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Keeping Track of Plant Information
I would write basic plant info on a popsicle or old venetian blind - but I like the idea of a photo sleeve allowing one to keep the original envelope! I have some old ones of those running around and now know what to do with them.


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A Wall of Cooking Utensils
I really want to see a picture of this!


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Uses for "International Coffee" Containers?
they seem like they would be good for packing materials, especially of fragile products and glass.


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Starting a Food Co-op?
The first step would be to see how many people in your area would be interested in such an enterprise. Once realizing that there is indeed interest or a need to be filled in your area then do some research the second important question is decide the purpose...


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Cleaning Supply Co-Op
This is a fabulous idea. Unfortunately Im not 100% sure how it works - hopefully I can get a group of people together who can discuss this and someone can understand. I would love to do something like this because it always irritates me, spending money on those...


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Mississippi Vacation Ideas?
MS is a vast state and so it would be good to know where in MS you are. If you are South enough obviously the casinos and waterfront in Biloxi are where yu want to be. You are also a couple of hours north of New Orleans which is always worthwhile. MS also has...


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Making Homemade Necklace Hangers?
I knew of a lady who kept earrings in an ice cube tray! Possibly the same could work for necklaces :D


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Ideas For Celebrating Earth Day?
- getting everyne together to discuss the benefits of teh earth - getting everyone together to watch a good movie about the environment. One off the top of my mind (though super old) is an inconvenient truth about global warming - going out and planting seeds...


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Help With Name For Home Based Decorating Business?
Is that the barefoot contessa style? That makes me think a bit of shabby chic a bit. Im not sure its a good idea to incorporate that because to laypersons its a somewhat obscure reference. In general, a good formula name for a business is a strong adjective...


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Uses for Leftover Frosting?
two words: 1) spoon, and 2) mouth


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Time for a Major Declutter
I find myself trapped by the tyranny of Little Stuff - those little screws and pens and pins and labels and stickers and whatnot - flotsam that shows up on every surface - stuff thats theoretically useful but for some reason ends up cluttering up everything...


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Check Refurbished Printer Cartridge Expiration Date
Im not sure why, but refurbished ink cartridges have not worked for me in the past.



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Green Gardening Tips?
the best tip are to find plants that are appropriate for your zone, whether vegetables or flowers, so that you have to rely less on artificial watering, pesticides, and fertilizers. THis is a good site that determines the hardiness of plants. The 2012 USDA...


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Uses for Expired Baking Powder?
if nothing else, it would work great to absorb moisture for when you spill something


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What Should I Name My Cleaning Business?
Lexi is often an abbreviation for Alexis. If this is the case, why not A & A Cleaning Services, or some other such thing?


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Help with Homework Assignment Creating Business Names?
I really feel for you because graphic design truly kicked my a#% when I was in art school Good name for graphics design businesses often incorporate adjectives that have to do with innovation,vision, beauty, elegance, etc. a lot depends on your particular aesthetic...


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Save Sunday Funnies for Gift Wrap?
what i recommend is the minute you harvest them you put an acrylic spray sealer over them or use matte medium and with a brush and very carefully cover in 2 or 3 layers over the...


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Removing Odors From Jars
Wow this is the most amazing thing ever! Just the other day - I tried to do the same thing. I happened to sniff at a jar used to have. God knows what was in it. I wanted to to use for rice or something. Couldnt because of the evil smell! Will definitely try...


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Using June Bugs for Fishing Bait?
some people do use june bugs for bait but it is said it is not the best bait because they die and then become brittle and then you cant adhere them to the hook. Apparently bluegills, crappie and channel catfish love them.


blue zippered earbud cord case with earbuds inside ling on a table

Zippered Earbud Cover
that is unbelievably clever - I bet that they prevent them from breaking too, which happens so often if i were handy with the sewing business Id get right on it. HOnestly i kind of wish youd sell/market these


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Removing Cup Ring from Wood Furniture?
i just want to reiterate: I just tried the mayo and baking soda cure.... MAGIC!!!!!! I am excited too because it was literally the only nice piece of furniture we have! so thanks, sweezykay!!!!


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Go Barefoot Whenever Possible
Fascinating tip but I have never in my life had trouble with 2nd hand shoes. The weather to me is often too cold to entertain the notion of permanent barefootness!


Finished flower pin.

Recycled Zipper Flower Pin
That is too adorable. Makes me want to go out and break u p old sweaters :D


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Gestation Period for Goose Eggs?
it basically takes around a month. The official figures are from 28 to 35 days. Here is more information about egg production, incubation, etc



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Getting Rid of Ant Hills?
I had a bad ant problem in Georgia when I lived there. Then, in a natural homeowners sort of book, I read that boiling orange peels in water and dousing the ant hill with it will take care of the problem. It did! I boiled water and orange peels in a giant pot...


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Getting Rid of Ticks in Yard?
Also try diatomaceous earth which helps destroy these sorts of insects '


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Uses for Old Electric Kettles?
the obvious answer, if they are still in working order, is to give them away! I know I really wanted one for the longest while until i finally got a coffee maker that warms water i think if i had extras id keep one in the bathroom. I like taking REALLY hot...


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Keep Skin Moist After Showering
Thank you! This has been on my mind a lot lately.


Cake with slice removed.

Red, White, and Blue Bundt Cake
This looks like way too fun :D I can see all sorts of applications for this technique beyond the tri-colour July 4th scheme!


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Uses for Sour Milk and Buttermilk?
unless you bake you probably dont want to eat it i sincerely dont think theres anything you can do with it if you are not going to be baking with it you could swap it with a neighbor who DOES bake


Buzzards (Asseteague Island, Maryland)

Buzzards (Asseteague Island, Maryland)
I find these birds so magnificent and mysterious - good for the ecosystem too


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Name Ideas for an Educational Trust?
Gulbarga Educational Trust Future of Education FUnding Gulbargas Future Educational Winners Live and Learn Investing in Gulbargas Future


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No More Wrapping Paper
Sounds like a great idea! Bet you run out of fabric eventually.



Banana slices on dehydrator tray.

Dehydrated Bananas
Cool! I got a dehydrator for Christmas and had yet to figure out the first thing to do with it - it might be this!



Make Your Own Cleaning Products
Great idea! I have a problem carpet that, no matter how much disinfectant I place on it, it still smells bad. I will try the corn meal & borax.


Lights on top of cabinet, reflecting off wall.

LED Lights for China Cabinet
Looks extraordinary!


Tree branch painted white and decorated with ornaments.

Nature-Friendly Christmas Tree
Youre awesome! We did this one year, when I was a kid, the same exact thing - a white tree branch, and it was my favourite Christmas tree ever! Id forgotten about it - I havent had a tree in years, but now for next year I might do this!


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Using an Empty Lava Lamp?
most municipal dumping sites have a place where you can dump/return vehicle oil if you are worried about the safety of it. You can put it in a can and take it over there and see what they say.


meds in container

Container for Expired Medication
This is interesting. Is it so that the doctors will recycle them so they dont end up in the oceans/landfills? That sounds like a great thing. The quantities of antibiotics and random medicines in the water supply are said to be horrific.


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Uses for Mint Sauce Other Than Lamb?
It really depends on what else is in the ingredients. If it has salty/savoury elements, it pretty much limits what you can use it on because yes, in theory you could add it to drinks or desserts, but not if it has corn starch, salt, MSG, canola oil, or what...


How to Avoid Pests when Planting Squash

How to Avoid Pests when Planting Squash
Thanks for the source. Believe it or not I did a rudimentary google search before posting this & did not find anything re subject! I must have been looking in the wrong place! I wonder if it would be possible to somehow cover the stem /entrance of the plant...


A Healthy Path For Losing Weight

A Healthy Path For Losing Weight
great article and I love that pic of you guys! Calorie tracking is fundamental I have found even if you do it only for a month to realize just how much extra youre eating. Its hard to keep it up though!


A Healthy Path For Losing Weight

A Healthy Path For Losing Weight
great article and I love that pic of you guys! Calorie tracking is fundamental I have found even if you do it only for a month to realize just how much extra youre eating. Its hard to keep it up though!


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Tips for Visiting Mackinaw?
Mackinaw sounds like a very interesting small tourist city in Michigan. Local attractions include Fort Michilimackinac, the Mackinac Bridge, the Mackinaw Crossings shopping mall, Mill Creek, the Old Mackinac Point Light, the Historic Village, the McGulpin Point...


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Activities at Wrightsville Beach North Carolina?
this is the towns official tourist website: heres a site that describes great things to do the Wilmington area is very interesting historically. Pirates...


Gluten Free Mountain Dew Biscuits

Gluten Free Mountain Dew Biscuits
im really intrigued by the use of mountain dew in baking. What is it for, the carbonation? some special compound in it? also would it work well wiht any other soda or seltzer? TBH last time i drank Mtn Dew was 1995 so I dont even remember what it tastes like...


Air freshener container.

Reusing Glade Gel Air Freshener Containers?
Im not sure if these are the kind that plug in and give off scent, but if so, then I would just make sure all the chemically stuff is gone and then add essential oils. maybe that would work regardless of whether its the plug in variety or not. It might be good...


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Making a Coffee Urn Drip Catcher?
I would cut out the top of the bottle altogether and discard it. THen I would cut it down the middle and cut around the base so that the base remains intact. Then you can cut away a lot of the extra and just leave a strip to attach to the surface of the table...


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What Can I Make with Avocado, Kale, and Broccoli?
YOu can make a great green smoothie if you take 1/2 avocado, 1 to 2 cups kale, 16 oz water, a whole green apple, and broccoli to taste. Folks also add kelp powder and bean sprouts for an uber nutritious shake that fits all macronutrients.


Susan smiling on the ferry.

Happy Founder's Day
thanks so much for this site, and for sharing this wonderful story! She sounds like someone I would love to emulate one day. I often have wondered about the story re. this wonderful site and today Im glad to have found out. thanks to you all!


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Donating Greeting Cards for Recycling?
im not sure that people accept cards per se but you can put a craigslist ad offering FREE CARDS and someone will want them


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Frugal Travel Tips for New York City?
this day in age it is pretty easy in terms of accomodations theres always where you can find pretty cheap and nice accomodations in peoples homes as well you can, if youre adventurous, find people willing to just let you stay in their house for free...


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Reusing Blankets and Comforters?
quilting! you can learn to quilt. It is laborious but fairly easy to learn. There are some fabrics that are hard and you have to use a stabilizer with them but aside from that it is fun because you dont have to get too ornate all you need is a sewing machine...


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Homemade Irish Cream Creamer
this sounds super delish


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Menu for Memorial Gathering?
sorry for your loss, and sorry that nobody answered this back when you asked in 2014. when finances are an issue, what I would say is have a potluck. Maybe with a theme such as international, Mexican, meats, etc or a beach theme since its on the beach. Potlucks...


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15th Birthday Party Ideas?
if the budget allows possibly the best thing would be a roller skate or ice skating rink party, or everyone go to the cinema to a movie. Or if you and your freinds are the brainy type, a museum and ice cream afterwards would be a great party. a local coffeeshop...


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16th Birthday Gift Ideas for Girls?
if youre on a tight budget and at all crafty the best option is to just make something yourself. She is a musician so maybe theres a specific musician that really inspires her, so you should either buy something cool with the image of that musician or make...


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14th Birthday Party Ideas?
if it is good weather and you can do it out of doors you could just have a sports event party. IE literally have everyone show up and split into teams and play volleyball or netball or soccer or whatever it is against each other, and have there be a prize in...


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Selling Soda Can Tabs?
i dont know where in PA you are but just thru googling i found these places Full Circle Recycling Recycling Container Location Lancaster, PA (717) 396-9999 Closed today Website Directions Full Circle Recycling Junkyard Quarryville, PA (717) 284-2800 Closed...


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Making Salsa with Frozen Tomatos?
I am going to attempt to do this today; take some frozen tomatoes and make sauce. I let them defrost for a day; I eprsonally never use the microwave. Well see though. It seems very watery to me I will probably have to add supplementary canned sauce


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Rebonded and Dyed Hair Damaged?
sorry about this experience. Most likely your hair was stressed out due to chemical processes, and even burned/damaged. You could go back to a pro to try to put it all together again, or you could give yourself a break and seek natural products to add life...


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13th Birthday Party Decorations?
i would say lots of pink, lots of balloons, lots of flowers, lots of candy. At 13 there is still some attraction to the princess ideals of girlhood but also transitioning to an adult mindset. So still with the pink but adding a flavour of makeup, glamour, fashion...


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Brown Dye Leaves Red Tint?
due to the specific hue of your natural hair, the way to counteract the reddening tendency in hair would be to look for a dye with an ash base as opposed to an auburn/red base. browns can come in ash base or reddish. If your natural tone tended towards ash...


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Donating Old Encyclopedias?
i have a friend who works at a small private pre-K/early education centre and they always welcome donations of any sort, i would look for some in your area i would post a FREEE ad on craigslist and on the new facebook groups that appear aside form that the...


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Christmas Help for Teens?
its been 3 years since you posted this question and I do hope you found something. honestly, sometimes dumpster diving is a great way to find free stuff. I have picked up great stuff, though most of it furniture which probably is not great for kids. But I have...


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Trouble With Hair Color?
Most likely the colour you used was an ash base. This can interact with natural hair colour in unexpected ways. If you have naturally ashy tones to your hair, it can turn it greenish or more ashy. A way to counteract this in your situation is to always pick...


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Fabric Donations for Charity Pillow Cases?
look up different quilt guilds and quilting organizations in your area. Also go on meetup and look up any crafts, fabric, or stitch and bitch kind of groups. These groups often have funding to provide donations, or simply have a lot of stuff to get rid of at...


cake with candle

Ombré Smash Cake
you did a very nice job; this looks really good


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Streaking Your Hair at Home?
I am not a pro, but according to folks in this forum it is not necesary and can be harmful to use a dryer under these circumstances aside from that, from what i see the important thing is to distribute...


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Speech Ideas for Receiving an Award?
In a speech it is always good to thank everyone who made the award possible, and hopefully include your boss/superiors in their role in it then always a good personal story about grit, courage, consciensciousness, industriousness, etc - whatever the skill set...


calzones with marinara 2

Mini Cheesy Heart Calzones
OMG these are my fave!!!!!! love this so much


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Lightening Dyed Hair?
from what i understand about hair dye, you have to take colour out IE bleach it because a lighter colour will not take on an already dark background unless the specific lighter dye has a built in bleaching component. in general in a complex situation like this...


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14th Birthday Ideas?
I think a makeover party would be great. You invite your local Avon or Arbonne lady and they will come over and give yall free makeovers and you dont even have to buy anything - but to make it worth your while you could buy something from her at the end http...


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Decorating Lighted Glass Blocks?
I have seen people use glue gun on these to apparently good effect. I would worry about it heating up but probably the glue gun heat is stronger than the lightbulb heat I have seen other people glue their images straignht onto the block but then seal it all...


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What Can I Make With These Ingredients?
i forgot to say, skip the potato, though


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What Can I Make With These Ingredients?
You could actually make a really great salsa dip with this. Just chop everything up, and hopefully you can find some vinegar, oil, and spices. And of course chips to eat them with!


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Name for a Spanish Speaking Daycare?
Vamos! (lets go!) Jardin INfantil (literally means kindergarten) Pequeños Campeones (little champions) Niños Listos (smart kids)


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Preschool Name for My Franchise in India?
so heres a sanskrit dictionary - for educate i got shikshayati so, shikshayati moon smart moon would be cool


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Removing Sour Milk Smell from Car Carpet?
there are different things you can do


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Dishwasher Trips the Breaker?
Im no electrician but i have experienced this sort of thing before with an attic fan.We basicaly cant use it the fact that when you hook it up to the main panel directly means it works lets me think there is something serioulsy wrong with the electricity between...


spots and stains on couch

Cleaning a Suede Couch?
my first idea would be yes because they are all suede but here are other ideas on how to clean suede:


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Melting and Reshaping Plastic Soda Bottles?
i believe you need some sort of industrial setup to do this the way you want it to, in particular because of the highly toxic volatile fumes that come from melting plastic. It also acts unpredictably when heated and would be hard to mould.


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Protected Infected Gum When Eating?
there are different things folks do with their teeth that can help


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Removing Stains from Antique Crochet Dollies?
many different things can be used on stains


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Dog Started Peeing on Carpet?
for some reason it seems that she has come to relate the carpet with the wee wee pad. Also possibly the carpet is somehow more comfortable things to try are crate training.


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Freezing Pita Bread Pizza?
i would freeze it htough i would expect the crust to not hold up very well after thawing and also it seems it would be particualrly prone to freezer burn


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Craft Project Ideas for Faux Fur Fabric?
pillows! You can just get stuffing and glue it together, I love furry fun throw pillows also you could make a cool purse if you sew it together and attach a cool chain


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16th Birthday Ideas?
For future reference, a good theme would be a competition theme, or an open mic theme, or for everyone to go to the movies or bowling. By a competition I mean, you separate the guests into groups and then you all compete for a prize. Either something silly...


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Writing an Acceptance Speech for an Award?
A good speech contains a gratitude component, an anecdote or two relevant to the person and/or the award, a sharing of a personal vision for the future, and in many instances a call for action. In this case it would be like First I would like to thank everyone...


Removing Cigarette Smoke Residue from Walls

Removing Cigarette Smoke Residue from Walls?
activated charcoal and vinegar will both neutralize the smell you can purchase activated charcoal here: and as far as vinegar, just leave them in an enclosed...


spider plant

Spider Plant Leaves Bending?
You do probably need a bigger pot but also make sure its getting enough water. when leaves get brittle like tht a lot of times its lack of water.


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Removing Rust from Inside Old Milk Can?
The easiest woudl be to get out most of the flakey rust with a wire brush, then Rustoleum the whole thing. To make it watertight simply get this marvelous product called Enviro Tex, and pour it in the can. Wait 3 or 4 days to make sure it is REALLY dry, or...


dessert cookies with M&Ms

Selling Homemade Food?
I am pretty certain that you need special licenses to sell homemade food officially. Aside from that, you can just do an old fashioned bake sale sidewalk sale and sell that way. Alternatively you can contact friends and people you know and tell them you are...


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Cleaning a Stained Toilet?
I lived in a house with a horrifically gross toilet, but I soon found out that it was always cleaned, but there ws just this terrible sedimentation from the water minerals. I used a pumice rock and scrubbed that sucker for all it was worth. The toilet was impeccable...


Killing Weeds in Rocks

Killing Weeds in Rocks?
Ive had great luck killing weeds with boiling hot water. You just pour it over the suckers and they dont stand a chance.


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Cleaning Business Name Ideas?
I can see why you want a name change to something a bit more lively Tabitha is inherently a cool name though so it would be cool to integrate it too Tidy Tabithas Terrific Job, or Tabitha Tidies, or Lets Get Clean, or Tabithas Exceptional Cleaning Service


black and white puppy

What Breed Is My Dog?
I agree, it does look like a griffon. Heres some fun sites with great questionnaires to see what she might be: of course to truly see what sort of dog she is, a vets attention, and possibly...


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Uses for Cable Ties?
I use a lot of modular shelving, which can be unstable. I had a particularly tall one going for a while. So I screwed one of those eyehooks to the wall, then tied a cable tie around the top of the shelving unit and the eyehook. This essentially affixed my shelving...


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Getting a Business Loan With Bad Credit?
You could find someone to cosign one for you. Find someone with better credit willing to do that for you. Most banks will accept that. YOu could do a GOFUNDME or even kickstarter campaign. If its true that even the major believes in you, you should have no...


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14 Birthday Party Ideas?
Thats a lot of people. Depending on your budget, you could either opt to do something at home, or somethihg at like a skating rink or a bowling alley. IT really depends in the end on your interests. If you at all like art, you could organize a museum party...


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Value of a Princess Diana Doll?
On ebay I see from $80 to $125


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Finding Free Furniture?
theres a site called where you can get free things. Also check the free section of, or go to facebook buy sell trade groups. You can always walk around the neighborhood the day before trash day too. Ive picked up great pieces that...


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Lightening Your Hair With Lemon Juice?
The main thing you do is put lemon in your hair then sit in the sun for a long time for it to make it work. It depends for how long you sit how it changes heres more info


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Toxicity of Mothball Smell?
There are many who affirm that the smell of mothballs (main ingredient naphthalene) is a neurotoxin and cancer causing agent that damages red blood cells and, if airborne like in the manner you describe, can be very damaging, especially to kids https://medlineplus...


closeup of nails

Pain from Acrylic Nail Removal?
You must be very sensitive to the glue and harsh chemicals that are needed in order to affix fake nails. I would advise you against doing that ever again.


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Value of New Werner Edition Encyclopedia Britannica 1900?
I have seen listings for this at around $200, which is what i would expect for this sort of thing


map and travel sticker pattern

Finding Unidentified Wallpaper?
Well it is called Rare Vintage America Road Map Retro Wallpaper Hollywood Travel New York Route 66 and here are some pinterest about it


head of cabbage

Keep Bugs Away From Your Cabbage Plants
yes, i would probably prefer to have some nicotine in my plant matter than ROund Up or whatever other abominations exist in agribusiness land


head of cabbage

Keep Bugs Away From Your Cabbage Plants
i would probably use the American Spirit organic brand to avoid issues - every now and again i like to smoke a cigarette and i use this brand i have to say this is a pretty genius idea. Nicontine, tobacco etc IS toxic and also has some antimicrobial antibiotic...


Is This a Dragon Tree?

Is This a Dragon Tree?
this does look like a Madagascar Dragon Tree Like the rest of the Dracaena varieties grown indoors the Dragon Tree does have a few drawbacks, but when compared side by side the Marginata remains slender...


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Building Raised Vegetable Beds?
A raised bed should help protect your veg from most of that. Maybe you could also find a way to put up some kind of barrier between your neighbors peey dogs and your yard, like a plastic fence.


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Catchy Slogan for After School Care Business?
where kids can become wizards and heroes Auntie K is A OK! Cheerleading a New GEneration of Winners Teaching and Learning with Glee


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Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 16th Birthday?
It really depends exclusively on 1) what sorts of things he likes 2) what you can afford Is he a computer geeky type? a Jock? Is he into music? or into his car? some accessory for his car, if he has one, would always be welcome. Or some accessory for his phone...


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Removing Odor from Smelly Mattress from Bedroom?
activated charcoal and vinegar will both neutralize any kind of smell you can purchase activated charcoal here: though you probably need a lot after the...


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House Training a Dog?
You may have to go back to crate training him, or else make a point of training him to not do it. He probably does it because its easier, he received no feedback from you that it was inappropriate, and the habit stuck. The thing to do would be to catch him...


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Cleaning Grease Off a Refrigerator?
I just purchased a steamer and it is AMAZING!! It cleans grout, it cleans grease on the stove, it cleans stains off concrete patio, etc. Havent tried it on your specific case but im sure it would


carpet closeup

Curtain Color Advice?
When I see this room I really want to see a bright red or a bright green or anything like that with a very thick material that, no matter the colour, will keep light out. I know it might not look like it matches but I think it will work with the eclectic look...


striped wallpaper

Harlequin Wallpaper?
On ebay and other online sites you can, if youre lucky, find someone selling these off. WHat you should do is set up a google alert to tell you when it has become available: then enter this in the search: harlequin barcode OR bar code 15831...


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Geting Rid of the Smell of Bleach in Laundry Room and Washer?
First of all obviously you really need to air out that room. Secondly, as clorine is a base, you need to neutralize it with an acid. Get an empty spray bottle and put full strength white vinegar in it, then spray liberally throughout the room. Unless theres...


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Unique 50th Birthday Party Ideas?
all the things you say sound good, balloons are not too expensive, though a carriage ride might be. though maybe just a Skype or live chat would be more appropriate considering her illness, sort of a fun virtual party


black and white Dachshund mix

Homemade Cleaner for Dog's Ears?
what I would use is diluted vinegar or diluted hydrogen peroxide, which is what I have used on my ears. But here are other ideas from people who know: Use cod liver oil or Vitamin E oil to get rid of inner and middle ear infection of the dog. Crush a Vitamin...


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Laptops for Students?
I found some good links for this, which provide laptops either to students or low income people or disabled people: This Seattle area store offers $99 Laptops and Discounted Computers, in person or through their...


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