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36 Posts | 236 Comments | Active Since 2007
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Cleaning Animal Urine
X-O ODOR NEUTRALIZER CALIFORNIA VETERINARY SUPPLY 1800-366-3047 I have cat's but Im down to only 2, I found X-0 about 25 years ago it works, it is a bit pricey but it will last a long time, the directions on the bottle says to mix it 50...


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How to make Homemade Lemonade?
The best lemonade I have had. Make a simple syrup (bring sugar and water to a boil , cook until all sugar is dissolved then cool down before adding lemon) 1 c. of sugar, 4 c. water then add 1 c. fresh squeezed less lemon juice 1 or 2 drops of vanilla Chill...


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Healthier Cleaning
I have asthma and I am a cleaning lady, The best thing I have found to clean the tub is kaboom, it gets rid of the mold, soap scum black stuff a couple of my clients leave in the bathtub. it apparently is some sort of chemical in their body . I used a plastic...


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Using Tomatoes
Make sun-dried tomatoes in your car, (If your car is outside in the sun) sliced tomatoes about a quarter inch thick, that have been spray place on cookie sheets, with vegetable spray, sprinkle with minced garlic and basil, put them in your car in the morning...


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Cat Problem: Old Cat Urinating Everywhere?
To order over the Internet or by telephone, X-O ODOR NEUTRALIZER CALIFORNIA VETERINARY SUPPLY 1800-366-3047 The best thing I have found for any urine is X.O. if youre not sure where theyre going just do a light mist about knee high all...


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Kosher Salt?
kosher dissolve faster than table salt, this way when you salt your food you get the salty taste right away, with table salt it takes a while to dissolve and you may keep adding salt then its too salty and table salt has 25 % D.R. of sodium - 1/4 t. kosher...


Homemade Aphid Repellant

Homemade Aphid Repellant
To control aphids in my garden I just hang strip of banana peelings on everything that has any sign of aphids and theyre gone in a couple of days and the banana peelings turn black so nobody really notices them when theyre not a bright yellow.


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Looking for Meals for One?
I cook whole meals and freeze them on plates. Soup, Chile and ham & beans their in bowls. To get a good variety from a 10 lb. bag of lag quarters, in 9 by 13 pans, divided in to 4 to 6 compartments with a solid sheet aluminum foil, make several different types...


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Changing Your Shower Curtain Tip
To clean your shower curtain spray it with witchs brew( equal parts simple Green, Orange scented Pine Sol, and water) let it sit for couples minutes and rub your hands together with the shower curtain with the soapy sides touching each other then rinse and...


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Pill Bugs in Garden?
The way I lowed my pill bug population was by trapping them, I used yogurt containers, use a hole punch and punch several holes in the side rim of the top, put about an inch of soapy water in the cup, bury the yogurt container level with the ground, place a...


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Keep Your Shower Curtain Clear!
Another way to clean your shower curtain is to spray it with witchs brew( equal parts simple Green, Orange scented Pine Sol, and water) let it sit for couples minutes and rub your hands together with the shower curtain with the soap sides touching each other...


Garbage Disposal

Sewer Smell Coming from Garbage Disposal?
One of the problems is the garbage is thrown back up and it sticks around the sides and under the rubber gasket, the best thing is to take a small brush and scrub out the inside. not all rubber gaskets come off, ( be careful not to flip the mock in your face...



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Uses for Junk Credit Cards
A few years ago, My neighbor locked herself out of her house, we telephoned a locksmith and he used old charge cards to get in her door, his were wore out and I asked him if he needed more (since I seem to save everything) I gave him all the ones without any...


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Cake You Can Cook In A Jar?
Bake in wide mouth pint Mason jars All you need to do is take your favorite recipe, Zucchini bread, applesauce raisins, spice cake, friendship breads, and carrot cake. You can even use box mixes. All you need to do is make your recipe. Oil and flour your wide...


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Dehydrator Recipes?
Sour Cream & Onion Potato Chips 4 cups potatoes, peeled, boiled and mashed 1 cup plain yogurt 1/4 cup onion, chopped 1/2 teaspoon salt Put all ingredients in a blender or food processor and mix at high speed. Thinly spread onto solid fruit roll sheets. Place...


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Listerine For Pet Odors
X-O ODOR NEUTRALIZER CALIFORNIA VETERINARY SUPPLY 1800-366-3047 I also have cat's but Im down to only 2, I found X-0 about 25 years ago it works, it is a bit pricey but it will last a long time, the directions on the bottle says to mix...


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Recipe Using Jerusalem Artichokes?
I have been growing Jerusalem artichoke for years, I to have trouble finding recipes; I have used several from globe artichokes and they turnout quite well. Here are a couple of my favorites. Another thing I do is I use Google alert. May be peeled and sliced...


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SOS Pad Stained Toilet?
I am a cleaning lady; the gray in your toilet is the same as a pot marks in your kitchen sink, you can use Barkeepers Friend (works excellent on rust) comet or any of your other household cleansers. What was she trying to clean in your toilet that she had used...


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Keeping a Dog out the Litter Box?
My neighbor had a similar problem, what we did was to put the litter box in a large cardboard box on top of a couple plastic storage containers the cats can get in and out with no problem whatsoever and the dog doesnt even try, for years I have put baby powder...


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Recipes Using Chicken Quarters?
I like to make chicken enchiladas, Catalina chickens (Equal parts Catalina salad dressing, canned whole cranberries, you can use just the jelly but its better using it with a whole berries), ranch dressing and rice. To get a good variety from a 10 lb. bag of...


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Dog Peeing on Rugs?
Made from natures safest and most effective X-O ODOR NEUTRALIZER CALIFORNIA VETERINARY SUPPLY 1800-366-3047 I have cat's but Im down to only 2, I found X-0 about 25 years ago it works, it is a bit pricey but it will last a long time, the...


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Deodorizing Outdoor Cat Waste?
Do not use a baking soda the salt in it will KILL your plants,Orange peelings will keep the cats out of the area. X-O ODOR NEUTRALIZER CALIFORNIA VETERINARY SUPPLY 1800-366-3047 I have cat's 2, I found X-0 about 25 years ago it works, it...


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Bugs Eating Herbs?
I have been organically gardening for over 20 years. The best insect control having chickens, but I have found Spinosad (Green Light) - it is totally organic and it only kills chewing insects. For the 1st time I do not have aphids on my Brussels sprouts, banana...


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Cleaning Vegetable Oil Off Items?
I mixed up this concoction many years ago; we call it witchs brew. It is equal parts simple Green, Orange scented Pine-Sol and water it has to be Pine Sol no other pine cleaner works, it takes the gummy Ness off of any plastic surface, It cleans everything...



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Dog Odor In My Yard?
over the Internet or by telephone, X-O ODOR NEUTRALIZER CALIFORNIA VETERINARY SUPPLY 1800-366-3047


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Keeping Pet Chickens and Ducks from Eating Vegetables?
I have planted my garden in cages, my chickens run free, I have learned how long their necks are. I have purchased the framing for canapés and put them around my garden, I have pig fence 3 ft. high and plastic bird netting the upper 3 ft. I have bantys, they...


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Keeping Pet Chickens and Ducks from Eating Vegetables?
I put coffee grounds and hair in my compost pile (Last week I put 4 big from Starbucks in)that does not slow the chickens down. They're rummaging around in the pile all day . I guess worms are more attractive than the fear of coffee grounds and hair.


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Removing Spilt Milk Smell From Refrigerator?
Try using toothpaste; putting about an inch or 2 of toothpaste on a paper towel and place it on the refrigerator shelf, if this doesnt work. Use about 2 in. of toothpaste mix into a quart of warm water and wipe down the inside the Refrigerator. I keep 1 to...


Uses for Scrap Fabrics?
Take Styrofoam balls and cut shallow cuts and tucked the scraps in a crazy quilt fashion making Christmas ornaments out of them. you can even talk little pieces of lace in the spaces,use a pipe cleaner for the hanger. You can do this with flat pieces of Styrofoam...


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Not Many Tomatoes?
Tomatoes do not need a pollinator, there wind pollinated, one of the things that will keep your tomatoes from setting is the temperature if it gets over 85 degrees during the day the blossoms will falloff and I think its below 40 it night. You can pick up a...


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Not Many Tomatoes?
. Id jst received this in an email from Rebecca Cole from Rebeccas garden. The summer has been hot no doubt. Typically tomatoes thrive in heated conditions, however when they are setting flowers heat can be a big problem. Tomatoes will only set flowers when...


Vacuum Packing & Food Storage

Vacuum Packing & Food Storage
I bought my food saver in 1988, at that time it costs $300 I thought it was horribly expensive and I got it anyway, I had a good job, I used it for years and it finally broke, I went approximately 12 months,After about 8 months, I was really tossing food out...


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Splitting Cheesecakes?
If you over mix the cheesecake mixture the top will split.


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Uses for Chicken Broth?
Yes you can freeze chicken broth, I put mine in 1 c. portion in a Ziploc bags, and I freeze them in 3 c. at a time in my food saver, This way theyre ready to go for rice, gravies, fricassee & soup, I sometimes add it to vegetables when Ive ended up with a surplus...


Concrete Patio Blocks

Making Concrete Patio Blocks
I have made stepping stones.I use foam letters that they use in crafts, a real large bowl from the dollar store and clear contact paper. I cut it to the shape of the bottom of the container, and write on the smooth side what I want to say, peeled the backing...


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Old Coffeemaker for Melting Candle Wax
I place scented candles in a votive holder on the hot plate of a coffeemaker to melt the scented wax instead of burning the candle,( turn the coffee maker on after you put the candles on the cold surface) the fragrance fills the whole house once the wax is...



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Growing Apricots And Peaches From Pits?
. Ive been told. Starting fruit from seeds its possible but not practical. Fruit will not come through from seed. I have started avocados and peaches from seed, in CA what I have done is Mark out an area (so I dont plant something else there) where I want the...


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Preventing Mold In Toilet?
Have you tried never scrub, I started using it in October of 2006 I have not had to replace the cartridge yet. It starts cleaning and makes your toilet bowl cleaner in cleaner. If you have a mineral buildup in the bottom, it will eventually be removed without...


Baking in canning jars

Bake in Wide Mouth Pint Mason Jars
To answer the questions on getting it out of the jar, you use wide mouth pints their straight up and down, they do not curve in. The question about the mold, the only time I had an odd taste was when I over flour the jar, I have never had any mold on any of...


Loquat tree.

What is this plant? (Loquat)
; that looks like A loquat tree to me. It takes anywhere from 3 to 5 years before it starts bearing fruit, The seeds are quite large for a bird to have dropped it there. Is there someone in your family that likes loquats? I do suggest you replant it further...


Loquat tree.

What is this plant? (Loquat)
the fruit looks like this


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Care For Potentilla Shrubs?
Poinsettia should be cut back by 80 percent on St. Patricks Day and then 20 percent the 4th of July . I had some very old double poinsettia they just seem to die for no reason, I went to clean them up and they had Termits living in them, you may want to check...


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Homemade Ice Cream Leaves Waxy Film?
Are you sure it is a waxy substance? A Friend of mine made me a very rich batch of chocolate ice cream, it had something Sticking to the spoon, it seen to coat the inside of my mouth and on closer inspection we figured out it was butter, apparently the cream...


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Need Recipes For "Unusual" Vegetables?
I have found has the widest selection of recipes, you only have to enter the name of the food item and you will have of wide selection to pick from. When Im looking for a recipe I always end up at cooks. Readers submit them and they are excellent...


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Major Split in Poplar Tree?
You should never put anything all the way around a tree, you will girdle it, you will cut off the flow of its juices. one thing you could possibly do is get a real long lag bolts drill from one side of the tree to the other and bolted it back together. I do...


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Removing Rust From Small Metal Items?
Try rubbing them on some crinkled aluminum foil spray a little WD-40 and rub away. I use aluminum to clean chrome all the time, it just might work


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Starting an Email Recipe Exchange?
I received a recipe email Exchange one time, if I remember right. there were 3 names on the list, you send a recipe to the 1st name then delete it, and add yours to the bottom, Then send the email to 3 or more friends, I did this, I did get back 1 recipe, somebody...


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Cleaning Textured Bathtub Floor?
I have had this problem at several of my jobs (I clean private residences) the only thing I found that actually works is kaboom (The purple container) win the tub is dry spray, let it sit for 2 or 3 minutes, dont let it dry and then take a plastic bristle broom...


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Washing Bed Pillows?
Another thing you may want to do is to run long stitches from 1 side to the other to make sure that the filling doesnt shift or bunch, the stitches should be about 4 in. apart in a grid pattern and pull them fairly tight.


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Homemade Halloween Decorations?
When I first started decorating for Halloween I made my deadstones out of cardboard, just make sure that the ribs run up and down otherwise it will curl I painted both sides with leftover house paint and use a magic marker for the epitaph. I have finally moved...


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Cleaning a Ceiling Fan?
After thoroughly cleaning with soap and water and wiping dry, apply a thin coat of Armor All, you will be surprised on how clean your fans stays


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Soap Recipes?
. CHEESEBURGER SOUP 1/2 pound ground beef 3/4 cups chopped onion 3/4 cup shredded carrots and 3/4 cups, diced celery 1 tsp. dried basil 1 tsp. dried parsley flakes 4 tbsp. butter or margarine divided 3 c. chicken broth 4 c. diced peeled potatoes 1/4 cup all...


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Getting Smell Out of Carpet?
X-O ODOR NEUTRALIZER CALIFORNIA VETERINARY SUPPLY 1800-366-3047 Applications: Kitchen: garbage disposal, compactor, refrigerator Good on both hard and soft surfaces, including glass, disposal Refrigerator: spray and wipe counter tops. Stainless...


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Tasty Sugar Free Cookie or Cakes?
Sugar Free No Bakes with Coconut 6 tb - Nestle Sugar Free Quik 1 ts - Vanilla extract 1/2 c - Margarine 1/2 c - Milk (use 1%) 1 c - Flaked coconut 3 c - Quick oatmeal NOTE On margarine you can use `I Cant believe its not butter In food prosessor or mixer bowl...


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How to Make Holiday Candy Lights?
Several years ago I made these lights, I used clear food containers I bought at the restaurant supply store (Im not sure if they still sell them) I put them over clear miniature lights and 3 lights fit perfectly on the inside, I skipped 1 light and put another...


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Pumpkin Pie Cake
Pumpkin pie cake 12 servings 1 can pumpkin (29 oz) 4 eggs 1 can be evaporated milk (12 oz) 1 &frac; cup sugar 2 tsp. cinnamon &frac; teaspoon ginger &frac; teaspoon nutmeg 1 package yellow cake mix 1 c. melted margarine 1 c. chopped nuts Beat all ingredients...


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Getting a Dog to Like Someone?
I have had this problem on 2 different occasions. I clean houses, Ive had 2 different dogs absolutely hate me, they growled and barked at me the whole time I was there, I tried treats and throwing the ball, none of this work after several trips, I finally just...


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Recipe for Homemade Beef Jerky?
Beef jerky 3 lbs. flank steak 1/2 teaspoon pepper 1 c. water 1 tsp. liquid smoke 1/2 cup soy sauce 1 tsp. garlic salt 1/2 teaspoon celery salt Sliced steak with grain 1 in. wide. If stake is slightly frozen it cuts easier. Marinade at least 24 hours drain on...


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Rice Crispy Recipes?
Cocoa Mixed Rice Krispies These are the best ones Ive ever eaten! Ingredients · 4 1/2 cups regular rice krispies · 1 1/2 cups cocoa rice krispies · 3 Tbsp. oleo · 10 oz bag of marshmallows Directions Melt butter on stove, melt marshmallows letting them singe...


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Short Battery Life With My Digital Camera?
I had a similar problem with my digital camera, now I only use rechargeable batteries, and I make sure I always use the same 2 together, what I have done is I have 6 batteries, I only need to at a time, so on 2 of the batteries I drew with a permanent marker...


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Peanut Butter Fudge Not Hardening?
This one will hardened. BIG BACH PEANUT BUTTER FUDGE INGREDIENTS 2 LB. skippy supper chunky peanut butter 4 cup sugar1 1/3 cups can milk 1 JAR cup marshmallow cream 24 OZ cocktail peanuts w/oil ( not dry roasted) 2 TSP vanilla INSTRUCTIONS cook milk, sugar...


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Debbi Meyer's Green Bags?
I am on my 2nd order, I love them, and they definitely work for me, you can use them inside out also. The more times you use them the lighter the Green gets, the way I keep track of how many times I have used them, is after I rinse them out I take a Magic marker...


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Magnetic Toilet Bowl Cleaners?
I tried the magnet and it didnt work for me I have found never scrub by ka-boom ,.you put it in the back of the toilet tank it runs down the overflow tube, it will clean your toilet and it will keep it clean, it says its supposed to last 3 months mine lasted...


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Tracing Pictures onto Silk to Paint?
I do not do stained-glass, but I do paint with acrylics. One thing Id do is take some of my Photos or pictures out of magazines and work with them in my Photoshop, I turn them black-and-white and I might need to remove shading, I also have used coloring books...


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Use Steel Cans In The Garden
90% of the cans made in the U.S. today are made out of ten-coated steel, according to the history channel I have never used a tiller in my garden; I don't walk on my planting areas. My beds are no more than 4 ft. wide so no need to walk on them and compress...


Shopping Bag Into Planting Bags - seedling in plastic bag pot

Shopping Bag Into Planting Bags
I have switched to the air bags that come in the packages wen I order on line


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Burying Kitchen Scraps Instead of Composting?
Yes, you usually do it around your plants were you will not disturb the roots or in the walkways between your rows a Vegetables, Just be sure to cover it well, if its in the walkway , I cover it with cardboard and an Upside-Down piece of carpeting and next...


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Plastic Soda Bottle Wind Chimes?
Is this what you are referring to as a wind chime? I made this years ago thats why its a little dirty, heres proof that they last at least 10 years if theyre not hanging in the sun. Take your 1 or 2 leader bottle, rap a piece of paper around the middle, (you...


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Making Single Serve Coffee Bags?
I made these years ago, Im not a coffee drinker, but once in awhile I would like a cup of coffee. I take a little over a teaspoon of coffee, placing it in the middle of a coffee filter draw up the edges to close, wrapping it with cotton string leave a tale...



Saving Money on Onions
I grow my own, not from store bought sets but from the last half inch of the brown, red or white onion, when I chop my onion I leave the root portion on, when I get down to that last half inch (making sure it hasnt cut into the tough part of the bottom) I will...


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Invest In a Foodsaver
I guarantee you the food saver is the best investment you could of made. I bought my 1st 1 in the mid-80s war it out and I went approximately a year before I replaced it, it was a mistake, I lost so much food due to freezer burn. Key to the food saver is use...


Rose made from dollar bill attached to stem and in vase.

Dollar Bill Rose
Lynda I hope you were able to make the rose for your mother. Ive been doing these for so long they take me less and 20 minutes per rose. Jack I make my rose a little differently than that website. Be sure to push your rolled corners together so they crinkle...


Rose made from dollar bill attached to stem and in vase.

Dollar Bill Rose
Its not hard to take a part at all, you just fold back the green cup under the money using either scissors or wire cutters snip all the wires at once and then flatten out the bills and spend away.


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Frugal Wedding Gift Ideas?
Make a bouquet out of money,it is posted here in thrifty fun, the link is . Craft: Dollar Bill Rose


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Using Cheaper Cuts of Meat
I buy a cross rib roast when it's on sale for under two dollars a pound, I buy the whole thing between 15 and 20 pounds in the plastic bag, let it age in the refrigerator for 15 days unopened and then cut it into steaks, I grind some and chop up the little...


How Do You Start Grapefruit Seeds?
It is not that easy to start any Citrus from seed, I have started 1 but it had already sprouted in the grapefruit. The drawback From starting any fruit from seed is they never come true, that means there never liked the original fruit, sometimes you will get...


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Getting Rid Of Thick, Yellow Toe Nails?
The Vicks really works, my neighbor tried it she put it on her toes every other night and after about 4 months the old toenails fell off and she had pretty new ones coming in, thats been over a year ago .


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Apricots Splitting on the Tree?
I have had this happen to my tangelo, cherry tomatoes and seedless grapes. From what I understand it is from inconsistent watering, the plants are getting too dry before you water again, when you do water the plant pumps the water into the fruit the skin does...


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Patterns For Plastic Canvas Whirly Gigs?
I think this is what your looking for, this was posted in thrifty fun earlier RE: Wind Spinner Patterns Using Canvas and Beads Post By Jane (Guest Post) (02/18/2008) I found a pattern at: I copied this address right...


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Getting Plastic Buckets Apart?
I had this problem all the time, I never have anyone a round to help me, so Ive learned the hard way dont poll, twist instead. If you twist the buckets in opposite directions once they start moving it releases the vacuum then they just poll a part. Now I am...


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Removing Plastic from a Smooth Top Stove?
WD-40 takes plastic bags off toasters. May be that would work on the stovetop. Remembered a wash it thoroughly before firing it up.


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Used Digital Camera Batteries Good for Other Uses
I have found that if you always use the same 2 rechargeable batteries together I get much better results, the charge seems to last longer so what I have done since I used 2 at a time I have marked them in pairs with a circle permanent marker around the battery...


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Healthy Substitutes for Cream of Mushroom Soup
It is a surprisingly delicious soup. CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP INGREDIENTS 3 tablespoons butter or margarine 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour &frac; tea salt Dash white pepper 3 cups light cream or milk( I use evaporated milk) 1 can (10 &frac; oz) condensed beef...


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Uses for Shower Caps
I use them to cover my extra paper and plastic plates when not in use and I have my pots and pans hanging from a pot rack, I stretched them over the pan to keep from getting dusty on the inside. I use them as an appliance covers food processor, bread machine...


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Alternate Rival Vacuum Sealer Bags?
My Wal-Mart sells individual roles of food Saver bags and another brand, which is a little cheaper, I dont particularly like the off brand and it doesnt seem to hold a seal as well. You can find them on the Internet. It is just easier for me to go down to Wal...


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Recipes Using Cake Mix?
This is my favorite recipe using cake mix and it freezes beautifully. Pumpkin pie cake 1 can pumpkin (29 oz) 4 eggs 1 can evaporated milk (12 oz) 1 1/2 cup sugar 2 tsp. cinnamon 1/2 tsp. ginger 1/2 tsp. nutmeg 1 package yellow cake mix 1 c. melted margarine...


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Cat Keeps Bringing Me Her Kittens?
My Wal-Mart carries the canned mothers milk and the bottles Good luck with your new family, I hope the rest make it.


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Recycling Plastic Bags?
Here is the link to the planters I make out of plastic bag


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Recipe Ideas For Someone Who Hates To Cook?
Why not do once a month cooking? Make a big mess 1 day a month and if youre one-person it would probably last 6 months like it does me. A 9 by 13 Lasagna last me a year, in the freezer in individual servings, make beef or, chicken enchiladas dinners with rice...


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Keeping Cool Tube
Would you believe I can no longer get the crystals, I did buy a tube for $9 at the fair this year, but I think its a lot cheaper to ask a friend for a diaper and do you tell the purchasers to put peroxide in the water so they dont start smelling?


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Halloween Costumes For Big People?
I dress up as a witch every year. Its very simple, just a long black dress. Theres always Wizard, monk which are long gowns, capes and there is the Grim Reaper.


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Eco-Friendly Flea Remedies?
Very I have been putting on the floor shallow bowls of water with a little dish detergent around the House its amazing how many you can catch this way, I picked up some sergeants cat Shampoo to give my new C.C. Boy a bath, he was covered with Fleas, it seems...


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Paper Mache Pumpkin?
This guy is a wonderful and he gives you all the instructions And yes this is papier-mâché for complete tutorials


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Recycled Can for Filling Freezer Bags
Put your bag on the inside of the can this way youre not contaminating the bag just in case you didnt get all the food off of the outside of the can and I use 1 of the restaurant size cans with the bottom cut out also. The do make a bag holder its made out...


Spiders made from plastic bags for your yard.

Yard Spiders
Im going to need to make a few of your spiders to put around my grapevine scarecrow, things for the idea. Happy Halloween


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Inexpensive Oven Beef Jerky?
Around Thanksgiving I will buy the biggest turkey I can find and freeze it until Im ready for Jerky, I grind it myself and depending on the size of the turkey I have enough Jerky for almost a year. One thing I have found instead of making individual logs of...


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Homemade Cold Remedies?
. I have made this on several occasions, and I felt better Flew brew Juice of one hole in lemon 1/4 cup maple syrup 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper Add enough hot water to make 1 c.


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Editing Blemishes from Photos?
If your Photoshop has a cloning tool play with that for a while, set the area to be cloned as close to the blemish as possible and if you have a smudge tool after your done cloning do a little smudging to even out any edges of your clone. my favorite Photoshop...


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Bugs In Compost Pile?
The majority of the bugs in your compost are good guys, like was previously posted, cover-up any Vegetable matter, that will keep down the unwanted bugs and rodents. Now for sifting I have a frame made out a 2 x4s and the bottom is rabbit safe wire that a heavy...


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Baking In A Canning Jar?
All you need to do is take your favorite recipe, Zucchini bread, applesauce raisins, spice cake, friendship breads, and carrot cake. You can even use box mixes. All you need to do is make your recipe. Oil and flour your wide mouth Mason jars, Fill the jar 2...


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Icebox Fruitcake Recipe?
no marshmallow cream or graham crackers. NO BAKE FRUIT CAKE one,1 lb. package of vanilla wafers crushed 1/2 lb each, red, green, candied cherries cut up and use the juice 1/2 lb golden raisins 1 can sweetened condensed milk (you can add 1 tsp. rum extract to...


colored cellophane wrapped water bottle Christmas lights

Hard Candy Decorative Lights
Here is a photo of a small section; Hope this helps.


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Ideas for Using Stand from a Bird Bath?
Purchase a large plastic plant saucer and guerrilla Glue a flowerpot upside down to the bottom center of the saucer. being sure the flowerpot is a tight fit over the base. This way you have your birdbath back My problem is not cats it is raccoons.


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Chocolate Rum Balls Recipe?
Booze Balls They sound intoxicating, but rest assured, the rich, chocolatey flavor is the only thing certain to put you over the legal limit +Prep time: 1 hourCook time: 1 day Ease of preparation: Easy Ingredients 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips 20 chocolate...


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Is Amish Bread Starter Still Good?
I found this information on a another website and I have several recipes if youre interested just let me know. You can freeze the starter for future use.This last time I froze them. I took one out and just let it sit for the 10 days, not adding the extra 3...


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New Kitten Likes to Scratch?
I have a new kitten also; hes 8 months old. What I have been doing if I catch him sharpening his nails were I dont want him to, I smack his pause lightly with my hand, say no and take him over to his cat tree, which I have smothered with catnip, I will take...


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Diarrhea Stains on Carpet?
What I use on fecal matter is equal parts simple Green, orange scented Pine Sol (it must be Pine Sol no substitutes) and water in a spray bottle and spray the area wait a couple minutes wipe up with a clean damp towel. I rarely have to repeat. I have been using...


Garden: Butterflies To Be
I took this picture the day before the Butterfly emerged, I thought it would take a few days once the chrysalis became translucent; I was really surprised to see the perfect tiny little wings of the butterfly in the cocoon.


A blue cat plywood yard art piece.

Selling Plywood Yard Art?
Makeup a few that you are willing to keep and advertise them on Craigs list and even put For sale signs on them in your front yard, and even the swap meet, that would be 1 way to find out if there is a market for them in your area. If they dont sell at least...


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Hydrangea Not Growing?
Theres nothing wrong with your Hydrangeas, it is a perennial and with all perennials the 1st year they sleep, the 2nd year they creep and the 3rd year they leap, so you should see growth this spring. It is very important that you cut the flour off as soon as...


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Small Mesh Vegetable Bags?
Have you looked at those Puffy bath scrubbers; I have used them for several things that I needed a type of netting for. The more you stretch them the larger the holes are. I have even used them to catch large seeds on dry flower heads.


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What is a Pineapple Stitch?
Learn the 1917 Pineapple Stitch With Photos and Instructions


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Toilet Seat Keeps Getting Loose?
They make replacement metal screws and bolts for the toilet seat; theyre available at a hardware store. I dont mess with the plastic ones, I buy them at the same time I purchase my toilet seat. Wal-Mart only has plastic replacement screws.


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Swiffer Socks
I am 1 of the people who cant even bend to put my socks on, so what about Swiffer slippers, the type that just has the toe and the sole, you could slip your foot into it and not have to put it up over your ankles. 1 advantage of a full sock is you could run...


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Container for Laundry Lint
I use containers like that to dispose of things which I have broken cups, jars, glasses and dishes. It would be nice if you would put some of the dryer lint outside in the spring so the birds would be able to add to their nesting materials, they like little...


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Recipe for Millionaire Candy?
MILLIONAIRE CANDY Take 1 bag of caramels and 4 tablespoons of milk and melt in double boiler. After it has melted, take 2 cups of coarse nuts; mix with caramels and milk. Place wax paper on container that can be placed in refrigerator. On the wax paper, spoon...


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Swiffer Socks
Did you watch the program pitchmen TLC theyre promoting Shuffles, sounds like someone beat you to the punch.


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Freezing Ketchup?
Id do not know about Ketchup but I have frozen chili sauce (spicy ketchup) I bought a gallon can, put a cup in sandwich size freezer bag and then those bags inside of a large freezer bag. It never freezes solid; I had over two years worth of chili sauce.


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Getting By on a Low Income?
Do you have freecycle or Craigs list in your area; people are always giving away things or selling them at a very reasonable price. In my area they even give away food if not fresh fruit from their trees there cleaning out a cupboard and would rather give it...


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"Magic" Lawn Formula?
I think you are referring to the Jerry Baker s tonics , I have never use the 1 with tea, this is the 1 I usually use and the link to his page is after the tonic. All-Season Green-Up Tonic 1 can of beer, 1 cup of ammonia, 1/2 cup of dishwashing liquid, 1/2 cup...


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Waste Nothing: Creative Recycled Crafting
I have a friend who uses the lighter weight cardboard and makes post cards she does not say hello whoever or sign it, we know where its from she is the only 1 we know that does this so we know its from her and she even jots down little notes on the printed...


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Homemade Remedy for Termites?
I use dlimonene the highest concentration is in Organic orange TKO the only thing is its very expensive so I buy big O cleaner at smart and final. What I do is I put it straight into a garden pump sprayer and I walk around the outside of the house as spray...


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Tips for House Cleaning Business?
I have been cleaning houses for the last 23 years and this is how I do it. Only do these things if they are needed. When I put a small amount of cleaner on my cleaning cloth I always put it on the end with the tag, this way I dont have to smell the corner to...


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Problems With Printable Coupons?
Sorry to say Wal-Mart does not except Internet coupons anymore.


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Homemade Chicken Feeders?
Here is a link to some homemade feeders Poke around a little more there are some made with PVC pipe cut lengthwise and wood. Babbie


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Homemade Chicken Feeders?
OK I just made this. Quick, easy and recycled Chicken Feeder 1 Frisbee-- flying saucer the short Lip keeps the food in better than a dinner plate. 1 nut and bolt 1 plastic pretzel jar 1 length of clothes hanger chain for hanging, I tried lightweight rope and...


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