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18 Posts | 63 Comments | Active Since 2009
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Hot Glue for Gift Wrapping
This sounds like a great idea. Im wrapping gifts tonight!


What Breed is My Dog?
I dont know, but sure is cute. Reminds me of Scooby Doo ; )


Low Cost Insulin for Cats?
Does Joe need to take the same kind of insulin humans do? If you have no luck with the vet or shelter, why dont you call local endocrine doctors to see if they can give you a free sample. A bottle of insulin has 1,000 units and that should last a long time...


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Fixed Cat No Longer Friendly With Other Cat?
I had the same problem with my cats. It was the scent thing. I sprayed both of them with perfume and that seemed to solve the problem instantly. Good luck!


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Tips for Traveling With an Infant?
When I traveled to Florida with just my 12 month old, I made sure to use a pacifier for taking off and landing. Also, the flight attendants were very nice offering to hold him if I had to use the bathroom. There were extra seats on the plane and I was allowed...


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Garnishing a Student Loan Refund for Child Support?
You might want to check with your states domestic relations office. The website might be


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Creating Special Memories With Your Child?
My son was 6 when my daughter was born. When I was pregnant, I would take him out to Burger King for breakfast and bring the game UNO. We always did a lot together like Chuck E. Cheese and movies but who plays Uno at Burger King? It was our thing. We would...


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Using a Tony Little Gazelle With Knee Pain?
If it hurts more when youre done yes, Id stop for a little bit. Do you not have insurance to pay for an MRI? Or does your insurance not cover MRI? Apply for Medicaid. If you get approved they will cover an MRI, or if you have insurance they will pick up your...


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Storing Table Linens in Limited Space?
I dont have much space either. I keep my bed sheets in a suitcase. Maybe that will work for your table clothes : )


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Washable Marker on a Leather Seat?
I agree with jenthehen77. Baby wipes are gentle enough for a baby, they will be gentle enough for leather.


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Keep Lemon Wedges in the Freezer
Thats a great idea! I just threw away a few leftover lemon wedges because they went bad and went to the store to get more. Going to put them in the freezer now.


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Potpourri Smell in Refrigerator?
When my refridge smelled bad I tried crumbled up news paper. It worked but didnt fix the problem. I then desided to take all the food out and wipe down the inside with bleach water. It worked. I did have to get rid of butter and cheese because they had a funny...



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Pay the Cell Phone Bill for a Gift
That is a great idea. A friend of mine is going on maternity leave and cant afford cable. Her family and friends had a baby shower for her and gave her the basic baby shower items. Her friends from work collected money and got her a year of cable.


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DJ Alternatives for a Wedding?
Maybe hire someone to play a piano or violin.


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Paying for a Tummy Tuck?
I worked in an operating room for years. If you have insurance and the doctor says its medically nessesary, your insurance should pay for it. The office staff at the surgeons office can assist you with that. You can also ask about the residency program. Residents...


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Removing Crayon from a Door?
Try a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.


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Getting the Best Price on a Paper Shredder?
I bought one for my mom a few years ago from Walmart, about $20. The only problem with it is that after a while it gets tired and needs a break, almost like the battery is running low, but its plugged in. I dont know if thats normal or not. Hopefully you can...


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Recycling Window Curtain Packaging?
Good Idea to use if you carry a diaper bag. Use it to keep clothes dry incase a bottle leaks. Or keep your adult things in like a checkbook, wallet, pocket callendar and pens. When your not using the diaper bag just pull the clear bag out!


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School Supplies for Low Income Children?
She should call the school. They might have a program to help families in the district. Good luck!


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6 Year Old With Underarm Odor?
Try using organic/natural deodorant. Toms worked on my niece who also had the same problem.


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Inexpensive Christmas Gift Ideas for Nurses?
Lotion would be perfect. Just a small tube or bottle that fits in a pocket. You can get them at Walmart or Bath and Body for close to $1.


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Finding a Reasonably Priced Wedding Venue and Caterer?
Coming from a family that has a successful catering business, this is my advise. 1. Sometimes delis or mom and pop restaurants do catering and have contracts with halls. Become a customer, a familiar face. You dont have to spend a lot of money. Just a cup of...


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Doggie Diapers Won't Stay On?
Same thing happened with my dog. She is a mini poodle. I used a pair of my sons old underwear (sz.2T) with a panty liner. It worked fine. After that I had her fixed.


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Removing Waterproof Mascara?
I use baby wipes. I just rip a little piece off when I need. There is still enough of the wipe to clean the baby.



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Dyeing Suede Shoes?
This is my advise....Uggs are expensive, keep them the color they are. Light brown is a neutral color and Im sure youll have use for them in the future. You can get Ugg look a likes for a fraction of the price. If you do deside to color them please remember...


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Review: GameStop for Bargain Video Games
The membership cost $14.99. Im pretty sure you only get an extra 10% off of a used game and 10% added to the value of the trade in. I dont think it works towards new items. The card is worth the money if youre a regular customer!


A decoration of a man fallen off the ladder when decorating.

Fallen Ladder Joke Christmas Decoration
That is funny! Much better than the usual decorations you see at every other house. Looks real also! Happy Holidays to you!


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Dry Cracked Bleeding Fingertips?
I have the same problem. Lotions are great for preventing the cracks, but your friend already has the painful cuts SO there is a product called new skin. Apply it to the crack and it will protect and prevent it from getting bigger. It burns at first but if...


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Cute Christmas Gifts with Accompanying Sayings?
Here is a cute idea from my kids to aunts and grandmothers: In a gift bag place a scarf, pair of gloves and a few Herseys kisses. The tag will say A Hi-5 from Dylan, a hug from Megan and kisses from Julianne! The hi-5 is the gloves, the hug is the scarf and...


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Plastic Lids for Moving Furniture
Thats a great idea! Wish you wouldve posted this sooner. My mom just spent $10 on furniture slide pads and they were junk.


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Travel Tips for Women Traveling Alone?
Donald, why do you want to know? You probably dont wear a bra.


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Lightening Hair with Hydrogen Peroxide?
If your hair does turn orange, when trying to make it blonde there is a product sold at beauty supply stores. Its a red/ gold corrector. A tube cost about $1.50. You can add it to your shampoo or conditioner. Good Luck!


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Having Someone Cremated in TX?
When my dad died we had him cremated. Call the funeral home and ask about prices. This is part of the business. When dad died my mom called 3 different funeral homes to get prices. They we all different by thousands of dollars.


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Removing Food Grease from Wool Clothing?
Hmm... Wool slacks in Miami? Anyway, anytime I get grease from food on my clothing I pretreat with dish detergent. It works like a charm. Just a dab, then I rub lightly with my finger.


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Where To Get a Free Dog Sweater?
What size is your dog? I have a bunch of girly dog sweaters, maybe I can send some your way....


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Removing Stickers From Wallpapered Wall?
In a spray bottle put half fabric softner and half water, spray and let it set for a minute or 2. Scrap it off. OR you can also use WD-40.



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Buying Clothing from the Maternity Rack
I have a ton of sexy butt hugging Levi jeans but having a baby in 2008 and 2009 left me with a bunch of maternity clothes. I did donate a majority of things to the pregnancy crisis. I just cant seem to part with the maternity jeans I got on sale for $10 at...


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Invitations For A Golden Birthday?
A golden birthday is when you turn the age of the date of your birthday. Example would be turning 15 years old on the 15th of a month.


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Removing Personal Information from the Internet?
Im sure her co workers can help with this.


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Looking for Smudge Proof Eye Makeup?
Ive been wearing mascara for almost 20 years. I have found out that no matter the cost, if the mascara is waterproof, it will not smudge. An inexpensive way to remove stuck on mascara is to get a little peice of paper towel and put baby oil on it. Wipe your...


Reel with four photos.

Film Reel Frame for Old Photos
Thats awesome! If you have boxes full, maybe you can sell this. We had a birthday party for my grandmother and displayed pictures of her life. That would have been great to use.


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7 Year Old Birthday Party Ideas?
Growing up in Brooklyn, most parties were inside. We always played musical chairs and pin the tail on the donkey. Another game we played was the parent who is hosting the party would put about a dozen items on a tray, for instance a rubber band, paper clip...


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Alternative to Flower Petals for Flower Girl to Scatter?
Ive seen this on TV before; The flower girl came down the aisle saying, The bride is coming! The bride is coming! And she was ringing a little bell. That was cute, and nothing to clean up.


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Best Method for Making Payments to Collection Agency?
Just an FYI, some collection agencies charge a (processing) fee for collecting each payment. It could be $5-$15 (times 3 for you). Find out if that is the case. Maybe some how you can pay off the whole thing to avoid these charges.


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Recommendations for Full Figured Bras?
I must agree with shelleelorayne, Lane Bryant has great bras. I have a few Cacique brand bras and they are great. They run about $35, but you can check for sales (buy one, get one...) These bras will last you for years. I have lost weight and gained weight...


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Washer is Dispensing Fabric Softener Too Early?
I fill the softner compartment with softner and it dispenses right away while the washer is filling. So try adding softner with the detergent. Maybe this will work for you.


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Roaches in an Apartment?
I agree with redhatterb. I used to live in a luxury apartment. One thing that wasnt luxorious was the roaches. The whole building will have to get exterminated. When just one apartment gets sprayed they just move to the next.


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Canadian Governmental Assistance for Dental Bills?
I had the same situation a few years ago. I called the billing office, they advised me to apply for welfare. If I didnt qualify, which I didnt, I was to send the rejection letter along with the bill. The hospital was able to write off my bill. Hope this helps...


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Warning: Push Pins and Toddlers
This is the second time this week that I heard of a baby swallowing a push pin. Thanks for bringing this to everyones attention.


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Making a Layer Cake?
To avoid crumbs. apply a thin layer of frosting first. when you are done with that apply a second coating and there shouldnt be any crumbs. I read this in a lot of cook books and cooking magazines.


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Dealing With Fine Hair
I did this years ago when I had a perm that fried my hair. Its amazing how well it works. I even had my neice who has natural thick curly hair to do this and stayed tangle free for her too! Thanks for sharing this tip, Im sure a lot of people will get use from...


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Morning or Afternoon Kindergarten?
My son was in both, we moved mid year. I liked it better when he was in am. It forced me to start the day early. He got home by 11:30 and the rest of the day we were free to do whatever. When he went in the pm, I felt like our day was broken up and that I would...


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Converting a Prepaid Cellphone?
Yes. You can put a sim card into a prepaid phone as long as the phone is under the same provider, like Verizon, AT&T, etc. If youre using a sim card that was once under contract and move it to a prepaid phone to only have prepaid service, you may have to contact...


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Mario Galaxy Birthday Cake?
If you cant find a mario cake, you can always take a picture/box cover to bakery that make edible photo copies and put that on the cake.


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Using HE Detergent in a Top Load Washer?
HE detergent doesnt get as sudsy as regular detergent. The reason is because the water amount used is less in an HE and cant wash away all the bubbles, eventually it will form a build up in the machine. You can use HE detergent in a regular washer.


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Discount Stores That Sell Health and Beauty Products in Pennsylvania?
Try the Sharp Shopper. Its on Rt. 322 and Sharp Ave. in Ephrata, by Martins and Ace. I go there a few times a week. They do sell health and beauty items as well as groceries. The prices are 50-75% off retail prices. I think this place is better that Amelias...


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Looking for Discount Food Stores Near Reading Pennsylvania?
Amelias. Its on Rt. 222 right next to a Dunkin Donuts and Ritas Ice. There is a Sharp Shopper in Ephrata but that is about a half an hour west of Reading. Its on Rt. 322 in Ephrata incase you feel like taking the trip.


Hydrogen Peroxide and Vinegar With Spray Bottles

Sanitize With Vinegar and Hydrogen Peroxide
Please, please know what sterilizing is before you post on here or anywhere! For example during surgery, the tools the doctors use is sterilized. Sterilization is cleaning with very hot temperatures for a period of time. Sanitizing is cleaning with chemicals...


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Receiving Social Security Survivor Benefits?
My daughter is receiving survivor benefits. We live in PA, I was told by the social security office that benefits will end when she graduates high school or turns 19, which ever comes first. Child support has the same rule.


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Proving Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
My daughters father died when I was pregnant also. He too was married to someone else. Call your local Social Security Office and they will let you know what you will need. I had to hire an attorney to get a court order to collect DNA. Family will have to give...


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Social Security Death Benefits?
If your daughter is under 18, she will receive benefits, I also think your wife will get them also. If your daughter is older than 18 nor your wife or daughter will receive benefits. When your wife reaches retirement age, she can collect your SS, if your amount...


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