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Renuzit Air Freshener Teddy Bears?
I have never heard of these before. They are cute!


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First Job?
Does your school have student helpers in the school office or school library? That is a good place to start. You wont get paid for it, but it looks nice on your resume. Make a resume, and have it proof read by one of your English teachers. Hand it out when...


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Back to School... Head Lice!
If you have had them that long, something isnt being done right. First, you need to treat everyone that has them at the same time. Also, you need to treat the bedding, clothing, coats, hats, car seats...everything. are you going to someplace where you are getting...


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Gasoline Odors on Hands?
Make a paste of either Dawn or lemon juice and baking soda. Rub it well in our hands and fingers for about 2 minutes, then wash hands with soap and water and rinse. It has always worked for me.


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Frugal Solution Needed For Extremely Dry Feet and Callous Removal?
Get a pumice stone and use it twice a day, followed by a good thick heavy cream, or Vaseline or coconut oil. You may even have to use the lotion 3 times a day. Wearing socks all day can dry out your skin as well, as the fabric soaks up your skins natural oils...


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Towel Bar at Changing Table
We just used a dresser as the changing table. Supplies were stored in the drawers, and we put a rail and pad with safety belt on the top. Once they outgrew diapers, we removed the top and it was a regular dresser again.


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Uses for Miscellaneous Fat Quarters (Gift Ideas)?
Sachet, bean bags, doll blankets, baby blankets.


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Removing Mold Smell From Mobile Home and Clothing?
Mold can and will grow in between your walls and under the carpet if the walls and floor have gotten wet. You may have to remove a section of carpet or some of the drywall to check it out.


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Need Help Applying For Social Security Disability?
Make sure you are eligble. My ex was self emp for the last 5 years prior to his illness, so even though he is on a transplant waiting list and truely is disabled, he can not collect, neither can his children. All he can get is the ssi which is the low income...


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From Frozen Tender Roast
I do the same, but in a crockpot. Nice and tender


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Sleepover Themes and Crafts?
Tie dye is always fun-have each girl bring her own white t shirt. Another big thing to do is the painting parties.


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Keeping Worms out of Flour and Oatmeal?
Is it getting wormy after you buy it or coming that way? If coming that way, bake it to kill them. Then, sift and repackage it into an airtight container. Bay leaves will help keep them at bay to a certain extent. You can also store the dry products in your...



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Help for Bed Wetting?
It requires a trip to the doctor. It sounds like the sphincter to the urethra is not fully devolved.


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Controlling Underarm Wetness?
Wear natural fabric clothing, such as cotton or linens. Skin can not breath thru things such as rayon or polyester. Use an antiperspirant, not a deodorant (or use one that has both). If it is really a problem. See your doctor. There are some prescription antiperspirants...


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Question About Living Wills?
You can download living wills off the internet and fill in the blanks. Many forms, wills, contracts and such can be found online. Fill them out, have them notarized and file.


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Naturally Grow Hair?
Taking biotin daily helps. It can be found near the vitamins in a drugstore.


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My Dog Eats Socks and Bras?
This can kill a dog. The dog needs to be kenneled unless he is with you being watched. Things need to be kept put away--socks and bras need to be kept in the dresser drawers, crayons in the desk draw and kept in a tin. Hopefully the dog is not pulling open...


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Uses for Plastic Tablecloths?
I used to put them under the highchairs when the kids were little. I also have backed curtains with them to help block out wind during cold winters. They make great paint cloths also.


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Ideas for Clothespins?
I use them to keep the chip bags closed and to clip notes to myself on my purse handle.


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Refinishing a Wood Door?
I prefer to use a heat gun. You pay for it one time and can use it for years, and no chemicals.


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Santa Rosa Plum Tree Not Blooming?
If its not self pollinating, then you will need 2 of the same tree for successful blooming and fruit.


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Game Ideas For a Quilting Group Party?
How about something similar to pin the donkey? Instead of pinning a tail, have them pin some shape or quilt square or part of a square onto a sheet to see what sort of design or quilt it creates? I went to a party once where everyone had to bring a 12 x 12...


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Daughter Shaving Her Sideburns?
Just love her and let it grown out. She will learn from her mistakes. And, some peer pressure may also come into play on this one.


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Fire Extinguiser In A Car?
What type of fire extinguisher is it? The ones made for a kitchen are a different type and rating than those for an auto. Check with your local fire dept.



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Removing Hair From Jewelry
Do not use this on pearls. It will ruin them. I used to work in a jewerly store and we had several customers who had pearls damaged this way. I would think it could also damage soft or synthetic stones as well.


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Windmill Made Out Of Soda Cans?
Here are a few directions, I dont see where their is an actual pattern.


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Ask For Teacher Discounts
They apply to homeschool parents as well.


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Chalk Stain on Carpet?
Vacuum up as much as possible, then clean it with oxyclean and regular carpet shampoo.


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Cleaning a Yellow Sofa?
Clean it with the upholstery attachment on a carpet shampooer machine. They make a special cleaner that goes in it.


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Dried Glue on Shirt?
Freeze the shirt for several hours. Then remove from the freezer and see if it will pop off when you bend or work with the fabric. This often works for removing gum. I discovered this once when an article of clothing was left in the car over night and had gum...


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How Can You Tell if Cotton Poly Fabric Will Fade?
Any fabric can fade. But, natural fabrics are more likely too, so anything with cotton or wool, linen...can. However, you can help offset that by prewashing your fabric (wash before sewing your project) in cold water with either some salt or vinegar. That will...


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Drying Cedar For Building?
We had our logs sit out for about 6 months. Then we took them to the saw mill and had them cut into planks. The saw mill told us to let them season another 3 months. The sap just dried up on its own. To season properly, they must get air all the way around...


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Crocus Bulbs Only Producing Leaves?
Sometimes they do that if planted too deep.


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My Frugal Life: Tips from a Save-o-holic
Good article, but I think you are getting taken on your bagels. I buy store brand at the everyday price for 79 cents for a package...Way below your discounted price! I only get a few items at our bread store anymore. Their bread is too high, and other items...


Bill For Meal with Cash

How Much Do You Spend On Eating Out?
Ann didnt really cook it from scratch, which would have saved her more. Instead of buying a bag of fries for almost $4, I could have bought at 20 pound bag of potatoes for that same $4 that would have lasted several meals. I bake our bread from scratch for...


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Foul Smelling Clothes?
have you tried air drying them??



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Cleaning a Retainer?
You can use any brand of denture cleaner.


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Plastic Bags on Your Feet When Painting
I have not done this with painting, but I have done this while working in the garden.


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Philadelphia Ice Cream (Eggless)
Well Jane, when I look in my cookbooks, I have more ice cream recipes with egg than without....May depend on where you live.


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Naturally Lightening My Hair?
Brush on fresh lemon juice.


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Polyurethane Spilled on Concrete?
Concrete is porous, so it may not all come up. Go to Lowes and get a paint stripper or thinner. There are some that will remove polyurethanes, you will have to ask which ones or read the labels.


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How do you close a pool after swimming season?
Well, on ours, we take out all the toys, drain the water down to the recommended level, cover it with the cover, remove the pump, blow the pipes out of the pump and then bring the pump in to store it, and add a chemical mixture made for wintering a pool and...


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How can I fix the discoloration of leather jacket?
If it is real leather, use leather dye. It is similar to shoe polish In a pinch, you can use a paste shoe polish, but you will need to buff it out as it can rub off onto other items.


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Gum Residue in Dishwasher?
You are going to have to find the gum and remove it. Then run the dishwasher through several cycles with no dishes in it.


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Where Can I Buy Borax?
Many farm supply stores or pharmacies either carry it, or can order it for you.


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Lipstick Stains on Glasses?
Hand wash them with dawn and warm water. Dishwashers are not as good at this at handwashing.


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Blocking The Sun From Coming In My Windows?
Adhere bubble wrap on the inside of the window. It is a great insulator. Keeps heat out during the summer, and keeps heat in during the winter, yet still allows light to come thru. You can also add sun blocking curtains.


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My Parakeet Is Gagging Herself?
Chickens do this when they need to eat pebbles or calcium. Do parakeets have to eat something like that as well to help break down their food??


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Does anyone still use the old mop and bucket?
I just use old washcloths. You dont need velcro or rubber bands to hold them in place, as they are the same size as the swiffer pads. I first get my washcloth wet, with bleach water or pine cleaner and water, then ring it out good, and attach to the swiffer...


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Removing a Root System?
It would be helpful for us to know what the roots are from? Some trees, such as willows have a rather extensive root system. If you go removing it, you may end up killing your trees. You may need to plant your pants further away from the trees.


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Setting the Dye When Making Tie-dye Clothing?
In home-ec (30 years ago and then some) we were taught to use salt and vinegar in a cold rinse cycle then lay flat to dry after dying. After than, always wash in cold.


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Pruning a Root Stock Branch on a Weeping Cherry?
I would cut it now. You can also take that branch you cut off, and dip it into rooting hormone and use it to start a second tree.


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Rural Work at Home Ideas?
Those ideas sound good Lynda, but we have plenty of food and clothing. All our animals are productive farm animals. Only pet is a dog, but he is a cattle dog and works for his living. I can and we grow the majority of our food. We have 2 older daughters in...


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Finding a Job in Southeast Idaho?
Watch for signs saying help wanted. Use internet sites such as and Let people know you are looking for a job, often networking gets results. Check the papers in that area under the help wanted ads.


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Frugal Tips For Electric Bill Savings
To keep the cats from bothering the foil, double sticky tape it to cardboard. The foil side faces the glass, and the cardboard faces inside. You can then pretty up the cardboard side with wallpaper, fabric, photos, or if its a low window or a patio door and...


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Wedding Reception Candle Centerpiece Ideas?
How about some small pictures of you together with flower petels scattered around them?


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Uses for Plastic Trash Bins?
We farm, and use them for rodent and bird proof storage. We store ice melt, rabbit feed, horse feed, corn, chicken feed in them. They also hold items you want to keep clean but are storing in a duty place--one has tarps in it, and another has the tent in it...


A child dressed as spaghetti and meatballs.

Spaghetti and Meatballs Halloween Costume
This is so cute and what a cutie wearing it!


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Reception Hall Ideas?
How fancy are you wanting?? Have you tried places such as scout halls, VFW halls, 4H buildings....Our local bank rents out a room with a kitchenette for $25. We had no alchohol at ours, so it was free at our church. In fact, our entire wedding and reception...


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Candlelight Night
We homeschool. My girls are reading the Little House series, and we have been doing the same once a week. Without the electric, we play games such as checkers, read, knit, sew or do things that Laura or Mary would have done. Its fun, saves money, and they learn...


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Christmas Card Stockings?
Do you have a picture of one you could post??


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Stow Plastic Bags In Your Car
You can also tie them around your knees if you have to kneel to change a flat tire, or put over your hands like a glove to add oil.


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Avoid Using Liquid Detergent in Dishwasher
I add a little vinegar or bleach to each load for this reason--helps to cut down on the buildup AND it helps to disenfect any germs that the heat and soap may of not gotten during flu and cold season.


Removing Purple Marker From Lambskin Chanel Purse?
might try a small amout of hairspray on it


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Kenmore Oven Beeps "F2"?
Mine did that when the power went out.


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Teaching a Preschooler Piano?
I would not use numbers. If you do, he will have to relearn them later to learn the correct note names (A B C D E F G). Most piano teachers will not take a student who can not read yet. If you have a piano at home you might start him out on your own, and see...


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Homemade Christmas Gift Ideas for Pre-school Teacher?
My girls enjoyed making cookie or cake mixes. You get a nice jar, and layer all the dry ingridents for a cake or cookies in the jar. You can decorate the jar later if you want. Attach the recipie to finish the baked product as one side of the gift tag.


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Homemade Christmas Gift Ideas for Pre-school Teacher?
Make a simple scrapbook. Let your child decorate some construction paper. Then add a few pictures that were taken at preschool. Insert the pages you created into plastic page protectors, and then into a 3 ring binder. Have your child decorate extra pages and...


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Saving Money to Go on Vacation?
Have it taken from your paycheck into a savings account before you even see it. Even only $5-$10 a week adds up by a years end. If you work OT or get a raise, it can be increased.


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Cleaning Plastic Dish Strainer?
Sometimes soaking in very hot water, then using an old toothbrush will start to loosen it--then pat dry and transfer it to a bowl of vinegar


farm pieces

Making Felt Flannel Boards?
Ive used coloring book pictures as patterns.


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Displaying Concert Ticket Stubs?
Can you photocopy them onto fabric and make a pillow or lapquilt out of them?


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Carry a Laundry Basket in Your Car
I keep 2 or 3 (inside each other) for the days I go to Aldis. They are sized perfectly to fit inside a grocery cart.


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Finding a Commercial Type Sink?
Most large hardware stores arry them--Lowes, Home Depot, Builders square, even our Sears has them.


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Homemade Gift Ideas For Teenagers or Young Children?
How about a scrapbook-You do the pages, and perhaps a few photos and let them fill in the rest. You could date the scrapbook for net year, and have sections for the holidays, their club or activities, then they put in their own photos as the year progresses...


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Perspiration Stains on Leather?
Have you tried saddle soap?? You might also go to a place that sells horse tack and see what they use for cleaning horse saddles.


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Popcorn Tins for Waste Baskets
They also work well to store Christmas lights in, light bulbs, animal feed (keeps mice out), ornaments and other items. In years past I kept one in the back of my car with a blanket rolled up in it, and another with the jumper cables, flares and a first aid...


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Dollar Stores Don't Always Have The Best Deal
You just have to watch. Ours had wrapping paper bundled after Christmas, so that it was 10 rolls for a dollar.


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Advice for Dealing with Lazy and Abusive Husband?
Lets remember she lives in India--divorce may not be an option. Can you tell us if you have a safe place to go?


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Why Are My Cookies Running Together?
Are you maybe greasing the cookie sheet when you should not be?


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Why Are My Cookies Running Together?
Does this happen on all cookies or just certain ones?


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Where Do I Start When Putting Down Floor Tile?
To do it properly, start in the center of the room. I have laid many many many floors and tile walls. If you dont, and you resell-a picky buyer could make you redo it.


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Pit Bull Puppy Keeps Biting My Daughter?
You wont like my answer. I would get rid of the dog. I went to school with a girl who has lost a child when their dog turned on the child while the child was sleeping. Such behavior can be deadly. Its not worth the risk.


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Soap Balls
I put mine into a bag--I have two bags-one is a drawstring one I made out of a washcloth. The other is an onion bag with soap bits on it and I just knot the end shut and add more bits of soap as needed. We just wash with the bag. No waste.


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Does Fabric Softener Stain?
Ive never had it do it, but my girlfriend says it stains white items sometimes... However, I have switched to using vinegar.


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Removing Wax from Unstained Pressure Treated Deck?
This is what I would do: First, scrape off all the wax you can with a putty knife. Then, put down an old towel to act as a blotter, and iron it. Hopefully the wax will melt and be absorbed into the towel. You may have to repeat that several times If all fails...


A sun ornament made from bottle caps.

Bottle Cap Sun
Think we may try this for 4H or scouts. What are you using for the round background?


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Cutting Fabric Strips?
For a scout project, we laid the fabric (denim) on an old cardboard box and used a box cutter.


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My Dog Smells But I Can't Give Him a Bath?
Why does he smell?? What part of him?? Is it his fur? Is it his breath?? Or, could it be his ears?? He may need his teeth brushed, or his ears cleaned out. It may not be his fur at all, Or, if he is long haired could he have some doggie doo (for lack of a better...


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After Washing and Drying Jacket, Lining is Lumpy?
If it has a quilted lining, it could be a defect. The proper way to sew such a garment is to tack the lining down. But, if it wasnt tacked down, the lining could have slipped out of place and bunched up. Ive had it happen before.


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Can I Soak an Embroidered Pillow Case in White Vinegar?
YES. Vinegar also helps set the dye. I learned this from a home ec sewing teacher. Before we did our sewing project, she had us wash our fabric in COLD water and put vinegar in the COLD rinse water. Ive also used it to wash new bright colored clothes in to...


How I Save Money By Keeping a Clean House
Considering the dog was dumped on us, Id say he is lucky to get any food. He also gets regular dog food as well. When he was dummped, we took him to the pound. But they were going to put him down, so we brought him back home. Yes he gets his shots and vet visits...


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Repairing a Sofa Sleeper?
what part of it? the fabric? the frame??


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Shoe Sizes in Inches?
Do you have a JCPenney catalog?? Usually they have a shoe size thing in there. Go to Good luck!


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Removing Dried Grout from Bricks?
If your grout is not synthetic, vinegar and a stiff brush should work (not a real hard brush-it will scratch the tile)-a hard tooth brush or even a nylon pot scrubber. You will have to put a little elbow grease into it.


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Recipes for Someone with Chronic Renal Failure?
Do you have a county health department?? In MO, their services are free or very cheap (paid for with tax dollars). A dietitian/nutritionist should be on staff there (as they do the WIC program) and should be able to assist you.


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Books to Start a School Library?
I have helped get 2 Christian school libraries off the ground. First, let me say that as you go about this, it helps a lot if you have a copy of the schools tax exemt or 501C letter, and a letter on school letterhead stating you are really a volunteer or teacher...


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Mark Your Gas Cap With Your Address
As a former service station owner, I think you would be better off to just leave a phone number on the cap. Most service station owners would not take it to you, but would call you. Also, its a safety feature. Its better to get a call and come retrieve it, then...


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When Can I Bathe a Mommy Cat and New Kittens?
kittens need to be at leat 6-8 weeks old. It can kill them. It can also make them smell different and a new momma cat may refuse to feed them, thinking they are not her kittens.


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Do All Un-neutered Dogs Mark Their Territory?
As far as I know, all male dogs will, fixed or not. At least, all of mine have. Ours is fixed and he gets every tree when we take him elsewhere, and gets all the tires on visiting vehicles.


Is the Stuffing in a Stuffed Animal Harmful to My Dog?
YES. He can choke on it, and it can cause an internal blockage in his digestive system.


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