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78 Posts | 393 Comments | Active Since 2005
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Cleaning an Old Kilim?
Ive had my Turkish rug for years and have always scrubbed it with a solution of white vinegar and water, half and half, then I put it over a clothes horse and hose it down, then leave it to dry for about a week before storing away. Mine is basically beige and...


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Aloe Vera For Sore Gums
As far as I know, aloe vera gel causes severe diarrhea even in small quantities when ingested. Since this stuff is going in your mouth, obviously some of it will be swallowed. I would never risk giving something like this to an infant without getting medical...


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Barbecued Pork Spare Ribs (without a BBQ)
The recipe sounds great but, do you really have to waste so much fuel in preheating an oven for over 30mins while the ribs are being boiled? Correct me if I am wrong, but as far as I know, preheating is only necessary when you are baking something heat sensitive...


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Cleaning a Crib Mattress?
If you could peek through one of the tears and see if the mattress is just a foam one, I would suggest you get yourself a pair of scissors and completely remove the plastic covering so you would be able to wash the mattress and remove the odor. A plastic sheet...


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Zucchini And Tomato Casserole
hi connie. ive had this recipe for ages in my folder and tried it today. it was BRILLIANT1 im a vegetarian and served it up with a baked jacket potato. what a hit it was! thankyou so much for a great recipe.


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UK Equivalent to Club Soda?
hi. lived in u.k. for 7 years. club soda is ;nothing more than ordinary soda water that is used as a mixer for drinks such as whiskey, etc.


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Using a Rusted Fire Screen In My Yard?
i had an old iron gate and the same problem. i set it up against the wall of my garden and planted ivy. eventually i started winding the ivy around it and it looks very pretty. i live in a hot country in europe so i dont know wat climbers wud grow where u are...


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Save Unused Ramen Seasoning Packets
i always buy the chicken flavor ones. my kids love chicken noodle soup so after i use the noodles for stir fry etc. i put about 1pint of water bring to the boil with the seasoning packet, add a handful of italian vermicelli which cooks in 2mins and i have CHICKEN...


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Lentil BBQ Loaf
hi LRP! tried out your recipe and sorry to say, it turned out dry, bland and fell apart when i tried to slice it! any tips for improving the recipe?


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What is a Bundt Pan?
thank u all so much for the info. wat a great idea for a cake tin. i suppose u cud fill the hole after the cake is cooked with fruit or cream or something and make it look really pretty.ive never seen one here in malta where i live, but im sure they are available...


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Ways To Eat Bagels?
thank you all so much for your suggestions. yes, they are the small dense chewy type and yes, i didnt know and defrosted them in the microwave and they werent nice. now, i slice in half and either toast them or make mini pizzas with watever i have and grill...


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Pickling Banana Peppers?
not quite sure wat banana peppers are. here in malta-which is a tiny island in the mediterranean, we have the very hot red peppers that look like tiny bananas. wat we do here is give them a good rinse under running water, leaving them whole and then putting...



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Help With Computers?
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! jess_admin. Its easy when you know how and Im very grateful that you replied and showed me how to do it. I appreciate you taking the time and trouble to help me. I know I seem idiotic but Im so worried Ill click on something...


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Help With Computers?
compared to using computers, jess, raising boys and keeping my house clean is a piece of cake for me! boys are easy, lots of love and DISCIPLINE. house clean with boys? U MUST BE JOKING! wait till they leave home, until then, a lick and a polish is enuf unless...


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Homemade Laundry Detergent Without Borax?
I dont know what borax is coz its unavailable here, so I didnt know if I could leave it out. Yes, we get imported fabric bleach from Italy here so can I use the same amount (more or less) when I make up the recipe instead of borax? Washing soda and Oxyclean...


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Homemade Laundry Detergent Without Borax?
Thanks for all your suggestions. Im really surprised I saw another person from Malta - Gail! i thought i was the lone voice from my little Mediterranean Island. Its lovely to know that there is somebody else from Malta who uses this website.


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Caramel Squares
recipe looks yummy. wud love to try it but i dont know wat hard ball stage means. can u explain plse?


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Easy Ways To Stiffen Fabric
What a great idea! I love the suggestion of the clear acrylic spray paint. So easy, thank you.


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Summer Celebration Ice Cream Cake
sorry eena, dont really know if it matters that it was copied. i never saw this magazine and the recipe looks delish so that im keeping it for wen i have guests. thanks robin.


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Treating Minor Ailments Yourself
hiya. my name is cettina, from malta,europe. if u know of any good, informative sites relating to healthcare i wud greatly appreciate it if u cud let me know. tks


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What Is Graham Flour?
Are u sure its not GRAM FLOUR? Gram flour is ground up garbanzo beans turned into flour (like soy flour or cornmeal) Its brilliant as a binder instead of eggs and for many vegetarian/vegan recipes. i get it from health food stores. Very nutritious stuff.


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Looking For Cream of Onion Soup?
why not just buy normal onion soup and add milk instead of water or in the case of canned soup, a little evaporated milk?


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Is Bicarbonate of Soda a Substitute For Borax?
from wat i can gather, best substitute for borax is clothes bleach. i can get that here so it wont be a problem to substitute. tks for all the suggestions.


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Lemon Bread
thank you robin. this recipe is very very good. had surplus lemons and my family loved it. left out the nuts coz my kids dont like them in cakes. just sprinkled them on top of cake after i glazed it. a huge hit...



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Advice For Round Crochet That Buckles?
thanks for the tips. i know i shdnt get so upset but i sent the text in after battling for HOURS trying to get it right. yes, its a relaxing occupation which i need in my very stressful life but i do like to get a reasonable result for all my hard work! ill...


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Advice For Round Crochet That Buckles?
i usually use a very large safety pin as a marker. pattern says to increase one stitch in every four as u go along. i was working twice into the same stitch for my increase. ive counted my stitches as i was undoing it (again!) and ive worked the increases properly...


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Advice For Round Crochet That Buckles?
thanks ronnie. a bit of support and encouragement helps a lot. ok, so ill stay away from rounds for now until i get alittle more confident. i can do a square even an oval, no prob. ill try AGAIN later with a round. tks again.


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Food Keeps Sticking to My Frying Pan?
How familiar this sounds! In the end I tossed mine and am slowly building up a set of LE CREUSET pans. They are brilliant but expensive. Ive only got 2 saucepans, a big pot with lid and a big fry pan. I seem to cook everything in them. We are a family of three...


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After Washing and Drying Jacket, Lining is Lumpy?
Thanks for replying. Unfortunately, CHAMPION clothes dont exist in my country. My son was in the U.S. when it was given him. Laundromats are few and far between here in Malta. I think there is only one on the whole island, if it hasnt closed down as well. Ill...


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After Washing and Drying Jacket, Lining is Lumpy?
tks luvmygingerkids. maybe champion can give me some idea to fix the problem. i cant imagine them replacing it since they have to send it to me in malta and i have to send them the jacket i have here. the postage from malta would be horrendous coz the jacket...


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After Washing and Drying Jacket, Lining is Lumpy?
thanks cathy for your kind wishes. kiomall is not a maltese surname so maybe u got the spelling wrong. but im glad u have nice memories of someone from my tiny country! i dont know if your suggestion wud work but ill give it a try. i have a feeling the wadding...


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After Washing and Drying Jacket, Lining is Lumpy?
hi grandma margie! cett here from malta. just to let u know that u have saved the day AGAIN. YES it took a little while messing about with the lining and the outside of the jacket but i did it in stages. few minutes here and there and now the jacket is wearable...


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American Bulldog Puppy is Scared of Everything?
you COULD spend a lot of money taking him to classes or u cud just accept that he is a timid dog. my dog who ive had for 7yrs is exactly the same. long as im in her line of vision, shes ok coz she knows nothing is going to hurt her if im around.took a while...


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Accessories to Put on the Coffee Table?
thanks for the compliment, perfumed fan. i love my little 2bedroomed cottage too. took a lot of planning and knocking down of wall, etc. to get it livable. didnt even have a bathroom in it wen i got hold of it! your ideas on the color schemes,cream beige and...


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Accessories to Put on the Coffee Table?
hiya all! went to great aunts house and found a gold painted box frame she doesnt want. its about 6inches square and 2inches deep. im thinking of re painting it gold again coz its very tarnished - the frame i mean - and its lovely with a sculptured pattern...


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Chocolate Coke Cake
hi robin. tried out your recipe and it turned out WAY too no recipe maker, just tend to follow the recipes as is, but you really need to modify the sugar somewhere along the line. my kids have a VERY sweet tooth and they cudnt eat it! and i left the...



A Is For Apple Butter

A Is For Apple Butter
recipe looks really nice but what do you use apple butter for? ive never heard of it before!


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What Is Anso Sauce?
thanks everyone! i got the recipe from a website called but ive got the idea of what it is now - seems to be a mild chilli sauce. thats not a prob. can find that here in malta. once again, my friends from thriftyfun have sorted out my problem! thankyou...


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Turning Bergamot Oil Hairdress Into a Hand Cream?
thanks for your suggestions. i tried a little with some cheapo body lotion, still too greasy so i added a bit of rosewater and its usable AS A HAND CREAM! yes, i saved some to use as a hairdress for REAL emergencies. ive always used a tiny bit on my hair, but...


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Styling A "Bob" Haircut?
i also have a one length chin length bob haircut. i got this secret from a hairdresser a few years ago. after shampoo and conditioning,put one large roller on the top of your head at the crown, then wrap your hair around your head in the opposite direction...


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Is Firefox Better Than Internet Explorer?
oh dear! i STILL dont know wat to do coz the responses were so varied. i have a laptop which doesnt have a huge memory. its enuf for me but i dont want to use up precious memory for something i cud do without. wonder how much memory it wud take up? (b)Editors...


Saving Money on Yogurt
Why buy a yogurt maker? Waste of money and electricity. Just get yourself a wide mouth thermos flask(which you can use for other things too). Boil the milk, let it cool till you can leave your little finger in it while counting to ten, put 1 or 2 tablespoons...


A small puppy being held by a small boy.

Pixie (Dachshund Mix?)
funny that. my dog looks very similar to yours and her name is pixie too! amazing! ive had her for 6yrs and she is my baby. i love her to bits.


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Use Leftover Coleslaw for Second Meal
Salad cream is very much like mayo but not so thick and creamy. It has a sharper taste coz it has more vinegar in it than mayo. Here in Europe - since I assume you live in the U.S. - its very popular. I personally prefer it to mayo.


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Protecting Cabinets Above Stove?
I have kitchen cabinets over my stove and my solution is that when Im finished cooking and doing the washing up. I use my dishcloth from the soapy water in the sink to give the cabinets a quick wipe. They stay nice and clean and its only an extra 5 mins work...


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Healthy Substitutes for Cream of Mushroom Soup
hi jan. i also live in europe(malta,to be precise) and i find it fascinating that the americans seem to base a lot of their cooking on CANNED SOUP!where i live canned soup is VERY expensive coz its all imported. i normally adapt the recipe using a veg. stock...


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Eat Your Potatoes, Peelings and All
Hey Connie! I tried out your idea and they didnt even reach the table. Itested one to see how they came out and ended up eating the lot! Brilliant idea! Its too hot to turn the oven on so I just boiled them in very little water for 3mins and popped them under...


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Making a Rag Mop?
tumpy, wat a brill idea! i was thinking on the lines of cutting the towels in strips and attaching them somehow to a broomstick or watever. this way, i dont have to cut them up into strips and its so easy. less chance of fraying and more important, less time...


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Saving Electricity When Using Your Dishwasher
be even more economical with yr dishwasher.when i owned one (it packed up and i never replaced it) i filled every single empty patch with something! plates went on the sides after filling the racks, little empty corners got filled with glasses, cups, mugs etc...


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Soy Milk Vs. 1% Milk?
Ive been a lacto vegetarian (no meat, fish or eggs, dairy products in moderation) for 30yrs now and Im full of energy and very rarely need to see a doctor (im in my 50s). My answer to this is practical and straightforward: soy milk tastes of rotten seaweed...


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Becoming A Vegetarian?
Ive been a lacto vegetarian for 30 years now. I eat EXACTLY what I want except that I leave out meat, fish and eggs (if possible). You dont HAVE to eat certain foods or avoid others because they are not healthy. I eat junk food sometimes and balance with healthy...


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Tips For Reusing Canning Jars
Dont know how you buy your jams(jellies to you) or marmalades, but Ive been bottling (canning) my own jams and marmalades for years. Ive always used the jars that jams and marmalades originally came in. Either from friends or family, who dont throw them away...


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Tips For Using Freezer Chest?
ive had a chest freezer for about 10yrs now and i find it pretty useful. i put what i use daily(peas, ice cream etc.) in the freezer compartment(which is small) of my refridgerator and the rest goes into my chest. i have backup supplies for everything so as...


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Portable DVD Player's Screen Too Dark?
thanks harry! seems like the best solution. funny, that u never lthink of the obvious first unless it is pointed out to you.


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Tips for Defrosting Chest Freezers
you can buy glycerin from any pharmacy. its cheap.


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Remedies For Twitching Legs?
Hi. I lived in Australia for many years. If you want to try the quinine water remedy, which is quick and easy, then go to your local milk bar and pick up a bottle of tonic water. Its got quinine in it and it tastes nice.


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Instructional DVD For Making A Rag Rug?
go to thats where i got my pattern and instructions from and ive made about twenty since then. very easy to follow. it was my first project as soon as i mastered the stitches in crochet so its just perfect for a beginner.


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Using Fabric Softener With Vinegar?
I forgot to say that I live in a HOT country so dryers are unnecessary. I ALWAYS line dry; summer and winter. I dont even own a dryer so I never buy dryer sheets.


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Using Fabric Softener With Vinegar?
Thanks, Alexis. I will try half and half and see how it goes and then take it from there to see if I can add more vinegar. If it works for you, then it should work for me! Thanks again.


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Summer Dinner
please, what is hominy? being european, ive never heard of it!


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Cheese Muffins
correct me if im wrong, but are american muffins the equivalent to british SCONES? i have a recipe for cheese SCONES which is so similar to this but the name is different.


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Ranch Dressing Mix
hi dragon sue. i live in malta and have the same problem trying to decipher different US terms to British. i have a feeling saltine crackers are CREAM CRACKERS.and MSG is in the herb and spice section of the supermarket. in malta, we call it monosodium glutamate...


Eyeliner pencil with sharpener.

Long Lasting, Smudge-Proof Eyeliner?
Ive used this trick for many years. Get your eyeliner pencil (whatever you normally use, cheapo or expensive) and put a lighted match or lighter to the end for about 2 seconds; just enough to soften it slightly. Line your eyes like you usually do and trust...


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Improving the Flavor of Hummus?
add crushed garlic, lemon juice and olive oil.add a little bit of each and keep tasting a tiny bit at a time till u get the flavor u want. makes a huge difference.


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Cleaning Handbags?
If they are leather, I have always cleaned my leather handbags with shoe polish of the corresponding color or neutral if I cant find a color match. Buff with a cloth after it has dried and they look brilliant, new and last longer.


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Thinning Hair After Hysterectomy?
After my hysterectomy, I was getting hot flushes, my hair was falling out and I looked a mess! Doctor put me on HRT and I have never looked back. At 53yrs old I dont even have many wrinkles (except a few around my eyes). Probably will get post telling me about...


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Use a Wooden Spoon to Prevent Tears
i can well imagine it wud work! with a wooden spoon in your mouth it wud be a job trying not to gag or dribble, let alone cry!


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Bugs With Split In The End?
they sound like silverfish. maybe in the U.S. they are called earwigs. i dont know. they will ruin clothing like moths so use a long lasting insect repellant. probably anything that repels ants or cockroaches will do the trick.why dont u look them up on the...


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Cooking Frozen Chicken?
THICK CHICKEN AND VEGETABLE BROTH!! easy peasy. put yr chicken and any cut up veg that you have with a stock cube and either pressure cook it for about 20 to 25mins or bring to a boil in a pot and allow to simmer for about an hour and a half. its easier in...


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Using "Spools" From Old Video Cassettes
like the other posts, i used the video TAPES themselves and crocheted a beautiful evening bag for myself. whenever i use it - which is often - EVERYBODY tells me how fantastic it looks AND IT WAS FREE using stuff i nearly threw away! go to


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Using Baby Lotion as a Facial Cleanser?
Hey sharpy! What a great idea - BABY WIPES! Didnt occur to me. Thats cheap and convenient. Thank you so much.


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Thumb Hole Cookies?
hi. i remember that recipe SO WELL during domestic science class at school. since u are from the isle of man, i assume that u are british. i went to school in australia so everything there was british style too and they were called JAM BUNS at school. just...


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Freezing Homemade Foods for Wedding?
Thank you all so much. Your very welcome advice is just what I needed to know. Now I can carry on with my baking and freezing so that by February, it will all be done and I wont need to panic. Thanks again.


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Acne Remedies Causing More Acne?
Hi. I had really bad acne as a teenager and tried everything for my very oily, sensitive skin. Then a doctor recommended (probably as a last resort) to go to the pharmacy and get 1% sulphur mixed in calamine lotion. I used to dab it on my spots and boils every...


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Using Olive Oil for Bags Under Eyes?
Hey Nancy! Dont know where you are from but I assume thats its the U.S. You should come over and visit Malta. Its a place you either love or hate, but Im very proud of my tiny beautiful island in the middle of the Med! Thanks to all of you for the feedback...


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Parenting a Disabled Child?
My son is 17yrs old and has aspergers syndrome. PLEASE! DO NOT call your grandson disabled. He is probably more intelligent AND ABLE than normal people - just has a different perspective of life. Surely, if you explain to the interviewer BEFORE he goes for...


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Buying Pudding Mix in the UK?
Im assuming we are talking about angel delight or miracle whip here. You could probably use custard and flavour it yourself. Custard (as in BIRDS)powder is unheard of in the U.S. I lived in the U.K. for 7yrs so I have a rough idea of what you are talking about...


What Breed is My Dog?
Your dog looks EXACTLY like mine. I found her abandoned in a field when she was a puppy of only a few weeks. Same character too. She is much loved and VERY spoiled and quite honestly i dont really care what breed or mix of breed she is. I love her to bits and...


Inexpensive Pasta Dishes
this feeds 4people easily. about 2oz(or more depending on taste)of cheapo blue cheese 1medium pot yogurt.(or light cream if you dont like yogurt) 1lb pasta(i favor spagetti) Melt the blue cheese GENTLY in a pan, mix in the pot of yogurt. mix everything with...


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Recipes for a Sandwich Maker?
i use my sandwich maker often. basically, i butter the sides which will be on the OUTSIDE touching the griddle and then i usually put a tablespnful of watever leftovers i have in the fridge. baked beans, leftover pasta meat sauce, chilli, curry, leftover stew...


Glass stemed dish of apple sauce.

Applesauce Vs. Apple Butter?
Thank you all so much. yes, I have understood the difference now. and why they have different names. It makes sense now.


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Putting Hair in a Ponytail?
What about putting in a couple of velcro curlers at the crown of your head and spraying them with a bit of hairspray to give you volume. After a few minutes, take them out - or leave in as long as you can-then pull your hair into a ponytail taking care not...


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Homemade Napisan Recipe?
Why dont you email the manufacturers and ASK them what the ingredients are? They should have an email address on the container somewhere. You COULD say you have allergies and need to know what the ingredients are. Depends on how you feel about doing that.


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Learning to Knit Vs. Crochet?
Hi. I do both knitting and crochet. Knitting is easier because there are only 2 basic stitches to learn but it grows much more slowly and can get boring. Crochet grows fast and you have to learn to keep your edges straight but once you get the hang of the stitches...


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Gift Ideas for a 30 Year Old Woman?
Here in Europe, we have a company called Interflora where you can wire a bouquet of flowers to anyone in the world, as long as you have their name and address. Im sure you would have the equivalent of this where you live and with prices to suit anyone. How...


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Picking a Baby's Name?
Jonquil? Jon for short. Think its a woodland plant but Jon sounds masculine at least.


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Ice Forming in Back of Refrigerator?
Im a bit wary of raising the temperature in the refrigerator. I will try raising it a little and see how it goes. I live in a warm country. not so bad yet but the temperature in a few weeks time will be around the 100mark if not higher. and I dont have air...


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Ice Forming in Back of Refrigerator?
Thanks jademing. I got somebody in to check the door - just in case and it WAS the door not fitting tightly. Should be fine now. Thought I would have to go to the expense of a new refrigerator but the price of the gasket wasnt much and its sorted now. Thanks...


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Store Detergent in Name Brand Box
Been doing this with breakfast cereal for years! My kids have NEVER noticed.


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Add Ice Cubes to Empty Muffin Tins
Please could somebody enlighten me? when I dont fill all the tins I just leave them empty! Is there some special reason for filling them with water? Why do they ALL have to be filled with anything? Editors Note: The reason I fill any empty tins halfway with...


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Dawn Detergent in the UK?
Hi. I live in Malta and most of our stuff comes from either the UK or Italy. The best equivalent in the UK for dawn is Fairy.


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What is a Dutch Oven?
Thanks carolb, for the wiki site so I could read about it. Just one more question. is the American version with the three little legs underneath? We just call it a casserole dish where I come from but it hasnt any legs underneath. So in American recipes, which...


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What is a Dutch Oven?
Thanks to everyone who took the time to explain what a Dutch oven is. Leastways, now I can safely follow a recipe requiring this object knowing that a casserole dish is the same thing. Pity I didnt ask earlier, I missed out on some good recipes simply because...


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Using Frozen Meatballs?
Thanks for the suggestions. This may come as a surprise to many of you, but although Malta is not a rich country by any means, there is no such thing as the truly destitute. Everyone has enough to live and get by with here. The social assistance structure seems...


A dog that is not feeling well.

Dog is Lethargic After Using Frontline?
Thanks for info. Perhaps my dog is also allergic. Maybe I should try something else as an alternative? Problem is, I cant use anything for a month since that is how long the stuff is supposed to work.


A dog that is not feeling well.

Dog is Lethargic After Using Frontline?
Wow! Really scary to read about all the adverse information. I think I will stick to the less intrusive one of taking her to the beach and letting her play around in the sea water. I live on a tiny Mediterranean island where the sea is only a few minutes away...


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Skin Care Advice?
Im in my fifties and my skin is getting much drier now but I had combination skin most of my life. If you have a moisturizer that agrees with your skin. I found the best foundation is to mix a little bronzing powder with my moisturizer in the palm of my hand...


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Preventing Navy Blue Pants From Fading?
Dry them inside out and NEVER in the sun!


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Cup Measurement Equivalents?
I hope ThriftyFun members from the U.S. can confirm this but Im under the impression that 1 cup is 8 Imperial ounces. 2 cups is the equivalent to one U.S. pint. An English pint is 20 ounces. Dont mix the two when using a recipe. Stick to American or English...


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Mincemeat Recipe with Meat?
Living on an island in the Mediterranean(which was under brutish rule for over 200 years), it took me a long time to decipher U.S. equivalent words for British - for example, canning means preserving in British terms. I have finally worked out that hamburger...


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What is This Cookie?
Hi, I knew you thriftyfun members would come through for me! Thanks for the pictures. no, the plain wafers are unavailable in my country. No point in giving me brand names - I dont live in the U.S.! the ones with the cream filling shaped like fingers are the...


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What is This Cookie?
Hey catastrofy! What a kind heart you have to offer to send me a box of American style wafers! I was really touched. I don want to put you to any trouble for no real cause since Now I have a good idea of what they are and I know that I cant find them here in...


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What is This Cookie?
Just for information, the round nilla wafers described by notwrong(with the accompanying picture) have a very similar appearance to Italian cookies (forget the name right now) which are very easily available here since Malta, my little island home, is only...


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Alternative to Safari for a Mac ?
I have found a brillant and free online computer site which deals with problems and helps you sort them out in a clear easy-to-understand way. they have been brilliant with me - and I can assure you, Im as idiotic as they come when it comes to computers. the...


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Selling a Home to a Family Member?
Sorry to sound stroppy here but if the house belongs to your mum, she can dispose of it as she wishes. She is under no obligation to give equal amounts to her children. Its completely up to her to do as she wishes with her property. My daughter is married to...


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Low-Fat Vanilla Ice Cream?
Thank you so much calis mom. Does whipping cream have a lot of fat in it, or can I use low fat evaporated milk instead? Do I measure the whipping cream after its whipped or before (if I can find low fat version)? Seems like a quick and easy recipe to do. The...


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Low-Fat Vanilla Ice Cream?
Thanks, quilltmom. Your suggestion is perfect. Ive checked the stores and frozen yogurt is not common and very expensive where I live (tiny, independent island in the middle of the Mediterranean), but Im certain that I could find a recipe somewhere to make...


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Low-Fat Vanilla Ice Cream?
Thanks jsham for your suggestion. Its easier for me to control the fat intake by using low fat evaporated milk for creaminess instead of whipped cream and using calis moms recipe. We finally managed to purchase a small container of frozen yogurt - took a bit...


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Low-Fat Vanilla Ice Cream?
Hey, chloeA. The frozen banana idea is great to have as a try out as well. Especially since Ive always got leftover blackened-skin bananas that nobody wants to eat. Thanks for your idea.


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Craft Ideas For Used T-shirts?
Thank you all so much. Loads of ideas here, and since Im not too good at sewing. If they dont work out, at least I have plenty of fabric piled up, so I can try again!


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Craft Ideas For Used T-shirts?
Oh Cindy! What a gifted lady you are! I havent been on your site for a while and had no idea you were using t-shirt yarn as well as plarn. Ive made tons of stuff for myself from your site: video tape bags, plarn shopping bags, purses, etc. Now I can start on...


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Craft Ideas For Used T-shirts?
Hey micksgirl! If youre interested in moving to a tiny island in the middle of the Mediterranean, then I would be happy to make you as many as you want! donating them to fund raising sales for charity would be an excellent idea! I dont have much income(cant...


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Ideas For Wedding Appetizer Menu?
My daughter married in February, and I did the catering for 150 people on my own by starting in the October before and freezing stuff as I went along. I made tiny chicken turnovers, Italian rice balls, both freezable recipes from, plus hummus...


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Causes of Body Odor?
This may sound crazy, but could it be your clothing? Maybe you have changed your laundry soap, fabric softener? You may still smell if after a shower you are drying yourself with towels washed in the detergent, fabric conditioner that you have changed? This...


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Inexpensive Facial Toner?
I have very dry/sensitive skin and the best toner I have ever used is rosewater. you can get it from anywhere. Nice smell and it wont do any damage, and its cheap!


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Transitioning to a Healthier Diet
Personally I dont think potatoes are bad neither white rice nor pasta! I have been vegetarian for 25 years and eat no meat, fish and eggs but do eat dairy. My family are pretty healthy and I have always had two rules. Cook from scratch (saves on any additives...


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What is the Best Carpet Cleaning Method?
I dont know if you mean a fitted carpet or large rugs. The guy at the carpet shop where I purchased my acrylic carpets, woolen carpets and silk mix carpets always told me to scrub them with plain white vinegar and water - half and half - and I always have had...


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Hysterectomy Advice ?
I had a full hysterectomy 6yrs ago having an incision in my abdomen. Of course you will feel some pain and discomfort afterward. You are having surgery! Yes, I was absolutely terrified beforehand. a week after the op, I was so glad it was over and I was overjoyed...


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Are My Lemons Safe to Use?
Thanks, RDLaure. Ive been making marmalade for years and no, it doesnt matter if they are mushy. I like to cook them to GET them mushy anyway- just the way I prefer them myself. So I will probably save some time this way! At least I know that they can be used...


My Frugal Life: From the Beginning
Know the feeling. 2kids, an irresponsible, spendthrift husband and after the divorce it got worse- no alimony! But my kids and I managed and I have a beautiful, married daughter and a teenage(autistic) son at home but I still count my blessings and am thankful...


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Canned Tomatoes Have a Metallic Taste?
Try a pinch of sugar to regulate the amount of acidity in the tomatoes and mask the canned taste. Ive always used canned tomatoes in my recipes since its not always convenient to have fresh tomatoes on hand, especially if you dont use them up quickly.


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Reusing a Desk Fan?
My backyard is very small so the idea of a hanging plant is excellent! Just one more query, what do I line the inside with, to prevent the soil from seeping out when I water it? I have a lot of old t-shirts, would they do? Thanks for all your suggestions. Any...


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Reusing a Desk Fan?
Thanks so much for your ideas. Im keeping the blades as well since I didnt realize that I could recycle them, too.


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Can I use crushed cornflakes instead of weetabix? Ive just run out!


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Using Your TV as a Computer Monitor?
Thanks twilightgift. My acer is only 2 years old (but unfortunately bought in the U.S. and warranty isnt good for Europe where I live - it was a gift) so the s plug thingy you were talking about shouldnt be a problem. My TV may be a problem since its 10 years...


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