
Janice C.

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17 Posts | 709 Comments | Active Since 2006
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No Moths Without Using Mothballs?
Ive always heard that moths only eat wool that is not completely clean. Lavender, rose petals, and dried lemon peel are supposed to repel moths. Cedar chips and cedar oil also help. Good luck.


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Raking the Leaves Onto a Tarp
I did this one year to move leaves from my neighbors yards to my own, to use as compost. I got help from the little boys next door, and then sprinkled water on the leaves to keep them from blowing away.


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Traditional Family Recipe Videos
This is a wonderful idea. Wish I couldve done this years ago.


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Older Dishwasher Repair?
Two places to look: and


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Make Your Own Seed Tapes
Nice idea. You answered my question: does it really work.


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Pupsicles For Dogs
Great ideas. It warms my heart to know that people put so much love and creativity into taking care of their animals.


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"Books I Have Read in My Lifetime"
What a touching discovery. And what a wonderful idea. It makes me want to make a list of Books I Should Read in My Lifetime, and then get started.


Compact Fluorescent Bulbs

Compact Fluorescent Bulbs - Fight Global Warming...
I hear theres a new LED light coming on the market soon thats even better than the CFLs. Art Bell was talking about it Friday night, 4/20. I wonder how much it will cost and whether its worth waiting for it.


rose hips

Hints for Using Rose Hips
Thank you, Ellen, for a great tip. I have lots of old, antique rosebushes in my yard and I guess the birds have been eating the hips all along. Given the controversy about most of our vitamin C being made in China, Ill be harvesting my own this fall.


Someone Weatherize Windows

Save Energy by Winterizing Windows
A second pair of curtains can be a big help too. I use mini-blinds and then hang 2 pairs of curtains on my living and dining room windows. The inside pair I hang on 3/8 dowels, held up by a couple nails over the window. You can get 36-long wooden dowels inexpensively...


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Hairspray on Bathroom Walls?
Fantastic worked for me a few weeks ago on a bathroom mirror. Im sure it would work on walls too.


Elsa and Cleo (Rottweiler and Cat)

Elsa and Cleo (Rottweiler and Cat)
Theyre a beautiful pair. I love that Elsa goes against some peoples ideas about Rottweilers - she sounds like a saint!



Photo of an adding machine.

Paying Bills On Time
I make my own monthly calendar with an 8-1/2x11 sheet of typing paper, wide side on top. With ruler and pen, I make 7 boxes across and 6 down, each about 1-1/2. Top row is for month and year (e.g. August 2006) and day of week for each vertical row. I write...


Photo of an adding machine.

Paying Bills On Time
I make my own monthly calendar with an 8-1/2x11 sheet of typing paper, wide side on top. With ruler and pen, I make 7 boxes across and 6 down, each about 1-1/2. On top row put month and year (e.g. August 2006) and day of week for each vertical row. Then write...


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Making a Blanket With a Round Knifty Knitter?
Hi, Nothing to it. To make a square or rectangle, just stop one knob short of a complete circle, and then go back the way you came. If you were knitting clockwise, when you get to the 2nd to last knob, youd just knit your way back counterclockwise. Just be...


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Repairing Holes in Sheetrock?
I saw this recently on Ask This Old House. For a large hole, dont you need to support the drywall edges with clips or wood nailed to the back of the drywall?


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Non-Prescription Sleeping Aids?
Chamomile tea works for me too. No side effects.


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Shih-Tzu Peeing In Kitchen?
Please see, weekend show, Steve Dales Pet Central Q&As on Dogs. Hes an expert. One Q is about a shih-tzu puppy with the same problem. Sounds like yours needs to be re-trained. Steve can explain how to do it right, with the least pain to all...


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How can you introduce a dog to an aggressive dog's household?
Please see Look under Dogs. Steve Dale is an animal expert and can give you some free guidance. Good luck to all of you.


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Black Spots on Silver Plate Utensils?
Ask a jeweler if it can be re-dipped.


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Training a Bulldog Puppy?
Please see for Steve Dales expert free advice. Good luck.


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Crocheting With One Hand?
This is a very interesting challenge. Im left-handed, and in the middle of a simple crochet project, so I gave it a try. You need a little tension on the yarn and stability on the already completed row. I ran a knitting needle horizontally through the row of...


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What causes linen to shrink?
Apparently its stretched during the fabric manufacturing process. Then when it gets wet, it relaxes and you get relaxation shrinkage, which is really just a return to its natural size. Check, did you know section, why do cotton and wool...


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Blocking The Sun From Coming In My Windows?
I got solar car windshield covers at the Dollar Store for a dollar each. They cover the cars windshield, with loops or suction cups on the side to hold it in place. I use them 2 at a time in the van.



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IOU Coupon Gift Ideas?
Trip to the library, visit nearby tourist attraction during the week when its not crowded, shop rummage sales and flea markets for something hes always wanted but cant really afford new, clean out the car, make a book about the two of you, with pictures of...


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20 Ways to Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity
Thank you. I hadnt seen this list before. Great way to start the day.


October Best Buys
I signed up for Aldis weekly email flyer and another one for their price reductions. Bananas $.33/lb., pineapples $1.99, grapes $.99/lb., apples $1.49/3-lb. bag, cheese went down $.10/lb.


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Keeping Frost off Windshield?
Im thinking of keeping a spray bottle of windshield wiper fluid in the van this year. Just spray the windshield and wipers to melt the frost. Then I wont have to worry that the wipers are frozen to the window when I first turn them on. Maybe Ill get 2 and keep...


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Eating on a Limited Income
I think its really important that we all have free access to the internet, regardless of income. Its not just games. Its email for employers to reach you and free classes and information and job help and connections with friends and family. I know how it is...


Autumn Ladybug Invasions

Autumn Ladybug Invasions
I appreciate the sentiment in returning ladybugs live to the outdoors but there are So Many Of Them. My neighbors who are master gardeners draw the line at bugs in the house. Fwoop into the vacuum or squish in a kleenex if they get inside.


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School Fundraising in a Rural Community?
Borrow a digital camera and put up a school website. Then put on your best show--show us all how entertaining you are, and ask for donations to help with your choral program. Get creative-the reality family show ads are good examples of group cheers and messages...


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Thanksgiving Trick - A Joke
Thank you for both good laughs.


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Clothing Stains by Tire Chips at Playgrounds?
Tell your local town or city elected official about this. Quick before the election. Theyre likely to listen for the next few days. Suggest wood chips instead. Volunteer to help with the project.


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Uses for Beeswax?
Beeswax is also used by seamstresses to wax sewing thread. Usually it comes in a round cake the size of 5 or 6 stacked dollar coins. You run the thread across the edge. As it wears, you get slits around the edge. Costs $2-$3. Also used on knitting machines...


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Getting The Right Shoelace Length
Arent you clever. Thanks very much.


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Knifty Knitter Mittens Pattern?
Found one at for teen mittens, scroll past basic instructions, towards bottom of home page. Also see LoveToKnowCrafts site. Keep those little hands toasty warm.



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Loaning Your Car To Someone - Auto Insurance
You bet. And it works both ways. If youre borrowing someones car, find out if they have insurance on the car. I just read a lawsuit against a man who borrowed a car, got into an accident that was mostly not his fault, and only found out after the accident that...


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Stubborn Lilacs?
My lilacs are 50 years old and they thrive on neglect. No chemicals, some modest trimming after they bloom, nothing special. Remove suckers for cosmetic appearances only.


Photo of a finished dog made out of yarn.

Recycled Wire Hanger Yarn Dog
Doggie is just absolutely adorable. Hey Harlean, got a cat too?


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Adapting Knit and Crochet Patterns?
Workbasket has been discontinued? Thats dreadful. I have a couple dozen issues from the early 50s into the 60s and theyre great. Where else can you find tatting patterns and how to take care of your African violets and a recipe for sunshine pie? Oh--here. But...


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Soap Pump Not Working?
If all else fails, Id go to Goodwill and buy another one the same size for $1 and replace the plunger.


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Cleaning Necklaces With Rocks and Gems?
Good advice to go to a jeweler. Sterling silver and gold are soft and once scratched, or pitted by chemicals like denture cleaner, cannot be restored except by re-dipping, if at all. Many gems, like opal, onyx, pearls, turquoise, are also very soft and easily...


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Microwave Candy Recipes?
Thank you for the recipe website. Id been looking for easy microwave recipes.


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Transcribing Equipment Suppliers?
You could call a couple of local law firms and ask their office manager what brand of equipment they use and what kind of maintenance program they have. Law firms have to have the best transcribing equipment and they can tell you what to expect.


Watson Mill State Park
Thank you very much for such a lovely photo and a great idea - surfing state park websites. Wonderful for planning a vacation or a move.


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Keeping My Dog Warm at Night?
Thank you all for your good ideas. Im tired from this. I need my sleep. I think Ill make her a little sweater from the fleece I also use for her blankets. I have an oil-filled heater but shes developed cataracts in the past 6 months, and she walks into things...


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Keeping My Dog Warm at Night?
Thanks so much for your ideas. Doggie and I made it through a really cold. snowy Jan. and Feb. ok. I turned up the furnace 5 degrees, kept the oil-filled space heater on all night, and used all the exercise mats, fleece blankets and rugs she would put up with...


A colorful granny square afghan.

Granny Square Afghan
Its gorgeous.


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Reduce Energy Costs
I believe its called residual energy - the electricity used to keep your appliances going when theyre plugged in. Ive found it easier to use a couple of surge protector extension cords. Plug your stuff into them and then pull just one or two surge protector...


Uses For Drapes and Curtains

Uses For Drapes and Curtains
I tack old curtains across upstairs bedroom doorways to keep drafts out of the rest of the house.


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Willow Trees Growing Near Sewer Drains?
Oh boy. I guess you should be happy that a neighbor like that is moving. Id call the realtor first. In most states, defects in real property have to be disclosed in writing to the buyer. Tell the realtor the seller knows about the problem, and it has to be...


B.C. (Baby Cat) ThriftyFun's Office Cat
B.C. is adorable. So is Merlyn. My dog Lady, a mixed terrier, keeps me company when Im working at home. I used to have a beautiful Lakeland terrier who would put his paw on my arm when it was time for me to stop working and go up to bed.


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Winter Party Ideas?
Paris and Britney party - everyone wears something glitzy, paparazzi take lots of pictures, especially of people getting out of their cars and going into the party, everyone brings nonperishables to donate to local food pantry.


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Shoe Color Advice?
Black shoes if its a business occasion, red shoes if you want to celebrate a little and want a conversation starter. Then enjoy the party.


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Christmas Presents for Parents?
A blank book for a family journal. Everyone writes something about the family every week for a whole year. Itll be priceless years from now. Date night. Give them the time to go out on a date every couple of weeks - you make sure house is clean, dinner is made...


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Expensive Gifts Are Not What Christmas Is About
I notice there are no kids agreeing with this kind of thinking, but Im old and cranky and I agree.


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Arthritic Fingers?
Glucosamine/chondroitin helped me. Cheapest is at Aldis, about 9 cents a tablet ($8.99/100). Second cheapest I found is Walgreens brand. The best stuff I found is hyaluronic acid, good for joints and skin (youll feel better and look younger too!). Not expensive...


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Start Your Day With a List
A daily list is the secret to life.


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How do I fix frizzy doll hair?
Try They have a Doll Hospital and tips.


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Gift Ideas for Someone You Just Started Dating?
You just started dating him so I wouldnt embarrass him with an expensive gift - what if he only had an inexpensive gift for you? It could end a nice relationship. How about tickets for the two of you to go to a Christmas concert with dinner beforehand?


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Bread Dough Recipe?
I just got a used Oster bread machine and found the entire user manual at It includes lots of different recipes (in pdf format - easy to print out). If Regal doesnt have a similar website, you could try Osters.


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Happy New Year
Sandy, Happy New Year to you too and I agree. This newsletter is wonderful. I often read it in the morning and it starts my day out right. I still love magazines, but a newsletter with new people and information each day is a joyful thing.


Blue and white, as well as yellow and green parakeets.

Acclimatized Parakeets
What lovely photos. Thanks for brightening my morning. Its a nice surprise to see these budgies in their natural environment!


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Square Knitting Needles?
Hi Mikki in Watertown, Lovely part of the state. You should do a Frugal Travel article. I once got my knitting machine repaired in Lake Mills.


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Easy Desserts For Unexpected Guests
What a nice, easy, smart idea.


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Adult Luncheon Ideas?
How about a memory game over the past 8 years, with prizes for funniest (not necessarily accurate) answer - e.g. Where were you and what were you doing when the new millennium rang in? Who was the sexiest man running for president in 2000? Would you go out...


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High Quality Pet Food?
Aldis Shep brand canned dog food has no corn listed on label. I dont know about their canned cat food.


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Lemon Oil Furniture Polish?
Try They have lots of recipes for homemade concoctions.


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Celebrate The Weekend After Christmas
Its a good time to use your gift cards too.


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Keeping Yarn Tension From Becoming Too Tight?
Relax, get a mental image of nice, even stitches, and do several practice rows. Crocheting is a very individual sport. Youll find what works for you.


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Dry Elbows?
Many years ago I read a funny story in Readers Digest from a woman who had breakfast each morning at the same restaurant. One morning she mentioned that she had rough, dry elbows and did anyone have a solution. The waitress said, You need butter. So she put...


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Hooked Rug?
Try . Someone contributed it in yesterdays column. I marked it as one of my Favorites.


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Pass On Old Reading Glasses
This is a good idea. I get my reading glasses at the Dollar Store and seem to buy a different strength each time, so I have a few pairs Im no longer using.


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The Benefits Of Filing A Tax Return
Check with your local state tax office (Dept. of Revenue). You might still be able to file, if it hasnt been more than a few years, and you might still be able to claim your rightful refund. They can help you find the forms youd need for that year.


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Sew Two Twin Blankets To Make A Big King Sized One
Great minds run in the same direction. Forty-some years ago, my mom found baby blankets on clearance. She bought 4 of them, as I recall, and sewed 2 of them together (twice) to make 2 twin-size blankets for our kid-sized beds.


A Family Oral History

Capturing Family Oral History
This is truly a wonderful thing to do. Dont forget to ask about your familys nationality, any stories about the old country, relatives still there, where they lived, if they left any property there (my grandfather left his apartment building to the tenants...


ThriftyFun Links Image

Free Tax Guide For Individuals
The webpage says its for 2004 with info on 2005, but the pdf file is for 2006.


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Summer Activities for Teachers?
A friend of mine who is a school teacher spends a good part of her spare time traveling and making plans to travel. Teachers usually have some wonderful benefits, including travel discounts. When she has just a Saturday or an evening free, she checks out restaurants...


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Employ Thrifty Ingenuity
And be sure to tell us about it here. I cant be the only one who relies on the kindness and ingenuity of others.


Ribbon and bead bookmarks.

Ribbon Bookmarks
I also have several books going most of the time. This is a clever, pretty idea, especially handy for reference books, and I have lots of thin ribbon and beads. Thanks for the idea.


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Strategies for Saving Money on Heat
Ive found that using just one space heater in the living room, where I spend most of my at-home time, is more economical than turning up the thermostat on my gas furnace to heat up the whole house. But if you have small children, of course you have to keep...


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Crushing Pills for Dogs?
Hiding it in a little glob of liver sausage always worked with my little dogs. They loved it.


Wheelbarrow Filled with Flowers

Using Found Items For Garden Decor
Quite lovely. Those of us in SE Wisconsin just survived a couple weeks of terribly cold and snowy weather, so your photos are a wonderful sight. Spring may actually come again.


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Cleaning a Silver Chain?
Use silver cleaner, follow instructions carefully and DO NOT SOAK. Once sterling is pitted (thats what happens when you soak it), your only recourse is to take it to a jeweler and see if it can be dipped. Its not expensive but your piece will never be the same...


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Bread Machine White Bread?
I love my bread machine. Check - there are lots of recipes and tips and you can print the whole booklet if you want. The white and whole wheat bread recipes (the only ones Ive tried so far) are easy and very good.


Gracing Visiting

Gracie Visiting Great Great Grandpa in Germany
Isnt that the most adorable photo.


Painted potato bin.

Painting a Potato Bin
Its beautiful. How talented you are. Youve inspired me to do something with paint and wood and lots of color.


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Type 2 Diabetes Meal Plans?
Check out and pharmacies on-line and in the stores. Online they have info specifically for diabetics. And ask a pharmacist for help. They often have very helpful info.


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Senior Dress Code - A Joke
Very funny. I have to re-do my whole wardrobe now.


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ADHD Worse on the Same Days Every Week?
There must be something or someone different on Wed. and Thurs. Different bus driver or teacher that he doesnt like? You have to be so careful these days. Id also check for allergies, esp. food allergies. If all is ok, how about a special treat on those days...


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Safety Tips When Opening Doors
This is excellent advice. Recently 2 casino winners in the Milwaukee area were followed home and robbed of their winnings in their own garages. One of the thieves has been apprehended, the other one not yet. It pays to be careful and have a buddy when possible...


Calvin and Riley (Golden Retriever/Yorkie)
Its so wonderful that theyre best friends. And I like the antlers, red bow and Christmas quilt. Lucky dogs.


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Easy At Home Pedicure
This sounds like a great idea, especially for those of us coming out of hibernation after a very cold, snowy winter. Is a Texas- or California-climate pedicure any different than an Upper Midwest one?


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Lace Shaping?
Try and Also


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Eggplant Plant Not Bearing Fruit?
You might try pollinating the flowers with a feather. Just touch each flower lightly inside to transfer pollen from one blossom to the next. Ive heard that the bee population is way down this year, so this may work as a substitute for the bees.


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Crochet Sleeveless Top?
Try They have some very nice free patterns to knit, crochet, etc.


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Sweet Gum Balls For Flower Drainage
Thanks. You posted this just in time. My neighbor has a bagful of sweet gum balls that shes about to throw out.


Webster (Yorkie)

Webster (Yorkie)
Hes adorable, and looks so well-behaved too. What a cutie.


Riggs (Cardigan Welsh Corgi)

Riggs (Cardigan Welsh Corgi)
What a great dog. He looks like he has stories to tell - but being very discreet, keeps everyones secrets. No wonder hes everyones favorite.


Abby (Jack Russell/Chihuahua)

Abby (Jack Russell/Chihuahua)
Great dog. Small dogs are so neat. And yours sounds very smart. Shes taking good care of you.


Muffin At Six Months (Papillon/ShihTzu/Poodle)

Muffin At Six Months (Papillon/ShihTzu/Poodle)
What a beautiful dog. She is just adorable.


Dog sitting.

Inuki (Husky/German Shepherd)
Isnt she gorgeous. How sweet to have such a beautiful creature taking care of you.


Multicolored hooked rug made with shopping bags.

Plastic Bag Hooked Rug
What a beautiful and practical rug. Im so glad you showed us this. I have tried single-crocheting rugs from plastic bags that Ive cut into one-inch strips but it seemed to take forever. I really like your idea.


Elvis Has Not Left The Building
Hes adorable. And its a great picture.


Remembering Faith (Australian Shepherd)
Javajano and AuntieM39 said all that I feel. Im so sorry for your loss and hope that eventually youll find a new doggie who will take good care of your family like Faith did.


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Repairing a Broken Stem
What a clever idea. Sometimes my peonies get knocked over by a squirrel or a heavy rainstorm. Im going to try this outside this year.


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Cold Tea For Itchy Eyes
I need this hint, so could you please clarify - do you put the cold tea IN your eyes with the eyedropper or do you put it around your eyes? Ive heard of putting cold teabags on your eyes to get rid of swelling and bags under your eyes. Thanks.


Greyhound barking.

Henri (Greyhound)
Thank you for adopting a Greyhound. I live 2 miles from a dog track and I know that not all of these beautiful, lovable doggies are lucky enough to find someone like you. A percentage of every dog track bet should go to greyhound adoption services. Hi, Henri...


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Tiger Joke
Very funny. Thanks for the good laugh. I needed it today.


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Will My Husband Remarrying Increase My Child Support?
The State of Wisconsin website has lots of info on lots of stuff. For child support info, try . Its a link to the Wisconsin State Law Library, and its user-friendly.


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Plastic Card Holder Ideas?
Walmart used to carry several different kinds of plastic cases just for credit cards. I think they were about a dollar. Theyd be near the wallets.


What Breed Is My Dog? (German Shepherd mix)
Seems to be a good description. Whatever she is, shes a beautiful dog.


West Highland Terrier Barking?
Your dog is adorable. This weekend I heard Steve Dale on his WGN radio Pet Central program say that it is important to reward the dog when his barking is appropriate, in effect teaching him to bark on command. When he barks, say bark, good dog and give him...


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Reupholstering Furniture?
Old furniture often is much better quality than much of the new stuff. If the wooden frame is in good shape, I vote for re-upholstering them.


Robbie and Peanut (Poodle and Terrier)
Theyre adorable. I love small dogs. Theyre smart and hardy and portable! Your Peanut looks a lot like my Tevja, a purebred Lakeland terrier who lived 18-1/2 years. He did have arthritis in his hips the last few years, and glucosamine/chondroitin did the trick...


red christmas cactus

My Christmas Cactus!
Wow - its beautiful. I got a light pink one from a neighbor years ago, accidentally divided it in half (a ladder fell on it), and gave half to another neighbor. It seemed to like cooler temperatures and lots of neglect. It bloomed for weeks around Easter. I...


Woman kissing sheepdog

Griffon (Old English Sheepdog)
I love small dogs. Ok, I love big dogs too. And medium-sized ones. Sheepdogs are so wonderful it must be hard for you to go to work every day without them.


Windowsill Celery Hearts

Windowsill Celery Hearts
Dear Editor, Nice plant. Great photo - I like the candle holder. Celery is $1.29 a stalk this week at Aldis.


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Over The Counter Medications That Rebuild Cartilage In The Knees?
I also take glucosamine/chondroitin and it helps me. It helps short-term with the aches and pains, and long-term with joint cartilage rebuilding. The amount you take depends on your weight. The more you weigh, the more you need to take. I had a 300-lb. friend...


Dalmatian puppy.

Dottie (Dalmatian)
Shes adorable. And Dottie is a sweet name for her.


Valentine Collection of Tulips and Crocus

Valentine Collection of Tulips and Crocus
How lovely. You live in a beautiful part of the world.


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Clipping Your Dogs Nails
I used to clip my beloved Lakeland terriers nails while I was sitting in the car in the driveway with the door open and my feet on the ground. He loved riding in the car and sat quietly in my lap. I also used to give him a haircut while he stood on the closed...


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Gift Idea for Less Than $30?
Thank you all so much for your lovely ideas. I finally went with the tried-and-true - $35 cash. Idve done a gift cert at their new favorite restaurant but it wasnt open Sunday a.m. when I was there. They enjoyed hearing your suggestions, and I especially liked...


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Gift Idea for Less Than $30?
Dear lazlazlaz, First, a throwaway camera to take photos at the party. Then, a $10 gift card to a chain store to make sure she develops the pictures. The rest, buy minutes on her cell phone so you can still be close friends.


Dog with Easter bunny ears.

Easter Hazards for Pets
This is such good advice. We all love our pets and a holiday would be just the worst time to have a vet emergency. I LOVE the Easter dachshund.


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