wonderful for crushing graham crackers or anything with a rolling pin.


Dog Won't Let New People in the House?
Would you like to live next door to this dog? Most aggressive dogs dont get better. They get worse. I strongly suggest you look on the internet for charts which show which breeds injure and attact the most. Good dogs are wonderful companions. Why put yourself...


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Use Freezer Burned Veggies for Soup
Federal food guidlines say do not use freezer burned foods. We need to be more careful to use the food before it gets burnt. It has no food value and can be unhealthy. Freezing does not kill bacteria, it only retards the growth of it.


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Use Salt to Remove Onion Odor
Not necessary, either one. Simply wash your hands under cold water and the smell is gone. This was a tip in the paper over thirty years ago and I have used it all my cooking life. Never fails.


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Eating During a Detox?
Your body does not need to be detoxed. That's what your liver does. If your liver isn't doing it you need a doctor.


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Shelf Life of Perfume?
Some perfume smells hideous when it is old. You can get fresh old perfumes from the Vermont Country Store on line catalogue. Just type in Vermont Country Store and it should come up. You can even get blue waltz.


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Black Snakes in Trees?
The point is that this woman has a phobia of snakes and her husband is insitive to that. I find that appalling. It doesnt matter if the snake is harmless or not. Some people are afraid of mice or spiders. Her husband needs to get some sinsitivity training, it...


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Uses for Self-Rising Flour?
I use self rising flour for everything encluding pie crust. It makes the flakiest crust you ever ate.If you bake, just leavce out the levening. That is what self rising flour is for. The biscuits are incredible.


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Super Soaker for Cat Fights
Cats that are neutered fight less but still fight. I dont let my cats out. A word of caution about those water guns. Kids have drowned by taking them in swimming pools with the strap around their necks and the guns full of water.


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Use a Steam Iron to Remove Stickers
Please dont try this on furniture without testing a spot first. You can ruin a good piece of furniture. I wont go into letting toddlers have stickers.


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Protect Your Important Documents in Your Freezer
Ridiculous. If the power goes out your documents will get wet. There are hardly any documents that cannot be replaced these days. Put them in a drawer or fireproof box and forget about them. Some people worry too much. Oh and you know those letters you get...


Alice the Cat
Alice is lovely. She is obviously of royal Maine Coon blood.


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Discolored Stainless Steel Pans
Rinse with vinegar. It neutralizes bleach


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Storing Clothes in a Damp Basement?
Unless you use spacebags I wouldnt do it. Personally I wouldnt do it anyway. If you get spacebags you might be able to find room upstairs.


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Getting Rid of Used Cooking Oil?
I put it in a glass jar with a screw on lid or an empty oil bottle. Reusing oil is not always a good idea. After a while it breaks down and can contain carcinogens.


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Make Sun Tea for Summer Events
Caffeine does not kill bacteria. I cant imagine where anyone ever got that. I wouldnt drink sun tea under any circumstances. Maybe 99 percent of the time it is safe but why take a chance. Tea is easy to make with boiling water,


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Reusable Grocery Bags vs. Trashcan Liners?
I lived in Tennessee a few years ago. They offered no recycling where I lived and didnt seem to be concerned about the environment at all. They werent even too concerned about what you put in your trash. Now I live in a state where things are the opposite. It...


Closeup of woman's ear.

Hydrogen Peroxide For Ear Wax?
This is not good. There are products in the pharmacy section that are formulated especially to desolve ear wax. DeBrox is one and there are others. There is no need to use peroxide.


Old Measuring Cup

Identifying Old Measuring Cup?
Actually, the cup is probably from around the 1900s. Cooks used to have measuring scales in the kitchen. My great grandmother had one. Recipes used to call for amounts in weight measures. It changed soon after that but in old recipe books they still call for...


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